Productivity Committee Minutes 01/26/1996 • County Government Productivity Committee Meeting Minutes January 26. 1996 Members Present Absent Jack McKenna x James Cavanagh x Dave Craig x Edward Ferguson x Douglas Fink x John Hickey x Bill Neal x Sonia Ortega x Karl Otto x Steve Pruchansky x John Stockton x Victor Tatak x Staff Jennifer Edwards x Sheila Leith x Leo Oches (joined meeting in progress) x Jerre Salmon x Introduction: Jack McKenna opened the meeting. He told the group present that the SEA's Sub-committee will not be presenting a report at The Board workshop on Tuesday. The reports that will be presented are the Human Resources sub-committee report and the Budget Systems and Procedures subcommittee report. Human Resources Sub-committee Report: Jennifer Edwards first wanted to advise the committee that there will be a delay in presenting the pay plan and classification system analysis to The Board. The new date for presentation has not yet. been set. Since the last meeting, the Human Resources Department has had an opportunity to review the sub-committee's report. Jennifer reviewed with the group areas which require further clarification. She also outlined processes that are in place or steps that Human Resources has already taken that address some of the committees concerns. They include: 1. Key result areas (KRA's). 2. The County Manager's work plan. 3. Flagging of below standard performance appraisals. 4. Accrued value of sick leave. n � 5. Mandatory supervisory training program including performance evaluation training. 6. Exit interview process. Vic Tatak then ran through the presentation that the sub-committee intends to make to The BCC on Tuesday. They plan to limit the presentation to approximately 15 minutes and ask that questions be held to the end. Their recommendations are: 1. Reinstate the merit pay system and pay for performance. 2. Use present money (across the board) and redistribute it. 3. Hold managers to yearly salary budgets. 4. Train managers on performance evaluation. 5. Train senior managers on how to manage appraisal skews and execute within plans. 6. Managers should be rated on how they execute the process. 7. Set up training modules for career planning. 8. Automate the performance appraisal process by setting up a managers information system with. the intent to eliminate the paperwork. Leo Oches, Support Services Administrator joined the meeting. A discussion ensured about evaluation systems that members of the group have been involved • with. They also discussed processes whereby subordinates evaluate their managers.There is a test program currently under review in the Sheriffs Office in Collier County. Staff and the committee members thanked each other for a job well done and for the help and support that each received. Vic Tatak thanked Jerre Salmon in particular for his tremendous contribution to the project. Leo Oches asked the committee for assistance in implementing some of their recommendations. It was discussed that. Sarasota has an effective system in place that may be of help to Collier County. The sub-committees will put the final touches on their reports and Jack McKenna will co-ordinate publication. Reports will be distributed to The Board on Monday January 29th. Meeting adjourned 11:30 A.M. Next meeting January 30th, 1996.9:00 A.M. Board workshop, Main Library , Central Ave.