Productivity Committee Employee Benefits Subcommittee Minutes 05/03/2005 C Minutes of Benefits Sub-Committee held May 3, 2005 In attendance were committee members Dexter Groose and Helen Philbin; Crystal Kinzel, Internal Audit Director for the Clerk of the Circuit Court; Len Golden Price, Administrator Administrative Services Division; Jeff Walker, Director Risk Management; Carol Golightly, Finance Director and, Collier County Sheriff's Office. Absent: Syd Blum, (Excused) The minutes of April 5th were approved as presented. Minutes of the meetings with the Collier County Sheriff's representatives on April 13th and April 27th were reviewed and approved with corrections. Dex asked if a plan could be developed showing a typical family's medical needs over a period of three years for both the BCC and CCSO. It should show doctors' visits, prescription drugs, specialist referrals, etc. The goal is to see how the two programs compare in cost to the taxpayer. Jeff and Len indicated that Willis has the capability to take each agency's information and run it through the other agency' plan to show costs as they might be if each had the same plan. There will be a charge from Willis for this study and Jeff and Carol will check on how much it would be for each agency and if they have available funds to cover that cost. Jeff discussed the program whereby doctors who increase income by having employees return on a regular basis for checkups which may be unnecessary and who over prescribe could be removed from the provider's network. Also discussed was catastrophic coverage and the reserves needed to cover any such costs in a year. Consumer driven plans such as Health Savings Accounts are being studied. It is too early for anything to be presented. Flexible Savings accounts are being used currently and are popular with those employees who choose them. Health care costs for FY2005 have been flat. FY2004 was down over FY2003 by 3%. The next meeting was scheduled for June 21 at 9 a.m. Discussion will focus on pension benefit costs. Submitted by Helen Philbin Approved in Committee on June 2, 2005