Agenda 09/12/2017 Item #16G509/12/2017
Recommendation to approve an after-the-fact acceptance of the attached Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) grant offer in the amount of $983,920, to approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the attached Resolution authorizing execution of Joint Participation
Agreement Contract No. G0E60 Supplement One with the Florida Department of Transportation
for $42,350 for the rehabilitation of Taxiway B at the Immokalee Regional Airport, and authorize
the necessary budget amendments (Project No. 33485). Fiscal Impact: $983,920 FAA, $42,350
FDOT, and $66,974 County.
OBJECTIVE: To accept grant funding to rehabilitate the remaining section of Taxiway B at the
Immokalee Regional Airport (IMM) that was not part of the Runway 9-27 rehabilitation project scope.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved the submittal of a grant
application to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fund construction of the Taxiway B
rehabilitation project at the Immokalee Regional Airport on May 23, 2017, Agenda Item No. 16G2.
The Collier County Airport Authority (CCAA) received a grant offer of $983,920 from the FAA for this
project on July 14, 2017. The FAA required execution of the grant agreement no later than August 11,
2017. The County Manager accepted this grant offer from the FAA on July 31, 2017.
Collier County CMA #5330 authorizes the County Manager to sign a grant agreement when the grantor
requires execution of the agreement within one month or less, and the deadline has been missed for the
next available Board of County Commissioners meeting. The grant offer was received by the Airport
Authority on July 14, 2017, and the executed grant agreement was due to the FAA by August 11, 2017
At that time, CCAA staff indicated that they would request additional funding from the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT) for this project.
The CCAA has received a grant offer from FDOT in the amount of $42,350. The total estimated cost of
this project is $1,093,244. The FAA grant award is for $983,920. The funding allocation is as follows:
Federal Funding (FAA) $ 983,920
State Funding (FDOT) $ 42,350
County (Local Match) $ 66,974
Total Project Cost $1,093,244
FISCAL IMPACT: Budget amendments are necessary to recognize FAA grant revenue in the amount of
$983,920 and FDOT grant revenue in the amount of $42,350 within Airport Grant Fund (498) Project No.
33485. A budget amendment in the amount of $66,974 is necessary to appropriate the local match within
Airport Grant Match Fund (499) Project No. 33485. The source of matching funds is Airport Authority
Capital Fund (496) Reserves.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this
Executive Summary.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved for form and legality and requires a majority vote
for Board approval. - JAB
Packet Pg. 2215
RECOMMENDATION: To approve after-the fact acceptance of a Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) grant offer for $983,920, and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution
authorizing execution of Supplement One to Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation
Agreement Contract No. G0E60 for $42,350, and authorize associated budget amendments, to fund
Taxiway B rehabilitation construction at the Immokalee Regional Airport.
Prepared by: Justin Lobb, Airports Manager, Airport Authority
1. Resolution_IMM TW B_CAO stamp (PDF)
2. 440115-1 SJPA One_CAO stamp (PDF)
3. AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (PDF)
4. CM MEMO 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B Grant Award Approval (PDF)
5. 3-12-0031-011-2017 Offer Letter_IMM (PDF)
Packet Pg. 2216
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.G.5
Doc ID: 3602
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve an after-the-fact acceptance of the attached Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) grant offer in the amount of $983,920, to approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the attached Resolution authorizing execution of Joint Participation Agreement
Contract No. G0E60 Supplement One with the Florida Department of Transportation for $42,350 for the
rehabilitation of Taxiway B at the Immokalee Regional Airport, and authorize the necessary budget
amendments (Project No. 33485). Fiscal Impact: $983,920 FAA, $42,350 FDOT, and $66,974 County.
Meeting Date: 09/12/2017
Prepared by:
Title: Operations Coordinator – Airport Authority
Name: Debra Brueggeman
08/10/2017 11:21 AM
Submitted by:
Title: Division Director - Operations Support – Growth Management Department
Name: Gene Shue
08/10/2017 11:21 AM
Approved By:
Growth Management Department Diane Lynch Level 1 Reviewer Completed 08/23/2017 4:50 PM
Airport Authority Justin Lobb Additional Reviewer Completed 08/23/2017 5:12 PM
Growth Management Department Gene Shue Additional Reviewer Completed 08/23/2017 6:12 PM
Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Rookmin Nauth Additional Reviewer Completed 08/24/2017 7:12 AM
Growth Management Operations Support Allison Kearns Additional Reviewer Completed 08/24/2017 8:13 AM
Growth Management Department Debra Brueggeman Department Head Review Skipped 08/09/2017 4:42 PM
County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 08/24/2017 3:22 PM
Growth Management Department James French Additional Reviewer Completed 08/24/2017 4:14 PM
Grants Edmond Kushi Level 2 Grants Review Completed 08/28/2017 2:53 PM
Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 08/28/2017 3:59 PM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 08/28/2017 4:26 PM
Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 08/29/2017 10:24 AM
Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 08/29/2017 11:35 AM
County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 08/30/2017 3:08 PM
Packet Pg. 2217
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 09/12/2017 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 2218
Packet Pg. 2219 Attachment: Resolution_IMM TW B_CAO stamp (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Packet Pg. 2220 Attachment: 440115-1 SJPA One_CAO stamp (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Packet Pg. 2221 Attachment: 440115-1 SJPA One_CAO stamp (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Packet Pg. 2222 Attachment: 440115-1 SJPA One_CAO stamp (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Packet Pg. 2223 Attachment: 440115-1 SJPA One_CAO stamp (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Packet Pg. 2224 Attachment: 440115-1 SJPA One_CAO stamp (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Packet Pg. 2225 Attachment: 440115-1 SJPA One_CAO stamp (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
U.S. Department
of Iranspoftation
Date of Offer
Airport/Planning Area
AIP Grant Numb€r
DUNS Number
TO: Collier County Airport Authority
July 13, 2017
lmmokalee Regional
{ called the "Sponsor")
FROM: The United States of America(acting throu8h the Federal Aviation Adminislration, herein called the
" FAA" )
WHEREAS, the Sponsor has submitted to the FAA a Project Application dated June 2, 2017 , for a granl ol
Federal funds for a project at or associated with the lmmokalee Regional Airport, which is included as part
of this Grant Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the FAA has approved a project for the lmmokalee Regional Airport (herein called the
"Project") consisting of the following:
Rehabilitate Taxiway B - Construction
which is more fully described in the Project Application.
NOW THEREFORE, According to the applicable provisions of the former Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as
amended and recodified,49 U.s.C. E 40101, et seq., and the former Airport and Airway lmprovement Act
of 1982 (AAIA), as amended and recodified,49 U.S,C. I47101, et seq., (herein the AAIA grant statute is
referred to as "1he Act"), the repr€sentations contained in the Project Application, and in consideration of
(a) the Sponso/s adoption and ratification of the Grant Assurances dated March 2O14,and the Sponso/s
acceptance of this Offer; and, (b) the benefits to accrue to the United States and the public from the
accomplishment of the Proiect and compliance with the Grant Assurances and conditions as herein
OFFERS AI{D AGREES to pay ninety {90) percent of the allowable costs incurred a(complishing the
Proiect as the United States share of the Proiect.
1, Maximum Oblisation. The maximum obli gation of the United States payable under this Offer is S983,920.
The following amounts represent a breakdown of the maximum obligation for the purpose of establishing
allowable amounts for any future grant amendment, which may increase the foregoing maximum
Packet Pg. 2226 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
fuelar€s aql Aq lP^oJdde afue^pe
ar!nbar areqs leJapaj qf,ns ,o fu3^olar 3ql Bul^lo^u! 'aslmJaqlo Jo Unol u! 'JosuodS aql,o suorUsod leuU
J3r.llo ro sluauralllss llv spun, qlns ra^otral ol uaI?l sl.roJJa 'uort?!to8au 'uo!te8!1rl 'luaulalltas
lue ot ro aJeqs leJapal aqllo tunoure aql ,o uolleu!uralap aqt ol tulureued spJof,al pup stuauJntrop llp
']senbaj uodn 'fuelaj:aS aq] ol qslurnl lsnul rosuodS aql 'fuetaJlaS aql ol 'luauBpnI lo ']aplo 'luaualDas
Aq paJa^otal spun] Sutpnliut 'areqs lprapal paJa^otat aLlt urntai lsnur Josuods aql .spunJ qlns
jo areqs leiapal aql lo lunoue aql1o uorleulutralap ,{!? ol se fuelarlas aqt 1o lero.rdde aqt ule}qo lsnul
,osuods aql luauraar8e luer8 le.rapaj Jaqlo Aue Jo s!ql ot.luensJnd pred Alleur?uo aJa/vl leql 'rosuods 3r]1
Aq pasradsrp ro pasn ra^a^roq spunr sueaur ,,spunJ lel3pej,, [!Ja] aqt 'luaL!aaJte luet8 srql ]o sasodrnd
aql Jol papuadxa uaaq a^eq spunl lerapaj qlrq/v\ uodn tlatold lue JoJ J3uueu iaqlo Aue ur pasnsltx
ro'salntels lsnilrlup lerepaJ,o uo!telorn ur .lo ',{11n;a1se/v\ ' ltrualnpnelj }uads spun} leJapal .la^olal
o]'tuessalau ll uorle8rlrl 3urpn1:ur 'sdals lle alet lsnur rosuods aq1 'Epu-Gi-iEl6F-:iJ6-5tn-T5al6:ItlEi .6
'VVl aql lq 8ullrm ur paql;rsard aq treu se alep luanbasqns qtrns ro
'LIOZ 'II $nAnV arolaq Jo uo Josuods eqi lq paldatle uaaq seq Jago srql ssalun lf,alo.ld aql Jo stsotr aql
,o Ued Aue Apd ol pateerlqo aq lou lpm setets patrun aql pue a.:rdxa lpm.iago srql'5f([E6!l5ifffi-E149= 'g
'rosuods aq] lq afueldafle slr ol rolJd a{.url Aue le Jago slr.ll
'luauaarAe s!ql ro Ued aJe qlrq/n saf,uernsse
aql L{}!rvl Alduotr 01saarBe osle rosuod5 aq1 Arelar:a5 aqlJo sarnpafoJd pue 's3Dllod 'suol}plnBa.i
aql pue 'luauaar8e slql ql!/vr aluepJolf,e ur pue slelap anpun lnoqlr?v\ llaloJd aql alalduJor pue lno
fu:e: lsnur rosuods eql "9
'slsof, Jo ar?qs lerapeJ aql ol sluaurlsnlpe preMu/ pre/hdn lue ro] apeur aq llr, lusr.uslIas pue
Elsol l)aford elqe/vlolle ]o tunoure lelol aql lo lrpne lpuu aql uodn paseq 3q llrM areqs ,salels pa1!un aql
Jo uorleuluJJatap leurj fuelajlas aql ro sarnparord pue 'sar:r;od 'suorle;n8ar 3qt qllry\ a3ueprol)e ul epeur
aq ll!,r1 slsol ]lalord alqe,^olleloaJeqs,salplspelrun3qf'Slsof,loaJeqsleJairajleuE3rllEulululatao'S
'sBBe/$ pue saueles
llarp Josuods JoJ slsol alqe/\o{le or 'wj aql Aq paldatrle se uor}elrldde palord aql ur paurluap! atej
tsos tlaJrpu! aql Sur^ldde
pre,{e slql rapun stsof tlarlpur a8req3 AeuJ.rosuodS 'rdjtrCls --5l565E-iput- 't
'elqe/v\olleun lo alqrBr;aur aq o1 pauluJalap
sgq wl eql leql l:a[o:d aql u! slsot,\ue apnllur 1ou ]sntx Josuod S aql'arsalr alqex\otleun lo alqlrtlaut '€
'lusuraar3P luerS e,to ]noasoll aql puo^aq pualxa
leq] ssluptnsse pue suorteS!lqo rosuods alnpar ro e^3!loJ lou saop alep pua a3ueul.lo]l3d lo PolJad aql.
'(€r€'0025 Ul) 7) a:ueu-uoyad 1o pollad aqt Jo alep pua aql laue sleP lepuale3 06 ueql
l3lel ou p.leme srql rapun pailnru! suoltet!lqo lle (JJo Aed) arBptnbtl pue uolleluauntrop lnoasoll patoJd
lle 1luqns lsnuJ rosuods aql'uolsualxa uall.l^ e sazrroqtne WJ aql ssalun '(60€ oozq uJl z) alueurorJad
]o polJad aqi,o alep pua aql ot rolld pallnlul suolletllqo lol slso3 alqe/v\olle a8Jeq3 Aluo Aeu rosuods 3q1
'rosuods aqi iq e)ueldelle leulloJ lo 3l?p aql ulorJ (s^ep r?pualel Ogt'I) srea^ , sr a)ueui.,opad Jo
poljad aql lo alep pue aql 'Wl aql uorj ] ue ur as!/y\reqlo patels ill!trltdxa ssalun luaura3]8P
stql stdalle Alle rrlJ o, losuodS aql alep aql uo surtaq slueulloped ]o porrad aql 'a)ueuuoyad ,o PorJad 'z
'uorllslnble Puel lol OS
'pue luo!letuaualdulr ueJEord aslou lo luauldols^ep !odrle 026'8865
Suruueld Joj oS
:(q)80I2' 5 J S n 6t ]o suorsl^old 3ql rapun salels palrun aql ro uolleSrlqo
Lt 0 ( - 1r 0 - r € 0 0 - z 1 - €16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2227Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
10. united states Not Liable for Damase or lniurv. The United States is not responsible or liable for damage
to property or injury to persons which may arise from, or be incident to, compliance with this grant
11. Svstem for Award Manapement (SAMI Resistration And Universal ldentifier.
A. Requirement for System for Award Management {SAM): Unlessthe Sponsor isexempted from this
requirement under 2 CFR 25.110, the Sponsor must maintain the currency of its information in the
SAM until the Sponsor submits the final financial report required under this grant, or receives the final
payment, whichever is later. This requires that the Sponsor review and update the information at,east
annually after the initial registration and more frequently if required by changes in information or
another award term. Additional information about registration procedures may be found at the SAM
website (currently at http;//www.sam.qov).
