Agenda 09/26/2017 Item #16D2809/26/2017
Recommendation to approve the FY2017-2018 State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement, 2018-2022
Strategic Plan, and 2017-2018 Annual Plan of Service, authorizing the Collier County Public
Library to apply for State Aid to Libraries in the estimated amount of $221,236.
OBJECTIVE: To receive State Aid to Libraries Grant funds in the estimated amount of $221,236.
CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County Public Library qualifies for State Aid to Libraries under Chapter
257 of the Florida Statutes. The Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information
Services administer this program. The Grant Agreement, 2018-2022 Strategic plan, and the 2017-2018
Annual Plan of Service are required elements in order to receive State funding. The Board ha s approved
submission of the application for State Aid and associated contracts and documents for over three
decades. State Aid for FY18 was authorized by the 2017 Florida State Legislature. The agreement serves
as an application for the grant as well as acceptance of the grant.
State Aid is available to Florida public library systems that qualify as a result of meeting minimum
requirements as stipulated in Chapter 257, Fla. Stat. and Chapter 1B-2, Florida Administrative Code. The
grant amount is calculated using a formula that considers: (1) the amount of local funds appropriated for
the Library adjusted by a factor based on the amount of revenue one mill levy in the jurisdiction would
generate, (2) the number of library systems in Florida that qualify in a given year, and (3) the total amount
made available by the State Legislature to improve library services within the State. Funds are intended to
supplement, rather than replace, local effort towards that end.
State Aid may not be used to fund capital construction. It may be used for operating purposes, personnel,
materials, and equipment.
FISCAL IMPACT: Preliminary estimates show that Collier County Public Library should receive about
$221,236 in State Aid. Upon notification of the grant award, the Board will be asked to accept the grant
and approve the budget amendment to recognize the revenue and appropriate the expenditures. There is
no impact to the General Fund with this grant.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to
form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK
RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the FY2017-2018 State Aid to
Libraries Grant Agreement, Technology Plan, and Current Year Action Plan, authorizing the Collier
County Public Library to apply for State Aid to Libraries in the amount of $221,236.
Prepared By: Tanya Williams, Library Director, Library Division
1. 2017-2018 State Aid Grant Agreement_CAO (PDF)
2. CCPL_Strategic Plan 2018-2022(v2) (DOCX)
3. FY18_CCPL Annual Plan of Service (DOC)
Packet Pg. 1986
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.D.28
Doc ID: 3703
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the FY2017-2018 State Aid to Libraries Grant
Agreement, 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, and 2017-2018 Annual Plan of Service, authorizing the Collier
County Public Library to apply for State Aid to Libraries in the estimated amount of $221,236.
Meeting Date: 09/26/2017
Prepared by:
Title: Administrative Assistant – Library
Name: Karen Tibbetts
08/29/2017 11:29 AM
Submitted by:
Title: Assistant Division Director - Library – Library
Name: Tanya Williams
08/29/2017 11:29 AM
Approved By:
Library Tanya Williams Additional Reviewer Completed 08/29/2017 11:41 AM
Operations & Veteran Services Sean Callahan Additional Reviewer Completed 08/31/2017 12:13 PM
Public Services Department Todd Henry Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 09/05/2017 8:59 AM
Public Services Department Steve Carnell Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 09/16/2017 10:36 AM
Grants Kimberly Lingar Level 2 Grants Review Completed 09/18/2017 11:46 AM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 09/18/2017 12:49 PM
Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 09/18/2017 2:32 PM
Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 09/19/2017 10:47 AM
County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 09/19/2017 1:30 PM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 09/26/2017 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 1987
C o llie r C o unty B o a rd o f C o un t y C o mmissio n e rs f o r a nd o n be ha lf o f C o llie r C o u nty
P u blic Libra ry
This Agreement is by and betw een the State of Flor i da, Department of State, Di vi si on of Library and
Information Services, herei nafter referred to as the "Di vi si on," and the Col l i er County Board of County
Commissioners for and on behal f of Collier County Public Li brary, hereinafter referred to as the
The Grantee has submitted an application and has met all eligi bility requir ements and has been awar ded
a State Aid to Librar i es Grant (CSFA 45.030) by the Di vi si on in the amount speci fi ed on the "Fiscal
Year 2017-18 State Aid to Librari es Final Grants” document (w hich is incor porated as part of this
Agreement and entitl ed Attachment B). The Division has the authority to admi nister this grant in
accordance w ith Secti on 257, Fl orida Statutes. By reference, the application and any approved revisions
are hereby made a par t of this agreement.
In consi deration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follow s:
1. Grant Purpose .This grant shall be used excl usivel y for the "State Aid to Librari es Grant,” the
public purpose for w hi ch these funds w ere appropri ated.
a. The Grantee shall perform the follow i ng Scope of Work as identified in Section 257.17,
Florida St at ut es:
Manage or coordi nate free library service to the residents of its l egal servi ce area. The
Grantee shal l :
1. Have a si ngl e admini strative head empl oyed ful l time by the libr ary’s governing body;
2. Provide fr ee library service, includi ng loaning materials availabl e for circulation free of
charge and provi di ng reference and i nformati on services free of charge;
3. Provide access to materials, infor mati on and services for al l r esidents of the area served;
4. Have at least one l i brary, branch libr ary or member library open 40 hours or more each
b. The Grantee agrees to provide the follow i ng De live rable s related to the Scope of Work for
payments to be aw arded.
Payment 1, Deliverabl e/Task 1:
Payment w ill be a fi xed price in the amount of 100% of the gr ant aw ard. The Grantee w i l l :
Adopt or approve current year library budget;
Have at least one library, br anch library or member libr ar y open 40 hours or mor e
each w eek (excluding holidays) during the grantee’s fi scal year; and
Adopt or approve the Annual Pl an of Service for the grantee’s fi scal year.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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2. Le ngth of Agre e me nt. This Agreement shall begi n the date the agreement i s signed by both the
Grantee’s Governi ng Body and the Divisi on and conti nue until all grant funds have been expended,
unl ess terminated in accordance w ith the pr ovi si ons of Section 28 of thi s Agreement.
3. Expe nditure of Grant Funds. The Grantee cannot obligate or expend any grant funds before the
Agreement has been si gned by all parties. No costs incurred after terminati on of the Agreement shal l
be allow ed unless specifically authorized by the Division.
4. Contract Administration. The parties ar e l egally bound by the requi rements of this agreement. Each
party's contract manager, named below , w i l l be responsi ble for moni tor i ng its performance under
thi s Agreement and w i l l be the official contact for each party. Any notice(s) or other
communications in regard to this agreement shal l be directed to or delivered to the other party's
contract manager by uti l i zi ng the informati on below . Any change in the contact i nformation below
should be submitted in w riti ng to the contr act manager w i thin 10 days of the change.
