Agenda 09/26/2017 Item #16J509/26/2017
Recommend that the Board of County Commissioners provide after the fact approval to designate
the Sheriff as the official applicant and point of contact for the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of
Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
(JAG) FY ‘17 Local Standard grant. Authorize the acceptance of the grant when awarded, approve
associated budget amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to receive and
expend 2017 JAG Standard grant funds.
OBJECTIVE: To request after the fact approval from the Board of County Commission to designate the
Sheriff as the official applicant and point of contact for the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY ‘17
Local Standard grant. Authorize the acceptance of the grant when awarded, approve associated budget
amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to receive and exp end 2017 JAG Standard
grant funds.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Collier County Commission has participated in Edward Byrne Memorial
JAG projects for over 25 years. Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 JAG local standard allocation for Collier
County is $63,193.
The Sheriff’s Office has prepared a grant application to utilize the $63,193 allocation to continue the
Juveniles At Risk Comprehensive Action Program (JARCAP) for an additional 12 months. CCSO has
implemented a number of successful youth programs over the past 25 years. The JARCAP program was
developed in 2009 to provide an intervention model to address an increase in juvenile delinquency
throughout the community. Pro-active, multidimensional programs such as JARCAP are needed to
address an array of youth and family challenges.
The JAG allocation of $63,193 will support the costs of one Delinquency Prevention Specialist (licensed
mental health counselor).
FISCAL IMPACT: The U.S. Department of Justice will provide $63,193 in JAG grant funds. There is
no local match requirement.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT: There are no Growth Management Plan impacts resulting from this
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners provide after the fact approval to
designate the Sheriff as the official applicant and point of contact for the U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance
Grant (JAG) FY ‘17 Local Standard grant. Authorize the acceptance of the grant when awarded, approve
associated budget amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to receive and expend
2017 JAG Standard grant funds.
PREPARED BY: Andrea Marsh, Finance Director
APPROVED BY: Kevin Rambosk, Sheriff
Packet Pg. 3053
1. Exec Summary - Edward Byrne Grant (PDF)
2. Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Back-Up (PDF)
Packet Pg. 3054
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.J.5
Doc ID: 3707
Item Summary: Recommendation to provide an after the fact approval to designate the Sheriff as
the official applicant and point of contact for the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY17 Local
Standard Grant. Authorize the acceptance of the grant when awarded, approve associated budget
amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriff's Office to receive and expand 2017 JAG Standard
grant funds.
Meeting Date: 09/26/2017
Prepared by:
Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office
Name: MaryJo Brock
08/29/2017 2:56 PM
Submitted by:
Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office
Name: Leo E. Ochs
08/29/2017 2:56 PM
Approved By:
Grants Edmond Kushi Level 2 Grants Review Completed 09/05/2017 1:58 PM
Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 09/05/2017 4:30 PM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 09/06/2017 3:35 PM
Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 09/06/2017 3:47 PM
Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 09/06/2017 3:49 PM
County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 09/06/2017 4:32 PM
Board of County Commissioners Michael Cox Meeting Completed 09/12/2017 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 3055
Recommend that the Board of County Commissioners provide after the fact approval to
designate the Sheriff as the oflicial applicant and point of contact for the U.S. Department
of Justice, Ollice of Justice Programs, Bureru of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne
Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY '17 Local Standard grant. Authorize the
acceptance of the grant when awarded, approve associrted budget amendments end
approve the Collier County Sherifrs Oflice to receive and expend 2017 JAG Strndard
grant funds.
OBJECTIVE: To request after the fact approval from the Board of County Commission to designate the
Sheriff as the official applicant and point of contact for the U.S. Department of Justice, Ofiice of Justice
Programs, Bureau of Justice Assist nce Edward Byme Memorial Justice Assistanc€ Crant (JAG) FY'17
Local Standard grant. Authorize the acceptance of the grant when awarded, approve associated budget
amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriffs Oftice to receive and expend 2017 JAG Standard
grant funds.
CONSIDERATION: The Collier County Commission has participated in Edward Byrne Memorial JAG
projects for over 25 years. Foderal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 JAG local standard allocation for Collier
County is $63,193.
The SherilPs Office has prepared a gant application to utilize the $63,193 allocation to continue the
Juveniles At Risk Comprehensive Action Program (JARCAP) for an additional 12 months. CCSO has
implemented a number of successful youth programs over the past 25 years. The JARCAP program was
developed in 2009 to provide an intervention modol to address an increase in juvenile delinquency
throughout the community. Pro-active, multidimensional prograrns such as JARCAP are needed to
address an array ofyouth and family challenges.