B. Data Universal Numbering System: DUNS number means the nine-diBit number established and
assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, lnc. (D & B) to uniquely identifo business entities. A DUNS number
may be obtained from D & B by telephone {currently 866-705-5771) or on the web (currently at
12. Electronic Grant Pavm€nt{s}. Unless otherwise directed by the FAA, the Sponsor must make each payment
request under this agreement electronically via the Delphi elnvoicing System for D€partment of
Transportation (DOT) Financial Assistance Awardees.
13. lnformal Letter Amendment of AIP proiects. lf, during the life of the project, the FAA determ,nes that the
maximum grant obligation of the United States exceeds the expected needs of the Sponsor by 525,000 or
five percent (5%), whichever is greater, the FAA can issue a letter amendment lo the Sponsor unilaterally
reducing the maximum obligation.
The FAA can also issue a letter to th€ Sponsor increasing the maximum obligation if there is an overrun in
the total actual eligible and allowable project costs to cover the amount of the overrun provided it will not
exceed the statutory limitations for grant amendments. The FAA's authority to increase the maximum
obliBation does.ot apply to the "planninB" component of condition No. 1.
The FAA can also issue an informal letter am€ndment that modifies the grant descript,ofl to correct
administrative errors or to delete work items if the FAA finds it advantageous and in the best interests of
the United States.
An informal letter amendment has the same force and effect as a formal grant amendment.
14. Air and Water Qualitv, The Sponsor is required to comply with all applicable air and water quality
standards for all projects in this Brant. lf the Sponsor fails to comply with this requirement, the FAA may
suspend, cancel, or terminate this agreement.
15' Financial Reportin€ and Pavment Requirements. The Sponsor will comply with all federal financial
reporting requirements and payment requirements, including submittal of timely and accurate reports"
16. Buv American. Unless otherwise approved in advance by the FAA, the Sponsor will not acquire or permit
any contractor or subcontractor to acquire any steel or manufactured products produced outside the
United States to be used for any project for which funds are provided under this grant. The Sponsor will
include a provision implementing Buy American in every contr,iat.
17. Maximum Oblieation ln For Nonorimarv AirDorts .ln accordance with 49 U.S.C. S 47108(b), as
amended, the maxim um obligation of the United States, as stated in Condition No. L of this Grant Offer
A. May not be increased for a planning pro.iect;
B. May be increased by not more than 15 percent for development projects;
Packet Pg. 2228 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
C. May be increased by not more than 15 percent or by an amount not to exceed 25 percent of the total
increase in allowable costs attributable to the acquisition of land or interests in land, whichever is
greater, based on curtent credible appraisals or a court award in a condemnation proceeding.
18. Audits for Public S so The Sponsor must provide for a Single Audit or program specific audit in
accordance with 2 CFR part 200. The Sponsor must submit the audit reportinB package to the Federal
Audit Clearinghouse on the Federal Audit Clearinghouse's lnternet Data Entry System at
http:/lharvester.census.govffacweb/. Provide one co py of the completed audit to the FAA if requested.
19. Suspension or Debarment. When entering into a "covered transaction" as defined by 2 CFR !180.200, the
Sponsor must:
A. Verify the non-federal entity is eliBible to participate in this Federal program by:
1. Checking the excluded parties list system (EPLS) as maintained within the System for Award
Management (SAM) to determine if the non-federal entity is excluded or disqualified; or
2. Collecting a certification statement from the non-federal entity attesting they are not excluded or
disq ualified from participating; or
3. AddinB a clause or condition to covered transactions attesting individual or firm are not excluded
or disqualiRed from participating.
B. Require prime contractors to comply with 2 CFR 5180.330 when entering into lower-tier transactions
(e.9. Sub-contracts).
C. lmmediately disclose to the FAA whenever the Sponsor (1) learns they have entered into a covered
transaction with an ineligible entity or (2) suspends or debars a contractor, person, or entity.
20. 8an on TextinP While Drivins.
A. ln accordance with Executive Order 13513, Federal Leadership on Reducing lext Messaging While
Oriving, October 1, 2009, and DOT Order 3902.10, Text Messaging While Driving, December 30, 2009,
the Sponsor is encouraged to:
1. Adopt and enforce workplace safety policies to decrease crashes caused by distracted drivers
including policies to ban text messaging while driving when performing any work for, or on behalf
of, the Federal government, including work r€lating to a grant or subgrant.
2. Conduct workplace safety initiatives in a manner commensurate with the size of the business, such
a. Establishment of new rules and programs or re-evaluation of existing programs to
prohibit text messaging while driving; and
b. Education, awareness, and other outreach to employees about the safety risks associated
with texting while driving.
B. The Sponsormust insert the substance of thisclause on banning textingwhile drivinB in all subgrants,
contrads and subcontracts.
21. AIP Funded Work lnclu ed in a PFC Aoolication.
Within 90 days of acceptance of this award, Sponsor must submit to the Federal Aviation Administration
an amendment to any approved Passenger Facility Charge {PFC) application that contains an approved PFC
project also covered under this grant award. The airport sponsor may not make any expenditure under
this award until pro.iect work addressed under this award is removed from an approved PFC application by
Packet Pg. 2229 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
:sluaura.lrnbaJ Sutrv\ollo, aql turlaaul'alualalsu
pue'le^aulau uolleuuolul 'Sugdaay pro:ag'alnp3qls uotitadsul 'fuolua^ul luatrra^ed e apnllul 'f
:parxroy3d s1 '.,reda'l pue
a^rlua^ard qtoq 'alueualuleur lualua^ed redord tpql arnssp ot pa/v\ollo] aq o1sarnpaloJd aql lrelao 'a
lJredaJ ]o spoqlaui papuaulujolaJ pup
'saurlaplnB uo11:adsu! 'asnetr elqeqord slr pue ssarlsrp 10 sadll f,Urlads 'uerSord arueualur?u, a^llf,ega
ue Burqsrlq?lse 'sluaure^ed Uodr!e Eululetureu rol salnp3lord pue] ,,'sluauta^ed
uodr!V ro atrueualure[,!{ ]o} sarnpa)o.rd pue seurl3prn9,, '9-OgES/OSI relntjl3 tuos!^pV WJ ,^oltoJ .V
:;1rm u:elSotd aql ]eql saajAe Jaqun] Josuods
aql'Uodlre aql le aluetstss? letsupur] lelapa} qlr^\ pajledaJ ro,papnJlsuof,al ,pepn]lsuol Iua!ua^pd
lueroojll lnlasn aq1.:o1 uej8ord aql asn lllrlrl lr teql saal8e Josuods aq1 luauraAeue!.{ B^ltua€ld
]uauia^ed alueinssv lueJg Aq paJrnba./ se urerSord lueuaS?ueu afueualureut luauraaed podjqe
'(llZIZt S 3 5 6 lprapun Apaurar lr^!l e ol tqSlr aql saLunsse
lurelduof, e 8u!ururqns uosrad aql'leJauag Jolfadsul ,lo alU+O aql Aq uo!le3!1sa^u! ue anutluof, lo
llnpuol o] lou uorsDap e ro uolleueldxa ue ]o ldraf,ar uodn - Apauau l^rl ol slq8lu ]o uolldLunssv '9
(C)ZIZt 6 :, S n 1, rapun paqsrlqelsa are arlgo s,le.rauag
lolf,adsul aq] Jo suotld arxa pu P s uoliPl!urll 'suolpv - leJauag rolladsul aqllosuollrv paJrnbau s
'a3eld Iool Iesqda., paBalle aqt qlrqm uo alep aql rage sJeaA aarql ueql aloul uorllasqns
slql rapun lq8norq aq lou leu tureldurol V - luleldulof e Jo leururqns roJ uorleuurl aurl ,
'uorlepodsuej1;o luaurlredae S n aqlro, (9lO) lerauag rotl3dsul lo alU+O -
aqt o] lesudar aql turpre8ar ]ulelduior e l!uqns Apur r..ural luerB srql ro V Aq palrqrtlord
lesrJdaj e ol pallalqns uaaq a^eq Aaql leq] sa^3!l3q oq/r\ uosJad V - 1u!e1duo31o uolssrtuqns €
'AluaEe luaura3rolua fuolelnEar alels Jo lerapal V
ro laaluerBqns ro atslu?rB eqt lo alrgo luauaSeuau y
:funl puer8 Jo Unoi V
:r..r..rer3ord 1uer3 e 1o lq8rsrano ro] alqrsuods3r aa^oldura Jo af,U4o lerapal V
:a3lgo Al!lrqelunollV tuauruJa^og aq1
:lerauag roradsul uV
:ssarBuoJ lo aallrujr!o) e lo a^rleluasardaJ e ro ssalSuol ,o Jaquau, V
:s^ olloJ se aje pars^of
sr aaioldura ue Aq aJnsol)srp e q)tq/i,\ ol satpoq pue suoslad aql :pala^ol sslpoq pue suosrad z
'luer8 lelepsj e o] palelal uollelngar ro'alnr 'Melro uollelo!^ V A
lo lAlales ,o qlleeq )tlqnd ol JaBuep ,Urf,ads pue lerluelsqns V r
:spun, lelapal ]o asn Jo uolleluauraldui! ol Sullelai lllJoqlne Io asnqP uV '!!!
:spun] l€Japal jo 3lser{ ssoJ9 !!
:lueJB lerap;l e Jo luaulateuP!.llsltx sso.l9 !
:]o e)uaprAo
s!sa^a!laq AlqeuoseaJ eeiolduJa aql leql uolleuloru! '(Z)(v) qderBelea-qns ur paqlltrsap Apoq
Jo uosJad e ol Sursol)srp Jo] leslJdaJ e se lsulPBe paleulu.rlrlsrp 3sl/vuaqlo Jo'paloulap 'lpaSleqls!p
aq lou Aeul ealueltqns Jo aatue.,E elo aa^oldula ue'zILt s ls n It qtlrrl s3uep.lolle ul I
lesr.ldau Luor, uolpalo.ld ldluS '€Z
luaLUaa.JSe lueJS slrll jo ued apeul puP uollelltdde llaloJd aql qlr^\ pallluqns sl io alualalaj
Aq ulajaq paleJodtosursl '8002 rsnBnv palpp def{ l!3do
rd ,.v,, uqlqxl aql 'den Auadold ,,vt,qlqxS'zz
16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2230Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Pue :]sal ,o ad^] qf,ea .lo] palllur3d saluelalol lo eljallJf,
a)ueldalle aqt pup 'pJepuels lsat alqe)rldde eqt'tu!ldures jo poqlaul aql 'ualel aq o] slsal
Io lluanbar] puE ad^l arll Eurpnlfur 'suorte)!,rfads perluoJ aqt Aq paJlnb3J slsat lle ]o Bullsrl V S
:lauuosJad uorlf,adgur uorlrnrlsuol pue uorsr^radns Buuaaurtua,o suollelutlenD t
:(fZ0I f '999€ c) suorlerullads
lfeiluoraqlul paf,uaJalaj uotlenl?^a fuoleJoqel uosprepuels sleljalet pue tutlsallofur!)os
uef,risurv 3ql Jo sluaulallnbar aql laau sauol€Joqel Sutlsal aql leql 8u!ulul.lalap Jol ssjnpafoJd .E
:papt^oJd aq ot sa)!ruas aqllo uotld,tsap e ql!^ Jar{leto} ,ltafoJd aql
uo sa!l!llqlsuodsal lorluol Alrl?nb qlrm stuJr, Jeaur8ua SutUnsuo) pue sauoleJoqel tutlsal,o sauJeN .Z
aql qlr.\,\ AlduJor ol suoll)e lJessalau a!el ol
aql pue llalold aql ro] uotlells!ulrupe
llPrluol Jo]
llera^o seq oq/v\ Josuods 3ql Sutlu3saldal uosJad 3ql lo au.reu aqt I
:!unuJlulr1r e se aPnllur lsnu ueJSo.rd sql suorl€truttrads lejapal aql
,(q paJrnbal slsal pue suorsr^ord loJluol AIlenb lle'ot pa]!uJtl lou lnq 'Sutpnlf,ur 'lteJluol uollfnllsuo)
aLll Jo suolsl^old loJluol
eqt q]!a\ Aldrxor ol pasn aq ol sarnpa)ord pue sarnseaul aql sl!elap
q)!q/r^ uorllnrlsuof, Jo uels aql ol Joud wj aql ot uJeJSoJd luaulsSeueuj uolpnllsuol € qsrujnJ v
:ol saar8e rosuods aq1' .97
'parlnb3J aq Aeu se VVJ eql ol Uoda., e apr^oJd ol Aa^rns tuauJa^ed aql iq patnpo.rd
sprolal pue uorleur.rorur aqt a^arJtar ol elqe aq lsnujosuod5 aql'ujalsis le^arJla8 uolleuJolul 't
'pauroJJ ad ro palnp3q3s e)ueualu!el^,.p
pue:sad^l ssa.rlslc l
:uotlerol q
lalpp uotpadsul e
:sl uorleurJoJu! urnuJ!urr!