For the Division of Library and Information Se rvice s:
Marian Deeney, Library Program Admini str ator
Florida Depar tment of State
R.A. Gray Building
Mail Station # 9D
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Fl orida 32399-0250
Phone: 850.245.6620
Facsimile: 850.245.6643
For the Grante e :
Tanya Williams, Project Manager
2385 Orange Blossom Drive Naples, Flor i da 34109-8840
Phone: 239.593.3511
Facsimile: 239.254.8167
Email: tanyaw
5. Grant Payme nts. The total grant aw ard shal l not exceed the amount speci fi ed on the "Fiscal Year
2017-18 State Aid to Librari es Final Grants” document (Attachment B), w hi ch shall be paid by the
Di vision in consideration for the Grantee’s mi nimum performance as set forth by the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. Payment wi l l be a fixed price in the amount of 100% of the grant
aw ard as speci fi ed i n Attachment B. Payment w ill be made in accordance w i th the completion of the
6. Ele ctronic Payme nts. The Grantee can choose to use electronic funds tr ansfer (EFT) to receive
grant payments. Al l grantees w ishing to receive thei r aw ard through EFT must submit a Vendor
Di rect Deposit Authorization form (incor porated by reference) to the Flor i da Department of
Financial Services. If EFT has already been set up for your organizati on, you do not need to submi t
another authorization form unless you have changed bank accounts. To dow nl oad thi s form visit The form also i ncl udes tools and
i nformation that allow you to check on payments.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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7. Florida Substitute Form W-9. A completed Substi tute Form W-9 is required from any entity that
receives a payment from the State of Florida that may be subject to 1099 reporti ng. The Department
of Financial Ser vi ces (DFS) must have the cor rect Taxpayer Identifi cation Number (TIN) and other
rel ated information in order to report accur ate tax i nformation to the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS). To register or access a Florida Substi tute Form W-9 visit flvendor .myfl A
copy of the Grante e ’s Florida Substitute Form W-9 must be submitte d by the Grante e to the
Division with the e xe cute d Agre e me nt.
8. Financial Conse que nce s. The Department shal l appl y the following financial consequences for
failure to perform the mi nimum level of ser vi ces requi red by this Agreement in accordance with
Sections 215.971 and 287.058, Florida Statutes:
Should the libr ar y fail to provide free library service to the public or to be open for at least 40
hours per w eek, i t w ill no l onger be eligi bl e to recei ve State Aid to Libr ari es grant funding, and i ts
funding w ill be reduced to zero.
Payment w ill be w ithheld i f Deliverables ar e not satisfactorily completed.
9. Cre dit Line (s) to Acknowle dge Grant Funding. The Division requir es public acknow ledgement of
State Aid to Libr ar i es Grant funding for acti vi ties and publications supported by grant funds. Any
announcements, information, press releases, publ i cations, brochures, videos, w eb pages, programs,
etc. created as part of a State Aid to Librar i es Grant proj ect must incl ude an acknow ledgment that
State Aid to Libr ar i es Grant funds were used to create them.
Use the follow ing text:
"This project has been funded under the pr ovi si ons of the State Aid to Li braries Grant program,
w hich is admi nister ed by the Florida Depar tment of State’s Division of Li brary and Information
10. Non-allowable Grant Expe nditure s. The Gr antee agrees to expend all gr ant funds received under
thi s agreement solel y for the purposes for w hich they w ere authorized and appropri ated.
Expenditures shall be i n compliance with the state gui delines for allow abl e project costs as outlined
i n the Department of Financial Services’ Reference Guide for State Expenditures (incorporated by
reference), w hi ch are availabl e online at myflori ence_gui de.
Grant funds may not be used for the purchase or construction of a libr ar y building or library quarter s
11. Trave l Expe nse s. The Subgrantee must pay any travel expenses, from gr ant or l ocal matching funds,
i n accordance to the provisions of Section 112.061, Fl orida Statutes
12. Unobligate d and Une arne d Funds and Allowable Costs. In accordance w ith Secti on 215.971,
Fl orida Statut es, the Grantee shall refund to the State of Florida any bal ance of unobligated funds
w hich has been advanced or paid to the Grantee. In addition, funds pai d in excess of the amount to
w hich the recipient is entitl ed under the terms and conditi ons of the agreement must be refunded to
the state agency. Further, the recipient may expend funds only for allow able costs resulting from
obligations incur red during the specified agr eement peri od. Expendi tures of state financial
assistance must be in compl i ance w ith the l aw s, rul es and regulations applicable to expenditures of
State funds, includi ng, but not limited to, the Ref erence Guide for State Expenditures.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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13. Re payme nt. All refunds or repayments to be made to the Department under this agreement are to be
made payable to the order of "Department of State” and mailed directl y to the fol l ow ing address:
Florida Depar tment of State, Attention: Mar i an Deeney, Division of Libr ary and Information
Services, 500 South Bronough Street, Mai l Station #9D, Tallahassee, FL 32399. In accordance w i th
Section 215.34(2), Fl ori da Statutes, if a check or other draft is retur ned to the Department for
collection, Recipient shall pay to the Department a servi ce fee of $15.00 or fi ve percent (5%) of the
face amount of the r eturned check or draft, w hichever is greater.
14. Single Audit Act. Each grantee, other than a grantee that is a State agency, shall submit to an audit
pursuant to Secti on 215.97, Florida Statutes. See Attachment A for addi tional i nformation regar di ng
thi s requirement. If a Grantee is not requi red by law to conduct an audi t i n accordance w ith the
Florida Single Audit Act because it did not expend at least $750,000 i n state financial assistance, i t
must submit a Fi nanci al Report on its oper ati ons pursuant to Section 257.41(3), Florida Statutes
w ithin nine months of the cl ose of its fiscal year.
15. Re te ntion of Accounting Re cords. Financial records, supporting documents, stati stical records and
all other recor ds, i ncl uding electronic storage medi a pertinent to the Project, shal l be retained for a
period of five (5) fi scal years after the close out of the grant and release of the audi t. If any litigation
or audit is initi ated or clai m made before the expirati on of the five-year period, the records shall be
retained for fi ve fi scal years after the litigati on, audit or claim has been resol ved.
16. Obligation to Provide State Acce ss to Grant Re cords. The Grantee must make al l grant recor ds
of expenditures, copies of reports, books, and related documentation availabl e to the Division or a
duly authorized r epresentati ve of the State of Fl orida for inspection at r easonabl e times for the
purpose of maki ng audits, examinations, excerpts and transcripts.
17. Obligation to Provide Public Acce ss to Grant Re cords. The Division r eserves the right to
uni laterally cancel thi s Agreement in the event that the Grantee refuses publ i c access to all
documents or other materi als made or recei ved by the Grantee that are subj ect to the provisions of
Chapter 119, Fl ori da Statutes, known as the Fl ori da Public Records Act. The Grantee must
i mmediately contact the Di vi sion's Contract Manager for assistance if i t recei ves a public recor ds
request related to this Agreement.
18. Noncompliance . Any Grantee that is not fol l ow ing Fl ori da Statutes or rul es, the terms of the grant
agreement, Florida Department of State polici es and guidance, local polici es, or other applicabl e
l aw or that has not submi tted required repor ts or sati sfi ed other admini str ati ve requirements for
other Division of Li brary and Information Ser vi ces grants or grants from any other Office of
Cultural, Historical, and Information Programs (OCHIP) Division w i l l be in noncompliance status
and subject to the OCHIP Grants Compliance Procedure. OCHIP Divisions include the Division of
Cultural Affair s, the Di vi si on of Historical Resources, and the Division of Library and Informati on
Services. Grant compl i ance issues must be resol ved before a grant aw ard agreement may be
executed and befor e grant payments for any OCHIP grant may be released.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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19. Accounting Re quire me nts. The Grantee must mai ntain an accounting system that provides a
complete recor d of the use of all grant funds as fol l ow s:
a) The accounting system must be able to specifically identify and provide audit trai ls that trace the
receipt, maintenance and expenditure of state funds;
b) Accounting r ecords must adequately identify the sources and applicati on of funds for all grant
activities and must cl assify and identify gr ant funds by using the same budget categories that w ere
approved in the grant appl i cation. If Grantee’s accounti ng system accumulates data in a different
format than the one in the grant application, subsi di ary records must document and reconcile the
amounts show n i n the Grantee’s accounting records to those amounts r eported to the Division;
c) An interest-bear i ng checki ng account or accounts i n a state or federal l y chartered institution may
be used for revenues and expenses descri bed i n the Scope of Work and detailed in the Estimated
Project Budget;
d) The name of the account(s) must include the grant aw ard number;
e) The Grantee's accounti ng records must have effecti ve control over and accountability for all
funds, property and other assets; and
f) Accounting r ecords must be supported by source documentation and be in suffi cient detail to
allow for a proper pre-audit and post-audit (such as i nvoices, bills and canceled checks).