The JAG allocation of $63,193 will support the costs of one Delinquency Prevention Specialist (liceosed
mental health counselor).
FISCAL IMPACT: The U.S. Department of Justice will provide $53,193 in JAG grant funds. There is
no local match requirement.
GROWTH MANAGEMENTT There are no Growth Management Plan impacts resulting fiom this
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners provide after the fact approval to
designate the Sheriff as the official applicant and point of contsct for the U.S. Department of Justice,
O{fice of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance
Grant (JAG) FY '17 Local Standard grant. Authorize tle acceptanc€ ofthe grant when awarded, approve
associated budget amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriffs Office to and expend
2017 JAG Standard grant hnds
PREPARED BY:Andren M●"h,Finonce D:rector
APPROVED BY:Kevin Rambo9k,Sheriff
DATE:June 2,2016
and i●3ality
Je飾 りA Attomcy
Packet Pg. 3056 Attachment: Exec Summary - Edward Byrne Grant (3707 : Sheriff's Department - JAG Grant)
The Collier County Sheriffs Oflice seeks conlinued Bureau of Justice Assistance
funding through a Byme JAG grant to maintain an innovative program to reduce and prevent
juvenile delinquency and youth violence by providing children, families, and neighborhoods
with the resources necessary to foster the development of productive and responsible citizens.
The Florida Department ofJuvenile Justice statistics found a corrclation between school
history and delinquency. These statistics reflect a continued increase in truancy and delinquency
over previous years. According to Collier County data, the school population has increased
significantly from 78,967 in 201l-12 to 85,165 in 2015-16 over the past five years. lnFY20l5-
16 there were 83 girls anested; which a 65% decrease from FY 20ll-12. During the FY 2015-
16 school year, 4.4 out of every 1,000 students in Collier County Schools have been arrtsted for
school related offenses - much lower than the rate from FY 2011-12 of 8,2. Misdemeanor
arrests have been steadily decreasing over the past few yeals as many non-serious misdemeanors
have been enrolled in a civil citation or other diversion program in lieu ofgetting arrested.
ln Coltier County Schools FY 2013-2014, 123 middle and high school juveniles were
identified as habitual truants (missing 200lo or more days) and exhibiting multiple at-risk
behaviors. In school year 2014-2015, l4l middle and high school juveniles were identified as
habitual truants. This was a slight incresse from the past school year with the number ofhabitual
truants in a significant problem area. As a result of the continued high suspension and truancy
data and the increased stress on children and families as a rcsult ofthe continuing recovery from
home foreclosures, job loss, and th€ economic crisis, the Collier County Sherilfs Oflice (CCSO)
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Packet Pg. 3057 Attachment: Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Back-Up (3707 : Sheriff's Department - JAG Grant)
is even more determined to continue implementation of progmms to provide preveotion services
for juveniles at risk of commiting crimes.
Effective juvenile delinquency prcgratns require multiple community partners who
coordinate on numerous levels to address a variety of delinquency issues and prevention
altematives. Prior prevention efforts have often failed to recognize and implement strategies to
deal with multiple at-risk behaviors. The identification of at-risk juveniles and solutions to
tackle their multiple issues are numerous and complex. Prcvention is the key to averting juvenile
delinquency. A combination of dedicated staft, willing partners and a comprehensive and
focused plan to address the needs of these juveniles and their families are key to addressing this
complex issue.
Juvenile delinquency prevention requires a multi-faceted approach. Since 1985, CCSO
has been working with various state agencies and NGOs on juvenile delinquency prevention.
Even with a long history of collaborative partnenhips, gaps exisl within thejuvenile delinquency
prevention arena. Collier County faces multiple challenges in reaching an incr€ased level of
prevention and providing adequate services to youth and families in need of prevention and
diversion, This gap can be addressed through continued grant funding and partnerships which
bring local law enforcement and NGOs together under a multi-faceted evidenced-based approach
to provide wraparound services to thejuveniles and families in need.
CCSO has implemented a number of successful youth programs over the past 20 years.
