Productivity Committee Minutes 12/16/1998 County Government Productivity Committee Meeting Minutes December 16, 1998, 4:00 P.M. Members Present: Bill Neal, Karl Otto, Ed Ferguson, John Stockton, Wolfgang Schulz, Bob Cahners, Charles Getler Members Absent: Commissioner Mac'Kie, Bob Laird, Charlie Moss, Bill Ebben Staff: Gary Vincent, Bob Fernandez, Skip Camp, Ed Ilschner, David Russell Guests: Judith McCaffrey, Janet Vasey(New committee members waiting official appointment by the BCC) Charles Swain, Tom Cianflone (Clerk of Courts, Internal Audit) Introduction Bill Neal opened the December 16, 1998 meeting of the County Government Productivity Committee (PC) at 4:00 P.M. He welcomed Judith McCaffrey and Janet Vasey to the committee and asked them to introduce themselves. Staff making presentations and guests then introduced themselves to the committee. New Business The minutes of the October 21St and November 18th meetings were unanimously approved. Skip Camp provided members of the PC with copies of the Master Space Plan that was recently approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). He stated that the BCC had approved the plan but not a funding mechanism for the plan. After a short discussion the PC concluded that their part in the Master Space Plan/Jail Study was finished. Bill Neal suggested that the PC could possibly help the County sell a funding mechanism for the plan to the citizens of Collier County. Ed Ilschner provided an update on three issues concerning the County's Solid Waste Department: the Site L purchase, landfill odor, and the trucking contract. He stated that he was working with the County Attorney to gain access to Site L so that it could be surveyed. Until a survey can be completed, the purchase of the site will be on hold. He provided a handout to the PC showing the impact to the surrounding area of landfill odor both before and after odor reducing improvements had been made. The handout showed significant improvement. He described the improvements that were made and additional improvements that are planned. He stated that he is in the process of negotiating a contract with Waste Management Inc. for trucking solid waste out of the county if needed. A few key issues remain, but he plans to bring the contract to the BCC in early 1 1999. After hearing Mr. Ilschner's presentation and a short discussion the committee concluded that their part in the project was complete. A tentative list of new projects for 1999 was provided to the committee and Bob Fernandez explained that the list of projects was developed by himself and the Division Administrators and that he had assigned a rank order priority to each project. He stated that the project list would be presented to the BCC for review and approval and that they might also add or delete projects from the list. He state that the PC would be provided the approved list at their next meeting. The consensus of the PC was that the projects on the list were good projects for PC participation. Bill Neal asked how the County was preparing for Y2K. Mr. Fernandez stated that the county had been working on the problem and that we are in good shape. He directed Gary Vincent to schedule a presentation to the PC by Jeff Walker, the Y2K Task Force Director, on the county's plan for Y2K. Old Business Wolfgang Schulz requested a response to the PC's report on Fleet Management. Gary Vincent stated that he would provide the response at the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. The next meeting will be Wednesday,January 20th, at 4:00 P.M. in the County Administrator's Conference Room. cc: Commissioner Barbara Berry Robert F. Fernandez, County Administrator Commissioner James Carter Mike Smykowski, Budget Director Commissioner John Norris Commissioner Timothy Constantine 2