Productivity Committee Minutes 03/18/1991 MINUTES COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE DATE: March 18, 1991 TIME: 8:00 A.M. PLACE: Third Floor Boardroom, Building "F" , Collier County Courthouse Complex, Naples, Florida CGPC MEMBERS STAFF John Remington ABS Mike McNees X Richard Laymon X Mike Arnold X Patrick Neale_ X Brad Estes X Timothy Constantine X PamelaCoxX Donald York X Jan Kantor X Jamie Gutierrez EXC Zac Lucio X Franklin Baker X Alternates Ronald Labbe X Arthur Largent X OTHERS PRESENT: CALLED TO ORDER AT: 8:00 A.M. ADJOURNED: 9:35 A.M. PRESIDING: Jan Kantor MINUTES BY: Annette Guerin, Deputy Clerk Page 1 Lj 1 Collier County Productivity Committee March 18 , 1991 AGENDA A. Resource options ; past advisory committee reports , Collier 2000 report, etc. B. Project Management reporting approach C. Timetable priorities D. Process of minutes to membership on timely basis ; future meeting location E. Division Administrator Update F. New Business Committee Assignments Administrative Services; Jan, Art, Tim OMB; Tim Community Development; Pat, John, Jamie , Art Public Services; Pam, Don, Brad Emergency Services; Zac, Ron Transportation; Zac , Frank, Tim Environmental and Utilities; Don._ Brad (Dick , Data Process Segment) Data Processing Function; Dick, Ron COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE MARCH 18, 1991 Item Mr. Kantor advised the group that Jamie Gutierrez is in the hospital in critical con- dition. He wished him well on behalf of the Committee. Agenda Item A Resource Options; Past Advisory Committee Reports, Collier 2000 Report, etc. Mr. Kantor suggested that the Collier 2000 report will be a valuable resource, as well as the 1985 advisory board report. He mentioned that Coopers & Lybrand visited the previous committee as a resource to organize its direc- tion from a project approach. He passed out material taken from the Coopers & Lybrand report to the members. (Not provided to the Clerk to the Board. ) Agenda Item B Project Management Reporting Approach Mr. Kantor proposed that after this meeting, the group will break down into the teams established at the previous meeting to focus on their individual assignments. Agenda Item C Timetable Priorities Mr. Kantor indicated that the teams should set priorities for certain objectives to be accomplished by June 1st. Mr. Estes suggested that the subcommittees provide a report on what they are attempting to accomplish at the next meeting. Mr. Laymon mentioned that by focusing on spe- . cific departments and/or divisions, the-- Committee may overlook issues that may be of general application. As an example, he noted that Staff members are spending an entire day in the Board of County Commissioners meetings, waiting for their items to be considered. He questioned if a mechanism can be established to communicate with Staff one-half hour before an item is heard so they can arrive at the meeting in time . Mr. York agreed that there would be a cost savings to keep employees on the job until Page 2 . t COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE MARCH 18 , 1991 needed, however , in a public forum it is dif- ficult to know how long any item will be debated. He suggested members keep an open mind for those kinds of situations. Mr. Constantine proposed that the subject of more efficient meetings by the Board of County Commissioners be considered during Phase Two of the group' s undertakings. Agenda Item D Process of Minutes to Membership on Timely Basis; Future Meeting Location Mike McNees, Budget Director, reported the Boardroom will be available to this Committee. Mr. Kantor advised that the group would prefer not to meet in the Boardroom. _Agenda Item E Division Administrator Update Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator, reported on the status of recommendations for his Division made by the previous Committee. Discussion ensued with regard to the pros and cons of combining the water and sewer depart- ments. Mr. Arnold indicated that he will investigate better implementation of the cross-use of the crews within those depart- ments. Mr. Arnold addressed the recommendation with regard to data processing within Utilities . He noted that it is being considered that the billing process be discontinued by Utilities , and handled by the Clerk of Courts. Mr. Arnold stated that the implication of the recommendation to install a two-way telemetry system is that it will yield benefits in reduced manpower needs in the next ten years . He communicated funds were budgeted for the past two years and will be requested in the upcoming budgeting process . He advised while one-way telemetry only allows monitoring, two- way telemetry provides the ability to control water pumps remotely. He noted a plan is being developed to phase in telemetry over a Page 3 COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE MARCH 18, 1991 five-year timeframe, however that goal is behind schedule because of concerns with the vendor and proprietary rights. Mr. Arnold continued, stating the recommended program to replace aging water meters has begun. He said the personnel have been hired and the necessary equipment has been purchased. He indicated the intent of the change-out' is to have the meters changed at the 7-10 year age point when they begin to lose accuracy. He said it is anticipated that 3,000 old water meters will be changed within the year. Mr. Estes questioned how the determination is made regarding which meters will be changed first? Mr. Arnold responded that the crew is going to the older areas investigating small as well as large meters that may serve an entire complex because those have the poten- tial for the largest loss. Mr. Baker asked what a percentage of water loss converts to in terms of lost revenue? Mr. Arnold stated as an example, a 10% water loss in FY 90 would have converted to $930,000. He noted the goal with the change- out is to reduce loss to 5%. Mr. Arnold stated the recommendation to purchase equipment and materials for projects directly to avoid paying the 6% sales tax has been implemented successfully in some areas. He noted an issue remains to be settled with regard to liability and whether the contractor . or the County would be responsible in the event of an accident. Mr . Arnold noted that all recommendations of the previous Committee have been built into the rate study currently being done, which is the most comprehensive the County has ever done. He said an ordinance is being prepared regarding rate fees which should be completed by the end of April . Mr . Arnold communicated that Staff ' s initial response to the recommendation to implement Page 4 COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE MARCH 18 , 1991 bi-monthly billing was not received very favorably. He explained the reservations are generated from the standpoint of losing touch with the water meters as well as the fact that- many people in Collier County are on fixed incomes and that system will make it more dif- ficult for them to pay their bills. Item Agenda F New Business None Adjournment Page 5