Productivity Insourcing/Outsourcing Subcommittee Minutes 06/29/2010 PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE IN-SOURCING/OUT-SOURCING SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES June 29, 2010 AT 12:00 P.M. Members in Attendance: Gina Downs, Joe Wall and Rich Federman. Staff Present: Norman Feder, Administrator- Growth Development; Jay Ahmad, Director- Transportation Engineering; John Vliet, Director- Road Maintenance; Barbetta Hutchinson, Office of Budget and Management; Mike Sheffield, County Manager's Office. Others Present: Liz Willis, Clerk's Finance. The meeting was called to order by Gina Downs AT 12:05 P.M. The approval of the minutes from the last subcommittee meeting was tabled until the next full meeting of the Productivity Committee being held on July 20, 2011. Norman Feder addressed the group by giving a background of his department and staff requirements for all areas of his responsibility. He explained how members of his staff have moved from one area to another because of budget cuts. He said the tipping point for deciding to outsource regular projects is strictly a staffing issue. In the event of a project surge of more than 2 major projects per year, he does not have qualified staff to perform the necessary inspections, hence the jobs would have to be contracted out. According to state statute, all non-routine maintenance projects over$400,000 must be put out for bid and cannot be done by county staff, (unless no bids are received). Right of Way acquisition is pretty much done in-house. There are more parcels now because the big parcels have already been purchased and staff is now dealing with small parcels and individual homeowners. Design projects are out-sourced except the small scale projects that are done in-house. The in- house design team also reviews and evaluates all of the outside design work. Traffic operations are done in-house and out due to staffing restrictions. Installation and construction activities are all out-sourced. Signing is all in-house as well as manual uniform traffic maintenance. Norman will provide the group with some benchmarks from other counties such as West Palm, Sarasota, Lee and others. Maintenance for resurfacing, line painting, mowing and herbicide application are out-sourced, while ditch cleaning is in-house because of being small scale jobs in many locations throughout the county. Norman will provide the group with a list of in-sourced and out-sourced jobs, items that are on the cusp of having their status changed from one to the other, the roadway conditions that are now being monitored and information regarding right of way maintenance. There was discussion on providing information to the sub-committee about cost of labor(both in and out) by major function indicating service levels and statute driven contracts. The decision was made that the committee will first meet with all of the administrators, hear the decision process concerning outsourcing functions within their department, then decide what information they need to do their analysis. Gina Downs adjourned the meeting at 1:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Barbetta Hutchinson.