Agenda 10/24/2017 Item #16B 110/24/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting in its capacity as the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), approve a travel voucher for mileage reimbursement in the amount of $1,162.78; authorize payment from the Immokalee CRA Trust Fund (Fund 186); and declare mileage reimbursement as serving a valid public purpose. OBJECTIVE: To approve mileage reimbursement request. BACKGROUND: In October 2016, a mileage reimbursement request was submitted for in-county travel covering the period from December 2015 to July 2016. Due to the lateness of the initial request for reimbursement and delays in obtaining the requisite approvals, Board action is now necessary to receive payment. Immokalee CRA staff now has a county vehicle to facilitate in-county travel to implement CRA programs. CONSIDERATIONS: Florida Statute 163.356 (3) (d), “Creation of community redevelopment agency…“states”; “At any time after the creation of a community redevelopment agency, the governing body of the county or municipality may appropriate to the agency such amounts as the governing body deems necessary for the administrative expenses and overhead of the agency, including the development and implementation of community policing innovations.” PUBLIC PURPOSE: To attend public meetings and training associated with the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency. FISCAL IMPACT: The request totals $1,162.78 @ $0.54/mile. Sufficient budget exists within the FY 2018 Immokalee CRA Fund 186 (Travel Professional Development and Regular travel) to fund the requested voucher. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting in its capacity as the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), approve a travel voucher for mileage reimbursement; authorize payment from the Immokalee CRA Trust Fund (Fund 186); and declare mileage reimbursement as serving a valid public purpose. Prepared By: Christie Betancourt, CRA Interim Operations Manager ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (PDF) 16.B.1 Packet Pg. 409 10/24/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.B.1 Doc ID: 3318 Item Summary: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting in its capacity as the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), approve a travel voucher for mileage reimbursement in the amount of $1,162.78; authorize payment from the Immokal ee CRA Trust Fund (Fund 186); and declare mileage reimbursement as serving a valid public purpose. Meeting Date: 10/24/2017 Prepared by: Title: Administrative Assistant – Immokalee CRA Name: Christie Betancourt 10/11/2017 2:21 PM Submitted by: Title: – County Manager's Office Name: Debrah Forester 10/11/2017 2:21 PM Approved By: Review: County Manager's Office Debrah Forester Director - CRAs Completed 10/11/2017 2:33 PM County Manager's Office Tim Durham Executive Director- Corp Business Ops Completed 10/11/2017 2:54 PM Procurement Services Opal Vann Level 1 Purchasing Gatekeeper Completed 10/11/2017 4:24 PM Procurement Services Ted Coyman Additional Reviewer Completed 10/11/2017 4:37 PM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 10/12/2017 8:50 AM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 10/12/2017 2:39 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 10/13/2017 7:45 AM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 10/15/2017 12:30 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 10/24/2017 9:00 AM 16.B.1 Packet Pg. 410 STATE OF FLORIDA VOUCHER FOR REIMBURSENIIENT OF TRAVELTNG EXPENSES PAYEEi Christic Betancourt EMPLOYEEID#:1810 HEADOUARTERSI InllIIokalee APPROPRIAT10N:186…138324‐640200&640300 Xopncur- E rpvponnnv DEPARTMENT Public Services - PTNE - Immokalee CRA Dnte Trave[ Performed from Point of Origin to Destination Purpose or Reason Hour of departure and hour of return Per Diem or Meals Map Mileage Claimed Vicinity plileage Clailmed Incidental Expenses Amount Type l ν28/2015 CRA Office to Growth Management Division Meeting with Office of Business & Economic Develoornent 8:30 a.tn.- 12:00 p.m.77.8 640200 01/08/2016 CRA Omce tO Lake TraFford―Am 01csky Pttk Meeting on site rvith Parks & Recreation staff to discuss Immokalee Pier i mplovements l1:30 a.m. - I :00 p.m.H.3 640200 01/12/2016 CRA OtFlce to Lakc Trafford―Ann 01esky Park Meeting rvith Fiesta Tents to discuss rental for Public Meeting 9:00 a,m -11:00 p.m.11.3 640200 01/19/2016 CRA OfEce to Lake Trattord―Ann OLsky Park Set up for CRA Advisory Board Public Meeting 3:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m.11.3 640200 01/20/2016 CRA Ofrlce tO Lake Trafford―Am 01csky Park CRA Advisory Board Meeting 3:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m.11.3 640200 02/02/2016 CRA OfTice to Main Campus Attend training 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.82.6 02/24/2016 CRA Offlceto Growth Management Divislon Attended Ple-Application Meeting - La Soriana 7:30 a.m.