aq1 paluau,Jnf,op aq lsnur'pauro}]ad Jo palnpaqf,s'uorl)e le!pauar pu?'uorle)ol 'ssaJlsrp ]o
ad^l aql srea^ a^!] jo unurulu.r e ro, alu uo tdal pue paprof,al aq lsnur pauJolad alueualuleuJ
aql uo pue suorlf,adsur pal!elep lle Jo sturpu!, aqt uo uolleurolur at3ldr!o3 '3u1daay pro:ag 6
'paprolal aq lsnu pauJoyad a:ueualureru Aue pue uortlsdsur
jo alep aql 'suort)adsur Aq-a^up roJ 'uollrpuol luauraned aql ur sa8uetll palladxaun llalap ol
qluour Jad afuo ]o unurlulur B pau-rlo1-tad aq lsnu: uolpadsu! Aq-a^up V 'uoltledsul lg-a^:ig q
'sJea^ aaJql
ol papuaua aq lpur suorlfodsur jo Atru3nbajJ aql'9-08€9/OSt J?lnrJrl tuosr^pv eqt ur quo] tas
se Aaruns (lld)xapul uorl!puo) luatrra^ed '3 r 'alq?lre^e sr uorleJoualsp luau.,a^ed paprotrai ]o
fuoisrq e Jt 'rp3^ e atruo lseal ]e psurrofad aq lsnu uorlladsur pa|elap V uolpadsul palretaO 'e
'uorlelrlrqeqar rofeu lualar lsouJ ro uolDnrlsuof, lo rea^ p
'pue lluaura^ed ro ad^I l
:suorsuauraO 'q
lsuorde pue 's^e^\lxel 'slemunr lle ro uorle3o'l e
:Ielap lo la^al pue ullo] alPlJdojdde ue ur pallldap aq lsnur 8ur^rolloj aql'fuolua^ul tuaula^ed I
Ltot-tr0-1800-zT-€16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2231Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
6. Procedures for ensuring that the tests are taken in accordance with the program, that they are
documented daily, and that the proper corrective actions, where necessary, are undertaken.
B. Submit at completion of the pro.iect, a final test and qualitv assurance report documenting the
summary results of all tests performed; highlighting those tests that indicated failure or that did not
meet the applicable test standard. The report must include the pay reductions applied and the reasons
for accepting any out-of-tolerance material. Submit interim test and quality assurance reports when
requested by the FAA.
C. Failure to provide a complete report as described in paragraph b, or failure to perform such t€Ets, will,
absent any compelling justification; result in a reduction in Federal participation for costs incurred in
connection with construction of the applicable pavement. Such reduction will be at the discretion of
the FAA and will be based on the type or types of required tests not performed or not documented
and will be commensurate with the proportion of applicable pavement with respect to the total
pavement constructed under the grant agreement.
D. The FAA, at its discretion, reserves the right to conduct independent tests and to reduce grant
payments accordingly if such independent tests determine that sponsor test results are inaccurate.
Packet Pg. 2232 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
{tollJto w) lo atrr)
I d 'areuJan ue8
V)lUllAV JO SIMS O:l1lNn
'Ja|JO Srql lo alueldsfle s/osuods aql uodn a^r]f,a$a auiolaq lleqs tuauaajSv lueJg qlns
'uraJag papr^oJd sp suorl!puor pue se)uernsse aql ql!rr1 aruP!lduol pue psloJd aq]lo luaurqs!ldurolle
aql ol lladsar qi!/t^ rosuods aql pue salels paIUn eq] Jo sIlSu pue suorlESllqo lenlfe.,Iuor aql Eurlnl!]suof,
'rtrV aq1 Aq papr^ord se'luau.raar8v luerg e asudu-ro:;1eqs arueldarf,V pue JagO srqt pue 'pap!^ord
raueuraJaq se 'Josuods aql lq luaunJlsur srr.ll lo uollnl3x3 lq pafuapl^a 3q lleqs ulaJ3q palelodlotru!
uorlplrlddv llstoJd aql,o uolldope pue uorlelgller pue JaJJo s!ql jo alueldaltrE s,rosuods 3tll
L7 0 a - r I 0 - r € 0 0 - ? r - t
16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2233Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
'qtoq Jo'lue!!uos!JdLur 'sauU ol nol tlatqns plnol pue (sluaulalels aslel) I0OI uorl)as
.f.S n gI lo uottelor^ e sr luauura^o8 leJapal aql ol uolleurolur aslel Sulpr^old llnll|M pue Altur,v\ou)-
Lo,,,,b iiIIJjf ,a<--'..-.._clE rJ\rAg
jo Aeptr, s sr r.l I {uo!}elol)1)f te paleo
,oe.reql surJal
aql qlr/v\ alueplolle ur Josuods aql lo uorl?3rlqo Surpurq pup letal p salnlrtsuol luauJaartv luprg pres
aql lpql uoruldo uJ sr lr 'Jaq!nl Josuods aql Aq alueurJoped llnl luJ^aJd ll!/$ lPqt sluaturpadut ;eta; ou
aJe ajaqt 'Josuods aql Aq pauao lou AledoJd uo lno p3!JJe) aa ol sl)etord turalorur sluert.rol 'uorlrppe
ul llv aql pue alpls prps aql lo sMel aqt qIM alupprolre ur pue radord pue enp slladsar lle ur sr Joaraql
uorlnlaxa aql leql pu? pazuoqlne Alnp ueaq spq eNleluasaJdal l?r)r{o s,.rosuods pue rosuods ptps lq
ualpl suorlle aql pue tuauaaJSv luerg turotarol eql paulurexa a^eq I laqunl -lor.,(2lJ ,o alels aql ro
s^ el aqt rapun luatuaertv tuerg turotaJo] aqt olur ralu3 ol paraModuJe sr losuods aql uolurdo
u! lpql
&rua) qeraq op Josuods aql./ol Aaurouv se Sulr:e
:a3uue11 iruno.l
[ \ tl]( ) J()i'l
: a ltll
L\\Y ;x
Alr.roqlnv uodJrV Atuno) ra!llol
jo iep srql palnlax_:
, llar./ol pue anjt sl Suro8aro] aqr teql tunlad Jo Alleuad rapun eJpllap I
uorle)rlddv l)3toJd aql ur pue.raJJO srtll ur suorlrpuol pue surral oql
1o 1;e qlrm llduror ot saar8e alueldalle qlns Aq pue rerlo s!ql ldal)e Aqajar'l saop puP 'Jago SuroteroJ 3r"tl
ur ol parlela.r slerJalPu.l Pate.lodrolur pue L'rlPlrlddv lla[oJd aqt ur peuleluo] sluaLuaaJte pue'slueua^ol
'sarlueiJ€,rA 'suolleluasaldal 'slueuJalets 'saluelnsse lle ldope pue '!t1el AqaJaq saop
rl vrdlllv - ll rEvd
16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2234Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
A- General.
a. These assurances shall becompliedwith in the performance of grant agreements for airport
development, airport planning, and noise compatibility program Erants for airport sponsors.
b. These assurances are required to be submitted as part of the Project application by sponsors
requesting funds under the provisions of Title 49, U.S.C., subtitle Vll, as amended. As used herein,
the term ''public agency sponsor" means a public agency with control of a public-use airport; the
term "private sponsor'' means a private owner of a public-use airport; and the term "sponsor"
includes both public agency sponsors and private sponsors.
c. Upon acceptance of this grant offer by the sponsor, these assurances are incorporated in and
become part of this grant agreement.
B. Ouration and Applicability,
1. Airport development or Noise compatibility Program Proiects Undertaken by a Public ASency
The terms, condltions and assurances of this grant agreement shall remain in full force and effect
throughout the useful life of the facilities developed or equipment acquired for an airport
development or noise compatibility program project, or throughout the useful life ot the project
items installed within a facility under a noise compatibility program project, but in any event not
to exceed lwenty (20) years from the date of acceptance of a Brant offer of Federal funds for lhe
project. However, there shall be no limit on the duration of lhe assurances regarding Exclusive
Rights and Airport Revenue so long as the airport is used as an airport. There shall be no limit on
the duration ofthe terms, conditions, and assurances with respect to real property acquired with
federal funds. Furthermore, the duration of the Civil Rights assurance shall be specified in the
2. Airport Development or Noise Compatibility Projects Undertaken by a Private Sponsor.
The preceding paragraph 1 also applies to a private sponsor except that th€ useful life of project
items installed within a facility or the useful life of the iacilities developed or equipment acquired
under an airport development or noise compatibility program project shall be no less than ten (10)
years from the date of acceptance of Federal aid for the project.
3. Airport Planning t ndertaken by a Sponsor.
Unless oth€rwise specified in tiis grant agreement, only Assurances 1,2,3,5, 6,13, 18, 25, 30, 32,
33, and 34 in Section C apply to plannin8 proiects. The terms, conditions, and assurances of this
grant agreement shall remain in full force and effect during the life of the project; there shall be
no limit on the duration ofthe assurances regarding Exclusive Rights and Airport Revenue so long
as the airport is used as an airport.
C. Sponsor Certification.
The sponsor hereby assures and certifies, with respect to this grant that:
1. General Federal Requirements.
It will comply with all applicable Federal laws, regulations, executive orders, policies, guidelines,
and requirements as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this
proiect including but not limited to the following:
M.rch, 2014
Packet Pg. 2235 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
3 - 1 2 - 0 0 3 t - O 71- 2 0 77
a. Title 49, U.5.C., subtitle Vll, as amended.
b. Oavis-Bacon Act - 40 U.S.C. 276(a), et seq.1
c. Federal Fair Labor Standards Act - 29 U.S.C.201, et seq.
d. Hatch Act - 5 U.S.C. 1501, et seq.r
e. Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 Title 42
U.S.C. 4601, et seq.'l
f. National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 - Section 106 - 16 U.5.C.470(fl.1
B. A,cheological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 - 16 U.S.C. 469 through 469c.r
h. Native Americans Grave Repatriation Act - 25 U.S.C. Section 3001, et seo.
i. Clean Air Act, P.L. 90-148, as amended.
i. Coastal Zone Management Act, P.L. 93-205, as amended.
k. Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 - Section 102{a} - 42 U.S.C. 4012a.1
l. Title 49, U.S.C., Section 303, (formerly known as Section 4(fl)
m. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - 29 u.s.c. 794.
n. Title vl of the civil RiShts Act of 1964 (42 u.s.c. 5 200od et seq., 78 stat. 252) (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, national oritin);
o. Americans wilh Disabilities Acl of 1990, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 5 12101 et seq.), prohibits
discrimination on the basis of disability).
p. Age Discrimination Act of 1975 - 42 U.S.C, 6101, et seo.
q. American lndian Religious Fr.edom Act, P.1.95-341, as amended.
r. Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 -42 U.S.C.4151, et seo.1
s. Power plant and lndustrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 - Section 403- 2 U.5.C.8373.1
t. Contract Work Hourr and Safety Standards Act - 40 U.s.C.327, et seq.1
u. Copeland Anti-kickback Act - 18 U.S.C. 874.1
v. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 - 42 U.S.C. 4321, et seo.r
w. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, P.1.90-542, as amended.
x. single Audit Act of 1984 - 31 U.S.C. 7501., er seq.'?
y. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 - 41 U.s.C.702 through 706.
z. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, as amended (Pub. L- 109-
282, as amended by section 6202 of Pub. L. 110-252).
a. Executive order 11246 - Equal Employment opponunityl
b. Executive Order 11990 - Protection of Wetlands
c. Executive Order 11998 -Flood Plain Management
March, 2014
Packet Pg. 2236 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
d- Executive Order 12372 - lntergovernmental Review of Federal Programs
e. Executive Order 12699 - Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted New guilding
f. Executive Order 12898 - Environmentallustice
b. 2 CFR Part 20O, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit
Requirements for Federal Awards. IOMB Circular A-87 Cost Principles Applicable to Grants and
Contracts with State and Local Governments, and OMB Circular A-l-33 - Audits of States, Local
Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations],a' s' 6
c- 2 CFR Part 1200 - Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment
d. 14 CFR Part 13 - lnvestigative and Entorcement Proceduresl4 CFR Part t6 - Rules of Practice
For Federally Assisted Airport Enforcemenl Proceedings.
e. 14 CFR Part 150 - Airport noise compatibility planning-
f. 28 CFR Part 35- Discrimination on the Basis ol Disability in State and Local Government
g. 28 CFR 5 50.3 - U.5. Department of Justice Guidelines for Enforcement of Title Vl of the Civil
Rights Act of 1954.
h. 29 CFR Part 1 - Procedures for predetetmination of wage rates.l
i. 29 CFR Part 3 - Contractors and subcontractors on public building or public work financed in
whole or part by loans or grants from the United States.l
j- 29 CfR Part 5 - Labor standards provisions applicable to contra€ts covering federally financed
and assisted construction {also labor standards provisions applicable to aon-construction
contracts subject to the contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act).r
k. 41 CFR Part 60 - Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal lmployment
opponunity, Department of Labor {Federal and federally assisted contracting requirements}.1
l. 49 CFR Part 18 - Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements
to state and local governments.3
m. 49 CFR Part 20 - New restrictions on lobbying.
n. 49 CFR Part 21 - Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programsofthe Department of
Transportation - effectuation of Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
o. 49 CFR Part 23 - Participation by Disadvantage Business Enterprise in Airport Concessions.
p. 49 CFR Part 24 - Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and
Federally Assisted Programs.r'
Transportation Programs.
r- 49 CFR Part 27 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities
Receiving or BenefitinB trom Federal Financial Assistance.l
Packet Pg. 2237 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
3 - i 2 ' 0 0 3 1 - 0 1 | - 2 0 L7
s. 49 CFR Part 28 -Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in ProBrams ot
Activities conducted by the Department of Transportation.
t. 49 cFR Part 30 - Denial of public works contracts to suppliers of goods and services of
countries that deny procurement market access to U.S. contractors.
u. 49 CFR Part 32 -Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace {Financial
v. 49 CFR Part 37 -Transportation Services for lndividuals with Disabilities (ADA).
w. 49 CFR Part 41 - Seismic safety of Federal and federally assisted or re8ulated new building
Specific assurances required to be included in grant agreements by any of the above laws, regulations
or circulars are incorporated by reference in this trant aBreement.
