Naples, Florida, October 19,2016
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory
Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on
this date at2:00 P.M. at North Collier Regional Park, Administrative Building,
15000 Livingston Road, Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Mr. Edward rrskirr Olesky
Mr. Murdo Smith
Ms. Rebecca Gibson-Laemel
Mr. David Saletko
Ms. Mary Bills
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Barry Williams, Division Director
Ms. Jeanine McPherson, Assistant Director
Mr. Rick Garby, Parks Superintendant
Ms. Shannon McVaugh
Ms. Tamara Paquette
Mr. Gavan De Silva - Naples Cricket Club
Jonathon - Mor-Sports
I. Call to Order: Chairman Olesky
Chairman Olesky called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Invocation was held.
III. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Williams suggested approval of the August and September 21,2016 minutes at the
subsequent meeting in November 2016.
IV. Approval of September 21,2016 Minutes
To be added to the November 2016 meeting agenda for approval.
Public Speaker - Mr. Edward Tappan
Mr. Tappan asked the Board to consider establishment of a common municipal golf
course. Mr. Tappan, a longtime resident of Naples, expressed concern regarding
rezoning, and the fact that the entire issue has been set aside. He asked the
Advisory Board for support in this issue. Ironwood was discussed as a potential
possibility. Mr. Williams stated he has been asked to prepare a presentation for senior
management on this topic. A meeting has been scheduled with the Deputy County
Manager in the Public Services Division on November 7,2016 to present the findings,
and Mr. Williams hopes to share this presentation with the Advisory Board at the
November 2016 meeting. Mr. Murdo Smith remarked that this has been an issue of
consideration since the late 1970s and has been denied several times by the Board.
Golden Gate Golf Course has previously been suggested as a potential municipal golf
course site due to its appeal to a wider range of golfers. Chairman Olesky thanked Mr.
Tappan for voicing his concerns to the group and encouraged him to forward any relevant
information to Mr. Williams.
V. New Business
a. FWC (Florida Wildlife Commission) Grant for bear proof trash cans
Ms. Jeanine McPherson reported the FWC had made grants available to purchase
bear proof trash cans for use in problem areas with high bearlhuman interaction. A
request for funding has been submitted for four trash cans, specifically for Max Haas
and Oakes Park, as well as several preserve sites. The bear proof cans have a pull down
lid, which bears cannot access and do not present any safety/accident issues for humans.
This issue is on the November 2016 Board agenda for approval.
Mr. Murdo Smith made a motion to approve the grant request and presentation to
the Board. Ms. Mary Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.
b. AUIR (Annual Update and Inventory Report)
- Ms. Shannon McVaugh presented an overview of the current level of service for
community parks, which is currently above standard, i.e., one acrell000 people.
Question: Who set the standard for acceptable level of service?
Answer: Board of County Commissioners, with recommendations from PARAB.
- Regional park acres 10-year graph reflects a "breaking point" in year 201912020 of not
enough acreage ofregional parks. City acres are included for regional parks due to beach
parks. Community parks are not included. The AUIR also showed State and Federal land
available to the community, but is not included as regional land.
Question: Are there any plans to purchase property for additional beach parking?
Answer: Mr. Williams stated there are no plans to purchase property for this purpose
and creative options were being explored for transporting beachgoers to the beach. One
option is being explored with the Altemate Transportation Group, Joe Amold, to allow
beachgoers to park at Collier Regional Park and then being transported by CAT buses to
the beach. Opposition has been expressed by beachside homeowners with regard to
building parking garages there. Consideration is being given to hiring a consultant to
provide possible solutions to beach access problems. Further discussion and input by the
Advisory Board was encouraged.
Question: Is Big Cypress factored into the regional park acreage?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Can parking be added at Conner Park?
Answer: Due to water retention issues, nothing may be built on the south side,
however there is potential to add an additional level to the garage on the north side.
A concem was expressed at a potential lack of available parking at North Collier
Regional Park during the season for beachgoers who wish to take the CAT bus shuttle.
Mr. Williams stated a pilot would be conducted. A potential parking location at the
corner of Vanderbilt and Livingston was previously considered, but was problematic. The
idea of a parking garage at North Collier Regional Park was discussed.