20. Availability of State Funds. The State of Flor i da’s performance and obligati on to pay under this
Agreement are conti ngent upon an annual appropri ati on by the Florida Legi sl ature. In the event that
the state funds upon w hi ch this Agreement is dependent are w ithdraw n, this Agreement w ill be
automatically terminated and the Division shal l have no further liabi l i ty to the Grantee beyond those
amounts already expended prior to the terminati on date. Such termination w i l l not affect the
responsibility of the Grantee under this Agr eement as to those funds previ ously distributed. In the
event of a state revenue shortfall, the total gr ant may be reduced accor di ngl y.
21. Lobbying. The Subgrantee w ill not use any grant funds for lobbying the state l egi sl ature, the state
j udicial branch or any state agency.
22. Inde pe nde nt Contractor Status of Grante e . The Grantee, if not a state agency, agrees that its
officers, agents and empl oyees, in performance of this Agreement, shal l act in the capacity of
i ndependent contractors and not as officer s, agents or employees of the state. The Grantee is not
entitled to accrue any benefits of state employment, including retirement benefi ts and any other r i ghts
or privileges connected w ith employment by the State of Florida.
23. Grante e 's Subcontractors. The Grantee shall be responsible for all w or k performed and all
expenses incurr ed i n connecti on w ith this Agr eement. The Grantee may subcontract, as necessar y, to
perform the services and to provide commodi ties requi red by this Agreement. The Division shal l
not be liable to any subcontractor(s) for any expenses or liabilities incurr ed under the Grantee’s
subcontract(s), and the Grantee shall be solel y l i able to its subcontractor(s) for all expenses and
l i abilities incurr ed under its subcontract(s). The Grantee must take the necessary steps to ensure that
each of its subcontr actors w i l l be deemed to be i ndependent contractors and w i l l not be considered
or permitted to be agents, servants, joint venturers or partners of the Di vi si on.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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24. Liability. The Di vi si on w ill not assume any l i ability for the acts, omi ssi ons to act or negligence of
the Grantee, its agents, servants or employees; nor may the Grantee excl ude liabi l i ty for its ow n
acts, omissions to act or negligence to the Di vi si on.
a) The Grantee shal l be responsible for cl aims of any nature, including but not l i mi ted to injury,
death and proper ty damage ari sing out of activiti es rel ated to this Agr eement by the Grantee, its
agents, servants, empl oyees and subcontractors. The Grantee shall indemni fy and hold the Divisi on
harmless from any and al l cl aims of any nature and shal l investigate all such clai ms at its own
expense. If the Gr antee i s governed by Secti on 768.28, Florida Statutes, i t shal l onl y be obligated
i n accordance w ith thi s Section.
b) Neither the state nor any agency or subdi vi si on of the state waives any defense of sovereign
i mmunity or increases the limits of its liabi l i ty by enteri ng into this Agr eement.
c) The Division shall not be liable for attorney fees, interest, late char ges or service fees, or cost of
collection related to this Agreement.
d) The Grantee shall be responsible for all w ork performed and all expenses incurred in connection
w ith the project. The Grantee may subcontr act as necessary to perfor m the services set forth in thi s
Agreement, incl uding entering into subcontracts w i th vendors for ser vi ces and commodities,
provided that such subcontract has been appr oved i n w ri ting by the Depar tment pri or to its execution
and provided that i t i s understood by the Grantee that the Department shall not be liable to the
subcontractor for any expenses or liabiliti es i ncurred under the subcontr act and that the Grantee
shall be solely liabl e to the subcontractor for al l expenses and liabil i ties incurred under the
25. Strict Compliance with Laws. The Grantee shall perform all acts requi red by this Agreement in
strict conformity w ith all applicable laws and regul ati ons of the local , state and federal law. For
consequences of noncompl i ance, see Secti on 18, Noncompliance.
26. No Discrimination. The Grantee may not di scr i mi nate against any employee empl oyed under this
Agreement or agai nst any appl icant for employment because of race, color, rel i gion, gender,
national origin, age, handi cap, pregnancy or mari tal status. The Grantee shal l insert a similar
provision in all of its subcontracts for services under this Agreement.
27. Bre ach of Agre e me nt. The Division w ill demand the return of grant funds already received, w ill
w ithhold subsequent payments and/or w ill terminate thi s agreement if the Grantee improperly
expends and manages grant funds; fails to prepare, preserve or surrender records required by thi s
Agreement; or otherw ise violates this Agreement.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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28. Te rmination of Agre e me nt. The Division w i l l termi nate or end this Agr eement i f the Grantee fai l s
to fulfill its obligati ons herei n. In such event, the Di vi si on w ill provi de the Grantee a notice of i ts
vi olation by letter and shal l gi ve the Grantee fi fteen (15) calendar days fr om the date of receipt to
cure its violati on. If the vi ol ation is not cur ed w ithin the stated period, the Division w ill terminate
thi s Agreement. The noti ce of violation letter shall be delivered to the Grantee's Contract Manager,
personally, or mailed to hi s/her specified address by a method that pr ovi des proof of receipt. In the
event that the Division termi nates this Agreement, the Grantee w ill be compensated for any w or k
completed in accor dance w i th this Agreement pri or to the notification of termi nation if the Division
deems this reasonabl e under the circumstances. Grant funds previously advanced and not expended
on w ork compl eted i n accordance w ith thi s Agreement shall be retur ned to the Division, with
i nterest, withi n thi rty (30) days after terminati on of this Agreement. The Division does not waive
any of its rights to addi tional damages if grant funds are returned under thi s Section.
29. Pre se rvation of Re me die s. No delay or omi ssi on to exercise any right, pow er or remedy accruing
to either party upon breach or violation by either party under this Agr eement shal l impair any such
right, power or r emedy of ei ther party; nor shall such delay or omission be construed as a waiver of
any such breach or defaul t or any similar breach or default.
30. Non-Assignme nt of Agre e me nt. The Grantee may not assign, sublicense or otherw ise transfer i ts
rights, duties or obligati ons under this Agreement w i thout the prior w ritten consent of the Divisi on,
w hich shall not unreasonably be w ithheld. The agreement transferee must demonstrate compliance
w ith the requi rements of the project. If the Division approves a transfer of the Grantee’s obligati ons,
the Grantee shal l r emai n l i able for all w or k performed and all expenses incurred i n connection w i th
thi s Agreement. In the event the Legislatur e tr ansfers the rights, duties and obligati ons of the
Di vision to another governmental entity, pursuant to Secti on 20.06, Fl ori da Statutes or otherw ise,
the rights, duties and obl i gations under this Agreement shall be transfer red to the succeeding
governmental agency as if i t w as the origi nal party to thi s Agreement.
31. Re quire d Procure me nt Proce dure s for Obtaining Goods and Se rvice s. The Grantee shall
provide maximum open competition w hen pr ocuring goods and servi ces r elated to the grant-assisted
project in accor dance w i th Section 287.057, Florida St atutes.
a) Procurement of Goods and Services Not Exceedi ng $35,000. The Grantee must use the applicable
procurement method described below:
1. Purchases Up to $2,500: Procurement of goods and services w her e i ndividual purchases do not
exceed $2,500 do not require competiti on and may be conducted at the Grantee’s discretion.
