Agenda 05/19/1998 R Cicrk To TI~ t~rd/M. . Admin/4 Kcm'on FP CV IN COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Tuesday, May 19, 1998 9:00 a.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISH~'C TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA fTEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PP,/~ TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUI3J'ECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMTTTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY ADM'[N1STRATOR AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER 'PUBLIC PETITIONS". ANY PERSON WHO DEC[DES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERI~A'/'I~ RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY A~N'D EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TEVIE IS GRANTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. ASSISTED LISTENLN'G DEVICES FOR THE HEARL~'G [MPAIP, ED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OFFICE. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 P.M. INVOCATION. Rcvertnd James Lake, Firs1 United Methodist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. B. C. April 10, 1998 - Special meeting. April 21, I998 - Regular meeting. April 28, 1998 - Regular meeting. PRO~TIONS AND SERVICE AWARDS A= PROCLAMATIONS l) Proclamation proclaiming the week of May 17-X1, 1998 u Emergency Medical Services Week. To be accepted by Ch;el Diane Flagg, Emergency Services. May 19, 1998 2) Proclamation proclaiming Saturday, May 2.1, 199~ aa Midnight Basketball Day. To be accepted by Keith Larson, Golden Gate Community Center Supervisor and Janlce Elliott, Golden Gate Community Center Program Leader, II. 3) Proclamation proclaiming May 19, 1998 aa Rotary International Crmsp Study Ezchange Team Day. To be accepted by Phlllppine~ Group Study Exchange Tom Members - Gabriel £vengellst~ Tom Leader A Retired Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineer;, Marianne OcsIo, Team Member A Medlctl Doctor specializing la Obstetrics; Gene Nl~peros~ Team Member & Medical Doctor specializing in Community Medicine; Jos~tte Balongt, Team Member and Training O~cer & TQM Specialist; Loreidel Saura, Team Member & Television & Radio Host and George Droblnski, Representative for Rotary and Incoming District Chairman for Group Study Exchange in this area. SERVICE AWARDS Co 1) Martin Herrera - Road & Bridge - $ years. 2) Michael Patten - Road & Bridge - $ years. PRESENTATIONS APPROVAL OF CLERK'S REPORT A. ANALYSIS OF CHANGES TO RESERVES FOR CONTI~GENCrI~.S. PUBLIC PETITIONS COL?qTY ADME~'ISTRATOR'S REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1) Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners with respect to the adoption of policies and pnx:edures for summary agenda items and procedur~ for presentations before the Board of County Commiflloners and the Collier Count)' Planning Commission. PUBLIC WORKS 1) Recommended speed limit change~ for the roadwa~rs in the Gulf Harbor Subdi~4sion. 2) Re~4ew of Gateway Triangle Stormwater Maa~er Plan and recommendations to implement aJternatives. C. PUBLIC SERVICKS D. SUPPORT SERVICES 1) This item deleted. May 19, 1998 2) Authorization to Adopt a "Specltl Ser~4ce C'harll* u A~med In Section I19.07, F.S. to Pay for the Prm4s~on of Information Regarding Special ~entk Financed Water and Sewer Impact Fees, and Water and Sewer Charges. E. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR P. AIRPORT AUTHORITY 9. COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 10. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONKRS 1, OTHER ITEMS A. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS B. PUBLIC COMMENT ON GENERAL TOPICS PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING STAFF ITEMS 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS - BCC A. COM3*REHENSfV'E PLAN AMENDMENTS B. ZONING AMENDMENTS C. OTHER BOARD OF ZONLNG APPEALS A. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARLNGS B. OTHER STAFF'S COMMUNICATIONS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMLSSIOIVERS' COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT AGENDA. All matters listed under this item are considered to be routine and act~n will be taken by one motion witbeut separate discussion of each item. If discuulon ts desired by a member of the Board, that item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1) Board approval of a Budget Amendment recognizing positive carry forward variance fa the Pollution Control Fund (114). 2) .4dsfgnment Agreement for easement for Pelican Marsh, Unit 16. ]V~y19,1998 4) 9) ~2) ~4) ~$) 2o) LAn Rnolutton. Code Enforcement Cue No. 70502-091- Record Owner - Cla~& E. LaRue Lien Rt,~olutiou. Code £nrorcement Cue No. 71009-072- Record Owner - Kelly Ann Mohn & Jaxnes O. Mohn H Lien Resolution - Code Enforcement Ca~e No. 80122-060 - Record Owner- Marleta Lien Re~olution. Code Enforcement Case No. 70528-053 - Record Owner - Jorle & Angela R, tmoa Lien Resolution. Code Enforcement Case No. 7091f~021- Record Owner - Felix Lercb Family Trust Lien Resolution. Code Enforcement C~e No. 70912-011 - Record Owner - Doris G. Hathaway & Mariene V. York Lien Re~olution. Code Enforcement Cue No. 71015=040 - Record Owner- Thomu Wal~h Lien Resolution - Code Enforcement Ca~ No. 70917-004 - Record Owne~- £~C Holdings Inc. Lien Re~4ution - Code Enforcement Ctse No. 70911-0S7. Record Owner - Daniels, Phleany/J Brown & Brown, Jennifer Lien Rr. aolution - Code Enforcement Case No. 70919.034. Record Owner Luia Va,zquez Perez Lien Resolution- Code Enforcement Ctse No. 70919.038 - Record Owner Etzer Lalanne Lien R~solution - Code Enforcement Case No. 7092~010 - Record Owner- Odedo $11vu Lien Re~olutlon - Code Enforcement Case No. 70923.034. Record Owner - Fleet -Mortgage Corp Lien Resolution - Code Enforcement Cue No.71001.084 - Record Owner- Aylln C. Tamayo Lien Re~olution - Code Enforcement Case No. 7100(~012. Record Owner- Carol Grant Lien Resolution - Code Enforcement Case No. 71010-024. Record Owner- Lloyd Sheeban ~ ReaolutJon - Code Enforcement C~e N'o. 71010021. Record Owner- Guy J. Llru~ ET UX Lien Resolution - Code Enforcement Case No. 71010=068 - Record Owner - Wlilitm D. ¢ollinl ITl 4 May 19, 1998 22) Uen Resolution - Code Enforcement CaJe No, 71014-034}. Record Owner - Thoma~ J & Lori Mancy JR Lien Reaolution - Code Enforcement Case No, 71016-070. Record Owner - DiMarco & DiMarco [nc. ~) ~) Lien Resolution - Code EnForcement Case No. '/1021-1L~ - Record O~vner - Boris & £mogene L. Pukay Lk-n Resolution. Code Enforcement Cate No. 710:~O-12J - Record Owner Sunbrella Home~ 27) Lien Resolution * Code Enforcement Case No. 71030-159 - Record Owner - Ram Yenture~ % Faco~neer Tile & Marble L~n Resolution. Code Enforcement Cole No. 71103-O91 - Record Owner- Anne Lcterme % loses Van Purte Lien Resolution - Code £nforcement Cate No. 71121-014 - Record Owner - Marion L. Johnson Lien Resolution - Code Enforcement Case No. 71124-047- Record Owner- Be~eriy Ann Coleman 29) Lien Resolution. Code Enforcement Case No, 71210-009 - Record Owner - Nathaniel & Chariie Mae Gray E~t ~o) Lien resolution- Code Enforcement Cate No. 7121~,-079 - Record Owner - Robert J & Leslie K Fredrickson Request to approve for r~cordlng the final plat of "Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phate Four", and apprava! of the Performance Security. Request to approve for recording the final plat of "Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Three", and approval of the Performance Security. PUBLIC WORKS 1) 2) Approve a Con~ent Order with the South l:~orida Water Management District (SFWMD) for permitte,'J encroachments into the Cocohatchee CanzL This item hat been deletrd. -~) This item hat been deleted. 4) Approval to renew Contract #9~-2430 for Engineering ServJce~, Bridge and Structure Repairs. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the acqulsltion of road right-of-way, sidewalk, slope, utility, drainage, maintenance and temporary construction easements and/or fee simple t~tle for the North Naples Roadway M,miclpal Service TazJng and Benefit Unit O.~ng~ton Road) from lmmokalee Road (C.R. 846) to the L~"._/Coiller Coonty Line, CIE ProJect No, 021. May 19, 1998 Accepttnce of a permanent draJuage easement from Sonmar of Naples, L.I-C. to replace I temporary drtinage eJ~ement. PUBLIC SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES I) 2) $) 4) Convert Emergency Management Technician (Permanent, Part-Time) to Full- Time Emerlency Management Position with Full Benefits. Award a Contrac~ to Candlto Management Group, lac. for Food and Beverage Conce~lon at the Main Government Complex and to Terminate the Agreement with the State of Florida, Dh4s~on of Blind Services. To Anthortze the Beard CTnairman to Sign a Memorandum of Understandinz for a Summer Youth Program__ Recognize Revenue and Expenses P~-tired and Senior volunteer Program Fund Appropriate Carry Forward la the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Fund (I 16). 6) 8) InterlocaJ Agreement between Collier County and the Dependent & Independent Fire Districts for Ba~ic Medical Training for FirefighterL Addendum to Cooperative Agreement with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Forestry and Collier County for Fire Protection. Approval of a Budget Amendment for Emergency Modifications and Additions to Ezltting Main Campus Chiller Plant. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR I) 2) Budget Amendment Report Apprnval to procure grant writing ~erx-~ce~ through a c~tlve pu~hufng a~an gement L BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1) MISCELLANEOUS I'I'EMS TO F[L£ FOR RECORD ~ ACTION AS DIRECTED. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS COUNTY ATTORNEY 6 May 19, 1998 l) J. ALRPOitT AUTHOltlTY 17. ADJOIYaN INOUI]U~ CONCi:RNING CHANGgS TO TRg BOARD'S AGENDA SROITLD BE MADE TO THY, COUNTY ADMINl~--IOtTOlt~ OFfiCE AT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING MAY19~ ~99S_ ADD: FFEM 8(B)(3~ . APPROYE AN AMENDMENF OT SECTION 4 OF THE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT FOR CONTP, HCT NO. 97-2771; REMOVAL OF NON- SPECIFICATION MATERIAL FROM THE NHPI..F~ BF~CIt AND AUFHO~E svsvr.~s~oN OF THE coNTacT rn4~ U~L ~ ~VO OF THr. Sr.A rVRrL~ n~~ SEA~O~. tSrAFF'S REQVE~r). MOVE: ITEM 8(B)(D TO 16(B}(8~ - RECOM34END SPEED LIMIT CItAIVGES FOR THE ROADWAYS 13I THE GULF HARBOR SUBDII, TSION. (STAFF'S REQUEST). MOVE: ITEM 16(D~(6~ TO 8(D~($) . INTERLOCAL ~4GREEMENT BETN/EEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE DEPENDENT & INDEPENDENT FIRE DISTRICTS FOR BASIC MEDICAL TRAINING FOR FIREFIGHTERS. (COMMISSIONER NORRIS). MOVE: ITEM 166E1(2~ TO $tTDt'l) . .4PPROt/AL TO PROCURE GR/~FF WRFFING S£R~CES THROUG~ a CO0~r~ ~v~~a ~~a~~ (staFF's ~QU~. CONTINUE TO JUNE 2, 19911 MEETING: ITEM 16(D~(2~ AWARD A CONTRACT TO CANDITO MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC., FOR FOOD AND BEVERAGE CONCESSION AT THE MAIN GOVERNMENT COMPLEX AND TO TERMINATE THE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DIVISION OF BLIND SERVICES. (COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE). PROCLA MA TIO [ Emergency Medical Services Department Paramedic's and E.M T. 's provide medical care to victims of sudden life-threatening injuries and illnesses, often under stressful conditions and in high.rLrk situations, to save the lives of others; and Emergency Medical Servicex profexstonals must rapidly assess, manage, and effectively provide care in unpredictable situations requiring life and death judgments; and Emergency Medical Services professionals are often the first contact many residents and vi. ritor$ to A'aPleS/Collier County.hcn. e with the health care system, and these professtonal~ provide education, asses.rment, prevention, and referral services In addition to their emergency activitfe~r; and If/H£tLEAs, the residents and visitors of Collier Coun.ty benefit daityfrom the efforts of da'lled paramedics and emergency medical technicians; and IVttEREAs, It t~ critical that the general pub#c be made aware of understand, support and effec#vely use its local emergency medical services ~.. . system,, and I~I-IER~s, recognition Is due to all emergency medical service, rprofexMonals for their ?' ' .... ' :Y commissioners ' , t~,y8 be destgnatedas EMERGENCY MEDIC.4L SER PTCE$ H/EEK DONE AND ORDERED TtlI$19th Day of May, 1998. HAt l $ ~ BO~4RD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIO COLLIER COtlarl~ rr ~ ~ ,r~ ~ PROCLAMATION on May 2, 1996, the Golden Gate Community Center opened its doors on Saturday evenings from 9:00 p. nt . Midnight for at-risk youth and adults, men and women, ages thirteen and up, to watch and play basketball in a new program known as "Midnight Basketball of ,.qouthwest Florida "; and Midnight Basketball is a cooperative partnership with the Collier County Parks and Recreation Department and the Collter County Sheriff's Department; and this program offers at-risk youth a safe t~rven and an alternative to the streets on Saturday nights; and an average of seventy to one hundred at-risk youth and adults faithfully play basketball each week; and the Sheri. ff's Department recognizes a correlatfon between the Midnight Basketball program and the reduction of youth-related crime and arrests on Saturday evening~ in the Golden Gate area over the last t~vo years; and tVtfEREA& VVttEREA& Midnight Basketball also proves tl~at ~arlnerships with the private sector benefit the community a~ Ford Motor Company and lhe Cool Cruisers Club of Naples donated $16,000 towards the program O~er the last t~vo years; and these donationS give local at-risk youth an oPpOrtunity 1o see NBA basketball games, receive rewards earned for outstanding behavior In the communi~.,, and participate in national youth basketball totcrnaments; and I~7tEREAS, these donations also paid for a new state-of-the.art scoreboard utilized each week for games: and IVHEREA& on May 2$, 1998, the Golden Gctte Communiry ~enter lnviteS everyone to celebrate the two-year ;ttcce~s of the Mi?dnight Basketball program with a special eVdning of plan. led feStivals. NOW THEREFORE, bg Zt. Pr.°claimed by the Board of County COmmissioners of Collier CounCY, !~., oi;lda, that Saturday;':~ aY 23~ 19~g8 'be d~s~ ' ated as DONE AND ORDERED THIS 19 Day bfMa~ ~9982 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION~ COLLIER COUNTK FLORIDA BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AGENDA.ITl, no.=.~,t~. . PROCI, AMA we welcome the Rotary International Group Study Exchange Team.from Rotary International District 3870 Philippines to Collier County, Florida; and WHERE. AS, the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Group Study Exchange Program, has sent to us a team of five professionals who are visiting Collier County to study our Institutions and ways of life; and IVHE~, the team members will also observe the practice of their own professions and exchange ideas; and WttE~, the team is able to personally experience family lifestyles as they are hosted by Rotary Clubs of Collier Courity and given accommodation~ In local homes; and I~ItERE4S, the Rotary Foundation t~ a nonprofit corporation supported by Rotarians and others worldwide. Its objective is the achievement of world understa'nding and peace through international humanitarian and educational prograrrt~. NOW THEREFORE, be It pro.cJatrne'd ~'t~:. ~Board t~f ~. Commissioners of Cotlier .~:;,': .,,_ , .-. . .; , . County, £.1.~; ;that.T~da_),.3~arch 19, 1~8,'?~ designated as ROTAR Y~ TIO,.~L :" ' ....... · GROUP STUD Y EX~GE TF_.4M DA Y AGENDA no.S. ~-_~ HAY 19 19<J8 Pg. I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY cov v AGENDA FOR SUM Ry ~aa~na ~'0~ THE BO~ OF CO~~ COMMISSIONE~ ~D T~ COLLIER CO~~ PLANING COMMISSION. ~ To obtain the endorsement of the Board of County Commissioner~ (Board) relative to the tm:gosed policies and procedures for summary agenda items and procedun~ for Presentations before the Board ami the Collier County Planning Commission (CC'PC) of advertised public hearing agenda items. C-,9-,~IOERATIONS; Summary Agenda: Variou~ counties and municipalities throughout the State utilize the concept of a "summary agenda". It provides an expedited procedure by which the Board may hear ceftin advertised public hearing items. The following conditions are recommended as being precedent for inclusion of an agenda item on the summary agenda portion of'thc Board's agenda: ~ a recommendation for approval from staff; P public hearing iten~ r,~wiewed by ~e CCPC m~t ~ve a ~mo~ ~~tion for ~v~ by ~e CCPC of all m~ prat ~d voting; P no ~ or or~ obj~fio~ to O,~: it~ ~ve ~ r~v~ by ~ ~c C~C or ~c Bo~d, prior to ~e ~c~:t of~e BCC m~thg on w~ch the it.s ~ ~h~ul~ to be he~d; P no ~di~d~s ~ ~~ to ~ ~ ~sition to ~e it~. ~c ~~ ~ ~ ~ P~ to wo~ ~ follow: ~e Bo~ ~H h~ ~ve~is~ public he~~d~ ~t m~ ~e ~ve ~sit~ ~ly in ~e m~ing. ~e ~~ Mll s~ply o~ ~e public h~g ~ ~I~ for Bo~ di~ussio~ ~ clo~ ~e public h~ng ~d vote on &e ~ ~~ ag~ Ag~da it.s ~t do not m~ ~e ~a s~ fo~ ~ve, or by ~ of~y Co~ion~, c~ be mov~ "do~" ~n ~e S~ Agen~ ~nion of~e ag~& to &~l~ advertised po~on of the agenda. By hearing these summary agenda items at a point in time early in the meeting, staff and other interested parties (such as property owners, agents, consultants and the like) wi',l be bee to mmm to their normal duties rather than waiting until some point later in the day when the item might otherwise be heard. This is especially significant for staff assigned to off-campus locations such as Community Development. Items on the summary agenda would not necessarily be limited to land use petitions, but could include any advertised public hearing item. Recommended procedures for summary agenda items are as follows: Thc Chairman will open the public hearing for the Summary Agenda; If there is any written opposition which has been received since the executive summar/packet was submitted or if anyone has registered to speak (prior to the opening of the public hearing for the summary agenda) or if any commissioner wishes, the item will be removed from the summary agenda and placed under the appropriate portion of the regular agenda; After all such items have been presented in this fashion, the Chairman will open the public heating on all Summary Agenda items. At this point the Board may discuss any or all items on the summary agenda. Disclosure ofex-parte communication should occur at this time; After discussion, the Chairman will close the public heating and the Board, with a single motion, will approve the entire summary agenda. Policies and Procedures for Presentation Before the Board: Attached hereto is Exhibit "A" of a ch'aR resolution establishing policies and procedures governing presentations before the Board and the CCPC. These procedures are intended to promote an efficient and equitable public forum for presentations and comment on public heating items, including quasi-judicial hearings, consistent with Board direction and the requirements of law. Once the Board has endorsed these policies and procedures, they can be distributed to all persors scheduled to appear before the Board. Additional means may also be used to make st::ff, consultants and the public in general, aware of these procedures. FISCAL IMPACT; The summary agenda will have a positive impact on staff productivity by reducing time spent in Board meetings waiting for a particular item to be heard. This more efficient use of time will result in a beneficial fiscal impact on the County. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT; Both the summary agenda concept and the Procedures for Presentations Before the Board of County Commissioners are consistent with the provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. AG 1' RECOMM~NDATIO ~l~li_That the Board of County Commissioners adopt as policy, the attachod proccdur~ for summary agenda items and ~pprove the attached r~solution adoptin~ Procedures for Presentations Before the Board of County Commissioners and the Collier County Planning Commission. PREPARED BY: ko~x~ s. Mu~x. te, ~C~, P~/~ir~ctor Date: REVIEWED BY: · .,., ..I~ ?? S~m M. Sudeh, Ass,start! to the County Admm/st~tor / mct'~ A C~ut~,~. AICP. Admmmr-ator Commtmi~, l~velopment & Environmental Service~ D,vid C. Weigel, County Date: MAY 1 9 1998 Co ~ Members of the public may register to speak op s under the Public Comment portion of the Board of County Commissioner,s (Board) agenda. The number of speaker~ permitted to register under public conunent on any given agenda shall be limited to a maximum of five, unless the Chairman recognizes additional speakers. I. Soeaker Remslratio,3: Individuals wishing to speak to the Board under public comment at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of County Commissioners shall register to speak in writing on the form provided by the County prior to the public comment portion of the agenda being called by the Chairman. a) Public Comment: !. Maximum $ minutes per speaker. Public Petition_~: Public Petitions are limited to a single speaker. In general, the Board will not take action on public petition items on the day the petition is presented, but may direct staff to take action, or bring back the item to the Board at a future date for consideration. The County Administrator may defer scheduling a public petition for a reasonable period of' time in order to allow sufficient time for staff'to review the content and thus prepare for questions fi.om the Board. I. ~ Individuals wishing to make a public petition to the Board of County Commissioners shall present such a request in writing to the County Administrator a minimum of 13 days prior to the Board meeting date on which the public petition is rtquested to he hearcL The written request shall include the name(s) and address(e~) of all petitioners, including a primary contact r. ame, address and telephone number, and shall state the nature of the petition, including any exhibits and/or back up material which may be pertinent to the petition. II. ~ Maximum 10 minutes per speaker. ,~dvcrtised Public Hcaringtl For procedural purposes, advertised public hearings t'all into two categories: those which are quasi-judicial in nature; and other types oradvenised public hearings, including those which are legislative in nature. I. Oua~i-,Iudi¢ial Public FIearing!is. MAY 1 9 1998 a) b) Purvose and lr~te~[ The Board has prepared these rules in an attempt to encourage public participation during quasi-judicial hearings in a manner consistent with the requirements of law. As part of that effort and within the confines of the law, the Board intends its hearings to be informal while recognizing the need for certain structure to maintain orderly hearings. Notwithstanding the procedures established by resolution, the Board may modify these procedures to effectuate the effective presentation of evidence. Avvlicabiliw Of these Procedut¢~.: (1) Oua~i-ludicial Proceedings. These procedures apply to all quasi-judicial proceedings heard by the Board and the CCPC regardless of the capacity in which the Board is sitting. Quasi-$udicial actions concern the implementation of policy, which has already been set, and affording the Board, and in some instances the CC'PC, limited discretion in deciding whether to approve or deny a land use p~mit. These include land use actions which have an impact on a limited number of persons or property owners on identifiable part/es and interests, where the decision is contingent on a fact or facts arrived at from distinct alternatives presented at a hearing. Examples of quasi-judicial proceedings include but are not limited to: site specific rezonings (provided they involve po/icy implementation); development of regional impact hearings; conditional use permits; variances; boat dock extension petitions; and administrative appeals. c) (2) Legislative Proceedimrs. Utilization of these procedures by the Board or the CCPC when sming in a legislative capacity does not change the character of the legislative proceeding nor does it confer any additional rights or remedies upon any person or party. Prc-Hearine Subr~irta]$: (I) (2) ~. An applicant (as defined in the Collier County Land Development Code) shall make application as provided in the procedures established for :he individual decision being requested. $~ff/A£encv Recommendatigq' To the extent that the applicable procedure requires a staff review and written recommendation to be presented to the Board, such wriRen recommendation shall be completed and available for public inspection no later than ten calendar days prior to the hearing before the Board. (3) Written Prest~.tation. No later than one week prior to the scheduled public hearing before the Board, Lay applicant, proponent, or opponent may submit any written arguments, evidence, explanations, studies, reports, petitions or other documentation to staff for intended consideration by the Board in support of or in opposition to the application. In order to be included in a Board or CCPC Agenda packet, any written arguments, evidence, explanations, studies, reports, petitions or ot~er documentation must be submitted to the appropriate staff no later than three to the scheduled hearing before the respective body. MAY 1 9 1998 d) submissions, not including pictorial displays (maps, graphs and the like) must be on 8-1/2 x I l-inch paper. No written materials will be accepted by the Board at its hearing unless, at the Board's discretion, acceptance is necessary to decide the issue. Writ'ten comments submitted shall be consi&red and entered into the record of the meeting in accordance with subsection C. I. dX4) below. Public Heacimzs before the Board or the CCPC:r (1) General. It is the expectation that the hearing will be informal. All members of the public who address the Board or the CCPC shall utilize the speaker's podium to allow their comments to be recorded. Each speaker shall state his or her name and address for the record. Additionally, speakers shall indicate whether they are speaking on behalf of themselves or others. (a) Time Limitation Guidelines~ It is expected that presentations will be organized and efficiently presented. As a guideline to presentations, in addition to the written comments submitted as part of the preliminary record, it is expected that persons of the following sums will prepare their discussions and comments to be completed within the prescribed time limits: Staff shall be responsible for presenting the case on behalf of Collier County and shall limit their presentations to twenty (20) minutes. o The applicant shall present his or her entire case in twenty {20) minutes. Expert wimesses shall be limited to ten (I0) minutes each. Persons who have been authorized to represent an organization with five (5) or more members or a group of five (5) or more persons should limit their presentation to ten (I0) minutes. It is expected that others in the organization or group waive their time. All other persons may speak for a maximum of five (5) minutes each. No speaker may give his or her time to any other speaker. At the discretion of the Chairman, the t/me allowed for any speaker may be extended. Cb) register with the County Administrator on the tom: Five (5) or more persons deemed by the Board to be together or otherwise represent a common point of Retfistrafion of Sogak~-.r~. Persons who desire to speak on an item shall, prior to the item being called to be heard by the Chairman, provided. MAY ! 9 1998 (2) proponents or opponents on any item may be requested to select a spoke~erson. ..Order and Subiect of Appearance~ To the extent possible, the following shall be the order of the proceeding: (a) .l:~'eliminary Statement. The Chan'man shall read a preliminary statement once at the beginning of the quasi-judicial hearing portion of the agenda outlining the procedure, which shall be followed. Co) (c) Sworn Testim n. The applicant, staff, and all witnesses requesting to speak shall be collectively sworn. A~eement with StaWs Recomm~datjor~. If the applicant or agent of the applicant agrees with staWs recommendation and wishes to waive his or her right to an cvidentiavy hearing, and if no commissioner or anyone bom the audience wishes to speak for or against the quasi-judicial agenda item, the Board may vote on the item based upon staWs presentation and the materials in the agenda back-up. (d) !.nitial presentation by Staff. County staff shall make the initial presentation to the Board regarding any item under consideration. After completion of the staff presentation, the Board may make inquiries of staff at this time. An applicant or appellant may ask questions of, or seek clarification from, staff by request through the Chairman at the time that party makes its initial presentation to the Board. (e) Applicant's Presentations. After staff presentation, the applicant(s) shall be allowed to make a presentation to the Board based on the time limitation guidelines outlined in the preceding subsection (d) (I) (a), above. During and after the applicants' presentation, the Board shall have an opportunity to comment or ask questions of or seek clarification from the applicant. The Board may also allow staff to comment, ask questions or seek clarification from the apphcant(s) at this time. (f) (g) Sea~. A~er Board and staff inquiry of the applicant, speaker~ shall be allowed to speak based on the time limitation guidelines outlined in the preceding subsection (d) (1) (a), above. Dm-~ng ;md after a ~peaker's presentation, the Board shall have an opportunity to comment or ask questions of or seek clarification from such speaker. The Board may also allow staff to comment, ask questions of or seek clarification from speakers. Staff Resz, onse and Summap~. The staff shall be allowed an opportunity for response to the presentations by the applicant, proponents and opponents and a summary with any position a~er consideration of relev;mt public commen (3) (h) Co) and opponents who believe that the staffresl>onse includes errors of fact or law may ask for and may be allowed an oppormn/ty to point out such errors of fact or law. (i) Am>licant's Rebuttal Presentatiol~. Applicant's rebuttal shall be allowed only on items where there is an applicant other than the Board or Board staff. After staff response, the applicant shall be allowed an opportunity for rebuttal Rebuttal shall be limited to five (5) minutes unless otherwise set by the Board. Rebuttal shall only address previous comments. 0) (k) o Staff, who believe that the rebuttal presentation includes an error of fact or law, m~y ask for and may be allowed an opportunity to point out such error of fact or law. Board and Staff Inoui~. After all lXeSentations have been made as outlined above, the Board shall have a final opportunity to comment or ask questions. The Board may allow staff to respond to comments prev/ously made at this time. Limit on Presentationn. No person who has made a presentation for or against an item at a given meeting shall be allowed to make additional comments, unless requested to do ~o by the Board. Closin~ 9f public Commtmt In those matters on which public comment is heard by the Board, the Chairman shall close the public comment portion of the meeting (on that item) upon the conclusion of the last speaker's comments or, in the Board's discretion, if no new relevant information is being presented. No additional public comments shall be allowed, except in specific response to questions by members of the Board. Miscellaneous Itemsl (a) ~jn~ Record/S~,kers Oualificat/onS. The Clerk to the Board (' Clerk") shall maintain a file with the most recent copies of restm, aes prev/omly filed with the Clerk by county staff presenters. All other persons testifying on issues requiring educational, occupational and other experience who wish to be qualified as experts shall submit their qualifications in wr/tten form for the Board's approval to speak as eXlx"'rt wimesses. Oreanizat/onal or Grouo Soeaker~j Prior to presenting his/her case, any person representing an organization or other persons shall /ndicate, in writing, the organization or group he/she represents and how he/she received authorization to speak on behalf of such organization or group of persons. The Board may make further inquiry into the represented authority of such person if necess~y. ^O~O.~Vi~ MAY 1 9 1998 (c) ta' vi c. Notwithstanding any provisions herein, any Board member may interrupt any presentation that contains matters which need not be considered in deciding the matter then before the Board for consideration. At any Board proceeding, the Chairman, unless ovem:led by majority of the Board members present, may restrict or terminate presentations which in the chairman's judgment are frivolous, unduly repetitive or out of order. (4) (d) u'P-~i/~. Notwithstanding other provisions hereof, the Board may allow any elected or appointed public official, or representative thereof, to appear and make presentations at any time with regard to matters under consideration. (e) Continued Public Hearings. In any matter where it is known that a scheduled public heanng will be continued to a future date certain, the staff report may be abbreviated and public comment may be limited to those persons who state that they believe they can not be available to speak on the date to which the public hearing is being continued. Such persons may make their comments at the current meeting; prov/ded, however, that upon making their comments, such persons shall waive the right to repeat or make substantially the same presentation at any subsequent meeting on the same subject. This waiver shall not preclude such persons from making different presentations based on new information or from offering response to other persons' presentation, if otherwise allowable, at any subsequent meeting. _The Recgrc~ (a) .Automatically I~fluded in the Recqi-,_I: The following documents shall automatically be included in the record of the hearing before the Board: (I) (2) rhe record from any preliminary bearing, the agenda oacket, the staff report, and the transcript of the hearing before the Board; Written comments and documents previously entered into the record at a prior Board meeting on the particular matter. Co) tJgms Which Shall Be Placed in thc R¢cord~ Any additional documents, exhibits, diagrams, petitions, letters or other materials presented in support of, or in opposition to, an item to be considered by the Board shall be entered into the record, as long as it was received by the Board's Clerk or the applicable Collier Cocmty department seven (7) days prior to the date of~ MAY 1 9 1998 (c) Additional Evidence. Except pursuant to subsection C) (3) above, Written Presentation, any additional written or documentary evidence filed within seven (7) days of the date of the hearing shall not become parx of the record. (d) Custodiall, The Clerk shall be the official custodian of the record. (e) [.tilibJ~. Unless an oversized exhibit is absolutely essential, documentary paper or photographic exhibits should not exceed 24 inches by 36 inches and, if mounted on a backboard, shall be removable therefi'om. Ali documentary evidence should be capable of being folded and filed. II. Other Public Hearinis; The following rules apply to advertised public hearings other than those which are quasi-judicial in nature, including those advertised public hearings which are legislative in nature. a) Pre-HeannR Submittals: (1) Am~licativrl. An applicant (as defined in the Collier County Land Development Code) shall make application as provided in the procedures established for the individual decision being requested. (2) Staff/A~ncy R¢commendati9rl. To the extent that the applicable procedure requires a staff review and written recommendation to be presented to the Board, that written recommendation shall be completed and available for public inspection no later than ten calendar days prior to the hearing before the Board. (3) Written Presentation. No later than one week prior to the scheduled public hearing before the Board, any applicant, proponent, or opponent may submit, in support of or in opposition to the issue which is the subject of the advertzsed public hearing, any written arguments, evidence, explanations, studies, reports, petitions or other documentation to staff for intended consideration by the Board. All grit'ten submissions, not including pictc.rial displays (maps, graphs and the like) must be on 8-I/2 x I l-inch paper. b) Public Hearing: (1) General. All members of the public who address the Board shall utilize the speaker's podium to allow their comments to be recorded, and shall identify themselves by name and local addresses, if applicable. Further, any speaker speaking on behalf of an organization or group of individuals (exceeding five) shall indicate such and shall cite the souxce of such authority whether by request, petition, vote, or otherwise. (a) Time Limitation Guideline. It is expected that presentations will be organized and efficiently presented. As a guideline to presentations, in addition to the written comments pan of the preliminary record, it is expected that MAY 1 9 1998 /0 (2) following status will prepare their discussions and comments to be completed within the prescribed time limits: Staff shall be respons~Ie for summarizing the item for the Board and shall limit such presemation to a maximum of twenty (20) minutes. For advertised public hearing items (other than those wkich arc quasi-judicial /n nature), where there is an applicant other than the Board of County Commissioners or raft, following th~ staff summary of the item the applicant will have an opportunity to make a maximum (1 O) mim~e presentation. Persons who have been authorized to represent an organization with five (5) or more members or a group of five (5) or more persons should limit their presentation to ten (10) minutes. It is expected that others in the organization or group waive their time. All other persons may speak for a maximum of five (5) minutes each. 5. No speaker may give his or her time to any other speaker. At the discretion of the Chairman, the time allowed for any speaker may be extended ,5Jgaker Relristratiorl. Persons, other than staff and the applicant (where applicable), wishing to speak on an adverti~d public hearing item shall, prior to the item being heard, register with the County Administrator on the forms'provided. Five (5) or more persons deemed by the Board to be associated together or otherwise represent a common point of view, as proponents or opponents on any item may be requested to select a spokesperson. Miscellaneous lterrlt; (a) Orea.qt;,ational or Grotto Soeake-L~. Prior to making his/her comments, any person representing an organization or other persons shall indicate who be/she represents and how he/she received authorization to speak on behalf of such organization or group of persons. The Board may make further inquiry into the represented authority of such person if necessary. Notwithstanding any provisions herein, any Board member may interrupt and/or stop any presentation that discusses matters that need not be considered in deciding the matra- then before the Board for consideration. At any Board proceeding, the Chairman, unless overruled by majority of the Board mem~ ~ ~:~~ 8 I~AY 1 9 1998 restrict or terminate presentations which in the chairman's judgment are frivolous, unduly repetitive or out of order. (c) Public O~i~l~;. Notwithstanding other provisions hereof, the Board may allow any elected or appointed public official or representative thereof, to appear and make presentations at any time with regard to matters under consideration. (d) Continued Public Hearine~. tn any matter where it is known that a scheduled public hearing will be continued to a future date certain, the staff report may be abbreviated and public comment may be limited to those persons who state that they believe they cannot be available to speak on the date to which the public hearing is being continued. Such persons may make their comments at the current meeting; provided, however, that upon making their comments, such persons shall waive the right to repeat or make substantially the same presentation at any subsequent meeting on the same subject. Other Agenda It.ems Before thc Board: In addition to public hearing, public comment and public petition items, with the approval of the Board, members of' the public may speak on other Board agenda items. Rel~istration: Persons wishing to speak on agenda items other than advcrtiscd public hearing items, public comment on general topics and public petition itcms, shall register to speak on the form provided by the County prior to the item being called by the Chairman to be heard. II Time Limiqi: Where the Board has requested or otherwise authorized public input on agenda items other than public hearing, public comment on general topic, or public petitions items, speakers will be limited to a maximum of 5 minutes. 