Minutes 02/16/2011 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE Minutes — February 16, 2011 2 p.m. Members Present: Gina Downs, Rich Federman, Doug Fee, Jim Gibson, Steve Harrison, Cheryl Pavlick, Leslie Prizant, Joe Swaja, Janet Vasey. Members Excused: Vlad Ryziew was excused. BCC Liaison: Commissioner Jim Coletta was in attendance. Staff Present: Crystal Kinzel, Clerk's Office; Jean Myers, Sheriff's Office; Kim Grant, Winona Stone and Mark Isackson of the County Manager's Office; Michael Sheffield, Assistant to the County Manager; Barbetta Hutchinson, Office of Management and Budget. Others Present: Commissioner Georgia Hiller; Becky Pogan-Bronsdon, Sam Saad, Jr. and Gerald Myers — candidates for Productivity Committee membership; Liz Freeman, Naples Daily News and Joyce Fletcher, League of Women Voters. INTRODUCTION: Call to Order: Steve Harrison called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Approval of the Agenda for February 16, 2011: Steve Harrison asked to add the review of the Productivity Committee Ordinance to item 2B. Joe Swaja motioned to approve the agenda as amended, rich Federman seconded and the group unanimously approved to accept the agenda as written. Acceptance of the January 19, 2011 Water and Wastewater Rates & Impact Fee Review Subcommittee Meeting Minutes: Janet Vasey motioned to accept the minutes, Doug Fee seconded and the group voted unanimously in favor. Approval of the January 19, 2011 Productivity Committee Meeting Minutes: Commissioner Coletta asked that his name be noted as liaison for the committee and any other commissioner in attendance be added to "others present". Joe Swaja motioned to approve the minutes as corrected, Jim Gibson seconded and the group unanimously approved. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Proposed Budget Policy for FY 2012: Mark Isackson told the group that the budget policy for FY 12 will be going to the Board of County Commissioners on February 22, 2011. He will ask for a millage neutral budget and for a 3% county- 1 wide reduction which presupposes that taxable value will drop by 3%. He stressed the importance of building county reserves which have fallen the past few years. The group asked questions regarding the number of transportation engineers in relation to the number of projects, whether or not there will be money allocated for road, sidewalk and bridge maintenance and where the gambling money from the casino is going to go. Mark answered all questions to the satisfaction of the members. He also said that if the county wants economic development, they must decide where the money is going to come from, whether by sales tax or other additional fees. Commissioner Coletta told the group there was going to be a meeting on March 11th between the EDC and the Chamber to discuss economic development. Rich Federman asked Mark to add FY 09 and FY 10 to the trend analysis that he passed out to the group. Mark will send out that information when it is complete. Janet motioned that the committee suggests to the BCC that they would be willing to look at any part of the budget that the Board would like and they agree with the millage neutral budget recommendation. Cheryl Pavlick seconded and the group unanimously approved. Mike will draft a letter to the BCC regarding this recommendation. NEW BUSINESS: Planning and Performance Management & Initiatives: Kim Grant addressed the group regarding the planning and performance initiatives. She stated the strategic planning process has been moved up to before the budget development process. She also said that citizen input will be gathered through focus groups that will be held throughout the county with various Commissioners. Rich Federman suggested that more specific measurements be constructed, such as including the number of duties performed, the cost of doing them and the completion dates of the projects. The focus groups are being held through a Trailblazers Grant funded by the National Center for Civic Innovation. These will be small groups, kicked off by a Commissioner and will ask for unbiased and non-political opinions. Process Improvement Update: Kim Grant showed an example of what her team has been doing and noted that the exercise showed an opportunity for creating capacity and will save the county $150,000. Commissioner Coletta suggested that working from home would add additional savings to this process since it all done through the internet. Recommendation for appointment of a member to the Productivity Committee: Each candidate in attendance gave a recap of their resume and 2 experience and told why they wanted to be on the committee. Mike Sheffield said that Joe Wall had other obligations and could not attend the meeting. He tried to get him on the phone twice, but could not do so. While he was calling, the group reviewed and discussed the governing ordinance for the committee. Mike then passed out ballots and the results were tallied. The results were 1 vote for Bronsdon, 1 vote for Meyers, 2 votes for Saad and 5 votes for Joe Wall. Joe Swaja motioned to ask the Board to appoint Joe Wall to the committee, Rich Federman seconded and the group unanimously approved. Workplan FY 12: The group reviewed a list of possible projects. #1 - The Blue Ribbon panel asked the committee to review the fire department consolidation. The group agreed to ask the Board if they wish for them to do it. #2 - Cheryl Pavlick said that the county needs to look at alternative health plans. Gina Downs said that the county had raised the employee contribution 8% this year. The County Manager is currently making a comprehensive review of the health care program. Janet Vasey said that the committee should offer their help and Leo Ochs can say if he wants their assistance or not. Joe Swaja motioned to offer Cheryl Pavlick, Doug Fee and Leslie Prizant look at the entire benefits package in a broad sense. They could review expenses, plans and administration costs. Janet Vasey seconded and the group unanimously approved. #3 — Internal performance measurements — Joe Swaja said that he would like to see a "unit per cost measurement" for county functions. Someone asked how much are fees and what does it actually cost to perform the tasks? Are we charging the proper amount for the services rendered? #4 - Commissioner Hiller mentioned the EDC as to what extent are we getting our money's worth. How do they measure success? #5 — EDC organization and funding. Janet Vasey suggested to combine items 4 and 5 into a broad statement and state that the committee is willing to do whatever they are asked regarding this issue. Additional Suggestions: Janet Vasey suggested that they once again volunteer to assist in the AUIR process. She also said she would like to review the Parks Master Plan. Mike Sheffield said the plan is going to the Board March 22, 2011, but he will send the plan to all members via e-mail. Janet Vasey also suggested that they volunteer to look at any master plan that the BCC wishes. In addition, the group would like to be involved in impact fee reviews, budget policy guidance and the review of outsourcing. Mike Sheffield will bring the list of all outsourcing that is currently being done to the next meeting. Also, the group would like to look into bringing jobs in-house to fill in the places where excess capacity exists. 3 Cheryl Pavlick motioned to have Steve Harrison revise the letter regarding the workplan to the BCC per the discussions with the group. Janet Vasey seconded and the group voted unanimously in agreement. Public Comment: Crystal Kinzel told the group that a Chapter for governmental accountants is being formed in Naples. The group needs 20 people to form a chapter. See her for flyers and applications. Adjournment: Joe Swaja motioned to adjourn the meeting, Brad Boaz seconded and the group unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Next Meeting: The next regular meeting of the Productivity Committee Meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wed. March 16, 2011. This meeting will be held in the County Manager's Conf. Room in Bldg F, 2nd floor at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202. Approved by Productivity Chair, Steve Harrison 4