Productivity Committee Minutes 05/18/2005 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT
Minutes—May 18,2005; 2 p.m.
Members Present: John Barlow, Syd Blum,Dex Groose, Steve Harrison,Matt Hudson, Helen Philbin,
Joe Swaja and JimVanFleet
Members Absent(Excused): Janet Vasey, Stan Farnham
Liaison: Commissioner Halas was present.
Staff Present: Len Price, Administrator, Administrative Services Division; Amy Patterson, Impact Fee
Manager, Community Development; John Tone, Director, Communication and Customer Relations;
Ray Milum, Clerk of Courts; Kevin Rambosk, Chief of Operations, Sheriff's Office; Scott Salley, Chief
of Corrections, Sheriffs Office; and Carol Golightly, Finance Director, Sheriffs Office; Debbie Wight,
Assistant to the County Manager; and Barbetta Hutchinson, Office of Management and Budget.
I. Introduction:
A. Opening Remarks—There being a quorum, Joe Swaja, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2
p.m. Syd Blum introduced John Torre to the group. John addressed the group and explained his job
responsibilities with the County and his media policy. Syd said he feels that John should share his
expertise with the rest of the Constitutional Officerss. Debbie Wight added that John was responsible
for the publication of the County Manager's 2004 Annual Report as well as the electronic newsletter.
B. Approval of Minutes—There being no changes to the April 20, 2005 meeting minutes, Syd Blum
made a motion to approve, John Barlow seconded, and the committee unanimously approved.
C. Approval of Benefits Subcommittee Minutes Meeting of May 3 —Matt Hudson motioned to
approve, Syd Blum seconded, and the committee unanimously approved.
II. Old Business:
A. Benefits Subcommittee Report—Helen Philbin spoke to the group regarding the subcommittee. The
next meeting is June 2 at 9:00 a.m. Len Price said that she will bring HR to that meeting to discuss
B. Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness Study Report—Steve Harrison said Syd is moving toward
a conclusion in regards to process improvements in Human Resources. A recommendation is being
made to have a single point of contact for all county job openings. The Finance group is moving
slowly. There is a list of minor process improvements that are being worked on. John Barlow is
working on the IT side. John recapped his three meetings (combinations with one of more of the
following- School Board, Clerk's Office and Barry Axelrod of IT). He said everyone was
cooperative and open to new ideas.
He passed out a recap of the meetings and his recommendations. Some of these ideas include:
development of a countywide strategic plan; a standardization of the four computer systems; make
leverage purchases; and a data storage system needs to be put in place. Commissioner Halas asked if
outsourcing should be considered regarding the technology issues or the storage. He also asked
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whether the SAP program is the correct program for the county. Len Price said that when we bought
into SAP, it was one of limited options. Now, there are many more options and the county is going
to go out on"Request For Information"to make sure we are doing the best with the money we've
got and make the best decision for an organization of our size. Within the next few years we are
either going to have a major upgrade of SAP or choose to go with another product. Len did agree
that there are aspects of IT that certainly could be outsourced,but there are also aspects that need to
remain in house.
Steve Harrison added he feels that the county data system needs to be on the same platform. This
would consolidate all information into one source and would be beneficial to many agencies and
departments. Steve asked Commissioner Halas for his help in trying to work toward a single set of
policies for all Constitutional Officers. The Commissioner said that the culture in the county needs
to change and every Constitutional needs to work together for the betterment of the county. Len
added that the school district is under state jurisdiction, which would present another set of problems
with trying to consolidate functions.
Matt Hudson asked if the county still had the surplus auction. Len said that they do and they also
put items in lots in order to get every item sold. Matt asked about voice over system in the county.
Len answered that the county is not quite ready. The biggest problem with voice over is that when
you dial 911,the system waits for another four digits. She added that she is working with the School
District on this technology. John said that Barry Axelrod is aware of this technology and is
investigating its application to the county. Len said that there is a system in place called"Hyper
News"that sends alerts to problems before they happen—which helps us to be proactive rather than
Long-distance phone bills were discussed. Matt said the fire department went with the state program
of SunCom and they realized a significant savings. Len said that the county went to long distance
pin numbers so they can monitor those calls made by each employee and the cost was negotiated to
three cents a minute.
Steve Harrison will set up a workshop for sometime in July that will include Superintendent of
Schools Ray Baker, Dwight Brock, Sheriff Hunter and the County Manager. Are they willing to get
involved in this or is the Productivity Committee wasting their time? All participants will be asked
to step up to the plate and get involved and work toward the benefit of the taxpayer. Commissioner
Halas said we need to change the culture. Len said that we should have some concrete options and
present them to the group, offer baby steps so that they can buy in and become part of the solution.