-l2:00 p,m.77.8 640200 03/04/16 CRA Office to Main Campus.Meeting with Tim Durham 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.82.6 640200 03/10/2016 CRA Office to Pepper Ranch Preselve Mccting wれ h Parks& Recreation―On sitc 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.640200 03ノ 14/2016 CRA Otfice to Main Campus GovMax 5.0 Training 8:00a,m.I:00p.In`82.6 640200 03/15/2016 CRA Oflice to Peppcr Ranch Preserve Set up for CRA Advisory Board Mceting 2:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.17.5 640200 03/16/2016 CRA Office to Pepper Ranch Preselve Meeting rvith CRA Advisory Board 8:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.17.5 640200 04/04/2016 CRA Offlce to Main Calnpus Meetine with Tim Durham 8:00a.m。-12:00p.m.82.6 640200 04/05/2016 CRA Office to Main Campus CRA Annual Report Workshop 11:00a.m.3:00p.m.82.6 640200 04/07/2016 CRA Offlceto Main Cmpus CDBG Sidcwalk Grant 12:00p.m.-3:00p.In.82.6 640200 0426/2016 CRA Offlcelo Main Campus BCC Agendaltem 8:00 an-12:00p.m.82.6 640200 04ノ 27/2016 CRA Office to Main Campus Improved Coordination MeeJins I0:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.82.6 640200 05/02/2016 CRA O豊 lce to Scbring,Fl Attended FIIREDI Ⅳ【eeting 10:30 am.-5:30p.m.640300 05/03/2016 CRA Ofiice to Fort Myers, FI Mccting with FDOT to discuss Pcdesrian Safety lmprovelncnts on SR29 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.62.4 640300 05/05/2016 CRA Office to Main Campus Attended Collier County Plannine Commission Meeting 8:00 am.―H:00 am.82.6 640200 05/16/2016 CRA Office to Main Campus Attended ACCELA Training 8:00 a.m. - I:00 p.m.82.6 640200 05/23/2016 CRA Oilice to Main Campus Mccting with PTNE Sta∬11:00 am.-4:00p.m.82.6 640200 05/25/2016 CRA Officc to Main Campus Attended'l'raining & Budget 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m 82.6 640200 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 411 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA Meeti[s 06′06′2016 CRA OIIicc to Fort Mvcrs Meeting with Regional Planning Council- Promisc Zonc Desisn&tion 12: 00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.972 640300 06/07/2016 CR Oflicc to Main Campus AtteDded Training and Meeting rvith Michelle Afnold 7:30 a.m. - 2:30p.m.640200 06/13/2016 CRA Officc to Main Campus Pickcd′Drop Ormail_ ヽVorkcd in P llヽ E ofrcc 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.640200 06/16/2016 CRA Omce to Main CamDUs Artendcd Budgct Workshop 8:00 a m-1:00o m 826 640200 06/1672016 CR Olficc to Moolchaven, Fl Cladcs County EDC annual dinncr - crnversation with Florida Commissioner of Asriculturc Adam Putnam 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m 640300 Oθ 21/2016 CRA OIIice to Main Ca$pus I[tervie\rs for Collicr County Robcrts Ranch Manascr 7:30 a.m. - l:00 p.m.640200 Oα 27′2016 CRA Officc to Main Campus Attcndcd Pη ↑ヾE Star Mcclng 12:30om 4:30o m 640200 07721′2016 CRA O伍 cc to Crowth Managcmcnt D■islon Attend Prc- Application mccting for Thc Fricndship House 9:30 a.m. - 12: 00 p.m.640200 640200 I hereby certifr or affirm that above expenses were actually incuned by me as necessary traveling expenses in the performance ofmy oflicial duties; attendatrce at a conference or convention was directly related to official duties ofthe agency; any m€als or lodging included in a conference or convention registration fee have been deducted from this travel claim; and that this claim is tlue and corect in every material matter and same conforms in every respect with the requirements of Section I 12.061, Florida Statutes PAYEE訊 銀灯UmC加 並 ひ a∩ι。こ S000 Miles @ .54 cents per mile. 21533 S0000 ヽ狙es@54 cents per mile (FOR AGENCY USE) Per Diem A∥owance: ‐S000 MileageAllowance: -$0.00 Meals as Shown: -$ DATE: PREPARED: 10105116 TITLE: lnterim CRA Operations Manager Punuant to Section I12.061(3) (a), Florida Statutes, I her€by certify or aflirm that to thc best ofmy knowledge the above travcl was on official business of thc State ofFlorida and was performed for the purpose(s) stated above. Approved by: Title: SIJPEⅣКOR ЫttATU肥 寧 ⊂し `、t(cぃ 、 くヾ 時 Ь °千 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 412 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA Date Location M∥cs1 12/28/2015 Horseshoe 7782 1/8/2016 Lake Trafford 11.33 1/12/2016 Lakc Trafford H34 1/19/2016 Lake'l'raffold H35 1/20ノ 2016 Lalte'I'raffold H36 2/2/2016 Main Carnpus 8267 2/24/2016 Horseshoe 7788 3/4/2016 Main Campus 8269 3/10/2016 Pepper Ranch 17.5 10 3/14/2016 Main Campus 826 3/15/2016 Peppel Ranch 175 3/16/2016 Pcppel Ranch 17.5 13 4/4/2016 Main Campus 826 14 4/5ノ 2016 Main Campus 826 15 4/7/2016 Main Campus 16 4/26/2016 Main Campus 826 17 4/27/2016 Main Campus 82.6 18 5/2/2016 Sebring,FL 161 19 5/3/2016 Fort Myers, FL 624 20 5/5/2016 Main Campus 826 21 5/16/2016 Main Campus 826 22 5/23/2016 Main Campus 826 5/25/2016 Main Campus 24 6/6/2016 Fort Myers, FL 97.2 6/7/2016 Main Campus 26 6/13/2016 Main Campus 826 27 6/16/2016 Main Campus 826 28 6/16/2016 Moorehaven, FL 97.4 29 6/21/2016 Main Campus 82.6 30 6/27ノ 2016 Main Campus 82.6 7/21/2016 Horseshoe 778 2153.3 Christie Betancourt Mileage Breakdown Main Campus Horseshoe Peppel Ranch Lake Trafford Out of County 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 413 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 86-138324-640200~Regular Travel 12/28/2015 Holseshoe 77.8 1/8/2016 Lake Tlafford H3 1/12/2016 Lake Trafford H3 1/19/2016 I-al<e Trafford H3 1/20/2016 Lake Tlaffold H3 2ノ 2/2016 Main Campns 826 2/24/2016 Horseshoe 778 3/4/2016 Main Carapus 826 3/10ノ 2016 Pepper Ranch 