Youth Relations Deputies were placed in school settings in the late 1970's to foster a better
working relationship with the schools in recognizing youth with at-risk behaviors' Later the
Sheriffs Office began to implement several programs dealing with delinquoncy issues within
their Delinquency, Enforccmen! and Prevention Bureau. The goal has been to reach out to
Co∥icr County,FL JAG bcalStandard Namtive Pagc 2 of8
Packet Pg. 3058 Attachment: Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Back-Up (3707 : Sheriff's Department - JAG Grant)
youth across a continuum of care and resourc€s to most successfully assist them and their
families according to their level ofneed. The Serious Habitual Oflender Comprehensive Action
Plan (SHOCAP) program was implemanted to supervise serious juvenile habitual offenders. As
a result of the success with SHOCAP, CCSO created a Juvenile Arrest and Monitoring (JAM)
progmm to monitor first time offenders on probation. A Street Gang Unit has been consistently
maintained to combat and prevenl juvenile criminal street gang activity. A Juvenile At Risk
(JAR) Prevention program was developed as a resource for pre-arrest juveniles exhibiting at-risk
behaviors such as truancy, drug use, and gang involvement. This program oonsists of mentoring
the at-risk juveniles while providing education for the juveniles and parents, A diversion
program called Civil Citation is also in place as an altemative to arrest for minor juvenile
offenses, All of these successful juvenile programs were begun with thc help of slate or federal
grant funds.
Additionally, the SheriIPs Office has also been involved with the Collier County Drug
Court. This program closely supervises youth on probation lvith substance abuse issues. All of
these programs, including Drug Court, SHOCAP, JAM, and Civil Citation, provide services and
include specific accountability measures. Without specific sanctions requiring them to receive
services, somejuveniles would not address their issues and their needs would remain unmet.
Even with the above progxams in place, a need was identified to provide services to at-
risk, underserved youth and families who had not yet been plac.ed into thejuvenile court system.
As a result of this unmet need, CCSO developed the Juveniles At Risk Comprehensive Action
Program (JARCAP). This comprchensive, case management program includes services from a
collaborative network of community based partners who have developed a multi-faceted
intervention strategy designed to servic€ the individualized needs of the targeted at-risk youth
Collier County, FL JAG lrcal Standard Nanative Page 3 of 8
Packet Pg. 3059 Attachment: Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Back-Up (3707 : Sheriff's Department - JAG Grant)
and their families. A comprehensive action plan, with accountability me€sures, insures that
services are being directed in the right area, This juvenile delinquency prcvention initiative
effectively targets an emerging problem and lessens the burden on the criminal justice system
and the courts.
As the CCSO is still recovering from the lasting impact of the rec€nt recession, it neods
continued grant funding for the JARCAP case management program,
CCSO developed Juvenile At Risk Comprehensive Action Program (JARCAP) as a wrap
around, case management program that includes services from a collaborative network of
community based partners created to foster a multi-faceted intervention strategy designed to
service the individual needs of the targeted at-risk youth and their families. Youth ne€d to be
reached prior to arr€st. Reaching at-risk juveniles and their families is signilicant and crucial to
redirecting potential criminal tendencies. Thc CCSO's main goal is to reduce juvenile risk
factors by creating a comprehensive approach that will provide an opportunity for targeted ah
risk juveniles to be identified early, assessed quickly, and receive the services they need before
lheir problems spiral out ofcontrol and increase delinquent behavior.
The on-going economic decline and the housing foreclosure crisis have resulted in
multiple strains, and cuts, in the existing State and local systems. The increasing incidence of
juveniles' at-risk behavior has placed an increased strain on existing social and health services
systems. Families that are not a part of the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF)
or the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) system have increasing dilficulty accessing
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Packet Pg. 3060 Attachment: Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Back-Up (3707 : Sheriff's Department - JAG Grant)
public services due to funding cuts and long waiting lists. The lack ofcommunity education and
activities forjuveniles that promote positive social behavior are also a serious concem.
The JARCAP program is prevention focused and utilizes a model to intervene at an early
stage and provide the youth and family with much needed resources. A Delinquency Prevention
Specialist (DPS) coordinates with CCSO Deputies and community service network providers to
ensure the needs of underserved at-risk juveniles and their families are met. The DPS is a
licensed mental heelth counselor who provides the following services: works with youth
identified as at-risk by Truancy Cour! schools, Deputies, parants, and the public; performs initial
assessments based on risk factors such as truancy, otc.; develops case plans for services that can
be offered by community partners; follows-up to ensure the case plan is being implemented;
documents contacts and share information with oollaborative partners; minimizes the risk factors
causing future criminal behavior; offers families building blocks for basic needs; and minimizes
risk factors as a long term solution for youth to become responsible, productive citizens.
A Juveniles At Risk (JAR) Deputy works with the DPS licpnsed mental health counselor
to: work with youth identified as at-risk by Truancy Court, schools, Deputies, Parents, and the
public; mentor youth and families and provide guidance while educating on possible future
criminal consequences if pattems of behavior are not corrected; provide an educational
component to the program for both parents and youdr; follow up to ensure case plans are being
followed; coordinate and make rcferrals to appropriate community service providers; and
document contacts and share information with collaborative partners.
