Budget Sub-Committee Minutes 04/15/1996 County Government Productivity Committee Budget Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes April 15, 1996, 10:00A.M. Present Members ese t Absent Dave Craig x Bill Neal x Karl Otto x John Stockton x Staff Sheila Leith x -Sub-committee finished review stage and ready to start writing Plan of Attack and/or Findings 1. Accelerate the budget cycle- do a 3-5 year budget for mandated programs 2. Life Cycle Costing-Karl to work with Phil and Sheila 3. Budget Presentation-Dave Craig to speak with Pam MacKie 4. BCC Financial Analyst- Sub-committee does not see a need, duplication of effort, providing the proper presentation material are used 5. Implications of Internal Cost Allocation-needs identification, further study 6. Incentivization Programs-HR sub-committee to study 7. Program costing- Could do it, Clerk has the ability, need to delve into this further 8. Impact of changes in the budget policy guidelines during process- shouldn't deviate 9. Input/recommendations from the County Commission and staff-will speak to all commissioners Meeting adjourned 11:35 A.M.