Privatization Task Force Minutes 05/09/1994 COLLIER COUNTY PRIVATIZATION TASK FORCE MINUTES Meeting, May 9, 1994 5 :30 pm Media Center, First Floor, Administration Members Present : Bettye J. Matthews, Chairman Eugene V. Faessler Donald E. Hathaway Larry H. Ray A. Glenn Simpson Robert N. Flinn Nancy K Reynolds Arthur A. Gebhardt, Jr. Harry W. Tennant James K. Lewis Allan L. Rudell Robert W. Byrne, Staff Liaison Members Not Present : Edgardo Tenreiro Several members of the general public and press also attended the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 5 : 30 pm by Chairman Matthews, who then asked the members to briefly introduce themselves and tell why they had requested appointment to the Task Force. Copies of the meeting agenda, the book Reinventing Government, and a pamphlet on the Florida Sunshine Law were distributed to the members . Chairman Matthews then gave a brief overview of the ordinance establishing the Task Force, copies of which will be distributed to the members at the next meeting. Meeting place and time were discussed, with the consensus being that Mondays at 5 :30pm at the Media Center in the County Administration Building was acceptable for full Task Force meetings . The next meeting of the Task Force was set for 5 :30pm Monday, May 23, 1994 at the Media Center. Election of a Vice-Chairman was deferred to the next meeting. A brief discussion of the Florida Sunshine Law ensued with the consensus being that a member of the County Attorney' s staff should attend the next meeting to answer any member questions regarding the law. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6 : 05pm.