2. Purchases or Contract Amounts Betw een $2,500 and $35,000: Goods and servi ces costing
between $2,500 and $35,000 require i nformal competition and may be procured by purchase
order, acceptance of vendor proposal s or other appropriate procur ement document.
b) Procurement of Goods and Services Exceeding $35,000. Goods and servi ces costing over
$35,000 may be procured by either Formal Invi tation to Bid, Request for Proposal s or Invitation to
Negotiate and may be procured by purchase order, acceptance of vendor proposals or other
appropriate procur ement document.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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32.Conflicts of Interest. The Grantee hereby certifies that it is cognizant of the prohibition of conflicts
of interest described in Sections 112.311 through 112.326, Florida Statutes and affirms that it will
not enter into or maintain a business or other relationship with any employee of the Department of
State that would violate those provisions. The Grantee further agrees to seek authorization from the
General Counsel for the Department of State prior to entering into any business or other relationship
with a Department of State Employee to avoid a potential violation of those statutes.
33.Binding of Successors. This Agreement shall bind the successors, assigns and legal representatives
of the Grantee and of any legal entity that succeeds to the obligations of the Division of Library and
Information Services.
34.Employment of Unauthorized Aliens. The employment of unauthorized aliens by the Grantee is
considered a violation of Section 274A (a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If the Grantee
knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of
this Agreement.
35.Severability. If any term or provision of the Agreement is found to be illegal and unenforceable, the
remainder will remain in full force and effect, and such term or provision shall be deemed stricken.
36.Americans with Disabilities Act. All programs and facilities related to this Agreement must meet
the standards of Sections 553.501-553.513, Florida Statutes and the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990.
37.Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed, performed and enforced in all respects in
accordance with the laws and rules of Florida. Venue or location for any legal action arising under
this Agreement will be in Leon County, Florida.
38.Entire Agreement. The entire Agreement of the parties consists of the following documents:
a) This Agreement
b) Florida Single Audit Act Requirements (Attachment A)
c) Fiscal Year 2017-18 State Aid to Libraries Final Grants (Attachment B)
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The administration of r esources aw arded by the Department of State to the Gr antee may be subject to
audi ts and/or monitor i ng by the Department of State as descri bed in this Addendum to the Grant Aw ard
In addition to review s of audits conducted in accordance w ith 2 CFR 200.501 Secti on 215.97, Flori da
St at ut es, monitoring procedures may include, but not be limited to, on-site visits by Department of State
staff, l i mited scope audits as defi ned by 2 CFR 2 §200.425, and/or other procedures. By entering into this
agreement, the reci pi ent agrees to comply and cooperate w ith any monitor i ng procedures/processes
deemed appropriate by the Department of State. In the event the Department of State determines that a
l i mi ted scope audit of the recipient is appropri ate, the reci pi ent agrees to compl y w ith any additional
i nstructi ons provided by the Department of State staff to the recipient regar di ng such audit. The recipient
further agrees to comply and cooperate w ith any i nspecti ons, review s, investigati ons, or audits deemed
necessary by the Chief Fi nanci al Officer or Audi tor General .
This part is applicable if the recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as
defined in 2 CFR 200.90, 200.64 & 200.70 as revi sed.
1. In the event that the reci pi ent expends $750,000 for fi scal years ending after December 31, 2014 or
more during the non-Federal entity's fiscal year in Federal aw ards in its fiscal year, the recipient
must have a si ngl e or program-specific audi t conducted in accordance w i th the provisions of 2CFR
200.501. Exhi bi t 1 to this agreement indicates Federal resources aw ar ded through the Department of
State. The determinati on of amounts of Feder al aw ards expended shoul d be in accordance with the
gui delines establ i shed by 2 CFR 200.502. An audi t of the recipient conducted by the Auditor
General in accordance w ith the provisions of 2 CFR 200.514, as revi sed, w i l l meet the requirement
of this part.
2. In connection w i th the audit requirements addressed i n Part I, paragraph 1, the recipient shall ful fi l l
the requirements rel ati ve to auditee responsi bi l i ties as provided in 2 CFR 200.508.
3. If the recipient expends l ess than $750,000 for fi scal years ending after December 31, 2014 in
Federal aw ards i n i ts fi scal year, an audit conducted i n accordance w ith the provisions of 2 CFR
200.501 is not r equi red. In the event that the r eci pi ent expends less than $750,000 for fiscal years
ending after December 31, 2014 in Federal aw ards i n i ts fiscal year and elects to have an audit
conducted in accor dance w i th the provisions of 2 CFR 200.501, the cost of the audit must be pai d
from non-Feder al resources (i .e., the cost of such an audit must be pai d fr om reci pi ent resources
obtained from other than Federal entities). (d) Exemption w hen Federal aw ards expended are less
than $750,000. A non-Federal entity that expends l ess than $750,000 dur i ng the non-Federal enti ty's
fi scal year in Federal aw ards is exempt fr om Federal audit requirements for that year, except as
noted in 2 CFR §200.503 Relation to other audit requi rements, but records must be available for
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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review or audi t by appropriate officials of the Federal agency, pass-thr ough entity, and Government
Accountability Offi ce (GAO).
The Internet w eb addresses l i sted below will assi st recipients in locating documents referenced in the
text of this agreement and the i nterpretation of compl i ance issues.
U.S. Government Printing Offi ce
This part is applicable if the recipient is a nonstate entity as defined by Section 215.97(2) (l),Florida
St at ut es
1. In the event that the reci pi ent expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or in
excess of $750,000 in any fiscal year of such r eci pi ent (for fiscal years endi ng after June 30, 2016),
the recipient must have a State single or project-specific audit for such fi scal year i n accordance
w ith Section 215.97, Fl ori da Statutes; appl i cabl e rul es of the Executive Office of the Governor and
the Chief Financi al Offi cer; and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entiti es) or 10.650 (nonpr ofi t
and for-profit or ganizations), Rules of the Audi tor General. EXHIBIT 1 to thi s agreement indicates
state financial assistance aw arded through the Department of State by this agreement. In determini ng
the state financi al assistance expended in i ts fi scal year, the recipient shall consi der all sources of
state financial assistance, i ncl uding state fi nanci al assistance received from the Department of State,
other state agenci es, and other nonstate enti ties. State fi nancial assistance does not include Federal
di rect or pass-through aw ards and resour ces r eceived by a nonstate enti ty for Federal program
matching requir ements.
2. In connection w i th the audit requirements addressed i n Part II, paragraph 1, the recipient shall
ensure that the audi t complies w ith the requir ements of Section 215.97(7), Fl ori da Statutes. Thi s
i ncludes submission of a fi nancial reporting package as defined by Secti on 215.97(2) (d), Florida
St atutes, and Chapters 10.550 (local gover nmental entiti es) or 10.650 (nonprofi t and for-profit
organizations), Rules of the Auditor General .
3. If the recipient expends l ess than $750,000 i n state financial assistance in its fiscal year (for fiscal
years ending after June 30, 2016), an audit conducted i n accordance w ith the provisions of Section
215.97, Florida Statutes, i s not required. In the event that the recipient expends less than $750,000
i n state financi al assistance in its fiscal year endi ng after June 30, 2016 and el ects to have an audi t
conducted in accor dance w i th the provisions of Secti on 215.97, Flori da Statutes, the cost of the
audit must be paid from the nonstate entity’s r esources (i.e., the cost of such an audi t must be paid
from the recipi ent’s resources obtained from other than State entities).
The Internet w eb addresses l i sted below will assi st recipients in locating documents referenced in the
text of this agreement and the i nterpretation of compl i ance issues.
