Agenda 11/14/2017 Item #16A1611/14/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to waive formal competition and approve contract #17-7216-WV with Metro Forecasting Models, LLC as the single source consultant for the software and services related to updates to the Collier County Interactive Growth Model. OBJECTIVE: To update the current Collier Inter-Active Growth Model (CIGM Ver3) for the continuous long-range planning efforts conducted by the Planning and Zoning Division. CONSIDERATIONS: At the January 3, 2017, BCC Workshop to discuss the status of the four Growth Management Plan (GMP) restudies, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) directed staff to determine the cost associated with updating the Collier Inter-Active Growth Model (CIGM). The primary function of the CIGM is to identify land use issues before they become difficult problems. The CIGM provides for populations and land use modeling to better facilitate the data needed for long-range planning efforts, such as the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the Collier County Parks Master Plan and various other infrastructure and service providers’ master planning efforts. It helps staff project and better coordinate the infrastructure timing needs related to the projected populations. Additionally, at the March 14, 2017, Board public hearing, the Board directed staff to begin the process of negotiations for updating the Collier Inter-Active Growth Model (CIGM) to include the full County area for the spatial distribution of future populations and corresponding infrastructure needs. The updating of the CIGM is expected to last 12 months and would initiate no earlier than the start of FY2017-18. Specific tasks to be performed consist of the following: organizing a County staff work group for the development and implementation of the CIGM. Working with County staff to identify, collect and inventory all available data necessary to develop and implement models, sub-models and the CIGM. Developing and depicting a model for current development that can be updated annually. Developing a build-out model to determine the population and its characteristics, and its distribution by Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZ). Developing a population forecasting model for the study area east of CR 951. Developing a commercial model with the assistance of County staff to determine the demand for retail space and office space (neighborhood, community, regional) required as a function of time and population. Developing a model with the assistance of County staff to determine the apportionment of land for industrial and wholesale activities to meet future needs. Developing a stormwater model with the assistance of County staff to determine watershed impacts over time. Developing the CIGM with the assistance of County staff that f orecasts the spatial distribution over time and the apportionment of land uses necessary to meet the needs of the population. Reviewing the CIGM’s operations with County staff so that the staff will have a working knowledge of its maintenance, update and use. Pursuant to Section Eleven, sub-paragraph 11 of the Collier County Procurement Ordinance 2017-08, Staff requests that the Board find it is in the County’s best interest to waive competition and declare Metro Forecasting Models, LLC, as a single source for the CIGM software and services. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding in the amount of $220,000 is budgeted for this product and services in Fiscal Year 2017/18 in the Comprehensive Planning Department Fund Center 138317. The annual software licensing fee is $2,000. Source of the funds is Ad Valorem Taxes. 