9 RESOLUTION 98- A ILESOLUTiON ESTABLISI-~NG PROCEDURES FOR PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC CObfMENT BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIONERS AND THE COLLIER COUNTY PI.ANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of Commissioners (Bo~d), as the duly elected gov~-rning body for Collier County, holds regularly scheduled public hearings lo discuss, rtwiew and act upon items of concern to and affecling the residents of Collier County; and Ia, TIEREAS. the Collier County Pla'ming Commission (CC'PC), serving as the local plaa~xing agency and the land dev¢lopmem regulation commission u ttquited by F.S. §§ 163.3174 and 163.3194. holds reguLuly scheduled public heatings to discuss, rrview, act upon a~d make recorru'nendafions to the Board relative to items of concern to and affecting the ressdents of'Collier County; and 9,TI£REAS. included in these items may be advertised public hearings ora qua~i- judicial or legislative naru~; and W'H~REAS. the public may wish to comment on these items scheduled tot consideration before the Board ot the CL"'PC; arid WHEREAS. in order to maintain, equity, decorum ~d order at these regularly scheduled public hearings, it is ncceuary to es~blish standard procedures for presentations md public commem before the Board and the CCTC; aAd Wti£F I:'AS, the Bo~xl has pr~p~d these rules in a~ attempt to encourage public participation during ~dvertised public hearings, including quui-judicial htarings, in · mann~ comistent with the requirements of law. NOW, TH~OR~ BE Fl' RESOLVED BY ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMI~ISSION~RS OF COLLIF.~ COLrNTY, FLORIDA ttat: The Board of' County Commissionen declares that ~h¢ procedures s~ forth, attached bere~o, md incotpomed by tefe~,nce herein u Ex. hibit A, applicable to the MaY 1 9 1998 Board ~d thc Collier County Planning Commission ss stated in ~aid Exhibit. are fair and r~ble, md ~'e hereby ,dopted. BE IT FURTHER ILESOLVED that this Resolution relating to procedures for Board and CCPC presentations and public commcm b¢ r~eorded in the minutes of this This Resolution agopted m%r motion, s~r.,ong ~ majority vot~ favoring ssme. Do~e this day of , l~gS. ATTEST DwiSht E. Brock. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Barbara B. Berry, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: David C. Weige~. C-O-~ Attorney MAY 1 9 1998 FACSI2HILE COVER TO: · ro c~ ~ OR Xla, oirr ~R m TRANS~flS~O~ MAY ! 9 1998 , .~. 15_ o o AND ZONING PUBLIC HEAR/NG ITEMS - OCTOBER 14, 1997 PlamUal C~ i~mda~to~: Al:la~.l. ~ (9/17/97). "R.3- O,f~-Fm~ib, rash Demie2,) DisUtm ~o "DH" (Budae. ~) sad "C-I' (~ma~"~n0 ~¢:a q~4A atann kn:atacl in th~ 3100 bloc~ of$.W. ~ MAY 1 9 1998 . ~.) 3:cx~l dLstt~ on tl~'oxLma~ly4~.~ acres ~ tn th4 200QO bk~k of $.W. C~ Rmsmsm~ndattons ~to A. Rmt 21,199"/to allow ~~ of ststr~ .~tiea~., s-0 (7/16/9'/). ~J~ ~aff's f;nd~s sad conditions l~'u~ku ~4ar4 A~n~ ~ ~ October 14, I~7. 4=0 (~. - ,.,,,~ ~,. w./Ln:mr I~ced, ~ 1 ~,.mil,~ w~st of~. F',.e~..u Beerd AcCbu: ~ ~o S~,umbedOaober nxdnf o,/~le, ~-o MAY 1 g 1998 · 41810 ~ E. Summers Lew~ Brawn Cha~'fes C'Jw~t fit Chuck Clcm~ AG~DA ~~k CO~ CO--ION CO~ A~~~ON ~IC BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE. P.~. Sox 2~77 · ~',.~in~'v~i~, Flotfda 32602-2 (352) $~'~5 L j : OCTC)Bi:~. 14, Jg,Je/ , 6:00 p.m. REGULAR MA1"~I~ to mi qumd4m, o4mk ~ of' coaunmU tomb md to rasped to ebtt cemmem, or p~mmmbm od'eCd~ or ether s~ ~ ~ or rupead to m~ ~ ~ AIl pmum wlto pnomt wrlmm tatum'bls to Cma=bdmers br amsida,~ mufmmru tluf a copy ofthoau ~ b i)rm~bd m tim Chrk ret bcfu,~ b th no,mS's roco,.d or ~,.ocmfbp md oaMd ,,b,m. PP. GCEX)URI~ irOR DISCLOSURE O~P EX.PAIFFB ~IC. AI~ON 12 MAY 1 9 1998 A rUTaeSt try BuflSni~m & AfooeJifnl, ~ for Cmnlim Land Corporstion. ewuer, to rum, from 'BRw (Retad Sales and Ssrvfem), "lie:l" (Mnlti. rmmLly Me,Sum D,s,slty), ~ -n-3" (MsiS. ltmsd7 m~ D. mfty) nsm4m to 'BIT' (Bm nlsbw~) and 'C- 1" (Cm, mrvm~) Dtm",m a..~lx'ed..i~ 4.4 mr. loem~ ;., the 3100 bleek ef $.W. ^rchtr Road. (T. oemzd tn the U~m krvie~ ArBL) St, fl l~commeud~Com Approvd. IL OLD BUS~. I~GULAR ITEMS~: ~ apsrt for Wm~a Cenmm,~m Co., [nc.~vner. to r~mv a ~ U,, Proart (ZO&~ O.~} for ~ ,~! fgtln[ ia -- "A' (Ap~lmr~) smsiq dlstrkt m appruimaldy 41.~ nf2u iocatsd in the 20000 block of S.W. Arr. b~ Roed~ sMw~nnst~y !,,4.mib, west of Archer. Staff {{~,mmtd.~tion: Approval w;th sx. rised conditions. PJan~inf Commifsjom ruotutSon or ham betwem mffimd applka~ S.0 Pr'evkms Board Actlom I:)ere. m~ to October, 14, log'/, MAY 1 9 1998 mdt., ~ I ~ 4.1 (~ W,,,em ~ 14 MAY 1 9 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT CHANGES FOR THE ROADWAYS IN THE GULF HARBOR SUBDIVISION. II · Ill i~[L.[~.~13~: Notification that speed limits for the roadways in the Gulf Harbor Subdivision b~ changed from 30 MPH to 25 MPH in conformanc~ with Board action on August 6, 1996 and R~solution 96-340, allowing residential roadway reductions to 25 MPH. CONSIDERATIONS: Based on findings of a study initiated by residents of the Gulf Harbor subdivision and submission of petitions in favor of the speed reductions, the entire contiguous roadway network of the area known as Gulf Harbor was reviewed for safe and reasonable speeds. As a result of this engineering review, the establishment of 25 MPH speed limits on (1) Pan-Am Avenue; (2) Park Avenue; (3) Glendale Avenue; (4) Venetian Way; (5) Belaire Court; (6) Rainbow Court; and (7) Grand Canal Drive, is recommended and supported by the Transportation Services Department. A total of five new signs will be required to provide adequate notice to motorists. These sign installations will be accomplished during routine work within the area. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of $300.00 (five signs at $60.00 each), as outlined above, is available in the Road & Bridge Fund (101-163630-653710). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: 25 MPH maximum speed limits for the listed residential roadways. BY: ~~ REVIEWED BY: ~ ~'-Ed Ilschner, Public Works Administrator That the Board of County Commissioners approve the establishment of the DATE: .f'"/" ~']' DATE: RC./lm~0191/E$ Hatb~' Sut~di,tiskm xlo,c AHachmc~ts No. 1. Location Map 2. Roadway Analysis 3. Petition HAY 1 .~ 1998 TW.~ C'T 7 _/ Il %1 Il , · ATTACHMENT NO. I TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SECTION RO,CLDWAY AI~LYSI$ FOR SPEED REDU~ON SUBJECT: ROADWAY: Roadway Inspection for the purposes of evaluation requirements for local road speecl reduction from 30 mph to 25 mph per resolution 96- 340. / EVALUATION DATES: EVALUATION FACTOR~,'~ 1. LocaIResldentlalStreet 2. Road Width (less than 24 FD 3. Right-of-way Cross-Section (Set Backs) 4. Sidewalks or Bike Facilities 5. Road Length (Longer than ~ mile) 6. Sight Distance (250 FD 7. Special Geometrlcs 8. Existing Traffic Volume 9. Traffic Characl:erlstlcs (Thru Movements/ Cut-Thru Movements) 10. Pedestrian/Bike Actlvlt'y 11. Existing Signing and Markings Additional Findings and Recommendations: ANALY$~ (Yes/No/C:ommen~s) Date Scheduled for BCC Agenda: Date of BCC ApProval: Date of S.O. Notification: Date of Installation: Attention = Home owner's on Venetian Way We seem to have a speed problem on our street, endangering pet's children and pedestrian's . In order to receive a special permit to have a sign posted with a lower speed limit ( 25 miles per hour} we need the co-operation of the resident home owner's on the block to sign the attached petition Thank you, Please return to June O'Connell 1288 Venetian Way Naples, FI. {Gulf Harbor} I SUB JEer: ROADWAY: ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEi:)ARTIVI~NT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SECtiON ROADWAY ANALYSIS FOR SPE~ REDUCTION Roadway Inspection for the purposes of evaluation requirements for local road speed reduction from 30 mph tO 2S mph Der resolution 96- 340. oo EVALUATION DAll. I: EVALUATION FACTORS' 1. Local Residential Street 2. Road Width fless than 24 Ft~ 3. Right-of-way Cross-Sec'don (Set Backs) 4. Sidewalks or Bike Facilities 5. Road Length (Longer than ~ mile) 6. Sight Distance (250 7. Special Geometrlcs 8. ExlstlngTrafflcVolume 9. Traffic Cl~aracterlsClcs cri~ru Movements/ Cut-Tl~ru Movements) 10. Pedestrian/Bike Activity 11. Existing Signing and Markings Additional Findings and Recommendations: ANALYSIS (Yes/No/Comments) Date Scheduled for BCC Agenda: Date of BCC Approval: Date of S.O. Notification: Date of Installation: June ^. O'CoancU 1258 Venetian W~v N~mplcs, FL 341 ! 0 · J"; ? '79~7 ,.,....r.l¥ ED ,JO' i iF.R COUNTY ! RAN~-~'~RTATION SV¢$. gl NOV 21 AM D 96 Petition for request of lower speed sign's ' i'RANSPoRTATiON D[pL''' DATE: , ACTION:. ~ ' m We have had a speed problem in the Gulf harbor area and have requested a special pezmit to have sign's posted on all street's with a lower speed rate (25 M P H) to make it safer for pedestrian's, Children and Pet's. We have already received the approval of all of the resident's on Venetian Way, and would need each block to sign also to enable us to have the issue brought up to the board at the Collier County Dept. of Transportation. I have contacted Mr. Richard Casey head of this Dept. and it was his suggestion that all blocks in this area be contacted to see if there is sufficient concern to have all street's included. I hope all the home owner's in the area will co-operate so we can have this matter taken care of. Thank you, MAY 1 9 1998 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SECTION ROADWAY AI~LYSIS FOR SPEED REDUCTION SUBJECT: ROADWAY: Roadway Inspection for the purposes of evaluation requirements for local road speed reductlon from 30 ml~h to 25 mph per resolution 340. ~YALUATION FACTORSj 1. Local ResidentlalSt~eet 2. Road Wldth ~less than 24 3. Right-of-way Cross-Section CSet Backs) 4. Sidewalks or Bike Facilities 5. ROad Length CLonger than ~ mile) 6. Sight: DIsblnce (250 Fl::) 7. Special GeomeCrlcs 8. Existing Traffic Volume 9. TraffiC Characteristics (Thru Movements/ Cut-Thru Movements} 10. Pedestrlan/Blke Activity 11. Existing Signing and Markings Additional Findings and Recommendations: (Yes/No/Comments) Date Scheduled for BCC Agenda: DaCe of BCC Approval: Date of S.O. NoUflcatlon: Date of Installation: Petition for request of lower speed sign's We have had a s~ed problem in the Gulf harbor area and have requested a special permit to have sign's posted on all street's with. a lower speed rate (25 M P H) to make it safer for pedestrian's, Children and Pet's. We have already received the approval of all of the resident's on Venetian Way, and would need each block to sign also to enable us to have the issue brought up to the board at the Collier County Dept. of Transportation. I have contacted Mr. Richard Casey head of this Dept. and it was his suggestion that all blocks in this area be contacted to see if there is sufficient conce have all street's included, rn to the area will I hope all the home owner' in of. co-operate so we can have this matter tak:n care /// . SUIJECT: ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TRANSPORTATION SEirflCES DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SECTION ROADWAY ANALYSIS FOR SPEED REDUCTION Roadway Inspection for ~e purposes of evaluation requirements for local road speed reducrJon from 50 mpl~ to 25 mph per resolution 96- 340. EVALUATION DATI$: EVALUATION FACTORS' 1. Local ResldenUalStreet 2. Road Width (less than 24 FI~ 3. Right-of-way Cross-Section Get Backs) 4. Sidewalks or Bike Facilities 5. Road Length (Longer than PA mile) 6. Sight Distance (250 Fl:) 7. Special Ceometrlcs 8. Existing TrafflcVolume g. Traffic Characteristics (Thru Movements/ Cut-Thru Movements) 10. Pedestrian/Bike ACtivity 11. Existing Signing and Markings Additional Findings and Recommendations: ANALYSIS Wes/No/Comments) Date Scheduled for BCC Agenda: Date of BCC Approval: Date of S.O. Notiflcat:lon: Date of Installation: Petition for request of lower speed sign's We have had a speed problem in the Gulf harbor area and have requested a special permit to have sign's posted on all street's with a lower speed rate (25 M P H) to make it safer for pedestrian's, Children and Pet's. We have already received the approval of all of the resident's on Venetian Way, and would need each block to sign also to enable us to have the issue brought up to the board at the Collier County Dept. of Transportation. I have contacted Mr. Richard Casey head of this Dept. and it was his suggestion that all blocks in this area be contacted to see if there is sufficient concern to have all street's included. I hope all the home owner's in the area will co-operate so we can have this matter taken care of. Thank you, MAY I 9 1998 ,,. ........ SUBJECT: ROADWAY: ATTACHMENT NO, 1 TRANSPOI~I'ATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT TRAFRC OPERATIONS SECTION ROADWAY ANALYSIS FOR SPEED REDUCTION Roadway Inspection for tho purposes of evaluation requlrement~ for local road speed reduction from 30 ml~h to 25 mph per resolution 96- 340. EVALUA~ON DA'IlS: EVALUATION FACTOR~ 1. Local Resident:Iai Street 2. Road Wldth (less than 24 FD 3. Right-of-way Cross-Section (Set Backs) 4. Sidewalks or Bike Facilities 5. Road Lengt~ (Longer than ~ mile) 6. Sight Distance (250 Ft~ 7. Special Geome~rlcs 8. Exisl:lng Traffic Volume 9. Traffic Characteristics (Thru Movements/ Cut-Thru MoYementa~ 10. PedestrlarVBIke ACtivity 11. Existing SIgnlng and Markings Additional Findings and Recommendations: ANALYS/S (Yel/No/Commentsl DaCe Scheduled for BCC Agenda: DaCe of BCC Approval: Date of $.O. Notification: Date of InstallaUon: Petition for request of lower speed sign's We have had a speed problem in the Gulf harbor area and have requested a special permit to have sign's posted on all street's with a lower speed rate (25 M P H) to make it safer for pedestrian's, Children and Pet's. We have already received the approval of all of the resident's on Venetian Way, and would need each block to sign also to enable us to have the issue brought up to the board at the Collier County Dept. of Transportation. I have contacted Mr. Richard Casey head of this Dept. and it was his suggestion that all blocks fn this area be contacted to see if there is sufficient concern to have all street's included. I hope all the home owner's in the area will co-operate so we can have this matter taken care of. ROADWAY: ATTACHMENT NO. I TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SECTION ROADWAY ANALYS~S FOR SPE~D REDUCTION Roadway Inspect/on for t~e purposes of evaluaUon requirements for local road speed reduction from 30 mpl~ to 25 mph per resolution g6- 340. EVALUATION DATES: EVALUATION FACTORS: 1. Local Resldentlal Street 2. Road Wlclth (less t~an 24 FD 3. Right-of-way Cross-Section (Set Backs) 4. Sidewalks or Bike FaclllrJes 5. Road Length (Longer t~an ~ rnile) 6. Sight DisTance (250 FI3 7. Special Geometrlcs 8. Existing Traffic Volume 9. Traffic Characteristics (Thru Movement~/ Cut-Thru Movements) 10. Pedestrian/Bike Activity 11. Existing Signing and Markings Additional Findings and Recommendations: (Yes/No/Comments] DaCe Scheduled for BCC Agenda: Date of BCC Approval: Date of S.O. Notification: Date of Installation: ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TRANSI::~RTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SECTION ROADWAY ANALYSIS FOR SPIED REDUCTION SUBJECT: ROADWAY: Roadway Inspectlon for the purposes of evaluation requirements for local road speed reductlon from 30 mph to 25 mph per resolution 96- 340. .. EVALUATION DATES: k'VALUATION FACTOR:~; 1. Local Residential S~reet 2. Road Width Cless than 24 FD 3. Right-of-way Cross-SecUon (Set Backs) 4. Sidewalks or Bike Faclllt:les 5. Road Length (Longer than ~ mile) 6. Sight Distance (250 Ft:) 7. Special Geometrlcs 8. Exlsl:lngTraffic Volume 9. Traffic Characl:erlstlcs (Thru Movement~ Cut-Thru Movements) 10. Pedestrian/Bike Acl:IvIW 11. Existing Signing and Markings Additional Findings and Recommendations:. ANALYSIS Wes/No/Comments) Date Scheduled for BCC Agenda: Date of 8CC Approval: Date of S.O. NotiFication: Date of Install3tlon: Petition for request of lower speed sign's We have had a speed problem in the Gulf harbor area and have requested a special permit to have signts posted on all street's with a lower speed rate (25 M P H) to make it safer for pedestrian's, Children and Pet's. We have already received the approval of all of the resident's on Venetian Way, and would need each block to sign also to enable us to have the issue brought up to the board at the Collier County Dept. of Transportation. I have contacted Mr. Richard Casey head of this Dept. and it was h~s sttggestion that all blocks in this area be contacted to see if there ~s sufficient concern to have all street's included. I hope all the home o~er's in the area will co-operate so we can have this matter taken care of. ~U ~_ ¥ Thank you, ~ ~v~w~ iHAY .' 9-19 8 J .... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REVIEW OF GATEWAY TRIANGLE STORMWATER MASTER RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPLEMENT ALTERNATIVES. PLAN AND ~ To present to the Board the findings of the Stormw'~ter Master Plan for the Gateway Triangle area and to obtain Board approval to proceed to initiate action for the construction of improvements under Alternatives No. I and 2. CONSIDERATION: In March 1997, Commissioner Para Mac'Kie spearheaded an initiative to encourage redevelopment of the Gateway Triangle area, previously referred to as the Davis Triangle area. The area is bounded on the north by Davis Blvd., on the east by Airport-Pulling Road and on the south by US-4I. The Redevelopment Project Study was completed by the County's Planning Deparunent and Design Studio West, a planning consultant As part of the Study, a series of workshops including the public and County staff were held at which drainage/flooding was identified as a major concern. Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. (CDM) was retained by the County Stormwater Management Department to provide a Conceptual Stormwater Master Plan to address drainage and flood control in the Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area. The purpose of the Conceptual Master Plan is to present alternatives to improve the drainage level of service within the study area. The Report was completed in February 1998 and is being provided to each Commissioner under separate cover. The Scope of Services for the Stormwater Master Plan Study included identifying the various drainage basins and sub-basins (See Fig. No. 3 -I in the Report). Based on complaint records, input from public meetings and observations during storm events, the Study also identified the chronic flooding problem areas as follows: · Property east of the existin~ pond, primarily Lizard Caf& · Kirkwood Avenue; Property fronting Davis Boulevard north of Wild Pines Apartments, primarily Naples Rent-All; · The Linwood ditch, especially property on Manorca Drive adjacent to the ditch; and; · Pelton Avenue at the intersection with U.S.41. The other issue the Study addressed involves the on-going F.D.O.T. US41 6-Laning Project. The storm drains within the US41 right-of-way are the major outlet for a good portion of the Gateway Triangle Area. The F.D.O.T. construction plans were reviewed by CDM to determine the adequacy of the numerous connections the US41 Storm Drain provides for offsite drainage. MM 1 9 1998 Three conceptual alternatives for improving the drainage conditions in the Gateway Triangle were developed and evaluated. Alternative No. I consizted of ~ maintenance to r~rtore the existing stormwater management system to its design capacity. Alternative No. 2 included recommendations ofcapital projects to address specific problem areas based on the existing land use. Alternative No. 3 is based on the projected future land use and includes capital projects to provide an improved level of service (10-year, 24-hour storm event) throughout the area. These alternatives each build upon the previous alternative so they can be implemented sequentially. The increased maiatenmce outlined in Altemativ~ No. I is recommended for immediate implementation. This will allow the ~yr~-m to provide the higheg level of service utili:,ing existing facilities. This alternative requires additional srmtzal maintenance by the County's Road and Bridge Section and will be a continuing annual cost. The e~timated mmual maintenance cost is $137,000 for the first year, then ~2,000 for subsequent years. (See page 4- 2 of Report) Alternative No. 2 can be implemented as one project to address problems in several areas. (See pages 4-3 and 4-4 of Report). A discussion of the recommended priority for these projects is provided below: The U.S. 41 storm drain modifications are also recommended for immediate implementation. The construction contractor, Archer-Western, can make these improvements as part of an on-going U.S.- 41 widening project. A significent cost savings will be realized by making these improvements during the U.S. 41 widening project. The negotiated cost for the upgrades is 5;23,120. (including contingencies = $24,600). Improvements to the existing pond (Pond 1) should be considered a high priority project. Flooding in the vicinity of the pond is severe and is being worsened by the filling in of the pond by adjacent prolx-rty owners. The estimated project cost is $90,000, excluding property acquisition. A number of properties along Kirkwood Avenue and the properties fronting Davis Boulevard experience flooding. The Kh'kwood Avenue improvements, new storage pond (Pond 2) and Kirkwood Avenue Extension improvements address flooding in this area and should be considered the next priority. The estimated cost for these projects is $515,000, excluding property acquisition and environmental rernediation costs. Of the two remaining projects, Pelton Avenue improvements ($160,000) and the Linwood ditch extension, the Pelton Avenue project would benefit more people thus, it is recommended before the Linwood ditch expansion. Other options to the Linwood ditch expansion include raising the low-lying home on Manorca Drive ($65,000). Total Cost Estimate for Alternative No. 2 - $852,000. (Se~ page 4..6 of Report). 2 Alternative No. 3 is based on the future land use scenario. ~ projects should be implemented as the ar~a undergoes major redevel~ The estimated cost for Altemmive No. 3 is $1.58 million in capital eom excluding property acquisition. (See page 4-11 of Report). CDM, as part of the Gateway Tdangle Redevelopment Project, has evaluated potential sources of total or partial funding for the project by grants or loans. They have reviewed each source relative to potential funding, timeliness of receipt of funding, and ease of procurement. CDM also reviewed many regional, state and federal agencies for potential funding of the Gateway THangle Project. The agencies identified are summarized below:. Regional Agencies · IVietropolitan Planning Organization · South Florida Water Management District/Big Cyprtss Basin State Agencies · Department of Community Affairs · Department of Transportation · Department of Environmental Protection · Executive Office of the Governor Federal Agencies · Army Corps of Engineers · Department of Housing and Urban Development · Environmental Protection Agency Based on the premise that there is a reasonable likelihood of obtaining some landing from other agencies and on the precedent established in the Naple~ Park Drainage Project and the proposed Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project, Staff has developed the following "Preliminary Proposal For Co~ Allocation" for the Gateway Triangle Stormwater Improvements: SEE TABLE ON NEXT PAGE: 3 4 FISCAL IblPACT: The total fiscal impact of all the proposed improvements is outlined in the "Preliminary Proposal For Cost Allocation". The total cost for the project wiIl be $2,571,300. $385,300 would be funded by property taxes (General Fund [001] and/or MS'ID General Fund [I11], $1,070,000 by grants and contributions, and $I,i 16,000 by property owners via MST/BU. For FY 97/98, ftmd in the amount of $24,600 to upgrade the connections to the US41 6-Laning Storm Drain and the $40,000 for partial consm~ction of the Kirkwood Avenue Extension Storm Drain are available in Reserves For Capital Outlay in Fund 325 Water Management CIP. Alternative No. I recommendation for increased maintenance of $137,000 for the first year should be comidered as an Expanded Service for the Transportation Departments FY 98/99 Budget. Alternative No. 2 recommendations to address known chronic flooding problem areas is estimated to cost $852,000. This request has been included as a priority item in the proposed FY 98/99 Budget for Fund 325-172989-31803. Implementation of Alternative No. 3 is dependent upon major redevelopment of the area ,a, ahich may not occur for :5 or I0 years. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATIQ~': following actions: I) Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners take the Approve in concept the Stormwater Master Plan prepared by Camp, Dresser & McKee for the Gatev,-ay Triangle area. 2) Approve in concept Staff's "Preliminary Proposal for Cost Allocation". 3) Authorize Staff to issue a Purchase Order to Archer-Western Contractors, Ltd. for the amount not to exceed $24,600 to upgrade the connections to the new US-41 6 - Laning Project Storm Drain. 4) Authorize Staff to proceed with the implementation of a portion of the Kirkwood Avenue Extension Storm Drain from Avondale Drive east approx. 600 feet to provide some temporary relief from a severe flooding problem for those commercial properties fronting Davis Blvd. near Naples Rent-All. The very preliminary estimate of cost of $40,000 includes special water qualiD' improvement structures that benefiting property owners will be requested to participate in funding in the mount of $15,000. 5) During the upcoming FY 9g/99 Budget review process, give serious consideration to funding Alternatives No. I and 2 as outlined in the aforementioned Fiscal Impact. 6) Authorize Staff to process the necessary Budget Amendments to implement Recommendations 3 and 4 above. SUBMITTED BY: ~/(~r'~ Date: ,.5"-~'"5~0~ Jol~ H. B~ldt, P.E., P.S.M., Stormwater Management Director APPROVEDBY~g~~t~;~ Date: ~'--'//-~'oO Ed llschn'&, Public Works Administrator Doc: EX-003 ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ESTOPPEL LETTER SERVICE AND ESTABLISHING A FEE FOR SUCH SERVICE TO PAY FOR THE PROVISION OF INFORMATION REGARDING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, FINANCED WATER AND SEWER IMPACT FEES, AND WATER AND SEWER CONSUMPTION CHARGES OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the adoption of a resolution authorizing an estoppel letter service and fee. The fee will cover the cost of personnel time and material to provide requested information on certain propeR[as in Collier County that are in the process of being sold, refinanced, traded or otherwise undergoing a change in title. CONSIDERATIONS: The Department of Revenue Services is responsible for the maintenance of special assessment rolls and for the collection of all monies due to the County for special assessments approved and authorized by the Board of. County Commissioners. In addition, among other Board directed functions the department is responsible for the administration and collection of all financed water and sewer impact fee receivables as well as the monthly billing and collection of water and sewer consumption charges. Individuals, title companies, real estate companies and attorneys involved in real estate transactions need and require accurate payoff information regarding special assessments, financed impact fees and water consumption as of the closing date of the transaction. In most transactions, this information is included on the closing documents. The department has created and uses an 'estoppel letter" format. Blank copies of this estoppel letter have been provided to those entities (realtors, attorneys, title companies, etc.) involved in real property transactions. These entities fill in certain information concerning real property involved in a transaction and fax the copies to the Department via a dedicated fax line. Staff researches departmental records, fills in the appropriate balances that will be due as of the closing date identified and faxes the completed estoppel form back to the requesting party. This function provides a significant benefit to the service industry involved in real property transactions. However, there is a cost (human and material resources) to the County to provide this service. The number of real estate transactions in the County exceeds 17,000 annually. The annual transaction count (17,000) includes condominiums and incorporated area transactions which account for approximately one-fourth (1/4) of the total or 4,250. 1998 The Department is currently processing an average of 90 estoppel letters per day or 24,000+ annually. The difference between actual transactions recorded in the real property records and the Department volume processed can be attributed to: 1. Closing dates can and often do change, requiring additional estoppel letters; 2. Users of the service are requesting the information initially when the propert~ is listed and again when a closing date is established. 3. Many homes are being refinanced due to Iow interest rates. Time required to research, record appropriate information, and fax the completed Estopple form back.to the requester is approximately 7.0 to 7.5 minutes. Average staff time daily is in excess of 10.0 hours [(7.0 minutes x 90 letters) divided by 60 minutes] to process the current volume. Providing this service is approximately equivalent to one (1.2) F.T.E.'s. Although this service is not a primary function of the Department, the service does provide a significant benefit to those entities in Collier County involved in real properties transactions requiring closings. The County Attorney's Office has opined that the Board can assess a fee for the provision of these services. This charge can be imposed by the Board by resolution and does not require an enabling ordinance. Staff recommends a $2 per estoppel letter charge. Attached as Exhibit 2 is a schedule of the closing agents who use this service on average more than 10 times a month. There are many other users but they average less than 10 per month. Each user would be required to provide an initial deposit. Daily charges would reduce the deposit. Minimum balances would be established and faxed to each user of this service. A copy of the proposed rules and a sample of the proposed accounting ledger (spreadsheet) is attached as Exhibit 3. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Ncne FISCAL IMPACT: The imposition of this fee will generate cash flow for the County of approximately $40,000 to $48,000 annually, based on an annual volume of 20,000 to 24,000 estoppel letters. RECOMMENDATION: The Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approve the attached Resolution. 2. Approve a fee of $2 for each estoppel letter processed by the Department of Revenue; Prepared by.'~-~ ~.~ ~ ~___. ~,L~ ~- Para Callis, Revenue Supervisor De/~/rtm'ent of Revenue Reviewed by: ~_/~_//Z,:,.-,.~ ,~.'/ Teresa A. Riesen, Revenue Manager Department of Revenue Jbh~n A. Yonkos-ky~Director~...,....~ - Dep~rtrnent of4;~ue - Leo Ochs, Jr., Admini,,st'r~tor Support Services Div!si~n Date: Date: Date: 5"/i1',/~.,,~ RESOLUTION NO. 98.. _ RESOLUTION AUTIlORIZING .ES'FOPPEI. LETTER SERVICE AND ESTABLISI lING A FEE FOR SUCI I SERVICE. 2 e WHEREAS, The Collier County Department of Revenue (hereinafter 'department') is '/ responsible for maintenance of special asr, e:~$nK:nt rolls lu~l tm' thc co[h.'~lJun of all monie~ due the I County for special assessments approved and authorized b~ the Bo~u'd ofCounty CommiMJor,::s; and 9 WI IEI',t. EAS, The department is responsible for the administration and collection or all financed 10 ~,ater and sewer impact fee re~:eivables as v, ell as lhe monthly billing and collection of v, atcr and II consumption charges; and 12 WItEREAS, Individuals, title companies, real estate companies and attorneys involved in real ~3 estate transactions r~ed and require accurate payoff information regarding special assessments, financed ~.~ impact l~:es and water consumption as of tl~: closing date of the Imn:ia:tion. In mo~t transactions, this I~ hl[brmatiun is included un tjx: trmlsaction closing documents; aid 16 WI IEREAS. The department has created and uses an "estoppel letter" format (attach~,d 17 as Exhibit I ~1 and procedure. Ulank ~upics uf tl~.- estupp,:l letter Ibrm Im~¢ b~m pru%.ided to ~ those entities (realtors. attorne.,,s, title companies, etc.) in%ol%ed in real prupert~' transactions. ~'~ These entities fill in certain informat,un concerning individual real property, in~ol,.'ed in a 2u transaction on thc e'~tupp,.:l letter form~, and fax Ihe ~.'opK."~ lo I1~: LX.'pamn,:nt of Revenue via a 21 dedicated lelefax linc. Staffre~eat~h,:s dcp, a"tmcntal records, fill,, in the appropriate cuunty. 22 related balances that v, ill he duc as of t}~: ~.luslng date identified and I~xc's (transmits) the 2.t completed estoppel form back to the requesting pan)r; and 2,t WHEREAS, Although this service is not a primao' function of the department, the 2~ service docs provide a significant benefit to those entities in Collier County involved in real 26 properties transactions requiring closings; and 27 WHEREAS, The time, human resources, and material required by the department staff to 21 provide this estoppel letter service has a value and cost that.justly requires the imposition 29 reasonable, proportionate fee for said service. .10 NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY TIII~ BOARD OF COUNTY 31 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Board hereby ~uthorizes the 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 21 D~parunent of Revenue lo prcpa~ its own program and procedure to provide an "estoppel letter" s~rvio: for the persun~ and business intcresU rcquesling such service. IT IS FUR'I'tIER RESOLVED Ihal [JlC Department of Revenue shall t~iuJre and receive a rte ur Two Dolla~'s ($2.00) for each estoppel letter the department prepares Io pay for the costs ofcreafion and transmittal of said cstoppcl letter. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND STATED ~hat the estoppel letter documents m'e not recognized as o~cial records of this Board ot Collier Cmmty. and the Board for itself and the County disclaims any liability for any errors in the information provided in any esloppel letter and docs not warrant the accurac7 ofthe information provided al'mn:on. This Resolution adopted alter motion, second and rnojority vote Favoring same. Dated this ~ day of,May, 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: OF C'OLLIER COU,~TY. FLORIDA DWIGIIT E. BROCK. Clerk By: Deputy Clerk Approvcd as to form and legal sufficiency: Da,,id C. W¢ig¢l Cuunty Attorney By: BARBARA B. BERRY. Chairman Page 2 of 2 EXI:HBIT 1 PAGE 1 OF 2 ESTOPPEL LETTE NO COVER SHEET NEEDED WHEN FAXINC FAX - ~941 ~ 403-23 ~, Please comvlete the first ei~t lines and FAX to (941) 403-2312 - Please remember_ when faxin~_ throut, h your eom_outer it must be leei_ hie. ureferabiv trued not hand ~'Hften, lncomulete or ill~ible information will not be returned. Please tvoe folio number on the first and second ua~e !.) Name of person/company requesting information: 2.) Phone Number:. ;~.] Complete current property owner of record: Last Name First Name Complete Site Address: Fax Number ,Middle Initial 5.) 6.) Folio (must be eleven digits) & (please supply folio number on top of 2"d page) Number: Legal Description: ?.) Vacant Lot or Improved Lot (please check one) s.._L) Closing Date (extremely important) ASSESSMENTS(on property ta~'~iil - non-ad valorem) Current assessments(s) due on tax bill: (check with Tax Collector to see if paid) Make check payable to Collier County Tax Collector Remaining payoffamount: Make check payable to Board of County Commissioners Payoff good through: OTHER ASSESSMENTS (not on tax bill):. PAGE 1 EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 2 OF 2 FOLIO NI.~fBER (must be eleven digits),,, SOLID WASTE MANDATORY GARBAGE COLLECTiON(assessments 1991- 1996) Account Number(s):. Payoff Amount(s): Payoff good through:.,, Make check payable to Board of County Commissioners UTILITIES ('Water/Wastewater): Utility Account Number: Monthly Utility Amount Due: (last billed date~ (please be aware there may be a final bill not yet calculated) (above includes any past due financed Utility fee monthly payments) Financed Impact Fee PayoffAmonnt: _(must be paid in full at the time of closing. The impact fee is not assumable.) Payoff good through: Make check payable to Board of County Commissioners ..,. ,.,?uu~.u., recipient. 't ne ueparrment of Revenue Services of Collier County, r torma and its employees dtsclaim any HablHty for any errors In the Information provided herein and do not warrant the aeenracy of this Information. To assure accnracy, you should have an Independent search prepared by a qualified nbetrnet or title company or an attorney at law. The delinquent records for Collier o are open for inspection by anyone deslrin, to perform a scarch. ~ ~ II, AY · /,,.- ?_j DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 12, 1998 John A. Yonkosky Director/RSD Teresa A. Riesen Revenue Manager/RSD Estopple Letters EXHIBIT 2 PAGE I OF 2 As per your request, a 2 month study has been done on Estoppel Letters. Below is the information requested: Estoppel Letters average per week is 450 - average per year is 23,400. ~ Below is a list of the closing agents (title companies, attorneys, etc.) who use our services the most (at least 10/month). There are many others but they are under an average of 10/month. C_OMPANY NAME ACTON TITLE 150 ASSOCIATED LAND TITLE 43 APP. RESEARCH 14 BERRY & GEISEL 21 COLLIER TITLE 15 COLLIER COUNTY TITLE 33 CHEFFY 17 DUNN TITLE 45 EXECUTIVE TITLE 31 EQUITY TITLE 16 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE 43 FIRST TILE ABSTRACT 14 GUARDIAN 10 GOODLETTE/COLEMAN 18 GULFSHORE TITLE 42 ISLAND TITLE 95 KELLY PRICE 13 KRAMER 13 MARCO TITLE 23 $ AMT/MONTH $300 86 28 42 30 66 34 90 62 32 86 28 20 36 84 190 26 26 46 ~A~. NOA T ~q' I MAY l"/lgS8 i MORRISON/CONLEY 23 46 MIDWEST TITLE 132 264 METROPOLITAN 45 90 NOLD 25 50 PORTER/WRIGHT 22 44 PROGRESSIVE 10 20 QUARLES 10 2O RICHMAN/DEIFER 15 30 CHRIS ROCHE 20 40 RHODES 18 38 RUETZEL 17 34 SZEMPROCH 18 38 TROPICAL 29 58 WEBSTER 10 2O JOHN R WOOD WOODWARD/PiRES' 10 20 12 24 On a conservative average of 20,000 per year and at $2.00 revenue per year is $40,000. EXHIBIT 2 PAGE 2 OF 2 per letter expected Staff is proposing we ask for a $500 deposit for the larger companies, $300 deposit for the medium companies and $100 for the smaller companies. At the end of each day a spreadsheet will be filled out to reflect what accounts had used our services. We will let each customer know when their balance is getting Iow. Staff is also proposing that only businesses pay for the services, not individual residents of Collier County. TAR:pc EXHIBIT 3 PAGE 1 OF 2 FEE COLLECTION PROCEDURES FOR ESTOPPEL LETTERS 1. A $2.00/request charge for all Estoppel Letters. 2. DOR will collect a deposit from all customers of $100-500 (initial). 