Agenda 11/14/2017 Item #16J211/14/2017
Recommend that the Board of County Commissioners endorse the United States Department of
Justice and United States Department of Treasury combined Equitable Sharing Agreement and
Certification through September 30, 2018.
OBJECTIVE: To have the Collier County Commission endorse the United State Department of Justice
and United States Department of Treasury combined Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification valid
through September 30, 2018.
CONSIDERATION: The Collier County Sheriff’s Office participates in joint investigations in which
the Sheriff’s Office works with the United States Department of Justice and the United States Department
of Treasury to enforce criminal laws. Local law enforcement agencies that directly or indirect ly
participate in an investigation or prosecution that result in a federal forfeiture by these agencies may
request an equitable share of the net proceeds of the forfeiture. An Equitable Sharing Agreement and
Certification is required to be submitted annually. The head of the law enforcement agency and the head
of the governing body must approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to electronically file the
Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification. The Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification,
valid through September 30, 2018, needs to be approved by the Chairman of the Board of County
FISCAL IMPACT: Requested equitable share revenues will be accounted for separately in the Sheriff’s
Office. Funds will be used to supplement and not supplant Sheriff’s Office law enforcement purposes.
The fiscal year in which the revenues will be received depends on when a case is closed. Total revenues
to be received cannot be determined until cases are closed.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT: Approval of this item will have no impact on growth management.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to
form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners endorses the United States
Department of Justice and United States Department of Treasure combined Federal Equitable Sharing
Agreement and Certification valid through September 30, 2018.
PREPARED BY: Andrea Marsh, Finance Director
APPROVED BY: Kevin J. Rambosk, Sheriff
DATE: October 14, 2017
1. Equitable Sharing Agreement (2) (PDF)
Packet Pg. 1978
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.J.2
Doc ID: 4176
Item Summary: Recommendation to endorse the United States Department of Justice and United
States Department of Treasury combined Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification through
September 30, 2018.
Meeting Date: 11/14/2017
Prepared by:
Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office
Name: MaryJo Brock
11/07/2017 10:18 AM
Submitted by:
Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office
Name: Leo E. Ochs
11/07/2017 10:18 AM
Approved By:
Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 11/07/2017 11:26 AM
Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 11/07/2017 12:31 PM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 11/07/2017 12:57 PM
County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 11/07/2017 4:48 PM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 11/14/2017 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 1979
oMB―,123つ 01'
贅: 臨
"^硫 ":3319E TmhttTd!N"由",FL 34,12Fl nc. Gonbcl
Lrm.: S.lm, Ldi
EtAC Praprrtt
Nama: Slarlt, Ldt
Ftront: 2lm3200tl2
FY End Dlb: 09102017
Equltablo Sharlng Ag]3cmsnt !nd C6rtmc!fion
:Sherfrl o腋 cl
h腱 :し o“Samlocdler●h●硫 ore
Em●∥:Lo"鮨 ■lo●●∥●●hO市 ●7o
A●●ncソ FY 2010 Budlo●3174,720,20000
Annurl Gcrdllcrtlon R.port
rulrf tr |rtq,'s -r
ol ni T.rtrr., A&.r Tst tur ,lle.ft p.,{4.r{. rr nS. lCE. CIP .id U!,SS
EhrlrE Frrndt Rlc3hld from Olhct LEY,
ro o0l.r pdhFrlhf lff.dblc'mfil
DJ●P面 tod:107142017 P●|●lo'4 F●b●●L忍 ::
Packet Pg. 1980 Attachment: Equitable Sharing Agreement (2) (4176 : Equitable Sharing)
Table C:Grall“
ilatchlnc Granl l{am.Jusuco Ftlnd●TErrury Furdt
Tabla D: Tranrfrrr lo Olhqr Plrdqlprthg L.w EnforEarDlnt Agarrcle3
Rccelvlng Agency N!m!JrEdce Fundt Trrttury Fundt
Tsbl. E: Support of Communlty-b[.d Ptognmt
Srlrry Typr Ju!tc. Fundt Tnltury Fundr
Paperwork R.ductlon Act Notlce
l,Jnder hc Plpuryort Rrdrclhl1 Ac{ ! p.nm b nol 'lqutrd lo ,r3pond to. coM.i ot htormlIon unlltr lt dtllay! I vrld
OMB confol rumbcr. WE fy to cI! r acJur.t!.rd csCly undcrslood tornE hat lmpo3. trp hstl posllrc burd.n on you lo
soorpht!. Ihc oImalcd evrr.gc tLn! b crrThit tN5 lorm lr 30 mlnutcr. lf you haw connEnE ngordlng h! .corracl ol
$ls crfmslc, or suggcatloo! br mllilflg hh furltl rlnelcf, plcssc wdl! b lhr At3ct Frt lturt 8ld Moosy bundlrirg slcllon
l aoo, York N.W. lilArl nobh. DC 20003.