State of Florida Department Financial Services (Chief Fi nanci al Officer)
http://w w w
State of Florida Legislature (Statutes, Legislation r elating to the Florida Si ngl e Audit Act)
http://w w w .leg.state.fl .us/
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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1. Copies of repor ting packages for audits conducted in accordance wi th OMB Circul ar A-133, as
revised, and r equi red by PART I of this agreement shall be submitted, w hen required by Section
.320 (d), OMB Cir cul ar A-133, as revised, by or on behalf of the recipient directly to each of the
fol low ing:
A. The Department of State at each of the follow i ng addresses:
Office of Inspector General
Florida Depar tment of State
R. A. Gray Bui l di ng, Room 114A
500 South Bronough St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
B. The Feder al Audit Cl earinghouse designated in OMB Circular A-133, as revised (the number
of copies r equi red by Sections .320 (d)(1) and (2), OMB Circul ar A-133, as revised, shoul d
be submi tted to the Federal Audit Clear i nghouse), at the follow ing address:
Federal Audi t Cleari nghouse
Bureau of the Census
1201 East 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132
C. Other Feder al agencies and pass-thr ough entiti es i n accordance w ith Secti ons .320 (e) and (f),
OMB Cir cul ar A-133, as revised.
2. Copies of financial reporting packages requir ed by PART II of this agr eement shal l be submitted by
or on behalf of the recipient directly to each of the fol l ow ing:
A. The Department of State at each of the follow i ng addresses:
Office of Inspector General
Florida Depar tment of State
R. A. Gray Bui l di ng, Room 114A
500 South Bronough St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
B. The Auditor General’s Office at the fol l ow ing address:
Auditor General ’s Offi ce
Room 401, Pepper Bui l ding
111 West Madison Street
Tallahassee, Fl orida 32399-1450
3. Any reports, management letter, or other i nfor mati on required to be submi tted to the Department of
State pursuant to thi s agreement shall be submitted ti mely in accordance w i th OMB Circular A-133,
Fl orida Statut es, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for -
profit organizati ons), Rul es of the Auditor General, as applicable.
4. Recipients, w hen submitting fi nancial repor ting packages to the Department of State for audits done
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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i n accordance w ith OMB Ci rcular A-133 or Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or
10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizati ons), Rul es of the Auditor General, should indicate the
date that the reporti ng package w as delivered to the reci pient in corr espondence accompanying the
reporting package.
1. The recipient shall retai n sufficient records demonstrati ng its compliance w ith the terms of this
agreement for a per i od of fi ve years from the date the audit report is issued, and shal l allow the
Department of State, or its designee, CFO, or Audi tor General access to such records upon request.
The recipient shall ensure that audit w orking papers are made available to the Department of State,
or its designee, CFO, or Auditor General upon request for a period of at l east three years from the
date the audit r epor t i s issued, unless extended in w riti ng by the Department of State.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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Packet Pg. 2000 Attachment: 2017-2018 State Aid Grant Agreement_CAO (3703 : Approve FY17-18 State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement, Annual Plan of
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
SU B J EC T TO S EC TIO N 2 1 5 .9 7 , Florida Statutes:
Flori da Department of State, State Aid to Libraries; CSFA Number 45.030. Aw ard Amount: See
Attachment B.
The compliance requir ements of thi s state proj ect may be found in Part Four (State Project Compliance
Requirements) of the State Proj ects Compliance Supplement l ocated at https://apps.fl
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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[Fi scal Year 2017-18 State Ai d to Libraries Final Grants to be attached by the Di vi si on upon executi on
of the agreement]
State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02)
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Collier County Public Library
2018 - 2022 Strategic Plan
Collier County Public Library Division Overview
The Division provides library collections, services, and technology to residents and visitors
within three regional libraries and seven branch libraries. During the 2015-2016 fiscal year, the
Collier County Public Library:
Circulated 2,349,418 materials
Served 1,421,640 people who visited our libraries
Provided 2,430 programs to 75,253 attendees
Provided public internet access to 155,635 people
Logged 126,018 wireless internet sessions
The 2015-2016 fiscal year saw the first increase in circulation since the recession.
Purpose of this Strategic Plan
Libraries are on the cusp of a great transformation. Changes in how people access and use
information, interact with one another and changes in the resources, tools and capabilities
needed to operate effectively in today’s society require new approaches to library services and
resources. The library must evolve in ways that keep pace with this type of change, and the
diversity of library users ensuring all residents and visitors of Collier County have equal access
to the continuously evolving world of ideas.
Planning Process
The planning process rose out of the 2015 Board of County Commissioners Library Workshop.
The Library would embark on a community-wide assessment and use the results to help guide
the long term goals of the Library. The goal of the assessment was to gain as much insight from
the resident population, full-time and part-time, on the current library system. This included its
existing strengths, its weaknesses, and to understand how the library could better the
Stantec, Inc. was hired to conduct the community assessment and the initial kick-off started
with library staff in September 2016. After town hall meetings, focus groups, table top
discussions and one-on-one interviews with library patrons, a formal online survey was
developed. When the formal survey closed in March 2017, a total of 1,885 surveys were
completed with over 3,500 written comments.
Packet Pg. 2003 Attachment: CCPL_Strategic Plan 2018-2022(v2) (3703 : Approve FY17-18 State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement, Annual Plan of Service, 5 yr
P a g e 2 | 7
Key themes emerged to guide the development of the 2018-2022 Collier County Public Library
Strategic Plan. Current and futures needs were recognized in these ten key recommendations
from the survey:
1. Staffing – direct correlation of staffing levels with circulation, visitation, and user
satisfaction. Focus on building professional staff with a dedicated branch manager,
youth service librarian, increasing teen/young adult and public services librarians. Add
marketing and technology professionals.
2. Open Hours & Days—core level service and library should be open daily. Each library
should be open one day per weekend with larger locations open Saturday & Sunday.
(Evening hours, staffing levels, and evening programming are necessary to balance user
3. Computers & Internet—many computer work areas and labs are retrofitted into
existing spaces. Dedicated private or enhanced semi-private labs at each library,
enhanced WiFi, and wireless services should be a goal.
4. Technology—library should be at the forefront of everything tech.
5. Hub Libraries—specific areas of concentration, expertise and programming.
6. Marketing—overall public relations, social media, community outreach, and internal
7. Quiet Space
8. Children to Young Adult—growth and expansion in materials, resources, programs, and
staff dedicated to these age groups.
9. Collections—meet per capita of 1.87
10. Programming Balance—absence of programming for tweens, teens, and young adult.
Majority of unique programs are geared toward an adult audience and of a leisure or
social basis. Most of the programs offered are unavailable to half the users. A shift in
programming to better balance adult programs with child, tween, teen, young adult,
and family audiences is needed. Increased focus on partnerships and collaboration.
Input from the community and library staff guided the development of the major components
of the strategic plan. The Library Advisory Board approved the Collier County Public Library
2018-2022 Strategic Plan during their regular meeting on August 23, 2017.
The Collier County Public Library 2018-2022 Strategic Plan is a guide that prioritizes the work of
Library Administration and staff. It was developed with careful consideration of the feedback
received and the data studied. The plan is shaped with the understanding that change is
inevitable, and that our library services will adapt as warranted. At the same time, the Collier
County Public Library will maintain Collier County’s Core Values, measure all we do against our
mission, and remain focused on serving our community.
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Vision, Mission and Values
Through high quality public libraries residents and visitors will reach their potential and
communities will thrive.
To provide educational environments, facilitate community engagement and cultivate life -long
Honesty & Integrity
We are responsible, truthful stewards of public resources and trust.
We champion free and open access to ideas, information and content. Public and virtual spaces
are available when needed by residents and visitors.
We provide library resources and services in accordance with the American Library Association
Code of Ethics.
We strive for continuous improvement in our online and print collections, resources, services,
programs, and facilities.
We provide reliable and consistent service to internal and extern al patrons both online and in
We honor diversity, individual perspectives, and the right to privacy and confidentiality.
