Agenda 11/14/2017 Item #16A1911/14/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from an approved Funding Agreement between Collier Enterprises Management, Inc. (CEMI) and the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), to prepare an amendment to the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners (Board) to recognize funding from an approved funding agreement between the Collier MPO and CEMI to allow for the preparation of an amendment to the 2040 LRTP, and to authorize the necessary budget amendment. CONSIDERATIONS: Every 5 years, the Collier MPO is required to adopt a long range transportation plan that addresses a 20 year planning horizon. The LRTP serves as an instrument to identify needed improvements to the transportation network. It provides a financially constrained, long term investment framework to address current and future transportation challenges. The LRTP must include long - and short-range strategies consistent with Federal, State, and local goals and objectives. The Collier MPO’s 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan was adopted December 11, 2015. The transportation impacts from the Rural Lands West (RLW) residential and commercial development were unknown at the time the 2040 LRTP was adopted. Collier Enterprise Management Inc. (CEMI) representatives reached out to MPO staff to discuss an amendment to the LRTP to redistribute population and employment within the project area and assess the impacts of the development. CEMI agreed to provide funding for a consultant to develop the amendment to the 2040 LRTP. Staff met with representatives of Collier Enterprises Management Inc. (CEMI), Collier County Transportation Planning, and the County Attorney’s office to negotiate an agreement, timeline and scope of services for this project. The final negotiated agreement and scope were approved by the MPO Board on October 13, 2017. The firm selected to prepare the amendment to the LRTP, Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc., was obtained using the MPO General Planning Services Contract (GPC) # 16-6562, which was approved by the MPO Board on December 9, 2016. In accordance with the above referenced contract, a request for a proposal letter and scope of work were sent to each of the three firms on the contract. Stantec Consulting and Jacobs Engineering declined to submit a proposal. The consultant fee for the amendment is $78,990. The Collier MPO approved the selection of the consultant and fee at their October 13, 2017 Board meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: The consultant fee for this study in the amount of $78,990 will be fully funded by CEMI. A budget amendment is required to recognize the funding in the MPO Operating Fund 128, Project 33469.4.3. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for Board approval. -SRT GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This request is consistent with Collier County’s Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board recognizes funding from an approved funding agreement between the Collier MPO and CEMI to allow for the preparation of an amendment to the 2040 LRTP, and authorizes the necessary budget amendment in the amount of $78,990. 16.A.19 Packet Pg. 637 11/14/2017 Prepared by: Brandy Otero, Collier MPO Senior Planner ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Funding Agreement (PDF) 16.A.19 Packet Pg. 638 11/14/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.19 Doc ID: 3982 Item Summary: Recommendation to recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from an approved Funding Agreement between Collier Enterprises Management, Inc. (CEMI) and the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), to prepare an amendment to the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Meeting Date: 11/14/2017 Prepared by: Title: Planner, Senior – Metropolitan Planning Organization Name: Brandy Otero 10/17/2017 2:00 PM Submitted by: Title: Executive Director - MPO – Metropolitan Planning Organization Name: Anne McLaughlin 10/17/2017 2:00 PM Approved By: Review: Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Gloria Herrera Additional Reviewer Completed 10/17/2017 2:10 PM Metropolitan Planning Organization Anne McLaughlin Additional Reviewer Completed 10/17/2017 3:51 PM Growth Management Department Jeanne Marcella Level 1 Reviewer Completed 10/18/2017 10:48 AM Grants Kimberly Lingar Level 2 Grants Review Completed 10/18/2017 10:51 AM Growth Management Department Thaddeus Cohen Department Head Review Completed 10/18/2017 3:22 PM Growth Management Department James French Deputy Department Head Review Skipped 10/18/2017 5:30 PM County Attorney's Office Scott Teach Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 10/20/2017 2:32 PM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 10/23/2017 8:22 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 10/24/2017 2:20 PM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 11/01/2017 3:46 PM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 11/03/2017 10:28 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 11/14/2017 9:00 AM 16.A.19 Packet Pg. 639 AGRENMENT MPO PIIOJECTI AMf,NIIMEN'I'TO 2040 LRTP THIS ACREI,MilNT. nrade and entertd into this ]3th day of October 2017. by and betr,veen the Collier JVletropoliten Planning Organization (o'MPO'-), nnd Clcrllier Enterprises lv'fanngement, Inc., n lrlorida fbr profirt Corporution, whose principal place of business is 2550 Coodlette Road North, #100, Naples, F:lorida 34103 ("CEIvll"). WITNESSETH WI{IRHAS, the SfPO is governed by a board of nine voting members comprised of local government elected otlicials antl one non-voting ndvisor frorn the F'lorida Departrnerrt ol''liransportation (''FDO'f"), the IrDOT District I Secretary" and rvils created pursuirnt to lbderal requirements that ench urb&nized area with a populaticn excesding 50,000 establish a Nletropolitan Planning Organization to caffy out comprehensive, cooperativc and continuirrg transportation plarrningl ancl WHER[A$, thc MPO is required to adopt ancl nraintuin u Long ltarnge 'I'ransportation Plan ("'LR'I'P") covering nt least ?0 years (and updated evsry tive years) thal sets firrtl:r a liscally constrained long-range transporlation plan that fosters the future transportation system try achieving nrobility nnd ilccess fbr people *nd goods. etlicient system perfbnnance snd preservation. anil enhances the qrnlity of lif-e fbr thc community; and WHEREAfi, the ivIP0 adopted its 2040 L.RI'P on Decenrber ll, ?015, but did not address then uncertain transportation imp;rcts that might rr:sult tionr thc futrrre construction of CIMI's Rural l,ands West residential and commercial development project (the '*Project'o) in Northsast Collisr County; and WHEREAS, CEMI reque.*ted and u'ishes to fr.rnd the *ctual cost ol'amending and updating the I*ltTP to retlect long-range transporlatinn impacts resulting l'rom its luture conslruction ofthe Project; and WIIEREA$, CEMI and the MPO are entering into this Agreement providing tbr CElvll's fbnding of the aetual cost lbr the MPO to retain 'l'indale-Oliver & Associates, Inc. (hereinat'ter, the "Firm") to provide seruices required to arnend and update the ["RTP lbr the MPO's eventual adoption; rnd \ryI{nRHAS, the lvtPO and Cn}\,{l have determined nnd mutually agree that it is in the best interest ctf'the puhlic to c$nsurnmate this Agreement to amend and update the LRTP; and h'OW, TH}IREFORtr, in consideration ot' the above premises, and the mutual co\ienflnts, ternrs, and pnrvisiclns contained herein. the N,lP0 and CEMI &gree as tbllorvs: 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 640 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the 1.0 l,l Sf,CTION I; MPO's RtrSPONSIBILITY The MPO solicited. ubtained and (subject to entering into this agreenient) shall conttast services froni the Firnr to update and amend the 2040 [,RTP {hereal,ter, the "Amendment to 2040 LRTP") to address the effect of the Froject and other relevant impacts that have arisen in the vicinity since the MPO's adoption of the 2040 LRTP in December 2015. "l-he lbllorving specilic sen,ices, duties, and responsibilities rvill be the obligation of the Ilirrn retained by the ivlP0 to perfbrm the Arnendment to 2040 [.RTP: A. The Amendnrent to 2040 L,R"[P will analyzc a reallocation antl redistribution of popurlation w'ithin Callier Counly to retlect ltural Lands West. 