Based on recent successes with the JARCAP program, CCSO seeks BJA funding to
continue this innovative, prevention focused juvenile delinquency and youth violence reduction
case management program to provide juveniles and families with the resources necessary to
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Packet Pg. 3061 Attachment: Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Back-Up (3707 : Sheriff's Department - JAG Grant)
foster the development of productive and responsible citizens. The program and services will
address those youth who ar€ most likely to become chronic juvenile offenders as detetmined by
an assessment that indicates that the youth have multiple risk factors present in their life
including, but not limited to: significant sohool troubles, substantial family problems,
drug/alcohol use, and pre{elinquent behavior. One of dre goals of this at-risk program is that a
majority of youth served should remain crime-free while in the program and for six months
CCSO will provide access to wraparound/case management services for targeted youth
and families to address multiple risk factors. The Delinquenoy Prevention Specialist (DPS) (a
licensed mental health counselor) and JAR Deputy are critical to leading the collaborative,
community-based interagency team to reach goals established for the youth and their families.
Some of the prevention senices coordinated through lhe DPS, Deputy, and community service
providers include, but not be limited to, mentoring, parenting skills education, individuaVfamily
counseling, random drug screening, drug counseling, gang awareness education, community
work projects, and truancy education awareness. Individualized cas€ plans are formulated and
followed up on to ensure ihe recommended services are being received.
The Collier County Juveniles At-Risk Comprehensive Action Program (JARCAP)
focuses on youth between the ages of6 and 16 with each youth expected to participate in the the
program for 30-90 days, The program will rcduce the risk factors present in youth served
through educating the parents and juveniles in reference to lhe issues that surround the al-risk
behavior, explaining potential consequenccs, and providing services as outlined in each
individualized case management plan. Furthermore, a follow up phase fiom 30-90 days will be
implemented to ensure accountobility and to assist with intervention stratggies. The program
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Packet Pg. 3062 Attachment: Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Back-Up (3707 : Sheriff's Department - JAG Grant)
will focus on staying in school, keeping busn getting a job (where applicable), and living
violence free. Substance abuse prevention services and education will be made available through
refenals for substance abuse treatment services. With gant funding, it is estimated that over 100
youth will be served each year through this program.
Some of the JARCAP community partners include the Collier County Public Schools,
Lutheran Services (T.U.R.N.), Substance Abuse Coaltion of Collier County, Juvenile
Assessment Center, David lawrence Center, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, State
Attomey's Office, and the Judiciary. Referrals may come fiom any of the community partners,
parents, churches or others.
The JARCAP program has been developed and implemented with I stong focus on
addressing truant/at risk behavior by ensuring family accountability for their juvenile's behavior.
A key element of the program is the collaborative effort between the DPS and the CCSO JAR
Deputy in the accountability of seeing that any family member's criminal activity that is
detrimental to the child/youth, such as substance abuse, child neglect/abuse, domestic violence,
etc., is addressed. The involvernent of the JAR Deputy and the DPS are crucial to ensuring
services are received and participants are held accountable. Reaching these at-risk juveniles and
their families early on is significant to redirecting potential criminal tendencies.
Once the youth and family have agreed to participate in the program, the DPS will
develop a case plan for the specialized needs of the juvenile and his/her family. Based on the
results of an assessment, services suoh ss mental illness, medical services, substance abuse
treatment, and social services will be provided.
The DPS and the JAR Deputy will also be responsible for following up on the case plsn
to assure that the youth and their family are participating and receiving services. In the event
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that the case plan is not being followed, acoountability measures will be put in place - i.e.
referral to Truancy Court, or Children in Need of ServiceVFamilies in Needs of Services
(CINSIFINS) petition filed to allow a Judge to review and decide if services need to be mandated
by a court order. At that time, the DPS and the JAR Deputy, along with a panel of community
partners including the Judge, will work as a team to assure accountability.
The DPS and JAR Deputy utilize the CCSO Youth Tracking System (YTS) to track
juveniles in all CCSO youth related prevention and enforcement programs. YTS tracks
information which provides performance measures on juveniles in prevention and enforcement
programs as well as program progress and the successes ofjuveniles.
The Contractual Services costs related to the implementation of this program wilt be
$63,609.60 for the support of one DPS/mental health counselor for a total request of $63,193.
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Packet Pg. 3064 Attachment: Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Back-Up (3707 : Sheriff's Department - JAG Grant)