CAC Minutes 11/13/2003 RNovember 13, 2003 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, November 13, 2003 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Gary Galleberg James Snediker David Roellig Bedford Biles William Kroeschell John Strapponi (Excused) Tony Pires (Excused) ALSO PRESENT: Ron Hovell, Coastal Project Manager Dr. Jon Staiger, City of Naples Marla Ramsey, Parks & Rec. Maura Krause, Environmental Services Page 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARDROOM, THIRD FLOOR, W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (ADMINISTRATION), AT THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX, 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA AT 1:30 P.M. ON NOVEMBER 13, 2003. o 6. 7. 8. AGENDA Roll Call Additions to Agenda New Business a. Approval of minutes of October 9, 2003 b. Consultant Support c. County / City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update i. Federal Borrow Area Lease Requirements ii. Responding to Permit Application Requests for Information iii. Project Scope and Funding iv. Schedule Old Business a. Wiggins Pass Permit Modification b. Review of Recommendations made on October 9, 2003 Audience Participation Committee Member Comments Schedule next meeting Adjournment ADDITIONALLY, THIS NOTICE ADVISED THAT, IF A PERSON DEC[DES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND THAT FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. November 13, 2003 Chairman Gary Galleberg called the meeting to order at 1:35 PM. Roll Call - Roll call was taken with 5 members present, Mr. Strapponi & Mr. Pires excused. Two members resigned since the last meeting - John Arceri from Marco Island and Ron Pennington from the City of Naples. Chairman Galleberg stated the CAC and TDC approved the beach policy with the policy failing before the Board of County Commissioners (3-2) with direction to throw out the policy and use the funds for Category "A" for Beach Access rather than Beach Renourishment. Each CAC ~nember had a copy of the Executive Summary. He stated it is replete with misstatements and inaccuracies. He stated staff signed off on the Executive Summary two days before the CAC meeting on October 9, 2003 and had not been shared with CAC. 2. Additions to Agenda - Ron Hovell - will add "Hideaway Beach Trucking Project" under New Business. 3. New Business: A. Approval of Minutes - October 9, 2003 - Mr. Kroeschell mentioned part of Mr. Tackney's report speaking of"closing off the channel portion of the bar" should be eliminated. Mr. Roellig moved to approve the October 9, 2003 minutes showing he was excused at the October meeting and as amended. Second by Mr. Biles. Carried unanimously 5-0. Old Business: A. Wiggins Pass Permit Modification - Mr. Hovell - need consensus of what they can do to modify the permit, so next time they dredge, they can take care of the erosion. - Mr. Ken Humiston - Humiston & Moore Engineers - gave the following report and information. Some of the elements in the conceptual plan have a number of options to be considered. A power point presentation was shown of the areas in question. · Dredging - reduce the erosional pressure on the north side of the inlet on the inside. Discussed straight channel alignment, dredging the flood shoal and reducing dredging costs. · Erosion control on Barefoot Beach - southern tip is eroding from both sides. · There is an inlet management plan for Wiggins Pass and some provisions have been implemented already. · He discussed the Inlet Closure Curve - used to evaluate the stability of inlets and to design inlet dredging projects so they can function to the best advantage while reducing long term costs. · A report on a Conceptual Plan, Reapplication meetings, Preliminary Design and Permitting is attached. Page 2 November 13, 2003 · Talked about viable solutions within the Growth Management Plan in restricting structures - Policy 10.3.11, 10.4.2 and 10.5.4 - need evaluation on any restrictions. · Habitat protection condition of Barefoot Beach - threatened by erosion Maura Krause found 9 gopher tortoise burrows, with 7 being active. May qualify for State funding. Summary - Dredging would improve inlet stability, reduce erosion on north side and provide additional sand for nourishment. Barefoot Beach erosion control would add to the inlet stability and protect habitat. Mr. Biles commented it may be premature to do anything until the BCC has their policy in place. A question of costs was asked. Mr. Humiston responded he has not put a cost proposal together yet. STAFF Maria Ramsey - Parks & Recreation - showed photos of erosion on Barefoot Beach of a pathway taken in July/03, October/03 and Nov/03. Shows the erosion and how the pathway has almost disappeared. Entire vegetation area is gone. The part shown is State land and managed by the County Parks & Rec as part of the Barefoot Beach Preserve area. They are asking Mr. Humiston how they can stop the destruction from happening. Mr. Snediker moved to do a further study with cost factors based on the Humiston & Moore October 31st report on Wiggins Pass Permit Modification Scope of Work. Second by Mr. Roellig. Carried unanimously 5-0. e New Business B. Consultant Support - Ron Hovell - he covered the process of firms bidding on various projects. From time to time consultants will attend meetings and make presentations etc. They bill on a "Time & Materials" basis which is an average of approx. $150/an hr. Being aware of the costs involved, the committee should request when and if they want a consultant to attend a meeting. If not requested, they will not attend unless it is a specific presentation that needs to be made. Discussion followed on "time certain" for any presentation/s and having direction from the Clerk of Courts and County Staff. The Committee did not agree as it is hard for them to make a decision when they do not know what is going to be on the Agenda. They need resource information from time to time. Staff will Page 3 November 13, 2003 continue to discuss the situation and come back with a decision on how to handle the situation. Ce County/City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update 1. Federal Borrow Area Lease Requirements - letter in packet - Requires lease with Federal Government for sand to restore Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples public beaches. - Proposal for $50,000 - Could be 6 months to complete. Recommends proceeding to comply with Minerals Mgt Service and conduct an environmental assessment. Mr. Roellig moved to approve for an environmental assessment. Second by Mr. Kroescheli. Carried unanimously 5-0. Responding to Permit Application Requests for Information - Permit applications are submitted and fee for scope of work will be on an hourly basis not to exceed $100,000. Mr. Kroeschell move to approve the Work Order for engineer services proposal for the Scope of Services. Second by Mr. Biles. Carried unanimously 5-0. 