175 3/14/2016 Main Campus 826 3/15ノ2016 Pepper Ranch 175 3/16/2016 Peppel Ranch 175 4/4/2016 Main Carnpus 826 4/5ノ 2016 Main Campus 826 4/7/2016 Main Campus 826 4/26/2016 Main Campus 4/27/2016 Main Campus 5/5/2016 Main Campus 5/16′2016 Main Carnpus 826 5/23/2016 Main Campus 826 5/25ノ 2016 Main Campus 826 6/7/2016 Main Campus 826 6/13/2016 Main Campus 6/16/2016 Main Campus 6/21/2016 Main Campus 826 6/27/2016 Main Campus 826 7/21/2016 Horseshoe 778 1735.3T Regular Travel 1735.3 Professional Travel 418 2153.3 186-138324-640300‐Professional Tl・ avcl 5/2/2016 Scbring,FL 5/3/2016 Fol.t Mvers. FL 624 6/6/2016 Fort Myels, FL 97.2 6/16/2016 Moorchaven, FL 97.4 418 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 414 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) ●emricoltrに し nrislle Stittect: Meeung wnh Bnlce Reglster‐Oxxo O∥ Locatioll: Naples #1 :lll: M:11:′盤澄:1:1':::サ lM ROcurronce: (nonel Orgallizer: BetancourtChristie SubJect: Location: ,,^ Start;llz End Sle Visn atAnne Olosky Park Lake T〕aflortl Ma∥na F百 1/8′201611:30 AM F11ノ 8/20161:00 PM Recurrence; (none) Organlzer:BetancourtChristie St:blect Meetwlh Flesta Tents Locatio:〕: Lake Traffod Startt Tuo 4/12r20163:30 PM EI〕d: Tue 1/12鬱 0164:30 PM #3 R●cllrroncoi (none) M●etinc」Stattls: Meeung Organizer Organizol.: BetancouFtChttstle SubJict: Meetlng with Flesta Tents for set up. Starti .Tue 1/19/2016 12:00 PMEnd: T'ue 1/19/2016'12:30 PM #4 Rocurrence: (nono) organizer: Betancoult0hlistie Sub10Ctt CRA MOe∥ng Location: Anne Oleslり Park¨Lako lhflord Rer‐6001 LalKe TrafFord Road Stall: Wё d lノ 20′20468:30 AM End: Wod l′2012016 11130AM #5離 :∥||:1::ヽ 江ぉm: 瀧鳳evevmmmonhohttW譜 澪鋼鑑l謂 ∬nh from&30AMbl130AMoお cllve y15/2013.(tり TC C16:001 EaStて meeting Status; M●etlng o,ganレ er Organizer: 3etanCourtChrlstie 8:麗 1:l棚 朧 R」1:!∥搬 踊∬ mcoWCMttq MuckdBmdoy CaplaM舗o Meeting are he!d at the cRA Office located at750 Soutli」hStme、immokaleel FL 34142 unless othenNttse announced. 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 415 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) #6 sIb.loct: Looatlo[: Stalt: Etrd: RecurJouoei Msctlttg status: organlzer: Couβ e Event―Powerlttt Plesent〔離ion&Publlc Speaklng Sk∥Is(2ρ /20168:30100 AM― 12:30:00 PM EST) Main Campus‐Bldg B 卜lulnal、Resources Tlaining Room Tue 2/2/20168:30 AM Tue 2722016 12:30 PM (nOne) Accepted TrJlling Registratton StrbJect: Location: Start: End: Recurrence: t]7 Meeting Status: Otganizer: [∥』議::lぱ 挿げ000238に ondお nd Us→ VVed 224/20169:00 AM VVed 2r24r2016 1010o AM (110ne) Accepled CDS―CLccation 31l BosOn Aveり hnmolKa~he,日 ,Parcel Nmmbe■2瑯 8■040001 Fu∥Nalne:Blalr Fole■PE Emam fOLooooaolcom Repl€sentlnS: La Sorlana Contact Number: Primary: 239-263-1222 James & Chllstle- Cornpany Nanre: 120 EdBelnere Way S, A pre-App fnr used car sales in lmmokaloe, Naples, FL 34X.05 -Frod ---Origlnal Appoiutment--- From: cDS-C .,9snIlW-edne.:.dev"Febrsarv 68:42 AM SubjeGt: Locationi Start: Endi 4g Recurrence; lvleoting Status: Organlzer: Reguit'ed Attendees: Moetlng w∥h Tlm Durham Naples Fri 3/4′2016 3100 PM F,1(ソ4r20464,00 PM (00nel Mee“ng organtter BetancOuriChristie Sainv∥us」ames SuloJoct: Locatlon: Startr Endr Recurrence: #9 Meeting Status: Otganlzerr Requlred Attondees: CRA at Pepper Ranch walk thru Pepper Ranch Thu 3/10/2016 3:00 PM'lhu 3/10/2016 3:30 PM (none) Acceptod AlvarezAnnlo 'aaronhopkine@colllergov.nef i BetancourtChristio 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 416 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) $ubjeit: l..ooation; Stark End: #10 Recurrence: (none) Meetitrg Status: Accepted Cot:rse EVen卜 CovMax 5 0 0pelding^Rdに sher 13r14r2016 9:00:00 AM‐42:00100 PM 「,ま Icampus‐BldgF Adminglhド loOr Coni Room Mon 3/1420169:00 AM Mon 3/14r201612:00 PM Organizer:Tlainin9 Ro91stra∥on Subject Sot up Peppel Rallch Visltor Centerlor meeting Locition: PoPPer l"nch slartl 'fue 3/15/2016 3:00 PM Enrl: nro 3/15/2016 4:00 PM #11 Recurrencer (none) Meeting Status: AccePted organizer: AlvalezAnnle n"!iiii".lntt"r,o"""t llopkinsAaron;BetancourtChristle Subject: Location i 」olnt CRAIMSTU Meetng Pepper Ranch Start, Wed 3/16鯰 0168:30 AM End: Wed 3′16/201611,30 AM #12鷺 :∥111::Pathrに 8:認 3 evew motth ontho∥rd Wednesday d he monh from&30 AM b llβ O AM offe面 ve 5ノ 15/2013(UTCЮ 5:00)EasteFn TimO(US&Canada) MeetincJ Status, Meelno organizer orcranizeH BetancourtChrlstle Relulrotl Attendees: SalnvllusJames; ArnoldMichellei SllloryTossie optlona!Attelldeesl ∥ende∥ongRlchard Subjece Moeting with Tim DurhamLocation: BCC Chambers Start: Mon 4/4/2016 9:00 AMEnd: Mon 4/4/2016 10:00 AM #13 Recurrence: (none) Organizer: Botancourtchrlstle Subiect: Annual CRA,IBCC Workshop -- .. io"iiior, s6CChamUers gzgg Tamiaml Trail E' Naplos' FL start: Tus 4/6/2016 12:oo PJvl #14 ;il; wod 4/6/2016 3:oo PM Recurronco: (none) Meetlng Stattlsl M€eting organizer or(raBizer: Betancourtchristie i'll '- -i ",.^-.,^^^, calh$h,c lamae 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 417 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) BetancourtChristie 認 盤 は i: 鷲 織 響 t PЮ Semtton‐comme耐 ∥Facado O降 雛 ヽ Start: Thu 4′7′20162:00 PM El、d: Thl1 4′7/20162:30 PM制ヽc“rЮ n.∝ ぃ。