3. Spreadsheet to keep track of deposit and fees. 4. At end of month each customer will be faxed a sheet of usage. 5. Money will be accepted at any time of the month. 6. DOR will reserve the right to hold Estopple letters if an account has no money or will go into the negative. 7. Any outside customer (those not based in Collier County) will not be charged. 8. Any customers not in the business of closings will not be charged (private citizens). SAMPLE SPREADSHEET FOR TRACKING DEPOSIT BALANCES EXHIBIT 3 PAGE 2 OF 2 ',-Nov: ,~ov* 340 60~ 431 31 500: 550i 3r)ol 440' 37: ;0~ 35~ 90, 221 230; O ~OARD APPROVAL OF BUDGET A~ENDM~NT RECOGNIZING POSITIVE CARRY FORWARD VARIANCE IN THE POLLUTION CONTROL FUND {114) OBJECTIVE: Board approval of budget amendment recognizing positive carry forward variance in the Pollution Control Fund (114). CONSIDERATIONS: As part of the annual budget process, available carry forward revenue within each fund is projected. Variances in budgeted and actual carry forward are recognized via budget amendment. The Pollution Control Department has a positive carry forward of $108,230, due to field operations room/lab improvements that could not be completed in FY 96/97 and accrued salary and operational adjustments. It is recommended that the positive carry forward balance be appropriated as follows: $30,630 will be placed into reserve for contingency/contract administration reserves. $38,200 is required for building improvements including the completion of field operations room/lab. The purchase of additional computers/software to replace two 386, one 486 and three Mac computers based on the new County's Information Technology (IT) standards, since upgrades and repairs will not be cost effective, and to increase the minor operating equipment line item to include employee safety related Opurchases as recommended by the Department Safety Team. GROWTH MA~AGEMENT IMPACT: The budget amendment is consistent with and necessary to implement several objectives and policies including surface and ground water monitoring contained within the Conservation and Coastal Management element of Growth Management Plan. FISCAL iMPACT: Disbursement of Fund (114) carry forward in 114-919010-489200 by $108,230 as shown in the attached budget amendment. RECOM~4ENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners recognize and appropriate carry forward and approve the attached budget amendment. Ma~;, C~rnelisse Clerical Supervisor REVIEWED BY: ~'~"~- Y~'~ DATE: ~- ~ G. Geo~e Yilmaz, Director Po 1 ion ont Department incent Cautero, A~inistra~or Co~unity Development & Enviro~en. ,1 ~~~iv GY: mc i I For Budget/Finance Use OnlyJ ~ A.P.H. Date J ]To BCC Yes No ] FUND TITLE Date prepared: If previously approved, BCC Agenda Date= / / EXPENSE BUDGET DETAIL Attach Executive 5un~a£y Item No. Pollution Control Cost Center Title Expendtture object cod~ 991000 991100 919010 Cost Center No. E_xp.~diture Title Reserve for Contingency Reserve for Contingency #1 Pro~ect Title (Docrease! Sud~e~ 5,000 72,800 25,630 133,800 30,630 Pro~ect No. 77,800 159,430 Pollution Control Coat Center Title Expenditure Object Code 762200 764900 764950 178975 Coat Center No. Expenditure Title Building Improvement Data Processing Equip. Software Pro~ect Title Inczease Current (D~crease) Budget 38,200 0 19,800 0 7,800 0 65,800 Pro~ect No. R~vised Budget 38,200 19,800 7,800 Pollution Control Cost Center Title Expenditure Object C~ 651950 652910 178975 Cost. Center No. lx~enchtture Title Minor Data Process. Equip. Minor Operating Equip. Pro~ect Title Pro~ect No. Increase Current Revised (l:~creaee) Rud~t _Budget 4,900 200 5,100 6,900 27,000 33,900 11,800 77,600 MAY 1 9 1998 Reserve 919010 Coat Center No. Object Cod~ Re~enue T£tle (Decz~ase~. Buctc~t 489200 Carry Forward 108,230 331,600 108,230 Pzo:)ect No. 439,830 WHY ARE FUNDS NEEDED? To recognize carry-forward as a part of fiscal year WHERE A/qE FUNDS A%rAILA~LE? In fund 114-919010-489200. COST CENTER DIRECTOR: DIVISION ADM I N I S T PATO R~/'~-~/__/'/ BUDGET DEPARTMENT: AGENCY MANAGER: FIN~CE DEPARTMENT: CLERK OF BOARD ADMIN: INPUT BY: B.A. NO.: MC/budget amendment DATE MAY 1 9/998 OBJECTIVE: The Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to accept the conveyance of the Assignment Agreement for the easement for water and sewer facilities. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) The Developer of Pelican Marsh, Unit 16, has constructed the water and sewer facilities within platted easements to serve this development. See attached location map. 2) Preliminary acceptance was approved by the Community Development and Environmental Services staff on May 5, 1998, in accordance with Ordinance 97-17. 3) The Assignment Agreement for the easement has been reviewed by the County Attorney's office for legal sufficiency. FISCAL II~PACT: The water facilities were constructed without cost to the Collier County Water-Sewer District. The cost of operating and maintaining the water and sewer facilities will be paid by monthly user revenues. GROWTH MANAGEMENT I){PA~T: This project has been connected to the County Regional Water Treatment Plant and the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. This project will not create a new impact, as it was planned for within facilities available at present. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator recommends that the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, accept and sign the Assignment Agreement for the easement for Pelican Marsh, Unit 16. Executive Summary Pelican Marsh, Unit 16 Page Two PREPARED BY: .~Kirley Nix, Engineering Technician Enginee~'i~g Review Services REVIEWED BY: :..:.Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Services Manager ,R'~, AICP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Date Da're( L,,,.I~4~ { {' 1998 C-3 ¢,-~ LC[ CO I,,"J,~& Iir. a,cN eodo (c~. Ii~,) UNIT ~""s, NORTH .IAPLE~ f DEVELC IN VII'Il THIS ASSIG}~ENT AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of _, 1997, by and between the PELICAN MARSH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor,,), and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY AS THE GOV~NING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTYANDEX-OFFiCiO BOARD THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee-). WHEREAS, Assignor is the Grantee under that certain non- exclusive Utility Easement from WCI Communities Limited Partnership (f/k/a WCN Communities of Naples, Inc.) to Assignor concerning certain water and sewer facilities and irrigation distribution lines located within the real property referenced in said Utility Easement, a copy of said Utility Easement being attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of that certain Interlocal Agreement between Assignor and Assignee dated as of December 31, 1993, and approved by the Assignor at its meeting held on December 20, 1993, the Assignor shall and is required and obligated to convey, in accordance with standard County procedures, certain water and sewer facilities and irrigation distribution lines to the County and its Water-Sewer District without cost to the County or its Water-Sewer District; and WHEREAS, certain water and sewer facilities and irrigation distribution lines located within the aforedescribed Utility Easement have been conveyed to Assignor from WCI Communities Limited Partnership (f/k/a WCN Communities of Naples, Inc.) by Bill of Sale and Warranty Deed, which water and sewer facilities and irrigation distribution lines are simultaneously herewith being conveyed to Assignee from Assignor; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that Assignee obtain the rights of Assignor as the Grantee in said Utility Easement. NOW THEREFORE WITNESS~TH that for and in consideration of the premises and in consideration of the sum of Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00), receipt of which is acknowledged by Assignor from Assignee, and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1) Assignor hereby conveys, grants, transfers, demises, releases and assigns unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, all of the rights of Assignor as Grantee under the Utility Easement referenced hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A" Assignee hereby accepts said assignment. ' 1 MAY 1 9 1998 2) Governin~ Law. This AsSignment shall be construed and enforced in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. 3) Modification: Additional Assurances. No change, amendment, modification or cancellation of any part of this Assignment Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by Assignor and Assignee. 4) Bindina Effec%. The terms, covenants and conditions contained herein shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon Assignee and Assignor and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of'the date and year first written. ASSIGNOR: Attest: , / A.~sistant Secret~ry STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER PELICAN MARSH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Chairman The foregoing Assignment Agreement was acknowledged before me by JOHN A. PISTOR, Chairman of the PELICAN MARSH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, on behalf of the Pelican Marsh Community Development District. Me is personally known to me. , 1997. 2 AGEflOA,J,,7~ MAY ! 9 998 · P~o ~ ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ASSIGNEE: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT Approved as to from and legal sufficiency BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, AICP Chairman Assistant County Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before m authorized in the S ....... e, an officer dul uaue aha uoun:y aforesaid to tak~ acknowledgments, personally appeared TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, well known o ~? to be the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, olller County, Florida, As The Governing Body of Collier County and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of The Collier County Water- Sewer District, being authorized so to do execu Assignment Agreement for th , _ ted ~h~ foregoing autaority dulv inves~_~ = .... ~_pur~.os~ therein contained under ~ ~x unm ~oara o~ County Commissioners, and that the seal affixed thereto is the true seal of said Board. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of '------ , 1997. (Notarial Seal) This instrument prepared by: Anthony p. Pires, Jr. Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A. 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 710 Naples, Florida 34108 (941) 566-3131 Notary Public Print Name: My Commissi~n Expires: 3 1998 See aaa:had Exlu"oit 'A' whic:h bttr. oqx~u~d he. in by rcfm. m~. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ~e ~ame unw ~ Ot-an~ and its a~igm, toggd~x with d~ ~ e~ ~ ~ ~, e~. ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ of~, WC/COM~R~R~ ~OTED PAR'rNERSIIIP. Exhibit I~A¥ 1 9 1998 ~T^T~ OF COUNTY OF ~ My Comm~k~ K~p~r~: 2~01 Wald~ C4~er Driv~ MAY 1 9 1998 , Pg._ (~ All of Trmct R, PeJicnfl Marsh Unit Sizteen, sccordJug to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Dook 2S, Palej 55 and S6, of the Public Records of Cofller Count,/, Florida CWhimbrel Watch Lane and Bay Laurel Drive). and EXHIBIT Pale 1 ors MAY 1 9 1998 mir , Illmm ,m m m PJ~.,~j:~BE~ & )mmmmkrr~ mmmmmml-~. ....... mmmm mm. u L~.U ~ L)~ E. thc. D~ION OF A ~L~ A I 0.~ F~ W~E ~L~ E~EM~ O~ ~ER ~ A~OSS ~L P~T OF SE~ON ~, TO~SH~ 45 SO~, ~OE 25 E~, COLLIER CO~. FLO~DA BErG MO~ P~~y D~ED AS FOLLOWS; BEGGING AT ~E SO~HEAST CO~ER OF PELIC~ M~H ~T SI~EEN ACCO~G TO ~E PLAT ~E~OF AS ~CO~ED ~ P~T BOO< 25, PAGES ~ 56. P~LIC ~CO~S OF COLLAR CO~, ~O~A; ~CE NOR~I 02'19~S' E~T ~ONG ~E ~S~Y L~ OF $~D PLAT A DISTANCE OF FEET TO A PO~ OF C~VA~ CONCAVE EASTE~Y ~D ~V~G A OF 920.~ FEET; ~ENCE NOR~E~Y ~ NOR~E~TE~Y ~ONG THE ~C OF S~D C~VE THROUGH A C~L ~NGLE OF ~:'oa'a:- ~ ~C DISTANCE OF ~ 14.77 ~HENCE NORTH 34'~2'57" EAST I01.~ T~NCE LEAV~G S~D EASilY L~E SO~H SS'~T0a' E~T 10.~ FEET TO ~O~ ANGLE TO ~ P~LEL %~ S~ ~TE~Y ~ O~ ~T SL~EEN; TH~CE SO~ ~4,2ZS7- ~T ~ONO S~D P~LEL ~ A DIST~CE 101.5~ FEET TO A PO~ OF C~VA~ CONCA~ EASilY ~ ~V~G A ~IUS OF 910.~ FE~; THENCE $O~HW~TE~Y ~ $O~HE~Y ~ONG ThE ~C OF SAID C~VE T~OUGH A CE~ ~OLE OF a2'0Y32' ~ ~C DIST~CE OF ~.18 FEET; THENCE SO~H 02'1~S" ~ST $08.~S THENCE NORTH 87*4~" W~T I0.~ FE~ TO ~E PO~ OF BEG~G OF P~CEL HE~ CONTA~G 0.~58 OF ~ AC~ OF ~D MO~ OR L~S; S~IE~ TO E~EME~S ~ ~T~IONS OF ~CO~. AGNOLI. B~ER & BR~AG~ ~C. PROFESSION~ ENG~EE~, p~~ ~ ~ S~VEYO~ E 2.. KEF: ABB DRAWING FIL£ NO. ~272 (20Fs ) MAY 1 9 1998 7400 'l'~nLx~i Tr~l N., St,itc 2gO. N~',lc~. rlurkh 3J9¢,1 - (9t I ) sg?..1111 - FA.X: (941 ) S66-2203 162S llct~Lr~$t.,Sultc 10I,F,.N.t iqtCn. Flu~ij$90t. (v41)J34.1115. FAX:(?41)J34.1m?s (.';,ECTIOH 35, TOWI.15ttlP ~8 $OtlTlt, itAt. IGE 25 ~:Xtltlitl' ',t' EXHIBIT "A" LIEN RESOLUTION ' CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. ?0502-091 RECORD OWNER - ~A RUE, CLAUDE E Board to accept report and adopt Reoolut£on assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 04/25/97 0S/08/97 0S/29/97 02/18/98 02/26/98 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 595.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWT~ MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RE¢OM~fENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: CUSTO~ SERVICE REPRESE~ATIVE Vincent A. Cautero0 Administrator Community Dev. a Environmental Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 $1998 / ....... ' ........ IIII I BOARS OF COUI~TX COHHZSSZC~ERS COLLIER COU]~Y, FLORID& Claude E L& Rue 7012 Chadvell Rd,. SW Huntsv£11e, ~ 35802 R~FI:RL-ZICE ?0502-091 162092120004 LEGAL D[:~CR I PT 101!: DATE: LIE:I Lot 9, Block 4 N~L£S ~U~ORADDZTION, according to the plat thereof, on file and recorded in the Public Records o£ Collier County, Florida. PB 3, Pages 67 and You, as Lhe owner el the i,t,,|,,,rty above ~ln~cribed, as recorded in the records mdtntnlr:e,! I)y the of CLeO of the Property Appraiser, are hereby abate~e,: el a ce:tarn nu~sa,~ ~xistiny on the above property prohibited ~y O:dinance 91-4~, sqrv:t~ -.:tiro [he,eel .:;,on you, such nuisance being: Prohib£ted accumulation of non-protected lovable vegetation excesl o£ 18~ ~n height An a subdivision other than Golden Girl Prohibited d~mpiflg, acc.~ulatiofl, storage or bur~al o£ litter, waste or Lbandoned property. ~eeds over 18~ and litter. Dead hotticuZture Walte, plastic, bottles, etc. expenditure el public [urtd~ ,,L., d~ecC cos: of $ 395.00 and administrative co~t ,,~ $200.00 for a LoCal of $ 595.00. Such costs, by FesoJutton of Che Boa~d nf ,*,.,~:~:y ¢:cr.mls~3(,:ters of Collier County, Florida, have beer~ assesse,t ..~a[,s: Lbo abuve property on and shall become a /Jan on th(, property [(tJ:ty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a h~ar~n~ I)~fore Cite Board of County Commissioners to show cause, ~ arty, why the expenses and cha~ges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unw~rranLed or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request hearing must be made to the Clerk el the Board o~ Coutzty Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days [rom the (Jatq o[ this ~5sossmqnt tO l)~ valid. CLEPF:, UOAI~I) OF COUIITY CSce 9- 1/93 MAY 1 9 1998 RESOLLrTIoN riO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF' COUNTY COI~4ISS~ONERS PROVIDING FOR ASS£SSH£NT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE H'HEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paio and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30! days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. t/OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COLtNTY COHHISSIOt~ERS OF COLLIER co~rry, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: Claude E La Rue 7012 Chsdwell Rd. SW Huntsville, AL 35802 62092120004 ?0502-0~1 ~GAL DESCRIPTZg~[ Lot 9, Block 4, ~APLES )a, ANOR $ 595.00 ADDZTZON, according to the plat thereof, on fils and recorded in the Pubiic Records of Colliat County, Florida. PB 3, Pages 67 and 61. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien co the o~ner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assess-mnt within thirty (301 days hereof, a certif~ed copy of this Resolut:on shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, co constitute · lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the o~ner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK flOARD OF cOl~rry COMMISSIONERS COI,LIER COUNTy° FLORIDA CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN MAY 1 9 1998 pg ..... 3 LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71009-072 RECORD OWNER - MOHN, KELLY ANN & JAMES O MOHN II OBJECTIVE Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CQ~SIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determina~ion b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 10/08/97 UNDELIVERABLE 12/01/97 01/29/98 02/05/98 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 450.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROW~i~ MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. REC0~MENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: Melody Brlag~.n~ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Community Dev. & Environmental DATE: 1998 BOA3~D OF ¢Ot/N~Y COlalaZSSZONERS ¢OLLZER COUNTY, FLORZDA LEGAl, NOTZCE OF ASSESSIaZNT OF LZEN Kelly Ann Hohn & J~meo O Hohn 2240 E Eaoton C=eston, O# 44217 ILEFETLENCE 7100g-072 L~GAL D£BCPlPTI~I]: DATE: 162256680005 Lot 2, Block 8, NAPLES HANOR LAKES, acco=ding to the plat the=eof, on £ila end race=dad in the Public Records o£ Co11~e= Coun~, Florida. Pla~ Book 3, Pagol 86 and 87. Pgohib~ted acc~ulation of non-pgotocted mow~le vegetation excess o~ 18" iff height in a o~d~visAon orbs= than Golden Gate Estates ProhAbAted d~ping, acc~ulatLofl, storage oF bu=Aal o~ XLtte=, waste o= ~afldoned metal on You fa~led to abat- such hu:~,)n,:,); whereupon, It was abated by the expond~ure o[ i:~bt~* [und~ .~ ,~ ~11~,*,:~ ~'o~t o~ $ 250,00 and PesoLutlon o[ the Board ,~ ':u, tn~ty C..,~mlss~oners (,f Cc, ll~er Count'/, Floc2da, have been assessed 4;j.~1rIsL lhg above properly on and shall become a l~en o. ~he properly thirty (30) days aider such assessment. '(ou may request sho~ cause, J~ a.7, ~hy the ,txpe.sos n.d charges incurred by the County under Chis Ordinance are unwarranted or excessJve or ~hy such expenses should no~ cons~iLuke a JLen against Lite property. Such request for hea~ing must be made Lo Lb,. ;:1ork of the 6oard of County Co~is~oners, Go':ernmenC Cer, Ler, ll;,ples, Fl,~fid.I 34112 in w~itin9 within thigty 130) days f~om the dale of tl,~n ,,~sossmertt to be valid. ~ ~ CLEPK, BOARD OF COUNTY COI*II4lSSIOtlERS CSce 9- 1/9] AY,9199e RESOLUTION NO, gs- A RESOLUTION OF' Tile BOARD OF COUNTY ~ISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN. FOR T~E COST OF THE ABATEMEtrr OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and ~IEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent {12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COHMISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~ITYo FLORIDA. that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of silch abatement, to wit: NA~E; Kelly Ann Hohn & $~-~es O Mohn Z! 2240 E Eaeton Rd. Creeton, OH 442~7 ~EFERENCZ: 62256680005 71009-072 b~GAL DESCRIPTIOn[ Lot 2, Block 8, ~APL£S NJU~OR $ 450.00 LAJ~ES, according to the plat thereo~, on fils and recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Plat Book 3, Pages ~ and ~?. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessm,~nt within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUtrrY CONHISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY. CIIAIRHAN APPROVED AS TO FORM A~;D LEGAL ~UFFICIENC'f: t-l',,../, ! ll/ ,. DAgID' ~WEIGEL COb~TY ATTOR~EY CSce 11 - 1/98 MAY 1 9 1998 EXECUT~ S~¥ LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 80122-060 RECORD OWNER - ALONSO, MARIETA Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs ol/o2/98 Ol/2 /98 o2/13/98 02/24/98 02/27/98 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntar~ action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RE~QMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Admini s ira t or Community Dev. & Enviro~ental Svcm. DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 BOARD OF COUld! COt4HZSSI:OI~J:It~ COLLIER cog'I1T'/, I'LORZDA LEGAL NOTICl: OF ASSESSI~I~T OF LIEN DATE: Har:l.e ta Alonao 3061 ~ 18t~ ST H:i.~u~:L, FL, 33125 ~HCg g0122-060 162154320001 ~.~ E:] LEGAL DE~C'~ I ~ l Ot]: ~ 8, Block 8, Naples Hano~ ~nex, In accordance w~h and ~o ~he pX~ recorded ~n PI~ Book 1, P~ge 110, ~XXc Records o~ CoLlie= County, ad'lised LJldt Lt,,: I:'~JTJl,fll,',' ::'~'I'"':~ ~,,II,HJ*'I, fJJtJ of* 1/22/98, order Lite b)' Ordinance 91-47, servim~ f~otice thereof uFon you, such nuisance being: ~tohibited acc~ulation of non-protected mo~le vegetation .idmlrllS~ra~J'.'e c~st ,~ $200,00 [or a ~oLal u~ S 245.00. ~uch cosLs, You may request a hearing I,efore the Board of County Com. miss~oners to under this Ordinance are unw,~trantod or excessive or ~hy such expenses should not consL~tute a li,~n ,l~j~lttts[ the property'. Such request for hearin~ must be made [o Lhq Clerk et the Board of County Co~issioners, Government Center, ll.H)les, Fl,,~ld,~ ],1112 if, writing within thirty {30) days from ~he date ot this a~sessme~)t to be valid. CLEEK, BOARD OF COUNTY COl.ll.llSSlOtlKRS CSce 9- MAY 1 9 1998 A RESOLLrrIoN OF THE BOARD O? Co~rrY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMEN? OF LIEN0 FOR THE COST OF TH£ ABATI.~ENTOF PUBLIC I~JIS;M~CE0 IN ACCORDANCE HITH ORDINANCE 91-47. ~4EREA$, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costa of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and ~fl.~ERE~g, the cost thereof co the County aa to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and k~ER£AS0 such assessment shall be a legal° valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and 14~IEREAS0 the assessment shall become due and payable thirty days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent ¢12 0%~ per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. ' ~;O~0 TH£REFOR£o BE IT RESOLVED BY TH£ BOARD OF CO~rTY CO~4HISSIOt;ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA° that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, ia hereby assessed the following costa of such abatement, to Harieta Alonao Lot 8, Block l, Naples Manor $ 245.00 3061 ~ 18'k ST Annex, Zn accordance with and sub~ect HiaJ~i, FL 33225 to the plat recorded in Plat Book ~, Page 120, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 62~54320001 a0122-060 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or o~ners of the above described property, and if such owner ~alls to pay such assessment within thirty {30} days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to ~onstitute a lien against such property according to la~, unless such direction ia stayed by this Board upon appeal o~ the assessment of the owner. Tltis Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: BOARD OF COt~JTY COI~qlSSIONER$ D~IGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLIolER COUNTY, FI~RIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM COMITY ATTORnEy CSce l! - ~/96 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CIIAIRt~J~ MAY 1 9 1998 EXECUTIVE SOMMARY LI'EN RESOLUT1'ON - CODE E17FORCE24ENT CJ~E NO. 70528-053 RECORD OWI~R - RA~0S, JORG"E & ,M~CF~ OBJECTIVE Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs os/2 /97 UNDELIVERABLE 07/22/97 07/28/97 08/07/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ Melody B ~id~eman\ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Community Dev. & Environmental Bvcs. DATE: MAY' BOARD OF COUNT~ COI~ISSION~ItS COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA Ra~os, Jorge & ~.ngela 3S04 SW 143rd Ct:. H£am£, I~L 33175 i~ tr~l~tlC~ 70528-053 I.£GAL D£SCRI PT Iorl: DATE: Hatch 9, 1998 157364000003 Lot 7, Block 227, o£ Harts Beach Un£t SLx, a Subd£vAs£ofl accordLflg to the Plat thereo£0 recorded An Plat Book 6, Pages 47 to S4, o£ tho l~b~Ac Records o£ Co~ier County, F~or~ds. Sub~ect to easements, rostrictAons, rose.at,one o£ record and taxes You, as ~he o~fler of the property above described, os recorded in ~he ~ecords maintained by the o~ice of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Haflaqer, did on 5/28/97, order the abate=ant of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited ~¥ Ordinance 91-4~, servjno notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: P=oh£b£tod &ccumulatLon sE non-protected movable ~egetat£on excess o£ 18" £n height An a subd£v£s£on other thmn Golden Gate Estates. You failed to Abate such fltJisance; wheretlpofl, it was dba~ed by the expenditure of puhlLc ~unds at a dlre¢~ cost o~ $ 45.00 and administrative cost o~ $200.00 for a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Pesolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed a~ainst the shove property on <date> and shall become a lien on the property thirty ~301 days after such &$sessment. You may request a hearing before the Board o[ County Commissioners show cause, ii any, why the exoenses and charges ~ncurred by ~he County under ~his Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or ~hy such expenses should not constitute a l~en against ~he proper~y. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk o[ the Board o[ County Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 ~n ~ri~ing -i~hin ~hirty {30) days ~rom the da~e of chis assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUtITY COHt4IS~IOtI£RS ~Sce 9- 1193 MAY 1 9 1998 RESOLUTION II0. 98- A RESOLUTIOtl OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN. FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITII ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of maid parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment she1! be a legs%, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, ~IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ~lE BOARD OF COUNTY COt4MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follo~, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the o~ner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costa of such abatement, co wit: NA~E: ~EGAb DESCRZPTION~ COST Ramos, Jorge & A~gela 3504 SW 143'4 Ct. Miami, FL 33175 ~EFERET~CE: 573E4000003 70528-053 Lot 7, Block 227, of Harts $ 245.00 Beach Unit Six, & Subdivision according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book E, Pages 47 to 54, o£ Public Records of Collier County. Florida. Sub~ect to easements, restrictions, ress~vationa of record and taxes for tho current Fear and subsequent years. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (]0) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according co law. unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the o~ner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGUT E. BROCK, CI.ERK BOARD OF COMITY COMMISSIONERS COI.LIER COl~rry, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL ~UFFIC~ENCY: DAVID-W~-IBEL COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 1/98 BY: BARDARA B. BERRY, CHAIRPb'~N MAY 1 9 1998 LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CA~E NO. 70915-021 RECORD OWNER - FELIX LERCH FAMILY T~UST Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier CountyWeed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs z2/o /97 02/02/98 o3/o /98' o /o6/9 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 600.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. ~ROW~ MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECO~ATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED Mel~y Br~eman ~ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Vinc~nt A. C&utero, A~nistrator Community Dev. & Znv4ro~mental Svcs. DATE: 1 9 1998 LEC~L NOTIC~- or ASSESSMENT OF LZ~ DATE: FELZX LERCH FA~IhY TRUST 2669 DAVIS BLVD STE 101 I~APLES, ~L 34104 RE~ERENCE 70915-021 162~02040003 I,!EI: :;:?~:i,~P: LOT 17, BLOCK 13, OF NAPLES I~AROR ADDITION ACCO~NG TO THE ~ OR P~T THE~OF AS ~CO~KD IN P~T B~K 3, ~AGES 67 & 68, OF THE PUBLIC ~CO~S OF COLLIER CO~Y, ~RIDA. Pzohib~ted acc~ulition of non-protected m~le vegetation ~n excess of 18" in height Zna .~division other then Golden Gete Estates. ProhZb£ted dumping, eccumuletion, storege or burial of litter, waste or &bendoned property. Weeds over 1S~. Litter includes furniture & houlehold debris. e×pend~Lu:e o~ j;ublic fu~:,l~ ,l' q ,ll r~tL ,-~,~: ¢,~ $ JO0.O0 and assessment. You may request a hearir~9 J efore the Board of Coun:y Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the e, penses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinanc~ ar. unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not co/t$LILuL~ a lib. ri ,~gai.st the property. ~uch request ~or hearing must be made to the Clerk o~ the Doard GE County Comm£sstone=s, Government Center, tlaples, Florida 34112 itt writing within thigty (30} days from the date of :his assessment to be valid. CL£1~K, BOARD OF COUUTY CO~.IISSIONERS C$ce 9- 1/93 MA'( 1 9 1998 R£SOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF ~IE BOARD OF COUNTY COI~qlSSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE NlQ! ORDINANCE NHER£AS, as provided in Ordinanc . abatement of certain nuisan · ~1 47, the d~rect costs of cost Incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and ' ces, including prescribed administrative WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Co~issioners, together with a deecripcion of said parcel; and kPgEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and I~ER£A$, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty {301 days after the mailing of rlotice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue aC a rate of twelve percent 112.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ~[E BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, chat the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of eaid property, is hereby assessed the following costa of such abatement, to wit: FELl% LERCH FAHILy TRUST LOT 17, B[,OClC 1~, OF ~APL~ $600.00 2~69 DAVIS BLV~ ST~ 101 HAJ~OR ADDITION ACCORDXNO TO THE NAPLES, FL 34104 HAP OR PLAT BOOK 3~ PA~EB 67 & ~8 OF THC PUbLiC ~~ RECORDS OF COLLXER COUNTT, 62102040003 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or ~ners of the above described property, and if such owner fails Co pay such assessment within thirty I~0} days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County. to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: AT~EST: BOARD OF COUNTy CC~$SIONERS DN~GHT E. BROCK. CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM .':.? J, · .,",31 .... CC U?~I'y ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/90 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, OIAIRMAN EXECUTIVE LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 70912-011 RECORD OWNER - Hathaway, Doris G & Marlene V York Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATIQN Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 09/15/97 10/11/97 11/03/97 12/05/97 12/11/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 1,340.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOM~ENDATIO~ That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE APPROVED BY: Vincent A. Cautero, Adm~nistrator Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: MAY ! 9 1998 COLLZER COUNTT, FLORIDA L£GAL NOTICE OF ASS£SSKENT OF 34113 REFERENCE 70912-011 ~77210440001 LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: DAT£: J'~,arch 20, 1998 I,I £r; t~Ut4B£R: Lot 4, Block 2, Trail Acres, Unit 1, according to plat t, Plat Book 3, Page S0, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner o[ the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the ¢*:fice of the Property A~praiser, are hereby advised that the Co~plia,c- $-rvices Hanaqer, dld on 9/30/97 order the a~atement of a ce~ta~, nu~so~nce e×~stinq on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-4T, ~ervi~t~ .t~t~ce thereof upo~ you, such nuisance being: Accumulation of prohibited exotics on unimproved land located within 200' of .improved, subdivided p:operty. B=az£1ian Pepper Hedges and Java Plum throughout property. You failed to abate such fl';t°~tl~O; W~tor~u~)on, it WaS abated by the expend£tu~e of public funds ,,L a ,Ittect cost of $ Z,[40.00 and adm[n~stracive cost (~( $200.00 for e total of $ 1,340.00. Such costs, by ~esolution of the ~oard o! County ¢o~m[sstoners of Colitem County, Florida0 have b~e~$ assesse~l ,~.~t~t the above property on <date> and shall become 4 !~. o~ ,.h.. p~,~pe~ty thirty 130~ days after such assessment. You may request a hearing J~efo:e the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the ext.enses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance a:e unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a Iie~ a,xe[nst the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Boa~d of County Corr~nissione:s, Government Cente~, taaples, Fto~ida 34%%2 tn writing within thirty 130) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, Bc)ARD OF COUNTY CC~IMISSIOt~£RS CSce 9- 1/93 UAY 1 g 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 98-. A RESOLUTION OF ?lIE BOARD OF COUNTY COMI4ISSIOblERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIE~, FOR TIlE ~ST OF TIlE ABATEHE~ OF PUBLIC NU[SAt~CE, Itt ACCORDANCE WITH ORD[N~CE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and HIIEREA$, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of Co,nty Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding oblioation upon the property against which made until paid; and WIIEREAS, tile assessment shall become d~le and payable thirty (30l days after the mailing of tiotice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate o! twelve percent i12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, TIIEREFORE, lie IT RESOLVED liY TiIE BOARD OF COUI~I'Y COHHISS[ONERS OF COLLIER COHtlTY, FI,ORIDA, [hat the property described as follows, and havino been abated of a p~blic nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, [o wit: Hathaway. Doris G & Harlene V York 25 Cheyenne TRL Naples, Fb ]4113 Lot 4, Block 2, Trail Acres $ 1,340.00 Unit 1, according to plat in Plat Book 3, Page 50, Public Record of Collier County, Florida. 77210440001 70912-011 The Clerk si the Board shall mail a notice of assess~nt of lien =o the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (10) days hereof, a certified copy nf chis Re~nlution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to la~. unless ouch direcctnn ia stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the ow[let. This Resolution adopted after mo[ion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGIIT E. BROCK, CI,ERK liOARD OF COH.'iTY COP~4ISSIOt~ERS COLLIER COUIITY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL~SUF. FICIENCY: .'.-.~DAVID WEIGEL 1~ 'COMITY A~ORNEY CSce 11 1/98 FlY: IIAI~IIAtiA Il. IIERRY. CIIAIRtiAN MAY 1 9 1998 P'O. ~ LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71015-040 RECORD OWNER - Walsh, Thomas ~ re rt and adopt Resolution assessing a lien Board to accept po ......... ~,,~lic funds ex~ended a ainst the parce~ in oraer to ~ecvvu~4~--,.isance at this to effect ~e abatemeg- - ,-- 4n Ordinance 91-47, =he location, all as provLoeu ~v~ ~ Collier County Weed~ Litter and Plant Control ordinance. ~ONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs lo/~/97 lo/=s/~7 1=/o¢/~7 ~=/~1/~ FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GR~ MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE APPROVED BY: Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Community Dev. &Envircnmental Svcs. DATE: DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 BOM~D OF COLTH~Y COtOIZSS~O14~RS ¢OLLZER COUI~TY, L£GAX, ~O~*ZCE OF ASSESSHEtlT OF DATE: Hatch 19, 1998 ~&lsh, 'ThomAs 2348 P~ne St. ~aplee, FT,, 34112 P3:FERE'RCg 71015-040 136003240006 LI£ll L£GA~ D£SCRIPT[OTI: Let 17, Block 105, Golden Gate UflLt 3, eccord~fl~ to tho pl&t l~LblLo Records o£ CoLILer County, Flat,ds. You, as the o~fler o~ the property above descrLbed0 as recorded ~n the records ~a~nta~fled by the o[~tce or the p~operty Appraiser, are hereby advLsed that the Co~pttanc~ Services Manager° did off 10/24/97, olde: the abatement o~ a cerCdtn mitt, artec ,xj~Llflq nn the above property prohibited by Ordinance 9[-41, servtml no[tee ther(~of open yeti0 such nuisance being: expenditure o~ public fund~, ~L a direct cost et $ 45.00 and admtn[strattve cost o~ $200.00 (or a t~ta[ o! S 245.00. Such costs, by Eeso[u:tOn o~ the Board o: County CG~tsstoners et Collier County, Florida, have been dssesse.t ,t0a[nst the above property on <date> and sha[[ bec¢me a [ten on Lbo property tht~[y (301 clays a~ter such assessment. You may request a h~arznq ~..~t¢,re tho Board o~ Co~mty Co~mtsstoners to sho~ cause, t~ an'/, ~hy :he expen~t's and charges tncurred by the County under thts Ordtnance are u~a:r,Jn[ed or excessive or ~hy such expenses should not consttcucea ltt~n aoaln~L the property. Such reqtJest [or heartnq mus[ be made to th,? Clerk et the ~oatd Gove=nment Center, Hdptes, Flnrtda 3411= days [rom :he dace et tht~ ,$bsessment to he vd~td. CI.EHK, BOA~[) Or COIilIT¥ CSce 9- 1193 MAY 1 9 1998 RESOLUTION liS. A RESOLUTION OF ~l£ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR ~IE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDIN~{C£ 91-47. WHEREAS, aa provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners. together with a description of said parcels and ~EREAS. such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid~ and ~EREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty {301 days after the mailing of Uotice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent {12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ~lE BOARD OF COUNTY COi~41SSIONERS OF COLCIER COUNTY° FLORIDA. that the property described aa follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the o~ner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NA~E~ L~GRL DESCR~PTZON~ COST Welsh, Thomas 2348 Pine St. ~&ples0 FL 34112 Lot 17, Block 105, Golden Gate $ 245.00 Unit 3, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book S, &~ pages 97 through 10S, inclusive of the i~blie Records of Collier County, Florida. ~EFERENCE~ 3600324000S 71015-040 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the o~ner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (301 days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law. unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the o~ner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOrIERS COLLIER COUITrY. FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND~ LEGAL SUF.F ICI Et{CY: , .... f':L~,~zo W£~GEL COUI~TY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY. CIIAIRMAN MAY 1 9 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 70917-004 RECORD OWNER - EMC Holdings Inc. Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. Case Summary: a. Violation deLerminat;cn b. Notice of violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for ccs=s Undeliverable [0/22/97 FISCAL I~PA~T Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may te anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GRQWT~ MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not a~plicable. ~E~OM~ENDATION That the Boaud of Count'/ Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: ~el~dy Bri.~eman--'~ SZ VICE EP ESS rA IV Vincent A. Cautero, A~n~nistrator Conununity Dev. & Envirorunent&l Svcs. DATE.: 19 1998 BOAAD OF COU1~TY COM~ZSSZOI4~RS COLLZER COUlr:Y, rbORZD& L£GA~ NOTZCE OF ASSESSI~:HT OF LZEN DATE: l~uzch 20, 1998 I:I~C HOLDZ~GS 800 La~c®~ Oak Dc. STE 303 ~&ples, FL 34208 R~IK£~CE ~0917-004 168300002342 i.l~) Lot 17, o£ ~ORT OF THC ZS~S, ~ ~' accotdLng to ~ho map o= p~&~ ~he~eo~, tecozdo~ ~fl ~s~ Book 22, psges 2 ~h~ough 4, o~ tho ~OU; ~S ~JJ~ OWft~ ~)~ ~h~ j~r,jp~rLy a~vo d~scFjbed, tis recorded ~n the records matnLainod I)7 Lhe ~[fice of the Property Appratseg, a~e hegeby advised chaC the Co~plianc,~ ~er~tces Nanaqe~, did on 9/25/9~ orde~ the abatement o~ a ce~c,~tr~ .