3. Project Scope & Funding- Ron Hovell Committee needs to think about determining what they want to do for the scope and strategy of funding. - Pelican Bay may want to fund a portion. - Need to know whether FEMA will finish monies from tropical storm Gabrielle. - Have $17M cost estimate from engineer. May start with segments of beaches renourished in the past, look at other areas and prioritize them. DEP is doing the scoring and indicated they are closer to the bottom of the funded list or just below. - Chairman Galleberg mentioned this is $8.5M showing up from the Federal and State. This is what the debate is all about with staff promoting it in June, without the Committees knowledge, and promoted again in October. If State and Federal Funding is obtained that would be great, but puts beach renourishment behind acquiring access and he would not support it. - Mr. Roellig stated it would be hard to rely on the numbers until there is an actual County policy. If looking for cost sharing, it would have significant impact on the project. The project can't wait 2 or 3 years. Page 4 November 13, 2003 - Mr. Itovell is asking from an engineering point of view on prioritizing the decisions on funding. Mr. Snediker didn't think they were ready to make a decision until a policy is determined. Schedule - Ron Hovell - Provided a preliminary schedule of putting sand on the beach. - Showed the duration of days with start and finish dates. Will be reviewed on a monthly basis. SPEAKER Graham Ginsberg - 4950 Sycamore Dr. - spoke on the Erosion Control Line having significant implications on a property owners taxes. Gave example of owning a lot on the beach, renourished the property after establishing an ECL line. The property owner then gets a percentage off his taxes. He felt the tax payers are paying for the property owner's property to be maintained for building. He also discussed the properties being funded with no public access. He used Hideaway Beach as an example. He found the depths between the high water mark and an island north of Hideaway is up to 20 feet. Very erosive - if sand is placed, it will wash away. Funding for control structures for erosion - t-groins - may not work well with horizontal currents, such as root currents. Funding should go into Sand Dollar Island - accessible through Tigertail Beach. Tigertail can not be considered beach access - the inlet sealed off. He felt sand on Hideaway will eventually end up on Sand Dollar Island and close off the inlet. Chairman Galleberg responded he knew of no one getting tax breaks or private lots filled with sand. Need to understand the funds are not being used for "private" beaches, nor considered. Mr. Ginsberg gave an example of a property owner's property value on Hideaway paying taxes on a lesser value (70% reduction) because of the Erosion Control Line. Discussion followed on property appraiser's values and not being related to beach renourishment. Mr. Snediker mentioned the depths quoted were incorrect from all the engineering studies done sand Dollar Island is growing by 2 acres/yr which is not eroding. Page 5 November 13, 2003 o 5. Hideaway Beach Trucking Project - Ron Hoveil - Was only approved for Royal Marco Point but was told they need to add 2,000 cubic yards of sand on the South end of Hideaway. Some homes had to use sand bags to save their homes from damage. Area was displayed on map. He noted the scope of the grant application, the notice to proceed under the permit and the trucking contract was for Royal Marco Point only. Paperwork needs to be done along with going to the BCC. Chairman Galleberg stated if it is part of the $600,000 project, in the budget, and grandfathered in, it should be approved. If it is an addition, then not added. - Mr. Snediker moved if it can be done within the existing budget that has already been allocated, the project should be done. Second by Mr. Biles. - Mr. Hovell stated he could not guarantee that he will not come back again and ask for more money. Mr. Snediker responded to do Royal Marco Way and if sand left over, and then do the South point with not going over budget. Carried unanimously 5-0. Old Business b. Review of Recommendations made on October 9, 2003 Work Orders in place - 12/1/03 start work. Engineering Services Work Order Amendment for Hideaway design - on agenda for 11/18. - Naples Sand bar system presentation - City may look at it. - Policy went to the BCC - Mr. Hovell clarified the "chain of command" as far as staff- goes through County Manager - Executive Summaries is not public until the Co. Manager approves them for publication, printing and distribution. That was not done at CAC meeting time in October. Marco Island grading - back to city for impact. Found out some of the grasses the residents were concerned about are red tip mangroves on the edge of Tigertail Lagoon. The grasses were discussed at length. If project is within the city limits, needs to be sponsored projects - establish "need". .... Audience Participation - None Committee Member Comments Page 6 November 13, 2003 - Mr. Roellig mentioned a Blue Ribbon Committee is being formed and will meet next Tuesday. He will attend along with Mr. Snediker and Chairman Galleberg. 7. Schedule next meeting- December 11, 2003 - 1:30 PM. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 3:57 PM. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Chairman Gary Galleberg Page 7