n→ Mceting Status: Meeting otganizor organizer: BetancotlrtChl'lslie Reqlrired Attendees: SainvilusJames :1.0 rnhlute presentation BetancourtChristie Subjectl Board of County Commls6lonofs MootlngLocation; BCc Chambers Tue 4/26/20169:00 AIVl Tue 4/26/201610:30 AM #16*""rrr"n.", (nono) organizeri Bstancourtchrlstio Lozano's Restauralrt Agenda ltem 16.8.X. 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 418 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 珈 :1: 協器調器 F評 8:Itten∝、。mStart: wOd 4r27r2016 11:00 AM End: ・ wed 4/2772016 1200 PM #17 Recurrence: (nonel M●●【ing ttatis: Not yet respOnded Olgal、i2or: lllarcellaJeanno勲仰 id燎 0“T酬 曙賦 鼈 雉 鵬 :需 拙 鯉鶏鶉 針Ъ器 誦 雨q SutteCt Locatioli: Shlt: #1 8 Elld: 8脚 :柵 歌凛:蹴 ED MettN Mon Sヽ /20161:30 PM Mon y2r2016 5:30 PM Recunence: (none) Organizor:Betancou(Christie SubJsct: Locatior); #19 Recurrgnce: (none) Mooling statusi Accepled Meethg with I.DOT to discuss pedeslrian safety improvernonts to SR 29 FDoT - DistrJct 1 Sorrthwest A[ea OfflcB - Daniels Parlrway - Flrst Floor Small Conference Room Tue 5/312016 10:00 AM Tue 5/3/2016 12:00 PM Organizer:'ScottTrlnlty Subjeot: Locatiolt:製ξl:躙 Hi翻 隠 :剛 W「認瀾鵠 ln3 Boad d coШ ヽ,COmmtJOneに MeJng Room,31d F100r 酪「 平∥廿機 器:1欄 鵡 #20 ReCurret、cet (none) M●eting Status: Meetli19 9rgalllヵ er :[li∥IIIttndees: :針 :lllII#11lFrankNapp。 llnportallCe: Hlgh $uhlsct: Locationl Recurlence: (none) Meeting Status: Accept€d .\,^;-r-^.. Alonnnl'lallev Accola liaining 217 Mon 5t1612016 9:30 AM Mon 5/16/2016 12:00 PM 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 419 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) $ubJect: Accels Trainlng - ChrlslloLocatlon: rcom 217 #22 Reourrence: (nono) Moeting Status: Moetng organizer Mo,、6/16r20169:00 AM Mon 5/16r201612:00 PM BetancourtChristie01ganizer Subject:PTNE STAFF MEEIINe Loc・ atiol): 3299 Tamiami Tra∥「a゛ ‐StJte 103-Bu∥dhlg F‐PTNE Conferet、ce Roonl Start Mon 5r23/20161:30 PMEnd; Mon確 3/20163,00 PM 122 Recullence, Mont∥yRecurrence Pattern: the fotirth Monday OF every l month from l:30 PM to 3:00 PM M●eting stattis: Accepted 0:uaniZer:ArnoldMiche∥eSuり 。C〔:Location: 総 3 start: End: Course Fvent‐Managing Mu!∥ple P"昴∥es(り 25r20168:30:00 AM-12:30:00 PM EST) Main Camptls―Humllln Resources wed 5′ `る 乏o168:30 AM VVed 5/2腔 01612:301つM SubleCt Loo・ atiO11: Start: #23 End: 8:llVMil:::1:l]1:よ °fFY2_017 Budget VVed 5/26120162:30 PM Wod 6J2512016 3130 PM Recurrenco: (00no) organizer:BotanCoultCh∥Suo Sublect; Location: Itnmokalee's dgsignatlon as a "Promlse Zono" iliio e;GilBffi, sult" 1, Ft t\/tv",", the SWFL llegional Plannlns council's offices こId:: M:l:1:修 :181[:::M #24 Recurrence: ("Onel Meeting statlls: Meelng。lgan7er Organizer:BetancOurChFl獣 i0 SubieCt: Location: 泡5謝:猛』キ巴馳ξtthldngF15hFborlrainngRoOm Tue 6r712016 8:30 AM Tue 6f712016 12130 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status; Accopted Qrganlzor:Training Reglstraton 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 420 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) Suhject: Start: End: #26 Recurrence; . Olganizerj Pick up and DЮ p off Ma∥and OfFsite切 に,k"1911●:lspOrla∥on ConR"elice RoOm Moh 6′43r201611:00 AM Mon 6′13/201612:00 PM (rIone) BehlЮ ourtCil∥stle #27 Suhject: Locatiolr: Slartr End: ReDufretrce: Mostlng Status: Orgatrlzer: :畿 織 路 tttisdon。嗚 mambO“,Ⅲだ 1∞L Collね 「∽unty G゛ げ nmett Conbr Thu C′16/20169:00 AM ■uO/16r201612:00 PM い。n。)Mee∥ng o電 anlzer Bel・ ancourtChttstle #28 SubJBct: LocutioD: Starl: Enrl: ReCUlroncoi Ciades County EDC annual dhiner¨convelsauon哺 ll ttorlda Commissionor ofAg∥cultllЮ Adalη Puinani Glades Counly Reglonal Tra"、ing Contor Thu 6′16r20164:00 PM Tht1 6r13/20168:00 PM (nonel SutteCt: smrt: End: Show Time As: #29 _Keculrence: Meeting Status: Qrganizer: reservo fol Rohefis Ranch lnterviews? Tue 6/2112016 B:30 AM lue 61211201611:30 AM Tentallve (none1 Accepted "l'ownsendAmanda StliloCt: Location: Starti End:#30 Recurronce: Roctil`l oll●O Patterll: Meoting Ststus; 0rganizen FWIPTNE STAFF MEETING 3299 Tamiami Trall East‐Suite lo3 Bu∥dlng F ¨PTNE Conference Room Mon 6′27′20161:30 PM Mon 6/27120163:00 PM (nOne)離;跳 卍°お:織 出雹酬IЧ 幣お覇糖欄ギ〕おm130 PM b aOo PM dbttve 猟酪鰈鵬Ψ剛∞2,DD Thu 7′21ノ 201610:30 AM Thu 7ク l12016 11130 AM (nOnel Am3pted SubJccti Locatlon: Start: End: RecurreDce: Meotlng Statusi #31 ArnoldMlche∥e16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 421 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) REQUEST FOR ABSENC…VEL Traveler's Name:Chrisde Betancourt Title:Interim Ope甲 墜 rtment: Immokalee CRA Registration Other Total Costs Moorehaven, FT Personal Car S52.60 97.4 mies@・ 54= S0 S65 S0 Sl17.60 purpose: Everything Grows Here - Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam - Glades County Economic Development Council - Annual Dinner. Justification: Florida Statute 163.356 (3) (d), "Creation of community redevelopment agency. . ."states; "At any time after the creation of a community redevelopmeni agency, the goveming body of the county or municipality may appropriate to the agency such amounts as the governing body diems nicessary for the administrative expenses and overhead ofthe agency." Attached?Yes Nore Time:4:30 p.m.rture DaY: June 16,2016 Is Program Specifically Budgeted? Yes [X No Return Time: 9:30 p.m.Return Day June 16,2016 _/ APPRoVED, /vns E xo APPROVED BY: D市 ision Director: 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 422 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA #2806ノ 16′2016‐Moorehaven‐97.4 Tota:Mi:es GLvkr Coa*y Ergiolr! Tr.i!h! C.otE t! I50 S Jib 3t lo,notd..r FL 3lt{l - Grogle ... Prgr I of 2 Czo. gleMaps elades cOmty RuiOnal Dtte43.7 mil餡 L59 min Tralling oenterto 7m鋤 職 1-Oka:ee・ FL 34442 Glad●50Dunt′E●ontt D田 ●|lpment“undl Dinner‐ Speaker●●mmi■310ner ndam詢 |■am mroi5!lrll}trleodL,rEl l0n|L---------l Glades Gounty Rcaional Tralntng Canter 103U Comtete Ori,re lrhcre Hg.en Fi B3l?1 T■●FL‐7●W ad rL‐296"S9th SIln Q硼 睛 ― 1 1_HDBd●●IItt on FL‐73W枷 田ard Cn醸 lnd Ⅲ 2 TEInl日 ht釧 10m27∥ ¬ 3_ Tlllll日 はmm FL‐78W ■ ム Tttin,嗜 omO FL・ 21[rr,o lV ・ …"fOlttL"S ■0“|“ 価II・ `“ ●・7副 4●∥ 143m loEs:ihftq,Bqotle,rou,brytldir,Ehdn*Go,ua5*BeXiaorl+Srriab$Ci s,+triosrr+tr'. 