'fhe Amendment tr: ?040 LIi"l'P will tcst alternntive roadway improvements retlective of that reallocation and ivill modity tlie Needs Assessment anci Cost Feasible highrvay network in the vir:inity ol' Rnral l,ands West to retJect the recommended improvements. t]. Although rnore parlicularly set fbrth in attached E.rhibit '0A," $nd subject to further clarification upon the lvlP0 contracting rvith the Firm pertbrming the Amendment to ?040 LRTP, the completion of" the tbllowing tasks sh.qll be included in the Scope of Services tbr the update ("collectively, "Scopc of Services"): Scope of'Scrvices: Task l: Froject Initiation and Frcrject Manageurent 1.1 : Project Kick-of't' 1.?: Projsct Schedule 'Iask 2: Public Involvement 3.1 Puhlic Involvement Plan (PlP) 'l'ask 3: Socioeconeimic Dat$ ljpclate Tnsk 3.1: Socioecononric Data,/Land [Jse Scenaricl Update "l'ask 3.2; Finalize Socioecononric l)ata Task 4; Needs Assessnrent Undnte l.ask 4.1; Needs Assessnent 'lravel Dq'mand Modeling 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 641 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the Task 4,2: Needs Assessment Update Task 4.3: Needs Assessnrsnt Revierv Task 5: Cost Feasible Plan Update Task 5.1: Cost Feasible Pian I'ravel Demand lv{odelins Task 5.2: Develop Cost Estirnates / Revenues Task 5.3: Cost Feasible Plan Update "fask 5,4: Co.st Feasible Plan lteview T'ask 6: Plan Adoption / I)ocumentation The Arnendment to 2040 LRTP document rvjll be t'innlized oncc adopted by the MPO Board and rvill be comprised of the follorving three (3) major components; . An update olthe 2040 t RTP's adopted socioeconornic land use scenario. . An updated list of corridor needs. . An updated list cost t'easibls projects. C.Thc MPO Executive Direclor, or hcr designee, shall confer lvith the Firm retained to pcrl'ornr thc Arnendment to 2040 LRI"P' as necessary, to coordinste the timely completion of the tasks required to update the ?040 L,Rl"P. 'l.he N'IPO shall approve $ny changes, clarilications. supplements and other cuntract amendme nts that nray tre nccessary to the Scope of Services fclr the F'irm conclucting the Amerrdnlent to 2040 I-RTP: prcvicled that the MPO shall not enter into any suclr changes or transactiCIns u'ith the Firm which, in the aggregate, will cause the Firm to excsed ten (10%) af thc an:lounl of the $78,990.00 Work;/Purchase Order (See attached Work/Purchase Order.l witlrout the prior written consent of'CEIv{I, rvhich conssnt may not be unreasonably withheld. Il' the Parties disagree on the need for the issuance ol'a Change Order. Amendment or other instrument that increases the original Work/Purchase Order amount by nlore tharl l0%. either llarty may terminate this Agreenrent with *'ritten notice to the other and ClMtr shall only be responsible f-or the cast of the rvork performed through the date r:f receipt o{'the Nr:tice o1'Tennination. ;\ny such contract clirectives by MPO to the Firnr may be in the fbrnt ol'plans. nrLrnlorand&, reports. change orc!ers, and supplemental agreements and amendnrents, and shall be subject to approval by the MPO, rvith simultaneous notice to Chltull. D. tr (-r 'r i ,r,r i '.rl' ,J 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 642 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the 2.0 An1, such changes to the Scope of Scrviccs t'or the Amendment to 2040 LRTP sholl bs issued by the NIPO based upon the conract unit priccs cstablished in the original Wnrk/Purchase Order engaging the Firm's senices. E. All contracts entcred into b1' the MPO tbr the Amendnrent to 2040 LRTP shall require the Firm to hold the MPO hannless. indemnily and defend it and its sgents. olfrcers and enrploycres from any and all clairns, losses. penalties, demands, judgments, anil costs o1'suit, including attomey's kes and paralegal's fees, or any expense, danrage, or liability incurred by any of them, rvhether forpersonal injury, propefly d*rnags" or econumic l$ss, arising direr;tly or indirectly on occount of or in connegian g'ith {he w,ork perfurmerl by the Firm. SECTION II: CEMI's RE$I,ONSIBtrLlT\f CEMI rrgr$es lhat upon the execution o{'this Agreement it shall remit to the MI,O the sum of $78,990.00 as advance payment (the "payrrent amount") of sen'ices by the Firm fbr the Amendment to 2040 I-RTP, "l'he paymenl amount shall be drarvn agaiust by the MPO to make payments fbr u,ork perfbrmed and properly invoiced on ths ;\mendment to ?040 LRI'P. All moneys paid by CEMI to the ilfPO shnil renrain on depr:sit and be paid to the Firm only uputt tlte completion of'tasks (or percentage ol'completion uf'tasks as set tbrth in the Work/Purclrase Order ancl verified by staff perfbrmed on the Am*ndment to 2040 LRTP supported by invoices sr"rbmitted by the Firm c.onsistcrrt rvith the contrast it enters into rvith the l\4PO. l\'tPO agrc'es and eicknowledges that CEMI, as payor ol-the Scope ot'Services, has agresd to the terms herecf based upon its right to cnn$ent to the amount to be paid to the Firm pursuanl to thc Wttrk/Purchase Otder. CilN,tl shall have the right to ternrinate this 'A,grcrcntent bv providing MPO written notice of Clllv{l's clection ro exerc'ise its terminatiott rights. Upon delivery ol'such written notice of termination, and prior to the pertbrnrance o1'any services by the f irnr, the Parties shall be relieved and released of'any firrther obligetion to each other under this Agreemcnt, and the MIIO rvill retum CIIMI's p$Ylnent an-l0unt. urther, CHhll shall be responsihle for additional costs incuned pursllant to tuture change otders nrrcl/or supplenrental agrcements authorized in ilccord rvith the provisions of Article l.l D. any such arnount bcing part ol"thc llnal and actual cast ol'the rvotk to conslude the .,\mendment to 2040 LRI-P. Any LRl'tr adoptecl alier May 27, 2018 is required tn include nerv additional phased-in performonce nle&sures required bv MAP-Z1 {Pub, I-, I I?-l4l) and the FAS'l'Act (Pub. L. I l4-9'l), t\s a resulto i1' the Amendment to 2040 LRT P is adopted after lvlny 26, 201 8 (but bef'ore lv{ay 19,2019)" the entirc l"R"l"P would have to be amended to irrclucie an analysis of thc'l'tlllorving initial additional three phased-in perfonnnncc measilreii: (a) sai'ety measures, (b) fieight plan, and (c) asset rTlanilgeilrcnt plan, Cnfu{l understunds that there is a risk that the r\mendntunt to ?040 I-RI-P nrnl'nol be adcrpted prior to May 27.3018 and that if it rvishes tlre Antendment to proceed oiter tliat dats. it rvill be respi:nsiblc ltrr the crost to 2.1 2.2 1tl t*, ti::(:l 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 643 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the amencJ lhe entire I-RTP to include the required additional perfbrmance measuresi notwithstanding its right hereunder to terminotc thc Agreement and lirnit its cotits as previously $et foflh in Ar"ticle 1,1D. SECTION III: MUTL]AL COVENANT$ 3"0 The MPO is agreeable tt"l and capable of perfhrming, providing or rrtherwise contracting with a Firm to undeflake the preparation oflthcr Amendment to 2040 I-Rl'P, and CElvll agrr"e$ to reinrburse the MPO for the finnl and actual costs resulting from the preparation of the r\mendurent to ?040 LIITP. CUMI accepts that at a mininrum thc scope of sen,ices tbr the Amendment to 2040 LRTP will inslude tlrose tasks identified in Exhibit "A" and es rellected on the uttaclied Worlt/llurchase Order at $xhibit "C." 3,1 CEMI shall not i:e responsible ftir, nor shall CHMI dicrate upon the MPO or its retained Firm thei means. methods, techniques, skills, sequence$ or procedurcs relating to conducting *nd preparing lhe Amendnlent to 2040 LRI'P, At all times, the responsibility tbr preparing the Amcndmenr to ?0,10 LRI'P shall remairr rvitlr the MPO and its cclntrirutors, subjecl ta *re conditions and responsibilities set fCIrth irr this Agreenrent, as it may be amended. 3.? ^l'hs MPO's llxecutive Director, or lrer designee, shall act as the MPO"s contract manager under this Agreernent. T'he MPO's Executive Director. or her designee, shall have the authority. suhject to the Collier County Procurement lhlicy and approval by the MPO f]oard, and subject to CHMI's right to ccnsent to certain transacrtions a$ set forth in Secrion l.t(D) of this Agreement, to r:nlarge the Scope of Services scl ladh in Exhibit urA.r' 3.3 CHMI shall pay the fulPO all ren,aining sums orved lbr the conpletion of tlre Arnendment to 3040 LRTP no l&ter than thirty (30) day's lbllowing the IvIPO's receipt ol'the last invoice frorn the Firm or thc MPO's adnptinn o1'the Amendnrent to ?040 LRJ'P, u'hichevcr is later. SICTION IVr AGRfin]vlENT TER${S 4.0 'l'his Agreernent shall remain in l'ull t'orce and ellect from the dste tirst abovc rvriiten and shall terminatc upon the completion of services and responsibilities rnutr.rally perfbrnred by CEMI ancl by the MPO to their satistbction. It is undetstood tliat thc actual tenninatir;n date herein may occur alier the date of fin*l npproval and adoption ol"the .