FoorNorEs ro AssuRANcE C.1.
These laws do not apply to airport planning sponsors.
These laws do not apply to private sponsors.
49 CFR Part 18 and 2 CFR Part 200 contain requirements for State and Local Governments
receiving Federal assistance- Any requirement levied upon State and Local Gov€rnments by this
regulation and circular shall also be applicable to private sponsors receiving Federal assistance
under Title 49, United States Code.
On December 26, 2013 at 78 FR 78590, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued the
Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal
Awards in 2 CFR Part 200. 2 CFR Part 20O replaces and combines the former Uniform
Administrative Requirements for Grants (OMB Circular A-102 and Circular A-110 or 2 CFR Part 215
or Circular) as well as the Cost Principles (Circulars A-21 or 2 CFR part 220; Circular A-87 or 2 CFR
part 225; and A-122, 2 CFR part 230). Additionally it replaces Circular A-133 guidance on the Single
Annual Audit. ln accordance with 2 CFR section 200.110, the standards set forth in Part 200 which
affect administration of Federal awards issued by Federal agencies become effective once
implemented by Federal agencies or when any future amendment to this Part b€comes final.
Federal agencies, including the Depanment of Tra nsponation, must implement the policies and
procedures applicable to Federal awards by promulgating a regulation to be effective by
December 26, 2014 unless different provisions are required by statute or approved by OMB.
Cost principles established in 2 CFR part 20O subpart E must be used as guidelines for determinin8
the eligibility of specific types of expenses-
Audit requirements established in 2 CFR part 200 subpart F are the guidelines for audits.
Responsibility and Authority of the Sponsor.
a. Public Agency Sponsor:
It has legal authority to apply for this grant, and to finance and carry out the proposed project;
that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an officialact of
the applicant's goyerni.1g body authorizing the filing of the application, including all
understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person
identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the
application and to provide such additional informaiion as may be required.
b. Private Sponsor:
SPicrFrc AssuRANcEs
Packet Pg. 2238 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
It has legal authority to apply for this grant and to finance and carry out the proposed project
and comply with all terms, conditions, and assurances of this grant agreement. tt shall
designate aa official representative and shall in writing direct and authorize that person to file
this application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein; to act in
connection with this application; and to provide such additional information as may be
3. Sponsor Fund Availability,
It has sufficient funds available for that portion of the project costs which are not to be paid by the
United States. lt has sufficient funds available to assure operation and maintenance of items
funded under this grant agreement which it will own or control.
4. Good Title.
a. lt, a public agency or the Federal government, holds good title, satisfactory to the Se$etary, to
the landinB area of the airport or site thereof, or will give assurance satisfactory to the
Secretary that good title will be acquired.
b. For noise compatibility program projects to be can'ied out on the property of the sponsor, it
holds good title satisfactory to the Secretary to that portion of the property upon which
Federal funds will be expended or will give assurance to the Secretary that good title will be
5. Preserving Rights and Powers.
a. lt will not take or permit any action which would operate to deprive it of any of the rights and
powers necessary to perform any or all of the terms, conditions, and assurances in this grant
agreement wilhout the written approval of the Secretary, and will act promptly to acquire,
extinguish or modify any outstanding rights or claims of right of others which would interfere
with such performance by the sponsor. This shall be done in a manner acceptable to the
b. lt will not sell, lease, encumber, or otherwise transfer or dispose of any part of its title or other
interests in the property shown on Exhibit A to this application or, for a noise compatibility
program project, that portion of the property upon which Federal funds have been expended,
for the duration of the terms, conditions, and assurances in this grant agreement without
approval by the Secretary. lf the transferee is found by the Secretary to be eligible under Title
49, Un,led States Code, to assume the obligationi of this grant agreement and to have the
power, authority, and financial resources to carry out all such obligations, the sponsor shall
insert in the contract or document transferring or disposing of the sponsor's interest, and
make binding upon the transferee all of the terms, conditions, and assurances contained in
this grant agreement.
c. For all noise compatibility program projects which are to be carried out by another unit of
localgovernment or are on property owned by a unil of local government other than the
sponsor, it will enter into an agreement with that government. Except as otherwise specified
by the Secretary, that agreement shall obligate that government to the same terms,
conditions, and assurances that would be applicable to it if it applied directly to the FAA for a
grant to undertake the noise compatibility program proiect. That agreement and chantes
thereto must be satisfactory to the Secretary, lt will take steps to enforce this agreement
aBainst the local government if there is substanlial non-compliance \,vith the terms of the
Ma(h, 2014
Packet Pg. 2239 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Adole'Au?jr 'palef,ol s! uodilsaqtql!q^ u! eale aqlu! uollPzluetlo tuluu?ld uellodollau aqlot
lsanbar uodn pap!^ojd seq pup ol atq?lle^e 3peu sPq Josuods aql'Uodrle qnq a8.1elJo ulnlpaul e
le uorsuslxa le^ un.l JoJeur e io'Ae^ unr Uodrp ue 'l.Jodjle ue ro uollelol aqtr 8ur^lo^ur spa[ord ul
'uollerluerro Suluueld ue lodorlant 'OI
'ltrafoid pasodord e Suruiatruos fuetaltaS aqt uollllad ol
lq3!r aql a^eq
teql selt!unuJurof aql pasrApe seq ro paletrol sr Datold aql aJaq^\ sarltun[!ulof,
aql uoJ] uo!]eluasaJdal eurto^ Jaqlra p.leoq luausSeueui slt uo spq U 'stf,alo.,d q]ns lo, '.]equnj
'tuelarlas aqt ot stuUeaq qrns Jo tduJsuerl aLll Jo ldo) e l!uqns 'fuelallas aql lq palsanbal
uaq^,\ llsrls lr pue ltlunulurol aql iq tno pauJe3 uaaq seq se 8uluueld qtrns ro sa^r]la[qo pue
sleot qllM Alualslsuof, st! pue uorle3ol Ae/trunr ro UodJre aql Jo sl3aj+ts leluauuoJr^ua pue 1ellos
')ttrouof,a aql Suuaprsuol lo asodJnd aql ro, s8uUeaq rllqnd rol AUunuoddo aql papro]re seq
l! 'uorsualxa Ae^1unr Joleur e Jo 'Aer*un: lodtre u€ 'uodlte ue ro uolle]ol eql Eulrrloau; s]latold ul
'stu!r?eH lllqnd 6
'Pasodoid sr lla[o]d
qtrlqr,l le uodJle aqt Sursn satued patlaile qlr,\ suollptlnsuof, alqeuosear uoleuapun spq lr 'apof
saiels palrun 'Ot ellll rapun tlalord luaLUdola^ep uod]re Aue aleuapun ol uorsrfap e Surleu ul
'srasn ql!,r\ uollqlnsuo3 I
aq leu lloloJd aql aJaqA\ Jeau Jo u! sallunuJuJol lo lsaralur aql ol uolleJeprsuo) JteJ ua^!t seq lt
'$aralul lerol ro uolleraPlsuo) 'l
'uodrle aql3u!punoJrns eare aql lo luaurdola^ap aql roJ ueld
ot patelol s! tla[o.]d aqi q)!q/v\ ur ate15 aq1 Aq pazuoqlne are teqt sar)uaBe l!lqnd ]o (uor1e:rldde
srqi lo uorssruqns ,o aw[ aql le 3ultsrxa) sueld ql!/r1 lualsrsuo] Alqeuosear sr 1:afo:d aqt
'sue6 lero1 q1m Arua$lsuof, '9
'saf,ueinssB .rosu ods aql pue S6-ZII /v\ei l!lqnd lo 9€I res ,o slu auJar nbaj
aql qlP\ Aldurol lsnui uodrle aq] resu .ro o] lua:efpe luado:d lear l?rluaprsa, Jo raun o
aql ro, uo!ssrurad ur sllnsar l?r1l luaua8ue::e Aue olur ?u;:alua sUodrle uoller^e leJauaB,o
sJosuods'rod..tre uo uollelol ue pue furadord 1Bq1 usa,\ laq UeJ)re u€ lxel ol'asn lerluaplsaJ
Joj pauoz ro 'a3uaprsal e sp pasn Aladoid p Jo lueuel Jo raumo oLll ,o, uorssrturad ut sllnsal
leql luauJa8uerre lue olur ralua Jo trrrujad lou l|l^ suodre alr^ras lerfjaururor ]o s.rosuods '3
'r.ll!/v\araql aru e!ldruol
saJlnbal osle luauaBuere qlns ]eql ainsur lleqs pue luauaaJ3e ]ueJB slqt u! saruprnsse
pue suo!l!puof, 'sural aql pue suollelntal aql 'apof salels pat!un '6t allrl a3uepJof3e
ur pauretureu pue pate.rado aq 1;tm pod.tte aq1 teql a:nsu! ol Atuot{lne pue s}qtu lua!)lJfns
aruasa: ;1rm :osuods aL{l 'Josuods aql lo aaloldula ue Jo Josuods arl} upql raqlo uosJad
ro Alua8e Aup lq uodre eq1,o uorlerado pue luaua8eueut .loJ aper! st luauraSue:re ue;1 ';
'satueinsse asaql Jo uollginp 3ql Jol selue.,nsse
asaql qlr^,\ alueproJ)e ur uodlle asn-lilqnd e 5e uo!llun, ol3nu!luol lll/v\ uodll? aql
leql arnsua 01fue1ar:a5 eqg o1 fuolreJsrles sdals a)tet llr/yl il '.,tosuods al?^ud e 5t Josuods aql jl ts
'luauaarBp aql ro sr.xral aql qlrrv\ afuerlduol-uou lelluelsqns st a.,aql ra^auaqm
Jaun o Auadord aq] lsure8p lueulaarse slql alrolua ol sdals alel qlrar yg .fue1at:a5 aq1 Aq
paurfads suorsl^oJd sapnllur qcrq,.vr lptll ]o Jau^ o aql qllm luautaar8e ue olu! talua
11rm 1r 'Apado.rd paurvro A;ate,r;.rd uo ]no p3!rrel aq o] sllalold uLetSo:d A1t1tqt1edu.totr astou rol 'p
Ll0a-1r0-rt00-zr-€16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2240Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
tloz qrreyl
31].,o ZlIlt uo!ltres ur pauuap se suelsla^ Palqeslp lq palloJluol pue pau.r\o sulsluol ssaulsnq
lleurs pue 'suErala^ palqes!p'sueJatra^ rely\ bell-uPls!uPq8,v 'suelsla^ ]ln9 ue!slad 'sueJala^
era uleutarn ol u3^rB aq llPqs af,uaJal3ld'(suolllsod fuos|ruadns puP'a^llellslulupe'a^!lnlax3 ur
tdaJxa) roqel ,o luaurloldua aql u! '1eql aJnsur ol fupss3lau 3ie se suolsr^oJd qlns 'roqel 3^lo^ur
qtrrqn luauraarBe ]uer8 srrlt r3pun papunl ltralojd
uo lJorr^ roJ sltreJluotr lle ur apnpu! lleqs ll
'aluajalard s,ueJala^ sI
aql .ro] sprq JO slesodoJd u! papnl)ur aq lleqs pue sprq rol uorlelr^ur srll ur p3lels aq lleqs saleJ
urnululru qlns pue 'roqel pallrlsun pue palus ol Aed lleqs sJopelluol qltq/u '(5-eg/z-egzz ')'s n
0?) papuaue se'I]V uo)eg-sr^eo aql ql!/v\ aluepro)f,e u!'Joqel ]o fueleJlas eql Aq pauru,alapaJd
aq ol 'saePM Jo saler uJnururur Surqt!lqelsa suorsr^old 'roqel a^loAUl q?rqm )uauaeJBe luelS
slql rapun papun, s]treford iuP uo lJoM JoJ 0oo?zs Jo ssa]xa u! sllel]uoJ lle ut 'apnllu! lleqs ll
's3leu aSeA urntrllull l tI
'3petu sel
llpne aql q)rq/n Jol Jea^ lelsu aql ]o asoll aql eur/'^ollol sqluour (9) xrs ueql ralel lou selels
pallun 3ql jo lelauag rsllolldulol aql qu/v\ l!pnp qrns lo Ador patrlual p alli ll?l]s t! 'pasn io
ua^!8 ser\ lueJ8 srql qllqrfl qllm uorliauuol u! lfaloJd aLltr ol Sullelar Jo luerS e ]o spaeford aql
lo uolllsodsrp aql ol Eu!]Pla.r rosuods e lo slunof,fe aq],o apPul sr ]!pne luapuadapu! u? qlrq/!\. ur aser Aue ul luardilal e lq palxpuol aq Upnp alplJdorddp ue lpql arlnbar
aq1 luerB slqlol luauruad aJe lelll luardDar aql ]o sp]otraj pue 'siaded 'stuaunlop 'slooq
lue 'uorleuru.]exa pue l!pne ]o asodrnd aql loI 'sa^rleluasardar pazrroqlne Anp Jraql lo Aue
ro 'salels palun aql ]o lPrsuag ralloildujo) 3q] pue fuelarlas aql ol alqplre^? aleui ll?qs ll q
]rV }pnV al8urs aql qI^,\ sf,uPprolre ur lrpne a^!1la9a ue alel!l!)eJ
I|^ l?r.11 urals^s tu[uno]re ue ql!/v\ af,ueprolle ur tdal aq lleqs spJolar pue slunolle aqt
'pafo.ld aql ol iuauruad spJo)3J terfueur, Jaqlo qfns pue'salrnos Jaqlo
ptsllddns pstord
aqi lo lsol aq] 1o uoluod leql ro alnleu Jo lunou.rP aq] pue 'posn Jo ua^ra s! luer8 slql qllq/vl
qll/s uolpauuol u! lrelord alll lo lso] lelol aql 'luer3 s!r{i }o spaarord aq} lo lualdDar oql Aq
uortlsodsrp pue lunoup eql asollsrp Alln] qsrq/vl spjolaj pue slunolfe llalord lle doal lleqs ll e
'stuauiaJlnbau tu!daax plorau pue 'Ipnv 'ualsAs 3ullunorlv €I
'ueJlJre Jalljel Jle ueql Jaqlo
uerf,Jre Lrorr Eurueldap pue Eu!ueldua sJaSuassed ol uodre qrns lo e3le Surueldap pue Surueldua
raSuassed aql ol ssaf,f,e JoJ pap!^ojd seq pue 'uorl.elnSaJ Jo alnJ lq pal!nbal luauldtnbe Alunfas
aql lle puP 'apof salets palrun '6t allrl ]o 90/rt uollras rapun ]rodrte q]ns Jo uorlel!,!ual
lol palrnbat luaurdrnba AtsJps aql lle 'uollplrldde ]ueJB lrarojd aqt Jo leulujqns ]o alep aqt uo 'seq
I '6t al]|1 u! pauuep se'uodjle asn lrlqnd e le luolldola^aP leurulal apnllu! qllq^{ s}laloJd lol
'salls!nbalard ]uaudol3^ao leululJ3l -zI
'lnJasn 3q leur seurulralap AJetajlas aql se sulplSold luaua8eu?L!
