Productivity Committee Minutes 01/23/1996 County Government
Productivity Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 23, 1996, 12:00 P.M.
Members Present Absent
Jack McKenna x
James Cavanagh x
Dave Craig x
Edward Ferguson x
Douglas Fink x
John Hickey x
Bill Neal x
Sonia Ortega x
Karl Otto x
Steve Pruchansky x
John Stockton x
Victor Tatak x
Jennifer Edwards x
Edward Finn x
Sheila Leith x
Jack McKenna outlined the purpose of today's meeting. As a group the committee and
sub-committees need to come to a consensus as to the contents of their reports to the
BCC at the January 30th workshop. This is the first opportunity for review of Sub-
committee Reports by the entire Productivity Committee. It was determined that the full
committee will meet again Friday January 26,1996 after the members have had an
opportunity to review the reports in detail.
Sub-committee Reports:
a. Budget Systems and Procedure- Dave Craig presented a draft to the Productivity
Committee for review and approval.
b. Human Resources- Acting Human Resources Director, Jennifer Edwards was
introduced to the group. Jennifer provided a comparative analysis of the previous
Productivity Committee's recommendations to changes that have been enacted by the
Human Resources Department. She also advised the committee that the pay plan and
classification system analysis is still at the information gathering stage. Human
Resources plans to report the final results of the study to the BCC the first week of
February. VicTatak then lead the Committee and Jennifer through an overview of the
Human Resources draft report concentrating on recommendations in the following
2. Pay for performance.
3. Merit pay structure.
4. Measurements and management information.
5. Yearly salary plan by department,project and function.
6. Employee transmittal data.
7. Appraisal skew and pay for performance.
8. Employee opportunity.
Jennifer Edwards stated that the sub-committee has made some good recommendations
and that Human Resources is in the process of making changes. For example,the
implementation of a new software system is on their work plan for June. Jennifer would
appreciate the opportunity to review the Human Resources Sub-committee Report in its
entirety and reconvene with the committee on Friday morning. The committee expressed a
desire to incorporate Human Resources comments into the final report to the BCC. The
Committee will also invite Leo Oches, Support Services Administrator to attend the
Friday meeting.
Jack McKenna motioned to approve the Human Resources Report baring any major
revisions. The same motion was made for the Budget Procedures Report. Both motions
passed with all members present in favor.
New Business:
A discussion ensured regarding the Sunshine Law and the County Attorney's memo to
Advisory Boards and Committees. Everyone will do what they can to abide by the law.
The committee would like to discuss with the Vice Chairman of the BCC the restrictive
nature of the law and how this might affect the ability of the Committee to accomplish
their work plans.
Jack McKenna motioned to have the Committee replace him as Chairman as his term on
the Committee will be ending soon. The committee have asked Jack to remain as Chair
until the end of his term.
Meeting adjourned 1:55 P.M
Next meeting January 26, 1996, 10:00 A.M.
BCC Boardroom, 3rd Floor,Administration Building