Productivity Committee Impact Fee Subcommittee Minutes 12/06/2007 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT
Minutes—December 6, 2007, 1 p.m.
Members Present: Brad Boaz- Chair, Michele Harrison, Georgia Hiller, Janet Vasey
and John Barlow.
BCC Liaison: Commissioner Henning was in attendance.
Staff Present: Amy Patterson, Impact Fee Manager; Paula Fleishman, Impact Fee
Coordinator; Amanda Townsend, Operations Analyst Public Services; Joe Schmidt,
Administrator CDES; Michael Sheffield, Assistant to the County Manager; Barbetta
Hutchinson, Office of Management and Budget;
Others Present: Marci Sanders, Operations Director of Shelter for Abused Women and
Children; Steve Hart, Chamber of Commerce; Tammy Nemechek, Economic
Development Council.
1. Call to Order
Brad Boaz called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m.
2. Review/Discuss the Charitable Organization Impact Fee Deferral
Brad explained that the first purpose of the meeting was to review an executive
summary regarding impact fee deferrals for charitable organizations. A handout was
provided that explained the issues, gave some background of each issue and gave
possible alternatives for continuation in the future. Amy Patterson gave an
explanation of the different parts of the program and their differences.
Marcy Sanders spoke to the group about her organization and their reliance on the
impact fee deferral program. She stated that as a result of a survey that was taken,
her organization has determined that the two top areas of concern for clients of her
group are child care and affordable housing. Her group is building homes to be used
for transitional housing for women and their children for temporary housing until
they can get on their feet. The client pays a percentage of their income for this
There was discussion of how 501 C's and the deferral program worked.
Steve Hart added comments on the necessity of the program.
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The group came to the following decisions:
Eligibility—Janet Vasey motioned, Michele Harrison seconded and the group
unanimously approved that this section of the deferral should remain the same with
the targeting of indigent care.
Impact Fee Types Eligible for Deferral—Janet Vasey motioned, Michele Harrison
seconded and the group unanimously agreed that water and sewer impact fees should
be included in the program.
Repayment—Michele Harrison motioned, Janet Vasey seconded and the group
unanimously agreed that there should be a fixed term on non-interest bearing loans
for the participants. Perhaps a 5 to 10 year term, subject to renewal by the Board of
County Commissioners with onus being placed upon the recipient for a production of
a yearly affidavit that reiterates eligibility and allows for inspection of the property
by the County. In addition, funding sources should be considered and sourced.
Residency—Janet Vasey motioned, Michele Harrison seconded and the group
unanimously approved that priority for the deferrals should be given to organizations
which primarily service legal residents. Amy Patterson will report back to the group
if there are any legal issues with this suggestion.
3. Review/Discuss Potential Impact Fee adjustments
Janet Vasey went through department by department, reviewed the budgets and gave
her views on where she felt there was excess monies in the budget that could
possibly be reallocated.
Brad Boaz said the indexing is done so the highest possible index can be given.
This necessarily is not what should be done. In addition the restructuring code and
building standards continue to get more stringent which forces fees to grow. Georgia
Hiller said this produces a product that is hardest on people who can least afford it.
The group agreed that fees need to be brought into some more realistic. There
should be some sort of median between the maximum from the Nexus survey and the
minimum of debt service payment alone.
Joe Schmidt said that impact fees are targeted for future debt and without the fees the
county must look for additional sources of income. The level of service indicator
must be reviewed at a local level. Amy and Joe have been directed by Donna Fiala
to also look at impact fees on redevelopment, such as change in use. They do not
want these fees to be a determent to redevelopment.
Amanda Townsend explained how the regional park impact fee study is subjective as
every local government determines their own level of service. This reduction in
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parks level of service actually removed the building of an entire regional park from
the 10 year plan.
The group asked Amy to bring scope of services information to the regular
Productivity Meeting next week.
The group ended the meeting on a note of discord with the decision that each
member of the subcommittee will bring their ideas on this subject to present to the
entire Productivity Committee next week.
4. Public Comment
5. Adjourn
Georgia Hiller motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:10 p.m., Michele Harrison
seconded and the group unanimously approved.
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