1u3tu3^ed pue uolllpuof, ]uaua^ed uo suodal qlns ap!^ojd llrM ll yodrlP aql lP aJuelslsse
leDueuu lelapaj ql!/v\ pajledaj ro papnrlsuolal 'pal)nllsuol ]uaula^ed Aue Jo aJll Inlasn
3r]1JOJ UrpJSOJd rllns asn ll!m lr leq] sarnsse l! pue uJelBoJd luausSeueur-elusualul?u luaula^Pd
- Uodre a^rlraga ue paluaujoldur seq l! IPql s3UrUoS Jo saJnsse ll 'Uodjle sql ]e luaua^ed
]o uol]rnllsuolar lo luauraseldaj aql .rol '966I 'I fuenuet Jaue pa^orddP psfold e ol lladsaj ql!M
'aru"ualulew a^!ua^ajd ua(rla^ed'II
'pallldsp ro paqu3sap sr p3[o]d aql qlrq/$ u! ueld lalseul uodlle
Aue,to ldor e pue tlaford aql prdap ol ueld lno^el uod]le aqt ol luaurpu3uJe pasodord aql ro
ttaz-tr0-I€00'rr-€16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2241Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
iloz 'qrreld
aq AeuJ se sprepuels ujnurlulut aql q]!r af,uPplolle ur pue uolllpuol alq?a)!^las puB ales e
ur s3u,rl lle le palerado eq lleqs'satpls peuun aql Aq palloJtuol lo pau/r\o sallrlrf,el u2ql laqlo
'uodJre aql lo srasn lefllneuojae aql aruas ot fuessalau aJP qllqM sellll!le] tle pue UodJte aql e
'sfueualurBW Pue uorleredo '6I
'lueJE !odj!e le.rapal e Jo, uotlplldde
arnln] Jo Surpuad Aue e^orddp ol fuple.rfas aql ro lled aql uo luarlltuulof, Jo a)uelnsse iue
lldur ro elnl!1suotr lou saop lupr8 s!r.l1jo upd se padole^ap lplialpur Suruueld lue lo lp^ordde
s,fuetarlas aql ro tuer8 Dalord srqg lo lenordde s,fuelajlas aq1 leql saat8e pue spuels:apun ll q
'l]a[o]d eq] lo Ued lue Jo
ll? op oi saaloldu.ra s,rosuod! aqlJo asn aq] a^orddpsrp ot iq8!l aql Alelallas arll luelt llt^ U .t
'sat!ruas lpuolssalold Jo lso) pue adols pasodord aql aao.rddeslp
ol tq8!J aqi se lla/( se patoJd srql ro ued Aue Jo lle op ol s.lolreituof,qns Jraqt pue stuetlnsuof,
lqnads,o lueurAoldura s,.rosuods dql a^olddestp ot lq3!J aql fuelallas aq1 1ue:8 ;prrrr 31 .,
'tuert s1q1 q11rrr uotlfauuol ur paJedald leualeu aq11o Aue asn
as!/{\rtsqto pue 'a}nqlrtrsrp 'asol)slp 't.lstlqnd ol dluoqlne pa}ltJlstsJun fue aJra5 aq1 a,r18 lllrr\ }l .a
Aue lo salels pallun aql ur lqtlr^dor ol llalqns aq lleqs llatord srql rapun spun] ql,r paredajd
leualeur ou ]eql saaJ8e pue'lrlqnd aql Aq uorleuluexa roj alqelle^e lerJaleu qfns aleLU llt/v\ lt 'p
'salets pallun aq1 rlq paprrord 1uer3 e r3pun paJedaJd se/v\ lerJaleur aql 1?lll alrlou
e llafojd EuruuPld oql tll,\ uorl)auuo,1 ur patedaJd letjal€ul paqstlqnd lle u! apnllut llln il 'l
'satl!^t13e )tro/v\ Suruueld pue nato.rd
Suruueld aq1 ol turureyad pallnba: se s!odai ltpouad qlns Lll!^ fuelallas aq] qstuJnJ ll!/y\ 1l .q
'pa^ordde Alrelulrs suorletrJrpour aq] q}r$ Jo uorletlldde paloJd
aql u! paulPluor sr\rlareu urerSo.rd pa^oidde aqt q]!/'^ alueprollp ur ])a[o:d aq1 alnraxa 111rvr 11 e
:spa[oJd turuueld lno Sur^]rel ul
's|raford tuluueld 8I
'fuessalau uraap lleqs fuelaJlas aqt se paloJd
srosuods ro rosuods aq] Aq Suruod3r ssarSojd pue 1so: q:ns a.rrnbat lleqs sarnpalotd pue
suortelntar qsns'fuetarlaS aql Aq paqu3serd sa.rnpa)otd pue suollelnBat rlll^ tsluepto))e u! aq
lleqs IJO/II qlns pue fuelajras aql lq le^oJdde pue uorpadsul ol uorlef,rlddB pafold pa^orddB ue
u! paurptuol llefojd lup uo lro^1 uolllnJlsuol aqt pafqns eqs I 'patoJd aql lo] fue1a.Da5 aq1 iq
pa^oJdde s3lnpaqf,s pue'suorlpl!J!lads 'supld aql ol su.rJoruof, Iror^ aqt leqt aJnsse ol ]treloJd eq]
]noq8noJqt alls uollrnJlsuol aql te uorsrruadns le3rutlral lualadurol urelureu pue apr^oJd llm ]l
'1eno:ddy pue uolpadsul uollrnJlsuo) 'ZI
. luauaar8e lueJ8 slql olul patprod:o)ur pue'fuetartras aqllo le^ordde
ol ]la[qns aq oste lleqs salnpaq]s pup 'suor]elUlreds 's!eld pe^o]dde aq] o] uo!lelli!por! AUV
'luauraarSe ]ueJ8 s!qt olul palerodJolur aq lleqs 'fu€laDas aq] ]o le^ordde uodn 'pue 'tuaurear8e
lupJB srql Japun alueulopad raqtro .ro 'uolt3nrtsuotr 'uoltpredajd alls Jo luauaruaululo)
ol ior.ld fuelei)as aql ol pollruqns aq lleqs salnpaq)s pue'suollPluDads'sueld qlns 'fuelal:a5
aql lq pano.rdde salnpaq3s pue'suorle:rlrads 'sue;d ol palqns paloJd aql aln]axa ll!/v1 u
'suollelllllads pue sueld ol Al!urroluof, '9I
'salelal iuour^oldua aql q3rq/v\ ol lro/r\ aql uJoJJad oi paurlenb pue alqel!e^€
aJe slenpr^rpur aql alaq/vl Aluo Aldde 1;eqs aruara,tard s!q},r3^amoH 'apol salels pallun '6?
Ltoz-110-I€00-zI-€16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2242Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
required or prescribed by applicable Federal, state and local agencies for maintenance and
operation. lt will not cause or permlt any activity or action thereon which would interfere with
its use for airport purposes. lt will suitably operate and maintain the airport and all facilities
thereon or connected therewith, with due regard to climatic and flood conditions. Any
proposal to temporarily close the airport for non-aeronautical purposes must first be
approved by the Secretary. ln furtherance of this assurance, the sponsor will have in effect
arrangements for-
1) Operating the airport's aeronautical facilities whenever required;
2) Promptly marking and lighting hazards resulting from airport conditions, including
temporary conditions; and
3) Promptly notifying airmen of any condition affecting aeronautical use of the airport.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require that the airport be operated for
aeronautical use during temporary periods when snow, flood or other climatic conditions
interfere with such operation and maintenance. Further, nothing herein shall be
construed as requiring the maintenance, repair, restoration, or replacement of any
structure or facility which is substantially damaBed or destroyed due to an act of 6od or
other condition or circumstance beyond the control of the sponsor.
b. lt will suitably operate and maintaln noise compatibility program items that it owns or controls
upon which Federal funds have been expended.
20. Hsrard Removal and Mititation.
It will take appropriate action to assure that such terminal airspace as is required to protect
instrument and visual operations to the airport (including established minimum flight altitudes)
will be adequately cleared and protected by removing, lowering, relocating, marking, or lighting or
otherwise mitigating existing airport hazards and by preventing the establishment or creation of
future airport hazards.
21. Compatible Land Use.
It u/ill take appropriate action, to the extent reasonable, including the adoption of zoning laws, to
restrict the use of land adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of the airport to activities and
purposes compalible with normal airport operations, including landing and takeoff of aircraft. ln
addition, if the project is for noise compatibility program implementation, it will not cause or
permit any change in land use, within its jurisdiction, that will reduce its compatibility, with
respect to the airport, of the noise compatibility program measures upon which Federal funds
have be€n expcnded.