\mendnrent to 2040 LR'|P by the lvIPO, sutrject to ony {inal payrnent that may be owed tr: the Firnr" 4.1 Subsequent to CIIMI's w.ritten consent to MPO of'the Firm and the Wrtrk/Purchase Order. if either Party lhils to perinrnr in a tirnely manner its obligations inrposed by this Agreement, or is otherrvise in brcach of this Agreement, then the aggrie\ied Parry shall be sntitled to noti{y the breac}ring Party in w,riting, rvhich notice shall set forth with f ,-t1 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 644 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the particularity the alleged cleliciencies and the action requirsd in erder to cure rhe alleged breach. "l'he breaching Party shall have a period of tiine. atier rc'ceipt of said wriiten notice, il$ malr bc reasonably necessary to correct thc alleged def'lciencies. Prior to the initiation ol'any action or proceeding pennitted by this Agreement to resolve clisputes betwcen the Parties, the Parties shall rnake a good fhith eff'ort to resolve any such disputes pur$ilal]t to the Dispute Resolution procedures irr Section VII of this Agreement. Thereal'ter, if the hreaching Party lhils to commence ancl diligently pursue and conrplete the required c.orreclive action, then the brcaching llerty shall be in delault nnd the oggrieved Party shall have the right to terminate this agreernent, and shall have all other renredies available in latv or in equity, 4'2 The Partiss may nrnend this Agrcemcnt through a separate nrutually agr:eed upon rvritten instrument. s ECrroN Y,i -fi ovERgl GIj l[tl N{trN {TX 5,0 Nothing in this Agreenreut shall operale as ti r.vaivsrof the sovereign immunity alfr:rdecl to the [{P0 trs pror.,ided in Section 76S.2g, Florida Starures, IiECTIQN VI: MISCELLANEOUS 6'0 'fhis Agreement shnll bc geivernecl hy and construed under the larvs of the State of F'lorida. In the e'nent litigation is iristituted by r.vay of'construction or enltlrcement of this Agreement, the perty prevailing in said litigotion shiill be entirled to collect *nd recover fiom the opposite party all court costs nnel other expensss excluding attorney',s tbes, Any sttit or action brought try either pnrty to this Agreement against the other parly relating to cr arisitrg out ot'this Agrcrement rnust be brought in ths appropl'iate t'ederal or state coufls in Collier County, Florida, rvhich courts havc solc antl exclusive iurisdiction on all such matters. 6' I It is understood that this Agreement must be executed by hoth parlies prior to commencement of the wclrk, services, duties, and responsibiliries described heretolbre. IinCTICIl{ VII ; DISPtiTE RESOLLITIoN 7.1 In the evcnt of a clispute between the partics concerning this Agreenrcnt, the MPO and CUMI ngree to tlttempt to resolve the dispute as expeditiously anc! inexpensively as f'easible, Specifically. their respective stal'f\ r.vill meet rvithin ten (10) days of provision of notice ot'the dispute and attempt in gooc'l faith to resolve the dispute, They may jointly agrce to * rnr:diator to expedite and ellbctuatE a resolutiorr. If they arc unable to $gree upon n me.diator, within ten {10) days t}rerealler, they shalljointly recluest thc Chief Judge o{'the ?0tr' Judiciai Circuit to appoint a mediator to rnedi*te the dispure in accorrlance with the court's pre-suit mediation procedures. The mediation shall occur rvithin tcn (10) days alir:r the mediator is appointed. Each party shall pay equally in the cost of the mediation. 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 645 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the IN WITNBSS, WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their appropriate offisials, as of the date first above written. AS TO THE MFO: Attestr COLI,IER COUNTY METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION PO Executive Director MPO Chairwoman as to fomr Deputy County Attorney @ @ 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 646 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the AS TO COLLIER ENTERPRISES MANAGEMENT, INC., a Florida corporation: profit Witness Number One: Signature print Name, !m"*e 7v2 Witness Number Two: Print Name: [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 647 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the itvIPO 2040 LIITIT Arnendment fo 2040 LRTP $sone of Serrices Statement nf Purposc: The 20,10 LRTP Anrendmcnt to 20{0 LRTP rvill analyz-e a reallocation and redistributior"r ol' population rvithin Cr:llier County to reflect Rural Lands West (RLW). The Amendment to 2040 LRTP will test ahernative roadrvay improvernents ref'lective of that reallocation and rvill nrodify the Needs Assessment and Cost Fea.sible highway network in the vicinitl, of RLW to ref'lec.t the recommendec{ imprclvements. Scope ofServiccs: Task l: Ilroject Initiation and Projeet Manngement The purposcr of this task is to provide project nt{}ntrgcment whicllr.vill include socioeconomic clata updates, re*evaluation of the County roaciway Needs Plun, and re-evaluation crf the Cost Feasihle Plan. Activities include a project kich-off meeting, management and oversight ot'the activities and products being produced by the CONSUL1.AN'[". C:ONSULI-ANT' rvill coordinate the delivery of all rvork prodlrcts, and pror,ide support com munications during stafT levi ew of products. CONSUI,TT\NT rvill be responsible lbr mairrtairring ths content of the project schedule, rntking adjustnrents as needed ancl communicating any changes to MFO staff. A project schedule rvill be revierved at the proje{rt kisk-olTrneeting. : Project Kick-off 'fhe task begins rvitlr a project kick-off rneeting to deline the project outline resp<lnsibilities. CONSUI,TANT will conduot a project kick-otf meeting with IvlPO stafll Ths rneeting will be an opportunity to distrihute and collect rclevant docunrents and to rtlvierv the pruject schetJule. deliverables, comnrunication protocols and expectations. This qrill also be an opportunity to discuss future meeting dates and project timel'rames. 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 648 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the Projcct Schedule The anticipated schedule is included in Attachment l. The CONSULTANT rvill review, expanil and maintain the projcct schedule, which rvill outline the tinre llrame lbr accomplishing thc 2040 LRTP Amentlrnent to 2040 LIITP. "fhis schedule shall be in sullficient cletail to clescribe the deliverables. 'tr'he schedule will reference critical milestones an<i will allorv sulficient time lbr meetings ancl take into account the time needed fur staffrevierv and the MIIO committce meetins prOcess. Deliverables; ' Froject schedule Meetings: . Kick-olTmrrating -I Task 2: Fublic Invalyenrent 'l'hc purpose of this task is to ensure opportunitiss lbr public involvement ancl communicatiorr rvith the MPO statf, iloards ancl committees, 2.1 I'ublic lnvolvemsnt Plan (PlP] Formal opportunities lor public involvern$nt and input wilt be provicled as pafl <lf the regularly scheduled meetings ol' the MPO Board nnd ccmnriltees. Publie involvemenl meetings are anticip$ted to be hc:ld at nrnjnr study milestones and coinciilent with and rls part ol'regularly scheduled lvll'}O lechnicrl Advisory Committee (TAC), Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), and Soard meetings. Ont} public nreeting rvill be held in the general l{ural Lands West area. 'l'he tirne and location of the nreeting r'vill be deterrnined by the MPO stat'll It is trnticipated thot the meering r,vill be held at a major stutly nrilcrstone. 'l"he I\,{P0 staffrvill be responsihle fbr all adrrertising associated with the meeting, securing & mceting localinn, ond conclucting the meeting" The CONSULTANT shall attenct the rneetirtg, prepnrs all n*cessary displavs, ltl&p$! stc., and actively pnrticipate in any pre$entation and in the meeting, Up to 7 meetings {us a.nticipated, rvl"rich include the tblloiving. l. Revierv reallocated Slj data - I TAC arrd I CAC meeting. ?. Review recontmettcled rnodificntions to the 2040 Needs Assessment a*d the 2040 Cost Fersible Plan - I 'fAC ond I CAC meetins, 3. PuLrlic mcctirrg - I rneeting. 4. Review Plan tJpdate recomnrendations rvith MP0 Board * I IV{PO Boord nreeting. 