16.A.16 Packet Pg. 560 11/14/2017 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality, and requires a majority vote for Board approval. -SRT RECOMMENDATION: To waive the formal competition and authorize the single source software purchase and services related to updates of the Collier Interactive Growth ModelTM from Metro Forecasting Models, LLC, and authorize the Chairman to sign the attached contract. Prepared by: Mike Bosi, Director, Zoning Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (PDF) 2. Waiver Request 176 - Metro Forcasting-10-11-17 (PDF) 16.A.16 Packet Pg. 561 11/14/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.16 Doc ID: 3912 Item Summary: Recommendation to waive formal competition and approve contract #17-7216- WV with Metro Forecasting Models, LLC as the single source consultant for the software and services related to updates to the Collier County Interactive Growth Model. Meeting Date: 11/14/2017 Prepared by: Title: Division Director - Planning and Zoning – Zoning Name: Michael Bosi 10/10/2017 11:35 AM Submitted by: Title: Division Director - Planning and Zoning – Zoning Name: Michael Bosi 10/10/2017 11:35 AM Approved By: Review: Procurement Services Opal Vann Level 1 Purchasing Gatekeeper Completed 10/10/2017 11:59 AM Procurement Services Sandra Herrera Additional Reviewer Completed 10/10/2017 8:39 PM Procurement Services Ted Coyman Additional Reviewer Completed 10/11/2017 11:45 AM Growth Management Department Judy Puig Level 1 Reviewer Completed 10/12/2017 11:55 AM Growth Management Operations & Regulatory Management Kenneth Kovensky Additional Reviewer Completed 10/13/2017 11:56 AM Growth Management Department Thaddeus Cohen Department Head Review Completed 10/12/2017 12:08 PM County Attorney's Office Scott Teach Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 10/13/2017 12:09 PM Growth Management Department James French Deputy Department Head Review Completed 10/16/2017 12:15 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 10/16/2017 1:58 PM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 10/19/2017 2:42 PM Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 10/24/2017 9:18 AM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 11/01/2017 3:19 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 11/14/2017 9:00 AM 16.A.16 Packet Pg. 562 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 563Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 564Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 565Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 566Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 567Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 568Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 569Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 570Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.a Packet Pg. 571 Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 572Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 573Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 574Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 575Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 576Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 577Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) 16.A.16.aPacket Pg. 578Attachment: 17-7216-WV - Metro Forecasting_CONTRACT_VendSign.docx (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) Instructions &RPSOHWHGZDLYHUUHTXHVWVDFFRPSDQLHGE\WKHEXVLQHVVFDVHDQGEDFNXSGRFXPHQWDWLRQPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGWR WKHGLYLVLRQ¶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mergency 'HVFULEHWKHSXEOLFKHDOWKRUVDIHW\LVVXHVWKDWUHTXLUHVWKHLPPHGLDWHSURGXFWRUVHUYLFH LH7KH VXSSO\RIYDFFLQDWLRQZDVFRPSOHWHO\GHSOHWHGZLWKLQKRXUVRIGHOLYHU\WRWKHHPSOR\HHKHDOWKFHQWHUWKHFXUUHQW YHQGRUZLOOQRWUHFHLYHDQRWKHUVKLSPHQWIRUZHHNV  Compatibility / Proprietary 2QHRI D .LQGRU 1R 6XEVWLWXWH$YDLODEOH  'HVFULEHWKH UHVHDUFKFRPSOHWHG WR GHWHUPLQHWKDWWKHUHLVRQO\RQHSURGXFWRUVHUYLFHFDSDEOHRIPHHWLQJWKH&RXQW\¶VH[LVWLQJFRQGLWLRQVDQGWKDWQR RWKHUYHQGRUFDQSURYLGHDSURGXFWFRPSRQHQWRUUHSODFHPHQWSDUWWKDWPD\EHVXEVWLWXWHG Authorized Distributor 'HVFULEHWKHUHVHDUFKFRPSOHWHGWRILQGVLPLODUIHDWXUHVDQGRSHUDELOLW\DQGDOHWWHUIURP WKHPDQXIDFWXUHUQDPLQJWKHVLQJOHVRXUFHDXWKRUL]HGGLVWULEXWRU V LQWKHVRXWKZHVW)ORULGDUHJLRQ It is a felony to knowingly circumvent a competitive process for commodities or services by fraudulently specifying sole source. Florida Statute 838.22(2). 