~aft~:' ~xt~L~n'! on :he above p~opert7 prohibited by O:dina~co 91-4;, ~:vLtt,~ r~tlce tlJere,~f upo~J you, such nuisance being: admi~isttot:'/e co~t c'[ $200.00 [u~ a LuL,I~ ~: $ 24S.00. Such co.ts, by p. esoiut~on o~ tile Bo,~rd o~ r]ou~t~' C,jmmissioners o~ Coilio~ County. Flozida, have ~ee:~ ,~SS,~l ,1,J.tillSt tll~ dbo~'e ptope~t7 ot~ <daLe> and shall become a 1:~n o[, the I,;o;)o;LY thitt7 (30) days a[te~ such You may request a hea~ng he~,~te Lh~ )!oatd o[ County Co~u~lssione~s to show cause, l~ an)', why the expenses ~nd charges tncu:£ed by the County under this Ordinance ate u.wat:anted o: excessive et why such expenses should not constituLe a lie. against the property. Such ~equest hea~ing must be made to the Clerk o: the Ooa~d o~ CourtLy Commissioners, Government Center. :lapies, florida 34112 in ~l:ing within thirty ~30! days ~tom the date o[ this ~ssessment to be valid. CLSI~:, ~OARD OF COU~ITY C~4ISSIOII£RS CSce 9- 1/9] MAY 1 9 1998 A RESO~rI'IOtl OF TIlE BOARD OF COU~ITY COI~ISSIOt~ERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMKI~F Or LIEN. FOR TIlE COST TIlE ABATF. KKIIT OF PURZ. I¢ NUISANCE. Iii ACCORDA~IC~ ~41Tll ORDIN,'dIC'E 91-47. ~IIEI~EAS, as provid"d in Ordinance 92-4'Y. th~ direct coats o~ above.nO o[ c~rtatfl nulOJ~ee, includin~ preecri~d admin~e~rative MIER~. tl~ cost thqr~of to t~ C~nty al to each parcel shall calculated ~ re.fred to t~ ~ard of C~nty C~Jlftmt~ro, t~e~her with a description of said ~rce]; a~ obligation u~ tt~ pr~rty A~JflJt which mid~ ufl~t~ paid; and dayo aft,r th4 MllJflg of r~tice of Aeeeee~flt after which interest unpaid ~rti~ C~r~ot. ~:~, ~IEREF~. BE ~T RK~D BY ~;~ BOARD OF ~ C~SS~ERS O~ ~LL~ER ~. F~R~DA, that the pretty descried m, ~11~w, And having ~efl abated o~ a ~biiC nuisance after due and pro~r notice ~h~reo~ Co the o~r o~ ~aid pr~zCy, l~ h~z~ ae~eee~d ~C NO~DI~S 2~C. ~t 17, of ~RT OF ~g 2S~S, S 24S.00 100 ~aurel Oi~ Dr. ~Sg ~, icgo~dLng to the ~p or iTS 303 plat thereof, recordsd tn Plat I~ 21, plgee Xsple., r~ 24XOO X thr~gh 4, of tho ~lic Records of Collier C~nty, Florida. The C1~zk o! the Dontd shal~ mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners at cite above descrxbed property, and if such owner faiil to pay sucit a~sessment within thirty I]0! days hereof, a certified copy o[ this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constttuts a lien slalflat such property according to law, unless s,:ch direction ts stayed by this Board upon Titxs Resolution adcpte.J sOrer motion, second and~ajority vote. DATED: ATTEST~ BOARD OF COUNTY COt~4ISSI~ERS C~GIIT £, BROCK, CI,£RK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY'. B?~BAP. A d. BERRY, CIIAIR:4A~I CSce 11 - 1/98 MAY 1 9 1998 LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 70918-0S7 RECORD OWNER - Daniell, Phleany/J Brown & Brown, Jennifer Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover p~blic funds expended to effect she abatement of a public nuisance ak this location, a!l as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. ~ON$IDERATION Case ~ummary: a. V%olation determinatf,,n }::rice of Violation served c. V.~rifi:a~ion of unabated nuisance d. }~isance abated with Fublic funds e. C.~ner invoiced for costs o~/2s/97 lo/o4/9~ 1~/04/97 ~2/11/97 FISCAL IMPAC! Reimbursemen~ of $ 245.00 may Le anticipated by voluntary action or fcfeclcsure. ~ROW~H MANAG!MEN? !MpA~T Nou a:::-iicable. E~.~ATIO~ That tke Bo~:.'d o~ CDunty Commisz_~ners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: Mel6dy Br:i. c man Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Community Dev. & Environment&l Svcs. DATE. MAY 1 9 1998 COLLXER COUtFF!, F'LOltXD& LEGAL NO~XCE OF ASSESSJ(EH~ OF LX£N DATE: Klrch 20, 1998 Bgown, ~enfl££eg 220 xo~ st. ~z NapXel, FL 34120 p..EFEP..E~CE ~0918-0S~ 1226241~0003 LEGAL D£~CRI~TI~II: LOT 5o AYAI,O~£ ESTATES, BLOCK 6, U'ta]T 1, ACCOP. D/~G TO FLAT J~ECOIU:)ED XN FI,AT BOO~ 3, FAGE 62 OF THE I~JB~XC FLOR/DA. advised that the C(-=pl~ar~c~ ~[vicos t.:a~a~er, (lid on 9/26/97 order the abatement ~f a cq:tax~ ,ut~f~¢e existtt3~ on the above property prohibited by O=dinarlce ~[-4'1, n,~rvtr~ /iotico thereat upol! you, such nuisance being: Fgoh£b~ed acc~zuul&t~on o£ non-p~otecte~ exclsl o£ [8" ~n height tn I s~div~stofl other thin Golden Gate Estates. You tailed to abate ~uch ttu~sartcq; whereupon, tt was abated by the expend[tu~e o( public [,md~ ~t a direct cost of $ 45.00 and ~d~tntst~at['.'e c~t al $200.00 (o~ a tutti o( $ 24S.00. Such costs, by Resolution o( the Uoard al Ce.sty Co,q~ntsstone~s o( Co[[[er County, Florida, h~ve been ~sessed against the above p~operty on <date) and shall become a lien o~ the l,t,q~ertY Lhtrty (30) days alter such assessment. You may cequest a hearing bef,~re the Board o( County Commissioners to show cause, il any, why the expenses arid charges incurred by the County undec this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the p~operty. Such request hearing must be ms,Jo to the ~jle[k al the Boa~d o[ County Commissioners, Government Center, tint)Xes, Florida 34t12 in wzittng within thirty (30) days (rom the date o( this assessment to be vat%d. CL£PE, BOARD OF COUIITY c~.lralSSI~]£Rs CSce 9- 1/93 1 9 1998 A RF. SOL.~TIC~I O£ TI4~ BOARD OF ~ C~ISSIC~ERS PRCTYIDZII'; FOR ASSF. SS~ET~' Or ~,~E~I, F~R Tllr 0~$? OF TIlE ABATFJ,'IErrl' O1~ PUBI. ZC tflJISA~ZCE. IN ACCORDAEICE, HITII ORD I L*I,MICE ~IER£~t, an ploYided Sn Ordinance gl-4?, the direct costs of abatce'?nt of certain hulas,cee, Including preacribe, d administrative c~c incurred by the County, s~ll bn. anaessed against such property: and NIIEREAS, the cost thereo[ to the. County ss to each parcel lh~ll cslcul~ced and ~el~rt~d to th~ Board o[ County C~Issloners. with a demcripttot~ o( said parcelz and days oiler tl~ ma~ll~ o~ t~tice o[ Aloee~nt attar vhtch interest shall accrue at a rate of :~lve ~rcent 112.0~1 ~r annum ~ any unpaxd ~rt~ofl :hereo~. t~, ~I~EFOPE, BE IT RE~L%~D BY~IE BO~D OF ~ C~SSI~ERS OF ~LLIER ~Y. F~RIDA. that t~ pretty d~cti~d as ~oll~e, and having ~en aVate~ of a ~bltc nuisance after due and the ~oll~ing coots o~ such abaton:, co w~t: DatiVal/, fhleifly/J lr~ ~ S, AVA~ ESTA~S, I~ S 245.00 Jr~, ~[fer S, ~XT l, ACCO~ ~ 220 10'* Sc. ~Z A/CO~ ~X ~T ~ 3, ~ J2 ~lplel, F~ 3412o O~ ~g ~C RECOil or COLLXtR C~, F~AZOA. 22~24~J0003 ce~t~tted copy ~ thte R~N~u:~on eha~l be recorded tn the records o~ CoOl,er County, to constitute a ~leh agatnlt such pto~rty according to 1~. unle~ ouch d~ectJon ~ eta~d ~ thte B~rd u~n aFpeal o( the ass~ee~nt o~ the ~ner. Th~s Resolution a~:ptcd at:er mot~on, second and ca,silty DATED: A~EST: POARD OF ~Y BY: BARB)UIA B. BERRY. CHAIR~ CSce 11 - 1/99 MAY 1 9 1998 LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 70919-034 RECORD OWNER - Perez, Luis Vazquez Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. ~0NSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs o9/16/97 Z0/22/97 10/27/97 11/14/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 nay be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTTIMA/TAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. BECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY= 'Me ~ oc1.7 Br~geman '~ CUSTOI~ER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE BY = Vincent A. Cautero, Adm/nistrator Cc~m~unity Dev. & Enviro~ental Svcs. DATE: BOAJtO OF COUITI~ COPMISS2OI~ItS DAT~: Hatch 20, 1998 IS7746920002 LIEtl ,Ut.laER: CSce 9- 1/93 MAY 1 9 1998 Lot 10 Block 294 o£ He~co Beach UnLt EIGHT a Subd£vLsLon accordt, ng to ~he PI&~ ~hereo~ recorded Lfl ~11~ Book 6, Page S3-GB o~ tho You, ag ~h~ own~c of ~lJ~ ~r~j?~y AbOV~ described, as r~corded iff the record2 m. tir~aift,',l b7 ~h~ ,;Iflc'O 'Jr th~ Property Appraiser. are h~geby advised thaC the Ce~p!taruce ~rvices r.~,.,a~or, did on 9/19/97. ogdeg the b70gd~nanc~ 91-4~, ~rv~.q n~t~ce th~reo[ upon you, such nuisance being: P~ohLbLted ~cc~uL~tLofl o~ non-p~otocted mow~le vegetltLon excess of 18" iff height iff a s~dkvisiofl other than Golden Gate expenditure o~ publLc (u.,l~ at a d~r~t cost o~ $ 45.00 and a,im~niscrat~ve cost ~f $200,00 for a total o~ $ 245.00. Such costs, by Pesolutiou o~ Cite Uonrd 6[ County Co~sionegs et Collier CountT. Florida, have been ,~e~e,I aq,~itt~t the above property on <ddte> and shall beco~e a l~en et, ~he pt,~per~y thirty (301 days alter such You may ~quest a heartnq b~fo~e the Ueard of County Co~.~issioflers to sho~ cause, [~ any, ',by the e:.:penses and chagqes j,curted by [he County under this Ordtnance are uwaarranted or excessive ot ~hy such expenses should no: consctLuce a J tqll aUatnst the property. Such request for hea~ng must be made ~o lbo Clerk o~ the Board of County C~tsstoners, Governmenc Cen:er, l~aples, Florida 34112 days fgom :he date o[ [his assessmenC to be valid. CLEP~, BOARD OF COUtITY C~.1ISSIOIIERS Ill~Lt, ttlOtl !10, 90. FKOVIDItI~ FOR ASSESSICF. MT OF L%DI, FOR TIlE COST OF TIlE ADATF. MEf~r OF J~JBLIC I~JISA.'ICE, IN ACCORDANCE WITiI OBD%I~ArICE 9%°4?, WtlER~AS. an ptoYJd~d tn Ordinnflc~ 91-47, the direct cogt· or and MIENS, t~ cant t~reot to the C~n~y al to each porte] calculated and r~rt~ to t~ ~4rd of C~nCy C~Jlli~rl, c~ether w~th m deocripti~ o[ said parcel; a~ WIIEREAS. ouch aoqeos~nt S~l~ ~ a ~aJ, valid a~ obli/atl~ u~ t~ pr~rty n~iflst which ~de until paid~ s~ll accru, mt a rac~ of twlve ~rceflc (12.0t) ~r o~ unpaid ~rCi~ ~ISSI~EAS Or ~%ER ~. F~IDA. t~ c~ pr~rCy dewcrt~ fi ~oll~l, and ~vtfl3 ~efl abated o~ a ~blic ~ismflce otter d~ proof notice thereof to C~ ~er of said pretty. Jw Ch~ roZZ~t~ coots at such ~bot~flc, co Peres. ~iw Vis,es ~t 10 I%~k 394 of ~rco Beach S 24S.00 2SI02 ~ IS" ~. ~it %%~ i f~vlwl~ according NL~L. ~ 331S3 to the fist thereof reeordd In fogs ii*ii of the ~li~ Records of Collier C~ty. floridl. 5774~2000~ ?0t1~-034 The Clerk of the Board ·hall ~oil · notice of &swess~enc at lien co the owner or owner· of the above descried property, ·f~J It such ~er fo~l co F~y such Ifl~llM~ vichSn ch*roy certified copy or thio Resolution ihall ~ recozd~ in the official records of Collier C~nCy, to cofllcitvce · lien ~finlt ivch nccord~nq to 1~, uflleJl ·uch direccl~ ti Itny~ This ~eooluCio~ ~dopCed after ~tiofl, fec~d and ~jorlty vote. DATED: ATTEST: ~ARD OF ~ BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIR~J~f APPROVED AS TO FORM Arid LEGAL S~rr ~tc'Y , ,, (, . /- A) [ / ~Y A~ORNEY CSce Il - l/t8 MAY 1 9 1998 ¸.0 LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEME}~r CASE NO. 70919-038 RECORD OWNER - Lalanne, Etzer ODJECTIVE Board :o acczp= report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against che parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect ~ne abatement of a public nuisance at this locatizn, all as provided fox in Ordinance 91-47, the Collie~' Counu¥ Weed, Litter and ?lanc Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Viola:ion decerminati=n b. N.:ice of Violation sorved %..f~cation of unabated nuisance i. N'./sance abated with public funds e. ~..::e~ invoiced for co~=s Undeliverable ~0/~/97 ~/os/97 FISCAL IMPACT Rei~bu~'semenz of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action cr fc:'~closure. GROWTH r~,~Gi:4E~:T IMPACT N'.t applicable. That ~"? Boa:q c : Counuy Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: ) C~STO~S~ S~V~cs ~SSNT~T~VZ APPRO/~ BY: V'~ncenn A. Cautero, A~tnistrator Comununity Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 BOAAD OF COUWT~ ¢Ot~ISSIOI~RS COLLIER COUI~TY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSt~EI~T Or LIEN PO Box ~65 Immok&loo, FL 34143 L£GAL D£SCRIi~Io:I: DATE: Hmrch 20, 1998 1~4030920005 Lot 7, BXock 2, South XmmokaXee ReSghts, as recorded Xn Pla~ Book 3, ~aqe 29, Public aocords o£ Co11~er County, Florida. You, as the owner o{ the {,rol'~rtY above described, as gecorded in the ~ecor~ls matr~tal~o,I I~y th~ '*((I~e ()[ th~ Peel)artY Appraiser, age hereby advised that the (:,:~pltance 5,,trices I~anaqer, did on 9/19/97 order the abatement of a C~tdtr~ nutsan,:e existinq on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-41, servt,,~ notice thereat upon you, such Frohtb~ted &ccumulat~on o£ non-p=otactedmowible ~e~at&t~ofl exce~s o£ 18~ £n height ~n a aubdtv~sion other than Golden Gate You [aile~ co abate ~uch rluzsonc~; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure or public rut:ds a~ a d:rec~ co~t or $ 4S.00 and ad,this[cat,Ye co~[ or $200.00 [or a total or $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolution or th~ lloarcJ ~f (~,~'~t7 Commissioners o~ Collier County, Florida, have beelt aR~essqcJ ,l'!.llnSt thq above property on <date> and shal! become a lio~t att [he i,t"pettY thirty (30} days a~ter such assessment. You may request a hearing I)q[orq the ~oard or County Co.mmissioners to show cause, ir 4n~, why khq eXl)O,ses a,d cha~es incurred by the County under ch[s Ocdtnance age un~acgan[ed or excessive ag why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request heartnq must be made to the <Jerk o~ the Board or County Co~[sstonegs, Government Center, Haptes, Florida 34112 tn ~r[ttn~ u[th[n thirty (30) days [~om the date or this assessment to be valid. C~ERK, BOARD OF COUNTY C~.~.][SS[ONERS C$ce 9- 1/93 UAY 1 9 1998 REF~ILUT I ON /~O. A R£SOLUT{Off O£ THE BOARD O£ CO~rTY ~]SS]~EWS Pff~[DI~ F~ ASSES~EI~ OF L]~, FOR ~E ~ OF TIlE ABAT~E~T ~r ~L~c ~S~, ~rl AC~D~ICE ~HERF~S, the cn~t calculated and re~rt~d to t~ ~ol~d at C~nty C~tllt~l, c~ethe= rich a delcriptton o( I~Jd parcei; and shall accru~ at a rat~ unpaid ~tion thereat. ~, TIIEREFOWR, C~CalSS{~;E~S OF ~Lb[ER prcF~r flocic~ thereof Co the o~er of la~d pretty, t, he ~ assessed the fol:~in? costs O~ luch H~gi k~L D~SCR2~I~ t COST Lili~e, g~zer ~t ~, ll~k 2, J~th S 24S.~0 PO Box 12SS Zwkile~ WeLghta, le recorded Z~Xilee, F~ 34143 Lfl Pl.t ~ 3, Pegs 2), ~2ic Record/ o~ Colliar C~cy, 74030t2000S The Clerk of the R~4~d shall mail & notice of alSelm~nt of lien ~o the cwner or cvn~ra o! the .boys descr)l~d property, and zf such ovner ~azls to pay such a~cess~ent vii hi. thirty (30{ dayl hereof, cert:~zed copy of this P~elution shall b~ recorded in the official records o! Collier County. to constitute a lien against such pr~erty accord[n~ co la~. unless such direction il stayed ~ chis Board aFpeal o~ the a~se~s-en~ of the Th~ Relolut~orJ adopted a~ter ~tton, laced and eaJorl[y vota. DATED: A~EST: BOAPD Or ~TY ~alSS[~;E~S ~l~tfT E. OR~, CLEP~ CO,ClEW C~Y, F~RIDA M,%WBfi~A B. BERRY, OIAIRVJU'{ APPROVED AS TO FORM A~ID LEGAL COU~Y A~ORNE~ CSce il . l/J! MAY 1 9 1998 P;.,, _.._ ~XEctrl'Iv~ LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 70923-010 RECORD OWNER Silvas, Oviedo 0~JECTIV~ Board to accept report and adopt Resolucion assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Planc Control Ordinance. CON$IDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 09/19/97 Undeliverable 10/14/97 10/28/97 11/06/97 FISCAL, IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: CUSTOMER'~ERVICE REPRESENTATIVE APPROVED BY: Vincent A. Cautero, Ac~inistrator Co~zmunity Dev. & EnvirorunenCal Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 BOARD OF ¢Ot/lr~ COHHISS:IOttl:RS COLLZER COLtI~Y, ti, OR:IDA LEOA.L ttOTICE OF ASSESSldZNT OF L~t£H S~.lv&s, ay:Leda 2&0 12t~ St. SE Naples, lr~ 341.17 P.I: tl:RL'~C'I: 70923°010 LEGAL DKSCRI PT IOI1: DATK: Hatch 20, 1998 10012S000008 LI £11 IIUIdO£R: MAY 1 9 1998 CSce 9- 1/93 days [zom the dale of tlli~ ;t~sossmerlt to be valid. CL£R~:, BOARD OF COUIITY COI~.IISSIorlERS Z&.tez~y 1.070 £oet o£ the ~o=th one-hel£ o£ the Sout~e&.~ one- qu&=te= of the Southeaa~ one-qu&Ete= o£ Sect£on 4, TownshSp 47 South, Range 29 East, tun Westerly · dAetaflce o£ 220 £ee~ £ot the point of begiflfl£ng o£ the t~&ct hore~n conveyed CofltLnuo ~0 feet, thence Souther1.y 1.20 £ee~, thence Easter1.y ~0 feet, thence ~oEthe=1.y 220 feet to the point of beginning. You, as :he ~wner ,,f [l:~ i.t,.l.~rL7 ~bovo described, as recorded In che records mazntatfled by Lhe o~fice of the Property Appra~se~, are he:eby advised :ha: Lhe Cc:rpltance 5~rvtcqs rd~t~aqer, did off 9/24/97 order the aba:emen: o[ a cot:ate nu:nance exis:tnq on the above prope:ty prohibited by Ordinance 91-41, q~rvJru~ notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: P=oh£b£ted &ccumu[&ttofl of flon-p=otec~ed mow~[o vege[a[~on excess oE ~8' ~n heLgh[ An a .~LvL~ton elbe= [hen ~lden expenditure si f~,~hl~r [uml~ ,~t a direct cos: of $ 45.00 and adm~nis:¢aL1'/e COaL o: $200.00 tot a :,)tel of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolut~o~ of :l,e lJoagd of County C~sjonets of Collier CounCy, r~or,da, have been assessed aga~ns: the above property on <date> and ~halL become a 1zen on :he p¢cpetty th~::y {30} days afro: such assessment. You may ~equesc a hea~lng be[ore the Board of County Co~ssioneEs sho~ cause, ~f any, why :he expenses and cha~ges incu::ed by the County unde: :h~s O:dLnance ar,~ un~ac:a~tted or excessive o: why such expenses should no: cons:~Lu:e a l~en against :he property. Such ~eques: hearing must be made to Lh~ Clerk si Lite Board o[ County Co~tss~onets, Go'/e~nment ~e~t:er, ll.~pl,~n, Florida 34112 in ~rtting ~lthin Lhi¢ty (30) Rr..~¢q,UTi~ aK). 98. A R~SOLU'rION Or TUF. BOARD OF COtnrtY C'OP:4ISSIG~qER$ PROVIOI~';:; FOR ASSESS,'4KNT OF' I. IF.,*{, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATE~.E~/T OF PUBLIC f:U{SA,~C~, ZN ACCORD/U~CE HITII O#DlfiAtlCE 91-47. ~IIEREAS, afl provide4 in Otdinanc~ 91-47, the direct costs of co~t ~flcutred t,y the Co, mt y, shall be assented againlt luch property; all~J calculated and re~rted to the Board o~ C~nty C~eeionere, t~etheg ~th a description o~ aa~d pa~ce)~ and MIKREAS, p'JCh asfle~n~ent ~haJl ~ a legal, valid and binding ob&lgatt~ u~fl the pretty agalnnt ~h~ch ~de untt~ paldf and ~IERK~, :lJq anoean~nt nhall ~c~e due and payable thirty dayl a(tet t~ ~il~ng oK Notice at Aoeeoo~nt a~teg which interest s~ll accrue aC a rate o{ t~lve ~rcenC (12.0~) ~r annum on any afield ~rt~ofl thereat, r~, ~IEREF~RK, ~R IT RESO~O BY ~IE BOARD OF ~ ~SS~ERS OF ~LblER ~, F~R~OA, that the pro~rty described al ~oll~l, and having ~en abated o( a ~bLlc nuisance atte~ due and prc~ not,ce thereat to the ~et at said p~opetty, ~1 hece~ aasel~ed the tallying costs o( such abate~nt, to Silvas, ~iedo BeEtling it tho Wortheaot S 245.00 260 12'0 s~. SE corner o~ the Westerly 310 feet ~aplee, FL 24117 of the Easterly 1070 feet of tho Worth one- hill of the S~thellt ~e-~ortet o~ the SouCheilt ofle-~ircet o~ Jectlon 4, of ~20 feet tar the ~C at begl~flg o~ ~he CFac thence S~thor~y 120 feet, thence Kalter~y 70 feet , thence ~ortherly 120 feet to the po~nt of 00125000008 7g~22-010 The Clerk o~ the Board shall mail I notice of assessment of lien to the owner or o~neta oi the above d~scr~bed property, and If such owner tails to p~y much amassment within thirty (30) dayl hereof, a certzi~ed copy oK this Resolution shall be recorded in the o~ficial records o~ Collier County, to constitute a ]~en sEa,nit much property according to lay, unless such direction ia stayed by this Board upon appeal o! the aasemsavent of the owner. Thtl Resolution adopted a~ter motion, second and majority ~ote. ~ATED: ATTEST: BO)U~D OF ~ CO/~$S~O~ERS ~d~GHT E. BROC~, CLERK COLLIER coutrrY, F~RIDA BYz BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIR~U~i APPROVED )~ TO FORM COU1qT Y ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 MAY 1 9 1998 EXECUTIVE LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 70923-034 RECORD OWNER - FLEET MORTGAGE'CORP. Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. ViolatiOn determination b. Notice of Violation s.=rved c. Verification of unabaued nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoice~ for co:~rs o9/25/9? ~0/02/97 ~1/04/97 12/11/97 FISCAL IH~ACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may :e anticipated by voluntary action or foreclcsure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT No~ apF]icable. RECQ,~9/ENDATION That the Board of County Commis.~ioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: M. lody Br~d~eman % CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Community Dev. & Environmental S'..cs. MAY 1 9 ~{998 BOARD OF COUNTY CONHISSZONERS COLLZER COtrNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSHENT OF LIEN DATE: Hatch 20, 1998 FLEET HORTGAGE CORP. PO Box 1169 H£1w&ukee, WI 53201 R.E:FEP~CE ?0923-034 13S880350003 LIE. rzur~fl£R: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: LOT 9, BLOCK 62, GOLDEN GATE UNIT 2, PART 2, ACCORDING TO THE HAP OF PLAT THERZOF A~ RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK T, PAGES 66 THROUGH 67, OF THE PUBLIC R£CORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. You, as the owner o! the prOl~etty above described, OS recorded in the records mainLaine.J b7 %he office of the Propnrty Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compllanc~ ~ervices ~anaqer. did on 9/26/97 order the abatement o£ a certain riuis~.ce existi.g on the above property prohib~ted b7 ~rd~nance 91o47, ser~in,; nottc~ thereof upon you. such nuisance be%ag: etohibLted accumulation of floflopto~ec~ed mows. bio voge~&t~ofl ~fl excess of 18" ~n heLght Ln · subd£v£eiofl other than Golden Gate Ea~&tes. You failed to abate such r,'::~ance; whereupon, it was aba%ed by the expenditure of i)ui.ltc f.JrJ,(~ .It d direct cent of $ 45.00 and aqminisLra:ive cee% of $200.00 fer a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by P~$9iutiorJ of th9 Board o! CourtLy C~mmisslo.ors of Collier County, florida, nave been a,sessed apai.s% %he abo~e property on <date> and shall become a lien ct. tho i~rcperty %hlrty (30) days after such assessment. You may rogues% a hearing before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lie~, a¢;aills% %he property. Such request for hearing must be made to %he Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Uaples, FLorida 34112 in writing within thirty {30) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CI.EI~K, BOARD OF ':OUUTY C~.IHISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 A RF~cOIJTT~Ofl OF TIlE I1oARD OF C~F~rTY CC~J~ISSXO~IERg PR(~21)~FJ F~R A~SF.K~F~T OF ~lKtl, FOR ~1~ COST OF TIlE ADATF.~E~IT OF ~I.IC ~I~ICE. ~ AC~RD~iCE ~IEREAS, as prov~qd ~n Ord~nM~c~ ~-4~. th~ dtrec~ cos~s o~ ~I[~RAS, th~ cn~t chutist to the C~nty a~ to each parce~ nha~ ~ ca~cuZated and ~e~rted tn the Board o~ C~nty C~ssSone~, t~ethe~ ~ERE~, fluch almeaae~nc ah/Il ~ a legal, va~id and binding o~gatton u~n :h9 p~ope~ty agatnnt vhL~h ~de untt~ pardi and Ihs%% accrue at a tats o[ t~e~ve ~tcent ($2.0~1 ~t ·nnum on any unpaid ~ttton th~teo~. I1~, TIIEREFORE, gE IT RESOLVED BY ~(~ BOARD OF ~Y p~oper notXce thereo[ to the ~er st laid property, ts hereby assessed :he [olX~ing cost~ si such ab·tenet, to wit: ~ ~[~AG DtSCRXffTX~ ~OST FLE~ ~RTGAG[ CORP ~ ~, I~ ~2, ~ GATE S 245.00 fO lOX lXIg ~XT 2, P~RT 2, ACCO~XNO TO ~ ~P Or ~X~WA~[, ~l S320X P~T ~ZROf ~ RECO~ Z~ P~T I~ 7, flAG.S 46 ~l~ S?, Off ~ P~GXC R~CO~S O~ CO~X~R C~, ~RXDA. h o~npr or o~nere of Lhe above described property, and if such to t e...- ........ k a ~asment ~ithin thirty 130) days hereof, · certified copy st this Resolution shalX be recorded in the oftict·~ recotd~ si Collier County. to constitute · lien against such property accord~ to ~av. Ulllell such direct~on Is stayed by thil Board upon appe·! of the aNsessme~nt of the owner. Th:s Resolu:~on adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: BOARD O~ CC~T~Y CO/&qISS~Ofi£RS L~4IGItT £. BROCK, CLERK CObblER COU~TY, F~ORJDA BY: BARgARA B. BERRY. APPROVED AS TO FOR~ ~"COUaTY ATTOe~£Y CSce 11 - 1/~! MAY 1 9 1S98 EXEQ'UTIVE SUMMARY LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71001-084 RECORD OWNER - Tamayo, Ayl~n C Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDEI~ATION Case Summary: a. Viola2ion determination b. Notice of Violation served ¢. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 10/07/97 Undeliverable n/0s/97 n/10/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROW'~I~ MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOMMEndATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Community Dev. & Enviromnent&l Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 BOARD OF (:Ot,~T! COI, O4ISS~ONZ:~S COLLZER COUNTY ~ FLORIDA LEGAL I~OTICE OF ASSESSJ(EI*rI* OF LIEN Tfuneyo, Ayl~.n C 903. SW '!-0'*'~ Ave. If:Lam:L, FL 331.30 2~E rEI~NC'Y, '72.001-014 DATE: Hazch 20, ~998 IS7642920000 LEGAL DESCRIPTI~I: LOT ~2, BLOCK 232, I'IA~CO Br. ACR U)IZT SEVEN, A SUBDXVZSIOTI ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED 2N PLAT BOO~ 6, PAGES SS THROUGH 62 INCLUSIVE, OF TffE PUBLIC P~CORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. You, as Lhe ow.or ,)f thh. l.t,.l'nrty al,OVA, d~.scrJb~,¢1, as recorded in ~he advised LhaL Lhe C(~:l, lJ.lfi(:e f;.*t~'tc,?~ :.~,lnager, did o. 20/20/97 order Lhe b70rdtn~nce 9L-4~, ~,~';i.'f .ottcn thereof upon you, such nuisance being: p=oh~bLted acc~ulitLofl of flofl-ptotec~ed morale vegetation Ln excess of 28" ~n heLgh~ ~n · S~d~v~l~on ot~e= thin Go~den GA~O Estitis. You railed to abaci such mits,into; ~hr~:eUFtn, ~' was abated by the expendt:uCe o[ public fu.d~ ,~L fl (Izr~:t (:os: of $ 45.00 and .~dmX.istraLtv~ ~',~;~ ,,t $200.00 fr,r a ~,,t.ll ,)f $ 245.00. ~uch cosLs, PosoluCio- of ~11,~ I~o,]:d of ':'"~f~:Y Co~Jssiof~er9 o~ Collier Court:y, shall become a l~en nn Lh~ I'topertY :llttt7 {)0l days after such You may tequost ~ hearing I)~[oFe Lhe Boa~d o{ County Cor~missioneFs to show cause, if any, why the exl~enses and charges incurred by the County under th£s Ordin6nce are unwarranted et excessive o: ~hy such expenses should no: constitute a lien against :he property. Such request {or hearing must be made :o the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, eJaples, rloF~da 341~2 in ~rit~ng within thirty (30) days [rom the dace of this assessmen~ to be valid. CLERk, BOARD Or COUt~TY C~4ISSIOt~I£RS C$ce 9- 1/93 MAY 1 9 1998 A RKSOt,U'TZOff OF' "%11E; ~:)ARD OF COaJ'rrTY CC~J'aZSS2Ofl£RS F'ROV~DIf;"3 FOW ASS£SSKE'~T OF t,4£tl, FOP TI1£ ~)ST OF' TI, IF. AnATF.'4E:rIT OF' FUDL, I¢ I,,'~1~S,%,~:C£, ~t: ACCORD,'~C£ KIIEREAS, nfl provided in Ordinance ~1-4'J', the direct costl o! cost ~ncurred by the C~nty. eha~ be alsensed agaSfl/t luch property; ~(~Rr~s. nuch ~s~en~nt ~halt ~ a ]ega{. valid and binding unpat4 ~rtl~ thereo~. ~, TII~W~FOR~. the ~ol %~lt~g T,u~yo, Aytin C }01 S# 10'" to th~ c',ner or ownerl o~ the n~e described pro, try. and it luch certified copy o( th~e Re~olutiOn thai] ~ ~ecorded in the records o~ Col~ler County. to constitute a l~en againlt such pro, try ~%OIIT E. BROCk. ~L~K COLt%ER ~L~Y. F~R%DA BY: BARBARA fl. BERRY. CHA%R~aA~; CSce 11 · MAY 1 9 1998 ,i. L~EN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71006-012 RECORD OWNER - Grant, Carol Board to accept reI~ort and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds exgended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs lo/o9/97 ~o/~19v 1~/~9Z97 ol/o~/9s o~/~/gs FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGE~ENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOM~fKNDATION That the Board of CounCy Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Co--~u~ity Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 ~,EGAT, ~CrtZCE OF ASSESS~'I~ OF LZI:I4 DA~: ~'.atch 20, 1998 Grist, CAroL S324 C&tts Hlp2ll, ~ 34223 p~:~,~iCz: ~200G°022 1~2093500002 L£G~L D£SCRZ~:)TzO~I: Lot 4, BXoc~ ~, ~apXes Minor AddttLon. You, ~s ~ ounQ~ ~f ~ho J~r~J*~rL~ o~Yo dosCrSbgd, os recorded Ln ~e EeCOE~S ~4tliLailJ~(J I~y Lbo ~)((JC~ Uf ~lJ~ property ApprAiser, ate hereby ~y Ordinance prohibited ec~ulat~on o~ non-protected m~le vege~a~ofl excess o~ You :ailed to abate such nuxs,~flce; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditutn, o,( pul~li~. :u~ids at n direct cost o: $ 4S.00 and ad~iflistcat~vo co~t of $200.00 faf n total of $ 24S.00. Such costs, by p~suluLz~d~l o~ Lt;~ l~,),~td ',[ ,:,,,mtn' C,~.~in~toflern o~ Collier County, sh,~:/ ~ecome a ~Len or] Lhn l~rOl,ettY thtcLy (30) (lays a~te~ such assessment. '~ou may request a hea::~ b~re the lis&rd si Cou~lty Commissioners to sho~ cause, t~ eny, ~hy the e);)enses nnd charges incurred by the County under thLs O~dtnance are unvarranted or excessive or vhy such expenses should not constitute a l~en against the property. Such request heating ~ust be made to the C~etk at the Dosed at County Commissioners, Government Cente~, Uaples, ~'1ot~da 34]~2 ~n ~clt~ng ~ithin thirty (30) days [rom the dat~ (J/ thi~ ,)~o~me~t to be valid, C~£~K, ~OARD OF COU~IT¥ C~4I$S~O~1£RS CSce 9- 1/93 MAY 1 9 1998 IIICSOI.UT I Of~ ~O. A ~ESOLUTIO~ OF TI~ ~OARD OF CO~.~Y COK~ISS2OtI£RS pROVlDIr~ FOR ~qstsS~.F~IT O~ bll~, rC~ THE COST OP Till' ,%ilATT~F..'IT OF PURl. lC ~JISA~CE, I1~ ACC~D/U~CE calculated ~ z~rt~ to ~iER~S, ~uch all~N~nt ~hall ~ a lo?al, valid and bi'in9 oblt~a~t~ u~n the p~tty fl~. ~IEREPORE, C~ISSIC~ERS OF COkLIKR ~ITY, F~R~DA, that t~ pg~rty delcrl~d a~ foll~s, and havln~ ~n abated at a ~bltc nuisance after due and th~ ~oll~q coats of 5314 Cltte St. ~aplel, r~ 24113 ~ot 4, Block 6, #lplel Honor Addition. COST S 245.00 6205]S00002 71004-012 T~e Clerk of the Board ~h~ll ~ai] a notice of aoseoo.~e, flt O! lien to the o~fler or ovne~a o! the above decor]bed property, and it such o-net tails to pay nuch ~an-ead~.nt v~thJn th~rty 130! dayo hereo~, a carttf~ed copy o! th~o R,soluticn shall be recorded ~n the oEf~c~al records o[ Coll~er County, to conotJtute a lien against ouch property according to la~, unlesl ouch direction Aa otoyed by thAI Board upon This R~solv~on adopted ~ter ~Lion, ~econd and ~jor*~y vote. DATED~ ~ZST~ ~ARD OF ~ ~ISSIC~ERS 5~IGtlT E. gRaF, C~RK ~IER ~Y, F~IDA BY: BARBARA B. B~RRY, CU,%IRP, AH CSce 11 - 1/91 MAY 1 9 19! $ EX~CUT'rVE SUMMARY LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71010-024 RECORD OWNER - Sheehan, Lloyd ~ Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance a= this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced f¢:: costs lo/o9/97 lo/~/97 1=/ol/97 1=/~1/97 1=/~o/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 z.ay be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT No:: applicable. RECOM~]~DATION That the Board of County Com:~issioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY= CUSTOMER SERVICE REP~ESEN'rAT~VE Achninistrator Comity Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 BOM~D OF COL~TY COI~iXSSZONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORXDA I:OTXCE OF ASSESSHENT OF LXEN Shoehan, LLoyd G P&pleo0 1~ 34112 I~:1rl:RL~CI: 71010°024 DATE: Karch 19, 1998 1620940e0003 I,!;':; L£GAL D£SCRIPTIOIt: lot 16, BLock J, UAPLES F. RtqOR ADDITIOtl, eccordLng to the pl&t thereof, on £~Le and recorded Afl the ih~bLi~ Records of Collier County, Florida. pave Book 3, Pages 67 and SI and sub,oct to rosarY&fLoes, restrLctLofls and 1Lm£tetLonl of record. One-fourth oil, gms &fid m~neteL rLghts conveyed vLth property. · ! .fy al, ..... I. ;crJbed, as recorded ~n the :! ,. ,,f -.. ;..perry Appraiser, are hereby :'. ,~:ce~ ",!,~=..r, did on 10/10/97, ordet the ~:. · .,xtra' .,~ ,, the above property ptohLblted · .. ~ :: -=ce :!. :.' ' :=p~n you, such nutsance being: YOU, as the advJsed that the C..,; .: abatement of by Ordinance 91°47, PtohLbLted accumulation of non-protected movable vegetetLon ~n excesf of 18" ~fl }~e~vht ~n a aubdLv~s~ofl other than Golden Gate Estates · You :ailed to abate .:...,:,,; w!:. t,.*.;I f:, ~t was abated by the expend£tuce of publ: .:.: .,' a dl:,.' .... .t of $ 45.00 and administrative cost .: S200.00 f~t a .,..t. o~ $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the II..' ~ :'..','.7 C,):'" :~t.:' r~e:s of CoJJte: County, Florida, have be~rt .. · ~',i:~st ''." ,i .ye property on <date> and shall become a lie~ :. :' ~': ;arty ~ :::7 (30) days after such assessment. You may ~equest a h...,:.:.~ :,.t. :u [he !~uaf,i of County Commissione~s to sho~ cause, Lf any, :.,'!,. ~! . (,:.~,~nse~ ,~d ,.barges incurred by the County under thcs Ocdinanc,' · ...w.',: .a~ted : ,.:.:.'osslve o: ~hy such expenses should not console,'' '. r~ r.~,~: .,:~ : :sperry. Such request fac hea~tng must be mad. .~ ~'..~ of -he ~..~ard of County Co~ssionets~ Government Cartier, I~.,~ .'.., ~'l..rtcla ;.;11/ t. ~ttttnq vithtn thirty (30) days [tom the dace ,': 't,~: .~::..,~sme,t Lo I..~ va[Ld. MAY 1 9 CSce 9- 1/93 A RF. SOI. U'TIOf~ OK 'I'Ul~ ~ARO OY ~ ~ISSIOtJERS p~OVIDTIt"3 fOR ASSESSI~,[.."iT OF' L]r~i. FOR TII£ COST OF' 1,4 i Tll OPD i til~C£ and ~HER~S, Ch~ CoNe th~r~o~ co the C~nty al to each parcel ehal~ calculated and ~e~rt~d to th~ Board o[ C~n~y C~tll~one;e, ~gdcl~ ~fl ch~ p[O~l~y ogAJnl~ which mode unCJ~ po~d~ ~nd doys ~tC~r ct~ ~tng o( ~tJce of AeseNl~n~ otter which ln~rel~ ehd~L occrue ~ a cite of cv~Ye ~Fcen~ It2.0~J ~r onnuM on ~SSIGgEAS OF ~I[R ~, F~RID&, that th~ pr~rcy dewcrL~d mw toiles, and hmvi~ ~en ~baced of m ~bltc nuisance alter du~ ~nd proper notice c~reo[ co th~ ~er of e~%d pretty, Il here~ aeeeeied c~ to~Jng cocci ot ouch Abac~nC, Co ~ D%S~X~X~z cost 2S226 T~L~ Tr% E ~Ol ~%T1~, iecordLflg to the Nmplee, r~ 34112 plot thereof, ~ file and record~ An reet~LctS~l end ~LILCitL~I ot ~eco~d, oLZ, gee end iLne~e~ ~Lghtl conveyed vLth S201401000] 71010-024 The Clerk o[ the Board eha$1 mai! · notice o! allelem~nC o[ lien to the ovner or ovnere o[ th~ above deicribed property, and l! ouch owner faire co p~y ~uch m~eei~nc vtth~n cherty I]OI daye hereof, m recordl o[ Col%let C~ncy, to c~lCtCute · lien igiinlC luch property according to lay. un%~ll luch dJrecc~ ~e leaved ~ chJl Bom%d u~ appeal Of the a~lele~n~ ot t~ ~er, DATED: A~EST: ~ARD Or ~ ~IIT E. BR~K, CLERK ~ZER ~, F~R~DA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRI~ CSce %1 - 1/9m MAY 1 9 iS£8 T.,'rEN R~SOLUTZON - CODE ENFOR~ CA~% NO. 73.010-028 RZCORD OWN]~ - Z&russ~. ET 17Z, Guy O' Board ~o accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover~blic funds expended to effect the abatemen~ of a public nuisance at =his location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, hitter and Plan= Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 2o/o9/;? 2o/2o/;; 22/o;/;? 22/2o/97 FISCAL I~ACT Reimbursement of $ 290.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. G~WT~HANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ CUSTOM~ S~ERVICE REPRESENTATI'VE Vincent A. C&utero, Xd~aistr&tor Community Dev. a Environmentll Bvcs. DATE: COX, LXER COUNTT, FX,OItXDA LEGAy- NOTXCE OF ASSESSNZN~ OII* LXL~ DAn: J~arch 20, xgg8 Za~ussL ET U~[, Guy J 911 canyon View Rd. Apt 212 Sag&more H£XXo, OH 440~7 z~zrzz~'~cz 7~oxo-o20 lS5~00080003 ~ttr: LEGAL OESCRXPTICtI: AX.~ of Linda ~atk, except ~tl 38, 39, 40, 42, 43 an~ 44, ~ S~Xv~sXon of ~ SX o~ ~S G~ ~ ~UCK CO'S LX~ r~ ,0.2, Xes. S~a~e ~d rXght-of-vay, ac~ordXng ~ ~e pXat ~oroo~ ?XA~ ~ok 4, ~ago Xg of ~o ~XLe heordo of CoXXXor FXor~, You, as the owner o~ the property above described, as recorded Xfl the records ~a~fl~d~eO ~ the e~f~ce or the ProperLy Appratser, are here~y a~vXs~d Cha~ ~e Co~X:~flc~ Serrates ~flager, did off XO/X0/O7 order abatement o~ a ~-rt~t~ r:u~sar~A extsttfl~ on the above property prohibited b~ Ordinance 9~-4T, serving not,ce thereo~ upon you, such nuisance being: )roh~Xted ac~uXmtXofl o~ non-prote~tod novell vego~tLofl ~n Estates. You failed to abate ~uch nuisance; whereul,on, At was abated by the expenditure of ;;ublJc [u,.l': ~t a direct COSt o[ S 90.00 and adc~ntstrattve cost o( $200.00 (or a total o~ ~ 2J0.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the ~od:d of Country Commissioners si Coilxer County, Florida, have been assessed against the above p:ope~ty on <date> and shall become a lier~ on the property thirty (]0) days alter such assessment. You may request a hearznq before the Board et County Co~issioflers to show cause, t[ any, why the expenses and cha~ges incurred by the County under chis Ordxnance a~e u,war~anted o~ excessive o~ why such expenses should not constitute a Xten a~ainst the p~ope~ty. Such ~eque~t [o~ hea=tng must be made to the Clerk o~ the Boa~d al County Government Center, Naples, Florida 34[~2 [n writing wtthtn thirty days ~rom the date of th~s assessment to be valid. CLE~F', BOARD OF COUNTY C~4t41SSIOr~£RS I AY 1 9 1998 CSce 9- 1/93 A R£$O~UTI~ Or THE ID&RD OF COUN~ L*'O~42SSION£RS THE ABAT~ET.'T OF pUblIC T~S)~iC£, IN ACCORDA~C~ pr~vl4~,l in o~dinane~ ~1-4~, the dtrect caste of coat ~ncurred ~Y the a Y' County, shall t~ iii.II.O ag. ~ ~H£NE~S, the coat th~e~ to the County al to tach parcel sha~ be ca~CUlated and tepOrteO to the ~c)ard O! County Commlel[O~etl0 together vxth a delcttpt~on at la~d parce~ and ~NW, such aSlell-ent ihi~Z ~ I legal, va~Jd and binding ~H[~S. the alle~nt Iha1[ ~c~ due an4 payable thirty unpaid ~tt~on che~eo[. ~ISSIOII~RS OF ~LLIEN ~, ~RIDA, that the property descried the ~o~ov~ng col:l o~ lUCh i~ateee~t, to ~zt b~~t~t°~t COS~ ~atueet ~ ~, Ouy · AGG o~ ~Lndl fltk, e~cepC J 2~0.00 Apt 212 I s~LYLfL~ of ~t S2 of ~fLKS oR~g ~ right-of-roy, according ~o the p2it thereof of Collier C~ty, SS~OOOOO0O2 cert~{~ed copy o~ th~s Peso~uttOfl shall be recorded iff the records o~ C~er County. to constitute · ljefl aSa%flit luch pro~rty according to low, unless ouch dlrectJ~ ts s:ayed ~ this Board Th~o Reeo~utzo. adopted attar ~ot~on. ~e:o~ and ea3ortty vote, ~AP~ OF ~'tff~Y ~l~l~t:KnS BY: BARBARA B. BERRY. CHA~R~J~i APPROVED AS TO FORN A.~K). ~.EGAL, SUFF~C, ZENCY: DAVID NEIG£I. CO~q~ ATTOR~£Y CSce 1Z - 2/98 EXECUTI'VE SUMMARY LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CA~E NO, 71010-068 RECORD OWNER - Co11£ns III, Willi~mD Board to accept repot: and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against =he parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Lit=er and Plant Control Ordinance. g~NSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs lO/21/97 Undeliverable 12/01/97 1211119? 12/16/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be action or foreclosure. anticipated by voluntary GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY ~ Mel&dy Bri~g~man ) CUSTOm SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE V£ncent A. Cau~ero, Administr&tor. Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 I~, ~ ,. CO~,~EA CO~TA~T, FLO~2D& LEGAL #C~T~C~ eT &SS~SSIi~XT or L~I~I March 19, ~99B ColLLns ZIZ, 900 Brold Ave. S XopZes, FL 34~02 ~£GA~ D£$CR[PTZOZI: Lot 8, B~ock ~0, Hsp~es Id~nor Annex, ~ ic~ozdlflco v~ to tho p~l~ recorded ~fl P~a~ Book l, pege 120, ~c ~ocords o~ Co~Lo= Count~, Zlo~L~, You, os ~he owns[ si Lh~ ~r~p~L7 nbov~ d~scr*b~d, ds recorded ~n Lhe records masntasfled I)7 tho riff ice et the Property Appraiser, are hereby abatement o: a certain nuisance existing on the above property p~ohibited by Ordinance gl-41, s~tvinV ~otJco thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Ptohib~tod aec~uiitiofl o~ non-protected mow~ie vegetation You ~at~ed to a~a~e such I~u~s~flco; whereupon, It was a~ated b~ the expend~tut~ o~ pu~c :un,J~ nta dstect cost et ~ 45.00 and ad~sn&~ttatsve co~t o: ~200.00 :o~ a tala& u~ $ 245.00. Such costs, by pesolutson o[ the Ooazd of CalmLy Co~tss~onozs o~ CoUlter County, shall ~ec~e a lien ?~:~ the ;.cu;.~tLy ~h~tt~ (30~ days a~tec such aSSeSSment. You may request a hearsng be:crc the Board o: County Co~m~sssoflers to sho~ cause, S: any, ~hy tho ex~onses and cha~ges ~ncutred by the County under thss Ordinance ate un~a::anted or excesstve et kay such expenses should not constitute a ~en aqasnst the property. Such request hearing must be made to the C~etk o~ the Board o~ County Co~ssionets, Government Center, llaples, F~ot~da 341~2 ~n ~tit&ng ~thin thirty days tram the date et this .sssessmont to ~e valid. CLLPf:, OOARD Or CCUIITY CSce 9o 1/93 MAY 1 9 1 98 PROVJD~fl~ FOR A~SS~EHT O~ LIbel. FOR Tn[ ~ST OF THE ARAY~NT CF ~L~C ~IS~C~. ~N ACCORD~ICE WN£R£AS. a~ provided In Ordinance 91.47. the direct costa o[ cost zncurred by thn Cou.ty, alla%~ )~t assessed againlt such property; and tC4£RFIS, tll~ coot th~of to the County al to each parcel shall calculated and I~poKted to the Board o[ County Cow~lllionera. together obligation u~ t~ pretty against ~tich made until plidJ kHERW. CI~ a~-ee~.t Ihall ~c~ due and payable thirty ~. THEREFORE. BE ST RE$O~D I1 ~ IO~D O~ ~ C~%SS%~IERS OF ~Lk~ER ~. F~RIDA. that t~ pretty descried is to11~. 4nd having ~en Jbiced o~ a KJblLc nu~s/nce steer due and Ch~ ~01~wzfl~ COICl O[ lu~h abatement, co wit: JO0 Braid Ave. S ~eflor Wes, In 8ecordan~* v/th ~lpleo, FL 34L02 and l~Jeet to tho plat recorded Iff Plot Book 1, pigs ~10, P~lie Records of Collier C~ty, rlorlde. 