frbl. F: Nol.c.ta9orlz.d .rprndllurut ln (!l . ln, Aboy. Jurlh. Fuldr T.3.3uy Fun&
old your ag.rrl Frdrrr ny controh., .quFllt.nM E ws E lo
F6bru.ry 20t6Dato PHnted:1071472017 Prgs 2 ot 4
Packet Pg. 1981 Attachment: Equitable Sharing Agreement (2) (4176 : Equitable Sharing)
Undlt Prn y o, priJty. lhr undlEbnad ofrd.l3 catt'ly thal U!ry hryr r.rd and undrrtrnd l,rllr obllgr.Oortt undrr lh
Eqdt U. ahrrhg Agrl.lll.nt md ti.l Ur. lnlomr0oo rtnl[.d ls cor{unch sitlr ttlt Oarltlnt b rll *arar
rccour0og ot irrdt .!cdv!d .nd b, thc AfrrEy ul!.r lha Gulr. duh! th! llfo.lhg parbd and lllt tha ncbhnl A'rrlcy
b conElllnt rilh lh! N!0ond Csrr! ot Protrlrhnd Cmducl lbr &rrt Fo,hlhr!.
Th. rndG6hmd Glrdly tha h! rlcH.rl Ae cnc, b ln corl,ldbncG wfi h! lPpacru. nmdlahn don r.$iu nb of th!
lbllo{rlng lrwt rnd th.r lltpl.mlnlfr9 ilgulrlonr: TlU. Vl ol lh. CMlRlehtr Acl ot | 96a (42 U.s.C.l 2000d .l r!q.}, Tllr lX ot
lh. Educ80or AmlndflEnE ot l97ll (20 U.S.C. 3 tGel d t!+), s.cloo toa of hc R.nrb[lrt5o Ad ol r97l t29 U.S.C. I 794],
.tld {r. A!. olr.rlnhathn Act ot I e75 (42 u.s.c. t 6t0t !t .q.), wtilch prohbl d.crhhr&m m h. b.rb ot rE c*r,
nltonC chln, dl.Utt , o. .e. ln rn, lHrrlly trddrd Fol[lm or tct t , or on lha btdt ot aGr h .n, lbrrlral, Brtdd
.Arcalhn o. .c{vt . Tha Aganc, rgnar thn I sl co.ndy rr,[r rl tr&r{ tbnncs and ,lgubtont p.r afihl hdGral
hvrdbrlot! tccls3 lo racodt and an, o0l!r toulaa ol lofumr.lhn rt mry ba n E!3t .y b dlhmhr caflD[rnca rth clvll
dOB .nd otrt. rpdlcaur tbt lr| rnd rlgdadon .
Equltable Sherlng Agrcement
thlB fusr.l Eqdt bh Sh.ttng Ae.llmlnl crllnd ltlto amoe (11 lha F.d.rd Govfimant R) h3.bov},ir.t.d bry
rnlorclm.rt r0tnc, fAecncrl, rd (3) t'lr eo,r.rnlne todr, t.F lb hr nqdEnrn[ tur PldCpitlorl h fi! hlrrd E ENt !L
Sh.rhg Proglllr.nd lh. r.!t lctlont upon [ir utt ot ftd.r{, brlulld c.dt, prop.rly. p.Ecaadt, ]rd ery lntocd !am!d
lhrtan, lriaci f!, turad rlth Pldlclgaune Lw anbrcrnrat {ord.t' 8y xrbrftrlotr ot thl! brn. ll. &.rlg, hd ll wll bc bcnd b, Ula ttfina! rd euld.lln ! llr4 rhr.d aads rrd ha loloi,itg roqdrlllrtnb lot
p.rodpsum ln thr D3pst[.nl ot Juttcc rnd DaDarlrlllnl o, lr Trrsrry Equ{lua Shrlne Pmfrlmt. RlcCpt ol lh. rl$ t
Equl$b Sndilg A9r..ltf,nl md Clrtfilcrtor (0 r .t)ool]IErf] b r pnflqublr b ,r6lvh9.ny lqulrHy iflrd ct3h,
proprdy, or paocacdr.
