PARAB Minutes 07/20/2016 WorkshopJuly 20,2016 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Naples, Florida, JuJy 20,2016 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 2:00P.M. in Workshop Session at North Collier Regional Park, Administrative Building, 15000 Livingston Road, Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Edward "Ski" Olesky VICE CHAIRMAN: Phil Brougham Mary Bills John Fuchs (Excused) McMurdo Smith David Saletko (Excused) Rebecca Gibson-Laemel ALSO PRESENT: Barry Williams, Director Jeanine McPherson, Assistant Director Natalie Betancur, Operations Analyst Steve Camell, Deparhnent Head Public Services Rick Garby, Superintendent Mark Isackson, Director, Corporate Financial &Management Services Dennis Linguidi, Director, Facilities Management Miguel Rojas Jr., Administrative Assistant July 20,2016 I. Call to Order: Chairman Olesky Chairman Olesky called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. il. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Invocation was held. ilI. Approval of Agenda "Workshop - No approval required'. Mr. Olesky opened the llorkshop discussion noting qaestions fot Mt. Isackson, Director, Corporate Financial and Management Semices and Mr. Linguidi, Director, Facilitics Management, of the CounQ Managerc offrce wouU be addressed Jirsl Mr. Brougham addressed the group highlighting the purpose ofthe meeting was to gain understanding of two fi.rnctions as follows: 1. The current process for determining a capital budget, specifically in relation to the Parks Department, including how and by whom decisions are made 2. Scheduling and prioritizing of maintenance recommended by the Board in the Adopt a Park reports including submission of items requiring repair and determination of time frame for repairs. lV. Review of Current Proposed Capital Projects Mr. Isackson provided an overview of the capital budget process for the Board highlighting Funds and the areas of service to which they apply as follows:o Everyone pays tax in to the General Fund 001;71% of the revenue received is generated by ad valorem property taxes.o Funds 345 and 346 are impact fee funds for capital projects and needs specific to growth related items as defined by State Statute.o Fund 345 funds go to regional parks; 346 funds where the majority ofthe monies are dedicated apply to community and regional parks. Regional park funds cannot be expended in community parks. . New completed projects are transitioned out of Fund 346 (impact fee fund) into Fund 306.o Fund 306 funds are earmarked for repair, rehabilitation or replacement of items. Parks Staffis in the process of cataloging work order backlog and maintenance needs which will be followed by prioritizing requests and identifting funding avenues. Mn Isackson lo "scrub the lktn to determine items to be funded by Fund 306 venus Funds I0l/111 and assign pmjects an A,B,C prtority rating. During Board discussion the following was noted:o It would be advantageous to begin to advocate for funding for the Parks with the Board of County Commissioners.o A workshop should be convened to review the 5-year plan and focus attention on capital and repair budget funding.o Members may participate in the budget process during first quarter 2017 including discussions with the Board of County Commissioners - Mr. Isackson will provide the Boardwith the budget allocation for the Parks Department in late December 2016. Jttly 20,2016 o A '1rue" needs assessment prioritizing the critical items to be funded and a delivery schedule should be developed.o Members queried if a millage rate increase to fund park maintenance would be an option the BCC would consider? Mr. Isackson noted the Board of County Commissioners current policy is to adopt o reyenue neutral millage rate. o Is emergency funding accounted for in the budget? - Projects must be "reprioritized" and funds reallocated if emergency funds are necessary. Mr. Linguidi reponed: o The Facilities Division noted the County has a procurement policy which requires the use of authorized vendors. o Work orders are prioritized as follows: 1) life safety, 2) comfort and 3) aesthetics.o 1300 work orders are open, 900 ofwhich are in deferred status.o The average tum-around time is two weeks. V. Review of Memorandum of Understanding with Facilities Management - future responsibilities Mr. Williams distributed the document "Semice Level Statement between Parks and Recreation and Facilities Management" which defines the roles of the two Divisions. Services provided by Facilities Management include security screening and improvements, cleaning of Park facilities, construction of both new and renovated improvements for Parks, maintenance of facilities, monitoring ofAED services within the Parks' system and real estate services. During Board discussion the following was noted:o Docks and Piers maintenance is now a Facilities Management responsibility.. Real Estate Services assists in navigating a host ofissues including purchases, acquisitions, leasing agreements and easements.o Community Centers are scheduled to be painted every seven years. The Board recommended painting of the Centers anntmlly due to high trafic volume.o Restrooms at the Cornrnunity Centers are cleaned daily.o Pre-recession the Parks Department undertook their own projects.o Post-recession a new model for project delivery was established and the Project Manager function was centralized. The Board requested Facilities Management provide an enhanced level of semice for the Parks suggesting "exclusive staff dedicated to preventative maintenance for the parks. Mr. ll/illiams will review the budget to idenfify potential fanding avenues ro employ stalf members to perlorm ro utine Parks maintenance. VI. 5- year capital plan and budgeting Mr- williams distributed the S-year capital plan and budgeting to the Board for review. During Board discussion the following was noted:r Pelican Bay Tennis Court renovation at a projected cost of $750K is not funded in 2017 . A feasibility study is recommended. ) VII. VIII. IX. Jluly 20,2016 o Golden Gate Aquatic Center pool locker room floor requires refinishing and is on the 5-year plan but not a priority. Mn Linguidi will visit the pool locker room and ascertain the necessity for refinishing in advance of the schedule. The Parks and Recreation Departrnent does not have an altemative revenue source for services. Staff prefers to individualize projects versus grouping things together. AUIR process Mr. Williams distributed the "Parfts Impact Fee District Fund, Regional Parks - Incorporated Areas (345)" and Community and Regional Parks - Unincorporated Area (346 /based on the June 18,2016 Budget Workshop for informational purposes. Tlte "Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR") fees apply to land opportunities, not maintenance or facilities, and are necessary to support future development. Categories highlighted in the report include Revenues, Project Expenses and Debt Service Expense. Questions/Recommendations None Public Comments/Board Comments Mr. Williams" o Notified the PARAB members a Colliergov.net email address will be established for their use to ensure privacy in conducting Board related communication.o Announced the August 17, 2016 meeting will be a single agenda public meeting to discuss the " Hunden Study'thich is recommending developing part of the preserve at North Collier Regional Park for additional athletic fields to support sports tourism. Nrxr Mrnrrnc: Aucusr 17, 2016 - 6:00 PM There being no further business fot the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:15 pm. These minutes approved by the Board,/Committee on_2016 as presented as amended 4