We strive for excellence by continuing the professional development of library staff enhancing
their ability to provide exceptional customer service, plan for the future, and stay abreast of
leading technologies.
We carefully manage the services and resources entrusted to us through cost controls and best
value practices to provide the greatest returns on investment of staff and resources.
We seek out partnerships inside and outside the agency allocating collective resources and
services to further the Library’s mission.
Self-Initiating, Self-Correcting
We are proactive and quickly adapt resources and services to patron needs maintaining the
library’s relevancy.
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Strategic Focus Areas
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a
world of resources and services that enrich their lives.
1. Stimulate imagination through reading, viewing and listening.
2. Provide comfortable, safe and welcoming spaces for people of all ages, cultures and
backgrounds to connect with others and to engage in individual pursuits.
3. Customize hours, spaces, services and collections to meet community needs.
4. Build public awareness and engagement through strategic marketing.
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.
1. Provide connection to the online world.
2. Emphasize 21st century literacies including information, finance, and health in library
3. Leverage partnerships to provide accessibility to new technology.
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
1. Support early learning to promote school readiness.
2. Provide resources and information needed for the academic success of students in
public, private, home schools, trade schools, and higher education.
3. Support personal growth and lifelong learning through high quality collections and
4. Help people develop information fluency skills to successfully search for, locate,
evaluate, and effectively use information to meet their needs.
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Goals and Objectives
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a
world of resources and services that enrich their lives.
Goal 1: Stimulate imagination through reading, viewing and listening.
Objective 1. Increase the overall visibility of the collection system-wide with an
emphasis on promotion through creative and intelligent displays.
Objective 2. Use available data analytics and collection analysis tools to assess the
relevance of library collections, programs and services to ensure appropriate annual allocation
of funds.
Objective 3. Develop the image of CCPL as a source of high quality, free programs,
services, and resources for the community.
Objective 4. Increase county, state and community partnerships to expand the library’s
image as a gateway to learning and knowledge.
Goal 2: Provide comfortable, safe and welcoming spaces for people of all ages, cultures and
backgrounds to connect with others and to engage in individual pursuits.
Objective 1. Solicit patron and staff feedback to assess patron satisfaction and the
quality of the patron experience.
Objective 2. Provide library services and programs that reflect the cultural diversity of
the community.
Objective 3. Develop a comprehensive staff training and professional development
program including regular communication with staff regarding information about library and
County initiatives, activities and events.
Objective 4. Use available data analytics to identify library facilities for the
development of quiet areas, reading rooms, makerspaces, and “hubs”.
Goal 3: Customize hours, spaces, services and collections to meet community needs.
Objective 1. Apply data analytics, branch by branch, to ensure more relevant
collections, programs, services, hours, and space utilization.
Objective 2. Evaluate the condition of the collection and develop a comprehensive
collection development and management program.
Objective 3. Develop and implement new metrics by educating staff in measuring
outcomes increasing the library’s ability to match community need to library service.
Goal 4: Build public awareness and engagement through strategic marketing.
Objective 1. Develop and implement comprehensive marketing plans to raise public
awareness of the resources and services improving library positioning in the community.
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Objective 2. Develop and support community relations efforts through key partnerships
and strategically pursuing opportunities to promote the library at community events.
Objective 3. Utilize a variety of traditional marketing mediums and social media
platforms to target specific audiences and reach the broadest possible audiences.
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.
Goal 1: Provide connection to the online world.
Objective 1. Provide public use computers, printers, and scanners.
Objective 2. Provide high-speed and WiFi access to the Internet with no unnecessary
restrictions or fees.
Objective 3. Implement self-pay features of the self check-out machines.
Goal 2: Emphasize 21st century literacies including information, finance, and health in library
Objective 1. Provide library services, materials and programs to increase the digital
literacy of the community.
Objective 2. Develop programs and services to foster innovation and creativity to
support science, technology, engineering, arts and math (S.T.E.A.M.) skills.
Objective 3. Use available data analytics to determine appropriate resources needed at
each branch to help develop 21st century literacy skills.
Goal 3: Leverage partnerships to provide accessibility to new technology.
Objective 1: Expand the library experience to include makerspaces, learning commons,
and non-traditional materials.
Objective 2: Use available data analytics to identify library facilities for the
development of “hub” technology libraries.
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
Goal 1: Support early learning to promote school readiness.
Objective 1. Provide parents and caregivers with quality story times, training and
materials which encourage them to talk, sing, write, and play with their children.
Objective 2. Make accessible training for staff that reinforces the library’s early learning
Objective 3. Provide easy access to early literacy materials, websites, information and
programs for parents and caregivers.
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Objective 4. Continue to investigate and invest in technology, resources, and tools that
support early learning strategies.
Objective 5. Expand the library’s outreach to childcare facilities serving at-risk and
underserved populations.
Goal 2: Provide resources and information needed for the academic success of students in
public, private, home schools, trade schools, and higher education.
Objective 1. Regularly attend community school events to promote library services and
gain insight into community needs.
Objective 2. Provide and promote online homework assistance.
Objective 3. Work with public and private school media specialists and classroom
teachers to foster a love of reading through book talks, class visits to the library, and creative
Goal 3: Support personal growth and lifelong learning through high quality collections and
Objective 1. Collaborate with public, private, and nonprofit partners to promote
reading for pleasure, expand self-directed learning opportunities and provide a variety of
cultural experiences for all ages.
Objective 2. Develop and manage library print and online collections to reflect patron
Goal 4: Instruct people on developing information fluency skills to successfully search for,
locate, evaluate, and effectively use information to meet their needs.
Objective 1. Develop and offer classes on how to navigate the Internet and electronic
library resources, and to recognize authoritative sources.
Objective 2. Create online tutorials to help users navigate library technology, online
databases, and other e-resources.
Packet Pg. 2009 Attachment: CCPL_Strategic Plan 2018-2022(v2) (3703 : Approve FY17-18 State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement, Annual Plan of Service, 5 yr
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Addendum to the Collier County Public Library 2018-2022 Strategic Plan
2017-2018 Annual Plan of Service
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a world of resources and services that enrich their lives.
Goal 1: Stimulate imagination through reading, viewing and listening.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Increase the overall
visibility of the collection system-
wide with an emphasis on
promotion through creative and
intelligent displays.
1.1 Establish a self-directed team for display
1.2 Self-directed team develops system-wide
protocols to ensure best practices in display and
1.1 10/01/2017
1.2 01/31/2018
1.1 4-5 member team created.
1.2 Written protocol is accessible
on the Library’s SharePoint site.
Objective 2. Use available data
analytics and collection analysis
tools to assess the relevance of
library collections, programs and
services to ensure appropriate
annual allocation of funds.
2.1 Collection Development Team will work
directly with Director to establish multi-year
budgetary requirements to bring collection
inventory up to AUIR standards of 1.87 items
per capita by 2022.
2.1 04/01/2018 2.1 Written phased funding plan
is developed to guide collection
development budget for the next
five years and made accessible on
the Library’s SharePoint site.
Objective 3. Develop the image of
CCPL as a source of high quality, free
programs, services, and resources
for the community.
3.1 Library Marketing Team will work with PSD
and CCR team members to develop a marketing
3.1 05/31/2018 3.1 Library will be regularly visible
through various multi-media
outlets, including newspapers,
radio, social media, etc.
Objective 4. Increase county, state
and community partnerships to
expand the library’s image as a
gateway to learning and knowledge.
4.1 Marketing Librarian will reach out and
network with county and agency
4.1 05/31/2018 4.1 Database of county and
agency “experts” will be
generated for Library
programming and made
accessible on the Library’s
SharePoint site.
