Forest Lakes MSTU Minutes 04/07/2015 FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAKE S 3299 East Tamiami Trail-Suite 103,Naples,FL 34112 APRIL 7, 2015 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman George Fogg called the meeting to order at 10:01 A.M. A quorum was established; five voting members were present. II. ATTENDANCE Members: George Fogg—Chairman Marianne Fanning—Vice Chairman Richard Barry Kevin McKyton Barbara Bell County: Harry Sells—MSTU Project Manager Michelle Arnold—Director PTNE Others: JuriSolutions—Sue Flynn III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Kevin McKyton moved to approve the Agenda as presented. Second by Vice Chair Fanning. Carried 5-0. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—March 3,2015 Change: VII. B., Page 2, 5th paragraph, 1St sentence should read"Quail Forest" XI.Next Meeting date should read April 7 Vice Chair Fanning moved to approve the Minutes of the March 3, 2015, Meeting as amended. Second by Dick Barry. Carried 5-0. Chairman Fogg moved the MSTU send Kevin McKyton a letter of appreciation for serving on the Advisory Committee. Second byVice Chair Fanning. Carried 4-0. The Advisory Committee formally welcomed Barbara Bell as a member. V. BUDGET REPORT A. MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT Harry Sells distributed and reviewed the Forest Lakes MSTU Monthly Budget Fund 159. (See attached) Chairman Fogg moved the MSTU send Darryl Richard a letter of appreciation for all his dedicated leadership, guidance and exemplary service. Second by Barbara Bell. Carried 4-0. Michelle Arnold will compose letter and provide to the Committee for their review. Chairman Fogg asked if there were any funds available to install reflective markers. Michelle Arnold recommended holding off until next fiscal year. She noted rainy season may create a need to flush out drainage and/or use emergency funds. April 7,2015 Chairman Fogg did not agree and voiced concerns over this safety issue,traffic flow and the inability to see edge of roads. Staff recommended the MSTU see how the budget develops. Harry Sells will request a quote for flushing out drainage. B. PROJECT MANAGER REPORT Harry Sells reported trees and landscaping have been maintained well. It was noted,the light on community directional sign was not working. VI. OLD BUSINESS Dick Barry asked Staff to get involved with correcting the traffic flow into the community due to safety issues. He noted some cars are turning into community in the outgoing lanes. He suggested extending the left turn median another 15 ft. on Pine Ridge to eliminate this issue. It was noted it is the worst intersection in the County. Vice Chair Fanning asked Staff to research status of the Transportation Highway Engineer study. Staff will assist in finding a doable solution. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. John Goody Board Application Staff provided John Goody application to serve on the Advisory Committee. (See attached) Dick Barry moved to recommend John Goody's application for consideration by the BCC's approval to serve on the Forest Lakes Roadway and Drainage MSTU Committee. Second by Vice Chair Fanning. Carried 4-0. Staff will check the whole drainage system VIII. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS-None IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS Public Speaker—Lee Dixon commended Chairman Fogg for his understanding on the front entrance issue. He noted pole numbers 37 and 52 lights are out. NEXT MEETING: MAY 5,2015 AT 10:00 A.M. FOREST LAKES CONDO ASSOCIATION CLUBHOUSE 1058 FOREST LAKE DRIVE,NAPLES,FL 34105 There being no further business for the good of the County, the Meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 10:56 A.M. FOREST LAKES ROADWAY AND D' 1.1 AGE MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE George Foil Chairman / i The Minutes were a proved by the Committee hair on £ , 2015 "as submitted" [ OR"as amended" [ ]. 2