22. Economic Nondiscrimination.
a. lt will make the airport available as an airport for public use on reasonable terms and without
uniust discrimination to all types, kinds and classes of aeronautical activities, including
€ommercial aeronautical activities offering services to the public at the airport.
b. ln any agreement, contract, lease, or other arranBement under which a right or privilege at the
airport is granted to any person, firm. or corporation to conduct or to engage in any
aeronautical activity for furnishinB services to the public at the airport, the sponsor will insert
and enforce provisions requiring the contractor to-
1) furnish gaid seNices on a reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory, basis to all users
thereof, and
Packet Pg. 2243 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
?toz '{rre$l
leluar uertlle ,8uru!er) lol!d ,stq8!u.iaueql ot pal!ur!l tou lnq ',Sutpnllut ',sarlr^tlle lelrlneuoJae
iue llnpuo) ol Uodj!e aql le ltltll a^itnlf,xe aql 'uollejodJol ,o 'u.,lrl 'uosjad Aue l!ulJad
Jo trueJ8 'Alparlpur JO llllarlp reqlla ',lou lll/rl ]! leql saart? Jaqunl ll uodlle qf,ns pu? lolelado
paseq-pax!, alSuls qtrns uaafluaq luauaatBe Sutlstxa ue ol luensJnd paseal etreds ]o uolllnpar
aq] arnba, plnoA\ salrruas qrns apr^oJd ol rolerado pasPq-paxu euo ueql erouJ Bur^,\olle lt q
pue 'sal!^Jas qlns apr^oid ol roleJado
paseq-pax!] auo ueql aror.r JoJ leflllpJduJr Jo'auosuap.rnq '/r;1so: Alqeuospajun aq plno/v\ U p
:Aldde 3ur/v\olloj aq] Jo qloq
11 1q31: aalsn;rxa ue se panrlsuotr aq lou lleqs roterado paseq-paxu al8uls e Aq uodJre up le saf,r^ras
aql lo Sulpr^oJd aql 'qd?r8eJed s!qt,o sasodrnd roJ ')rlqnd aql ol sal!ruas lelllnPuorae 'ap!^ord
ol Sulpualu! .ro '3urplrro:d uosred lue lq lodr!? aqt ro asn aq1 ro; lq8r-r a^rsnllxa ou lurad llr/r^ ll
'slqtlu a^rsnlrx! EZ
'lrlqnd aql ]o spaau uorle!^e lr^!) aql aNas ol fuessalau
ro uodJle aql lo uollelado ales aql.rol tuessarau s! uolpe qlns J! uodjle aql
,o asn le)rlneuorae lo ssell .ro pul)t 'ad^t ua^r8 lue tlurl Jo llqlqoJd lpur iosuods aql ( B
'uodr!E aql Jo uorlerado lua!lU{a
pue a]?s aql Jol fusssslau aq eur se uodire aql Jo srasn ll€ Aq iauJ aq ol suorlrpuol
'fuoleururr)srp lltsnlun tou pue 'alqeuoseal qlns qsrlqelsa Aeur Josuods aql ( l
'suorsrAoJd asaql Japun rosuods aqt Aq pazuor.llnp sJapr^oJd
aJruas lelrlneuojae l?oJauruloJ Aq sal!ruas qtrns,o tulqsrurnJ aql ol Adde plnom
sp suo!l!puo) aures aq1 uo papr^oJd aq llr,y\ pa^lo^ur sa)!ruas aql 'aluernss? s!ql
ur ol parre,ral saBallnud pue stq8r] aql ro luE sasllJaxa llas]! .losuods aql lua^a aLlt ul ( a
'urJogad ol asooql Aeu 1! l?ql [Eurlenj pup'rpde]'a3ueua]ureu
o] palrLurl ]ou ]nq 'Surpnltrurl saa^oldura u^ o sI qtr/n UeJlJre u^ro sl! uo sa)rruas
Aue Buluuoyad uoJJ Uod.rle aql uo BpJlJrp turlplado uorleJodjol.lo'LUlt] 'uoslad
lue lua^aJd ol salejado qtrlqrv\ atalr^ud Jo lqtlr lue lueJt Jo asl]Jexa lou lI^1 ll ( p
'snlets ro uollellJlssel) qlns ur sJarJJe) Jre uo pesodru! lpearle
asoql ol JEltr.uts Allelluelsqns suotleS!lqo sauJnsse Jauref Ie ue papr^ord uodre Aup
lq plaqqluv\ Alqeuosparun aq lou lleqs tuoleuBrs ro lueual se sntels Jo uorl?lrrlssplJ
'slauJef fuoleutrs-uou pue sJar.,Jef, fuoleutls pue slueual
se qfns suotlelulssell alqeuoseaJ ol1:a[qns 'sa11;1r:e; reltu.lrs azrltln pue uodJre
qfnslo asn rPlrurls aleur q)rq/y\ slaujel Jte qfns ;;e o1 alqe:11dde ate sp uotlelodsueJl
re tu!pr^ord o] pagega.i A11erluelsqns pue Alpelrp sa!ltlrf,eJ ot lf,adsal qIl/v\ saSleq)
raqlo pup 'sleluar 'saal'saleJ 'suorllpuo)'suorle;n8ar 'sa1nr alqe.rEdlr.rol Allertuplsqns
pue fuoleuruJ!.rf,slpuou q3ns ol palqns aq lleqs (lueual rau]el re Jaqloue
]o lueualqns Jo'lueua]-uou 'tueual e se reqlatltr) Iodr!e qtrns Bursn iauJel lrp rllel ( l
'uodl!e qtns le JallJel
3^Jas ot uodJre aql lq palluiad ro pa?uoqlne sr leql rolejado paseq-paxll
lue asn ol ro jlasl| a:r^Jss ol lqBrJ aql a^eq lleqs UodJte qtns Sutsn leuJel lte qlel ( q
'sa!IlDeJ relrurs
Jo au:es aql Surzrlrln pue 1.iod.tre q3ns lo sasn Jellurs Jo aures aql SurleuJ sJolelado
paseq-paxu raqlo l;e o1 alqe:r1dde A1uJo,0un arp se saBreql raqlo pue'slsluaJ
'sa3l 'saleJ aues aq] ol llalqns aq lleqs Uod]rp aq1 1e:olerado paseq-paxr] rl3el { e
'sJaseq3rnd aurnlol\ 01 suorlJnpaj alud jo sed^l Jelrurs Jetllo Jo 'salpqsi 'slunotrslp
tuolpururufsrpuou pue alqeuosear aleur ol pa^lolle aq eur rolJeJtuol aql ]eqt papr^oJd
Lt a ?. - | 1 0 - r € 0 0 - z I - €16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2244Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
and sightseeing, aerial photography, crop dusting, aerial advertising and surv€ying, air carrier
operations, aircraft sales and services, sale of aviation petroleum products whether or not
conducted in conjunction with other aeronautical activity, repair and maintenance of aircraft,
sale of aircraft parts, and any other activities which because oftheir direct relationship to the
operation of aircraft can be regarded as an aeronautical activity, and that it will terminate any
exclusive right to conduct an aeronautical activity now existing at such an airport before the
grant of any assistance under Title 49, United States Code.
24. fee and Rental Structure.
It will maintain a fee and rental slructure for the facilities and services at the airport which will
make the airport as self-sustaining as possible under the circumstances existinB at the particular
airport, taking into account such factors as the volume of traff,c and economy of collection. No
part of the Federal share of an airport development, airport planoing or noise compatibility project
for which a grant is made under Title 49, United States Code, the Airport and Airway lmprovement
Act of 1982, the Federal Airpon Act or the Airpon and Airway Development Act of 1970 shall be
included in the rate basis in establishing fees, rates, and charges for users of that airport.
25. Airport Revenues.
a. All revenues generated by the airport and any local taxes on aviation fuel established after
December 30, 1987, will be expended by it for the capital or operatin8 costs of the airport; the
local airport system; or oiher local facilities which are owned or oper3ted by the owner or
op€rator of the airport and which are directly and substantially related to the actual air
transportation of passengers or property; or for noise miligation purposes on or off the
airport. The following exceptions apply to this paragraph:
1) lf covena nts or assu ra nces in debtobli8ations issued before September 3, 1982,bythe
owner or operator of the airport, or provisions enacted before September 3, 1982, in
governing statutes controlling the owner or operator's financing, provide for the use of the
revenues from any of the airport owner or operator's facilities, including the airport, to
support not only the 3irport but also the airport owner or operator's general debt
obligations or other facilities, then this limatation on the use of all revenues generated by
the airport {and, in the case of a public airport, local taxes on aviation fuel) shall not apply.
2) lf the Secretary approves the sale of a privately owned airport to a public sponsor and
provides funding for any portion of the public sponsor's acquisition of land, this limitation
on the use of all revenues generated by the sale shall not apply to certain proceeds from
the sale. This is conditioned on repayment to the Secretary by the private owner of an
amount equal to the remaining unamortized portion {amortized over a 2o-year period) of
any airport impaovement grant made to the private owner for any pu,pose other than
land acquisition on or after October 1, 1996, plus an amount equal to the federal share of
the current fair market value of any land acquired with an airport improvement grant
made to that airport on or after October 1, 1995.
3) Certain revenue derived from or generated by mineral extraction, production, lease, or
other means at a general aviation airport (as defined at Section 47102 of title 49 United
Stat€s Code), if the FAA determines the airport sponsor me€ts the requirements set forth
in Sec. 813 of Public Law 112-95.
a.) As part of the annual audit required under the Single Audit Act of 1984, the sponsor will
direct that the audit will review, and the resulting audit report will provide an opinion
concerning, the use of airport revenue and taxes in paragraph (a), and indicating
whether funds gaid or transferred to the owner or operator are paid or transferred in a
Packet Pg. 2245 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
ls 3f,u?ualureur pu?'uollplado'uolllnJlsuoJ lo, alqeJlsap Jo fuessalau sJaplsuol fuelaJfas aql se
Josuods aql ]o sSulpllnq ur slqSll Jo 'ulalaql alelsa Jo ',lale^\ ,o puel lo seale Aue ',loJluof lBejl lle
ol palelsl sa!l!^lpe uolteflunuluro) pup turuodaj-latlteom Jo 'saltt^tpe uo!le8!^eu .r!e Jo loJluol
trljlert ire Aue q1!/v\ uolltrauuof, u! esn ioJ luauruJa^o9 leJapaj aql ol lsol lnoqllM qsluln,ll!/'^ ll
'salIllreJ leraPal Jol pus! 8z
'parldrllnur Uerf,lre luauruJa^o9,o luauJa^our lelol 3ql) Uodrle
aql Bursn UeJf,r e luaurura^o9 ro ]q3!a^ a^rlelnuinl)e ssoJS aq) Jo 'aJouJ .ro OrO€ sr UeJfJre
]uauru.ra^o9 ro (luaura^ouJ ? se EurPuel qlea Eullunol) sluaura^our ,o JaqlrJnu tPtol 3q1 q
Jo lotaJaq] luare(pe puel uo Jo Uodrle aql le paspq Appln8al el? Ug]lrlp lu3urure^og
elou ro (S) a^rl spunod 3^!J Jo ssalxa ur sr (Uerrire q)ns Jo slqElaff\ ssoit Aq e
- leql qt uor.ri repualer Aue SuPnp ro '.ueJ)Jle pezlJoqtne roqlo lq seaJe Surpuel aql ]o asn qlr/\1
aJ3falur &npun Plno^\ 'fuelaJlas aql Jo uoluldo srll ur rqllLl/v\ asoql ro ssafxa ur 3Je Ueltre qf,ns
lo suoll?rado uaq,u $!xa ol pereprsuol 3q ll!^ uerlre luauruJs^oglq uodjre ue ]o asn lerluetsqns
',{rua8e 3u;sn aq} pue Josuods aqt lq ol paarte aslmraqlo Jo 'fuEtarlas aqt
asrr .Jaqto ssalun pasn sarlrluel aqt3ulu1e1ureur pu e Surlerado ;o lsol aqlJol'asn qf,ns
ol leuoruodord 'areqs elqeuosEar e ro, apeuj aq lpur etJpr]tr 'lelluelsqns sr Uerf,]r€ lueuruja^o9
Aq tsn aql]! 'ldalxa'atJeqf lnoqlr^ saurl lle te UerJJle raqto qlrm uourrxof, u! Uertrre
luatxurs^o9 Aq 3sn roj salets pellun aqt ol uerfre Jo foalel pue Sulpuel Jo, alqesn ssoql lle pue
af,uptsrsse lerf,ueulj lerapal qllr padola^ap lJodJre aqlJosarlrl!)el aqllo Ile alqelrE^e aleu, r/!1 1l
'ueJJJlV luauruJa^og Aq asn lz
'AuadoJd pue a)rruas q)ns qJea Jo uorsr^ord Jol pa^!aleJ uo!lesuadu.]ol Jo lunoure
aql pue luaurura^o8 ]o slun raqlo o] Uodre aq1 Aq paprrro:d AyadoJd pue sal!tuas lle (Z
pue lapeu se/v\ luaur^ed qlns qf,ea qlrq,u
roJ sasodjnd aql pue luauruja^o31o lrun raqlo Aue o1 podrre aql Iq pred slunoule lle (I
:1re]ap u! 3ur1sr1 yoda; lenuue ue 'sr?al lelsrl slrlo qlea 3ur^ o o] lrlqnd aqt ol
alqelre^e aleu, pue fuel3rf,es aql ol apl^ord 'fuelar3a5 aq1 Aq peqrtrsa.ld au.rl pue leuio] e ut 'p
pue:lsanbaj alqeuosear uodn lJelajlas aqllo luaBp pazlioqlne Alnp Aup Aq uortladsur
ro] alqele^p'sluaurnr$u!Jaqlo pue'suorlplnBaJ 'sluauaaJBe'saseal 'spaap turpnlf,ur
tuaulaarBe luer8 slql,o salu?Jnsse pue 'suorlrpuol 'sLural aql qlr/v\ aluerldruof panurluof, pu9
llafojd aql ot BullelaJ stuauJn)op pue spjo)al aleur 's]la[oJd LuprtoJd Alrlrqr]eduol asrou Jo] l
llsanba.i alqPUoseer
uodn fuelajraS aql ro tua8e pazuoqtne
lue Aq uoll)adsur Jol alqelre^e 'sluaurnilsur Jaqlo
pue suollelnBaJ 'sluauraarBe asn pue uorlerado'saseal 'spaap 3urpn1:ur 'yodrre aql3ulpage
sluaurnlop pue spJolar UodJre llp pue UodJre aql alpru 'sllalord luaudolarap pod.r1e.rol -q
lfuelallas aql Aq paq!rlsard leuro,
e u! laBpnq Liodjle aql Jo uodar e saleld pue saurl elqeuosear le frlqnd aql ol alqelle^e
aleur llrlqnd aql ol alqe|p^p sirodai qlns aleu pue tsanbar llqeuoseal Aeur fuelarf,as
aql se suodar suortejado pue lerjueuu leDads .ro lenuue qlns fuelarlas aql ol l!uqns 'e
: ll!/Yl ll
'suoBradsul pue suodau 9z
-apol s3lels par!un '6, al]!l ro loIlt uorllas ,o suorsr^old aql qu/t\ eluepio)le
ur af,uernsse srq] ]o uorlelo!^ Jo] pasodur! aq ll!/i1 suollluPs rsqlo ro sarlleuad lr^D luv ( q
'Jolerls!ulr.rJpv Jo fuela,lras aql Aq pa1e31nr"uo.rd uorlElnEaJ Aue 3u1pn1:ut '.me; 1o
uorsriro:d a1qe)l;dde .,aqlo Aue pue apoj salels palrun '6t alllt ql!M lualsrsuof, lauueul
Ltoz-tr0-r€00-zI-€16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2246Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
3,12 - 00 31- 011- 2 017
Federal expense of gpace or facilities for such purposes. Such areas or any portion thereof will be
made available as provided herein within four months after receipt of a written request from the
