2002/2003 !/ -!J6mo County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 Dwight E. Brock Clerk ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated - - - ~ - - '.14; ,~,:d,..i.;."""." G9/ ',2.3/ 2G02 BY: ELLIE H DEPUTY CLERK ,:.-.'" . ,..,,...; ,. 25"iJO - -.-- ','" r";..;! i i. 25:CC RECEIPT: 3775843 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ============================= ========== NAME : PAYOR: REFNC: GEORGE L. VARNADOE GEORGE L. VARNADOE EJH LOBBYIST 25.00 DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM '- Oof) VOIfJ NAME George L. Varnadoe. Esquire DATE Seotember 17.2001 BUSINESS ADDRESS Young. van Assendem, Varnadoe & Anderson. P .A. 801 Laurel Oak Drive. Suite 300 Naoles. FL 34108 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) See attached list 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS E NECESSARY STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the J!f/Iy day of September, 2001, by George L. Varnadoe who is personally known to me and who did take an oath. ",,,,~'ii::t, ELIZABETH M. DILLINGHAM ,~'f'"A"":); MY COMMISSION t CC 7737.34 w.JPk.;,.,; EXPIRES: January 9. 2003 ..~....:....f(.." Bonded Thru Nolary Public Underwriters ., "";'~ (j~/IItJ. fI7. &)/~".J Eli7B h M. Dillingham - Not ublic Please Note: 1) Failure to renew tbis registration by tbe renewal date of Oetober 1" will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a "Lohbyist Withdrawal" form must be filed with tbe Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual Registration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance No. 99-22. 1. Ralph Abercia, Esq. 11999 Katy Freeway, #480 Houston, TX 77079 281/752-4650 2. Martin S. Adler Richard L. Schwartz Herbert Garil Marvin 1. Meyerson 4 Caramel Court Commack, NY 11725 3, Alico, Inc. P,O, Box 338 LaBelle, FL 33975 941/675-2966 4. Antaramian Capital Partners, LLC Antaramian Development Corporation A&N of Marco, Inc. Johnson Bay Development Corporation Lake View Drive of Naples, LLC Marco Shores Development Corporation 365 Fifth Ave South, Suite 201 Naples, FL 34102 941/434-0600 5. Baldridge Development, Inc. 11906 Manchester Road, Suite 209 St. Louis, MO 63131 314/966-2300 6. Barron Collier Company Barron Collier Companies Barron Collier Corporation Barron Collier Partnership Creekside West, Inc. G-4 Partnership Granada Shoppes Associates, Ltd. Grey Oaks Development Corporation LaPlaya, L.L.C. Ocean Boulevard Partnership Ocean Boulevard Partnership II Peninsula Improvement Corporation 2640 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, FL 34105 941/262-2600 September 26. 2001 F:\wlersIBETSY\Wp9ILOBBYlST lNFOILOBBYlST REGISTRATION CLIENT LlST.wpd 7. Benderson Development Company, Inc. 844 I Cooper Creek Boulevard University Park, FL 34201 941/359-8303 8. Bonita Bay Properties, Inc, Long Bay Partners, LLC RCPffE Investments, LLC Resource Conservation Properties, Inc. Talon Land Group Ltd. TwinEagles Development, Inc. TwinEagles Golf & Country Club, Inc, TwinEagles Land Group I 3451 Bonita Bay Blvd SW Suite 202 - WEVU Building Bonita Springs, FL 34134 941/495-1000 9. Jack & Elsa Cantoni 1660 Jewel Box Avenue Naples, FL 34108 941/370-2531 10, Celebration Community Church 4100 Corporate Square, Suite #150 Naples, FL 34104 941/649-1588 1 L Ralph Cioffi 730 Floyd Street Englewood Clift; NJ 07632 212/272-3498 12. Citygate Commerce Park 800 Harbor Drive Naples, FL 34105 941/262-4164 13, Clarion Realty Services Waterside Shops at Pelican Bay 5415 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 320 Naples, FL 34108 941/598-1605 September 26, 2001 F:\users\BETSYlWp9\LOBBYIST INFOILOBBYIST REGISTRATION CLIENT LlST.wpd 14. Collier County c/o County Manager's Office 3301 Tamiarni Trail East Naples, FL 34112 941/774-8383 15. Collier Enterprises Collier Development Corporation Hamilton Harbor, Inc. 3003 North Tamiarni Trail Naples, FL 34103 941/261-4455 16. Collier Resources Company 2600 Golden Gate Parkway, Suite 112 Naples, FL 34105 941/262-0900 17. The Community School 3251 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34109 941/597-7575 18. Courtelis Company 701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1400 Miami, FL 