5. Adopt Amentlnrent to 20.10 I,RTP plan - | MPO Board mceting. t() I '/t trji,l 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 649 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the Tlrr: meeli:rgs will be properly adverrised &s part ofl the regularly sc,heduled rneetings. The Anrsndment to 20d0 LRTI) plan adoption rvill be prcperly advertised with an apprcipriate comment period, response perind and adoption, The CONSULT'ANT w'ill keep sllnlmary documcntation of the input recsivud and overall results of all pr.rblic nt$ctings, Task 3: Socioecononrir l)ilta Update The purpose oflthis task is to re-allocate socioeconomic data rvithin Collicr County to reflect the increases in population and crnployment associated rvith the Rural Lands West SRA, Ibr use in ths 2040 LIITP Amendmsnf to 20,10 LRTP, Task 3.t: Socioeconomic Dnfa/Land Use Scenario Update 'fhe CONSTJI-'['ANT rvill obtairr the development program and socio-eL:onomic data associated w'ith RI".W, as included iri the flural [.ands West SRA. ]'he dcvelopnrent program nnd parameters rvill be conr,erted ta appreipriate SE factors suitable for travel modeling purposes and organizetl by TAZ to accurately ond appropriately' reflect lf.LW. 'l'he COr.\SUL'l'ANl' rvill develop a methodology and ge,ncral parameters and guidelines tbr reallocating the Sts clata lionr other areas in the County to the RI"W area. "l'he general methodology and guidelines ivill be revierved rvith the Ml'O stafl'. Using dnta developed during the preparation o{'the Rursl l"trrds West SRA md as assigned to RI"W TA7-s, along r.vith the methodology nnd guiclelines estohlished above, a reallocotion of the socioeconomic clata used in the sunent 2040 LRTP rvill bs perli:rmcd by the CONSL"TLTANT. The County-rvide population nnd er:rploynrent projections used in the current 2040 LRTP shall be used as a control total. The reallocation will incorporate the proposed Rural Lands West SI{A drvelling units. non- residential square fbotage, population and emplo"vnrcnt data into the model zonal dala and into a number oI'ral"fic analysis zone$ representing R*ral Lands West $I{A, rv}rich rvill be reallocated trom other tratlic analy'sis zones rvithin Collicr fiounty" Reallocation of this data is anticipated to be perfonned through an iteralive process rvith the MI'0 statfl Task 3.2: Finalizr $ocioecononric Datn 'l'he CONSULTAN'| rvill finalize the reallocated SH clata and will present the methodology and results to the 'l'AC and CAC fbr revierv emd concurrence. Adjirstrnents, if any, "l'ill tre nracle based on those mcftings. T'he reallocated S[:i data rvill be firralized bssed on the lvlP0 direction, II { ;;..' i \-\ _. -j Deliverables: 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 650 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the . Reallocated SE Data bv'l'AZ. Meetingsl 'MPO stall TRC and CAC meetings, Tnsk dr Needn Assessment Update 'l'he purpose of this task is to re-evaluate the Needs Assessment plan component ol'the currenlly adopted 2040 LRTP using the updated higlrway n*trvork demands modeled reflective of the re- allocated SE dota. The focus of the re-cvaluation rvill be the changed needs identified in the vicinity ol'thc Rural Lands West SRA, [:or purposes of this study, thc vicinity ol'thc Rural Lands West SRA is mear:t te be uenerally the area withirr wlticl: the ?040 SE data tvas reallocated. Any nerv highrvay projects identified in the study area during the analysis will be used as a basis to dev*lop updates to the 2040 Cost Feasible Plan. Tssk 4.1: Nceds Assessmcnt Travel Demund Modtling The CONSUI-TAN"| will revierv the'l"AZ stnrcture fbr I{LW und the centr<lid c"onnectors end make appropriate adjustmenls to facilitate the travel nrodeling runs. T.he COITISUL"TANT will also rc'view the existing and cornmitted roadway base network and Needs Assessment roadw*y netwark and identity and nrake appropriate adjustments to accurately rcflect ItLW. Using the current M['O travel tnodel (that rvas used t'or the ?040 LRTP) and the re-allocated SE data fiorn '['ask 3, the C]ONSULI'AN'I shall perlbrm nn updated test eif the Needs Assesstnent componsnt of the currently adopted 20r*0 L"RTP firr the Year ?040. 'fhe fbrecasted travel cJe'nrancl on corridors rvithin the general study area rvill be ret'ier.l'ed. "fhe CONSUI-TANI' ivill identify adjustments to the sorridors hased otr the travel model run using the cLlnent Necds Assessment plnn. A model run shall be perfbrrned for 2040 to test the adjustments. Thc modcl run rvill be revierved and a$scs$ed by nnalyzing volunre to capacity ratio output ftom tlie traveldemand rrrodel run and identifying necded capacity improvements, il'any, 'fhe CONIiUL'|,,\N'| shall pr:ovide all model llles associalecl rvith this task to the FDOT District One h{odel Cclordinntor for revierv and concurrence . Tnsk 4,2: Needs Assessment Updstc The CONSULTANT shall prepore an update eif the Needs Asse*sment cornponent of the LRTP for roadrvays *,ithin the gensral study arstr. Roadlvay needs r'vill be iderrtilied in response to capacity de{iciencies identified in Task 4"L *' ,r',1 \i ,.';' .r{-'1...." 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 651 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the 'fhe Nceds Assessment update will include raadrvay fncilities that can provide irnproved Levels of Service (l.OS) by the year ?040 rellectiv$ oll the re-allocation of the SR data. Consideration will be given to *dding capacitl" direstly to deficient tacilities or [o new nr cxisting parallel tacilities. Trsk 4.3: Needs Assessment Revierv Th* CONSULTAN"| will finalize the recommended moditicatians to the Needs Assessntent plan and will rcview results with the MPO stafl. Deliverables: . Results 01'Needs Assessment network model runs, 'Recommended changes to the Nqeds Assessment map(s) and table(s)" Meetings: . MPO stnfTmeetings. Tlsk 5; Cost Fe*siblc Plsn Uprlate The purpose ol'this task is trl re-evaluat€ the Cost l'easibls Plan component of the surrently adopted 2040 LRTP. The recommended Needs Assessment plan as rccontmeuded in Task 4 rvill be the staning point in the upclate r:f the Clost Feasible Plan netrvork, The focus of the re- evaluation n'ill be the changes identil'ie-d in the vicinity of the Rural Lands West SRA. For pLlrposes of this study, tlre vicinity of the Itural Lands West SRA is meant to bc generully the area within rvhich the ?040 SH data was reallocated, Modificatitrns to the roadrvay prdects in the cuffent 3040 LRTP Cast Feasible PIan rvill be evaluated in ordcr to establish a revised Cost Feasible highrvny network. 'l-his is to be dane by identilving rssomn:ended changes to tlre cumuntly adopted Cost Feasible Plan, testing those changes and comparing the perf'onuance to that of'thc currently aclopted Cost F'easible PIan, preparing cost estimates associated rvith the recornn:ertded clranges, and comparing the updated costs to the revenue forecasts established in the cumently adonted 2040 LI{TP. T*sk 5. t: Cost Feasible Plan Trnve I De mnnrl wtu**f ing 'fhe CONSUL'|ArrNT shrll perfbrm a tesf ol'lhe currEnt C]ost F'easible Plan lbr the Year 2040 using the current travel nrodel arrd the re-allocated SE data J'ronr Task 3. .l'lre travel model run shall be pertbrmed f'or ?040 to &ssess how the cuffent Cost f'easible Plan pertbrms with thE re- alk:cated SII data. "fhe perl'ormance of the current Cost Feasible Plan u'ith the re'allocated Sll data will be revierved and cnnrpared to the perlcrnrance rvithout the re-allocalion. Ilasec'l on lhs results o1'Neecls Assessmcnt testing of Task 4 above nnd thc Cost Feasihrle testing, the CONSUI-TANT rvill identify ch;rnges to the currently aclopted Cost F:easible Plan. Th<lse changes may be additional capucity improvenrent$ or reduction in capacity improvements. ,,, - T.! I ..')'1 \-:-*"- I] 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 652 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the The CONSL.ILTAN'| rvill test the reconrmended changes to the Cost Feasible Plan fbr the Year ?040 using the cunent trav*l nrodel nnd the re-allocated SE dsta, "J"he fravel nroclel run shall be perfbrmcd fbr ?040 lo assess horv thc Cost Feasible Plan performs with the re-allocated SE data and reconrmcnded nclwork changes. The pertbrmance of the modified Cost Feasible Plan will be reviewed and compared to the perfbrmance of the curently adopted Cost Iieasible Plan rvithout the altemutive improvements. 