6tl6'1tll0 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 423 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) REQtt FORABSENCyrRAVEL Mode of TraveI Tiansportation Costs Per Diem R●」む缶attOn mer Total Co壺 FortMyers, Fl Personal Car 観 .49 972 mll“ι≧馴ト S0 S0 S0 S52.49 Purpose: IiSDA to Announce a \{qior Multiageacy Initidive to homote Economic Deveiopment h Southwest Florida at the Souttrwest Florida Regional Plznning Couucil. Justification: Florida Statlte 153356 (3) (O, "Geation of com@Eityreclevelopment agenry..."stdeq "Atanytime afterthe eeation of a commrmity redevelopment agenry, &e goveming body of the cormfy or mtmicipality may appopriate to the agency such amormts as tle govemilg body deems aecessary f6r ttrs adminisrrative FvFenres and overhead of the ageory." Depatlre Day:Jttne 06 2016 Departure Time: 12:30 pm PrOヒ ■4m ALched? Yes No Return Day June0612016 Return Time: 4:30 pm 蹴 報 ぽ …dgeted? -,/APPRo\IED; TYss E xo Aコ ロ照)`西亜)BY: E晴 ■bioュ Dむ ector Da● ι‐多″¢ Destination (City/State 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 424 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 425 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 750S5th St,Immokalee,FL 34142 to 1400 Colo」al Blvd#1‐Ooogle Maps Page I of3 #24 Fort Myers-97.2 Tota:Miles Drlve 48.6 rYllles,l h 14 nlinGo′gle Maps 子,:∫£Ll糊 電聞犠lee′FL 34142 to 750S5th St i:η lnokalee,FL_34142 Take S 9th Stto FL・ 29N l l. Head nOrth on s 5th Sttoward Doak Ave ■ 2・ Turnleft onto W Eusls Ave r 3. Turn nght onto s 9th St 鳳F由 i_ Or■■(e n , Map dat8 02016 0oo9:el:NEG: 5m:― 3mh(1.lm) 0.3 nni O.3 mi O.5 mi Oontinuo on FL‐29N.Tako FL‐82 W to Colonlal Bivd:n Fort Myers l h12mln147.6m) hins:ノ ′www.●oo口 le.oomノ maDS/dil・ /750+S+5th+St.+Immokalee.+FL+34142/1400+Colonial+." 6/6/2016 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 426 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 750 S 5flr St, Inrmokalee, FL 34142 to 1400 Colonial Blvd #1 - Google Maps Page2 of3 n 4. TumleftontoFL-29N 5.0 rnl n 5. Turn left onto FL-82 W 292.tt l' 6. Turn rlgtrt onto Evans AvE 0.2 ml I 7. contlnue onto Park Avs 0.3 ml I 8. Contlnue onto Edlson Brldge/Tamlaml Trall O contlnue to follow Tamlaml Trall 1.7 rnl t L Use the left 2 lanes to turn l6ft onto Pondella Rd 1'2 rnl t 10. Turn left onto Moody Rd 0.5 ml |+ 11. Tum rlght onto Hancock Brldge Pkwy 1.7 ml t 12, Use the left 2 lanes to tum left onto SE 24th Ave . 1.1 r r' 13. TurnrightontoiE24thAv€/VlscayaPkwy e continue to follqw Viscaya Phry t 14. Uss the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Del Prado Blvd n 15. Us€ the left 2 lanes to turn left .1 1 6. Keep left to contlnue toward Veterans Memorlal Pkwy/Veterans Pkwy fi 17. Merge onto Veterans M"morl.l Pkwy/vetelans Pkwy t 1e. Contlnue onto Mldpolnt Brldge t 19. contlnue onto Colonlal Blvd 1.0 rd 2.0 rnl 0.1 r{ 0.2Inl 1.5 rr .. l.S fi 0.6 rd 1400 Colonial Blvd #1 Fort Myers, FL 33907 These dhectlons are for plannlng purposee only. Yor rney flttd that consftlctlon prolects, traffic, weather, or other wdnts msy cause condlttoos to dfter f,om tho lrttDs://www,soosle.cordrnaps/di/750+s'l-5th+st,+Inmokalee,+FLt3414211400+colonial+"' 6/62016 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 427 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 750S5th St,Illunokalcc,FL 34142 to 1400 Colollial Blvd#1‐Google Maps Page I of2 750 S sth St, lmmokalee,FL}414?lo Drive 48.6 miles, t h 14 min 1400 Colonlal Blvd #1 SWFL Regional Plannlng Council- USDA to Announce a MaJor Multiagency lnltiative to Promote Economic Development ln Southwest Florida - June 06,2015 at 2:00 PM Map dat8 02046 0ooOh:NEG: 50 mi L____…_」 l h14 mln 48.61■lles Go ,gle Maps vla FL‐82W l h91■ln wlthout traffic vla FL‐82 W and Bayshore Rd l h 21 mln wtthouttrafnc l h 27 rnln 58.5 in∥es vla FL‐29 N and FL‐80W/Palrn Beach Blvd l h 30 rnln lltt,si//www。贅o021eoconプ maps/dil・ /750+S+5th+Stっ +Inunokalee,十 FL+34142′1400+Colonial+." 6/6/2016 q一 I) 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 428 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) REQUEST TOR ABSENCEIRAYEL R17_ntion OtherD…檄)ユ KCity/Stte Mode of T認 颯 T…」い壼On Co翁 S0 SO S48.70 Fort MけeS,H IPersonalい S33″0‐4m■κ “ 卍望ト 咲μ“ ?urpose: FDOT Meeting to dissuss Pedestria safety Iaprovemerts to SR29 Justificatioa: Flodda stdute !63.356(3) (d), "o€dion of coomrmityrcdevelopoent ageocy---"states; *At aytime aserihe creatioo of a coonuity- redervelopmeot "gm.y, tu" go.,"oiog Uoay ofrte cormty or mruicipality may appropriate to the ageory such amormts ," tt" S*;iog body de;I3s ;"*"rry?