Productivity School Impact Fee Subcommittee Minutes 04/15/2010 PRODUCTIVITY SUBCOMMITTEE
APRIL 15, 2010 AT 10:00 A.M.
Members In Attendance: Steve Harrison, Vlad Ryziw, Joe Swaja and Janet Vasey
Staff Present: Amy Patterson, Impact Fee Manager and Barbetta Hutchinson, County
Manager's Office.
Others Present: Michelle LaBute, Bob Spencer and Amy Taylor from Collier County Schools
Amy Patterson told the group that the methodology of the school impact fee calculation was
very much the same as last year, however the way that credits were calculated was different.
There will be no construction during the next five years with the exception of the rebuild of a
school in lmmokalee. Michelle LaBute gave the group a recap of the millage rate for the
schools, stating the maximum rate is 1.5. There is a .25 transfer from capital to the general fund
that can last as long as four years according to decision by the board and another .25 taken by
the state to replace lost revenue. There was a request to change the document on page 17 to
read 1.25 instead of 1.50.
The group had several questions. Vlad asked about construction costs being lower than the last
study. Janet questioned the cost per student station decrease. The reason for both is that the
last study was done when building was at its peak and the costs have now lessened. Michelle
questioned the $75,000 per acre number. Janet asked about capital improvement tax credits.
Bob responded by stating that the consultants spent much more time with him this time and
looked at individual items and credits are getting larger because less money is going into
building student stations.
Vlad asked about construction value. Amy said that this time they used 5 years forward and 5
years back for a more accurate calculation than the 25 years forward they used the last time.
She said that the "most recent and localized data" is being used. Vlad also asked about the
table on page 18 regarding capital expenditures. He thinks there should be consistency
throughout the document and 5 years or 10 years should be used in all calculations.
Michelle noted that the word "fewer" should be changed to "increased" on page 6.
The group will send any questions they have to Amy, who will get answers to all members in
time to be reviewed before the next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 11th at 10:00 am.
The meeting adjourned at 11:34 a.m.