Productivity Committee Sherriff's Department Subcommittee Minutes 06/09/2009 Sub committee Sheriff's Office. 11 AM June 9, 2009 Attending: Connie Murray, Joe Swaja, Jim Gibson, Larry Magel, Gina Downs, Janet Vasey, Carol Golightly, Lori Sams, Michele Diaz, Greg Smith, Randy Greenwald Larry Magel: Has anything been revised from our first meeting? Greg Smith: Yes, $100K back from insurance for auto insurance as a rebate check. Larry wondered if number from last year was moved forward? Greg: Have not submitted a prioritied list. Insurance rates through county? Is it a better rate? Fl. League of cities does not cover pursuits in their insurance coverage. Cost per vehicle with county is $600/year coverage. So, costs are not much different. And, if you attach a rider for impact from pursuits, cost would be higher possibly from within county coverage. Greg: Trying to hit a reduced number. $6 M reduction from the past is making their department much more efficient. Thinks they are going in the right direction. Wants to avoid making a hard and fast number like $8 M reduction. Janet thought a review looking at some of the functions was still realistic. $8M was about 5% reduction, NOT close to the 11% proposed reduction that had been proposed for millage neutral. Greg: Thinks community needs level of service to stay consistent. Gave examples of cuts that he feels community would be alarmed to have cut. Carol: Do you mean 8M on TOP of the 41/2M cut? Janet just wanted prioritized services with potential areas where cuts could be cut. What is in the Delta that they wouldn't be able to do? She was looking for closer to 5% reduction. Greg: Doesn't want to give a list of priorities OR give proposed reductions. Jim Gibson: Thinks reserves are four times what they need. Why the jump? Gatsby 45 caused the future liability. Jim understands that is amortized and is a noncurrung liability. $2.6 M Gatsby against reserves of$9M. He thinks reserves are outpacing need. Greg: Conscience decision to get to maintenance free funding until the economy turns around. Jim thinks the health plans should be looked at comprehensively. Reg: Just looked at those. They are the same company the county uses. Agrees that they wil be faced with a crisis if benefits continue to grow. 1 Larry: Did you do anything with IT? Greg: Deferred some and may outsouce some. This will change the budget. Had $197 in FY10 request. When can we get a revised budget? Carol thinks the fluff has been cut out. Personal services 83%, 16% is operating and 1% is capital. Larry: Comp time off is it being looked at this year? Greg: Looking at it, but restricted by labor laws on how they can use as comp time. Pinellas County can accrue up to 80 hours of comp time. Greg: They have a labor agreement. Janet: Total positions are 1387. 30 positions not requesting funding for. Does that relate to the 33 retirees that went off the rolls. 55 ... Total of 85 positions bringing down to 1302 funded. Have taken the attrition positions against the unoccupied positions. Have you always done that? Answer: Yes. Carol: We are not having attrition right now, people are staying. Janet: Attrition is based on positions that are filled. Seems like sheriffs dept takes attrition off of levels that are above where they are operating. Lori: Have lost maybe 15 people in the past year. Not having 4% attrition. Used to have positions that they couldn't get filled in a year. There are NO positions being filled. Janet: Philosophy people on board, leave over the year, takes time to fill the position, so the position goes unfunded. How many people you had in the current year. Randy from OMB: Always funded every position until last year. Then, they said there will always be attrition at about 4% rate, so that is factored in. If more than 9 people in the cost center, then appropriate that attrition against the cost center. Greg: If funded but not filled. But, those have been removed and not funded, you will not be able to roll in a 4% reduction. Janet: Have 1287 right now. Funded for 1302 employees. Lou:iSays maybe see 10 or 15 people leave in the upcoming year. Randy: County doesn't have people leaving at the old rate. Still budgeting at 4% attrition. Janet: Could you see what attrition rate was last year? Wants figure from sheriff and from county. Jim Gibson: Where did the people from Immokalee jail go? 45 people worked there. 19 stayed there for minimal operation. 26 people moved into the Naples jail. This reduced overtime for Naples jail. 2 Janet: Could eliminate some people because of the drop program? Jim: People have elected to retire, now is the time. Janet said sheriff had 19 people at 1.9M. Retirement rate is 21% on LEO. Drop is 10% Retirement contribution is about half on drop program. Greg: Immokalee jail people have kept OT way down. OT reduction is about 5 or 6K . But, $2.3M is being paid to salaries for 27 Naples jail personnel that came over to Naples jail. Relief factor is five people for one post. Had 11 or 12 vacancies that those Naples jail personnel filled. Larry: What happens if BCC says make it 6%? Greg: See how close you can come to that and negotiate. Then, can appeal to Governor if they feel they can't abide with the request of the BCC. Larry: Can some furlough be instituted? Greg Sheriff can consider. But, not ready to commit today. If a specific number is required, then the department will try to hit that number. $16M would be 11% millage neutral rate. Sheriff Budget is $148 current, budget is $146. Janet: Not looking for across the board reductions. Each department will have different needs based on priority. Homestead and have SOH, you will have full increase in millage rate. 11.4% breaks down to 9% in North Naples, 12-14 in East Naples, and Marco Higher increase in Golden Gate. Home purchased after 2005, you probably do not have any SOH benefit. 3