*ti" adoioisuative expenses ad overhead of the €6gcy'" 熱。":ぶ 郵□N0 _4PPROVED BY: Is Progコ 11シぬ出画町h聰 洋d? Yes 凶 理 Return llme: 2:0t0 PmRe―Day l嘔 匈′(B,2016 D…D… …… ″ 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 429 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA #19 Fort Myers - 62.4 Total Miles 750 !i,5th St,.l.trrnrolcalee t L.34,UN2 lo.l004l,Dnniels l'krvy, For( Myets, FL 33913 - Ooo... Pnge I o[ I 750 S Sth St, hnmokalos, FL 34'142 to Dflve 31.2 mlles,43 mln 10041 Danlels Pkwy, Fort Myors, FL 33913 I'DOT - District I Southwest Atca Office - Daniels Patkway - Filst Flool Snrall Confetenoe Room - May 0312016 10:00 AM Gr, glr, Mapu t, fl,x),f;l t ¨∥ 二“:'ttf t" ',ltflr, ! ,rb,l|rill&.irrlh,w 6mlt-t 43 mln 31.2 ntlles 5'l mln it7.'l tnllos 06 mln 49.6 mlloo arlo llif.. 6r i I C{ r.qiti, ! Mop dotoO2016 Goo(q INEGI vla FL-B2W 40 nrln wltltout trafflc vla Corkscrew Rd 47 rnln wltlr<lut trnfflo vla lmmokalss Rd and 175 N 52 nrftr wlthout trofflc Google Maps lrttps//wwrv.googlo,ool/rrrnpsklir/750'l'S'l'5llrl'St'l'ltumoktlee,4'YL't't4142/10041{'Darricls.., 51312016 ' '/nl lutlt ' ' v 't ,"'@- I's r ]*bltf,tttr ..qrl|16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 430 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) REQUESr FORABSENC…VEL Traveler9s Namet Ch漁 饉e Betancourt Tnde:Immokalee CRA purpose: Florida Eeartland Ecouomic Region of Opportunity (FEERO) Board of Directors Meeting' Justification: Florida StatEte 163.356 (3) (d), "Cr tion of community redevelopment agency. ..*states; 'At any time after the creation of a commuaity redevelopm.eni ag*cy, tle goveraing body of the cor:u$r or municipality may app:opriae to the agency such amounts as the goveming body deems neco..ry zu tn" "a-ioistrative expenses and overhead of the agency'" DepaJure Day:May 02,2016 DeoatturcTime 11:004M Program Attached? Yes Ilq Return Day:May 02,2016 Return Time:6:00 PM 愕 APPROVED:ETgS EXO APPROVED BY: ErecutiveManagerofcorp.Businessor* f;lC-DA- Date: s/a/aot[. Tnnspontion Co魏 R鴫 」露缶■●Oi Other Tctal Con Seb血 g,Π Personal Car S0 S86.94 161=nnes“)54 S0 S0 S86。94 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 431 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA #18 Sebring-161 Totai Mi:es ,,.1r !,, f i 750 Soutlt'ithBttoot,rlmnroksles, Flrtor8cbring Rcgionnl Airport-Sof - Ooogle Maps Page I of I 750 South 5th Street,:mmOkOieQ FLto Drive 80.5m∥es,l h 33 mln Sebr:ng Regional A:rpOrt‐Sef FHRED!‐FHERO Board meetlng on Mondav Mav 2′2016●tthe Hlghiands County EDC located ln Sebrlng Alrpo「t Termlna1 0fflce. Meetlng wi∥beBin at l:30PM Go .gle Mbps v:a FL・ 29 N and uS・ 27N l!127 mh w∥houtt,offlc vio uS‐27N l!146 mln w∥houttFafflC MIP dBta020:6●ool:●.:NEOI 20耐 ― l h 33 mln 30.5mllo8 lh54m:n loomiloo Google Maps https://www.googlo,com/rnaps/dir/750+soulh+Sth+strtet,+Itnmokaleo,+Fl/sobring+Rogi,,. 4D912016 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 432 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) Go, ,gle Maps 750S5m St,:mmOkdee:FL 34142to7m Som 5th Steet::mmokdee,FL 34142‐Goo91o Maps 750S5th St,lrnrnokalee,FL 34142to 750 South Drive 82.6 rn∥es,l h 48 rnln 5th Street,:rnrnoka:ee,FL 34142 #8,#10,#11勁 賞輪蘭胡明剛先_27,#29&#30 Main Campus,Naples Tota:Miles 82.6 卜ヽ ` れ ■.■.Map data 02016 G∞g:e・ :NEG: 2 mi― hupsJMハ ぃⅣ.gooole.comrmapsrdir1750+S+5ul+St:+immokaloo:+FL4341423299+Tamlan卜 TrdLIN8pleS=+FL1341121750+South+5th+Srediキ immokdoo,+FL.. lr3 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 433 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 14114112016 750S51h St.lmlnokaloo,FL 34142 1o 750 Souu1 5th Street,lmmokaleq FL 34142‐Goo91o Maps 750 South 5th Street lmmokaleQ FL 34142 Take Dethune Ave to S lst Str:mmokalee Rd lmm05嘲 , 1.Head 80uth on S 5th Sttoward Stokes AVe O.2m! 句 2. Tum!eft onto Bethune Ave 03 ml Cont:nuo on:mmokaiee Rd.Take l‐75 Sto uS‐41N 53 mh 140.3mゆ ■ 3. Tum nghtOnto S lst Stハ mmOkalee Rd ●COnlnue tO folbw lmmokate Rd 203 mi A 4・ Use the le■21anes to tum:eftto merge onto l‐75 Stoward Napies 64 ml 「 5・ Use the∥ght 2 1anes to take ex忙 105 for COunty Rd 886/Golden Gate Pkwytoward Go!den Gate/Napies 05 ml P 6. Use the right 2:anes to turn r:ght onto County Rd 886/Go!den Cate Pkwソ 0.9耐 ■ 7. Turn:eft onto Liv:ngston Rd l.4 ml r 3. Tum∥ght onto Rad:o Rd lomi ■ 9. Turn left onto AlrpOrt Pu∥:ng Rd S ■8m: ■ 10. USethe:eftlane toturn!eft onto US‐41S 02 mi 0 11.Make a uturn at Esp:na:B"d 021∥ 54 min 141 3 nlゆ 3299 Tamlami Tra∥ Naples,FL 34112 Take l・ 75 N and:mmokaiee Rd to BethuneAVein:mmoka:oo 52 mln1409mll ↑ 12. Head northwest on US‐41 N toward AlrpOrt Pu∥:ng Rd S 02m: r 13. Turn lght onto Andrew Dr O.3耐 r 14. Turn『ight onto Caledonia Ave 01 ml hllos■~wい ●cpodo.COm7mapsrdr170●S●3h●St+hm劇 oO・ +FL●3434409●Tmi●lll+Trdi・ INq口 o9,十 FL●341121703om●5th●S臓 就+hmokaloot+FL.. " 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 434 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) lCHlaD16 750 S 6th St,:mmokdeeI FL341421o7“(b山 副hStrooli:mm“蟻、FL34142‐GouOM中 ■ 15. Tum!eft at the lst cЮ ss street onto AirpOrt Pu∥:ng Rd S 20 ml A 16. Usethe nghtlane totake the County Road 886 E ramp 04 mi A 17.Meり e onO Gdden Cate Pkwy 17 mi A 18.