'fhe reviervs and comparisons ars to be done by reviewing and analyzing volurne to capecity ralio output liorn the travel demand model runs anrl identifying the eLlectiveness of'altematives. This task shall establish the rcvised roadway / highrvay network of the Cost Feasibte Plan. 'fhe CONSUL'|ANT shall provide all model files associated with this task to the FDOT District One Model Coordinator fcr review and concurrence. Task 5.2: Do'elop Cost Estimates / Revenues l"he CONSUI-TAN"| rvill develop cost estimates fbr any new improven'rents identified in Task 5.1, inclucling ne\r or expanded I'acilities on the rnodified network of tlre Cost Feasible Plan. The cost estimating mcthodology and r"rnit costs used in the currently ndoptecl LRI'P vr'ill be used to the maxinrum extent possible in preparing the cost estimates. Updated or new cost estimates will not be prepared for improvements that do not change from the currently adopted Cost lreasible Plan. The originnl c<lsts will be used, Only the altemative or new improvements recommended as a rEsult ol'this study lvill be costed" The CONSIJT TANT will summarize the existing and projected av&ilablc rsvsnues used in the currenlly adopted LRI'P. T'he existing and proiected available revenues rvill be compared to the updated costs to determine ra'hich alternative project(s) cnn be considered tbr retention or inclusion in the Cost Feasible Plan. Tmk 5.3: Cost Feasiblc Flan Updatc Bosed on the results of Task 5.'l and 5.2 above, the CONSULTANT will prepare rhe resommcnded Cost Feasible Plan Update, including a summary of the changes lo the currently adopted Cost Feasihle Plan, updated cost estimates, and a comparison of the updated costs to established re\renues, 'l'he results r.vill be revierved with the lv{PO staff. Task 5"d: Cost Feasihle Plsn Review The CONSULTANT will finalize the r"ecommended modifications to the Cost Feasible Plan and pfesent the results to theTAC and Cr\C ftrr review and concurrence. 'Ihe Clost Feasible Plan. along with the prelirlinary drafi ol'the 2040 LRTP Amendment to 2040 LRI"P, '*'ill be presented to the MPO lloard fbr review nnd concurrence, ffi) 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 653 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the Deliverables: . Results of Cost Fessible netrvork model runs. ' Recommended changes to rhe cost f:casible plan map(s) ancr tahle(s).. Drafl2040 LRTP Anrendment to ?040 LR"l'p reporr.. Support nrnrerials lbr meetings. Meetings: . MpO stafl','l'AC and CAC meerings, . MPO Soarcl meeting ( l) T$sk 6; Plan Acloption / Documentation Following the MPO Rerard's review nnd enclorsement of the recommended Cost Feasible Plan and preliminary draft 2040 I"RTP Amendment ro ?040I-,RTP, thr: COi'SUL,TAN'| will prepare a final recommended trpdated list ol'Cost Feasible 2040 I",Rl'p prnjects and t5c final draft of the 2040 LRTP Amendmcnt to 2040 LRTP docunrenr. 'l'he CONStJLl'ANl' *'ill present the {irial recomnrencled gp<lated list of Cost Feasible 2040 LITTP prnjects and tire linal 204t) LI{,TP Amendment to 2040 LRTP docunrent to the MpO Botrrd lbr adoption by the Rr:ard. fhe 20rt0 LRTP Amenclnreut to ?0110 LR:I"P cJocurnent will be finaliz-ed once adopred b-y the MpO Beiard. The 2040 LRTI'Anrendment to 2040 LRTP rvill have three (3) m.rjor c\)rxponenrs: 'An update of'thc 2040 I.liTp's adopted socioeconornic larrd use scenario,. An updated list uf corridor needs. . An updated list cost l'easible prcrjects. CONSULI'ANT ri'ill firlly documcnt all the planning nctivities lar ench componcnt, clescribing the plan developn:er1t prcces$. and the iinal content. recommendations and conclusions in a F'inal Rcport. Deliverables: . Final recommcnded co.sr feasible projects list.' Y*p(.) and tnble(s) identifiing adoptecr cosr feasible projects by roadr,vay.. Final 2fJ40 I-RTP,Amendmennc 2040 I"RTP ducunrent. Meetings: . IVIPO Borrd Meering (l) This scope is sutrject to change upon scluction of ri triinsportotion planning Iirrn. It is intended t<: provide a guideline lbr procurement pulposes hut the finn hirecl to prodirce the Amendment to 2040 I.RI'P is considered to be" the subject m&tter expert and, as such, may suggest furlher revisons to the scrpe" l ,l'r t5 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 654 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the Note: MPO stafl' has recently received guidance regarding Federal Highway (*FHWA') Ferfbnnance Measures implementation requirements. FITWA requires that any IRTP that is amended between May ??, ?018 and May 19,2019 address Safety Measurss, Freight Plan, and Asset Management Flan perfbrmance measures. This requirement is not only for the updated projects/secticns but for the entire LRTP. Ths Consultant will be tasked rvith exercising best ef-fbrfs to ensure that ths amendment is adoptcd no later than the May 2018 MPO Board meeting; otherwise the Scope of Services for the Amendment to 2040 LRTP rvill be required to include the new performance mea$ures. fi-') \4."/ 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 655 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the EXHIBTT B I\{PO 2040 LRTI| Amendment to 2040 LRTP Tindnle Olivcr Pronosnl for Amendment to the 2040 LRTP 6\t6/ t7 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 656 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the iR*sSdi{a* Flan*{$E O{&r1ii&tisi Collier MPO General Plenning Services contract !6-5562 Pf,IHARY COI{TACTT Welty Blain,A|CF FroJeffrUaroger Tindale Oliver 11.30 Creekside Fkwy illlr?26 Naples, FL 34118 {239} 298-8007 wblain@tindaleoliver.com PNOJECT MANAGENT TEAU: Robert Cursey, AICF Princlpol-in-Cfiargn (8r.3) 224-886? rcursey@tindaleoliver.com Stevc Tindrle, P.f,, AICP Q{rdffty "Assuruff€-Control(8r3)?2+8862 sti ndale@tindaleoliver.com TAELE OF COT.ITEHTS: Prinrary Contact.........."............ 1 Approach and UnderstandIng................"..,..... 2 Knowledge and Expertise ...........5 Cnst Proposat...-,...................... 7 Schedule ....................".,......".,.. T {"*lli*'r kqf}d} &sw*g.t r"* m'ls ut* t* t Br e k#4* {-**"rg Rx*g* Ynmrxsp*nt*t&q}$"} ff{mn October4,2Ol7 Ms. Brenda Brilhart, CPPB, Procurement Specialist Coltier Cou nty Governfi ent Procurement 5ervices 3295 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 RE: R€quest for Letter of Proposal for Arnendment to the 2040 LRTp Dear Ms. Brilhartr Tindale Otiver is pleased to re:pond ta your request for letter of ptoposal. Tindale Oliver is a transportation planning firm committed to using greater insights to produce greater outcom6s. Denronstrated through this response is our commitment to meeting the tight schedule of having this LRTP amendment pres€nt€d to the MPO Board for consideration ahead of the May 27,2018 Federal deadline for implementation of perforrnance measures. Since 1989, Tindale Oliver has provided industry-leading transportation, cornmunity planning and design, transit, and finance solutions to public sector clients throughout the United States. Our extensive experience has led to a nationat reputation for exceptional service and insighdut, actionable sotutions. For this project, Iindale Oliver offers three key differentiators to the MPO: 1) Sperirlists in Mstropolitrn Flanning - We have tracked transpofiation legislation from |STM in l99t to the FAST Act in 2015, so we know and understand MPO processes and requirements and have customized our epproaches over time to respond to legislative requirements. More important, we customize our approaches to address local goals and priorities while meeting these requirements. 