Packet Pg. 2010 Attachment: FY18_CCPL Annual Plan of Service (3703 : Approve FY17-18 State Aid to Libraries Grant
Page 2 of 10
Goal 2: Provide comfortable, safe and welcoming spaces for people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds to con nect with others and to engage
in individual pursuits.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Solicit patron and staff
feedback to assess patron
satisfaction and the quality of the
patron experience.
1.1 Establish QA/QC self-directed team.
1.2 Create monthly satisfaction survey
according to QA/QC directive using Qualtrics.
1.3 QA/QC Team to work with IT to set-up
survey on iPads for in-house use.
1.1 10/01/2017
1.2 11/01/2017
1.3 05/31/2018
1.1 4-5 member team created.
1.2 Standardized satisfaction
survey ready for use in November,
1.3 One iPad available for surveys
at each library.
Objective 2. Provide library services
and programs that reflect the
cultural diversity of the community.
2.1 Maintain quality public programming with
Friends partnerships and support.
2.2 Provide culturally diverse programming
through community partnerships.
2.3 Develop programming to target Millennials.
2.1 04/30/2018
2.2 09/30/2018
2.3 09/30/2018
2.1 Request new Friends funding
for FY19 during budget
2.2 A minimum of 12 culturally
diverse programs offered system-
wide throughout the year.
2.3 Develop and implement
Collier Con Event.
Objective 3. Develop a
comprehensive staff training and
professional development program
including regular communication
with staff regarding information
about library and County initiatives,
activities and events.
3.1 Establish a self-directed team to work with
the Director for creating a plan for training and
career progression.
3.2 Research and recommend mediums for the
re-establish the Library Staff Newsletter.
3.1 08/01/2018
3.2 01/01/2018
3.1 Career progression plan for
librarian position created and
3.2 First newsletter published by
Objective 4. Use available data
analytics to identify library facilities
for the development of quiet areas,
reading rooms, makerspaces, and
4.1 Establish a self-directed Design Team who
will work with Facilities and the Library’s Project
4.2 Design Team to research and provide a
recommendation whether the Library should
hire a design consultant.
4.1 01/01/2018
4.2 03/31/2018
4.1 4-5 member team created.
4.2 Recommendation available
for FY19 budget development.
Packet Pg. 2011 Attachment: FY18_CCPL Annual Plan of Service (3703 : Approve FY17-18 State Aid to Libraries Grant
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Goal 3: Customize hours, spaces, services and collections to meet community needs.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Apply data analytics,
branch by branch, to ensure more
relevant collections, programs,
services, hours, and space
1.1 Administrative Team will analyze
community assessment recommendations,
current data, and current public library trends
to establish a plan to restore Saturday hours to
the East Naples, Vanderbilt, Estates, and
Immokalee libraries.
1.2 Branch managers will be restored to East
Naples, Estates, and Immokalee libraries.
1.1 09/30/2018
1.2 12/31/2017
1.1 Immokalee Saturday hours
are restored. Hours at other
libraries are phased back in as
staffing resources and funding is
1.2 Branch managers are hired
for East Naples, Estates, and
Objective 2. Evaluate the condition
of the collection and develop a
comprehensive collection
development and management
2.1 Collection Management Team will finalize a
revised system-wide Collection Management
2.1 04/01/2018 2.1 Collection Management Policy
approved by the Library Advisory
Objective 3. Develop and
implement new metrics by
educating staff in measuring
outcomes increasing the library’s
ability to match community need to
library service.
3.1 Collection Management Team and
Marketing Team will identify metrics.
3.2 Staff will be trained on new metrics.
3.1 12/01/2017
3.2 01/31/2018
3.1 Metrics and reporting
mechanisms established.
3.2 Staff are using the new
metrics and reporting
Goal 4: Build public awareness and engagement through strategic marketing.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Develop and
implement comprehensive
marketing plans to raise public
awareness of the resources and
services improving library
positioning in the community.
1.1 Library Marketing Team will work with PSD
and CCR team members to develop a
marketing plan.
1.2 Redesign library website to increase
visibility and ease of use.
1.1 05/31/2018
1.2 12/31/2017
1.1 Library will be regularly
visible through various
multi-media outlets,
including newspapers,
radio, social media, etc.
1.2 Launch of website redesign.
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Objective 2. Develop and support
community relations efforts through
key partnerships and strategically
pursuing opportunities to promote
the library at community events.
2.1 Library Marketing Team will survey and
access the Library’s current partnerships.
2.2 Library Marketing Team will identify and
develop two new partnership opportunities.
2.1 01/31/2018
2.2 09/30/2018
2.1 Roster of active, mutually
beneficial partnerships
2.2 Programming offered or
resources expanded for patrons
based on new partnerships.
Objective 3. Utilize a variety of
traditional marketing mediums and
social media platforms to target
specific audiences and reach the
broadest possible audiences.
3.1 Library Marketing Team and individual
libraries will provide regular material for
3.1 11/01/217 3.1 Each library will identify 1-2
staff who will be responsible for
submitting information,
pictures, and video for
marketing distribution on a
weekly basis.
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.
Goal 1: Provide connection to the online world.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Provide public use
computers, printers, and scanners.
1.1 Maintain and enhance public accessibility to
computers, printers, and scanners.
1.1 01/01/2018 1.1 Add scanning capabilities to
Everglades Library.
Objective 2. Provide high-speed
and WiFi access to the Internet with
no unnecessary restrictions or fees.
2.1 Maintain and enhance high-speed and WiFi
2.2 Printing and copying fees are appropriately
balanced between public demand and cost
2.1 09/30/2018
2.2 09/30/2018
2.1 WiFi and Zscaler
configurations routinely
monitored to maintain
consistent bandwidth and
patron access to website
2.2 Printing/copying fees match
public demand and provide best
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Objective 3. Implement self-pay
features of the self check-out
3.1 Confirm PCI compliance of self check-out
3.2 Work with Procurement to establish
accountability and best practices for self-pay
with credit cards.
3.1 05/01/2018
3.2 09/30/2018
3.1 Certification of compliance
is obtained.
3.2 Self-pay feature is enabled
for patron use at self check-out
Goal 2: Emphasize 21st century literacies including information, finance, and health in library programs.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Provide library services,
materials and programs to increase
the digital literacy of the
1.1 Increase patron usage of online resources.
1.2 Provide system-wide technology
programming and access to new technology
1.1 09/30/2018
1.2 09/30/2018
1.1 Increase online access by
2% over FY16 (2,373,691).
1.2 Increase to a minimum of
24 programs per year.
Objective 2. Develop programs and
services to foster innovation and
creativity to support science,
technology, engineering, arts and
math (S.T.E.A.M.) skills.
2.1 Identify training opportunities for staff to
develop best practices in S.T.E.A.M.
2.2 Increase S.T.E.A.M. based programming and
2.1 09/30/2018
2.2 09/30/2018
2.1 Staff will attend a minimum
of three webinars, trainings, or
conference sessions.
2.2 S.T.E.A.M. based
programming increased to a
minimum of 12 programs per
year system-wide.
Objective 3. Use available data
analytics to determine appropriate
resources needed at each branch to
help develop 21st century literacy
3.1 Survey individual libraries to identify
needed technology, health and financial
3.2 Develop and provide appropriate 21st
century literacy programs.
3.1 01/31/2018
3.2 09/30/2018
3.1 Minimum of 100 surveys
completed per library.
3.2 Provide a minimum of 36
programs per year across the
system addressing 21st century
Goal 3: Leverage partnerships to provide accessibility to new technology.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1: Expand the library
experience to include makerspaces,
learning commons, and non-
traditional materials.
1.1 Partner with the Southwest Florida Library
Network to have 3D printing, coding, and
robotics programs.