- Required amenities versus level of service guidelines reflects a surplus county wide,
however with recognized deficits in specific areas. School sites that PAR have access to
are factored in. The inventory is broken down to reflect the various ways certain sites are
multi-purposed, i.e., terulis courts with pickle ball.
- A graph was shared reflecting planned upcoming amenities over the first 5 years,
such as repurposing existing areas, i.e., Pelican Bay converting racquetball courts for
pickle ball, and Big Corkscrew, with plans to add softball fields in the 1O-year plan.
Shannon stated this presentation was given to seek approval from the Advisory
Board of the recommended level of service presented and for proceeding with the
proposed AUIR.
Question: Could plans for a golf course be added?
Answer: Mr. Williams pointed out the resultant reduction in regional acreage with
the addition of a golf course or an ATV park.
Concern was expressed at the cost associated with maintenance of a golf
course. Mr. Rick Garby concurred that maintenance was expensive and would likely be
contracted out. Ms. McPherson presented the results of a survey of municipal golf
courses throughout the state.
- Most municipal golf courses do not break even and are supplemented by Ad Valorum.
- Most municipal golf courses are very old and well established.
- Most of these municipal golf courses are run by cities, not counties.
- Most have revenue streams of a pro shop, banquet facilities, and restaurants, which are
primarily run by outside entities.
- Most were 18 holes and had active tournament and league play.
- Prices per round locally spanned between $19-S225 in season.
- Secret to success was defined as proper maintenance of the course.
Mr. Murdo Smith made a motion to approve the community park and regional park
plan level ofservice as presented (1.27 acres/1000 people) andfor proceeding
with the proposed AUIR. The motion was seconded by Mary Bills. All were infavor.
The motion was carried
VI. OId Business
a. Naples Cricket Club
Mr. Gavan Da Silva introduced Jonathon from Mor-Sports, an experienced builder with
regard to construction ofa proper cricket pitch.
- Mr. Williams first pointed out that the utilization numbers at Eagle Lakes Park had been
included in the meeting packet for review and were 37o/o or less, depending on the time of
- There are four fields at Eagle Lakes, baseball/softball fields, with walk-on soccer.
- Mr. Williams proposed that on-site staff could protect the field for cricket use when
Question: Could school fields be utilized to construct a permanent cricket pitch?
Answer: The least utilized school fields present various challenges with regard to
Iocation, as well as usability during the rainy months.
- Mr. Da Silva stated the largest held possible with lights would be the preference, in
order to facilitate day and night play, as well as tournament play.
Question: Could East Naples Middle School be utilized for this purpose?
Answer: This has been considered, and the School Board is in favor, however the
funds to install lights have not been available.
- Mr. Murdo Smith expressed concern about liability issues that may arise from different
surfaces being used on the baseball field. Mr. Williams expressed an interest in keeping
the field level consistent throughout. Jonathon described the pitch construction and did
not feel this would present a problem on a shared field of play.
- Mr. Williams stated a conversation would be had with the Risk Management Division
to discuss any possible concems.
- Mr. Rick Garby expressed a concern of keeping the Bermuda grass from encroaching
on the cricket pitch.
- A photograph of a 20 year old cricket pitch was included in the agenda packet, located
at the Sarasota International Cricket Club, a privately owned facility. Mr. Murdo Smith
expressed an interest in driving to Sarasota to inspect the cricket pitch.
Question: Is there any location available that could be designated solely for cricket
Answer: Pelican Bay had been considered, however presented several challenges.
There is presently no open green space without multipurpose use.
Question: Could a bocce ball pitch be used for cricket play?
Answer: The game of cricket also requires a field for when the ball is in play, such
as a baseball field.
- Mr. Williams pointed out Eagles Lakes had previously housed a clay cricket pitch,
however maintenance was an issue.
Question: Who will build the cricket pitch?
Answer: Mr. Williams stated that quotes would be solicited for the project.
Question: Are there available funds in the budget?
Answer: Mr. Williams stated yes.
- Mr. Williams asked for a recommendation to either proceed with the project, looking at
Eagle Lakes as the location for the permanent cricket pitch, to continue looking for a
location, or to move to not proceed.
- No further questions were raised.
Ms. Mary Bills made a motionfor Staff to moveforward with Eagle Lakes Park as
the location of a permonent cricket pitch, with the Lssue Jirst being presented to Risk
Monagementfor their ossessment of potential liobility issues. Mr. Murdo Smith
seconded the motion. All were infavor. Motion caruied.