621S6100004 71010-0i8 The C~rk o! the Bonrd ~h~11 ~a~l a notice or aalela~ent to the owfle~ or owners o~ the a~ove de,cr:b~d property, and l~ auch owner fa~ls Co pay ouch assessment within thirty &3O! dayl boreal. · cercl~led copy of th~a ~eaolutlOfl ohaJJ I~ recorded in the records of Collier County, to co. statute a S~en against ouch property acc~rd:~g to law. uflleaa such direction 11 stayed by th~l Board upon AI~*£~T: BOARD OF C~*~I*Y CY3J~ISSIONERS Cw~GJtT E. B~. C~E~K ~bblE~ ~ITY. F~RIDA BY: BARBARA B. B£RRY, CHAIP~v~N CSce 11 - 1/9! LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71014-030 RECORD OWNER - Mane¥ JR, Thomas P & Dori S Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. gONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced fcr costs o/13/97 Undeliverable FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 ~.a¥ be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. ~OWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT No= applicable. RECOM~ATION That the Board of County Co~:~issioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY= ~el~dy Br~dgeman 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE DATE: Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Communigy Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: 1998 I CO~ZZ:R C:OUI~Z~, rLORZD& DATE: March 20, 199g CSce 9- 1/93 days from the date at thZs assessment to be valid. C~£RK, BOARD OF COUHTY C~4;SSION£RS MAY ! 9 1998 KiAO~ ,.TR., ~homao ~ & LorL · 220 rrankl£n AYe. Mcr~hLngton, OH 43085 IL~I~LL~RL'g ~1014-030 i577275s0002 LIET{ IIU:SBER: L~GR~ DESCR:PT~OH: ~t 4, B~ock 280, o~ ~tco leec~ UnL: ~g~, a I~d~o~on ~ the ~lat ~eteof, recorded Sfl ~o~ book 6, Fige 63018, of the ~ ~cor~ of CoZener County, You, 4s Lh~ owfle~ o~ Lite l,r~j'erLy alive flqgcrJbed, as recorded in the records maintain~,l by the ~ffice si thn Pror~ty Rpptatse:, ate hereby advised that the C~pliance ~etvices rianage~, did on 20/15/97, o=de= the abatement o~ a ce=Ca~n nu~a~ce ex~s:tng on :he above property p=ohibited by Crd~nance 91-47, ~nr~t,'~ t~:ice thereof up,tn you, such nuisance being: ~toh~ted ic~lation o~ non-protected ~v~lo ~ogotation You ~ailed to abate such ,uisance; whereupon, It ~as abated by the expenditure o~ public :u,,l~ at a d:tect rcs: of ~ 45.00 and administrative rcs: si $200.00 [o~a total o~ ~ 245.00. Such costs, by Pesoluc:on o~ :he U~,~rd ~[ Cou,ty Commissioners o~ Collieg Councy, Elorida, ha~e ~een a:sessed aqainsC the above property on <date> and shall bec~me a l~en on :he property :hit:y (30~ days a~tec such assessment. You may request a hearing belgie the Boa~d o~ County Co~issioflets to ShO~ cause, ~ any, ~hy :he e~penses and charges lncugted by the County under th~s O:dinance are unwarranted et excessive et ~hy such expenses should not constitute a l~en against the pgopetty. Such =equest heating must be made to the Clegk o~ the Board o~ County Co~ssionets, Gove:nment Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in ~titLng ~thLn th~tty coot :ncurred by the County. fhfZl be fasesse4 fgfznat such property; and ~IERT.~S, th~ cost tt~r~o! to the County as to each parcel coZcu~oted ~nd ~e~r~e~ ~o the I~atd et C~ty C~II~tTI, c~echer v~th 4 deecr~pcton o[ ea~d parce~ and ~[RW, e~ch ~esele~nt Iha~ ~ a ~a~. vl~J~ ~fl~ btn~ng th~ as~es~t diyl alter the ma~s~ et ~o~Jcl o~ Allels~nt attar Iha~ accrue at a cate o~ t~ve ~npfSd ~rcSon C~SSE~E~S Or COL~X[R pro,er floctce thereat co the ~er o{ 14~d property. ~. hereby alleSle~ the ~G~I~ coots o~ ouch abate~nc, to /.ecl J 220 Franklin Ave. S9~37Si0002 7'~0~4-010 Lot 4, i~ock 210, o! ~Mcco S accordifl~ to the P2it thereof, recorded iff Plot Book 6, figa Si-il, o£ the Recordf of CoarSer C~ty, The Clerk o~ th~ Board aha11 mail f notice of flssfa~ent o~ lien or ~vn~rs ot the fOove described property, and ~! auch to the ovner ......... o~'n thtrtv I]O! doyl heceoto f certified ccpy o~ thzs #esolutJofl fhfll b~ recorded in the otflctai Fecords of CoOl,er County. co ccfllc~CvCe · lxefl agolfllC ivch pro~rcy Th~e Resolution adopted a~ter ~cion, eecond ~nd majority vote. DATED: 8:~A~ OF ~Y ~ZSSZO,~RS ATTEST: BY: )~I~ bEgAt, SUFFICIE~C'Y: 01.]t~TY CSce li - 1/9! KXE CUTI'v*E SUMMARY LZEN RES0LUTZON - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE :NO. 71016-070 RECORD OWNER - DIH/CRCO & DIM3d~.CO ZNC. Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. ~0NSIDERATION Case Summar~: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated*nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 10/13/97 11/06/97 12/02/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH HANAGEMENT IMPACT NsC applicable. RECOM24ENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ MeIody B~dgeman 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE RZPRESENTATIVE APPROVED BY~ Vincent A. CauSers, Administrator Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE :~' , MAY 1 9 1998 BOAAD OF COU~ COM(%ISZO~ERJ COLLZER COUNTY, FLORZD& DATE: J4irch 19, 1998 DXI~J~CO & DXI~I~CO ?113 Joint Afldrevo ~d. LAke Worth, FL 33467 beards o~ Collitr County, Flori~. You, as the owner o[ the property aboue described, os recorded abatement o~ a certnzn nut,at,ce ~x~st~r~q off the abo~e property prohibited by Crd:nanc~ 91-4T, se~uir~ r~e:l:~ thereo~ uron you, such nuisance being: ~toh~ited ec~lttiefl o~ flofl-ptotoeted~lo yqotltion Yc,J [a~1~d ~o a~a~e such ,~:sa~c~; wh~re~pcr~, ~C bas aba~ed by ~h~ ad~n~s:~a~e c~sc ~t $200.00 ~c~ · coral ~ S 245.00. Such cos~s, shall bec~~ a l~ef~ .,h Lt.e ir, i~rLy thirty' '~C') days a~ter such assessment. You may geques: a hearing before the Board o[ County Co~tsstoners sho~ cause, :f any, ~hy the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are un.ar:an:ed or excessive og ~hy such expenses should no: consttcute a liefl against the property. Such request for hea:inq must be made [o the Clerk o~ the Board o[ County Co~issioners, Governmen: CenCeg, Uaples, Florida 34112 in utittng ~ithin thirty (30) days fgom the date o[ this assessment to be valid. CLERk:, BOARD or COUtITY C~M1SSlONERS CSce 9- 1/93 MAY 1 9 1998 colt incurred by the County, Ih·Ii be 4Slellsd sgstfllt IUCh property; and I~IEREAS, th~ Co.t title-of tO the C~nty sha~l occru* et a rat~ of tMelve p~rcent (12.01J ~r oflnum off ony u~patd ~rtJ~ the ~o~ng col~l o~ such f~4t~flt, to DXJ~AJ~ & DXMAJ~CO Xla~. 7143 ls~nt J~drevs Rd. Lake Worth, FL 33417 ueordlnf to the Pl·t thor·of recorded in Plot I(~k 4, Pegs 4]*ti, of tho ~lic Records of Collier C~ty, Flor~di, RZF~RLPJ~CE~ S??3iII0000 ?lOlS-O?O to the owner or owflerl of th~ above delcri~ed pr·retry, sfld if luCh owner fsZll to pay such assessment within thirty ilO! days h~reot, · cerc~f~e~ c~Fy o~ this ResolutiOn sh·~l b~ recorded in the records o! Collier County, ~o conltJtut~ · li~fl sgsinlt such prol~rty DATED: A~[ST; B~ARD OF ~ D~IGHT ~. Bi.X. C~K COn, ZEN CC~, r~A~VA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, APPR~V£D AS TO FORM A~D ,L£GA[, SUFFJCIrJ~CY: t-I,,,/, ._. ~ CO~ITY ATTORNEY MAY 1 9 1998 LXEN RESOLUTXO~ - CODE ENYORCEHEHT CASB NO. 71021-215 RECO~.D O~4~t - ~. Boris & ~ene ~ Board ~o accep~ ~e~ and adop~ Resolution assessing a lien agains~ ~he parcel in o~der ~o ~ecover public ~unds e~ended to effec~ ~he abatemen~ of a p~lic nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSID~TION Case Su~: a. Violation de~e~ina~ion 10/27/97 b. No,ice of Violation se~ed Undelivazable c. Vezifica~ion o~ unabated nuisance 11/24/97 d. ~uisance aba~ed wi~h public funds 12/X2/gV e. ~er invoiced for cosCs 12/17/97 Rei~ursemen= of $ 245.00 may be an~icipa~ed ~ volunta~ ac=ion or foreclosure. GR~ ~AG~ ~ACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ Melody Bri~geman CUSTO~ SEKVICE REPRESENTATIVE VincenC A. C&utero, Ad~nistr&tor Community Dev. a Env4ronmental Byes. DATE: BOXJ~X) OF C:O~TiE~ COtMXSSS:OJ(I:I/J COLLXI:R (:OU14TY, I~-OltXD& L~:GJJ, 14OTZCZ OF ASSI:SSI~NT OF LX~24 DATI:: IMrch xg, 2998 l)vkay, Betas & F. sK)gene ~ 41 [ I~lAm St. Rzr[1tI~CZ ~1021-2XS IS665060000B LXEI3 T~.IBER: ~ XX, BXock ~ o~ ~CO B~CS Unit ~o. ~e, i .~vX.~on iccozdXng You, as the owner o£ ~he S,fc{-,,tt~ aUo~o described, as recorded in the records maintained Imy the (jfficn of the ProperLy Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compress*ce Services F1anager, d~d on X0/25/99, order the a~atement of a cerca~s~ nu~snf~co ex,stun3 on the above property prohibited b70~dxnance 91-47, ser~ t~otiCO thoreo~ upon you, such nuisance being: extoll of Xl' tn height kn & s~)clkvkskofl other than GoXdefl Gate You fasXed to abate such t:u~a~ce; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure de pul~Ltq fut~,J~ .it n ~l~t~ct co~t of $ 4S.00 and administrative ccst u: S200.00 (et a total o! $ 2¢S.00. Such costs, by Pesolut~on o~'the Board of Country Cor~:sslo~er$ o! Collier County, F~orsda, have beef~ assessed n,las~st the above property on <date> and shaXX become ~ [zen ~f~ th~ l'rcrert7 thirty (30} days after such assessment. You may ~equest a heartn~ t~nfore the Board o( County Com~tsstoflers to sho~ cause, tf any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted et excessive or why such expenses shouXd not constitute a lJen against the property. Such request hearing must be made to the CZerk o! the Board o! County Con~atssioners, Government Center, tiaptes, Florida 34[[2 ~n vttting v~th~n thirty (30) days f~om the date o[ this assessment to be CL£~K, BOARD O£ COUt~Y CSce 9- t/93 f ~K~R~S. ~h~ co~ Ct~/~f CO ch~ C~nCy ~1 tO ~lCh plrcel ih~l ~ unpaid ~rtt~ thereat. ~%SSZ~RS Or ~%[R ~Y. ~R%Dh, that the pr~rCy desc~tbe~ a~ ~o%1~, and ha./in~ ~n ibated of a pub%%c nuisance after due and proper noc~ce cner~o~ to ch· ~et al wmzd prep·roy. Is he~e~ t~t ~o~ colcl o~ luch 4bare,nc. co g~K~ene ~ 4% g HaLn ~yetic, CT 0S3SS ~ COST ~ot %%, I%~k 1, of )tAIntS $ 24S.00 IEACNUnLt ~o. One, s etd)divA·ion sccordLng Co the FZI~ thereo£, recorded PXi~ I~ok l, Pages ! to %6, of the ffubXL~ Recorda o! Col~Aer C~untT, fXozLda. co the owner or own~rl at the above descrxt3~d property, shd J! such owner tat~l to pay auch assessment vlth$fl thsrty (20~ dayl hereof, s records o! Collier County. to conltktute s Sken agalfllt such property accordAnT co laM. unleaa auch d~recc~on lo ·rayed I~y thil Baird upon DATED: AT~£ST: BOARD OF COU.~T~' CC.f~K]SS%Of~[RS BY: BARBAJIA B- BERRY. APPROVED AS ,I ~EXECUT'rVE SUMMARY LIEN RESOLUTIOH - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71030-123 RECORD OWNER - SUNBRKT.LA HOMES INCo Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 10/31/97 11/24/97 12/01/97 01/09/98 0~/12/98 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 875.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH~AG~ iMPACT Not applicable. BEC0MMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ ~elbdy BrL'a~gemanj CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Vincent A. Cau=oro, Administr&~or Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DA~: MAY 1 9 1998 COLLZIR CO~Y, r~ORZD& LIG~ #O~Z~ or ASSMIS~Z~ OF ~Z~ ~01S #~ntez~Lev Dz. ~aplaa, r~ 2410g p~/~P~Z 71030-223 L£GAL D£SCRX PTXO,: 136180400002 I,IF-.H I[UI.IB£R: ~Ot 2, Block ZSI o£ Unit 4, fazt l, Golden Gate, accozdAng to the flat thozeo£ la ze~ozded Ln ~Zit Book ~, flgel 221-224, o£ the i~blL~ hcozdl o£ roll,az Count~, F~ozLdi. YOu, as the owner o[ the property abov~ described, as recorded in the records maintained by the ,:ffice of th~ Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Co~plia~lce Services ~ana~er, did on ll/03/)l, order the abatement o( a certa:n nuisance existif~g on the above property prohibited by O~d~nance 91°4~, s~r~ln9 no, ice thereo[ upon you, such nuisance ~eing: J~ccumulltion o£ pzoh~ited e~oti~ off un~oved l~nd 200' oZ ~zoved, ~i~i~d You {ailed to abate such nu:sance; w~e~eupon, it was abated by the expenditu~e o{ public {unds at a direct cost o~ S S~S.O0 and ao~ln~s~ative cost o[ ~200.00 {or a total o{ S I~S.O0. Such costs, by Resolution o~ tho l~,~rd o{ County Co~m~ss~cr~e:s o~ ~ollie~ rZor~da, have Oeen assessed ~,/nsc ~he aOove p~ope:cy on cda~e> and shall become a ISen on ~lm proper~y ~h~r~y ¢]0~ clays a~er such assessment. You may ~equ~s~ a hearing I.~[oro ~ho Board o{ County Co~iss~one~s ~o show cause, ${ any, wh7 ~he expenses and cha~ges incurred by ~he County unde~ ~h~s O~d~nance ace unwarranted oc excessive o~ ~hy such expenses should no~ cons~$Cu~e a lien aga~ns~ ~he p~ope~Cy. Such ~eques~ ~oc hea~n~ mus~ be made ~o the Clerk o{ the Board o{ County Co~ssione~s, Government Cente~, NapXes, rio:ida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days [~om the da~e o{ Lh~s assessment CLERK, BOARD Or COU~ITY C~4ISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 MAY 1 9 1998 A R£SOL3~TION Or ~IIt~ BO&RO OF ~)UX~Y C~qMZSSXO~J£RS P~OVZDZt~J FOR ASSESSMF. NT OP LZD~. FOR THI~ COS? wXTll GR O i rlA~ .'~'~ WJ(£R£AS, az I:ro's:d~.d its Ordinance ~1o47, the d~recc caste coec incurred by tl~ ~nty, ~h~ll ~ i~eeeed aga~ne~ ~uch proper~y~ ~R~, ~ coal Ch~ to th~ C~nty ~1 to each parceX ~ch * ~ecripCi~ of said porc~J~ and ~S, C~ ~ee~e~nC eh~ ~c~ due ~ pay~bZe thirty ~0) unpaid ~rciofl c~r~of. ~, ~E~FOR[, B~ IT ~KS~ BY ~[ K~D OF ~ ~ZSSX~[RS 0r ~LLZ~R ~Y, F~DA, Chit the pr~ercy deecrL~ il ~o~l, I~ hiv~ ~fl 1~4~ aC I ~b~Jc ~tlaflce a~cer due arid proper n~tc4 ~h~r~o~ Co ~h~ ~n~r of said prior,y, is here~ t~e foll~,~g comte of lush abatement, to 00IS M~flte~l~ Dr. Part 2, ~2defl ~8te, according Naples, FL 3410J to the Plat thor~f ae recorded in fZat 9, Pogoo ~22-124, of ~he ~11~ Records of Collier C~ty, F~ortda. to the o~ner or crdfuera of che a~ove descried property, and lC auch ovner ~a%%e Co ply such 4allied,nc vLthin chatty (3~) days hereof, a catCalLed c~y at chJl Rel~U~on shl~2 ~ rec~rde~ ~n the records ot Co~lJer C~ncy, co coflltscute a lsen againlt luch pro~rCy accordsflg co law, ufll,II ~ch direction ~l stayed ~ :hJl Ioard This Reeolvt~ofl adopted alter ~t~On, second and ea]otlty vote. DATE~: A~EST: B~fl~D ~F ~Y CSce 11 - 1/9! MAY 1 9 1998 LIEN RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CA~E NO. '71030-1S9 RECORD OWNER - RAM V~'~'z-~,ES INC. % FACO~ TILE Board to accept report and adopt Resolu=ion assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance a= this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed,.Litter and Plan= Control Ordinance. ~QNS IDERATZON Case Summary: a. Violat£on determination b. No=ice of Viola=ion served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs ~iSCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. ~ECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ CUSTOMER SEKVICE REPRESENTATIVE Vincent A. Cautero, Administr&=or C~-unity Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: BOAAD OF COL'XT1' C0~IZSSZOI~ILI COLLZJCII. COUXTY, F'LORZDA LZGAL HOTZC~, or AJSZSSK~'T or L2:EIi DAI~: ~lzch 19, 199! W V13r~d?~S LEGAL DESCRXPTXOH: ~t 14, I~oek 101, ~lden Gate, UnLt 3, accoz~ng to ~e plat ~ereof re~or~ ~n ~llt ~ok S, ~geo ~ to 105, ~neluo~vo, You, as the okner o[ the pfcperty above described, as ~ecorded tn the records matnLatned by Lhe ~fftce o[ the Property Appgatseg, age heteby advtsed :ha: the Cc~p[laece ~ervtces Hanaqer, did on 11/2S/~T, o:de= the by O~dlnance 91-4T, setv~p r~ottce :hereo[ upon you, such nu/sance betng: ~roh~ted ac~ulatton oE non-protec~d~le vege~tLon excell o~ 18~ ~n height Ln i I~d~v~l~on o~eg ~ln Golden Gltl Y~u ta~led co abate such nu~s~r~ce; vhereupon, ~t was abated by the exFend[:u~e at public ~unds at a d~rec: cost ef$ 45.00 and ad~tn~s:rattve cost o[ $200.00 tar a total o~ ~ 245.00. Such costs, by Feso[uC;On o~ the Board o~ County Co~ssssoners of Collter County, r[or~da, have ~eon assess,"l against the abo~e property on <date> and shall beco~e a [~n on the ptopetcy thirty ~30) days attar such assessment. You may request aheartng bet:re the Board o~ County Co~tsstoners sho- cause, L[ any, -by :he expenses and chagqes incurred by the Coun:y under Chis Ogd:nance are unwarranted or excess[ve or ~hy such expenses shou[d hoc constttuCe a lien against the property. Such request heattng must be made to [he Clerk o~ the Baaed of County GovernmenL Can:er, ,spies, Florida 34112 ~n uttC~ng ~Jthln thirty (30) days ~rom Che date oJ thts assessment to be valld. CLERK, BOARD OF COUtJTY CSce 9- R£SOLU~JON NO. Y0o A RESOI.~'IOt! O£ TH£ BOARD OF PP~;IDII~ FOP A~SESS~ OF LIE~, FOR ~ ~ST OF THE ABAT~[:I~ OF P~LIC ~IS~E, M~TII O~l~3~ 9~-47. mlER£AS, os provided itt Ordinance 91o47, the direct costs of abatement of certdlfl flUllaflceJ, Including prescril~d cost incurred by the County. shall t~e assessed sgalnsc such property: WH£tEAS. the cost thereo~ to the County ee to ~ech cl~cu~f~ed end rear,ed ~o ~1~ Bo~rd of C~n~y C~leel~ere. w~ch · description o~ ~8id p~rceJ~ ~nd obl~gic~ u~fl ch~ pro~rty ag41ne~ which sade until poJd; and ih~ ~cccu~ lc · Fact o~ ~ve ~rcenc (~2.0t) ~r annum on any uflplJd ~r~Jofl thereof. C~SSS~[~S OF CO~LI[~ C~, F~NZDA, chic Chf pr~rcy os ~o~e, ond hfvsng be~n oboc~d o~ · ~b~lc nu~loflce o~cer due ond proper not~c~ thereof co th~ ~er of ea~d p~opercy, ~s h~reby assessed the tol~Jng colts o~ luch abatement, to ~: LEGA~ DZfC~2PT~S COST w v~gS ZNC. ~c 14, Block 106, ~ldofl Gets, S 24S.00 ~ FA~EZR TXTLK & ~ABLt UnLt 3, according to the plot theteoZ tlS2 T~i~ Trl N recorded Iff Ploc I~k S, fosse 97 to 10S, S~e 106-~07 Lflg~uetve, F~ILc Records o~ Cailler Naples, ~ 24101 FlorAde, 26004140004 ?1030-1S! owner tolls to pa~ such aqs~Ns~t~C w~thJfl thirty certified copy of this Relolut~On shall be recorded in the official records o! Collier Ccunty, to constitute · lien against such pretty according to la~, unless such d~rect~on il Itsyed by ch~l Bosrd upon sFpea! of the assessment of the Th~s Relolucio- adopted otter mot~on, second and ms~or~ty vote. ATTEST~ BOARD CF ~:HT E BR~K. CLERK ~ER ~. F~RXDA BY: B~qBAJ~A B. BERRY, CHA;RP~,q CSce 11 - 1/99 MAY 1 9 1998 LIEN RESO~UTXON - CODE ENFORCEIiENT CASE NO. 7X10:~-091 I~ECOItD ~ - Leterme, Anne % ~oze£ Van De Putts Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to reco~erpubl£c funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as 'provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 11/0 /97 Undeliverable 12/12/97 12/12/97 12/18/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ CUSTOHER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Vincen~ A. C&u~ero, ~inis~rator Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: COLLXER cotflr2~r, FLORXDA LEGAL NOTXCE Or A$SESSP~rT or LXEI4 DATZ: KIrch I9, 1996 % ~oze£ V&n De PO BoA 180g14 Casaelberry, I~ 190914 P~FEP~ENCE ~1103-091 tS?80S6eO00S Ll£tJ LEGA~ D£SCRIPTIOT]: Z,~t 9 Block 311, o£ MArco Beech UnL~ NZ~E, · S~v/~Lon ~cco=d~ng to the PIA~ ~ereof recorded An ~llt Book 6 ~8ge 69-73 o~ the hco~do of Co11Aer County, You, as ~he o~fleE si ~h~ ~FoJ~OFty ~bo~o dosc~bed~ os recorded ~n the ~ecocds ma~n~aifled by ~ho ,*ff~ce of the PFOFOFt~ hpp~aise~, are he~eb~ advised ~ha~ the Co~pl3aflcn 5or~ces ~aruauo~, did on 11/10/97, order ~he a~a~e~en~ of d ce~aAn flu~sanco o~ls~Irsq on ~ho above proper~y F~ohib~ed ~y Otd[flance 91-4T, setvtr~ flottce thereof upon you, such nuisance excess o~ 18' *n ho~gh~ ~n a o~l~ofl o~er ~afl Golden expenditure of public [~n,l~ ~: a d~tec[ cost o~ ~ 45,00 and adminis:tacive cost o~ ~200.00 ~ot a total o: ~ 245.00. Such cos:s, by ~esolut~on of the Board o~ County Co~tssioneta o: Collier County, Florida, have been assess~,l against the above p:ope:ty on <date> and shall become a lien on Lne property th::ty 130) days a~te: such You may request a hea~Aflg before the Board o~ County Co~tsstofle~s co sho~ cause, [~ any, ~hy the expenses and charges incurred by the Councy unde~ Chis Ordinance are un~rtanted o~ excess:ye or uhy such expenses shou[d not conscztute a [Jan against the property. Such zequest heartn~ mus[ be made ~o the Clerk o~ the Board o[ County Government Cen[e[, t]aptes, Florida 34~2 tn .~t[tng wtchtn ChAnCy days ~rom cite date o[ Ibis e~os~m~n[ ~o be vaJtd. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY C~[SS[ONERS CSce 9- 1193 ~4£R~S, an provide,! in Ordtnance 91-47, the direct costs of and ~{;R~. ch~ con~ th~[~o( to the County ii to rich p4~c~ ihl~ calculated and r~rted to ~t,e goard o{ C~nty C~lJ~on~t. c~ether v~:h a de~ct]pt~on at la~d parcel; and unpaid ~rt~on th~eo~. N~, ~REFO~E, B~ ~T ~SOL'~O BY ~ lOUD O~ ~ C~2SS:~ERS OF ~ZER ~Y. F~DR, that the pro. try deect~d as ~oZ:ovs, and hav~ng ~en a~a:ed o~ a ~bZtc nutlance attar due and rrcp~r ~::~ce chereo~ to th~ ~vn~ o~ en:d ,Fr~erty. ~e hereby ~A~tPX ~et aZl~e, ~e Po lox 1109x4 Lot 9 12ack 311. of Marco S 24S.00 leach UnLt NJI~, I lubdivleLon eccordLflg to the fXlt thereof recorded in Plat look ~ Page ~9-71 of tbs J~bZLc Records of CoZZLcr CanAry, The Clerk :! the fl~nt~ eh3:] ~12 a not,ce of Sllellment o[ l~en :o :he o~ner or owners of th~ above described property, and ~f such certified c~p¥ o~ th~s aes~la:~on shall ~e recorded ~ the records o{ Cold,er County, to constitute a lien agltfll: such property according to ~aw, unlele luch dsrect~on Is Itsyed by thai Board upon a~ea~ O~ the aSlelleefl: of the ernst. DATED~ A~EST: BOARD Or ~ BY: IA~BAP~ B. BERRY, OSco tX - 1/98 MAY 1 9 1998 LIEN REHOt'.UTTON - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 7].].2].00].4 RECORD OWNER o Johnson, Marion L Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order :o recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSiDERAT~0N Case Summary: a. Violation determln2tion b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs ].]./20/9? Reimbursement of $ 245.00 "ay be anticipated by voluntar7 action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Nc- applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Co~issioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ Me:~ody Sr~dgeman 0 CUSTOHER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Vincent A. Cautero, Adm/nia~ra=or Community Dev. & Environmsntal Svcs. BOAAD or COOl,T! COl~fZllZOJ~lS COLLZER COOleTY, rLOBZDA LEGAL IeOTZCI~ or ASSESSHZI~T or LZI:N ~ohnson, H~=/ofl L FO Box 271 Se££ner, FT. 33583 P3:FZ:~CE 71121-014 L£GAL D£~JRIPTIOrI: DATE: Hatch 20, 1998 15540472000! MAY 19 1998 LoS 19, Block S, HA1# LZHZ SUZDZVZSZOg, is recorded Ln ~l&~ Book 1, ~s plat for s~d~v~oLofl o~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ of left,on 3. T~oh~p 47 S.~, hnge 29 You, as the owner of tho pr,,F,~rCy above describ~d, as recorded ~n the records m~n~oine,I b7 ~he ~,fftce et the Proper~7 Appraiser, ore ~ereby advised ~ ~he Co~pl~an~c :~rvtces r~onoger, d~d on L~/2~/99, order ~he a~a~emefl~ of a cer~ifl nussance existing off ~he ]boys proper~y prohibi~ed by Ordsfldnce 91-4~, servSnq uo~ce ~hereof upon you, such nuisance be~n~: ~roh~bLtod ~ccuvl8~Aon of flail-pro.credible vogota~Lofl Y~u [a~led to aba:e such nu~saflce: whereupon, zt was a~ated by the expenditure et F~;f)ltc fu,d~ ,~t a dtzect cost of S 45.00 and ed~zntstrattve cr~t o~ ~200.00 ~ot a total of ~ 245.00. Such costs, by PosoJutzon o[ the U,~atd o[ C~u~:ty Co~mtsszonezs o~ CoJitet County, ?lotsdo, have beef~ assessed a,jaznst the above l,topetty on <date> and sha[[' become a [ten o~ the pt<petty th3~ty (30) days attar such assessment. You may request a hearing be[otB the Board Bt County Co~tsstone:s to ShO~ cause, [[ any, ~hy the expenses and charges lncugted by the County unde: thts O~dtnance ate u~atranted or excessive or ~hy such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request heating must be made to the CJetk Bt the Boagd Bt County C~tssionecs, Govetnment Centec, NapJes, FJottda 341~2 tn ~titJn~ ~Jthtn thirty days [rom the date o[ this assess~nt to be valid. CLE~F, BOARD OF COUNTY CSce 9- 1/93 Iq£SOL,UTION ~'10. ti- A RESOt,U'TION Or ~(£ BEARD Or CoL~rz'"Y COJ~ISSIG~IERS PR~IDI~ tar ASS[S$~Eh'T OF LI£N, FOR Tide COST Or MITH ORDI~I~£ gH£REAS, as provided I, Oldtnsnc~ tl-4~, the dtract coata ot cost incurred by the Cou.ty. shall be allelled sgatnl: luch property; and ~£~rJ~. the cost ther~o! to the C~unty si to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board et County Com~tsltofler·. together v~th a description o! la~d parcel; and obligation u~n the pr~ercy ~gJtes~ ~hich a~de vncil p~ld~ ~nd shall accrue aC a race o{ c~elve percent (12.011 per annum ~ any unpaid ~rtlon thereo[. · s ~oll~s. and h~vJ~ ~en ~c~d st I ~b[~C nullanCe ~[cer du~ and proper notice t~reet to the ~er Ot laid pretty, ts hereby allelsed the lollov~ng costs o~ such Jbat~nt, to vii: · O lox ~?1 I~OlVXl2~, ae recorded In Plat I~k 1, Se~ner, FL ]]SI] page ~1, ~l/c Records of Collier C~ty, Florida REFtR£NCZz 56404720008 71121-014 owner Jails to pay such aSleSS~eflt uJthin thirty [30! day· hereot,· certified c~py o~ chic Resolution shall be recorded in the reccrde of Collier Cou.ty. to conlCitute · lien ·gatn·t such property acccrd~g co law, unless au:it direction Il stayed by thio Board upon arpel: o! the assessment sE the owner. ATTEST. B:ARD Cr CO~?rr.Y BY' BANBARA. B. BERRY, CHAIRP~A~I APFROV£D AS TO ' I/,/,, ¢~:t~,¥ ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/9~ MAY 1 9 1998 LIE~ RESOLUTION - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71124-047 RECORD OWNER - Coleman, BeverleTAnn Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the 'abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONS IDERATI ON Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 11/26197 Undeliverable 12/ 9/97 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. gROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. ~COMM~NDATI~ That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY= CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE DATE: Vincent A. Cautero, Adminiftra=or Co--unity Dev. & Enviro~mental Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 9 1998 DA~E: Hitch 20, 1998 Cole4in, Beverly Ann 4262 Mohavk ~1. Naples, FL 34112 itEFERL~CI: 71124-04? 160481360008 Ll£r; rJU~D£R: LEGAL D£SCRIPTIOU: L~t 33, MOllAW~ BgZOW~l, leas,ding to the plat thefeo£, ,eeorded iff Pla~ Book 9, Page 1X3~ ~blAo Records o£ Collier ¢ouflt2~ Florida. You, aS the owner of tan i~r(.pnrt~ aboY~ de~cribod, as recorded in the records maintained by the nf~tc~ of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised ~hat the C,)m['li.)n('e ~,~rvi¢os Ha,agog, did un 12/01/97 order the abatement of a carts!, nux~,m~ ~xt~tlnq ali the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-41, ~ervi.u .atica theren~ upon yOu, such nuisance being: PzohLb/ted accumulation off non-pzotected lov~le ~egetet/on in excels of 18~ An height An a eubdiTAaion other than Golden Gate Eft&tel. YOU tailed to dbd~ such nuisance; whoreu~cn, it was abated by the expenditure o~ puh~;c funcl~ n[ a 01iroct cost of $ 45.00 and adminLs=re~[ve cos! DJ $200.00 for a tots! of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Ocard of ~()unty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been essessod agar.st the above property on <date> and shall become a lien on th~ prcperty thirty I~01 days sitar such assessment. You may request a hearing before the Boa~d of County Commissioners to sho~ cause, if any, why the expenses and cha~ges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are ~.warranted or excessive or ~hy such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made ~o the Clerk o~ the Board at County Commissioners, Government Center, Uaples, Florida 34112 in ~ritlng ~lthin thirty ~30! days from the date at this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COH~ISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/9~ MAY 1 9 E I I II II II I III I II II I III I I I ............................. ...................... I WllE~£,%S, as pro¥1ded in Ordinance 91-47, the direct coltl o! abatement of certain nulaanceo, tnc~udin~ prescril~ed administrative coot incurred by the. Co~nty, shill b~ alaeJled against luch property; sod NH£RrU~o the coat th~l~t to the County al to each parcel ih·11 bt calculated and ~port~d to the Board o( County C~kll~Onerl, together ~l£R£.%S. ,uch aooe~,~w.n~ oh·Z! b,~ a 1e~·I. valid and bJndin~ obligat,o, upon th~ pr·potty ·galnlt vh~ch sade until paid; and ~IEREJ~. th~ ~oa~ss,v.,t ah·Il b,t. co~.~ due and psyab]e thirty Ihs~ accrue It a rate et tve~c percent i~2.0%! p~r annum on any ~Ow. TH£AEFOP£. BE Z? F£SOLVL'D BY ~l~ BOARD OF the [oll~tng caste o~ ouch obeisant, to wit: #spies, F~ 3411~ got 33, H OKAMX HEXGRTJ, S 24S.00 according to ~ho pla& &hereof, recorded look 9, Page 1~2, IhLbl/e Record· of Collier C~unty, PZorLda. The Clerk of :he aa·rd sha[[ earl a n~tlce o[ ·oseofeent o! lten the owner or ~wz$er! Of tile above 4eacribed property, and if lu:h appeal ct the osleoo~nt of the ovnet. Tots RelolutlOfl adopted ·fter ~otion. Second and es~Ortt¥ vote. ATT£fiT: BY: 1/98 MAY 1 9 1998 LZEN RESOLUTZON - CODE ENFORCEME~ CASE NO. 71210-009 RECORD OWNER - Gray, N&t:h~n:l.e'l / C1~=1£e Mae Gz&~l' EST Board to accept report and adopt Resolu=ion assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs 12/o8/97 Undeliverable 12/29/97 01/13/98 01/20/98 FISCAL IMPACT Reimbursement of $ 335.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY~ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESE~;ATIVE DATE: Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Co~,~unity Dev. & Environment&l Svcs. ...... l 1._.1 ....... II ..................... ~ I .................. , BOAJ~D Or COUrt! COI~IXSSXO~I~:RS COLLXEX COU?4?X, t£¢A[, IIOTXCE: Or ASS£SSPU:t~ or Z. ZL~ DATE: Hatch 19, 1990 GraT, Charlie Kae G=aT EST 209 S 2't S~. Xmaokalee, t~, 34142 ~r~9.~CE 71210-009 156402~60002 ~"' LEGAL DESCPIPTIC~J: ~ 9 o~ Block Two, o~ f~divisiofl, as recorded Lfl the p~lzc records o~ CeliAc= Court,M, You, es the owner records ~aintai~t~,t advised that the abatement of a by Ordinance 91-47, ~'* !~ '."~7 ,!, ~ .i. -rAbol, as recorded in the · f.., ,',.-.,. : ~ P- ~r~y ~ppraiser, are hereby .:... '..:':ic..~ "a,.~:.', d;d on ~2/~0/97, o=de= the : · ',, ex.,.' :~u ~he above p~ope~ty prohtbited . .:r : .[;cc 't..~,,~' :pon you, such nuisance beAng: YrohAbAted accumulation o£ non-protectedme~ble vege~tAon An excess o£ 1~" An heLqh~ in · a~dLvi.~on otho~ t~an Golden Gate [atate.. You fa~led ~c aba'q ': ,: ;o; .r :~.; '., xL was abated by the expend[cu=~ o~ put:[~* .: * * , o :. ~ u{ $ 135.00 and ad~tnAs~:ac~ve c,~n~ . ' $200.00 fo~ ,' ,: , ~ $ 335.00. Such costs, by shall beccn~ a lien assessment. You may ~equest a he. :.~ i. :..~ t:.,.. show cause, 1~ any, ~' . ':.'. :t'~n~ .~ ,~d under thts Ord[na,ce *,. '. should not constttuL, hearing mus: be mad~ · Government CanCer, days [rom the date o: ' ;'.'7 ' ' : '. '~r~ ..f Collie~ County, : ,f..n~' '.., '* p: f'etty on <date> and · ~. ,..or~ :'' JO! I~ys a~te~ such .f C~unty Cor~ntsstoners to ,~ges ~ncurred by the County · ss:v~ or ~hy such expenses pe~t/. Such request for .:d (,: County Commlss£oners, · . ~rtttng ~tthtn thirty (30) val:,l. :.''-:, h,'~l- '" ct' "¥ CL::HZSSIOtI£RS CSce 9- I/9.! MAY191 ogB ) B[SOL';r ZOfe leO. WU£1!EA.~. al provtded ~fl Otdznance 91-47. the direct CCltl of ~:h a deicr~pt~on at laid y.~cel; and obligation u~ the pretty agAtnet which ~de until paid; and lhoZ~ accrue at a rate of t~Zve percent IJl,0t) ~r onn~ ~ any ~ISSI~[RS O~ ~l~A ~, F~I~, thlt t~ pr~erty descried aa foll~m, a~ hav~ng ~en ·bated et a ~blic ~ilance after due and c~ foll~ng caeca of ~uch a~at~nt, to ~rl~e ~e Oray ~T certain f~lvlf~ ~ lo I~kalee, FL 34142 ~lie records of Collier C~ty, Florida. S1402760002 7XIXO-G09 Th~ Clerk of the Board shall mail · notice of alSess~nt of lion to the owner or o~ners o[ the above demcrtbed property, and if such o~fler fallm co pay such amJesmmenc within thirty I]0! days hereof, a certified copy at thza Re~olutlon shall be recorded in the official records of Coil:er County, to conmtitute a lien agAinlt much property according to law, unlelm ouch direction ia frayed by thio Board uJ~n appeal o~ the Jllell~nt Ot the ~er. DATED: 0WIGHT E. ~R~W. ~LER~ COCKIER ~. F~RIDA BY: BARBA~ B. B£~RY. CI~IRPIAM CSce 11 - 1/98 MAY 1 9 1998 PS_. ~ . ~-XEN RESOLUTXON - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 71215-079 RECORD OWNER - Fre~xicks~n, Robert J & ~.eslie X Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. ~0NS IDE~ATION Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs Undeliverable om/a2/ s. FXSCAL LM~ACT Reimbursement of $ 245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GRQWTH MANA~2~ENT IMPACT Not applicable. ~ECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BY: . C~$TOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE DATE: Vincen~ A. Cautero, Administrator Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: MAY 1 $1998 · BOAJ~D OF COUIFTY CO~/ISSIO~[]tJ COLLIER COU3qTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE or ASSESSHENT OF LIEN Fzed~Lckson, Robert J & Les1Le K 2321 Mountain V£ew Rd St~££ord, VA 22554 REFEP~NCE ~1215-0~9 162951680002 L£GA~ D£SCPIPTIOI]: records m~tzt%atft~c! advised thdt the abatement u! ~ by Ordinance D&TE: ~lzch 19, 199~ Lot 40, Block 00, ~aples Park Uflxt Ho. 6, &ccording to ~ho t~ezoo£ recorded a~ Pla~ Book 3, page 15, i~bl~c Records of Collie= County, Florida: LESS A~ID EXCEPT the ~ozth 10' ~hereo£, aa at z~ght angles to the ~orth l~fle o~ oa~d ~t 40. You, as the o~ner of 'L, ~ ~,,rty ah,,"-, d~ .rAbed, as =eco=ded ~n ~he .... .. ... ~ ~. P~ :~rt~ A~praiseg, age hereby ~ .'.. * ~.., ~..,.~.~ :pon 7ou, such nu*sance be*ng: Pgohtb~ed icc~u~a~Aon o~ flofl-p~o~ec~ed mow~lo yego~t~on excels sE 18" iff hezqht ~fl I I~d~vLl~ofl o~her ~fl Golden ,:,..,.: x! ..';! , t~ ~as abated by the : ;- : .~ ~::- ' v o! $ 45.00 and ' $200.00 ~'' a · '.'~: .f $ 245.00. Such costs, by tr.:} :;;'"::,. '~s o~ Cailler County, : ~.., '. ,t ',, t'~,'legty on <date> and ~... ~: .f'~ J0~ days afte~ such You fa~led to expenditure of puul: administrative cost ~e$olution of the B' Florida, t,.~v~ t)-on ., Shall becoJ"e a it~J '' assessmen%. You may request a h~'' ':~ show cause, [f any, under this Ordinance should not hearing must De mad~ Governmen~ Cen~er, ~,, 'h- : m: : f Cuur:ty Commissioners to , .: ),~n.'..n '.:,l ,' ,rges incurred by the County :. .:....,::.m',~d ~ ex .salve or why such expenses -~ ~:** ,rains' ''*" ! party. Such geques~ · .. :..:t: ,: '.~e !- ,rd of County Commissioners, days from the date (,' f'=;~: ; ;0..~.~.-n! · , I. valid. ';, i ' , P'.'AF:~ C" ':J'" ."Y CC:.,q. II,qSIONERS C$ce 9- 1/93 I AY 1 9 1998 A P£SOLU?tON atr THE: BOARD OF COUNTY COKqlSSIG~£RS pBOVZDZNG FOR ASSESS.V. EtrT aP LI£N. FOR THE: COST T~£ ~AT~£~ er rVBLZ¢ m~2s~:c£. IN ACCOPD~.~C~ WZTH ORDIN]~GZ'. ~t-4?. m(£RI~S, aa provided 2n Ordinance 91-4% the direct cosec of &beteme. flt of cerca~ flUla~,~R. ~nciuding preacribed cost incurred by the County, ahall be illealed againlt lUCh property; #H£REAS, the coat the~o~ to the C~nty es to each parcel shall be calculated and reported co th9 floard o( County CommLsszonera. tc~jether v~th a description o{ m~td parcel; obX~gat~ u~n t~ pr~erty Jgalns~ ~tch ~de un~l pa~d; I~ WMtR~. tim anm~sn~flt ,ha~S ~c~ due and payable thirty unpaid ~rttofl Chereo[. ~1552~[~ OF ~ZER ~. ~XDA, that t~ pretty descried as toe,ova, and having been abated at a ~bZtc nuisance attar due and pr~er notice thereat Co ch. ~ec at said p~er~y. Zl here~y IIl~Jltd fredricks~. Robert J & ~t 40. D~k i0. Miplef ~ 245.00 2321 ~tlL~ Vt. Nd. p21t thereof, record~ It f~it J.k ~. Stafford. VA 22554 Pigo IS. ~ ~ecordl of Co~Lor F2oridaJ L~SS ~ ~CZ~ the ~rth X0' thereof. II Deooured I~ right oflgXeo to the ~orth ~ifle of said ~t 40. The Clerk of the Board IhalJ mail a notice of allallment of lien to the owner or ovnSrl at the abo~e deacrJ~ed property, and. tS aych owner (aLfa co pay lUCh allelameflt within thirty 130) dayl nereoE, a certified copy at thtl Reaolution IhalZ be recorded ~n the OffiCial ~ec~r~a aC Co~lter County. to conatitute · lien egoinat luCh property according to low. unZeaa such d~rection zl itayed Dy thio Board upon appe&~ o~ the oaaeaament o! the owner. Thio Reaolut~on adopte~ a~er mot~on, aecond and m~or~ty vote. DATED: ATT£~T: ~ARD OF ~ ~XSSIO~KRS llY: iARBAAA i. IERRY, CHAIPJ~ CSce 11 - 1/98 CSce 11 - 1/95 HAY 1 9 1998 REQUEST TO ~tPPROVE FOR P~ECORDIN~ T~ FI~ PLAT OF "PELICAN LAKE RV RESORT, PI~E FO~lt", AND A~PROV~ OF TIIE PERFORM~ BICU~TY To approve for recording the final plat of ePelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Four', a ~bdivision of lands located in Section 15, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. CONSIDERATION ~ Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of 'Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Four'. These do~nts are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The security tn the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required improv~nte is being covered by construction, ~aintenance and escrow agreement. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of 'Pelican Lake RV resort, Phase Four' be approved for recording. FISC,~ IM~ACTI The fiscal impact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $358,767.80 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer b) Drainage, Paving, Grading $156,955.00 $201,812.80 The Security a~unt, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $394,644.58 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Co,,,f~unity Development Fund 113 Agency= County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project= Total: $7101.72 Fees are based on a consCructionestimate MAY 1 9 i998 Executive Sun~az~ Pelican Lake RV Reso~c, Phase Four Page 2 The breakdown is aa follows~ a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $4./ac)- $ 531.80 b) c) Cons=ructionDrawing Review Fee Water & ,Sewer (.$0% cormt, eeC.) Drainage, Paving, ~rad~ng (.425%: cormt. Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) ]:)ra£~ge, PaViz~, Orading (1.275% coast, est.) - $ 784.78 est.- $ 857.70 - $2354.33 - $2573.11 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. ~ECOMMENDATION s That the Board of County Co,~,tssioners approve the Final Plat of 'Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Four' with the following stipulations: 1. Accept the Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. . 2. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of 'Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Four.' 3. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. 4. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. ExecuCive SummarM Pelican Lake RV resox~c, Phase Pour Page 3 P~P~ BY: Jo~ R. Houldswo~h, Senior ~gineer DaCe Engineering Review ~I~ BY: :':".., ~ace - DaCe C~,.,,~it7 ~v. ~d Enviro~nCal Svc.. D~Sl~ ;,MARCO I, I 1 9 1998 COFSTRt;'CTiON..~LAD"T'a~AI';C~Z A,'cD ESCROW FOE SL'BDLWI..ciON D4P.~O~~S MAY 1 9 1998 pg. :'~-_ :.~_ L~od~ l~s .--'~er~ L~o ~ coas~'~,~o~ !om lD'c~e~ wir~ Deve!ope: d~te~ (~e 'Com'a'~oo Lo~u') :o ftmd ~e ~st of r~ R~uired [rnprovem~"~s. Deve~.~ md t~e Bo~u,~ h~ve x~mow~-~ ~h~ d~ zmou~ Deve~.o~r ;~ ~ follows: :.. once ~ --'o~.b. :o ~e Oeve!c.~. L~ :'"'c,'":s 5'~e ."or '~'cr£ .*~c~e m MAY ! 9 1998 I Period by the Developer and upon submission of a written request for inspection, the De~'elopment Services Director shall inspect the Reclui,-ed Improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Lender's responsibility to the Board under this agreement is terminated. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the Required Improvements shall continue tmless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the Cotmty. 11. Ail of the terms, covenants arid conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the Developer and Lender. IN WITN ;SS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly ., 1998. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Print Name authorized representatives this day of PELICAN LAKE LIMITED P,-M:~'A~RSHII-', by its General Parmer, PELICAN LAKE, INC., a Maryland Corporation authorized to do bus~ness in the State o: Florida By: Norman W. Wilder, President Print Name -5- MAY 1 9 1998 pg. ,t~ -..-,.- ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MARYLAND SUSAN L, TtAC, E,~ Co~m~ssk~ Expels S~m~' 22, 2¢01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR~A, Depus' Clerk By: Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~f/~ilier CounW Attorney -6- MAY 1 9 1998 ,,o. .~,J m mn r? SaAit~. Caile~on S.v~ea Potable .'~'~r s62. I 14.