I . Subnllthn. THr Docrmut rrutl ba xlbfilltld rdtrh 60 d.ts o, lhc rnd ol tr. A!.nsr't ftErt ,r... Tlia Oocu,n ot murt
bc thold dld n&dncd dlcfioolcdr. Boctooh r{Do$tlon coo! uLr tubn*rlo b lhr ot Jwtlc! rrd lhr ol nc fralturr.
e Slinrtadaa. Thb aetlsincrt mtl3l bc tlgmd b, lh! h.!d ol th., .rd ttr h..d of th. gplnrnln! bodr. EIrOlG. ol
Agao€, haadt lndtd. Folc. c}.t rh.dn *!Eh, Eomntrlffi, q.?rfiLo&nl rfuhbEor. dly llfiiay. couiy rtom.y,
& prc6rqlh9 albm3r. rlt! rf,m!r. EaflrEoula|ll rlhfltlr. rd atlomay eanaraf 'Iha eovlnllr, bodyt haar,
l! h! h!.d ol 0r. .!orc, 0ttl rpgflpnrltt irurre lc h. Al.rrcr, EofipLt ot goymfie body hodt hdrd. o'ly m:l.g.],
rmyor, dt, councl drtlFafton. cornly lllcdlva. counl, Eoutd cHrprlon, dnhltaba, clltfl$tloncf, fld lovamor. Tht
gfflminf body hr.d c.nnot b. iom ha lrw efllblEama .fonc, erd t J.t b. forn r ilpr|rr. Gfitt .
L lrr.r. Ary $rod artat aial ba utrd ,or la,y ado.E FJDo.r. h !'dh th. lrn t.3 .nd gutsdn.o that
!oe.m [lr O.prlmrnl o, Ju!d6 and b. Dap.rt nl ol lha T'trtuly EqrftUa Snadne Aclrtmt r! !.1 tbdh h 0|t Elrlnt
.dldm oa lh. Grrlr, ,o Eqrldb Sl,.r*rg ,or 3l.r. Jn Lor5I Lty et{a?',n,l,,l,lt ,GuHa),
a. Tramtr,t. Edb(! tra AlrtE, lrrntlbn trirb lo olhar tlatl or lcal hw !dors.m.d.gard.t, I nxd ftlt wdly slth lha
o.p.rttlJrt ot Ji!*. [lrl ha r.calt*re aGncy lr . corpLnl Eqdtibh Shrtng Prolr.m Fllldpfit Tnotfur of bnfbla
prop.rly rtt rEl p.rd[.d.
3, lnbm.l Confolr. Ih. &urry a$lrt to rc8ot ti r.p.ratdy tor hd.rC .qlsua rhrrho lirdr ncrhid liqi thr ot Jdhr rrd !r. Dapartllr ol0l. Tr'rur, Fmtb fom rtsb ard loc.l hdllt ra, lc,rt lD an&
og.r.ionr fundt and dr.' aouc.t outl mt Da co r$gl.d stlr tbdml G${rUc d[,hg lind!.
Ih. &rnq c.rtlhr tha ftrldr f! m&.h.d b, lhr lurbde.r m.hlrHq .FropraLd nJrdr md lgr. r lhl rlchEutng x,l ba rubl.C lo tha qtrd.rd lEEourInf ].qdrsnrrtt rrE ,raEdcat aubycd b, lha rEmcy! lrlHiCcn h
tc€on rE yd0t lha rtqtdrrm.lllt l.t ln thr almd adlon o, lh! Gu& hcfrCno ha to mdnur nhftnt
&autE r rrd r!con,3 fo( iY! rurr.
Th. n{nltr of mh.pplcdht ol tlurld .llorE . o, rfdlllrlb.l ofuddng ErouEGr ri,0r durd Ilrtr lt pohtlrd. Ih!
Aerlc, r al lolow lb hrbdkio.l'r FEurtlll]rt lollch| Iuh6 .|rot(tre ahand tfll& Frlu. b co.lCy trillr y FEUlrbn of
lrir .gr!{n nt dr.l .ut{.d lhc '!4hr rgs'rcu lo h. ..ncdom *Halrd ln hc arru rffon ol h. 6ots .