2) LedtheCollterMasterlrlobilityPlanthatofferedS0opportunitiesforpublicinput,identifiedE planning areas with unique character, and ultimat€ly recommended tustomized strategies for reducing vehicle miles of travel within each of these planning areas, 3) Ourcommitmenttoourctientsisthatwewillnotworkfortheprivatedevelopmentcommunity, eliminating atl possible conflicts of interest. Tindale Oliver's approach is to maintain a 100q6 roflnnltment ta our public sector businesr. The Tindate Otiver Team of{ers outcomesn insight, and a commitment to meet the needs and expectations of the MPO. We thank you lor this opportunig to introduce more of our capabilities and expertise and look forward to continuing our service to the I'lP0 ancl Collier County through this planning effort. Sincerely, Wally Btain, AICP . ; " tt:/ Robert Cursey, AICP cOtilrR r.lpo I 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 657 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the JS4$ lrrrls Sorige lrlailsp#r$8f is& FJsil "Afi etrl{tru*n{ :::tllrJ si r: F JONII'1ti |i{AP /{p:pr*;*r; h / !"J mc} s:y*tm F}* i r} LI {J*e$*rxf*ndf*g Under the federal transportation planning r€quirements, the MPO is responsible for developing a comprehensive, continuous, and coordinated Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTPi. Updated on a S-year cycle, the Collier MFO last adopted their LRTp in December ?015 with a planning horizon of 2040. Subsequent arnendments to the 2040 LRTP occurred in September and October ?016. Developed {ocally, the Rural Land Stewardship Area {RLSA) Ovrrlay Program has been enacted through the Cotlier County Land Development Code in an effort to encourage smart growth pattern development in areas designated under the Growth Management plan (GMp) with a rural land use in the northeastern portion of Cotlier County. Created as the Big Cypress Stewardship District within the RLSA, the MPO is now seeking a scenario based evaluation of the 2040 LRTp under a proposed build-out of the now titted 4,000 acre Rural Lands West (RLW) comrnunity. Under the RLSA program, areas identified as Stewardship Receiving Areas can receive more dense and inteflse land uses so long as there is sufficient developrnent entitlements transterred from Stewardshi p Send ing Areas. ZoninE msp estoblishing the Big Cypress Stewo,lds hip Areo in IOA3 t)/e!/:i);.\iriil*4/iii.i.: giltLtEflMFOf r;'r r:'.:.i::: ,it jJ ): ,i::,: .j In addition to our understanding of the MpO's requirements for conducting an LRTP amendment and the County's RLSA pfogram, there are concerns identified in detail below. ConcArns; r f,ollier Couflty is in the process of evatuating the rurrent and appropriate mix of uses through four ptanning area re-studies to ensure that the growth management goals are being met. While this evaluation is not complete, we are concerned that the analysis conducted for the LRTP plan amendment coutd dilute or otherwise unduly affcct the outcome of a restudy of the RLSA. Tindale O[iver has been assisting CollierCounty by conducting an assessment of the impacts mixed-use deve{opment could have on travel dernand based on the mix of residential and non-residential uses. r Not being a regulatory document, our concern is that this LRTP amendment and analysis could be used asjustification to subvert requirements of the RLSA and GMF at a future time when land usB amerdment approvals or decisions would be made regarding Rural Lends West. r The abitig to identifu adequate entitlements frorn Stewardshrip SendingAreas in orderto increase the 2040 estimates of population and employment within the RuraI Lands West Stewardship Receiving Area is concerning. Finding sufficient f uture growth to reallocate to the RLW study area will be a criticsl coordination activity forthis LRTP amendment. r Meetingthe scheduled deadline of May 2018 given the amount of coordination reguired with Collier MPO, Cotlier County Planning, and the Florida Oepartment of Transportation results in an extremely tight schedule. lindslemGliuer ,'*Fi 't 'r i:"i I i{ , j l TOCATION MAF 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 658 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the SSd$ p i *eW 1.i?"ir{ii'irlii r!//4tt\*N.tllt!,14r1/.r'/4fffi/j/,:,.:t./rdn@ (SLLIIR elP& | ',, ;, $!iq::l: * *l$ fi +ir"Nlll* f,ll;"d* { .;rt:j f}{}'}q1: f i $fi s$r}r l#f d{.,rJ ilgrgr **r$* l* S*rpe cf *\*ri-uire s a l'l: i , , . As described in the schedule portion of thls submittal, a quick selection and issuance of notice to proceed to the selected csnsultant provides the opportunity for the Kick-off meeting to occur on or prior to October 3lst. Having a guick stat to this analysis and coordination wilt help with rnaintaining the schedute and meeting the €xpected deadline. Managing this task for Tindale Otiver, Wally Btain wilI be available to the MpO for in-person meetings identified in the subsequent tasks. Having worked for the Hillsborough Mp0 and as a consultant project manager for Mpo's across Florida, Wally is familiar with the expectations for developing an LRTp amendment schedule from a technical and public involvement perspective. During his employ at the Hi[sborough Mp0 he conducted the analysis and presentations of a controversial arnendrnent to th€ 2035 LRTp {or the widening of Lithia pinecres! Road. HIs experience will ba of great vatue to the Collier MPO in maintaining the project schedule and performing technical analysis of this amendment. Consistent with the scope of services submitted with the request for letter of proposal, our approach to the public involvernent portion of the amendment includes meetings with the MpO Board and advisory csmmittees and one public meeting for review of the amendment. In developing the required public Invofvement Plan for the LRTP amendment, Tindale Otiver will make specific note of anticipated meeting dates, detivery of agenda materia{s, and the 2f -day requirernent for pubticty noticing the MpO's Board Action. Acknowledging these times and deadlines initiatly in this study process will aid in maintaining a project schedute. Conducting the Kick-off meeting in October, as described in Task 1, witlallow time for the Pubtic Invotvernent plan to be rnade available to the public early in November. A key cornponent to reallocatlng the 2040 populatlon and employm€nt forecasts r4/ithin Cofiier County for this arnendment wiil be a coordinated review of the Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) which contain the RLW study area as welt as the locations of potential Stewardship Sending Areas. Maintaining future year control totals for countywide population and employment witt require identifying potential areas for growth that would no longer be expected to occur by ?0a0. Coordination activities during this task must include staff from the County's Comprehensive Planning Section and would likely occur around the hotiday season at the end of this year. The ability to conduct these meetings during a season often filled with vacations will require a strong commitment by all parties. This task calls for the development of methodology guidelines for reallocation of poputation and employment estimates. Dependent on issuance of the notice to proceed, the methodotogy will be developed and reviewed with County and MP0 staff in November. This wilt allow the reallocation of the 2040 estimates to occur during December and ready for review by the TAC and CAC at their January meeting. understonding the grorvfh c/reody ossume d within the TAZs which conrprrse tlre RllrVstudyoreo fo r the 2M0 LRT1 wlll determine the fiel ofioun{ a/socioeconpmic dofo needed fo re allocote. SS{S -A$dltiuns} Sw*lI*ftS {"Ir}its s ff$:ffi ! , t$ nirll r*, *:c N ts, ':*so TindaleHq0liver 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 659 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the *#'t0 l.#rlgf frn*g*r /.rcnsBsrtstf** F;fqln 4fllcn#ment Carrying out the reallocation of the Z0*O estimates will require an understanding of the growth that was already assumed with the TAZs which comprise the RLW study area to determine the net amount of population and employment ot reallocate. ln cornpleting this task, it is assumed that the estirnates pmvide for the RLW build-out will be in a format compatible with the forecasts of population and employrnent in the District I Regional Planning Model, Tfris task does npt include the conversion of dwelling unit information to population or square footage of non-resldential uses to employment for use in the Regional Planning Msdel" Tindale Oliver has actively used the FDOT District I Regional Planning Model recently for transportation studies and analyses in support of Sarasota County and Collier Cor.lnty. This translates into an immediate ability to begin assessing the conditions of the .tr040 socloeconomic data used for the LRTp. ln order to evaluate the effect of this amendment, Tindale Oliver proposes including a task to assess any changes that have occurred through the Capitat lmprov€ment Program since the adoption of the 2040 LRTP. This review will aid in identifying any potentlal network revisions needed for the travel demand analysis. Following a review of ttre SEOATA reatlocation methodology by the TAC and CAC, changes to the socioeconomic data wifi be made and tssted against the current ?040 Needs AssessmenL This evaluation witl identiff areas where previously identified proj€cts would no longer be warranted and where new needs may arise. Analyred during the end of January and February, this task includes additional review and coordinatisn meetings with