Productivity Committee Minutes 12/19/1995 (-
December 19, 12 : 00 P.M.
Present Absent
Members : Jack Mckenna x
James Cavanagh x
Dave Craig x
Edward Ferguson x
Douglas Fink x
John Hickey x
Bill Neal x
Sonia Ortega x
Karl Otto x
Steve Pruchansky x
John Stockton x
Victor Tatak x
Staff : Edward Finn x
Sheila Leith x
Tom Ciranna x
Sheila Leith a budget analyst II from the OMB was introduced as the new
staff liaison to the Productivity Committee. She will be assuming
Edward Finn' s role as he phases out over the next month.
Sub Committee Reports:
Budget sub-committee report: Dave Craig speaking for the sub-committee
reported that they have met weekly for the last 4 or 5 weeks . He
reported that while there has been significant progress there is still
more work to be done and that the following findings represent the
budget sub-committee' s initial recommendations only.
a: The budget review process currently utilizes a two step process
consisting of a "program review" and then a "line item review" . The
sub-committee believes the second round of review is unnecessary. A
way to combine program and line item into one review process should be
explored and considered.
b: All capital budgets should utilize a 5 year planning system. The
format utilized to present the capital program should be improved so as
to show the schedule of capital expenditures, the operational impact of
the improvements and an analysis of life cycle costs . See mini-grace
committee report attachment G, page 25 for an example of presentation
format .
c : More effort should be expended to ensure that within county
government there is a minimum of cross department duplication of
effort .
d: Consideration of a 2 year budget may warrant further consideration.
Productivity Committee Minutes
December 19, 12 : 00 P.M.
Page 2
e : Overall, the BCC needs to commit to 100% attendance at budget
workshops and hearings and make decisions on a timely basis.
Budget sub-committee report time frame:
At the January 30, BCC workshop the above noted 1st phase findings
along with an outline of continuing budget system work will be
presented. The sub-committee will also provide some comment on the
GNCA budget recommendations. The sub-committee will make every effort
to provide a written preliminary report prior to the next full
committee meeting.
The next budget sub-committee meeting will take place Thursday Jan. 4
at 1 : 30 P.M. .
The Human Resources sub-committee: Jack Mckenna provided an overview
and update of the H.R. sub-committee work. Leo Ochs has renewed his
commitment to provide a comparison of leave policies within the next
week or so. Vic Tatak is moving forward with the review of the
employee evaluation system and merit pay program.
Human Resources sub-committee report time frame :
The target for the preliminary report is the first week in January.
The report will be distributed to the full membership in time to be
reviewed at the next full meeting. The findings will be presented at
the January 30, BCC workshop. If continuing work is proposed an
outline of that work plan will also be presented.
SEA sub-committee:
Doug Fink indicated that considerable information gathering has been
accomplished largely through the efforts of Mr. Pruchansky. Doug
reported that it is his intent to compile the sub-committee' s initial
thoughts into a very preliminary analysis of the "performance measure"
system currently maintained by the County. His efforts will be geared
towards the BCC workshop on January 30 .
Combining Productivity & Privatization Committees :
Jack Mckenna provided copies of a letter dated 12/12/95 from Chairman
Mathews . The membership considered the letter and elected to take no
further action until Chairman Mathews reports back on the results of
the Privatization Task Force planning session referenced in the letter.
Productivity Committee Minutes
December 19, 12 : 00 P.M.
Page 3
Filling Vacancies:
There is currently one seat vacant as a result of Mr. Charles Dauray
resigning. The seat will be held vacant for the BCC Vice Chairman
Other Business:
Jack Mckenna made a motion to recognize Mr. Finn' s contributions to the
work of the committee and suggested a letter of appreciation should be
prepared. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. Mr. Finn
thanked Mr. Mckenna for his motion and expressed his regret at leaving
the Productivity Committee assignment . He went on to say that being
associated with the individuals on the Committee has been a great
pleasure and that on a personal and professional basis he has benefited
greatly from the experience.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for the third Tuesday in
January 1/23/95 . A meeting notice will be mailed.
Adjourn: 2 : 00 P.M. •