29. Airport Layout Plan.
a. lt will keep up to date at all times an airpo( layout plan o, the airport showing:
1) boundariesofthe airport and all proposed a dd itions th ereto, totether with the
boundaries of all offsite areas owned or controlled by the sponsor for airport purpos€s
and proposed additions thereto;
2) the location and nature of all existing and proposed airport f,cilities and structures (such
as runways, taxiways, aprons, terminal buildings, hangars and roads), including all
proposed extensions and reductions of existinB airport facilities;
3) the location of all existing and proposed nonaviation areas and of all €xisting
improvements thereon; and
4l all proposed and existing access points used to taxi aircraft across the airport's property
boundary. Such airport layout planl and each amendment, revision, or modification
thereof, shall be subiect to the approval of the Secretary which approval shall be
evidenced by the signature of a duly authorizeC representative of the Secretary on the
face of the airport layout plan. The sponsor wil! not make or permit any changes or
allerations in the airport or any of its tacilities which are not in conformity with the airport
layout plan as approved by the Secretary and which might, in the opinion of the secretary,
adversely affect the safety, utility or efficiency of the airport.
a.) lf a change or alteration in the airport or the facilities is made which the Secretary
. determines adversely affects the safety, utility, or efficiency of any federally owned,
leased, or funded property on or off the airport and which is not in conformity with the
airport layout plan as approved by the Secretary, the owner or operator will, if
requested, by the Secretary (1i eliminate such adverse effect in a manner approved by
the Secretary; or {2) bear all costs of relocating such property (o. replacement thereof)
to a site acceptable to the Secretary and all costs of restoring such property (or
replacement thereof) to the level of safety, utility, etficiency, and cost of operation
existing before the unapproved change in the airport or its facilities ex€ept in the case
of a relocation or replacement of an existing airport facility due to a change in the
Secretary's design standards beyond the controlof the airport sponsor.
30. Civil Rights.
It will promptly take any measures necessary to ensure that no person in the United States shall,
on the grounds of race, creed, color, nationalorigin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefiis of, or be othen/ise subjected to discrimination in any
activity conducted with, or benefiting from, funds received from this grant.
a. Using the definitions of activity, facillty and program as found and defined in gg 21.23 (b) and
21.21 (e) of 49 CFR E 21, the sponsor will facilitate all programs, operate all facilities, or
conduct all programs in compliance with all non-discrimination requiremeots imposed by, or
pursuant to these assurances,
b. Applicability
1) Programs and Activities. lfthe sponsor has received a grant (or other federal assistance)
for any of the sponso/s program or activities, these requirements extend to all of the
Packet Pg. 2247 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
3 - 1 2 - 0 0 3 7 - 01L - 1A L-t
sponsor's programs and activities.
2) Facilities. Where it receives a grant or other federal financial assistance to construcl,
expand, renovate, remodel, alter or acquire a facility, or part of a facality, the assurance
extends to the entire facility and facilities operated in connection therewith.
3) Real Property. Where the sponsor receives a grantorother Federal financial assistance in
the form of, or for the acquisition of real property or an interest in real property, the
assurance will extend to rights to space on, over, or under such property.
The sponsor agrees that it is obligated to this assurance for the period during which Federal
financial assistance is extended to the program, except where the Federal financial assistance
is to provide, or is in the form of, personal property, or real property, or interest therein, or
structures or improvements thereon, in which case the assurance obligates the sponsor, or
any transferee for the longer of lhe following periods:
1) 5o long as the ai.port is used as an airport, or for another purpose involving the provision
of similar services or benefits; or
2) So long as the sponsor retains ownership or possession ofthe property.
d. Required Solicitation Language. lt will include the followinB notification in all solicitations for
bids, Requests For Proposals for work, or material under this grant agreement and in all
proposals for agreements, including airport concessions, regafdless of funding source:
"The (Name of Sponsor). in accordance with the provisions of Titte Vl of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 (78 Stat. 252,42 U.S.C. 55 2000d to 2000d-4)and the Regulations, hereby notifies all
bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this
advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises and airport concession disadvantaged
business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to
this invitation and will not be discriminated agains: on the grounds of race, color, or national
origin in consideration for an award-"
e. Required Contract Provisions.
1) lt will insert the non-discrimination contract clauses requiring compliance with the acts
and regulations relative to non-discrimination in Federally-ass,sted programs of the DOT,
and incorporating the acts and regulations into the contracls by reference in every
contract or agreement subiect to the non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of
the DOT acts and regulations.
2) Itwill includea listof the pe(inent non-discrimination authorities in every contract that is
subiect to the no n-d isc rimination acts and regulations.
3) lt will insen non-discrimination contract clauses as a covenant running with the land, in
any deed from the United States effecting or recording a transfer of real property,
structures, use, or improvements thereon or interest therein to a sponsor.
4) lt will insert non-discrimination contract clauses prohibiting discrimination on the basis of
race, color, national origin, creed, sex, age, or handicap as a covenant running with the
land, in any future deeds, leases, license, permits, or similar instruments entered into by
the sponsor with other parties:
a.) For the subsequent transfer of real property acquired or improved under the applicable
activiw, proiect, or Program; and
Packet Pg. 2248 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
b.) For the construction or use ol or access to, space on, over, or under real property
acquired or improved under the applicable activity, project, or program-
f. lt will provide for such methods of administration for the program as are found by the
Secretary to give reasonable guarantee that it, other recipienls, sub-recipients, sub-grantees,
contractors, subcontractors, consultants, transferees, successors in interest, and other
participants of Federalfinancial assistance under such program will comply with all
requirements imposed or pursuant to the acts, the regulations, and this assurance.
g. lt agrees that the United States has a right to seek .iudicial enforcement with regard to any
matter arisinB under the acts, the regulations, and this assurance-
31. Oisposal of Land.
a. For land purchased under a trant for airport noise compatibility purposes, including land
serving as a noise buffer, it will dispose of the land, when the land is no longer needed for such
purposes, at fair market value, at the earliest practicable time. That portion of the proceeds of
such disposition which is proportionate to the United States' share of acquisition of such land
will be, at the discretion of the Secretary, (1) reinvested in another project at the airport, or (2)
transferred to another eligible airport as prescribed by the Secretary. The Secretary shall give
preference to lhe following, in descending order, (1) reinvestment in an approved noise
compatibility project, (2) reinvestment in an approved project that is eligible for grant funding
under Section 47117(e) of title 49 United States Code, {3) reinvestment in an approved airport
development project that is eligible for grant funding under Sections 47114, 47L15, o( 47177
of title 49 United States Code, (4) transferred to an eligible sponsor of another public airport
to be reinvested in an approved noise compatibility project at that airport, and (5) paid to the
Secretary for deposit in the Airport and Airway Trust Fund. lf land acquired under a grant for
noise compatibility purposes is leased at fair market value and consistent with noise buffering
purposes, the lease will not be considered a disposal of the land. Revenues derived from such
a lease may be used for an approved airport development project that would otherwise be
eligible for grant funding or any permitted use of airport revenue.
b. For land purchased under a grant for airport development purpos€s (other than noise
compatibility), il will, when the land is no longer needed for airport purposes, dispose ol such
land at fair market value or make available to the Secretary an amount equal to the United
States' proportionate share of the fair m3rket value of the land. That portion of the proceeds
of such disposition which is proportion3te to the United States' share of the cost of acquisition
of such land will, (1) upon application to the secrelary, be reinvested or transferred to another
elig;ble airport as prescribed by the Secretary. The Secretary shall give preference to the
following, in descending order: (1) reinvestment in an approved noise compatibility project, (2)
reinvestment in an approved project that is eligible for grant funding under Section 47117(e)
of title 49 United States Code, (3) reinvestment in an approved airport development project
that is eligible for grant funding under Sections 471.!4,47L75, or 47Lt7 of title 49 United
States Code, (4) transferred to an eligible sponsor of another public airport to be reinvested in
an approved noise compatibility project at that airport, and (5) paid to the Secretary tor
deposit in the Airport and Airway Trust Fund.
c. Land shall be considered to be needed for airport purposes under this assurance if (1) it may
be needed for aeronautical purposes (including runway protection zones) or serve as noise
buffer land, and (2) the revenue from interim uses of such land contributes to the financial
self-sufficiency of the airport. Further, land purchased with a grant received by an airport
operator or owner betore December 31, 1987, will be considered to be needed for airport
purposes if the Secretary or Federal agency making such grant before December 31, 1987, was
Packet Pg. 2249 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
arnsua ol 9z pup tz sled 8lf 6u Japun sdals alqeuoseal pu? tupssalau lle slel lleqs rosuods
aql '92 pue €z supd !l) 6t lo slusursrlnbal aql lo suleltord lSolv pue l8q sl! Jo uolleJlslululpe
aql ur xas io ultuo leuorleu 'Jolol 'e3Bl Jo slseq aql uo aleuiullf,slp lou lleqs losuods
aql 'uolllppe ul '€z ued ujl 6t
para^of peJluol AI^!l]e uolss3truol Aue ,o alueurjoysd
pue pJe/,^e aql ul ro '92 upd uJl 6t Aq pala^ol llPlluol palsrsse-Ioo Aue Jo af,ueulopsd pu?