FDOT, MPO, and County Staff. Finatizing the identification of capacity projects identified for the Needs Assessment rr,rill be presented back to the MPO and CountrT Staff during a coordination m€eting at the end of February which is anticipated to coincidervlth the review rfleeting budgeted in Task 5. Early coordination with FDOT is needed in Task S in order to adequatety prepare for the developme nt of project costs associated with this amendment in Yearof Expenditure {YOE) format. Coordination with FDOT will ensr.lre that appropriate inflation factors are used in converting present day costs of projects into the YOE format for consistency with the existing projects in the Cost Feasible Plan. Tindale Oliver's past experience in supporting the MPO and Collier County provides uswith an exceptional understandlng of the availab[e revenues and has given us experience using the FDOT District I Cosling Too[ during the developrnent of th€ 2040 LRTP and the 2035 LRTP minor-update conducted in 2012. Conducting the review of this plan amendment to evaluate the cost feasibte projects wili foltow a similar format to the Needs Assessment evaluation in Task 4 Coordination with MPO and County staffon any adjustments to the list of cost feasible projects witl be required as will coordination with FDOT on the application of the travel demand model. Uti lizin g the FDOT Efficient Transportation Deti$ion Making {ETDM} process is not contemplated as part of this scope of services. As the ares surrounding the RLW study area do€s not include any roadways on the State Highway System it is not a requirement. However, given tfre sensitive nature of the environment, protected habitats, and other socio-cultural resources, it is recommended that the MPO consider future screening of any cost feasible project recommendations prior to those project progressing into a design or engineering phase. I :t' i i" 1., i:: ! r * ;iX I I t, !: lt t3 t t .i ;J i,:: i i ;I t: : I i iJ !. i it :, Documentation of the Plan amendment will consist of developing an Amendment 5ummary Report. This report will be used to provide information to the publir during the Pubtic Meeting (listed under.Task 2) and will be updated based on input received through the MPO Board, TAC and CAC review to becorne the public review document during the 21-day public notice period. Following action by the MPO Baard, the Amendment Sumrnary Report wlll be finalired and provided to the MPO for distribution. The Afiendment Sumrnary Report will includ€ the cost feasible, needs assessment re\risions, and changes to the socioeconomic data resulting frcm this plan amendment" All items inctuded will be in map and tabular formats. Tirdalex;Oliver !vslr,trmd*14*[;rrr,rf {n ,4;;\ t r* |\' i)l {:a{,il€R NF0 i :1)' 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 660 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the ,?$-f S tsr;$t R#rlS* Frs*$F$rt{?fipri Ffrn ttmerxdmsnf Km*:*v t*dg* ;$r'h{t ils psrti$e &sfufe*f S"vperirnre Since incorporation in t989, Tindale Oliver has supported MPO's in Florida with all aspects of retated to the development and maintenance ofthe LRTP. Recently complete LRTP activities are shown in the below table alongwith selected projects which included application of the FDOT District 1 Regional Planning Model. As shown on the map to the right, Tindale Oliver has participated in the development of 25+ LRTPs in Flcrida" Work includes alt components of plan development, including socio-economic data development, scenario testi ng travel demand modeling, needs plan development, fi nancia I resource development, and public outreach. F{Slrl{srnry Y}t}1{i ,tt[]jkr]il:]L3lrif t t]+ 4 i;,}hlB.; trNsltvilfir: R.{t{wsii lisrdr Rg}*ri1tt?!t! F t 4 {/"4'ntt ldsi , }j teS*.(qr^rt &tfit;.t Tindale Oliver Flodda LRTP Experience Ilr$jrrf &{$#$Srd}lrr}f fr*m S S*y $f*ff Seruing as the Project Manager for the LRTP Amendment, Walty Blain maintains a work schedule where he is primarily in Collier County and travels to Tampa one day a week. This witl allow him to be on-site with MP0 and County staff for the coordination activities associated with this amendrnent while also directly interfacing with th€ key st0f{ and memberg of the project management team. The Project Managem€nt Team for this task also includes Rob Cursey serving as the Principal-in- Charge and Steve Tindale for Quatig Assurance/ Quality Control. Additionally, Steve lnfanti has been identified as a key rnember of the Tinda le Oliverteam based on his experience with LRTP activities and use of the FDGT District I Regional Plannlng Model. {{li)t iNNrrrrrj,rtril tlri*iu;*sr !t(?r ll'?.rl$ar*i Vik\Rst li ?n trJr:9jtt.1firi) 5!sd? ) tr*.S,f r.r Hm tl lrltrrpinlfuljtrrli, t, h*t a-slft'l lit6lJ t$$rs Ris {vurtyUNr{) t) Pdl* hsiir RiYrt r tqcs$'t HtS lll Collier MPO ?t!40 LRTP Financial Resurces (2014/15) C.ollier County LWan Boulsrard bctension (2017) Hemando/Ci$us MPO LRTP {2014/15) Ocala/Marion CCI. TPO 2040 rRTp (?015116) Pam Co. MPO MOBILITY z(HO Transporbtion Plan (2014/15) Pine{las Co. MPO Pinellas Transportation Plan (2014/ 15) Sarasota CounW Thoroughfr re Plan Amendment (e016) St. Lucie TPO Go204CI LRTP (?015/16) TindalexOliver tif1d;l{**ii$si,c*r$ /i-1 \ A"tI \ ',: -r\* -;.' {atuE$r ,qFs I 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 661 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the technical skilts in travel demand rnodeting GlS, data analysis, and an understanding of the ptanning process, he is an integral part of the Multimodal Planning team that provides support for metropolitan and lon g-ran ge comprehensive planning. He possesses a cornprehensive u nderstandin g of federat metropolitan planning regulations and the Florido MPO Hondbook . Working for lO-years as staff for the Hitlsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization, Wally was the project ma nager for developing the Transportation lmprovement Program and led multiple tasks of several Long Range Transportation Flan updates, l'le also hss considerabte experience rnakin g presentations to committees and elected officials on controversial and difficult projects regarding the need for transponation improvements balanced with community desires expressed in communi$ and comprehensive plans. Recen t Pfoj€ct Expen'encel Ocala/Marion TPO 2040 LRTP Update {2015* 20r6) Collier MPO 2040 LRTP Financial Resources {2014-2015) Pasco County MPO 2040 LRTP (2034*2015) ffis&*r[ fursey, 4IfS f?*{er Frirrclpcll rn- { lt *rg* ).r: : l Rob leads Tindale Oliver's Multimodal Planning team and has served as Project Manager, Pr:incipal-in-Charge, or Task Leader on numerous assignments with MPOs, FDOT, and local governments. Throughout his professional consulting care€r, he has been responsible for rnanaging and providing technical support for transportation plann i ng projects, including alt modes of travel, wlth expertise including all asp€cts of public sector planning {primarily long-range transportation planning), sub-area studies, corridor studies, travel dernand modeli n g, and roadway characteristics inventory. coH-tER |.rPil i ,r" r"| 1iill i:lli).i it ,rt:t ,{.t-11{l JS,*.S Iong ff*rr6* Irc*ty.r$rf#fiofi F}r** rt*r*nrJn**nf lsoify $l*in, dlfF S*{*; Fr*j*rt &*rntvger Watly has far-reaching experience in longrange multimodal planning. Building on solid Recent Project Erperiente: r Pasco County MFO Corridor Freseruation t lpdate-Buitd-out Ana lysis (2016-20f 7i r Ocala/Marion TPO 2040 LRTP Update (?015- 20r"6) r Sarasota CountyThoroughfare Plan Amendment-North/South Roadway'B' (?016) $t*ve lirds{r:r, P,S'., $ftF troia; S,4-Q{ Steve's prirnary expertise is in planning, designing, and managing major transportatlon stud ies and public facitity projects. His ext€nsive mu nicipaI experience enables him to provide global guidance and quatity control to the transportation engineering and planning projects in which Tindate Oliver specialiees for cities, counties, and transit systems throughout Florida. Other areas of expertise inctude impact fee studies, deve loping transportation plans, land use trip characteristic studies, trafiic and parking studies, comrnuni\r development systems, comprehensive plans, public facilities ptanning capital budgeting, municipat fina nce, transportation planning and engineering, and project implementation. $t*v* /rf*nfi..