5HTXHVWHGE\ 6LJQDWXUH 'DWH 'LYLVLRQ'LUHFWRU 6LJQDWXUH 'DWH 3URFXUHPHQW6WUDWHJLVW 6LJQDWXUH 'DWH 3URFXUHPHQW'LUHFWRU 6LJQDWXUH 'DWH $WWDFKPHQWV%XVLQHVV&DVH6ROH6LQJOH6RXUFH/HWWHU([HFXWLYH6XPPDU\IRU6WDQGDUGL]DWLRQ Collier County Waiver Request Mike Bosi Metro Forecasting Models, LLC Growth Management Collier Inter-Active Growth Model (CIGM) 2017/18 $ 220,000.00 ■ In 2006, as part of the East of CR951 Build out Study, the BCC entered into a single source contract with Metro Forecasting Models, LLC (formerly known as Van Buskirk, Ryffel & Associates) to develop the Collier Inter-Active Growth Model (CIGM) and at the January 11, 2017 BCC workshop to discuss the GMP restudies within the Eastern portion of the county, the BCC directed staff to update the CIGM to the updated Version 3. Based upon the original CIGM Mike Bosi 07-19-2017 Mike Bosi 08-03-2017 Adam Northrup Edward F. Coyman Jr. michael p bosi Digitally signed by michael p bosi DN: C=US, E=michaelbosi@colliergov.net, O=Planning, OU=GMD, CN=michael p bosi Reason: I am approving this document Date: 2017.07.19 07:46:32-04'00' michael p bosi Digitally signed by michael p bosi DN: C=US, E=michaelbosi@colliergov.net, O=Planning, OU=GMD, CN=michael p bosi Reason: I am approving this document Date: 2017.08.03 08:29:51-04'00' cn=adamnorthrup@colliergo v.net '00'04- 07:21:54 2017.08.09 tedcoyman@collie rgov.net Digitally signed by tedcoyman@colliergov.net DN: cn=tedcoyman@colliergov.net Date: 2017.08.09 10:57:27 -04'00' 16.A.16.b Packet Pg. 579 Attachment: Waiver Request 176 - Metro Forcasting-10-11-17 (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0) Business Case for Standardization, Sole, or Single Source Waivers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³H[DFWO\ PDWFK H[LVWLQJ HTXLSPHQW´RUWR³LQWHUPHPEHU FRQQHFW ZLWKH[LVWLQJHTXLSPHQW´LVQRWQRUPDOO\DQDFFHSWDEOH MXVWLILFDWLRQIRUVROHEUDQG:KHQ\RXGHWHUPLQHWKLVLVDMXVWLILHGIDFWRUWKDWVKRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHG WKHTXDQWLW\PDQXIDFWXUHUEUDQGPRGHOSURSHUW\QXPEHURIWKHH[LVWLQJHTXLSPHQWDQGQHFHVVLW\ IRU³LQWHUIDFLQJ´PXVWEHSURYLGHG     3URYLGHSURGXFWOLVWLQJRIVROHVLQJOHVRXUFHGLWHPV\RXDUHSXUFKDVLQJ             :DLYHUUHTXHVWVWKDWH[FHHGUHTXLUHERDUGDSSURYDODQGPXVWEHVLJQHGE\GHSDUWPHQWKHDG   'HSDUWPHQW+HDG  6LJQDWXUH  'DWH    Requester: Signature: Division Director:Signature: Mike Bosi 7/19/17 Mike Bosi 7/19/17 Jamie French 8/3/17 As noted the County has utilized the CIGM since it's development in 2008 to allocate population growth spatially, with corresponding needed supporting land use, but the model has not been updated to include additional sub-models or improved reporting capabilities and to continue with the utilization of the CGIM for capital planning purposes, the Board directed staff to enter into an single source contract with the vendor to update the The original single source memo utilized to authorize the original CIGM development has been provided and a search of the Internet has yielded few to no like vendors offering similar products. The impact from the change from the CIGM to another vendor is not known at this time due to the fact that staff is not aware of a similar product that is offered that provides the same type of long range projections, spatial based that allocates population, support land uses necessary, as well as infrastructure needs related to the population growth. As noted the CIGM allocates population over time and specifies the location of that population, and corresponds that population to need land uses to services that population, in addition to the infrastructure required to support the population. Again, staff is unable to find a similar type of product within the market place. As noted no other models have been identified within the market place. Collier Inter-Active Growth Model Version 3 michael p bosi Digitally signed by michael p bosi DN: C=US, E=michaelbosi@colliergov.net, O=Planning, OU=GMD, CN=michael p bosi Reason: I am approving this document Date: 2017.07.19 07:47:06-04'00' michael p bosi Digitally signed by michael p bosi DN: C=US, E=michaelbosi@colliergov.net, O=Planning, OU=GMD, CN=michael p bosi Reason: I am approving this document Date: 2017.07.19 07:47:18-04'00' FrenchJame s Digitally signed by FrenchJames Date: 2017.08.03 08:23:56 -04'00' 16.A.16.b Packet Pg. 580 Attachment: Waiver Request 176 - Metro Forcasting-10-11-17 (3912 : Collier InterActive Growth Model 3.0)