~0 MAY 1 tt 1998 $~ni~ ColZec~on Opiaioo of ?rob:tbl4 C~ P£UCA,'( (,~CZ R.V K,LSOKT U?ITI' FO l.r~ $Is S3.46~.00 $S.:00.00 5.:£00.00 ~; ?. 5.,0.00 ~=..',~0..)0 MAY 1 9 1998 ,'o. /~ -'69 -'99 Wilson. Mi~er. Isrme & eed~ P~:L[C.~q L~K~ ILV R~ORT I~IT £Ob'R Si.gOO.CO S"'_O00.O0 ~!0.:0 ~ ..:'0 Amom~ sgjo0.o0 S.:.CO0.O0 ~.~00.00 ~!0.~0 .~'_'..9-~0.00 Anlqurll; L." $i$.00 L." S"~.OO ~,,.130.00 t," .~.,i.O0 fi~j~.O0 ",A SgOO.O0 ~A. Si,C,'lO.O0 SI,CO0.O0 -C.,t Sl..'O0.CO ,~.OOO.O0 p~vtn$ Opiaioa of Probable ~TT ~rOUR 6" L~cock base t b? ~ ~ (:p ~iy) [0,7~.00 7.~0 :.'X) ii. tO S ljO0.O0 ?otat ?:viatl: MAY 1 9 1998 r '~.,~ ~ &V R.E. SOK'T ~1' ~'OUI~ To=l L~rl-g: ;~?,~00.00' REQUEST TO APPROVE FOR RECORDINg THE FINAL PhAT OF "PELICAN LAKE RV RESORT, PHA~E THREE", AND APPROVAL OF THE PERFORMANCE BECURIT~ To approve for recording the final plat of .Pelican Lake RV Resort, Pha~e Three", a subdivision of lands located in Section 15, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. ~SIDERATIONt Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of 'Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Three". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The security in the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required improvements is being covered by construction, maintenance and escrow agreement. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Three" be approved for recording. The fiscal impact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $249,776.90 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer b) Drainage, Paving, Grading - $114,050.00 - $135,726.90 The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $274,754.59 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Se~;ices Revenue generated by this project: Total: $5415.30 Fees are based on a construction $249,776.90 and were paid in March, 1997.~ Executive Summary Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Three Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $4./ac)- $ 496.60 b) ¢) Paving, Grading (1.275% const, est.) ~OWT~ MANAGEMENT IMPACT ~ Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) - $ 570.25 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const, est.)-$ 527.54 Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $1710.75 Drainage, - $2110.16 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. RECOMMENDATIONs That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Three" with the following stipulations: 1. Accept the Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. 2. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Three." 3. Authorize the Chaiz~nan to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. 4. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements bare received preliminary acceptance. MAY 1 9 1998 Executive Summary Pelican Lake RV Resort, Phase Three Page 3 PREPARED BY: JohnR. HouldswortJh, Senior Engineer Engineerin~ ~iew Engineering Review Manager Community Development & Environmental Services Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISI6N Jl~/ew Date Date Date Date CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND ESCROW AGREEMENT FOP, SUBDIVISION IMPRO~S TI:lilt AGREEMENT end, ed into this __ da)' of ,1997, by PELICAN LAKE LIMITED PARTN'EItSIa~, ~ in gmeral parer, PELICAN LAKE, INC., a Maryland corporation a~horiz~ to do b~inc~ in r~c S~c of Flori~ whose add,-e~s ~s do David N. Sexton, F_.sc~i~, 1167 Tnh. d Strut S(mth, ~uit: 107, N~l~s, Flcridz ~410~ 01.~t~lz~: r~f~rr~i to as "Dcv~tot~"), ~t~ 1-dE BOARD OF COUNTY COI~'W2SSIONEI~ OF COLLIER COUNTY, }.fLORIDA, w~ose u~[r:s$ i~ .~01 East T~dzmi TrliI, N~pl:s, Flor{da 34112 (he::!m,~.~, rcf~.~cd to ~ 'the Bom'd') ~ FLRST NATIONAL BA~ OF A. D:v:io~r ~. ~L~~' fly ~ ~e ~Sv~ of ~ ~ORT L%'~ ~r~. C. S~ 3.2.6.!6 ~ of ~ ~ ~ Sunflo; C~ Div~io~ of ;~ percentage ¢o=zpl-.r~on of=be work mul~Ucd by. ~bc re~:~=ctvc work cosu IRs r.== port. eh= (105); (" znd ~. ~ uoon co, lotion of ~he work, a.- ~:I~ S~ Dk~r ~I a~rove 69w~ch sb~I ~r~. ~ ~w ~ ~ D~el~ ~ of~ of~ ~~ l~rov~ for a ~~'~in~ ~od of o~e (1) y~ _  e ~nder, m of ~ ~ of ~: d~, pro~id~ ~ of ~ch b~ ~~, ~e C~V ~ ~ve e~  C~) ~e Counv, or of ~e ~ve-m~e=~ co~c: or '~1 ~l~e ~ p~ of ~ work ~s ~- Co,tv sole d~=~on s~ de~ n~s~C; ~ ~e =~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~. hei'J  f&e D~cp~ m ~ out ~ d ~ot e~ ~ ~mple~on of ~e ~d ~. W~ ~ m ~e ~ by ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ be paid ~e D~elc.p~ s~ ~~ ~o~on ~7 ~ C~ m ~ ~d~ for rel~e of the iA a [.-"~=r of z~o~.z~ion by ~tY.= Ccu:,-.; t~ the Lgnd.~ r.Sz!l co~ a ! Coun~ i~mhor~o a ~ ~ Developer of fl~ Lc'~ler for the fi~-a disbrtoed in a~..or~,n¢-- with r_he Iertcr of The P.~uiz~d Improvements ~ n~t be eo~tsi~ed co=rplcte until a mt.~e=t of 8. Should thc ~ hel~. ia ~crow be ~t to compte:-. :rovemcn~s, the Board, ~,_*r d, uly ¢o~id~,-ing the public inter~ may at · Rec,~r~ Improvem:=u and. r~o~ :o zn7 and all legal ,"~m~i~ a~..s: the Dev,..c,,e.. ~'l 9. No0:Liag ~n ~hi_~ A.rr: -'?.'.Z shall ,~ke ~c ~er Liable for osc pb,r. ed ~ d~o~k by the D=¢el~c: in accordanc~ with thc forego~nE provbion; at ::,~ Let. der dries no~ release any ?~.cnics tn the Develo~ or tn my odac: peso= in ~ F~crow Agre~n~t. Th: Devet~er shr~l ~.~/.,~ ail Requir~ Improvements for one year a~'~.- ;~pro.,~! by thc Deve!~m.-at S~vic~s D~r~_.~.. Al.--: ~e one MAY 1 9 1998 oval of t~e itch. ova; or b) no~.,'y Ihe Developer in vriting of his refusal to .apl:roy-- the rov~s, ~h~th ~s'p~--L'¥',~j tho~e c~ndi~ons which the Deveiop. ~ mu~t Mffli L~ ord'.r :o ~braia r2~c Di:ec'xr of r, hc ~qub. ~ !~?:ov~._--rm. However, in ~ event shall the Develo~men.'. · ~c:". ;ic~ Dff'. ctor re.~,~e p~!~".' .,~.~?r.~ of ~e improveme'ars ~' ~he7 ~e ~ fac: ~'d subm,-'r~! for -,~-~. rcvE :m ?.r.~rd~ with ~e ~equ~e~ents of ~ Pe~od by the Developer, and upon submission of a written request for inspe.~tion, the De~clt,pmcnt Services Director shall inspect the Required Improvements and, ii' found to be s-,J. il in compliance with the Code as reflected by ~nal approval by the Board, t. he Lender's responsibLli.ty to the Board under this a~reement is terminated. The Developer's responsibility for ._m=ir~tenaz~ce of the Required Improvements shall continue tmless or tmtil the Board accepts m~inte=ance responsibility for and by the Cotmty. 11. All of the terms, cove~ar%ts and conditions herein contained are arid shall be bindint upon ',he respective successors and assigns of the Developer, and Le~der. IN %Ti'NESS W'r-~REOF, ;.he m-card and the Developer. have caused this Agreement :o be executed day of by their duly authorized representatives this ,19°.8. SIGNED. SE.~ :_.ED IN THE PRESENCE OF: PELiCA.~ l_~ LIMITED PART~'ERSP2P, l:y ks Gene:~ Partner, PELIC~-,\' lAKE, INC., a Ma,'7'.arid Corporal!or, a'.:~-~orized :o do busir, ess in the State cf Ficrlda Pr~t Na.me By: Norman W. Wilder, President P~nt Name oo L ......... L_LL ........... X! .......! Jill .... IlL' ...... Il ........... Name ATT', ~ST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK NATIONAL BANK OF ~£&RYLAND /No~. Public 5~J~,,N L Tt.q~$Et NOTA,W PUBIX: STATE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COM.%[!SSIO~RS OF COLLIER cot.~trY, FLOP.~A. Dep'-'~y Clerk By: Ch~an Approved as :o fo~m ~.~.d ~,eg~ sufficiency: do.er Co~ur.~· 11:40 C.-~r~...=t.--._d..~. !¢% EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE A CONSENT ORDER WITH THE SOUTH MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (SFWMD) FOR PERMITTED INTO THE COCOHATCHEE CANAL. FLORIDA WATER ENCROACHMENTS ~: To request Board approval and authorization for the Chair to execute a Consent Order between the SFWMD and the Board for permitted structural encroachments into the Cocohatchee Canal. CONSIDERATIONS: As pan of its ongoing prograxn of improvements to the Cocohatchee Canal ~y~tem, the SFWMD is about to begin a canal widening projec~ from just wU of 1-75 to ju~ east of CR 951. The project will pasa through the location of ~weral existing ~fitted ~ructm'es owned or operated by the county. These structures are the Northbrooke Drive culve~ and drainage outfall and the Livingston Road Bridge. The profiered Consent Order will permit the SFWMD to perform its work without the need for removal and replacement of the cited am~ctures. There is no requirement for the county to perform any work as a cortsequence of this Consent Order. The SFWMD contractor may have to mnove and replace sections of guard rail to gain access to portions of his work site; however, this will not affect the county's ability to provide a safe passage for the traveling public. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no expenses or budget implications as a consequence of executing this Consent Order. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Consent Order;, authorize the Chairman to execute it, and; authorize stafflo follow through with any necessary documentation. PREPARED BY: Ed~ tion Services Director REVIEWED Ed Ilschner, Public Works Administrator DATE: DATE:~ EJK tmk/OS049~r.~ SFWM D C~ OTdet for Ca¢o Canal.doc t4AY ! 9 Igg8 [ ....... I South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club ~ West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 · {.561) 686-8800 · FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 TDD {561) 697-2574 April 28, 1998 Ms. Edward J. Kant Transportation Sewtce= Director 3301 E. Tamia'ni Trail Naples, FL 34112 · i Dear Mr. Kant: Subject: Con~ent Order, Governing Board Order No. SFWMD 98-29 CO-ROW; Cocohatcbee Canal, Sections 19 and 24, Township 48 South, Range~ 25 and 26 ~ Collier County. Enclosed please find a copy of Goveming Board Order No. 98-29 executed by the District's Governing Board. As per our previous communications, this will be presented to the Collier County Board of County commissioners for acceptance and execution and then returned to the District. Please let me know what Commission meeting this will be scheduled for consideration. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation. The District appreciates your efforts to work with us to bring this matter to an amicable resolution. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 682-6268. Sincerely, ju i R~. ~riI~'w~ ola Senior Legal Research Assistant Office of counsel Enclosure O G~.~h~z Frank Willi~mson, Jr., Chaitm~a Eugene K. Per[is, Vice Ch~irm~n ,%[Rchcll ~V. Bcrgtr JRT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33416 SFWMD 98-29 CO-ROW CON$1~NT AGREEMENT Pursuant to Section 373.119, Florida Statutes, this Consent Agreement is entered into between the SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (hereinafter 'District') and COLLIER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT (hereinafter 'County') by mutual consent, without hearing or adjudication of any issue of fact or law, and without this Consent Agreement constituting admission of fact or law, unless otherwise stipulated herein. Premises The parties accept as premises for this Consent Agreement the following facts and allegations: 1. The subject property is located within all or parts of Sections 19 and 24, Township 48 South, Ranges 25 and 26 East, Collier County, Florida (see location map attached hereto as Exhibit 'A' and the documentation evidencing the District's ownership of the subject property attached as Exh~it 'B'), and the District's lands and works include the Cocohatchee Canal and associated structures and rights of way. I I HAY t9 1998 / o 7 The Cocohatchee Canal Phase 3A is the third phase of a four phase improvement plan on the Cocohatchee Canal in Collier County, Florida. The Cocohatchee Canal, commonly known as the Immokalee Road Canal, drains an approximate 186 square mile area consisting of mixed development, agriculture, and natural areas. The objectives of this project are to raise the level of flood protection, increase water supply, and enhance the environment. The proposed improvements will reduce over-drainage of the upstream Corkscrew and Bird Rookery Swamps, increase ground water reserves, and provide greater flood protection. The components of this phase of the project include: 1)excavating and enlarging approximately 5.5 miles of canal; 2)constructing one new water control structure; 3)removing a wooden bridge, and replacing several undersized culverts and canal crossings. All improvements will be constructed within the South Florida Water Management District Right of Way. Canal excavation is currently scheduled to commence June, 1998. The Parties acknowledge that delays in construction could occur. The District shall notify the County of any significant construction delays, but any delays shall not impact or otherwise change any of the obligations of the Parties under the terms of this Consent Agreement. The County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida whose mailing address is 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112. 2 HAY 1 9 1998 10. 11. 12. On September 14, 1995, the Distdct issued Right of Way Occupancy Permit No. 10352 authorizing dual bridges crossing the Cocohatchee Canal located at Livingston Road. A true and correct copy of the permit and drawings are attached as Exhibi~ 'C' and incorporated herein. On March 12, 1998, the District issued Right of Way Occupancy Permit No. 10352 authorizing a culvert bridge, known as Northbrooke Drive, and a 18' R.C.P. in the northwest quadrant embankment of the culvert. A true and correct copy of the permit is attached as Exhibit 'D' and incorporated herein. The District has completed a field inspection inventory of all above-ground encroachments on the District's right of way;, both those which have been permitted and those which are unpermitted. The inspection revealed that the County has the following encroachments on the right of way:. ENCROACHMENT Dual Bridges at Livingston Road 18' R.C.P. (NW quadrant of culvert} Culvert Bridge (Northbrooke Dr) guardrail A true and correct copy of the incorporate herein. STATUS OF ENCROACHMENT 'Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted field inspection is altached as Exhibit 'E' and Although the District needs to have all encroachments removed in order for the contractor to commence work, all of the items cited in paragraph 10, above will not interfere with the District's contractor work and can remain. The District has been in contact with the County in an effort to reach an agreement. L_II ................................................. ~L ....... IO ....... I 13. 14. The District's Governing Board authorized the Executive Director, or his designee, to execute this Agreement. The memorandum setting forth this designation is attached as Exhibit 'F" and is incorporated herein. Upon review, staff of the District find that the agreement, if implemented as described below, will satisfy their concerns without the necessity of further legal action. In consideration of the premises recited above, the parties agree and it is hereby ORDERED: 15. The County waives its right to an administrative hearing on all of the terms of t~is Consent Agreement under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, its rights and any obligations of the District under Section 120.60(7), Flortda Statutes, its right to appeal this Consent Order pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, and any other legal rights upon which to dispute the terms of this Consent Agreement or otherwise challenge continued constnJction of the Cocohatchee Canal improvement projects. 16. The County shall take full responsibility for complete compliance with this Consent Agreement by the date(s) stipulated herein. 17. No modification of the terms of this Consent Agreement shall be effective until reduced to writing and executed by both the County and the District. 18. Both the District and'the County understand that time is of the essence with regard to this Consent Agreement. and that absolutely no extensions of time to completely 4 comply with all of the terms of this Consent Agreement will be allowed for any reason. 19. The District and the County agree that this Consent Agreement will constitute final disposition of the issues between the parties. 20. The Distr~t hereby expressly reserves the right to initiate appropriate legal action to prevent or prohibit future violations of apprk~ble statutes or the rules promulgated thereunder not covered by the terms of this Consent Agreement. 21. Neither the District nor the District's contractor have any obligation to replace any encroachments either permitted or unpermitted encroachments placed on the District's right of way. 22. The District's contractor shall remove the guardrail to allow access to the District's right of way, but shall replace said guardrail at the conclusion of the construction. 23. if the County desires to install any new facilities within the District's right of way, it may file a Right of Way Occupancy Permit/Modification application, once construction is complete and prior to placing any encroachments on the District's right of way. The necessary non-refundable application processing fee must be included with any application, and all Right of Way Occupancy Permits or Modifications are subject to approval by the District's Governing Board. 24. For and in consideration of the provisions and obligations agreed to in this Consent Agreement, the District waives its rights to seek administrative or judicial imposition of damages, injunctions or restraining orders, and cml or cdminal penalties for any and all acts of the County or its agents which oc~rred prior to the Distr!.ct','~ approval 25. 26. of this Consent Agreement or are authorized to occur in the future by the provisions of this Consent Agreement. The County hereby agrees to defend, hold and save the District harmless from any and all damages or claims which adse from previously unauthorized uses of the right of way if any, or the continued use of the District's dght of way. Pursuant to sections 373.044, 373.083, 373.085, 373.086, 373.119, 373.129, 373.603 and 120.69, Florida Statutes and rules 40E-1.609, 40'~-6.341 and 40E- 6.491, Florida Administrative Code, as well as any other statuton/, administrative or common law remedies available, the District is authorized to enforce the terms of this Consent Agreement and seek other remedies for violation of the terms of this Consent Agreement which include but are not limited to: a. An injunction to abate the violations; b. Civil penalties in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 per day, each day constituting a separate offense; c. Investigative and removal costs, court costs (including both costs recoverable under the State,,vide Uniform Guidelines for Taxation of Costs in Civil Actions, other provisions of the Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code, as well as any and all other costs associated with litigation that are not taxable costs under the cited authorities), and reasonable attorney's fees, plus interest at the highest rate allowed under Florida law calculated from the time the District incurs each expense. Such attorney's fees shall be based upon the fair market value of the services provided, based upon what a private attorney would charge. 6 HAY 19 1998 27. 28. This Consent Agreement shall take effect upon adoption by and execution on behalf of the Governing Board of the District, shall be filed with and acknowledged by the Clerk of the District immediately thereafter, and shall remain in full force and effect until its terms and conditions are carried out. The requirements of this Consent Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the County, except as modified by the District. ALL OF THE OBMGATIONS OF THE PARTIES ARE SET FORTH HEREIN. NO ORAL REPRESENTATIONS OR AGREEMENTS OF ANY KIND WILL ALTER ANY OF THE TERMS AGREED UPON IN THIS CONSENT AGREEMENT. COUNTY: COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA through its COUNTY COMMISSION Barbara B. Berry, Chair ATTEST Dwight Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Deputy Clerk Approved as to form & legal sufficiency ~ Assistant County Attomey ORDERED at West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, this day of SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT BY ITS GOVERNING BOARD BY: ATTEST: Assistant b'~retary William F. Malone Director, Construction and Land Management Legal Form Approved ~ SFW_MD_Offlce of Couc~d'~'_u'' .,, By Date ~" FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ON ...?~ -~, Deputy District'¢l~k 9 HUNTERi RIDGE 1 T~'~tr~l el' ~ C~.IY CT 14 MAMII/Zl PL 11 AJICXQ~ WY 11 34110 TU, PINE: 7 STADIUM NAPLES (FUTURE SITE) GOLF & COUNTRY CARLTON LAKES Exhibit COLDER COUNTY 111 34119 ~ iESTATE$ le LAKE 1:'~ ~ o0z.4 t.. oc..~T'j o 4 21 'il 22 MAY ! 9 #18G AO~T THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this /~42~ day of and between the SOOTH FLORIDA WATER 1986, ICT, a public corporation of the State of Florida (hereinafter the DISTRICT), on behalf of the Big CYPRESS BASIN OF THE SOgTH FLORIDA WATER F~MqAgEHENT DISTRICT (hereinafter the BASIN); and COLLIER COUNTY. a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter the COUNTY). THAT WHEREAS, it is that the BASIN gradually WITNESSETH the desire and intent of the parties assume the responsibility for the control, operation and maintenance of designated watercourses which have a significant impact upon the water resources in the BASIN and Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, for the purpose of establishing the BASIN as such control agency, it ia necessary that certain watercourses as defined in section 373.019, Florida Statutes, be declared 'Works of the Basin"; and WHEREAS, the watercourses to be adopted in due course as "Works of the Basin' are listed on Exhibit "A#, attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this instrument, although it is acknowledged that the above constitute only a part of all of the existing watercourses in Collier County, Florida; and Exhibit WHEREAS, the Big Cypress Basin Board has the statutory authority to declare additional watercourses as 'Works of the Basin", whenever such Board may wish to place the same under the control, operation and maintenance of the BASIN. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits flowing from each to the other, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Hereafter the DISTRICT, through the BASIN, shall be the public alency in Collier County, Florida, responsible for the control, operation and maintenance of the watercourses listed in Exhibit ~A", whenever each one of them is adopted as 'Works of the Basin." .It is the intent of the DISTRICT/BASIN to maintain those watercourses to. their capacity existing at the time of adoption as "Works', but the DISTRICT/BASIN will not necessarily be responsible for future improvements to such watercourses. However, the DISTRICT/BASIN agrees to amend its responsibilities over the list of adoptable works, at the discretion of the Basin Board,' to include additional responsibilities for future watercourse improvements undertaken by the COUNTY. Annually and in advance of the respective fiscal years for both the DISTRICT/BASIN and the COUNTY, both parties shall prepare a maintenance program outlining the work to be performed by the COUNTY under contract to the DISTRICT/BASIN to maxim£ze utilization of equip~ent and manpower. 2 2. The COUNTY, aa the entity heretofore charged with the control, operation and maintenance of all watercourses l~sted in Exhibit "A", will remiss, release and relinqu£sh to the DISTRICT/BASIN all rights and responsibilities which it has exercised heretofore over said watercourses. 3. The DISTRICT/BASIN shall prepare which shall locate, describe, and identify watercourses in Collier County, Florida. updated from time to time by the DISTRICT/BASIN arises, and the COUNTY, to the extent permitted by its available funds and resources, ma-/ assist the DISTRICT/BASIN in maintaining and updatin~ said map ~n order descriptions and £de~tittes of Collier County. · watercourse Lap, all known existtr~ Said map shall be as the need 4. Inasmuch as the ownership and/or title of some of the adoptable watercourses which may become subject to this Agreement may be in the name of owners other than the COUNTY, and in the event it may be necessary to conduct a t~tle search on said watercourse(s), such title search(es) may be done by the COUNTY for the DISTRICT/BASIN. The COUNTY, to the extent permitted by law and by its available current funding, may provide assistance and funds to the DISTRICT/BASIN to secure such land interests, whether in fee simple title, easement, use rights end/or rights of way as may be essential to the control, operation, maintenance, and access to the watercourses adopted by the BASIN; PROVIDED, however, that no~withstandin~ the above, the to keep current the locations, any and all watercourses in DISTRICT/BASIN may unilaterally take such action in this regard as it deems necessary and at its own expense to search title and acquire such land interests. 8. The DISTRICT does not need to purchase the fee or any underlying title to those watercourses that may be adopted as 'Works o! the Basin.' However, if the underlying See simple title or some other land interest to any property upon which any watercourse is sited is offered to the DISTRICT, the DISTRICT shall have the right and authority to accept or acquire the same if deemed advisable. 6. That this Agreement may mutual accord of the parties. ?. right to notice in be modified in writing by the That either party to this Agreement shall have the terminate the same by appropriate official act and writing. In accordance with the provisions of such termination, watercourses, thereto, shall will no longer the control, operation and maintenance of the as listed in Exhibtt"A', and any supplement rever~ back and be transferred to the COUNTY, and be deemed as works of the Basin. How the provisions controlling termination shall be as follows: a. The party exercising the te~mination option shall give to the other party a written notice that beginn~ng 270 days after the receipt of the notice the DISTRICT/BASIN will commence the process of transferring watercourses back to the COUNTY. b. ~uch process of transferring of watercourses shall continue until all BASIN watercourses in Collier Coun+~' Florida i .AY l9,998 /7 are transferred back to process shall not exceed no%ice of termination. the COUNTY. three years In any event this transfer in time from the date of c. The DISTRICT/BASIN will transfer to the COUNTY at no cost only such t£tle and interests as were originally conveyed by the COUNTY to the DISTRICT/BASIN, if any. Yo avoid duplicate payment for real property interests with ad valorem taxes generated in Collier County, purchases of real property interests and cap£tal improvements by the DISTRICT, with funds other than those generated by the Basin and subsequent to the original transfer(s) from the COUNTY, shall not be a part of the above reversion(s)' at no cost, but will be negotiated separately between the parties hereto; the terms of any such reversion(s) to be addressed in (a) separate written agreement(s) of said parties. This Agreement is contingent upon the BASIN's funding and budget approval by the DISTRICT for the adoption and maintenance of the watercourses listed in Exhibit 'A', as well as any others added thereto by the BASIN. Failure of the DISTRICT to generate enough BASIN revenue to fund its annual cost of operating and maintaining these watercourses will be a cause of termination of this Agreement. 8. To the extent allowed by Florida law, the DISTRICT and the BASIN agree to protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify the COUNTY, its officers, employees and agents for, from and against any and all losses, penalt;ies, damages, settlements, 5 HAY I 9 1998 costs, charges, professional and attorney's fees, or other expenses or liabilities of every kind and character which arise, directly or indirectly, from any act or omission of the DISTRICT and/or BASIN, or any contractor or directly or indirectly employed by any subcontractor, or anyone of them or anyone IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hand~ and seals on ~he day, month and year first above written. (Corporate Seal) SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, BY ITS GOVERNIN~BOARD Chatrma~ ;' ATTEST % ~ Y --~- Secretary APPROVED BY TH~ BIG ~YPRESS BASIN, BY ITS GOVERNING BOARD /Chairman (Corporate Seal) Approved as to form and legal sufficiency /-~-_ David C. Weigel / Assistant County Attorney COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /....~uo~n A. Pistor, Chairman.. ATTEST :/~-~ . ,-:~.'-~ :: ~".:; "'" Wi~iam J. Re~gan~,'w'~..!6]~k ' ' ... .~,,-' ~. · , ~- .- . _._~_: · .. . o· ;~ :.,-- :.,-~.., , ,-~ .., · , o ,,o · o · ,~.j ; .¢. · .... · ,.,:' 7 MA{' I 9 1998 EXHIBIT 'A' The following list identifies the watercourses in Collier County, Florida currently eligible to be adopted as 'Works of %he Big Cypress Basin' or "Works of the BASIN.' The schedule for assumption of control, operation and maint~nance responsibilities for each watercourse will be determined according to the priorities of the Big Cypress Basin Board, and such phased schedule for %he proposed take-over may be adjusted at such Board's direction, subject to approval also by the County. (1) Golden Gate,anal, Hain System (2) D-2 Canal (3) Green Canal (4) No.~h Naples Drainage Canal (5) Cocohatchee Canal (6) C.R. 31 Canal (7) A-1 Canal (8) C.R. 951 - Henderson Creek Canal (9) Hain A/A-1 Connection (Boulevard Canal) (10) Lely Canal .' (11) S.R. 29 (Barton River) Borrow Canal (12) Faka Union System Mains C and D, south of Alligator Alley Mains C-1 and D, north of Alligator Alley attached map a reference. obligation to The location of the listed watercourses are shown on the as Exhibit "B'. The above listing is given only as Inclusion of these watercourses does not imply an assume control, operation and maintenance over all or any of ~hese waterworks until each has been adopted by the Big Cypress Basin Board as 'Works of the Basin.' COLLIER ~" COUNTY " FLORIDA · . .- .. ' ~ .:" · ...: ..,, ...~ ~":~' ......... ~ ':....... -.-... :: LEGIZND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlll lndlcnte~ ~ate~ course~ Ii.sled in Exhibit ,4; :.:'- i : -NAY' AUTHORIZING: LOCATED IN: SFWMD PERMIT NO. 103 2 (NON.ASSIGNABLE) SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 DATE ISSUED DUAL BRIDGES CROSSING THE COCOHATCHEE CANAL LOCATED LIVINGSTON ROAD. ISTATION 97+60) COLLIER COUNTY, SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP' 48S I~ANGE 25E AT ISSUED TO: (OWNER} COLUER COUNTY 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 Al'TN: GEORGE F. ARCHIBALD, P.E, Tnit penT~ It Issued I~r~J~t 12 UMKJNG ~~S- SPEC~L COND~IONS ~ THE A~A~ SH~ ~E PART c: ROBERT M U~RAY HOLE, MONTES. · ASSOCIATES. INCORPCMATED 6202-F PR[SIDENT1AL COURT FORT MYERS. FLORIDA 3391! CHRIS CLAUSSEN ESTERO ISLAND MARKETING GROUP 7401 ESTERO IO~.EVARD FORT MYERS. FLOIUDA 33934 FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ON BY ORIGINAL SIGNED bY B,~*'/~";A FRONCZEK SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, BY ITS GOVERN;NOIBOARD ORIGINAL SIGNED BY I BY: TONY (~LIRN~ / - d~ AclJflg in ibieflce of Secfet~ry Exhibit "c" ~e~O~dl COS~ perm,~eeS who 4reddlOCentlifld~nefl · .- ,' -.~ -,-~,..,~,.,.,,.,...,.,s.]o.,.,~.,,~,.,,.,,.,, [ MAY I 9 1998 Formerly t6~.S OI (21. t6K.S 02(Z). ll~.S Alibi. I&~.S 04 (4). ~i& S OS PERMIT NUMBER 10352 COLLIER COUNTY SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 SHEET 2 OF 7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO INSTALLATIONS LOCATED WITHIN ITS RIGHTS OF WAY. PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT'S RIGHTS OF WAY. PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF ADDITIONAL FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT OR ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT'S RIGHTS OF WAY WILL REQUIRE ISSUANCE OF A FORMAL MODIFICATION TO THIS PERMIT. CANAL RIGHT OF WAY DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND/ORMAINTENANCE OF AUTHORIZED FACILITIES SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL OR BETTER CONDITION AT THE PERMITTEE'S SOLE EXPENSE, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DISTRICT. IT IS THE PERMITTEE'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR NOTIFICATION AND/OR COORDINATION WITH THE OWNERS OF PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE DISTRICT'S RIGHTS OF WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE DISTRICT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COSTS OR LIABILITIES, EITHER DIRECTOR INDIRECT, INCURRED FOR RELOCATIONS OR ALTERATIONS OF ANY KIND THAT MAY BE NECESSITATED BY THIS AUTHORIZATION, OR FU~JRE MODIFICATION TO THIS AUTHORIZATION. PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE THE DISTRICT WITH WRITTEN CERTIFICATION THAT ALL OWNERS OF PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE DISTRICT'S RIGHTS OF WAY HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED PRIOR TO THE SUBMITTAL OF ANY FUTURE APPLICATIONS FOR MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT. SAID CERTIFICATION SHALL INCLUDE THE NAME, DATE OF NOTIFICATION AND COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF ALL PROPERTY OWNERS NOTIFIED. PERMITTEE RECOGNIZES THAT UNDER EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES, AS DEEMED BY THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, ANY OR ALL PERMITTED ITEMS WITHIN THE DISTRICT'S RIGHTS OF WAY ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE ALTERATION, MODIFICATION OR REMOVAL BY DISTRICT FORCES. ANY DAMAGE RESULTING THEREFROM IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DISTRICT NOR DOES THE DISTRICT GU;tRANTEE SALVAGEABILITY OF ITEMS REMOVED FROM ITS RIGHT OF WAY. THE PERMITTEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT UPON T~Z SALE OR TRANSFER OF THEIR PROPERTY, IT IS THE PERMITTEE'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THE NEW PROPERTY OWNER THAT A RIGHT OF WAY OCCUPANCY PERMIT EXISTS. MAY I 9 1998 PEP, MIT NUMBER 10352 COLLIER COUNTY SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 SHEET 3 OF 7 e 10. 11. 12. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN THAT UPON CONVEYANCE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF NAMES OF THE PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE RIGT{T OF WAY DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND MANAGEMENT OF T~E SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. ALL REQUESTS FOR TRANSFER MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF THE INSTRUMENT TRANSFERRING OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY. FAILURE TO REQUEST AND RECEIVE A FORMAL TRANSFER OF A RIGHT OF WAY OCCUPANCY PERMIT FROM THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR FROM T~E DATE OF CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY WILL RENDER THE PERMIT INVALID, THE REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING FACILITIES FROM WITHIN THE DISTRICT'S RIGHT OF WAY, RESTORATION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY TO THE DISTRICT'S SATISFACTION, AT THE PROPERTY OWNERS EXPENSE AND THE POSSIBLE ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES. IT IS THE PERMITTEE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT ALL MATERIAL AND DEBRIS IS COMPLETELY REMOVED FROM THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT'S CANAL AND RIGHTS OF WAY. DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY MUST BE GRASSED WITH BAHIA SOD AND PEGGED, AS REQUIRED, UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND/OR MAINTENANCE OF THE AU~ORIZED WORK/ FACILITIES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER }iANAGEMENT DISTRICT. SHOULD THE PLACEMENT OF THE AUTHORIZED FACILITIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT'S RIGHT OF WAY OR MAINTENANCE OF THE AUTHORIZED FACILITIES, ATTRIBUTE TO SHOALING, EROSION OR WASH-OUTS OF THE DISTRICT'S RIGHT OF WAY, BERM OR SIDE-SLOPE OF THE CANAL, IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND AT THE SOLE EXPENSE OF THE PERMITTEE, TO UPON NOTIFICATION BY THE DISTRICT, TAKE APPROPRIATE STEPS TO RESTORE THE RIGHT OF WAY TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DISTRICT. THIS PERMIT SMALL NOT BECOME VALID UNTIL ALL OTHER REQUIRED LOCAL, COUNTY AND/OR STATE PERMITS OR OTHER AFFECTED PARTIES' APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. THE PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ANY MORE STRINGENT CONDITIONS WHICH MAY BE SET FORTH IN OTHER REQUIRED PERMITS AND/OR APPROVALS. 1998 PERMIT NUMBER 10352 COLLIER COUNTY SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 SHEET 4 OF 7 13. PERMITTEE IS ADVISED THAT THE DISTRICT PERIODICALLY SPRAYS ITS CANALS FOR AQUATIC WEED CONTROL PURPOSES AND USES SUBSTANCES WHICH MAY BE HARMFUL TO HUMAN HEALTH OR PX2kNT LIFE. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY SWIMMING WHATSOEVER WITHIN THE SUBJECT CANAL. FURTHER THE PERMITTEE IS ADVISED TO INQUIRE OF THE DISTRICT AS TO WHETHER THE CANAL HAS BEEN SPRAYED PRIOR TO UTILIZING THE CANAL FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES, ENTERING THE WATER COLUMN TO REPAIR DOCKING FACILITIES OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT THE DISTRICT'S NAPLES FIELD STATION AT (941) 597 - 1505. 14. A COPY OF THE PERMIT PACKAGE WILL BE KEPT AT THE JOB SITE UNTIL COMPLETION OF ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES AND RIGHT OF WAY BY THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. 15. PERMITTEE SHALL INSTALL RIP-RAP ON THE SIDE SLOPE EXTENDING DOWN THE SIDE-SLOPE WATERWARD FROM THE HIGH WATER LINE DOWN THE SIDE SLOPE TO THE DISTRICT'S SATISFACTION. RIP RAP MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF CLEAN ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL. 16. RIP-RAP SHALL BE OF ADEQUATE DESIGN TO REMAIN INTACT DURING EXTREME FLOWS AND DISCHARGE. 17. PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF RIP-RAP, THE BANK SHALL BE SHAPED TO MATCH THE SURROUNDING BANK AND THE ENTIRE AREA COVERED AND SECURED WITH FILTER CLOTH OR AN ALTERNATIVE MATERIAL ACCEPTABLE TO THE DISTRICT. 18. THIS RIGHT OF WAY OCCUPANCY PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE CONCURRENT ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT FROM THE DISTRICT'S DEPART}tENT OF REGULATION. 19. PILES OF THE PROPOSED. BRIDGE SHALL ALIGN WITH THOSE OF EXISTING ADJACENT CROSSINGS. 20. EXCAVATED MATERIAL FROM THE CANAL SHALL NOT BE STOCK-PILED IN THE CANAL; ALL EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE DISTRICT'S RIGHT OF WAY UNLESS OTHERWISE ADDRESSED IN PERMIT SPECIAL CONDITIONS. 21. CANAL FLOWS SHALL IN NO WAY BE RESTRICTED IMPEDED OR BLOCKED DURING CONSTRUCTION. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT PLACE DAMS OR FILLS WITHIN THE CANAL DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE AUTHORIZED FACILITIES · PERMIT NUMBER 10352 COLLIER COUNTY SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 SHEET 5 OF 7 22. TURBIDITY SCREENS SHALL BE USED DURING EXCAVATION AND TRENCH BACK-FILLING. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION'S TURBIDITY CONTROL STANDARDS, METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS. 23. UPON REQUEST FROM THE DISTRICT, THE pERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORT HE REMOVAL OF SILT BARRIERS WITHIN THE CANAL WITHIN FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS. IN THE EVENT IT APPEARS THAT STORM CONDITIONS AND/OR EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES ARE DEVELOPING, THE REMOVAL OF THE SILT BARRIERS SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN TWELVE (12) HOURS OF NOTICE FROM THE DISTRICT. 24. MINIMUM LOW MEMBER ELEVATION OFT HE AUTHORIZED BRIDGE SHALL BE SET AT 14.61' NGVD OR HIGHER. 25. THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOT PLACE SIGNAGE, SIGNAL POLES, GUARDRAILING OR ANY OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS WITHIN THE DISTRICT'S RIGHTS OF WAY/INGRESS AND/OR EGRESS ROUTES. 