PARAB Minutes 08/17/2016August 17,2016 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Naples, Florida, August 17,2016 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at in REGULAR SESSION at North Collier Regional Park, Administrative Building, 15000 Livingston Road, Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Edward "Ski" Olesky VICE CHAIRMAN: Phil Brougham Mary Bills John Fuchs (Excused) McMurdo Smith David Saletko (Excused) Rebecca Gibson-Laemel ALSO PRESENT: Barry Williams, Director, Parks and Recreation Nick Casalanguida, Deputy County Manager Jeanine McPherson, Assistant Director Rick Garby, Superintendent Ilonka Washbum, Operations Manager Miguel Rojas Jr., Administrative Assistant Michael Obyc, Sports Marketing I. II. III. August 17,2016 Call to Order: Chairman Olesky Chairman Oleslry called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Invocation was held. Approval of Agenda Ms. Gibson-Laemel moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Brougham- Carried unanimously 5-0. Approval of July 20,2016 Minutes Ms. Bills moved to approve the minutes of the June 15, 2016 and July 20, 2016 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting as presented Second by Ms. Gibson-Laemel. Carried unanimously 5 - 0. New Business a. Request for Pro Water Cross World Championships for alcohol sales at Lake Avalon Mr. Obyc presented a request on behalf of Professional Watercross (UW?, LLC) to facilitate alcohol sales at Sugden Park during the 2016 Watercross World Championship Competition. Mr. Williams noted the Board of County Commissioners allows the Parks and Recreation Board (PARAB) to authorize the sale of alcohol at an event providing the vendor ascertains the necessary permits, insurance and complies with any other regulations required by the Department. Mr. Smith moved to approve the request by Professionol Watercross (UWP, LLC) tofacilitate alcohol sales at Sagden Park during the 2016 Watercross World Championship Competition. Second by Ms. Gibson-Laemel. Carried unanimously 5 - 0. b. Review of Options for Expansion of NCRP for Local Use and Sports Tourism Mr. Casalanguida addressed the Board and audience noting: o No baseball stadium is proposed for the North Collier Regional Park QIICRP).o The purpose is to expand the uses to meet the demand created by children in Collier County and sports tourism. o A consultant was engaged to identiff avenues to increase athletic field space and opportunities for sports tourism in the County. o One of the sites identified during the study was NCRP.o The purpose of the meeting is to garner public input and ascertain a BCC recommendation on the proposals developed for NCRP from the PARAB. Mr. Williams presented 4 renderings ("North Collier Regional Park Expansion Concept I, 2, 3, and 4") and noted sports tourism generated approximately $20M of economic impact to the County last year. He provided an overview of 4 concepts for expansion and./or renovation of the athletic fields at NCRP highlighting: Concept I o Includes construction of 4 additional softball fields, 5 new artificial turf ("turf') fields and parking facilities to accommodate facilities.o I new access roadway bisecting the preserve would be constructed to serve the parking facility. IV. V. August 17,2016 o One of the turf fields would be a venue to host toumament championships and provide stadium seating. . The construction of the facilities would encroach on the preserve areas. Concept 2 o Similar to concept I however construction of only I existing grass fields to a "turf' surface. o The construction of the facilities would encroach on new "turf'field and converting 4 the preserve areas. Concept 3 o A variation of concept 2 without the access road bisecting the preserve. o The construction of the facilities would encroach on the preserve areas. Concept 4 o Conversion of the 3 existing grass fields to turf and one existing field into 2 smaller fields with turf surfaces and construction of a field house to serve the athletes. o Construction of two new parking lots to serve the area. o Minimal encroachment into the preserve areas with the only incursion being a small parking lot in the northeast comer of the property. The following was noted under public questions/comments directed to Mr. Williams.o There are approximately 95 acres in the NCRP conservation easement. The parking facilities will be built at grade. Construction on wetlands is allowed in Florida through Agency permitting and mitigation requirements. The seating is "bleacher" style and reference to "stadium seating" should be eliminated as it misleads many who envision a football stadium type facility. The County develops the sports tourism economic impact estimates through statistical analysis conducted by the Tourism Dept. Local teams do participate in the tournaments and will have access to the facilities. Concern over the use of artificial turf and the potential increase in injuries and health risks associated material. The following individuals spoke, all objecting to any development encroaching on the existing preserve lands of NCRP. Nicole Johnson - Conservancy of Southwest Florida, Alicia Astorca, Kathyrn Goerig Eastlake, David Eastlake, Cassi Conrad - Wilshire Lakes Master Assoc., Michael Reilly, Patty Witehead, Janet Weisberg - Project Nature Connect, Tim Thompson, Gaylene Vasaturo, Michael Seef - Collier Citizens for Sustainability, David Sterw, Craig Pajer, Beth Nelson. The following items were raised during their comments:o Concern over impacts to the existing wetlands which provide habitat for wildlife, flow functions and water quality benefits.o When the park was