$j{F Jf*J*; Sfpr$siing Ix;rs& l**$*r Stevf is a certified planning professional with experience in transportation planning and GIS applications lncluding travel demend modeling using Cube Voyager models and mapping geodatabase design and geospatiol analysis using ESRI ArcGlS. He has conducted numeroustraffic impact studies, general traffic analysis, freight corridor screenings, crash data analysis and other similar projects. Fs{€nt Proj€ct E x peri e nce t c Collier County Tree Farm Road Engineering Certification (2017) e Sarasota County Thoroughfare Plan Amendment*North/South Roadway'B' (20161 r St. Lucie TPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan {?015) . City of Sarasota Boulevard Sarassta Traffic lmpact Analysis (20f7) findalexOliver 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 662 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the Jil40 i ong ffr:trgt Fr rrrrspsr{sfi{3r} Sl'grt r{rnend*rext HYa1".rla4$;nfl $4ltlill'iiffi:: cfiLLrER Mps | . il*$f FF#,[]##fii Tindale Otive/s cost proposal for this assignment includes a task level budget ofhours by labor category and rate as agreed to in the General Flanning Consultant Services Contract. The tstal budget is $78,g90 and is inclusive of expenses related to the production of materials for the Public Meeting identified in Task 2 and travel retated expenses for meeting attendance. The detailed cost estimate is included on the fotlowing page. Sc*r*#ir*s Consistent with the MPO's desire to have this LRTP amendment adopted prior to the May ??, 2G18 federat deadtine for incorporatian of the requi red performa nce m easu res, Tindate Oliver has developed a schedule that has this amendment presented to the MpO Board for adoption on May 11,2018. This assumes the MpO will adopt a meeting catendar for 20lB that continHes the current practice af ho{ding board meetlngs on the second Frid*y of the month. As outlined in the Approach section of this submittal, client coordination meetlngs have been identified in the schedule that are critical to maintaining the project timeline. Since the date of the Public Meeting is yet to be deterrnined, it was estimated on the schedule that this would occur during the time of the MP0 Board and TAC/ CAC review of the LRTP Amendment. An additionalconsideratisn in the schedule is the reguired 2t-day Public Notice included in the MPO's Public Participation Plan. Alltask deliverablerwould be completed in finatdraft forrn priorto the 2l"day floticing requirement and made available for public review. AdditionaI key considerations for timing: A quick decision and selection of consultant with notice to proceed will allow for a project kick-off to occur on or prior to October 3lst. TAC and CAC not meeting in December will altow sufficient time for the initial analysls and preparation for the first presentations to occur in January 2018.. A commitment from MPO and County Stafffsr monthly, and in some cases bl-weekly, meetings will ensure the task stays on schedule. 2l-day public notice prior to MPO action on May 11, 20L8 is Aprit ?0, 2018. A detaited project schedule has been prepared and is inctuded foltowing the cost estlmate. w pr. !r/ , t; xd;,l ill s iiv*{. i r}nl i ": i 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 663 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the :*.S$ { e$$ #*nEe lr*xs1}srt${ie$ Ffdr$ $lm*r}drfi*nf Cost tstimnte T$l **r.fiptisn tr l- *; lord tlsilr!Erlp*ni**qorl [qt|l es*t Tal I tt It t I $E i ${830 $!5d i 35.086 t,.PrC{{:r r( sr.VFaing )J J? 9J,{)80 5150 s,!.t.ts \-'h6ja{t s{Frdr${6 5{50 90 5tsu l ll Ii t.r i 13 \"fsirii p'li!{ !,rr)i{*frf.{ Fl,t}t i ,,i ev,aa t€*8 N* tslt fe}li[k dith lgl n/d ilAC i to:rI9j l! si ,.. .---.J a *17"ffi 5 l,li rt) :131" s't. t ?0 - $tto"_ .1.. iltffq- st) 51.Ir $t srl j tr":r,:-".;;--;;; ;,4 iF*d{m r&l Hsd F${x [*{*iin$ ttri't* I il ii i$trq$[yf,rI rtc$srlw]J}l;tr iit'r r"Slt B$.rrd itrr*nt L{ I } t@elwfrt t n f,{9c) Sd*{{i t$r S*li*io* 8)59,S40 s250 <o ?dr 1.5 ?.n ,t;i & 5t.500 t*"- r -*.... i s I s1,rs0 St"dl $ I,r'\i,-' 5l S4 I 5l,t'50 'rsthj :' *sfler$p$fi',rts.8_rrr-{pC.$!,*_ . - .,"**. .J.. ._--q:_Jq'::::::':l::1"'lY:'Yi:;t"n"-'" I )) 't - -' "-"t Findiir*5$tj$csNnia Fd{d I ilt "{ Hi ul llr I 6r!"iio s0 | SILESS 4i Idi Jr) Sl,i. lllt)" '; l-;;";; 5d tri, )tr$ !,1 *j $0 j s$,is$ N$f; r'i{ i}lqtrs(crt Tf+!*i l)ffrinr(J fg$rJf; lirig rti Ii s0 ltD.fin$ s{r } t*,*to:ii "T--t"' si ,rto ' S.r,il0tl.1','i''' I :i: i il,i'lt)!5r1 51.11\i I*rk 5 C6t fmrbtl€ Ptrn Usdfit 71 e,l {s:$si *{ lrl i $lg,*so 30 $rqi& a1l leiTrSl* gir Trn?fl llefn*r{rhlcdp}i:{2c' :si i sr . s;.oro 50 57,910 li 1 1,4 $$t+l$s {st *d}srt€r / lltryrinrx r I pri tf rrlSe I'tr$ iJft,ilt1 [s.5] $${rltsi8 $,lsn heries 'l " J! lr *l s4 I 50,roo l" .l 5i:'* 5l) Sir.t'{s} ls{l i $t$r0*l ,, t*, 5il.r)'t{l i sr,oxtJI; ):$$,"q $h* !-den!*,{.preru}!!qsn........-.* ..".... _.*" 6 f JFr*p*rq Aibs** }!{rrury {*t*rt tar F$h;:r HNi *r -------f----- t")iii {)i j'r.t0.{J 5A 5,1.1tj0 frf*a$! {slts$$lRnr ts h{FO S*nrd to{ &deFt$$ ilsse 1.fi} I', ;IJ $s 50 s0 6.1 rif!$f irnst lqfF *neildrr*nt R{F$rt I ,;l ,I r+ slr4o 5$ 52.t.i0 :.:l.t -*r.- ..1:ll l$0 tlil uo $R $l$,;90 s?00 I {/8q$fi t 'l^, J cotlrfR Mpo I i r- 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 664 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the JS4$ {,{"u}S.. ffcrngr lrncspflrl'{rfi*$ F{tr fi Srnu"nelfisil{ TindaleKOliver yJlv trt.ti A(* iii{i si i v6 r, {sft.* y'r: \, i 'r \ \',*J-.-'',- gE ooNE llq, s D Uo6 g$ uo s r"S {oLLtEp !$rPo i 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 665 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the EXHIBIT C MPO 2040 LRTP Amendment te ?040 I,RTP Work/PurchRse Oreler r8 @ 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 666 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the WORK ORDER/PURCHASE ORDER Contract |6-6562 "MPO General Planning Services Contract" Contract Expiration Date: December 8,2018 This Work Order is for professional Planning services for work known as: Project Name: 2040Long Range Transportation Plan Amendment Project No: The work is specified in the proposal dated October 4,2017 which is attached hereto and made apart of this Work Order. In accordance with Terms and Conditions of the Agreement referenced above, this Work Order/Purchase Order is assigned to: Tindale Oliver and Associates Scope of Work: As detailed in the attached proposal and the following: x Task I Project Initiation and Project Management * Task II Public Involvement * Task III Socioeconomic Data Update * Task IV Needs Assessment Update x Task V Cost Feasible Plan Update * Task VI Plan AdoptiorV Documentation * Task VII Expenses Schedule of Work: Complete work within242 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed which is accompanying this Work Order. The Consultant agrees that any Work Order that extends beyond the expiration date of Agreement # 16-6562 will survive and remain subject to the terms and conditions of that Agreement until the completion or termination of this Work Order. Comgensation: In accordance with the Agreement referenced above, the County will compensate the Firm in accordance with following method(s): [Negotiated Lump Sum QrILS) f,Lump Sum Plus Reimbursable Costs (LS+RC) ltime & Material (T&M) (established hourly rate - Schedule A) f] Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), (define which method will be used for which tasks) as provided in the attached proposal. Task I Task II Task III Task IV Task V Task VI Task VII TOTAL FEE $ 4,930.00 $ I 7,01 0.00 $J3f60-.0-0 13, tet' O @) $ 15,710.00 $20,480.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 700.00 $78.990.00 Page I of2 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 667 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Date Anne Mclaughlin, Executive Director Date By the signature below, the Firm (including employees, officers and/or agents) certifies, and hereby discloses, that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, all relevant facts concerning past, present, or currently planned interest or activity (financial, contractual , organizational, or otherwise) which relates to the pioposed work; and bear on whether the Firm has a potential conflict have been fully disclosed. Additionally, the Firm agrees to notify the Procurement Director, in writing within 48 hours of learning of any actual or potential conflict of interest that arises during the Work Order and/or project duration. ACCEPTED BY: Tindale Oliver & Associates Name & Title of Authorized Officer Date Brandv Otero. Senior Planner Page2 16.A.19.a Packet Pg. 668 Attachment: Funding Agreement [Revision 1] (3982 : Recognize funding in the amount of $78,990 from a Funding Agreement between the