pJe&\e aql ur xas ro ur8!lo leuorlEu',Jolo) ',a)er jo slsPq aql uo aleu!uJrJtrsrp lou ll?qs Josuods aql
.saslrdralul ssaursng patelue^peslo'1€
'uorlPUodsuell ]o s3pou, raqlo Jo] Jo sasnq iIrrslur Jol satl!lDel le!3ads
punJ ot uorleSrlqo ou seq ]r ',ra^a/r^oq lljodrp aql ot ssatle a^eq ol u olleuodsu e.ll ,o sapoLu .:aqlo
Jo sasnq Alrf,ralur 'alqelr]l?ld luaUa unurxeur aql o] 'lrurJad llr/r^ Jol?Jado Jo Jau/ylo Uodlte aq1
's3sn8 &lsJalul A8 ssaDv 9€
'fz uEd uJl 6tlo I uEdqns qi!/v\ atrupprolle ur suosrad p3)eldslp oi s8ullla/np tuauraseldar
alq eJ pd urotr 'lu auaf,eldsrp ol lolrd aurlJo pouad alqeuosEaj p ulr]ui elqelrp^p aleui llr/r^ Il ')
'tz uPd 8lt 6r ro I Pue o uedqns
ur poJrnbal se suosJad paleldslp ol aruelsrsse pue stuauled uorleloJsr alqeuose3r pue r!e,
pue 3 Uedqns u! paqll)sap salrruas aql3ulralJo r.x?rBoJd a3uelslsse uorlelolar e apl^ojd lllrr^ lt 'q
-g uedqns ul paUDads se sasuadxa Aiessalau Jo, sraurv1o AUadoJd
asJnqr!!3j ro Aed ll!r!^ pue ,Z lled Ul) 6? 10 I ledqns ur salfrlod uortrrsrnble puel aql Aq
'ft\el alels lapun slqelllreld lualxa ]sateaJS aql ot'llJado.rd leal 8u!.lrnbf,e ur paplnS aq lll,i l.l e
'uo!lls!nblv Auadord leau Pue uollerolau 's€
'A.:e1a.Da5 aqg [q pa^orddp suor]er!]Dads pue'spJepuels 's3llrlod agels a;qerrldde q}lrvr
af,uPprolle ul pue 'luer8 srrll ur pepnpur pue aloz ',rz fu?nuer patep ',sllalojd dtv rol srelnlrll
fuosr^pv vvl luaJ.,nJ aql ur patsrl sJelnlrl fuos!^pe aqt'ol pstr.url lou lnq 'Surpnltrur fu€larf,as aql
/1q pa^o]dde suoltplUDeds pue 'spJppuels 'sat:tlod qlrrrr af,upprolle u! l]aloJd aqt lno fuJel lllrr ll
'suolleJ!]!lads pue 'sprePuels 'selllod ,€
'uorllnrlsuof, pue luaurarntrord ur setels patrun aql Jo sra!lddns pue sltnpoJd
iol sarlrunuoddo lal.reur alq€Irnba pue rle] 3ul^u3p se a rleluasaJdau apeJl salels pallun aql
iq palsll st tutunor uBraroj qf,ns qlrq^ ur porJ3d aql 8ulJnp fu]uno) uEleroj e lo ellruas Jo pnpojd
Aue sasn ql!q^^ llatord iup pun, ol pasn aq o] luprt srqt rapun pap!^oJd spunj r^olle lou lltrvr 1l
'suolplrlsau lauehl utrarol €€
-Uodr!e aqt lo rosuods aqr lq ro rol paqr::sa:d tuauaJrnbaj
paseq-suollelrrrlenb tu3le^!nba ue Jo 616I Jo lrv salrruas a^rlp.rls!u!txpV puE AlJedoJd lerapaj
aq] Io xl altll rapun pelprlo8au sr sa:rruas 8ur.taaurtua pue leinllaUqlJe JoJ peJluof, p sP Jauueu.r
aues aLll u! ilo[oJd 3q1ot ]ladsaj LlIi\ 53f,1^ras palelaj Jo 8ulddeu '3ul^a^Jns '?ullaaulBua
'uBrsap '3uuaaul8ua fueururlard 'salr^Jas lernpallqlJe 'sa!pnls
'luauJateueu uorlrnJlsuol 'luauraBpuprr uierSord rol lreJluol-qns Jo'lteJluol qf,ea pJe/\ e ll!m ]l
'sa)r^ras utlsao pue tuuaaultul 'Z€
-!odJre aql Jo uolleiado ql!ff\ pal,erf,osse sla^al asrou ql!/$ alqrledulo) aJe qf,rqn^
sasodrnd io1 pasn aq Aluo llrr{\ puel qrns lpq} arnsua ol fuessalau uraJeql }q3!r Jo }saJalur Aue
Jo uorteruasar ro uolluatar aqt ot t3alqns aq llr/v\ (l) ro (q) (e) tapun puel qlns ]o uorlsodslo p
'686I 'SI raquralao
ueql ralel ou paf,uauuol tur^eq asn q3ns 'asodrnd ieql ro, pssn aq ol sanurluol puel
aql pue 'asn qrns o] palqo lou ptp rpu€l q]ns lo sasn aql ]o laumo Jo JolPJado aql
16.G.5.cPacket Pg. 2250Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts, and/or concession
contracts. The sponsor's DBE and ACDBE programs, as required by 49 CFR Parts 26 and 23, and as
approved by DOT, are incorporated by reference in this agreement. lmplementation of these
programs is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation ofthis
agreement. Upon notification to the sponsor of its failure to carry out its approved pro8ram, the
Department may impose sanctions as provided for under Parts 26 and 23 and may, in appropriate
cases, refer the matter for entorcement under 18 U.S.C. 10O1 and/or the Program Fraud Civil
Remedies Act of 1935 (31 U.S.C. 3801).
38. Hangar Construction.
lfthe airport owner or operator and a person who owns an aircraft agree that a hangar is to be
constructed at the airport for the aircraft at the aircraft owner's expense, the airport owner or
operator will grant to the aircraft owner for the hangar a long term lease that is subject to such
terms and conditions on the han8ar as the airport owner or operator may impose.
39. Competitive Access.
a. lf the airport owner or operator of a medium or lar8e hub airpon {as defined in section 47102
ot title 49, U.S.C.) has been unable to accommodate one or more requests by an air carrier for
access to gates or other facilities at that airport in order to allow the air carrier to provide
service to the airport or to expand service at the airport, the airport owner or operator shall
transmit a report to the Secretary that-
1) Describes the requests;
2) Provides an explanation as to why the requests could not be accommodated; and
3) Provides a time frame within which, if any, the airport will be able to accommodate the
b. Such reportshall be due on either February L or August 1 of each year if the airport has been
unable to accommodate the request(s) in the six month period prior to the applicable due
Packet Pg. 2251 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Current FAA Advisory Circulars Required for Use in AIP Funded
and PFC Approved Projects
Updatedr 112412017
htto://www.faa.sov/reEulatio ns 60licies/advisorv circularsl
7A/7 460-1L
Change 1
Obstruction Marking and Lighling
150/5020-1 Noise Control and Compatibility Planning for Airports
Changes 1- 2
Airport Master Plans
150/52L0-148 Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting Equipment, Tools and Clothing
150/52r.0-15A Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Station Building Design
Change 1
The Airport System PlanninB Process
150/5100-13 B Development of State Standards for Nonprimary Airports
1s01s200-28F Notices to Airmen (NOTAM5) for Airport Operators
1s0/s200-300 Airport Field Condition Assessments and Winter Operations Safety
Changes 1-2
Airport Emergency Plan
1s0/s210-5D Painting, Marking, and Lighting of Vehlcles Used on an Airport
1so/s210-7D Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Communications
150/521&13C Airport Water Rescue Plans and Equipment
FAA Advisory Citcu{ar Requned for Use AIP F!nded and PtCApprov€d Prorecls uqdeted:1/2412017
View the most current versions of these ACs and any associated changes at:
htto://www,faa-eov/airDorts/resoutces/advisorv ci.cularsand
Packet Pg. 2252 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Systems for lnteractive Training of Airport Personnel
150/5210-19A Oriver's Enhanced Vision System {DEVS)
1so/s220-10E Guide Specification for Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting {ARFF) Vehicles
Buildings for Storage and Maintenance of Airport Snow and lce Control
Equipment and Materials
Airport Snow and lce Control Equipment
Aircraft Boarding Equipment
75O/522A^23 Frangible Conn€ctions
t5o/522A-24 Foreign Object Debris Detection Equipment
150/s220-2s Airport Avian Radar Systems
Changes 1-2
Airport Ground Vehicle Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast {ADS-B)
Out Squitter Equipment
150/5300-78 FAA Policy on Facility Relocations Occasioned by Airport lmprovements of
Change 1
Airpon DesiBn
150/5300-14C Design of Aircraft Deicing Facilities
1s0/s300-16A General Guidance and Specifications for Aeronautical Surveys: Estabiishment of
Geodetic Control and Submission to the National Ceodetic Survey
150/530O-17C Standards for Using Remote Sensing Technologies in Airport Surveys
Chan8e 1
General Guidance and Specifications for Submission of Aeronautical Surveys to
NGS: Field Data Collection and Geo graphic lnformation System {Gl5) Standards
Airport Drainage Design
Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Training Facilities15015220-175
EAAAdvisory Circular Required for Use AIP funded and PFC Approved P,ol€cts updated: Ll14/2011
150/5220-15D I Automated Weather ObservinB systems (AWOS) for Non-Federal Applications
I rso/s:zo-zor
I tsolszzo-zze I Engineered Materials Arresting systems (EMAS) for Aircraft Overruns
Packet Pg. 2253 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Standards for Airport Sign Systems
Maintenance of Airport Visual Aid Facilities
Design and lnstallation Details for Airport Visual Aids
1s0/s34s-3G Specification for L-821, Panels for the Control of Airport LiBhting
1s0/5345-58 Circuit Selector Switch
Specification for Airport and Heliport Beacons
1s0/534s-13 B
Specification for L-841 Auxiliary Rela_v Cabinet Ass€mbly for Pilot Control of
Airport LiBhting Circuits
Specification for Airport Light Bases, Transformer Housings, Junction Boxes, and
Specification for Obstruction LiShting Equipment
Specification for Runway and Taxiway Signs
Low-lmpact Resistant (LlR) Structures
Changes 1-8
Measurement, Construction, and Maintenance of Skid Resistant Airport
Pavement Surfaces
150/5235-48 Runway Length Requirements for Airport Design
Management of Airport lndustrial Waste
150/533s-sC Standardized Method of Reporting Airport Pavement Strength - PCN
150/5340-11 Standards for Airport Markings
1s0l5340-5D Segmented Circle Airport Marker System
150/5345-260 FAA Specification For L-823 Plug and Receptacle, Cable Connectors
150/5345-28G Precision Approach Path lndicator {PAPI) Systems
Specification for Wind Cone Assemblies
tAA Advisory Ckculat R€quired for Use AIP Funded and PrC Approved Projecls
U"d"*il r/r4lrO17
Specification for L-824 Underground Electrical Cable for Airport Lighting Circuits I
Specification for Constant Current Regulators and Regulator Monitors
Specification for L-853, Runw3y and Taxiway Retro reflective Markers
Packet Pg. 2254 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
3 - 12 - 00 31- 011- 2 017
150/5345-46E Specification for Runway and Taxiway Light Fixtures
Specification for Series to Series lsolalion Transformers for Airport Lighting
Systems150/s345-47 C
Specification L-854, Radio Control Equipment15015145-49C
1s0/s345,508 Specification tor Portable Runway and Taxiway Lights
1s0/5345-518 Specification for Discharge-Type Flashing Light Equipment
1s01s360-12 F
Plannlng and Design Guidelines for Airport Terminal Facilities
Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports
Use of Nondestructive Testing in the Evalualion of Airport Pavements
1so/s370-13A Off-Peak Construction of Airport Pavements Using Hot-Mix Asphalt
150/5370-158 Airside Applications for Artificial Turf
150/5390-2C Heliport Design
150/5395-1A S€aplane Bases
Generic Visual Glideslope lndicators {GVGI)
1s0/s34s-s3D Airport Lighting Equipment Certification Program
150/5345 548 Specification for L-884, Power and Control Unit for Land and Hold Short Lightin8
150/5345-55A Specification for L'893, LiBhted VisualAid to lndicate Temporary Runway
Specitication for L-890 Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS)
Access to Airports By lndividuals With Disabilities
Operational Safety on Airports During Construction
Rapid Construction of Rigid (Portland C€ment Concrete) Airfield Pavements
FAAAdviso.y Cncubr Required for U!e AIP tunded ind PtC Approved Proiects updated:1124l2017
Airport Signing and Gra phics
Change 1
Airside Use of Heated Pavement Systems
Packet Pg. 2255 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
updated: Ql/2412017
Change 1
Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant
150/5300-15A Use of Value EnBineering for EnBineenng DesiSn of Airport Grant Projects
150/s320-17A Airfield Pavement Surface Evaluation and RatinB Manuals
15O/5370-128 Quality Management for Federa,ly Funded Airport Construction Projects
150/5380-6C Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements
150/5380-78 Airport Pavement Ma nagement Program
15O/s380-9 Guidelines and Procedures for Measuring Airfield Pavement Roughness
tA-A Advisory Circular iequired for Use AIP Funded and PFC approved Proiects !pdz.ed: 1124/2077
ftta6;-tt i Land lcquisition and Retocation Assistance for Airport tmprovement nrogrr,,
II changes t -e I Assisted Projects ]
Packet Pg. 2256 Attachment: AGMRT 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B 3-12-0031-011-2017 (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
c,ffi"rco vLnW
Office of Management & Budget
)uly 27, Z0L7
TO: Leo E. Ochs, Jr., County Manager
FROM: Edmond Kushi, Senior Accountant
CC: Justin Lobb, Manager - Airport Authority
RE: County Manager review and approvalof FederalAviation Administration (FAA) lmmokalee
Regional Airport Taxiway B Construction grant award in the amount of $983,920
On May 23, 2017, the BCC approved lmmokalee Regional Alrport Taxiway B Construction application
to FAA in the amount of 51,208,851.
On July 13, 2017 Collier County received the grant offer from FAA in the amount of 983,920 with a required
match in the amount of S109,324.
The grant must be executed by an authorized representative, followed by an attorney certification no
later than August 17,2077 . Due to short turnaround, we are requesting that the County Manager sign and
accept the grant followed by an after the fact approval by the Board of County Commissioners at the
September 12,2017 BCC meeting.
Once you have reviewed the grant award, please call me at 239-252-8198 for pick up
Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions regarding this request.
Grant Award Reviewed and Approved by County
After-the-Fact Approval by the BCC is required at the
September 12, 2017 BCC meeting
Manager, or desi gn
County nager
3299 TamiamiTrail Easl, Suite 201 'Naples, Florida 341'12-5746 . 239-252-8973 .FAX 239-252-8828
Packet Pg. 2257 Attachment: CM MEMO 2017 07-31 FAA IMM Taxiway B Grant Award Approval (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Packet Pg. 2258 Attachment: 3-12-0031-011-2017 Offer Letter_IMM (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)
Packet Pg. 2259 Attachment: 3-12-0031-011-2017 Offer Letter_IMM (3602 : IMM TW B Rehab Grant Awards)