a. Audlt R.port Audlt nI bc coldtrctld rt Fod(hd !, $! SheL AJdl Acl Amrnd sl6 ol 1 99C .nd OrrE
t6D●te pHnl●d:1071472017 P.gc 3 or,l
Packet Pg. 1982 Attachment: Equitable Sharing Agreement (2) (4176 : Equitable Sharing)
uunng rnr p8!t lllcrt ycan (11 h!! rny court of ldmlnbtr.thre .g3ncy lleuod lny flndlng,
Judgmant or dlbrmlnetlon thl lh€ Agency dlrcdmlnatrd lg.lnttsny p.rton or group ln
vlolrtlon oteny ot th. ch,ll rlghtr .l.lul.! ll.lod rbovr; gg(2f h.r thr Agency .nlrrrd lnto
roy lettlrmrnl .gnaam.nt with rtsprct to .ny compblnt lll.d srllh ! court or rdmlnlrtnllvs
rgcncy lllrelng thlt th. Agmcy dlrcrlmlnalrd tgrlnrt lny p€rron or group ln vtol.don o, .ny of
thc tcdrrrl clvll rlght! rtatrlct llrted rbovo?Ever Exo
Un o,m Adn//,kl.altte Re(nrt nnals. Cods Pth*tct, and Aud R.qttt,fisats tor Fadcal Awstds-Thc Dsp|(|mcnl ol Ju3lhr
rnd tia Orprrtmrnl ol li! Trarilry .rl.,v! lhG righi to cooduct F,lodlc r.rdcrn auditt q rBviGw!.
7. Frtdom ot lnfo]m.llon AcL lnbrmr0gn provldad h hlt Docum.nt ls tublad to thr FOIA raqd[mr] ! o, tha Olp.rimar{
o, Jutllc. lnd lhG Olprrtmrot ot thc Trlllury.
Agoncy Hord
tLmr:Rlmlost. Krvln J.
TlUc: th.rltt
Emrll: hqocolh€lErif.nll
Slgnellrr:Dal!;力 、3)/フ
T0 lha taal oa m, t tdladF t 'td !!fi. [I hlb.rnadoa p.llfu ci ltll br! L hra lld aaotr.a ard lr. ta.n ,ar,afl,ad a,i .lffiart tr lh. u,EaL.olll.rtleaic, ttaad rfror nf,| aDora E ry ol ,|. A!GE,ll.d lrIE aoora hdqLa tar!.r a€f t rE Card t!...'narl lo rttd.!,O. r.ldr rrd !.!..nn!t rat h.$ h ha Oud. b qsi|& Cwntlb.9.b dad L,,Arbr, al r$e\hdat,, r ,tIDtrlttiIt, of .tD.mrkar sn 5l#t, .t ..qdrad Fdrri,tl ,.b ,rlaairla E a, ol ,t Alaos, Haad tiana aoi -e ffiltt
hbrlraa aacllt rraoll|r. ai.Eranl to tuda t, tqtfu..thfitrl* B$atb Ae,aaltta* aaa !il, eoa& c,oaadrraa lrtl,ad f,
U. d olLlh. B tr O.prrhld Chtrt -r.drt.d l! h. Arxt Fot5lt o &rf.!b Strrt, flEa,ru. no tr grtronrt XrrC
aia aa,{ft. th.i t! tarr. .rr!t. Flll|tl.ll lt l| daLai,In tacqtna.aalfia Ptn frE El.uaa o[la t SElf, fir rlr aqlt !t{llile t ar c| d dlr O.tdr l. itll,
Govemlng Body Hcd
Nlmc P.nrry Tarlo.tlh: Chelrut
Emd: F.nryTrySiocolrgovffl
Tohat rlcn,lrwrt,rlbarhl ir .!mc/r Eumnlk-lF !de.t rF,rad o! ll! bnL trl. rd atldn oorrr*{ rodt rbrdrict. naltx ap0rr]!,!on ornara thal lha nanf/r hrdld ha! lloa lri aEdart a.. a ttatt oftE*{ aq.{rta rtrr.q UrOt eruy afrrGafir*tl Bd,Hard nrra a!o{ hdolct lt hor alltpbio ol lld rt ar.ranl b rur ty Or 9e ao rra 9ioarr...rt tl, t or. co,* toAod.taslr.rrg,EC.Lrdfcdf.rAr&E,ardae..p.r.faE{rtatastritlgr6rn.i.rrlmyeO6or,6..durttrsr,tn
O.rl( .il ol .lralaa !, !r Oarr, o, tr Trxarry r*trO o .t eirl fqtm - Eqd.tb Sllrt|g
ふ 1,話 tiユ 鳳二L
詢Lfom onl―Of ttB Alenり Hbtt mJ腱 G―h00oOッ H・・ d・
Febru町 2016
D●:●P∥nted:10′142017 P●90 4 of`
Packet Pg. 1983 Attachment: Equitable Sharing Agreement (2) (4176 : Equitable Sharing)