developed, the preserve areas were not intended to be a "placeholder" for future development. o Other sites in the County are available that are more suited to the uses proposed.o A public petition was generated which obtained numerous signatures of those opposed to any encroachment on preserve lands. o a a a way August 17,2016 o The preserve areas of the park are currently used for passive recreation including walking, bird watching, etc. and any changes to the areas would significantly impact these uses and the quality of life for adjacent properties owners and the public. o Concern development in the preserve areas may decrease property values of residential land adjacent to the site. o Concem on the increased probability of noise and light pollution associated with the construction of the facilities and proposed uses. Committee Member comments: Mr. Smith: o Are there Little League facilities included in the proposals? Staff stated no, the proposals are for softball and multi-purpose fields.. Will the area primarily serve County or Non County residents? Staff reported both groups of users will have access to the facilities.. Will the general public have access to the "turf' fields? Staffnoted the feasibility of general public use is being investigated and undetermined at this point in time. o Concept 1 - not in favor, impact on area neighborhoods and other concerns. o Concept 2 - concemed on proposed entrance roadway through existing preserve, location of championship venue. o Concept 3 - Consideration be given to locating a parking facility for handicap access to the Exhibit building and relocating stadium field easterly. o Concept 4 - relocate the field house to more central location and construct 2 additional "turf' fields adjacent to the existing roadway west of existing helds. . Consideration should be given to converting all fields to "turfl' if feasible to increase availability of year round play. . Consider partnering with area high schools for stadium events given the infrastructure is already in place (fields, seating, parking, locker rooms, concessions, etc.). Ms. Bills agrees with Mr. Smith and recommended other sites should be considered by the County. Ms. Gibson-Laemel: o Expressed concern the consultant proposed development in the preserve areas and queried if they were aware of the conservation easement? Staffnoted the consultant was requested to develop wholesale concepts without any preconceived notions on what could be approved given existing permits may potentially be amended. o Other sites in the County should be considered.o Concern over the use of artificial turf surfaces given the potential for increased injuries and health concerns for users. Mr. Brougham: ' The process is in the feasibility stage with concepts developed which may be altered to fit specific needs and desires. o The expansion at the park needs to primarily benefit the County residents with sports tourism being a secondary benefit.o Use of artificial turf surfaces should be investigated given the surface increases the playing capacity of a field by 4 times and significantly reduces field maintenance costs.o Cannot support any development that impacts/encroaches on the existing preserve area. August 17,2016 Mn Brougham moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Not approve any alteration to the NCRP that would impact and./or encroach on the present lands identiJied as "preserve." 2. Direct Staff to conduct afullfeasibiliSt study including but not limited to a cost beneJit analysis, risk assessment, etc. for Concept 4 subject to the parking area proposedfor the northeast corner of the property being removedfrom the concept. Without a second the motion was not considered. Mn Brougham movedfor the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to take no action regarding a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners on the concepts presented by Staff, Second by Ms. Laemel. Carried unanimously 5 - 0. Mr. Smith reiterated his concept on constructing a small parking facility on the east side of the Exhibit Hall structure to facilitate handicap access to the building - The pubtic present noted this is in the preserve area and objected to the concept. VI. Old Business None VII. Informational Items Mr. Williams noted informational items had been included in the meeting packet. V[I. PublicComments/BoardComments Mr. Brougham noted: . There is not enough field capacity in the County to satisft the local youth recreational demand.o Consideration should be given to increasing the supply of fields, however land acquisition is troublesome given most of the available land for these types of uses is in the "eastern" portion of the County. o Increasing the potential for use of existing facilities is a more viable option for most locations.o One option, separate from tonight's consideration on the expansion of NCRP is investigating the feasibility of converting existing playing fields at County facilities to "turf ' surfaces. Mr. Brougham movedfor Staffto prepare a report on thefeasibility of use of artiJicial surfaces on all app licab le Co unty parks and recreation Jie lds. Without a second, the motion was not considered. Discussion occurred on the motion with Staff noting they could investigate the issue and report back to the Board absent of any motion directing them to do so. Mr. Williams reported he would research the topic and report back to the Boord on his Jindings. Next Meeting - September 15,2016 - 2:00pm 5 August 17,2016 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 7:50pm. These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on 2016 as presented as amended 6