33131 305/379-8467 19, Commercial Development Company Executive Development Corporation 5150 Tamiarni Trail North, Suite 601 Naples, FL 34103 941/643-4474 20. Consolidated Citrus Limited Partnership P,O, Box 1115 Immokalee, FL 34143 941/658-71 09 21. Damon Custom Structures 14510 Vanderbilt Drive Naples, FL 34110 941/498-7198 September 26, 2001 F:\users\BETSY\Wp9ILOBBYIST lNFOILOBBYIST REGISTRATION CLIENT LlST.wpd 22. Diaz Family Limited Partnership Gulf Coast American Blind Corporation 80 Brampton Lane Naples, FL 34104 941/643-9850 23. DiVosta Building Corporation IslandWalk Development Company 6005 Vanderbilt Beach Road Naples, FL 34119 941/594-7400 24. James A Dwyer 2100 Electronics Avenue Fort Myers, FL 33912 941-489-1600 25. East Naples Land Company 1051 Clark Street Abingdon, VA 24210 276/628-1173 26. Estuary at Grey Oaks 4200 Gulfshore Boulevard North Naples, FL 34103 941/263-4446 27. Exit 15/1-75 Land Trust Thomas G. Eckerty, Trustee 12734 Kenwood Lane, Suite 89 Fort Myers, FL 33907 941/936-8338 28. Florida Rock Industries, Inc. Mule Pen Quarry, Corp. 155 E 21st Street P.O, Box4667 Jacksonville, FL 32201 800/874-8382 29. Golf Club of the Everglades, Ltd. 3775 Airport Rd N, Suite B Naples, FL 34105 941/261-1166 September 26, 200 1 F:\u.....\BETSYlWp9ILOBBYIST INFOILOBBYIST REGISTRATION CLIENT LIST. wpd 30. GuIfBay Communities, Inc. GuIfBay Development, Inc, Gulf Bay Group of Companies Fiddler's Creek Development Corporation 951 Land Holdings Joint Venture 3470 Club Center Boulevard Naples, FL 34114 9411732-3400 31. Rockwell T. Gust, Jr. G&G Development Corporation RTG Properties, Inc. P.O. Box 100 Naples, FL 34106 941/262-4488 32. Harley Davidson of Naples, Inc. P.O. Box 1910 Fort Myers, FL 33902 941/337-4500 33. Hideaway Beach Association, Inc. P.O. Box 8000 Marco Island, FL 34146 941/394-5555 34. lE.D. of Southwest Florida, Inc, 9150 Galleria Court, Suite 100 Naples, FL 34109 941/596-2733 35. Langford Trust George P. Langford, Esq. 3357 Tamiami Trail, North Naples, FL 34103 941/262-2100 36. LDJ Associates, Ltd. PO Box 560083 Miami, FL 33256 305/236-5232 37, Lely Development Corporation 3825 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34113 9411774-5333 Seplember 26, 2001 F:\usetsIBETSY\Wp9\LOBBYIST lNFOILOBBYIST REGISTRATION CLIENT L1ST.wpd 38. . Marquette Development 5395 Park Central Court Naples, FL 34105 941/593-1100 39, N.A. Realty Trust, Inc. 3470 Club Center Boulevard Naples, FL 34114 941/732-3400 40. Naples Gateway Land Trust Gerard A. McHale, Jr., Trustee 1601 Jackson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 9411337-0808 41. Naples Land Trust Greg Eagle, Trustee 3818 Del Prado Blvd. Cape Coral, FL 33904 9411337-7176 42. Neapolitan Enterprises Company Item XII Trust 255 13th Avenue South, Suite 202 Naples, FL 34102 9411261-8936 43, Jerry Nerad, President TimeMed Labeling Systems, Inc. 144 Tower Drive Burr Ridge, Illinois 60521-7812 44, North Naples - Bonita Land Trust Thomas G. Eckerty, Trustee 12734 Kenwood Lane, Suite 89 Fort Myers, FL 33907 9411936-8338 45. Pacific Tomato Growers 4550 Pacific Grade Road Immokalee, FL 34142 9411657.4646 September 26, 200 1 F:\user>IBETSY\Wp9\LOBBYlST lNFOILOBBYlST REGISTRATION CLIENT L1ST.wpd 46, '. Jack PriceIRussell Priddy P.O. Box 930 Immokalee, FL 34142 941/657-6661 47. Racetrac Petroleum, Inc. P,O. Box 105035 Atlanta, GA 30348-5035 770/431-7600 48. Shaw Aero Devices, Inc. 12291 Town Lake Drive Fort Myers, FL 33913 941/768-5644 49, Shepard and Sons, Inc. 1380 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34108 941/261-0607 50, Skinner & Broadbent Development Company, Inc. 201 N. Illinois Street, 23'd Floor Indianapolis, IN 46204 317/237-2900 51. S.R. 846 Land Trust 3606 Enterprise Avenue Naples, FL 34104 941/643-3343 52. U. S, Home Corporation 10491 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Ft. Myers, FL 33912 941/278-1177 53. Waste Management of Collier County 4500 Exchange Avenue Naples, FL 34104 941/649-8638 54. WCI Communities, Inc. WCI Communities Limited Partnership 24301 Walden Center Drive Bonita Springs, FL 34134 941/947-2600 September 26, 200 I F;\user.;\IlETSYlWp9ILOBBYIST lNFOILOBBYIST REGISTRATION CLIENT LlST.wpd