Productivity Committee Minutes 11/20/1996 County Government Productivity Committee Meeting Minutes November 20, 1996,2:00 P.M. Members Present Absent Jack McKenna x James Cavanagh x David Craig x Edward Ferguson x Charles Getter x Timothy Hancock x Bob Laird x Bill Neal x Karl Otto x John Stockton x Bernard Weiss x Staff Crystal Kinzel x Sheila Leith x Sheriff's Impact Fees -Jack McKenna welcomed Crystal Kinzel, the Sheriff's Finance Director to the meeting -Crystal was invited to provide background regarding the Sheriff's Impact Fee Study that was prepared in 1991 -at that time Crystal worked with the consultants for almost a year to come up with a formula for impact fees -in 1992 the Board reviewed the study and turned down the Sheriff's request to impose a law enforcement impact fee -the purpose of the proposed impact fees was to support growth in Sheriff's operations -they were not addressing a jail expansion or substation issues -most of the Sheriff's budget is personal services (81%) -out of$1.5 million budgeted for capital for the 1997 fiscal year, only $127,200 represents growth related equipment and could utilize impact fees -the formula proposed in 1992 would have generated approximately $81,000 in annual revenue -road patrols and investigative are the elements that were looked at -legal parameters must be follow or there would likely be a court challenge -the Growth Management Plan reflects if and where there is a deficit -Crystal would be happy to provide the Committee with a schedule of impact fees in other counties -the issue seems to be if impact fees could be utilized to finance the $30 million jail expansion -if the federal government gives the State of Florida$40 million for jail beds the state will distribute 15% ($6 million) at the local level -most of the cost would be borne by the County -the County jail currently houses approximately 580-590 prisoners at any given time -85% of those are pre-trial -the Corrections Committee, who's members include primarily Judiciary and Corrections officials have studied overcrowding issues etc. and have exhausted alternatives to an expansion, including double bunking etc. -the number of criminal incidents per capita will be up this year -"there isn't any talk of a moratorium yet" -question was raised about privatization of the jail -Crystal indicated that Captain Greg Smith, the Captain of the Jail would be able to speak to the group concerning privatization as he has been heavily involved in previous studies -Crystal indicated that the County has the ability to borrow money at an excellent rate to finance the jail but the pay.as you go philosophy that has been prevalent in the County decreases the overall cost substantially -in Crystal's opinion the half cent sales tax was the best financing vehicle -the Committee questioned the price tag on the expansion -Crystal suggested that they talk to Tom Conrecode or Adolfo Gonzalez -the Committee was invited to tour the jail facility -Crystal was thanked for her insightful presentation -the Committee will tour the jail prior to the next full Committee meeting -Captain Smith and Adolfo Gonzalez will be invited to provide the group with the cost breakdowns etc. at the next meeting Purchasing Sub-committee -the sub-committee is still in the process of reviewing files -next they will talk to the customers to determine satisfaction level -Sub-committee will be meeting next week with OCPM to review a list of RFP's and discuss contract administration status with managers New Business -John Stockton outlined the progress that he has made compiling a resources data base -Jack McKenna indicated that the Committee members needs to determine who will serve on new Sub-committees and also determine which projects fit the expertise of the current membership -Sheila will compile a list of work plan suggestions from the April brainstorming session for review at the next meeting (see attached) Adjourn 4:10 P.M. Next meeting Wednesday December 18, 1996 1:00 P.M. - Meet in the Jail Lobby for a tour of the facility 2:00 P.M. - County Manager's Boardroom, 2nd Floor,Administration Building Guests: 2:00 P.M. - Captain Greg Smith, Captain of the Jail 3:00 P.M. - Adolfo Gonzalez, Director O.C.P.M. Proposed Future Areas of Study The new areas of study proposed in the Productivity Committee's April brainstorming session were as follows: 1. Climate Survey- a survey of employee attitudes in a number of areas including diversity,prejudice, gender discrimination; timing would be good for an employee survey as wage issues shouldn't be a factor now that the pay plan is in place 2. Purchasing - a total system review including inventory(just in time), buy in bulk, standardization, national accounts 3. Reorganization-are the new organizational changes working? (may be too soon to evaluate) 4. Government Grants - do we need a centralized function? 5. Impact Fees-review 6. Utility Fees- are they adequate to provide the infrastructure? 7. Focus Group- see what concerns come out of their meetings that would be relevant to the Committee's mandate 8. Fiscal Policy - funding of capital projects 9. Life Cycle Costing 10. Fees for Service