じ sethe nght hneto merge onto l‐75N」a therampto Tampa 68 mi r 19. Take exl lll toward Napies Park 03 mi r 20.Usethe nght 2 hnes toturn nght ontO:mmokdee Rd●的ns fOr HOdges un"ers:tyl 07 mi 1 21.Conunue stralght to stay on:mmokatte Rd コ 、6m: Cont:nue on Bethune Ave.DriVe to S 5th St ■ 22. Turn leFt onto Bethune Ave ■ 23. Turn nght ontO s 5th St o DesunauOn w∥be Onthe nght 54 mln(41 4 mi) 750 South 5th Street lmmokalee,FL 34142 1耐 n゛ 6耐)03m鵬 02 ml These direcllons are for plannlng purposes only. You may find lhat construotlon ptolects, lraffiq weather, or othel events may csuse condltlons to dlffer lrom the map ,esults, 8nd you should plan your route accodlngly. You must obey 8ll slgns or notlces regardlng your toute. hmpsJttw.gr●91e comrmapsld r77m+S15ul+Sti■lmmmal鴫 +FL●34142209■■amlarni●TrdL+Nop10s,+FL●3411217m●Sdht5h+str“L+:mmokdee,+FL. " 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 435 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) lll111/2016 Go 'gle Maps h38 rnln Horseshoe Drive, Naples 77.8 Total Miles 11●:ヽ 。 11 MaP data 02016 0oOI:●・INECi 2 ml hupsプ″vww 9ooO oCOm/mapsrdr1760●S●5ul+St.+!mmdldee・ ●FL●34142600●HorooShoo●D∥v●+N∝九■Naplosi+FL750●餃爛h+3hISlre●1,+:mmokal鴫 +… 173 1■`1、ヽ=` 、=イ′II¶宰 」ざ 由l 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 436 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 40/14′2016 7∞S tth St,immd劇 00,FL 341421o 7∞Souul tt s●ool,!mmokd鶴 FL‐CooO10 Maps 750 South 5th Street lrnmokalee,FL 34142 Take Bethune AvetO S lst SrimmOka!ee Rd l耐 nC5Ⅲ , 1. Head south on S 5th Sttoward Stokes Ave 02m! ■ 2. Tum!eft onto Bethune Ave 03m! Fo:!ow:mmoka!ee Rd and:‐75 S to Hor80ShOe Dr N 46 mln1378耐)P 3. Turn 19ht onto S lst St/immokalee Rd ●Continue to fo∥ow lmmokalee Rd 283m: A 4.Use the left 2 1anes to turn leftto merge onto l‐75 S toward Napies 64 ml 「 5. Use the■9ht 2ianestotake exL 105 for County Rd 886ノ Go!den Cate Pkwytoward Golden CaterNaples 05 ml r 6. Use the nght 2:anesto turn dght onto County Rd 886/Go:den Cate Pkwy l.5 mi A 7.Take the Alrport Pd∥ng Rd mmpto AirpOn 03 ml P 8. KOep rlght 72 ft ヽ 9.Use the:eft 2ianes to tum s∥ghtly:efttoward Alrport Pu∥!ng Rd N ■ 10. USe any lane to turn left onto Airport Pu:!ing Rd N け 11・ Turn rlght onto Horseshoe Dr N ●DesunaJOn輛 ∥be ontheに1 l mln10 5 mり 48 rnln (38.7 ml) 2660 Horseshoe Drive North Naples, FL 34i04 t 12, Head east on Horseshoe Dr N toward Colller Way W 2 mh (0.5 mD Take l-75 N and lmmokalee Rd to Bethune Ave ln lmmokalee 46 mln (38.1 ml) n 13. TurnleftontoAlportPulllngRdN https:/&ww.goo0ls.co.n/m8p8/dr/r5o+StAhlst,+lmmdcleq+FL+3,ll42a@tHdEshos+DrlwrNdh,rNdrs,+Flr60+Sorlhl6lh+Slr€€qlhmd.dm,+... 213 203 ft 07 ml 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 437 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 10/4`12046 750S5ul St,lmmOkJ∝FL 34142to 750 Soulh 5ui S●●●t.lmmokaloo,FL‐Ooog o Maps I 1+. Use the rlght lane to take the County Road 886 E ramp I 15. M"rgeontoGoldencatePkwy I t 6. use the rlght lane to merge onlo l-75 N via the ramp to Tampa f 17. Take exlt 111 toward Naples Park P 18. Use the right 2 lanes to turn rlght onto lmmokalee Rd (slgns for Hodges Unlverslty) t 19. contlnue stralght to stay on lmmokalee Rd α7耐 “ ml 17 mi ●8m: 03m: 07 ml 2■6 mi Contlnue on Dethune Ave.Dr:veto S 5th St ■ 20. Turn left onto Bethune Ave r 21. Tum∥9ht ontO S 5th St ●Dettindbn wl∥be onthe nght 02 ml 49 mht390 m) 750 South 5th Street lmmokalee,FL 34142 鼎棚磯慢螂∥瀾鰍肌∥孵蠍朧響 l mln●.5mウ 03 ml hnps:″vvww goo91ecan/mapsldir/750,S●5th+St,1lmm●kal●●・+FL43414212660+Horsesllo●+D∥vo●NclrL+Neplesi+FL750+Sotnh+5111+S●ool,+lmmokaloo,+¨ " 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 438 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 750 South 5th Street,111■nokalee,FL to 750 South 5th Strect,Ininlokalee,FL‐Google M... Page l of4 @s, rgle Maps 摯9,#11,&#12 Pepper Ranch,:rnmoka:ee 17.5 Tota:Mi:es 750 South 5th Street lmmOkaleel FL to D“ve 17.5m∥es,47 min 750 South 5th Street,:mmokaleQ FL Pepper Ranch Preserve 750 South 5th Street lrnmokalee,FL 34142 Take S 9th Stto FL‐29N′W Main St 3mm(1.lmゅ 1 1. Head nOtth on S 5th Sttoward DoakAve 03 ml ■ 2.Turn!eftonto W Eusls Ave 03 ml r 3. Turn dght onto S 9th St 0 5 nnl Take N 15th St and Lake Trafford Rd to Pspper Rd q 4. Turn left onto FL-29 N/W Maln st I S. Contlnue stralght onto W Maln St P 6. KeeprlghttostayonWMalnSt .i 7. contlnu€ontoNlSthst I 8. Contlnue stralght to etay on N 16th St t 9, TurnleftontoLakeTraffordRd 9mh“3mゅ 01 mi 0 1 rnl 0 4 nni 04 ml 03 ml 2.9 ml Drlve to Pepper Rd 11 mln (3.4 mD ft 10. TurnrlghtontoPopperRd 1.0 ml ? 11. SllghtrlghttostayonPepperRd 2.5mi 23 nnn (8.8 mD 、 httns://-2oogle`coln/111aps/dil・ /750+South+5th+St℃etttlminokalecttFL/Pc,,cl■Ranc,.. ll1/10/2016 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 439 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 750 South 5th Str.eet, Immokalee, FL to 750 South 5flr Street, Imrnokalee, FL - Google M'.. Page? of 4 Pepper Ranch Preserve 6315 Pepper Road, lmmokalee, FL34142- F●::ow Popper Rd to Lake Trafford Rd … … ―… ……… … Ⅲ・… … … … … … …… 12mh04m) ↑ 12.Head no■h on Pepper Rdtoward P∥vate Rd′TraffOrd Oaks Rd _ ― … … ‐ 2 5 nll ヽ 13.S1lghtleftto stay On Pepper Rd ‐ … … ~ ~ ~ … ~ ~ ~ ~10 ml Foilow Lake Trafford Rd,N15th Stand W Maln Stto S 9th St 9 mh143 mゥ ■ 14 Turnleft onto Lake Trafford Rd __ … … …‐ 29m r 15. Turn nght onto N 15th St ― ― ¨´―~ 02 ml ↑ 16, COninue strJghtto stay On N 15th St ― ― ― ―― 一―‐ …‐― - 387 ft ↑ 17.Oonlnue stralght to Stay on N 1 5th St _ … … … … 04 ml ↑ 18.Corltinue str・ alghtto stay on N 1 5th St ― ・‐ … … ………~ ~ 01m l 19.continue onto W Maln St ol mi 1 20 00ntinuestrdghttostayOnWManst … … …Ⅲ -03 mi 1 21.COninue straightto stay on W Mdn St ´ _ … … 236 ft ↑ 22 Continue straight onto FL 29 S/W Maln St ‐ ¨… … … ~ 01 mi Colltinue on S 9th St Drive to S 5th Stin immoka:ee 3 min(1lm) r 23. Turn nght onto s 9th St … ― ‐ … ‐ ~ ‐ 05 ml ■ 24 Turn left onto W EustiS Ave ‐ ―― ´ ‐ ― … ‐ 03 mi P 25 Turn nght Onto S 5th St O Dettinalonw∥be onthe b■ 一 ― ‐ … … … … … ‐ ‐…03mi 23 mm 188mり 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 440 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 750 Sotltl1 5th Stect,I■lmokalec,FL to 750 Sout11 5th S●cct,Illllnolcalee,FL―Google M . Page 3 of4 750 South 5th Street lmnぅ okalee,FL 34142 These direcuons are fOr planning purposes only You may:ind that constmct10n p olects,traFfI●・weathel o「other events may cause condttlons to difler flom the map resu:ts,and you should plan yourroute aocordinglン Votl must obey a∥signs or notices regarding yourroute llttps://―Rooglo.colm/11aal,s/dil・ /750+South+5th+Stt・ eet,十 11mmOkalee,1■L/Peppel「Ranc... 10/102016 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 441 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 750 Soutl1 5th Sttet,lmmokalee,FL to 750 Soud1 5th Sむ ∝ちImmokalec,FL‐Ooogle M." Page l of3 #245 Lake ttrafFord,:mrnoka:ee ll.3 Tota!Miies CoJglc Mals ;::::廿 ll]l:ll:計 lmm:I:裾 :[[t° D“ve ll.3m∥esi 27 min Ann O!esky Park 750 South 5th Street lmmokalee・ FL 34142 Take S 9th Stto FL・ 29N/W Maln St 3mlnl1 l mゅ 1 1.Head n。■h on S 5th Sttowad Doak Ave 03 ml ■ 2. Turn:eft onto W Eust:s Ave 03 mi P 3. Turn 19ht onto S 9th St 05 ml Take N 15th Stto Lake Traffbrd Rd ll mh146m0 旬 4. Turn ieft onto FL‐29Nノ W Maln St 1 5。ConJnue stralght onto W Main St ● 6.Keep∥ghtto stay on W M8!n St 1 7.Con∥nue onto N 1 5th St 1 8. Contlnue stralghtto stay On N 15th St ■ 9. Turn left onto Lake Trafford Rd 01耐 01 ml 04 ml 04ml 03 ml 32 mi '14 min (5.7 mi) Ann Olesky Park 6001 Lake Trafforcl Rood, lmmokalee, FL a4l42 Follow Lake Trafford Rd, N 1Sth St and W Maln St to S gth St t 10. lteadeastonLakeTraffordRdtowardPepperRd 10mmt46m0 32 mi https://www,google.com/maps/dh/750+South+5th+Street,*Immokalee,+FL/Ann+Olesky.,. l0/10/2016 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 442 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) 750 South 5tlt Strcct ll■lnlolcalee,FL to 750 South 5tll Stteet IIIllnCllCale%FL‐Cyoogb M.¨ Page 2 of3 r ll. Turn nght Onto N 15th St ヽ … … ‐ …・ ― ― ― … …´… 02 mI l 12.Continue.・ tralght to stay on N 1 5th St ‐ 1 … … _ _ _ _ Ⅲ … … … … 387 ft l 13. Continue stralghtto stay on N 1 5th St 1 14.Conunue strdghtto stay on N l orth St 1 15.Colltinue onto W Mが n St ― ― ‐一‐ ― ― … … …… Ⅲ 01n, ↑ 16.Coninue straight to stay On W Maln St ― ― ‐ …‐ … 03 ml l 17 0onthue stralghtto stay on W Mah St ― ― ― ―´… … … ‐ ‐ '36 ft l 18 Conlnue straight onto FL-29S/W Main St ― ―― ― ― ― ‐ ‐ … 。l Fl Continue On S 9th St.Driveto S 5th Stin immoka:ee 3min O■mウ f| 19. Turn right onto S 9th St '- 0.5 mi +l 20. Turn left onto W Eustis Ave r' 21. Turn right onto s sth st 03nri O Destination wlll be on the left 0.3 ml 13 min(5 6 rn) 750 South 5th Street lmmokalee・ FL 34142 04 ml 01 ml These directions are for planning purposes only. You may fhd th€t con8iructlon projects. trafflq weather, or other events may cause condltlons to differ fro,m the nrap results, and you should plan your route accodingly. You must ob€y allslgns or notices regarding your route, ЪIInO/ム ス■■Av倒 、ハ('lρ Ontln/m9nミ ノ月11./7ヽ n4‐Rぃ lf11+ヽ fln+針 ,●計 +TInnn101`nloo_‐「FT.ノ Ann+01‐kv__ 10/10/2016 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 443 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff) rrivttely∪wllect v el1lclc trυ Vノ IV11lCagc ttelmolll.semenll(ates ragc l o1 2 Rates 員frectiverApp〔cabi∥ty Rate per Date tnile January l,2016 Sl 17 Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Mileage Reimbursement cSA hos odjusted dl POV tnileoge rehnbursement rutes e ective Jttnu y 1,2016. Modes of Transportation Airplane. lf use of p百 vately owned automobileis auuぅ 。∥zed orifno Covernment January l,20■6 50.54furnished automobile is available lf Goverrment-furnished automobile is available January l,2016 5019 Motorcycte January l,20■6 5051 'Airphne nauJcJ m∥es(NMs)shOu∥be con“rted htoshtute mles(SMs)orregular mlに swhen submitting a votlcher uSng the formula{l NM equals l.15077945SMsl.You can also use llelink to BoatSafe.com(a non govemmentwebskeltO assktyou in converul,gNMsto SMsorSMsto NMs. Forcalculatlng the m∥eage difference between alrpoits,please visitthe U s.Department oFTransportation's inter Airport Distance web site, QUEST10NS: For alitravel poucy queslons,e‐man travelpolicyogsa.80V Theshortcuttothlspageiswww.gsa.gov/mmeage QUEST10NS For atttravet poHcy questions,emait tlavelpolicy@gSa.gov. RELATED GSA TOplcs ・Per Diem o M&lE Breakdown GOVERNMENT LiNKS ・ Alaska,Hawali,Puerto Rico,and U.S,possessio,,s Per Diem Rates RATE THIS PAGE・ Foreign Per Diem Rates littp ://www. gsa. gov/portal/contenVl 007 1 5 10/11/2016 16.B.1.a Packet Pg. 444 Attachment: Betancourt Voucher, Dec 28 2015 - July 21 2016 (3318 : Mileage Reimbursement for CRA staff)