Question: Update requested on Veteran's Park pickle ball.
Answer: Wright Construction is the general contractor. Mor-Sports was
subcontracted for surface construction. Jonathon suggested that Wright
Construction be contacted directly for an update on the overall project.
b. Fee Policy
- Mr. Williams stated that the group "Friends of the Library" had asked to be a
participant in the Fitness Center corporate discount program. The current fee policy
language specifically refers to corporations and their employees. Mr. Williams asked the
Advisory Board for approval of expansion of the existing language to include groups and
members, for example a nonprofit organization, and for a recommendation to take the
issue to the Board of County Commissioners for their approval.
Question: Could volunteers of an organization be included in the new language?
Answer: Mr. Williams stated yes, if that was included in the recommendation by
the Advisory Board.
Mr. Murdo Smith made a motion to expand the exkting language with regard to the
Jitness center corporate discount program to include
nonproJi*/members/volunteers. Ms. Mary Bills seconded the motion. All were in
favor. Motion canied.
Vil. Director Highlights - Barry Williams
- Mr. Williams stated he would seek an update on Veteran's Park pickle ball from
Wright Construction.
- Regarding Eagle Lakes pool,90Yo design drawings are done. Permits will be submitted
next week, with bids to occur in the winter, and construction to begin Spring/Summer
2017. Completion is expected Summer 2018.
- Regarding Big Corkscrew Regional Park, the design contract is being presented to the
Board for approval December 13. Once approved, park redesign will commence. Public
involvement (district 5) in the redesign is encouraged.
Question: Would the Advisory Board be able to review modifications to the master
Answer: Mr. Williams suggested the Advisory Board appoint a
representative to monitor this ongoing project.
Ms. Rebecca Gibson-Laemel made a motionfor Mr. Murdo smith to act as
Advisory Board representative during the design and construction phases of Big
Corkscrew Regional Park. Ms. Bills seconded the motion. All were infavor.
Motion caruied.
- Mr. Smith will provide updates to the Advisory Board.
Question: Are lights being installed at Big Corkscrew Regional Park? If so, may
one of the fields be used for cricket?
Answer: Ms. McPherson stated these fields would best be utilized for soccer play,
i.e., tournaments and league play.
- Cocohatchee River Marina park project will soon be underway. The issue of
continuing to allow boat lifts in the wet slips is being reviewed. Dock construction will be
done in phases to continue to allow access to boaters during season. Renegotiation of
lease agreements with existing lift owners is underway, with the assistance of the County
Attomey's office and Risk Management.
Question: Are floating docks going to be utilized?
Answer: Mr. Williams stated this is being considered.
- Barefoot Beach toll booth is being redone, as is the concession area, and construction
will continue during season.
- Naples Grande has purchased additional trams, which will improve the level of service
at that location.
VIII. Public Comments/Board Comments
Public Comments:
Ms. Tamara Paquette, candidate for County Commissioner, District 5, shared community
feedback she has received over the last several months.
- Many members of the community had expressed to Ms. Paquette, an interest in the
completion of the Big Corkscrew Regional Park.
- There has also been public interest expressed in the construction of an ATV park.
- There has been public concem expressed with regard to the lack of bathrooms and
benches at Immokalee parks. Mr. Williams stated that lack of security and vandalism of
park bathrooms in Immokalee has been a problem. Recently, a federal lobbyist has been
solicited to assist with funding for bathrooms in Immokalee parks. The Rotary Club was
mentioned as having provided assistance in the past in this regard as well. Mr. Smith
noted a preference for regular park benches, as opposed to continuing to install concrete
memorial benches.
-Interest was expressed in allowing the local high schools to utilize the swimming pool
being constructed at Big Corkscrew Regional Park. Mr. Williams stated that any funding
options from the school board would be welcome. Mr. Smith pointed at that there are
agreements with several schools to use the county park pools, using the pool facility as
their home base for swim meets.
Board Comments:
Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked for clarification with regard to county email address use versus
personal email address use. She requested that the county email address be reserved for
use by the public, and that personal email addresses be used for interoffice
communication. It was agreed to do so by administration.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order ofthe chair at 3:30 p.m.