1.1 09/30/2018 1.1 Provide a minimum of 12
programs system-wide per year.
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Objective 2: Use available data
analytics to identify library facilities
for the development of “hub”
technology libraries.
2.1 Self-directed Design Team will identify
libraries easily re-purposed as technology
2.1 03/31/2018 2.1 Recommendations available
for FY19 budget development.
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
Goal 1: Support early learning to promote school readiness.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Provide parents and
caregivers with quality story times,
training and materials which
encourage them to talk, sing, write,
and play with their children.
1.1 Participate in the State Summer Reading
1.2 Youth Services Team will develop and
implement system-wide early literacy
programming initiatives.
1.1 07/31/2018
1.2 09/30/2018
1.1 Increased participation in
summer reading and
programming by 10% over FY17
1.2 Written system-wide early
literacy programming initiatives
accessible on the Library’s
SharePoint site to govern
development of story times.
Objective 2. Make accessible
training for staff that reinforces the
library’s early learning strategies.
2.1 Budget and enable youth services staff to
attend training.
2.2 Ensure youth services staff share
knowledge learned and implement best
practices in programming.
2.1 04/01/2017
2.2 09/30/2018
2.1 Training budget for FY18 was
2.2 Youth Services staff will share
training knowledge and best
practices learned during their
quarterly Youth Service Team
Objective 3. Provide easy access to
early literacy materials, websites,
information and programs for
parents and caregivers.
3.1 Include youth service page in website
3.2 Early literacy strategies are shared with
parents and caregivers during programs.
3.1 12/31/2017
3.2 09/30/2018
3.1 Highly visible, easily accessed
youth service page on library
3.2 Early literacy strategies are
made available as a handout.
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Objective 4. Continue to investigate
and invest in technology, resources,
and tools that support early learning
4.1 Youth Services Team will research and
recommend early literacy technology,
resources, and tools to expand the library’s
4.1 03/31/2018 4.1 Recommendations available
for FY19 budget development.
Objective 5. Expand the library’s
outreach to childcare facilities
serving at-risk and underserved
5.1 Youth Services staff to identify childcare
facilities serving at-risk and underserved
5.2 Youth Services staff to provide
recommendations on outreach opportunities
for FY18 within current budget and staffing
5.1 11/30/2017
5.2 12/31/2017
5.1 Childcare facility database
developed and maintained on the
Library’s SharePoint site.
5.2 Minimum of 6 outreaches
conducted during FY18.
Goal 2: Provide resources and information needed for the academic success of students in public, private, home schools, trad e schools, and
higher education.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Regularly attend
community school events to
promote library services and gain
insight into community needs.
1.1 Youth Services staff and branch managers
will attend Literacy Nights, open house, and
other school events.
1.1 05/31/2018 1.1 A minimum of 6 community
school events will be attended
during FY18.
Objective 2. Provide and promote
online homework assistance.
2.1 Subscribe to online homework assistance
2.2 Market access to BrainFuse through
community events, social media, and other
targeted mediums.
2.1 10/01/2017
2.2 09/30/2018
2.1 Maintain subscription to
2.2 BrainFuse promotions are
readily available.
Objective 3. Work with public and
private school media specialists and
classroom teachers to foster a love
of reading through book talks, class
visits to the library, and creative
3.1 Participate in Collier County Public Schools
Media Specialist Staff Training Day.
3.2 Promote the 2018 Summer Reading
Program through outreaches to schools.
3.1 04/01/2018
3.2 05/31/2018
3.1 CCPS Media Specialist Staff
Training Day is hosted at a
regional library.
3.2 Minimum of 12 school
outreaches to promote the 2018
Summer Reading Program.
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Goal 3: Support personal growth and lifelong learning through high quality collections and programs.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Collaborate with
public, private, and nonprofit
partners to promote reading for
pleasure, expand self-directed
learning opportunities and provide a
variety of cultural experiences for all
1.1 Expand partnerships with Senior Resource
Center, NCH Healthcare, and Artis-Naples.
1.1 09/30/2018 1.1 Increase partnership
programs system-wide to include
a minimum of 36 for FY18.
Objective 2. Develop and manage
library print and online collections
to reflect patron demand.
2.1 Collection Management Team will
implement approved Collection Management
2.1 09/30/2018 2.1 Regular patron feedback will
be collected, assessed, and
adjustments in print and online
development will reflect
community need.
Goal 4: Instruct people on developing information fluency skills to successfully search for, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information to
meet their needs.
Division Objectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Develop and offer
classes on how to navigate the
Internet and electronic library
resources, and to recognize
authoritative sources.
1.1 Public Service Librarians will develop and
implement appropriate technology training at
the Senior Resource Center.
1.1 09/30/2018 1.1 Minimum of 8 programs in
Objective 2. Create online tutorials
to help users navigate library
technology, online databases, and
other e-resources.
2.1 Public Services Librarians will work with the
Marketing Team to create and maintain online
tutorials for using OverDrive, cloudLibrary,
library catalog, Zinio, Hoopla, and other Library
online resources.
2.1 09/30/2018 2.1 Online tutorials for OverDrive,
Hoopla, cloudLibrary, and the
catalog are available via the
library’s website through
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2018-2022 Five Year Performance Measures
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a world of resources and services that enrich their lives.
Master of Library Science degreed librarians at 9 out of 10 libraries.
Minimum of six days of library service at 9 out of 10 libraries with appropriate balance of librarians and para-librarians to maintain high
quality service.
Technology “hubs” and quiet spaces at all libraries.
State of the art Integrated Library System (ILS) for circulation and collection management.
Print and e-book collections balanced to reflect patron demand.
Cultural and educational learning balanced across all libraries and offerings balanced to serve children through adults.
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency o f our communities.
Fully developed partnerships and identified funding sources to ensure the library’s status of free access to cutting edge technology and
AUIR Level of Serve Standard (LOSS) for library materials.
Identified libraries for re-purposing to meet the ever changing and growing demands of the communities served.
Expanded partnership with Senior Resource Center to include technology outreach and programming.
Ensure continued patron access to current technology, and free and open access to ideas, information and content.
Initiate a study to develop a 20 year master plan identifying areas for possible library growth.
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
Fully developed partnership with Collier County Public Schools.
Partnerships with private schools, home schools, trade schools, and institutions of higher education.
Partnerships with daycare facilities serving at -risk and underserved populations.
Expanded partnership, to include outreach, with the Naples and Immokalee Jail Centers.
The best strategic plans are dynamic, flexible tools for continuous improvement. With the Library’s mission as the primary foundation, its vision as
the ideal, and the County’s Core Values as guides to decisi on making, the Collier County Public Library system will commit to a process that ensures
accountability, versatility, and rational decision-making. Seeking out the needs and wants of Collier’s residents and visitors through a community
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assessment was the first step. From there it is the Library’s responsibility to develop an appropriate strategy to address current needs and plan for
the future. The Library Advisory Board (LAB) and Public Services Department will have the primary responsibility to monito r the plan’s goals and
objectives and assess overall progress. Library staff will have the responsibility of overseeing implementation and consultin g, and working with
groups directly involved or affected by decisions. Through the course of implementation , new issues, challenges, and ideas will emerge. In a
cyclical process Library staff and the LAB will measure progress, budget resources to maximize outcomes, and identify potential new areas that
require action. In this way, both the strategic plan and annual plan of service will be constantly reviewed, evaluated, and updated.
By: _________________________________
Penny Taylor, Chairman
By: _________________________________
Deputy Clerk
Approved as to form and legality:
County Attorney
Packet Pg. 2019 Attachment: FY18_CCPL Annual Plan of Service (3703 : Approve FY17-18 State Aid to Libraries Grant