The plan needs to be laid out in simple language. Joe Swaja asked about the involvement of Kim
Grant of the Office of Management and Budget in this project. Steve, Len and Commissioner Halas
will work together to make this meeting happen. Len asked that the members of the Productivity
Committee provide her with ideas and suggestions. Commissioner Halas said he would take the
package and present it to Jim Mudd and see where we should go from there.
There was discussion made regarding the independent fire districts. Matt said he was working on
trying to merge fire districts. Matt told the group about the Fire District Steering Committee that
meets monthly. These meetings are held with the decision-making persons present in order to bring
about change. He added that Collier County has a poor attendance record at this meeting. He added
that this would be an ideal platform to address the productivity issues of effectiveness and
efficiencies,however there is no quick fix.
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C. Discussion on Sheriffs FY 06 Budget Review and Final Report(s)to be Provided to the County
Manager by June 1, 2005 —Chairman Joe Swaja told the group that Jim Mudd asked for their final
recommendations by June 1. How do we want to approach putting together all of the pieces? Dex
asked if they were going to make general suggestions, or are they going to put numbers to the
proposal? It was decided that both issues will be suggested. Dex suggested that bed checks be done
by one person instead of by zone. Commissioner Halas said the grant positions need to be addressed
and reassigned. Joe said he was shocked that the FY 2006 budget number was so large. Chief
Kevin Rambosk said the Sheriff did not finish his examination of the budget and is still looking for
avenues of efficiencies. Dex added that the medical care for the prisoners could be an area of
decreased budget amounts. He said that an average citizen has to wait for a doctor's appointment so
why don't the prisoners have to wait the same amount of time? Matt said the jail has about four
pages of standards for medical and covers many rules and regulations regarding the care of
prisoners. The medical care is outsourced by the jail. Dex feels the need for expansion of medical
staff is unnecessary.
Carol passed out the Sheriffs 2004 Annual Report to the committee members. Steve addressed the
new organization structure, accreditations, special programs and the comparison of Collier County
with other counties in the state in order to find a reason why the budget shows such a great increase
from FY 05. Where is the increase coming from and can the cost be justified? Chief Rambosk said
that many of the special teams are pulled from the existing staff and used only when needed. Joe
said that he feels that next year's budget should be this year's budget and if the Sheriff wants to add
new resources, he has to work them in using existing funds.
The salary scale of the new officers was discussed. Steve said that the only way to increase the
salary of the current officers to make it comparable with other nearby locations, is to find a way to
cut positions. Carol added that 80%of the current Sheriffs budget was allocated to salary and
A full committee meeting was set for Tuesday, May 24 at 9:00 a.m. to finalize the Sheriffs budget
review. Dex suggested that the committee take the first pass with just the committee members.
(After the meeting, Kevin Rambosk asked for time at this meeting so the Sheriff can give an
overview to the group. Joe agreed to a 30-minute presentation.)
D. Impact Fee Studies Update -Amy Patterson and Jim Van Fleet attended the kickoff for the School
Impact Fee Study just before they arrived at this meeting and were surprised at the degree of
resistance and contempt they felt from the school board members in regard to the raising of the
impact fees. Amy said she didn't understand what caused the setback. Michael Kirk is leaving and
going to Sarasota County. Jim VanFleet explained to the group that the School Board has already
purchased most of the land for their buildings for the next five years. The School Board plans to
raise their millage up to the cap. Syd asked if their objections are coming from the fact that staff just
doesn't understand the implications of the impact fees?Amy agreed it may be the case, because the
School Board asked for the help of the Collier County in studying their impact fees. Steve and
Commissioner Halas talked to the Superintendent a few months ago and he seemed to be on board.
Dex said the Board members take direction from the staff. -- Dex will contact school board
members Steve Donovan and Linda Abbott,Matt will contact Dick Bruce and Jim VanFleet
will speak with Michelle Labutte to discuss impact fees and ask for their support. Steve asked
Amy if the fact that the School Board is out of compliance would affect their ability to issue bonds?
— Amy will find out and let the group know. Amy passed out a presentation which she will give
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at the meeting of the Productivity Committee on June 15. Joe told Amy to work closely with Jim
VanFleet on impact fee studies until Janet Vasey returns.
E. Committee Opening—Joe told the group there was an opening on the committee with the resignation
of Al Kozel and asked for their help in soliciting a new member. Jim said he knew someone who
might be interested. Debbie said the deadline for applications is May 27.
III. New Business:
A. Nominations for Outstanding Advisory Committee Member— Dex nominated Steve Harrison for his
effectiveness and efficiency study contributions and Matt seconded. -*Joe will to fill out the
nomination form and Debbie will assist.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Productivity Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, May 24,
2005, 2 p.m. in the County Manager's Office front conference room, 2nd floor of the W. Harmon Turner
building(Administration Building)to discuss the Sheriff's FY 06 Budget.
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