26. DUE TO THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT, THE DISTRICT MAY BE REQUIRED TO CLOSE ONE LANE OF BRIDGE TRAFFIC TO PERFORM EMERGENCY AND/OR ROUTINEMAINTENANCE OPERATIONS. THE DISTRICT SHALL ATTEMPT TO NOTIFY THE PERMITTEE SUCH ACTIVITIES ARE NECESSARY; HOWEVER, FAILURE ON THE DISTRICT'S PART TO CONTACT THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOT RESTRICT THE DISTRICT IN ANY WAY TO GAIN ACCESS TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS. 27. THE PERMITTEE SMALL PLACE HIGH VISIBILITY REFLECTIVE DEVICES OR MATERIAL ON BOTH FACES OF THE AUTHORIZED PILE-SUPPORTED CROSSING. SAID REFLECTIVE DEVICES ORMATERIAL WILL BE PLACED SO AS TO BE SEEN FROM THE WATER AND SMALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DOT INDEX NUMBER 600, SHEET 9, CODE "OM 3R", (FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS, JANUARY, 1992), WITH EACH REFLECTIVE DEVICE OR MATERIAL INSTALLATION BEING APPROXIMATELY i FOOT BY 3 FEET AND HAVING A SURFACE AREA OF 430 SQUARE INCHES OR I2~RGER. REFLECTIVE DEVICES OR MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL PILES WITHIN THECHANNEL ON THEUPSTREAMANDDOWNSTREAMFACES OF THE BRIDGE. LIKEWISE, THE UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM FACES OF EACH SPAN OVER THE CHANNEL SMALL BE EQUIPPED WITH REFLECTIVE DEVICES ORMATERIAL. REFLECTIVE DEVICES OR MATERIAL SHALL BE AFFIXED TO PILES WITHTHELONG AXIS ORIENTED VERTICALLY MIDWAY BETWEEN THE NORMAL WATER SURFACEELEVAT~ONANDTHE LOW MEMBER ELEVATION OF THE ADJACENT SPANS. REFLECTIVE MATERIAL SHALL BE AFFIXED TO THE SPANS MIDWAY BETWEEN PILE BENTS WITH THE LONG AXIS ORIENTED HORIZONTALLY AND WITH THE LOWER EDGE NOT MORE THAN i INCH OF THE BOTTOM OF THE BRIDGE LOW MEMBER. . MAY 1 9 1998 PERMIT NUMBER 10352 COLLIER COUNTY SEPTE~4BER 14 , 1995 SHEET 6 OF 7 THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR T~E INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT OF THE REFLECTIVE DEVICES OR MATERIAL AS NEEDED. 28. PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE THE DISTRICT ACCESS ATT HE NORTHEAST AND NORTHWEST QUADRANTS OF THE BRIDGE BY MEANS OF A MINIMUM 12.5 FOOT WIDE HINGED GUARDRAIL GATES, REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DROP CURBS. 29. CANAL SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO THE DISTRICT'S PRE-DETERMINED DESIGN SECTION OF A 35' BOTTOM WIDTH AT ELEVATION 2.7' WITH SIDE SLOPES TO MATCH EXISTING CANAL BANK CONDITION. LIMITS OF REQUIRED EXCAVATION SHALL EXTEND 20' UPSTREAM AND 20' DOWNSTREAM OF THE AUTHORIZED FACILITY WITH 20' TRANSITIONS BACK TO EXISTING AREA C~;AL DESIGN. 30. CERTIFIED CROSS-SECTIONS OF THE EXCAVATED CANAL SECTION WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AFTER CANAL EXCAVATION IS COMPLETED. CROSS-SECTIONS WILL BE TAKEN WHERE THE REQUIRED EXCAVATION OCCURRED (SEE ABOVE SPECIAL CONDITIONS NUMBER 29). SOUNDINGS SHOULD BE TAKE AT 10 FEET INTERVALS FROM TOP OF BANK TO TOP OF BANK AND BE PLOTTED ON STANDARD CROSS-SECTIONS OF THE CANAL, USING NGVD AS DATUM. UTILIZE THE SAME HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SCALE, PREFERABLY 1 INCH = 10 FEET. 31. ALL WORK WILL BE CONSTRUCTED TO SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED ON DRAWING NUMBERS, 1, 2, AND 3 AND ARE REFERENCED TO AND MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT. 32. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT PLACE ANY FALSEWORK, GUIDELINES OR HANDLINES ACROSS THE ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE CANAL, EXCEPT DURING NORMAL WORKDAY HOURS. ANY SUCHSPANMATERIALSHALLBE CLEARLY MARKED WITH HIGH VISIBILITY TAPE OR RIBBON. 33. AT NO TIME SHALL MORE THAN 50% OF THE ENTIRE CANAL WIDTH BE OBSTRUCTED BETWEEN THE HOURS OF SUNDOWN TO SUNRISE. ANY AND ALL OBSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH HIGH VISIBILITY REFLECTIVE MATERIALONBOTHTHEUPSTREAMANDDOWNSTREAMSIDES, AS WELL AS WITH HAZARD LIGHTS EVERY SIX (6) FEET. 34. PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND UTILIZING DUST CONTROL MEASURES FOR THE DURATION OF THIS PERMIT. 35. PERMITTEE SHALL PLACE TURBIDITYBARRIERS200 FEET UPSTREAMAND 200 FEET DOWNSTREAM FROM PROJECT OR ACTIVITIES. CURTAINS SHALL EXTEND TO I FOOT OR LESS OF THE BOTTOM OF THE CHANNEL. PERMIT NUMBER 10352 COLLIER COUNTY SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 SHEET 7 OF 7 36. PERMITTEE SHALL REQUIRE HIS CONTRACTOR TO POST A SURETY BOND IN AN AMOUNT EQUIVALENT TO THE COST OF THE AUTHORIZED WORK, SHALL NOT RELEASE SAME UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ACCEPTS THE 'COMPLETED WORK. 37. PERMITTEE SHALL CAREFULLY REMOVE ALL EXOTIC VEGETATION, I .E. BRAZILIAN PEPPER, AUSTRALIAN PINE TREES FROM WITHIN THE DISTRICT' S RIGHTS OF WAY THROUGHOUT THE LIMITS OF THE PROJECT. PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING THE RIGHT OF WAY FREE OF SAID VEGETATION THROUGHOUT THE LIFE OF THIS PERMIT. 38. SUCCESSFUL REMOVAL OF THE EXOTIC VEGETATION MAY NECESSITATE APPLICATION OF A SUITABLE HERBICIDE, I.E., ON CUT STUMPS, ETC., IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS AND PRECAUTIONS · 39. PERMITTEE SHALL BACKSLOPE THE CANAL BANK(S) AWAY FROM THE CANAL AT A 20% BACKSLOPE (24' HORIZONTAL TO 1' VERTICAL) FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PROJECT. 40. PERMITTEE SHALL MAINTAIN INSURANCE COVERAGE TO THE LIMITS AND AMOUNT OUTLINED ON THE ATTACHED INSURANCE SCHEDULE THROUGHOUT THE LIFE OF THE PERMIT. SAID INSURANCE CERTIFICATE SHALL NAME AND CARRY THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED. PERMITTEE SHALL SUPPLY THE DISTRICT WITH RENEWAL NOTICES, AS APPLICABLE. '-' 0 III III SIN~PI-~O~clYtl 0¥0~1 ':I3'i~)tORFfl ~t o+ RECEIVED DIVISION NO. ~ RECEIVED ¢ , -- . . ' -~ ~~ ~ ¢ ' ' JUL 3 I ~5 -~~,,~ ~.. STRUCTUI~ DRAWIN(~ N~, · ! MAY 19 1998/ i.t "' 1 9 1998 MATCH LINE STA. 44+00 ~2 Ur ~8° PC~o~ SCALE: 200' = 1" 220 Ur .~2°= CANAL ~0 ~ ;11 COE/COUJER CO./S~"V,~D VE~ATION ~ ~43 TOTAL. AR~.A = 2.7 AC. flU. AREA = 2.3 nB. DEPTI~. ,,, 5' F1B. DEPTH RANGE O' toS' FIB. VOLUME = 13365<:y =VEGETATION CODE: t~514 · TOTAL ~ - 0.8 ,kC. fiLL AREA - 0.36 AC. FILL DEPTH = 7' FILL VOLI~E - 2178¢y c^~E C E ! V E D. JUL 3 !_;995..._ DIVISION' .LIVINGSTON ' t ~ ~iAY I 9 1991 6 ~ ~e, 531_,°£1 SFWMD PERMIT NO. 10824 (NON-ASSIGNABLE) · ' DATE ISSUED MARCH 12, 1998 AUTHORIZING: CULVERT BRIDGE (3-10' CMP'S) LOCATED AT NORTHBROOKE DRIVE AND 1-18" RCP AT THE NORTHWEST BRIDGE QUADRANT WITHIN THE COCOHATCHEE CANAL RIGHT OF WAY. LOCATED IN: COLUER COUNTY, SECTION 19 TOWNSHIP 48S RANGE 25E ISSUED TO: COLLIER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FL 34'112 ATTENTION: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DIRECTOR Request for Transfer This permit is Issued pursuant to-.Applioalle~.-No,...~e dated FEBRUARY 12, 1998 and permittee's agreemenl to hold and save the South Florida Water Management District and its successors harmless from any and all damage.% claims or liabilities which may arise by mason of the construction, maintenance or use of the work or structure involved in the Permit. Said application, Including all plans and specifications attached thereto, is by reference made a part hereof. The permittee, by acceptance of this permit, hereby agrees that he shall promptly comply with all orders of the District and shall alter, repair or remove his use solely at his expense in a timely fashion. Permittee shall comply with afl laws and rules administered by the District. This permit does not convey Io permittee any property rights nor any rights or pfivlleges other than those spe~fied herein, nor relieve the permittee from complying with any law, regulation, or requirement affecting the rights of other bodies or agencies. Afl structures and works Installed by permittee hereunder shall remain the property of lhe permittee. This permit is issued by the District as a license to use or occul:~y District works or lands. It does not create any fight or entitlement, either legal or equitable, to the continued use of the District works or lands. Since this permit conveys no right Io Ihe continued use of the District wori[s or lands, the District is under no obligation to transfer this permit to any subsequent party. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee expressly acknowledges that the permittee bears all risk of loss as a result of revocation of this WORK PROPOSED, WILL BE COMPLETED ON OR BEFORE EXISTING othem4se, this permit is void and all rights thereunder are automatically canceled unless an extension to the construction period is applied for and granted. 12 LIMITING CONDITIONS. (on reverse side of permit) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (SPECIFIC LIMITING CONDITIONS) ARE AS FOLLOWS: SPECIAL CONDITIONS ON THE ATTACHED SHEET A. RE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT. FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE SOUTH FLORID~ ~W.ATER _MAt~AGEMENT DISTRICT . SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, BY ITS GOVERNING BOARD BY: Exhibit FIAY I 9 1998 PERMn' NUMBER ~0824 COUJER CO. TRANSPORTATION SERVS. DEPARTMENT MA~OI 12, 1~8 PAGE 2 OF 5 SPECIAL CONDTT[ONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: PERH~ .SOLELY ACKNOWl FrXSES AND ACCEFTS THE DUTY AND ALL ASSOCIATED ~SIBil. JTIES TO INCORPORATE SAFETY FEATURJ~, WHICH NEET APPLICABLE RJJCllJATION, ~ NCFFIC~ C)F WATER LEVIg~ IN CANALS AND WORKS, AS WELL AS THE PEI~III'TEES CONSIDERATION OF UPGRADES AND MOOIFICATIONS TO THE PERMITTED FNC]I. ITIES/N.ffHORJTFr) USE WHICH f,tAY BE NECESSARY TO MEET ANY FtrI'URE ~ TO APPLICAStE ENGINEERING PRACFICE AND ACCEPTED INDUE~Y STANDARDS. PER/,fl'TI'EE AC)~ES THAT THE DISTRICTS REVIEW AND ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIHt'I' TO, ANY FI_k"l__n INSPECl'IONS PERFORMED BY THE DISTRICT, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY CONSIDER OR ENSURE THAT THE PER~I'TTED FACILnlES/AUT).K~ITED USE IS PLANNED~ DESIGNED~ ENGINEERED~ CONSTRDCrl~ OR WILL BE OPERA~, IVlAINTAINED OR HODIFIED SO AS TO HEET APPLICABLE ENGINEERING PRACFICE AND ACCEFTED INDUSTRY STANDARDS, OR OTHERWISE PROVZDE ANY SAFETY PROTECTIONS. PERHTTTEE FURTHER A~F_..S THAT ANY ZN(~JIR~ES, DISCUSSIONS OR. REPI:~..SENTA'r~ON$~ WHETHER VERBAL OR WR.U'FEN, BY OR WTI'H ANY DISTR.ICT STAFF OR. REPR~ENTATIVE DUI:tING THE PEPJMIT REVIEW AND LSSUANCE PRDCESS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIHZ'rED TO ANY FIELD :INSPECI'IONS, SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY BE RELIED UPON BY ~ AS THE DISTRICT'S ASSUHPTION OF ANY DUTY TO INCORPORATE SAFETY FEATURES, AS SET FORTH ABOVE, AND SHALL ALSO NOT BE RELIED UPON BY PERHITrEE :IN ORDER TO MEET PEP, HITTEE'$ DUTY TO :INCORPORATE SAFETY FEATUP, F_S, AS SET FORTH ABOVE. THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATE~ ~GEHENT DISTRICT IS NOT RESPC~ FOR. DAHAGE TO INSTALLATIONS LOCATED WITHIN ITS RIGHTS OF WAY. PERH~E SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR AND/OR REPLACEH~ OF EXISTING FACILITIES LOC4TED WITH:IN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER. HANAGEHENT' DISTRICT'S RIGHTS OF WAY. PRIOR. TO THE Pt.N:EMENT OF ADDITIONAL FACII. I'DES OTHER. THAN THOSE AUTHOP. tTFn BY THIS PERMIT OR. ALTERATIONS TO E~STING FACILITIES OTHER. THAN TI-KTSE AUTHOR~ BY 'n-Es PERMIT LOCATED WITHIN THE ~ FLORIDA WATER MANAGI~EIhfl' DISTRIcr's RIGHT~ OF WAY WILL REQUIRE ISSUANCE OF A FORMAL HOOIFICATION TO THIS PER,lIT. CANAL RIGHT OF WAY DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND/OR HAI~ OF AUll-IORI~ FACILITIES SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL OR BETTER. CONDITION AT THE PERHITTEES SOLE EXPENSE, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIETRIcr. PERMZT NUHBER 10~24 MARCH 12, 19'98 PAGE3 OF 5 o I0. IT IS THE PERHI'TTEES SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR NOTIFICAT2ON AND/OR CC~INATION WITH THE OWN~ OF PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE DZSTRZCTS RZGHTS OF WAY. UNDI~ NO ORCUMSTANCES SHN/. THE DISTl~CT BE HFJ_O RF. SPONSIBLE FOR ANY COSTS OR LIABILITIES, EITHER DIRECT C~ INDIRECT, INCURREI) R3R RELOCATIONS OR ALTERATIONS Of: ANY KIND THAT HAY BE WTR"IZN THE Db"i~S R~GHTS OF WAY HAVE BEEN NOi3FIED PR[OR TO THE ~ ~ THAT UNDER EHERGENCY C~RCUMSTANO=_ _~, AS DEEHED BY THE SOUTH R.ORZDA WATER HANAGEHENT DIS'TTL1~, ANY CIE ALL PERHTr'rED TTEPIS ~ THE DZSI'R/CT'S R/GIfTS Of: WAY ARE SUB3ECT TO IMMEDZATE ALTERATION, GUARANTEE SALVNSEABILITY OF ITEHS REMOVED FRO~ ITS RIGHT OF WAY. THE PERHITTEE AOOYOWI ~ AND AGREES THAT UPOR THE SALE OR TRANSFE~ OF THEIR PROPERTY, IT IS THE PERHIITE~S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO IlYRC)RM THE NEW PROPERTY OWI~ER 'TI-IAT A RIGHT OF WAY OCCUPANCY PF. RH~ EXISTS. I~)TJCE IS ALSO b"]VEN THAT UPC~ CONVEYANCE Of: THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, A WR.TI'FEH REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF NAHES OF THE PERHIT MUST BE SUBHTi'rED TO THE I~GHT OF WAY DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND ~ C~ THE BE ACCOHPANIED ElY A COPY OF THE INS'TI:UJ~Ehq' TRAN~ER~NG OWNEERSH~ OF THE F~WRE TO REQUEST AND ~ A ~ TRANSFER OF A P. JGHT OF WAY OCOJPA/tCY PERMIT FRC~ THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER HAN~ DZSTRI'CT WTrHIN ONE (1) YEAR Fl~ THE DATE OF ODNVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY W1TL WI'T'~N THE D[STRJCTS RJGI'ff OF WAY, RESTORA~ OF THE P, JGH'T OF WAY TO THE DZSTR~CrS SATZSFACTZON, AT THE PROPERTY OWNERS EXPENSE AND THE POSSZBLE ~ ~Y REMOVED FROM THE SOUTH FLOR.IDA WATER MANAGEMENT DZSTI:~CTS CANAL AND RIGHTS OF WAY. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER ~ENT OISTRICr. 1998 r PERMIT MJMSER 1082't HARO-I 12, 1998 PAGe4 OF S AT NO T'IPE SHALL THE PERMITrEE PLACE ABOVE.GROUND FAOLITIES WITHIN THE STR.tP OF LAND LYING PARN I R TOTHE CANAL, AS H~ FROH THE TOP Ot:: THE 12. SHOULD THE PLACEMENT OF THE ~ FAC2U'TJES WTrl~I THE DLCi'I~S R.[GHT OF WAY OR PLMNTi~N~E OF THE N. JTHO~ITFn_ FN:2L.~ ATI'R!'BU~ TO SHQAL[~, ERC~ OR WASH-OUTS OF THE DL~TR.I~S RZGHT OF WAY, BERM OR APPROPR/ATE STEPS TO RESTORE THE RIGHT OF WAY TO THE SATL~ACTJC~ OF THE DZETR/CT. 13. THZS PERH~r SHALL NOT BECOME VAUD UNTIL ALL OTHER REQUIRED LOCAL, CCXJN'P( · AND/OR STATE PERJ~TS OR OTHER AFFECTED PARTIES' APPROVALS HAVE BEEN J$. THE PERH~ SHALL COHPLY WTrH ANY HORE STR]NGEITF CONDiTiONS IMdIO~ MAY BE SET FORTH IN OTHER REQUIRED PERH[TS AND/OR APPROVALS. PERHI1TEE IS ADVISED THAT THE DISTPJCT PERIODICALLY SPRAYS ITS CANALS FOR AQUA'IIC WEED ~ PU~ AND USES SUBSTANCES WHICH HAY BE ~ TO HUHA~ HEAL'TH OR PLANT LIFE. THIS PERHIT DOES NOT AUl~r~_ ANY SW2HH[NG WHATSOEVER W2THIN THE SUB]ECl' CANAL. FURTHER THE PERMJTTEE ~S ADVISED TO INQUIRE OF THE DISTR~CT AS TO WHETHER THE CANAL HAS BEEN SPRAYED PR[OR TO UTP 17/NG THE CANAL FOR IRR2GA'rIoN PURPOSES, ENTERb'~ THE WATER CCLUMN TO REPA/R DOCK2NG FAC~t.~ES OR FOR ANY ~ MJRPO~. PLEASE C,,C~AC'r THE DISTRICT'S BIG CYPP, E. SS BASIN RFln STATION AT (941) S97- 1505. 16. 17. I8. 19. 20. PERMITTEE SI-LaJJ. PLACE RER. EO1VE DEVICES, SUCH AS, BIJT NOT ~H!TI~ TO REFLECT~ OR REFLECTIVE TAPE OR OTH~ SIMILAR HIGH V~S'[B[tZTY MATER[~ ON THE ~_ ~r~o_ CULVERT BRIDGE Wit[CH CA~ BE SEEN FROH THE WATER COLUiV~. PERPUTTEE JS RESPOI~[BLE FOR REPLAC2NG THE REFLEC1'D~ DEVZCES, AS ~. INVE~ ~ ~AllOel OF Zr OJLV'~'T Si-IAU. ~ SbT AT 9.50' NG'VD OR LOWER. THE CULVERT BRIDGE WILL BE CONSTR~D TO SPEC~CA'r2oNs SUEH[Trl~ ON DRAWZNG SHEET 2 OF 3 AND REFERErK~D TO l'H~ pERH~. I" ! MAY 19 1998 PG. '/~-'/ _ NU~BER 10824 12, 1998 PAGES OF5 21. 3e 24. 25. 26. CANAL SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO DESIC~ SECTZON, HAV*ZNG A HINIHUM OF A 35' W'ZDE BOITOH ~ AT lq ~FVA'rIcw 3.5' NGVD Wl'T'H lV TO 1.SH (1V:l.51T) SIDE SLOPES. 27. OT1-ER ~ WTI'HTN THE D[STRTCT'S FUGHTS OF WAY/Z~ AND EGRESS ROtnl~. THE SOUTH FLOR[~ WATER ~EHEhT DISTRZCT'S I:UGHTS OF WAY AND ~ AND PROPERLY DLSPOSED OF. DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY HUST P.,E GRASSED WITH BAHIA SOO PERFORH ~ AND/OR ROUTINE HAZ~ ~ D~STI:LTCr .SHALL A*1TEIqPT TO NOT/FY ~ PERHTTTTE SUO.I AcDvmES ARE ~Y; ~ FATZ,UR~ C~ THE DZS'TRTCT~ PART TO COI~.a, CT THE PERMZITEE SHALL NOT RESTTLTCT THE DZS'TTLTCT IN AHY WAY TO CdI~TN ACCESS TO PERFORM M,a~ OPERA~ MAY 1 9 1998 SFWMD PERMIT NO. 10045 (NON.ASSIGNABLE) FEBRUARY 10, 1994 DATE ISSUED AUTHORIZING: CULVERT BRIDGE (3 - 10' C.M.P.'SI LOCATED AT 12' BURIED FORCE MAIN AND A 12' BURIED WITHIN THE EAST AND WEST FACE OF THE (RESPECTIVELY), AND A 18' R.C,Oo AT THE THE CULVERT BRIDGE, ALL LOCATED WITHIN THE t RIGHT OF WAY. (STATION 179+ 10) MAIN CA( :ULVERI' OF CANAl. LOCATED IN: COLLIER COUNTY, SECTION 19 25E ISSUED TO: (OWNER) ROBERT S. HARDY 4500 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, SU NAPLES, FLORIDA 33999 This permit is Issued p~r~uant to ~pr~l~n No. IU~ not co~ from ~mp¥~ 10 dated JIA.Y 15. 1993 ami permlflee'e egte~.nent from any and all d~ ~ M ~~e~~eP~ ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ herein. ~ m~ ~ ~ This permit Is lu,~ed by i'll I:litl,'kl a either legal ~ equitele, of the Distr.1 wo~s, th~s perm,, the WORK PROPOSED. thereunder, 12 UMITING I m la. It It does not c~eate any rlgM ~ enf~emen~ Since tds permft coflveys flo ~ht to tim ~,-~;M.jed use ~ pem~ to any ~ut~quent p&"ty. By __-e~__ptanc. of BEFORE FEBRUARY 28. l~JS ethemau, I~is permit is void and ~11 rlght~ to the eo~lion ~ i~ applied for and granted. SPECIAL SPECIAl. CONDmCW/ O~ THE ATTACHe:) SHI~ET AJ~ PART OF TH~ C: GEORGE H HI~MANSON, P.E. HOLE, MONTES, & ASIOCtATES, INCORPORATED 716 TENTH STREET IOUTH, PO BOX 1686 NAIq. ES, FLORIDA 33~39 FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MA_NA~GEMENT DISTRICT ON.,, ~~ FRON~ SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, BY ITS GOVERNING BOARD BY:"'0RIGINAL' ^~,~..~...~.~s.=a~^~RNsSIGNED I~t? ~ .( $Ou~h flodd&.W_at~r Management '-~," Request Fo~ Permit Modiflcatien TO be Accomp.nre~ by 3 CGI;)III afa OrlwL, Ig of the ~opo~il Sc~h flo6ga W~ Management District Pc~t Office 8ex 24G~0 · Wect Palm~e&ch, Ft. 33416-4GG0 · I, the undealgned, r4quest tha~ pen~It nun~er Appllr~nt'~ A~lreu 6289 .Buznhazt Road Oty/itate Naple t ~lorida ,~u~_ Col~e~ ~_z9 & 20, ,_ r~lp__.ls .... S ~ange 2s .... ~lr/~__Z~ka~ea ~a~ Canal ~gAt~-Way . Ovne~: 11/16/93- HAt I g Igg8 Station: 179 + 80 to 186 + 10 Name: Collier County Transportation DMsion Date of Inspection: Wednesday 11/28/97 Right of Way Permit Number:. Existing FaaT~es: 1. 10352 - Livingstone Road Bridge 2. 10824 - Northbrooke Drive Bridge Contact: Mr. Ed Kant CoBer County Transportation Division 941-774-8494 We are dealing with County for a temp. Construction easement here. Yes *'Lawyer Abstract Service Property 172 + 90 to 179 + 50 was purchased by Collier County Exhibit "E" MGT O4 FROM~ DATE: Samuel E. Poole HI, F.-__~-tive Director~~,t.~ Management Depart_ __ -nt. Until/hrther not/ce, both the Deputy Execut/ve Director and the Director of the I~ud Mauaa,~t Dep~_~t _.~.11 have the autherlty to execute any L,~d Management Orders _~plementing the Oov~ Board's actions. SEPdr~ Tony Burns Scoa Glazier JoAnne Greiser Barbara Markham Juli Triola Tom Wolfe Exhibit 'F" HAY 1 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL TO RENEW CONTRACT #9S-2430 FOR SERVICES, BRIDGE AND STRUCTURE REPAIRS. ENGINEERING ~J.Fw.~3~: Obtain Board approval to renew the curt'mt Contract for engineering r~'rvices, bridge and mucture repall, with Ki~inger, Campo and Associates Corporation. CONSIDERATION: The Board of County Commi~ioner~ awarded thc above ~fem'w. ed Contract on May 28, 1998 (Ag,.ngla Item 16(B)5). The Contract is effective for a two-year ix'riod with an option to renew for an additional one-year period for thr~ consecutive years. The renewal option is ~ubject to approval by the Board of County Commissioner~. The vendor, KCA, has agreed to the ~1 option (Attachment No. I). During the two yesra, KCA ha~ provided services for rgpair~ to the Big Horse Pa~ and Chokolo~kee Bridges and condition repor~ on r~'eral other bridge~. The final phase of those ~-vices, con.ntruction review for the repair project~, is imminent as bi& have been received for the repair~ and a contract award recommendation is about to come before the Board. KCA has been very re~onsive to the county's needs. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in Fund 313. Project 66066 - Bridge Rehabilitation in the amount of 5250,000 ~ of February 20, 1998. The Capital Projecc~ Budget for the Capital Improvement Work Plan includes $250,000 in future years for continuation of this program. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. i~.ECOMMENDATION: Approv; renewal of this Contract with Kissinger Campo and Associates Corp. for Engineering S,:rvices, Bridge and Structure Repairs for lhe renewal period ofone year. SUBMITTED BY: Date: f" vmwsD BY: Step ? Y. D_ir or, ct sin 'C er Ser i APPROVED B .,~__~~~'~~ ~.__ _ Date: Ed Ilschner,'Publi¢ Works Administrator Attachment: No. 1 - Renewal letter HAY 1 9 1998 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT PURCHASING DEPARTbIENT 3301 EAST TAMIAbII TRAIL SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION GENERAL SERVICES BUILDING NAPLES, FLORIDA S4112 (941) 774-8425 FAX (941) 793-5795 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY March 2, 1998 Mr. Joaquin Campo, President Kisinger Campo & Associates Corp. 2203 N. Lois Avenue, Suite 410 Tampa, Florida 33607 RE: Contract #95-2430 -"Engineering Services-Bridge & Structure Repairs" Dear Mr. Campo: Collier County has been under Contract with your company for the referenced service for the past two years. The County would like to renew this contract for one additional year in accordance with the renewal clause in the agreement. If you are agreeable to renewing the ret'erenced contract, please indicate your intentions by providing the appropriate information as requested below:. I am agreeable to renewing the present contract under the same terms and conditions as the existing contract. I am not agreeable to renewal of this contract if you are agreeable to renewing the contract, this letter (upon your signing and tatum) will suffice as the contract and will be consummated upon receipt of a County Purchase Order for this renewal period, commencing May 28, 1998 and ending May 27, 1999. Also, please provide an updated certificate of insurance for our files. HAY ! 9 1998 RENEWAL LETTER PAGE TWO BID NO. 95 Your prompt attention is urgently requested. Please return this letter to the Purchasing Department with your response by March 15. 1998. Very truly yours, Purchasing/General Services Director Acceptance: :i'yped Name and TKIe Date: ¢C: Ed Kant, Transportation Depm'tmcnt m.~ MAY 1 9 1998 EXECUTIVE ~;UMM^Ry. ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, SIDEWALK, SLOPE, UTILITY, DRAINAGE, MAINTENANCE AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEWiENTS AND/OR FEE SIMPLE TITLE FOR THE NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT (LIVINGSTON ROAD) FROM IMMOKALEE ROAD (C.R. 846) TO THE LEE/COLLIER COUNTY LINE, CIE PRO,IECT NO. 021. OBIECTIVE: To obtain authorization from the Board of County Commissioners (the 'Board"), to acquire by gift or purchase ali rights and interests in real property which are required for the construction and maintenance of transportation improvements and related facilities for the North Naples Roadway Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit (MSTU) Project (Livingston Road) from lmmokalee Road (C.R. 846) to the Lee/Collier County Line. ...CQNSIDI~R,ATIONS: On March 19, 1985, the Board approved Ordinance No. 85-13 creating the North Naples Roadway Municipal Service Tax{nE and Benefit Unit. Subsequently, the Board adopted Resolution Nos. 90-35 and 90-36 on January 30, 1990 authorizing the acquisition of right-of-way easements and fee simple title necessary for construction of the 6.2 mile east/west and north/south Livingston Road network. In consideration that extensive and intensive environmental permitting activities for the project signaled uncertainties in issuance of necessary agency permits, the Board directed staff on August 6, 1991 to cease with all further right-of-way acquisitions. The environmental permitting stage of the project was favorably concluded several years later, with the County receiving all required state and federal permits during the last quarter of 1995. Board approval of the attached Resolution will result in the recommencement and completion of remaining right-of-way acquisitions for the entire project. Most of the required right-of-way for the east/west segment of Livingston Road has been secured, with approximately 30 land parcels remaining to be acquired along the 3 mile north/south segment. This north/south roadway segment is the subject of a recent Developer Contribution. Agreement approved by the Board on February 17, 1998 [Agenda Item No 8(B)(I)] to effectuate construction stage activities by Long Bay Partners circa FY 2000-2001 in exchange for certain road impact fee credits. Board approval of the attached Resolution will authorize staff to acquire sufficient right-of-way for initial two lane improvements by Long Isay Partners as well as for ultimate 4/6 lane built-out of the entire corridor. NAY 1 9 199S ~. { Executive Summary CIE Project No. 021 Page 2 /FISCAL IMPACT: The sum of S2,11.9,986 is the total .estim.ated cost to acquire all remaining r, ghts-of-way' for Livingston Road. This estimated fiscal impact includes cost provisions for easements, fee simple title purchases, and miscellaneous expenses such as title policies/searches, land appraisals, and service fees by the Real Property Management Department. Funds in the amount of S1,144,286 have been budgeted and appropriated for the current 911 fiscal year out of two fund accounts: (1) Cost: Fund: Cost Center: Project' S 1,074,286 - Right-of-way Acquisition 313 - Road Construction Gas Tax 163673 - Road Impact Construction 65041 - North Naples Roadway MSTU (Livingston Road) (2) Cost: Fund: Cost Center: Project: $70,000 331 - Road Construction Impact Fees 163650 - Road Impact Construction 65041 - North Naples Roadway MSTU (Livingston Road) Total FY 98 - SI.144.286 The remaining budget amount of $975,700 has been planned and requested for appropriation for fiscal years 1999 and 2000 in the aggregate amounts of $525,700 and S450,000, respectively (Fund 331). It is noted that the County can partially recover right-of-way acquisition costs in the future from the MSTU through the levy of taxes and/or assessments against benefiting property owners. Such levies may be set when the Board determines the mileage rates for MSTU's as part of the County-wide budget process. The levies for Livingston Road may be collected by following the procedures and adopting the resolutions described in County Ordinance No. 88-23. GROWTlt MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The right-of-way acquisition stage for Livingston Road, although not yet required from a concurrency viewpoint, is consistent with the County's Growth Management Plan and is shown on the year 2020 Roadway Needs Network Plan and the year 2020 Roadway Financially Feasible Network Plan. The Livingston Road project is Capital Improvement Element No. 021. Ii, Executive Summary CIE Project No. 021 Page 3 RI~COMMENDATIONt That the Board: (1) Adopt the attached Resolution authorizing.the acquisition by gift or purchase the road right-of-way, sidewalk, slope, utility, drainage, maintenance and temporary construction easements and/or fee simple title required for the North Naples Readway MSTU Project (Livingston Road) from Immokalee Road (C.R. 846) to the Lee/Collier County line; (2) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Resolution; and (3) Approve the total estimated right-of-way acquisition budget of $2,119,986. Wilma lver~nior Specialist agement Department Richard I. Hellriegel, P.E/~[nterim Director REVIEWED BY~ DATZ: ~'7- 7~ Edward ~~~ Director T~i~ervices D~ment REVIEWED BY~ DATE: ..~'-"~--~":~ Ed llschner, Administrator' Public Works Division execsu.001 RKSOI,UTION ~O. 9g RESOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. AUTIIORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY GIFT OR PURCHASE OF ROAD RtGIIT-OF-~¥AY. SLOPE, SIDEWALK, UTILITY, , DRAINAGE, MAINTENANCE AND TEI~PORARY CONSTRUCTION INTERESTS BY' EASEMENT AND/OR FEE SIMPLE TITLE Wlllci! ACQUISITIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY ~fl. INICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND B~ ~ (LFV~GSTO,~ ROAD) 9 FRO,~] I~lk~OKALEE ROAD (C.R. 846) TO LEE/COLLIER COUNTY LINE, CIE NO. l0 O21. ! V,'IIEREAS. the Bo;nd of County Commis~k~'r~ (Bo~ on Septemb~ 27. 1994 adopled 2 Ordinance ,~o. 94-$4 Iher~n e~abli~hing the 1994 (Sixth Ammal) Capita! ]mpro~'ement element 3 of the Gro~h .~anageme~ Plan in order to t~ablish lw~orities for the de~i~n, acquisition and ~4 con,ruction of the ¥~rim~ ¢~I~tnl impr°%'ement lw°Je~l~ which ¢°mpH~e the Tranap°fl~i°n 5 Elemem or,he County's Comprehe~i~e Plan; and 6 ~VI IEREAS. IbC Board of Ceumy Commissim'..'rs of Collier County (Ihc Boa~d) adopted 17 Collic~ County Ordinance No. 85-13 on ~l~ch 19. 1995 .-~e~fing Ihe North ,~aples Roadway IS ~lumcipal S~'ices Taxing and Benefi! Uni! ~STU); and 19 '~VltEREAS. the cmmrucfion or,he roadway t'or the North Naples Road-S, k~STU 20 (Livingslon Road) from Immokalee Road Io Lt~'Collie~ Coumy Line are component pm'ts of the 21 Transportation Element oflhe Counly's Compre~ive Plan; and 22 WllEREAS. alternate Iocmions, envitonmcnla! rac~ors, long range planning, cost variables. 23 concurrence, sn f'cty ~d welt'~e considerations have bee~ r~-iewed as they relate Io lhe implcmc~talion 24 of said tr-~napor~ation improvemenls; and it has been recommended by Coun~ Staff the! it is necessary 25 and in the besl interesl of Collier County, Florin. Io mai~ain ngx~ilily over Ihe acquisition of 26 pmpcny righls required for the cons~ruclion of the North Naples Rob'way MSTU (Li~ingelon Road) 2'/ From lmmokalee Road to Lee/Collier Coumy Line. he~cina{ler r~erred to as "Projecl" as identified on 28 Exhibit 'A' at~ached hereto and incorpo~ted hewn refen."~ce', and NAY ! I ~qlERE^$, th~ desi~ znd ¢~ms~r~ctim~ ol'~id I~~ im~v~ts 4 ~ERE~. l~ c~ion o~the l~ati~ impmv~ts m~ ~lat~ ~a~liti~ ' ~ c~lat~ hy I~ Pmjm ~ ~ in ~ 6 ciliz~s of Colli~ C~nty, a~ will assifl Colli~ C~nly 7 Orl~ G~h Manzg~ PI~ f~ Colli~ C~ty. S ~OW, ~EREFORE, BE ~ R~OLVED BY ~E BOARD OF CO~ COMMISSIO~ OF 9 COLLIER CO~, FLORIDA, ~: I 0 i. ~ Board hu co,idled lhe ~vimn~lal fa~. ~F~y f~l~ an~ ~al consld~lions i 2 2. ~e road ~ght~-way, sl~, sid~'alk, utility, d~inage, maint~a~e 13 constn~ction inler~ts ~ easel and/or the f~ simple lille acquisitions ~ 4 ~he ~t feasible I~a~i~s, ~lh n~ a~ c~si~ wi~h 15 p~it tl~ const~ion a~ maim~a~e of lbo I~ns~nati~ impo'emits ! 6 the ~'onh ~apl~ Ro~way klS~ {Livingslon Road) ~mm/mmokalee Ro~ Io I~ L~Colli~ County 17 Line. CIE Pmj~t ~o. 021. 18 3. ~e Board ~s d~in~ lhal I~ c~ion 19 facilili~ are n~ f~ a ~hlic ~ a~ is in I~ ~t inl~ o~Colli~ C~ly. 21 compalible with the I~g ~n~e planning g~ls a~ 22 Colli~ C~nty. 23 5. It is n~ a~ in ~ ~1 intet~ oCColli~ County ~ I~ Boa~ Io ~qui~ the mad 24 ~ght~f-way. sl~. sid~alk, ulilily, d~i~e, maim~e 25 ea~ a~/m t~ f~ simple lille id~li~ in Exh~il 'A'; ~ C~ Slaffis ~ aul~z~ 27 sid~a~, utility, d~inale, mainline a~ I~ 2g simple title on ~ p~i~ ~lifi~ in Exhibit 29 6. ~ ~i~an o~ I~ ~rd is h~y aul~z~ Io ~ute 30 ~i~l ~(s) ~1~ f~ I~ list of ~s ~ualifi~ by ~ Bo~ ofC~ C~mi~i~ -Page I TI~ Bozrd J'urlber directs stzfl'lo us~ nppr~is~l repo~s or infemzl compensation estimates as staff 2 d~ermincs is necess~/lo best serve Ihe needs orlhe Project in a timely and cost*effective manner. 3 ?. The 1~3~d. in ~cco~ance with the provisions of Chapter ! 25.355, F1o~da Statu~es. hL'~hy ,1 form~,lly w~,ives Ibe requira~enl for a formal, independent apprais~l rcpurl for Ibc Purchas~ ora 5 pmpc~y sberc Ihe Purcl~se price oftbe p~,rc¢l (the compenution due lo the prop~y owner) is less 6 than Om: Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Doll:rs ($I00,000.00). In lieu of the independent ~pprzis~l ? rc~:~, st~tTis hereby ~mhorized to m~Ice purchase offers for the properties, the dollzr tmoums of S which sl~ll bc predicated on "st]lTcompcns~ion ~imates" based ~ imlepend~t ~pprzi~ls (,,nd 9 the d~ therefrom) obtzincd on similar properties m~l upon consider:tion ond ~pplic~ion of 10 ~,ropri~tc m~lcel ~lue Ired cost d~t~ pcflJncnt lo thc subject p~r. cls. I 1 $. Upon the ~m:w:i by the Courtly ^tlomcy's Off'ice or,Il documents necesszry rot thc subjecl 12 prope~ ~cquisition, Reil Prop~y l~ImIememt Dep~men! st,,ffis be~by directed to offer 13 immediate deliver/Io Ibe respective prol~'ly ownc~ oflhe full compensation (as established by the 14 3ppraissl m s~lT coml~-nsat~ estimates in accordnnce with the provisions ol'Chapler 125.355, 15 Florid3 Statu~cs). in rch~m for the immedi*',te ~nd proper execution of the respective ~semcnts, or 16 deeds ~,nd such otbe~ leg~,l documcnt$ ~nd'or alTid=vils as the Counly Attorney's Of Bce deems 1 ? appropriate in orda' Io prmecl Ihe intcs'ests of the County', and the Board hereby ~uthorizes ils present I S Chairm~n and -~ny subsequent Chairm:,n, for the life oflbe Project, Io execute any instrumema which I ') haxc been ~,plwo,red by thc O~cc of Ibe Connty Altomcy, to remove Ihe lien of ~,ny cncumtmance and 20 for any such other purpose as may be rcqpired for Ihe ~cquired mad righl-of-wzy, slope, sidewalk, 21 utility, drainage, maintenance and Icmpora~ construction inlercs~s by essement and/or roe simple lille. 22 '). In those insumces ss'ha'e ~e~miatcd settlements may be ol~ained via Ihe "Purchase AgrL'emcm" .~3 or "Easement A~rccmcnt' mech-~nism. Iht Director orlhe office of C~pitzl Projects ~lanagcmcnt, .~.1 his designee, is charged with thc rcspons:hility for completion of various capital improvemenl projects, ~ and is hereby d¢legmed the *',mhority to s;'~'ove the purchase of Iznd interests zbove the ..?.6 compcns3tion cslimate or zppraised value ~md pay normally related costs when il is in the bcsl inter:st 27 ol'tbe Project. within the pm.rata shere oftbe land ri~hls acquisition budget for Ihe parcel being 25 acquired, only when the dilTa'ence belween Ihe purchase price Iml compensmion estimate or appraised 2") s, aluc is less than Fifteen Thousand and (X)/100 Dollars ($1 ~,1'~0.00) or thc current purchasing limits 30 cslablishcd by thc Collier County Purchasing Dcparlmenl; provided, Project fundin~ is availlb~-.. -Page 3- HAY 1 9 1998 I I0. T~at t~ ~tlemcflt trq~.ovlJ mflho~ty is dc1~ ~ t~ D~d to t~ flt~t t~t s~h 2 3~vals do ~ ~fli~ with (he ~isJ~s o~S~i~ 125.355, ~da 3 ! !. ~ ~i~an oft~ B~rd is ~ ~dz~ lo ~e ~t A~s a~ Pu~ 4 A~s wh~ t~ I~ has ag~ to ~11 t~ ~ui~ la~ ~ghts to the C~nty at its 5 ~i~ ~'alue ~ at t~t a~t c~id~ t~ "Admini~tive S~ll~t Amount' as such 6 int~:lly u~ ~ t~ ~minist~ti~ ag~i~ of Colli~ C~y. 8 'Ea~t A~~. to c~v~ · n~ im~ in ~1 ~ to the C~ty. ~d 9 ~ ~uti~ ~ the ~y ~ of~ ~ts ~ f~ sidle title, ~d ~ch ot~ legal 10 ~s ~ t~ O~ce of~ C~y A,~ m~ ~, t~ ~a~ ~ aut~ t~ ~ I i D~nm~t to issue *~. p~ble to I~ ~y ~s) of ~. in t~ am~ 12 s~ifi~ ~ a cluing stzt~t ~ *'hich shall ~ ba~ ~ the ~i~l or ! 3 estimate in ~corda~e ~'ith this R~lmi~ ~ ~ ~visions ofS~i~ ! 25.355. ~o~da Stating. 14 13. All title to ~i~ ~ inl~s in ~i~ ~.hich ha~ ~ obta~n~ in the man~ 15 de~6bed a~x.e shall ~ d~ "~c~ by ~ ~a~ ofC~nty C~mission~. as t~ go~ing 16 ~)' of Colli~ C~nty. ~da. a ~litical su~ivisi~ of I~ State of Fl~da. a~ as such, sta~is 17 h~ehy a,t~y~ to r~o~ in Ihe P,hlic R~ords ofColli~ C~nty. Fl~ida. said ~ts 18 simple title and s~h oth~ instmm~s as may ~ requi~d to ~x~ the li~ of any ~m~e from 19 the~cquir~p~i~. 20 ~is R~lulion r~als a~ s~fl R~lut~ ~-35 a~ R~luti~ ~36 in its 21 THIS RESOLUTION A~ED ~ this day of . I~, aRer motion, s~o~ a~ 22 majo~ty 23 24 25 ATTF..qT: 26 DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK 27 28 29 30 Cleric 31 32 Approved as lo form and 33 legal, su~cie~cy: ~'Ieidi ~. ,.~shton 37 Assist3nt County Atlomey BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN -Page NAY I g 1998 MAY ? 1~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ACCEPTANCE OF A PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM SONMAR OF NAPLES, LLC. TO REPLACE A TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT. ~ To obtain the acceptance of the Board of County Commiss_i _.or..~_.. _. ? a Drainage Easement (permanent) which document is executed by Sonmar of Nal~, A North Dakota Limited Uability Company, to replace an existing Temporary Drainage Easement. CONSIDERATIONS: On December 18, 1990, the Board of County ~ommisstoners approved the plat for Tollgate Commercial Center Phase Two, which was recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 23 and 24, on January 2, 1991. The Plat created a Temporary Drainage Easement which would automatically expire and terminate in whore or in part upon acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of a Permanent Drainage Easement for purposes of installing drainage pipes .and constructing stormwater management areas. Sonmar of Naples, EEC. has develoPed the Holiday Inn Express Hotel in the Tollgate Commercial Center and is now required to convert the Temporary Drainage Easement to a Permanent Drainage Easement. The Drainage Easement has been approved by the County Attorney's Office, the Development Services Division, and the Storrnwater Management Department. FISCA~ IMPACT; No fiscal impact incurred. The Grantor, Sonmar of Naples, L.L.C. is responsible for all associated recording expenses. GROWTH MANAGI~MENT |MPACT; North. I~ECOMMENDATION$; That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approve and accept the Drainage Easement granted by Sonmar of Naples, A North Dakota Limited Liability Company, which has been donated to Collier County. Executive Summary Holiday Inn Express Drainage Easement Page 2 e PREPARED BY: Autho~e staff to record all documents naces~ in the Public Records of Collier County. Flodda, in order to obtain clem' title to the property. Ernte W. Kerski~, Real Property Specialist ' Real Property Management Depadment REVIEWED BY: ~/~r"t~,~ Date: John B~ldt, Director Stormwater Management Department APPROVED BY: Ed Ilschner, Administrator Public Works Division Date: 1~--~'--'~ ~' ~ PROPERTY I$ NOT HOME8*T-r. AD. TO HAVE A,NO TO HOLD ~ ~ u'~o Ihe Grm'~e Io~l'~r w~ ~ ngnl Io ~ ~ ~NErSShrf~,~RS(:~. m,o G~'ofltor hm Ceded U'wsa p, re~ems to be m~cu~4 (;,,,,-~ o, Type) F'c~ r~, d~ ~ Page · ,4,GCJ~OA I'T,,Ci'~ ,k ' HAY 1 9 19~18 PG. ~ ; F.,XECI~TIVE SUMMARy APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 4 OF THE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT NO. 97-2771, REMOVAL OF NON- SPECIFICATION MATERIAL FROM THE NAPLES BEACH, AUTHORIZE SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT TIME UNTIL THE END OF THE SEA TURTLE NESTING SEASON AND APPROVE CHANGE ORDER. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of an amendment to Section 4 of the Construction Agreement for Contract No. 97-2771 to enable payment for the total contract value completed to date and to obtain authorization to suspend the contract time until the end of the 1998 sea turtle nesting season. CONSIDERATION.: On February 24, 1998, the Board of County Commissioners awarded a contract for Bid No. 97-2771. Removal of Non- Specification Material from the Naples Beach to C.B.E. Trucking Company, Inc. in the amount of $99,982.00. In awarding this contract, the Board of County Commissioners waived the requirement for providing performance and payment bonds and approved an amendment to the Construction Agreement to include specific conditions of award in lieu of providing the bonds. As such, Section 4 of the current Construction Agreement includes the following condition: "In the event, due to no fault of the Contractor, all work under this Agreement is not satisfactorily completed by April 30, 1998 or any extension to same granted by the permitting agencies, the Contractor shall be paid up to a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of the total Contract value completed to date. Upon this occurrence, the Owner reserves the right to suspend the Contract time and direct resumption of work after October 31, 1998 (end of the Sea Turtle Nesting Season)." However, subsequent to this award, on April 7, 1998, the Board of County Commissioners authorized an increase to the scope of work for Contract No. 97-2771 in an amount not to exceed 5350,000.00. In addition, based upon this action, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection directed that the scope of work should be that of work effort #4 as described in the staff's presentation for this authorization. This direction precluded the ability of the contractor to complete all the work now associated with this contract within the time frame specified in Section 4 of the Construction Agreement. Therefore, it is recommended that Section 4 be revised as setforth in the attached Amendment to the Construction Agreement for Contract No. 97-2771. Such will enable the Contractor to be paid the total contract value completed to date. Based upon stipulations setforth by the permitting agencies, work on the beach under this contract cannot be performed during the period from May 15, 1998 through the end of the sea turtle nesting season. As such, it is further ~ O-.sx .' Executive Summary Naples Beach Page 2 recommended that the Board authorize suspension of the Contract time and direct resumption of work after the end of the 1998 sea turtle nesting season. FIS(~AL liMPACT: None at this time. The value of work completed to date has not exceeded the authorization granted on April 7, 1998 [Agenda Item (~RQWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION:' That the Board of County Commissioners: Approve the attached Amendment to Section 4 of the Construction Agreement f.or Contract No. 97-2771; and Authorize suspension of' contract time for Contract No. 97-2771 and direct resumption of' work after the end of'the 1998 sea turtle nesting season; and o Approve change order and authorize Office of Capital Projects Management Director to execute same. PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY' REVIEWED Harold E. HubeF, Project Man~er III Office of Capital Projects Management ~ DATE:~ Rich cie IriegeI, P.E.,lhterimI~ector - - v Office of Capital Projects Management Ed llschner Public Works Administrator DATE:.~_(~_ EXE.SUM.H£H.Ih.01 attachment cc: Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee J~4:NOA HAY ! 9 1998 AbiENDMENT TO CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Contract No. 97-2771 Section 4. Bonds Ao In lieu of providing Performance and Payment Bonds as previously set forth herein, the Contractor shall not receive any payment for work under this Agreement until such time as those conditions set forth in paragraph 4.9 and Section 6 of Exhibit H are complied with, except as setforth below. There will be no consideration given for partial Substantial Completion of Work under this Agreement. In the event, due to no fault of the Contractor, all Work under this Agreement is not satisfactorily completed by April 30, 1998 or any extension to same granted by the permitting agencies, the Contractor shall be paid the total Contract value completed to date. Upon this occurrence, the Owner reserves the right to suspend the Contract time and direct resumption of Work after the end of the 1998 Sea Turtle Nesting Season. If applicable, upon resumption of Work after the end of the 1998 Sea Turtle Nesting Season, all Work under this Agreement is not satisfactorily completed by April 30, 1999 or any extension to same granted by the permitting agencies, the Contractor shall be paid up to a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of the total remaining Contract value completed to that date. Upon this occurrence, the Owner reserves the right to suspend the Contract time and direct resumption of Work after the end of the 1999 Sea Turtle Nesting Season. HEH.DOC~.I5 TO: C.B.E. Trucking Company, Inc. 3994 Mercantile Avmu¢ Naple~, FL 34104 CHANGE ORDER FROM: Collier County Govcmmcnt 3301 East Tamiami Trail, OCPM Bldg. Napl~, FIorida 34112 Project Name: ~ of Non-Specification Material from the Naple~ Beach Construction Agreement Dated: February 24, 1998 Bid No.: 97-2771 ChanRe OrderNo.: ! Dnte: May 18t 1998 Change Order Description: (Attach justification and supporting documemafion for this change.) Increased scope of v,~rk in accordance ~-ith that authorization granted by the Board of County Commissioners, as Agenda Item 8(B((l) on April 7, 199g. Ail work under this Change Order shall be performed at tl~ sang unit pti..c~_l,~.tained in fig original Agreement. Addifio~l time is for 15 additional days of ~ork May l-lY,(per 'FDEP authorization, plus the balance of tho turtle nesting season through October 31, 1998, plus 90 days to find completion. Sum ofprevious change orden amount ................................................... $ This Ch~g¢ Order Amount [a~] .......................................................... Revised Agreement A mount ..................................................................... S 99,982.00 0.00 ? 0.00o.00 449,982.00 Subst~ial Original contract time in calcndar da)m .................................... 40 Adjusted number of calendar days due to p~ous change orders ..................... -O- This cha~ge order adjusted time is .................................................................. 274 Revlsed Contract T/me m calendar da~ ......................................................... 314 ~nal 45 274 319 Original Notice to Proceed date ......................................................... Complction da~ bat~ on original contract time ................................. ReUsed completion date .................................................................... March 16, 1998 April 30, 1998 January 29, 1999 Your acc_~tance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will bc p~f'orm~ subjec~ to all the same terms and condRior, s as conta~ in our Agrccngm indicated above, as fully as ifflg sarrg v.~r~ gpeat~ in this acceptance. The adjusmm~t, ifaay, to this Agree'meat shall constim~ a full and final gttlmgnt of ar~' and all claims of u% Contractor arising out of, or related to, the change set forth herdn, including claims for. impact, and delay costs. Pr~ared by: Harold ~. Huber ~ .i~,.t~~ ~ Date: ! (sign an rint or name) OCM ' '1~ na~) Approved by: (For Use by Owns. Fund: 195 Cost Cent~ 110406 Object Code: 763100 G:Worms~Changc Order Master.doe Revised 02/03/98 Project No.: g0225) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, CONVERT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN RECAP (PERMANENT, PART-TIME) TO FULL-TIME EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT POSITION WITH FULL BENEFITS ~ To obtain Board of County Commissioners approval to conv~ s perrmmcnt, part-time (30 hours per week) Emergency M~n~u~neni T~ni~ian REC~ Io a full-lime Emergency Mar~gement Coordinator potion ~ full bc~f~ (~ONSIDERATION: The workload in the Emergency Management Department has ~ncreased dramatically over the past 10 ',~ years and especially since the passage of Hurricane Andrew in August, 1992. During the past 10 years, the department was granted an additional person in February, 1988 and a part-time position in March, 1997. The person filling this RECAP position is currently being paid for hours worked. He does not receive health insurance, paid vacation, or sick leave. It is becoming difficult, ifnot impossible, ;o motivate trained personnel to work under these conditions. Despite this increase, the workload exceeds our ability to deliver at a leved ofservice that our residents expect. The attached memorandum lists the responsibilities that the full- time Coordinator position would assume. The department is currently paying all wages, Workman's Compensation, Social Security, and retirement from the Emerg~ Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund (EMPA). Funds are also available from this trust fund to uplpade the position to a full- lime Coordinator at an additional cost of $6,722.70 for the remainder ofthls fiscal year. If the conversion is approved, funding to maintain the position in, future years would be budgeted with EMPA monies. ~iSCAL IMPACT: $6,722.70 from Fund 118 - Emergency Management Ch-ants, Cost Center 144210 - Emergency Managemem Administration, Project 33781 - EMPA Grant. ~I~OWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. ~£COMMENDATION: That ih~ Board ofCounty .C~..'~ ~onversion of the part-time Emergency Maragement Techniaan to a full-t~me ~nergency Manago'nent Coordinator with all costs Ix)mc by the Emergency Manag~nent Preparedness a~ K~aa~ll~. Pineau, Faner$c'acy Manag~ ~r~c~or APPROVED BY: '. ,~..-t.,..' ,'-.'- : ') Dat~..; ~o ~ ~r., su~rt se~ic~ ~mini~or MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 25, 1998 Chief Diane Flagg Emergency Services Director Kenneth F. Pineau, C£M Emergency Management Director Emergency Management Responsibilities by Position Per your request, the following tasks are the responsibility of the position indicated and times are hours per pay period: Emergency Management Director (RNG #114) · Directs department activities; provides direct supervision to three s~affpersonnel. 3.0 · Develops official reports t'or the department. 2.0 · Coordinates disaster preparedness activities with other counties and the State DEM. 6.0 · Respons~le for Comprehensive l:-mergency Management Plan Activities for the County. 3.0 · Develops Standard Operating Procedures t'or the department. 1.$ · Performs Hazardous Material site visits. 6.0 · Serves as County representative to the State Radiclogical Emergency Preparedness Task Force. 0.5 Develops and supervises department budget activities. 1.0 Develops Ordinances, Resolutions and presents these to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration and adoption. 1.$ · Reviews requests for variances to the Flood Damage Protection Ordinance. 0.5 · Reviews and provides comments on all PUD and DRI petitions. 1.5 · Primary respons~ility for Growth Management Plan activities involving Hazardous materials and disaster preparedness issues. 6.0 · Manage scope ofwork activities for the four grants in Emergency Management. 1.5 · Coordinates mass migration activities with local law enforcement activities. 0.5 · Responsible for maintaining the following policies and/or plans: 3.0 I) Flood Warning Program 2) Inclement Weather Policy 3) Fuel Spill Pollcy 4) Radlological Emergency Plan Annex 5) Rapid Impact Assessment Team Coordination HAY 1 9 1998 PV_.,. Provides disaster preparedness talks to local cltizen'.~roups (approx 75 pet year). Serves on the f'ollowlng committees: 9.0 l) Local Emergency Planning Committee District IX 2) Chamber/EDC Disaster Recovery Task Force 3) Congressman Goss's Emergency Management Task Force 4) Community £mergency Response Teams Task Force :5) Disaster Recovesy Task Force (Chairman) 6) American Red Cross Board of'Directors 7) S.A.L.T. Council $) N.F.I.P, Community Rating System Task Force 9) Fire Chief's Association 1.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 1.0 0.5 3.0 1.0 Develops 5 year Strategic Plan for the Department. 1.$ Recommend mitigation activities to help reduce further damages. 1.0 Coordinates and updates All Hazards Handbook for distribution to the citizens and guests of Collier County. Maintains a 24 hr/day response capability to I'* responders. Assists in Critical Facility identification and management. 1.5 Responsible for updating the AT&T Blast fax listings. 0.5 Responsible for publicizing, local, state and federal training opportunities to all first response agencies. 2.0 Supervises hazardous material planning requirements. 4.0 Response to citizens and other agencies (written / telephone). 4., Disaster related training. Emergency Management Coordlnntor (RA'G #109) · Assists in the development and implementation of the County Emergency l~tanagement Program. 4.0 · Assists in the development of Grants that enhance the Emergency Preparedness '- 2.0 Program. · Has primary responsibility for the Communications (ESF 2) of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. 2.0 · Serves as "web master" for the Emergency Management home page on the Internee. 20.0 · Assists in the development of scenarios for exercises required under the FEMA 4 year exercise cycle. 1.0 · Tests, trouble shoots and provides minor maintenance on department communications equipment and personal computers. 3.0 · Serves as the Co-Chair °fthe Southwest Florida Emergency Alerting System Task Force. 1.5 · Department representative to 1LA. C.£.S., M.A.R.S. and A.R.R.L. agencies within Collier County. 3.5 · Primary contact for all requests from first response agencies through the Collier County Sheriff's ONce during non-duty hours. 8.0 · year). Attends Florida disaster related seminars upon request (approx. 25 per 3~ · Primary coordinator for school groups v~slting the Emergency Operation 2 · Maintains meteorological watch during duty hours and prepares Public Safety Announcements alenlng the public ct'severe weather potential. 1.5 · Primary responsibility for recruiting and training amateur radio operators in severe weather spotting (SKY'WARN) and communications. 2.0 · Primary responsib~llty for maintaining the Mobile Command Vehicle in a high state of' readiness and i'or delivery of the MCP to the on scene commander upon request. $.0 · Serves as a Community Emergency Response Team Instructor. $.0 · Serves as PIO/l.,oglstlclan on the Collier County over head team for brush fires. 1.0 · Pr{mary responsibility t'or mainta~n~ng the Collier County ILA. C.£.S. plan. 2.0 · Develops public awareness materials. 4.0 · Attends disaster related training,. 5.5 Emergency Management Technlclnn · Rev{ews and approves Comprehensive Emergency Plans from Nursing Homes, ALFs, 6.0 and Day Surgeries of'which there are currently 42 such £acilities in the County. In the near Future, Home Health Agencies (17 agencies) will be required to develop plans which will be reviewed by this off{ce. · Performs hazardous mater{al site v{slts and develops hazard and vulnerability analyses for inclusion in the State-wide data base. 20.0 · Inputs critical t'acility int'ormation in the State.wide data base. 3.0 · l~faintains and trains the"Rumor Control" teams in response to disasters that require EOC activation. 1.0 · Serves as project manager on retrofitting with ElY[PA Funds schools, community parks and other facilities to be used as shelters. 3.5 · Provides flood zone determinations to citizens requesting this information. 1.5 · Responsible t'or inventorying and maintaining expendable supplies for the EOC and the Disaster Assistance Center kits. 2.0 · Responsible t'or maintaining resources listings t'or SW Flor{da vendors. 2.5 · Responsible t'or testing and calibrating Radiologlcal monitors and dosimeters on an annual basis. 1.5 · Assists in developing exercise scenarios for various threats including hurricanes, hazmat, ingestion pathway and flooding. 1.5 · Provides back-up assistance to the department secretary. I0.0 · Responsible for surveying all existing shelters for adequacy under ARC guidelines. · Responsible t'or submitting articles on disaster preparedness to the Collier County Journal. 1.0 · Attends disaster related training. 4.0 · Responds to Citizens requests t'or int~ormation. If this position is made Full-time, incumbent will have the responsiblity for the following: Coordinating Community Emergency Response Team training on a county-wide basis. ]) 3) 4) 15.0 Responsibilities would entail: Publicizing the program Ordering materials Coordinate delivery ct'the program throughout Collier County Serve as an instructor for the Emergency Management modules. 3 , Primary responsibility for ESF 6 (Mass Care) Planning Activities. Senior Secret~ry · Responsible For all correspondence preparation, purchase ord~ and work orders. 16.0 · Assists in managing the department budget, prepares quarterly reports to Finance and the State Division of.Emergency Management. 8.0 · Receptionist duties. 12.0 · Assists in managing grant applications, scope of'work related issues and develops reports to the Division orr ~nergency Management. 4.0 · Types emergency plans, SOPs, resource lists, ordinances and resolutions ~rom rough draft. !2.0 · ~.stablishes and maintains master administrative t~le. 3.5 · Monitors publications t'or currency. 2.5 · Maintains currency ot'£mergency Action Guidebook t'or use by key personnel as guidelines during emergencies. 4.0 · Composes routine requests correspondence independently. 3.0 · Primary responsibility for"Special Needs" registry management. 9.0 · Supervisory responsibility of' a temporary employee t'or 20 weeks during the ~,~a¥ - Sept time period to assist in managing the Special Needs Program. 4.0 · Maintains calendar of.events f.or the department. !.0 · Coordinates the use of'the Emergency Operations Center with other County Agencies. 1.0 Hours are based on an $0 hour pay period for full time employees and 60 hours for I~CAP at the present time. Many other requirements levied by the State and Mother Nature are di~cult to quanti~ and have not been included nor is sick leave and vacation time. 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD A CONTRACT TO CANDITO MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. FOR FOOD AND BEVERAGE CONCESSION AT THE MAIN GOVERNMENT COMPLEX AND TO TERbIINATE THE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DIVISION OF BLIND SERVICES. OBJE~: To award a contract to Candito Management Group, Inc. for food ~d beverage service ~t the Main Government Complex and to terminate the Agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Blind Services. CONSIDERA'rXONS: In 1962 the County leased the snack bar space to the Florida Council for the Blind. That lease expir~ 37 years ago and has operated on a month to month basis since then. tn an attempt to accommodate the visitors (Court Jurors, etc.) and employees located on this Complex, staffpublished a Request for Proposal (RFP) on February 13, 1998 for an expanded food and beverage service at the Main Government Complex. The Candito Management Group submitted the only proposal which offered the following scope of service: ~;ubwav and Dunkin Donuts Ch~nations Hours: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday Staffing Plan: Provisions have been made to incorporate the current principal into the proposed operation. Services: Full service Subway Sandwich Menu and Full service Dunkin Donuts Menu with possibilities of adding delivery servi~ for on campus stops, catering services and supplying groceries for emergencies (hurricanes, etc.). Revenue: Staffis recommending that the new Contrnctor provide the County with nine percent (9%) of their gross sales each month. These funds would be placed into segregated cost centcrs (revenue and expense) and ear-marked for accessa~oility relsted expenditures for all County facilities including the concession. Sach expenditurm could include "talking cash registers" for the visually impaired and listening devices for the hearing impaired. Thc current contract with thc Division of Blind Services would be terminated with the County providing 45 days notice. Ac,~^ ~T~., I No. .~.-; J ...= NAY I 9 1998 Execnflve Summary Food Service RFP Page Two The'~onaire has asn'ced to i _m:or~te ll~ ~istlnt ~__tT into his m'o~osed _o~-stion. ~mst~uctim (totally st the concessionains ~) would begin once the current ~ has vacstzd md wo~ld la~ about 30 M 45 days. FISCAL IMPACT: The true fiscal impact will not be imown until the Contractor is up and rmmlng and a history of revenue ~an be estabCufl~l, l~vever the Concessi~ is suggesting that ~he revenue could produce paymems to the Com~ in the $500 to $$00 per week range. A cost center would be est~blJ~ for revenue and expemes relating to GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOb~IENDATION: That the Board of County Cottunission~s m'minate its Agreement with the Florida Council for the Blind, ~ the Chaim'tm to sign a contract with C~mdito Management Group, Inc. (after review by the County Attorney's Office) for food and beverage s~-vice at the Main Govaronent Complex and approve Ibe necessary budget amen.dments. Prepared By: Skip Camp, CFM, Director The Department of Facilities M~nagement Support ,~'vices Divtston Date:. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO AUTHORIZE TH/:. BOARD CHAIRMAN TO SIGN A MEMOI~NDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ,4 SUMMER YOU'Itt PROGRAM. OBJECTIVE: To attthori:e the Board Chairman to sign a Memorcmdum of Under.~tanding with the Worlforce Cotmcil of Sotttlm'est Florida for a Summer Youth Program. CONSIDEP~41IONS: The Workforce Cot.n:il of Sotttlm,est Florida is coorditmtimg a Summer Yottth Program to empkO' iKtrticipant.,t henreen the ages of 14 at~ 21 from qttalij~.i.g lcm, h~come familie.~; 7Iris prt~.ram ;rill prmqde itntivtdttals ami groups of htdivtdttals for ~ztrtotts u'orl~ activities from mhI. Jttne throttgh Mid./tngnst, 1998. Wages are paid for b), federal llratll.~. Iht, re is 1to coxt to lite Cottttt.}: llte Cottltl)' Adnti.istrotor 's Agency ix pla.nhtg to participate ht this program. Itt prior )'ears. approximate[); eight (8} departments have mtbmitted reqnests for apprortmately fifo' ($OJ part~c~l~ntts' who wor~ tn grotttn&~eepmg, bttildittg maintena, ce. litter control. vehicle mct]ntetn~ttce, dottt etttr); I~hrctr)' .gttp[n~rl. etc. Thi.~ program provides att opi~ortttnil)' for l~ro&.ra.t ln.'ticilnmts tt, gain vtthtable etnI~Io)~tent experience wldle COlllri[~ltlillg I0 lite CtlltllllltlliO' ttt IlO CO.~t I0 lilt' ( 'Otttll): bt order to In'trticqmte ttt thls prcrgram, a A./emorc. nhtm of Umterstandi.g ts required between the B¢~trd of ('alt.t)' Con.nL~.~'icnter.~' cttn! the Workforce Cotmcil of Sottttnvest Florkkt which .~l~,c~fien' the re.~l~ott.~'ibi//l/e.~' of balk I~rties for the Snmmer Yottth ?rogram. The Co.nt)' Attorno'h' Office hers rel.~el~.d attd apprtnvd the attached ]t temorandtm, of [ fiuler,~'tamling a.~' to form and legal sttfficie.c): FISCAL L~,IPACT: (;/?OWI'tt MANAGI'311';NI' IMI'A( '7..': RECOMMENI)A TiON: ?l~at lite Boanl of Co,,t). Commix,'ioners attthorize the Board Chairma. to sign the Memora.d.m of Utnlerslalnti.g with Workforce Cotmcil of So.tlnvest Fiorhta for a S. mmer Fo. th Program. .le..ifdr d. F~i'ard~, Human Resottrces Director Ai'PROI'ED BY: Leo'l~,O~ll.v..Ir., SnPlT,??n'ic'e.~' 'Admini.~'tralor i HAY 1 9 19981 COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN WORKSITE EMPLOYER AND.lOB TRAIIqING OPERATOR UNDER THE FLORIDA JTPA SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM FOR WORK EXPERIENCE Work Experience means a short-term or part time training t~zlgnm~nt with a ~lic or prlv~te not-for-pro~t employer f~ ~A ~]e ~p~ ~o n~ ~~ ~ ~g a~om~ to b~c wo~ r~~s. Work Experience is designed to promote the development of good work habits and basic work skills. Commi ss,tone.rs This Agreement is be~een~n~ ~ ~ ,-r ~n.n~v l~o~rd of' , nereaner referred to as the Worksite Employer, and the Wodo%rce Cour]cil of Southwest Florida_ Inc. herea~er referred to as the Program Opa'ator. It is understood by ~11 parties that this Agreement relates to Employment, Training and Servic~ to be provided in the Summer Youth Employma~ and Training Program which is authorized under the lob Training Partnership Act (J-rPA) of 1983.' The Work_site Employer Agrees: I. To affirm that the employer is either a public or private not-for-profit orga.n;,~tion, free of discrimination because of. race, sex, age, creed, color, religion or po~cal affiliation, and that the pa~dpant(s) in the program ~'II not be employed on the construction, operation or rnainten~ce of any facility as is used or to be used for sectarian purposes. 2. To provide a job description for each position fdled and one complete "statement ofwork" for each worksite that will be utilizing a work experience trainee. 3. To provide m~l, productive and suflident work tm'participants whhln the scope ofthe training program and to furnish equipment, ~ools, materials and supplies as required on the job. 4. To provide useful work experience which wgl be consistent with each partldpant's capabilities and interests ami which wgl assist the trainee to obtain futm'e tmmbsidized employme~ :5. To cooperate fully with the Monitoring Unit of'he Program Operator and allow access to premises of the workshe employers st all reasonable hours for tl~ purposes of monitoring the worksite, counseling partidpants and coordinating other work activities. No. /...r?. ~ [ .AY I ' SSi Comprehensive Agreement for Work Experience - Page 2 6. To ~ a_,:'o_,r~e time and attendance records on each participant reflecting the time actually worked and to submit a signed time sheet every two weeks as scheduled by the Program Operator. 7. To develop a plan to a~lmv sufScient opporttm~es to impleme~ approprhte contingency activities in the event of inclement weather. $. To provue contlnuo~ and ext~erienced su~on to ~ ~s ~ compensadon bom the Program Operator. 9. To provide the hourly wage and Worker's Compensation coverage for any additional hours worked beyond those paid by the Job T~ Operator. Chi'Id Labor Laws prohibit youth ages 14 and I 5 from working more than eight (8) hours a day, forty (40) hours a week. I0. To insure that the Program Operator is ~ee bom liab~Tny for any damages, injuries, losses or claims caused by the trainee during training or resulting bom this employment agreement. 1 I. To adhere to the rules and regulations governing the.fob Training Pannership Act; the policies as set forth by the Program Operator, State of Florlda Child Labor Laws and Federal Government Child Labor LawL if applicable. The Program Operator A?ee~: I. To provide elig3'bility determination and required assessment for participants of the Work Experience Program. 2. To provide and distn'bute remuneration to the participants by check every other week as established in the Payroll Schedule. 3. To provide participants with Worker's Compensation coverage during the hours paid by the Worldbrce Council of Southwest Florida, Inc. General Provisions: I. It is understood by all pm'ties that all finandal provisions are contingent upon the avaiqabflity of T'rtle II-B funds under the.lob Training Partnership Act. 2. This Agreenem will be effective from the date of execution until the terminagon ofthe Stmuner Youth Program or untR terminated by either party through advance notice to the other party. Co~e Agreement for Work Expedence. Page 3 Entered into ATTL,C,T: --going u£-~oun~y ~o~issionere Collier County WorkskeEmployer Representative Signature Alan Neuman Title Exezutive Director T'nle Address 3830 Evans Ave. Suite 3-A Address Fort H~ers, FL 33901 Telephone Number ... (941) g39-4949 Telephone Number I NAY 1 9 1998 I 1,,.-¢' ._/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recognize Revenue and Expenses Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Fund (116) O.b, ied:tb~ To obtain approval from the Board for a budget amendment to recognize revenue and expenses in the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Fund. CJU]lJdt, l:ll]o.~ On October 17, 1997, RSVP applied for a grant from the Community Foundation of Collier County to purchase Angel Dolls for the children of the Even Start Program in lmmokalee. The gram was awarded and a check for $2,000 was received from lhe Community Foundation on December 8, 1997. On April 30, 1998. RSVP won the ,lC Penney Golden Rule award for in honor of the work our senior volunteers are doing in Collier County Public Schools. A check for SI.000 was received from ,IC Penney. Fc. iliaLlalgacll A check for $2,000 from the Community Foundation was deposited in !16-121830-366900-33297. The angel dolls were purchased through Angel Dolls, Inc. (PO # 802108) from line item 116-121830-649990..33297. The Angel Dolls were presented to the children of Immokalee at Christmas. A check for $1,000 from JC Penney was deposited in 116-121830-366900-33297. Training and orientation packets for RSVP volunteers and program supplies for our RSVP coordinators need to be purchased in order to continue this program for the next school year. This money will be spent to enhance our volunteer projects in the schools with $$00 allocated to line item 116-121830-647110-33297, Printing and/or Binding and :t;500 allocated to line item 116-121830-651 ! 10-33297, Office Supplies.. General. Growth Management Impact: None Recommtd]dafio~ That Ihe Board approve the necessary budget amendment(s) to identi~y revenue and expenses in the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Collier County. SUBMITTED BY: ~-t-~/_,/' ~e t ,..,t.~,/ Date: REVIEWED BY: ~~ Date: ~ 1' ~ ~ ~hs, Sup~n Ad EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Appropriate carry forward in the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Fund (I 16) O. bjtctb~ To obtain approval t'rom the Board for a budget amendment to appropriate cany forward in the RetiTed and Senior Voluntee' Program Fund. ~ At the end of FY 1997, RSVP of Colliet County had $1,189.00 unspent program genc~'aled funds. These funds include $250.00 earned interest from the Federal grant money and S939.00 in private comn'bufions genemed from guest ticket sales at our annual volunte~ appreciation events. As stipulated in Section 224 of the Federal grant, the Corporation for National Service may not restrict the use of excess non-Federal contributions as long as those expenditures are not inconsistent with the Domestic Volunteer Sewice Act. Funds may be used to enhance the operation ofthe RSVP Project. ~&aLImgac~ The total carry forward of S1,189.00 will be budgeted in the RSVP Fund Program Reserves (!16-919010). Future private contributions received and interest earned will be budgeted into Reserves. Growth Management Impact: None Recommendation: That lhe Board approve the necessa~T budget amendment(s) Io appropriate carry forward in the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Collier County. SUBMITTED BY: ~/~./..: / ~ ._~'~'~_',.,....~./ Dar,: ~/,/.,' ! Lco'C~ch.1. SuPP°rt ~ Administ~a~oT ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE DEPENDENT & INDEPENDENT FIRE DISTRICTS FOR BASIC MEDICAL TRAINING FOR FIREFIGHTERS. OB.IEC'TIVE: That Ihe Board approve the interlocal agreement that has been developed for non-liccn~ first re, ponder fire depar~ment.~ in accardance with Florida Statute Chapter 40 ! .3.~. C;ONSI D ERATIOH; .On July I. I c~3. ~he Slate of Florida passed legislation, ('Chapter 401..1.~ F S ) which outline.~ that all non licen~d first rcsponder agencies, must take all reasonable cflhrls to enler inlo a Memornndum of Underslanding (MOU) with the liccn~d EMS I'rovidcr in order Io c,~nrdinate emergency ~rvice.~ at an emergency scene. With Ibc execution of these intcrlocal a~recmcnl.~. Ihe profes.~ional standards of basic r;~ticnf care and equipment, quality a.,~.~.raflce and documentation as defined by State of Florida Bureau of Emcrgcncy Mcdic,'d Scrvicc.~ and thc Collier County EMS Department as thc liccn.'w,d medical provider, will he achicvcd. The following fire deparlments have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding wilh Collier County EMS Department: Och~pcc Firc District. I.~les of'Capri Fire District. Noah Naples Fire District, Big C~rk.~crcw I~land Fire District. Cily ol'Naplc.~ f'olice and Emergency Services Department and City ol'MR~'co Island Fire Dcparlmcnl FISC:A !, I M I'A(,'T.... The Memorandum of Undcr.~tandi~g training program. Fund 490- 144¢~4 I. i.~ I'undcd by Ihe panicipaling Fire Dislricts with a program cost of $$2.$56. The allocation method for the MOU program was chosen by the Fire Districts in 1994. The budgeted appropriatiom~ ~'or the MOU program amount to $34.100 with budgeted reimbursements ot'$34,100 from City of Naples Police and Emergency Services. City of Marco Fire Department. Ochopce Fire District and Isles of Capri Fire District. Additional participation for North Naples Fire Dislrict, and Big Corkscrew Island Fire District will increase budgeted program appropriation by $IR,456 to $52.556. GROWI'II MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None r E(':oM M i.;~ I),~TION: Thai thc Ill,ar(! ,fC'4~,,ty Commissi~mc~'s approve the Inter I(,~.al ag. rccrm:nts hclw~-n ('cdliu. r ¢?(mnty ,qn(I the (A.'h(,pc.~ Fir,: Llistricl. Isles ol'Capri Fire Di~ricl. Noah Naplc.~ Fire I)i~tricl. Big ('~rk.~rc'w Island Fire Di~lricl. City of Naples I'~dlce and Ernerg. cncy .";crvicc.'s I)cparlm~..nl and ('ily ,fMarco Island Fire Deparlmenl and a~.~cialc'd budg~.'l amcmhm..nl.~ l~ rt~nize and appmprial~: lhe addilional revenue. ~;UBMITTED BY/.~ ~/J~ Da,e: A. gu~'iera. Trainin~ C'c~mmand~r gg. ('hicl' I...t'~ Och.~clrnlnis! rah}r !NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT dated this day of , by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the Isle of Capri Municipal Fire Services Taxing District, created by County Ordinance No. 78-49, as amended, hereinafter referred to as 'Fire District.' ~WITNESSETH:. WHEREAS, this Agreement is being entered into between the County and the Fire District for the purpose of establishing dispatch protocols, rules and responsibilities of first responder personnel in an emergency scene and the documentation required for patient care rendered pursuant to Section 401.435, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants provided herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: A. DISPATCH PROCEDURE: Since the Fire District Operates on Collier County Sheriff's Office control channel, the parties shall operate under existing Collier County Sheriff's Office dispatched procedures also referred to as the Collier County Fire Chiefs Communication Manual. B. FIRST RESPONDER QUALIFICATION: To be eligible to perform as a first responder, an individual under the employment of the Fire District must (a) successfully complete at a minimum a course which meets or exceeds the 1979 U.S. Department of Transportation First Responder training course. (Proof of course completion is required); and (b) successfully complete an AHA CPR Basic Life Support Course C or ARC CPR Basic Life Support for professional rescue. (Proof of course completion is required). ~,. I ~. Df,., HAY 1998 Pg..,,, C. FIRST RESPONDER RULES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: All First Responders, upon arriving at a scene and deeming that the scene is safe. will begin patient care, if needed, following the guidelines set forth by The Collier County Emergency Medical Services Department Medical Director (the "Medical Director"). A copy of the guidelines is attached as Exhibit A. D, QUALITY ASSURANCE. (NON DISCIPLINARY) I. A quality assurance program will be conducted by the Collier County Basic Life Support Coordinator (the "Basic Life Support Coordinator") and Medical Director on a monthly basis using the computer hardware, software and run report. Run Reports and the appropriate computer hardware, if unavailable at a co-located EMS/Fire EMS Department Station, will be the responsibility of the Fire District. 2. The Basic Life Support Coordinator will conduct a three-part quality assurance review: a. 100% quality assurance review using specially designed computer software developed by the Emergency Medical Services Department and the County's software company. b Individual run report review by Basic Life Support Coordinator or Medical Director c. Field evaluation where the Basic Life Support Coordinator and/or the Medical Director randomly respond to calls without notice to the Fire District. If the computer program determines that there is a deviation from the procedures and guidelines attached in Exhibit A, the Basic Life Support Coordinator shall complete a quality assurance worksheet in the form of Exhibit B. 3. The quality assurance worksheet classifies quality assurance concerns in the following categories: Level 1: Constitutes a serious breach of protocol and/or has a negative impact on the patient's prognosis. All Level 1 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in' conjunction with the assigned Fire District liaison shaI~ assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education, Level 2: Constitutes a breach of protocol which had minimal or no impact on the patient, but would be considered poor clinical treatment or decision making. All Level 2 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assIgned Fire District liaison will assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education Level 3: Constitutes a minor protocol devtation. All Level 3 quality assurances shall be considered minor and shall be handled lhrough confidential interdepartmental mail. Level 4 · Provides a means for communication between individual first Responder and Basic Life Support Coordinator, E . IN-SERVICE PROGRAM. The in-service program provides face to face training for First Responder. In-services will be r~andatory for all personnel whose role and responsibilities will be or could be that of a first responder. Six in-services a year will be offered at the Fire District Stations. see Exhibit C attached. Scheduling of in- services will be done in conjunclion with the Fire District. The in-services will follow the DOT/EMT-B first responder curriculum and will contain both didactic and hands-on skill evaluation. Only three absences per First Responder will be allowed in a two-year period. Failure to meet this requiremenl will mean immediate suspension of the individual First Responder's ability, to work under the roles and responsibilities of a first responder. Actions of this type will involve the Fire District chain of Command. After suspension, an individual First Responder may regain the status of a first responder only after completing a written exam and a scenario-based evaluation by the Medical Director. In order to enhance the training program, the Fire District will identify one person to act as the liaison to the Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director. F. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) TRAINING. ^ED training will be completed every six months through the regularly scheduled in-service program. All record keeping and quality assurance will also be handled by the Basic Life Support Coordinator. G. DOCUMENTATION. Upon completion of a medical call, the First Responder meeting the necessary qualifications will enter the appropriate information into the computer and properly complete the run report. The County shall assure that the computer is designed to automatically upload the information via modem into the main data base located at Collier County Emergency Medical Services at a pre-designed time. The First Responder shall provide the information to the EMS Paramedic team verbally and forward a completed basic life support run report to the office of the Basic Life Support coordinator within 24 hours from the provision of service rendered. All basic life support run reports are confidential medical confidential medical information and shall be handled consistent with federal and state legislation. FIAY 'J998 H. EQUIPMENT. All basic life support medical equipment, not on the Standardized Equipment List shall receive approval prior to purchase by the Medical Director. This will create a system which provides for the standardization of all basic life support medical equipment throughout the nine area fire departments. I. NOTIFICATION OF EXPOSURE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Upon notification, the treatment procedures shall be the responsibility of the Fire District. J. The Fire District shall pay the sum of $ 347.81 by October 31, 1997 to Collier County as a reimbursement towards operational expenses. This Agreement will commence on October 1, 1997 and shall be filed with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, 1317 Winewood Blvd.. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700, where it will be retained as part of the Collier County EMS Department License file. This Agreement will expire on September 30, 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this Agreement was executed this ~,' day of ~"~, ~5',.~.2_.. 1997 by the undersigned. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BY: Deputy Clerk BY: BY: Diane B. Flagg, Chief Emergency Services Department Emilo Rodriguez, Chief Isle of Capri Fire Department Barbara B. Berry, Chairman Collier County Board of County Commissioner as EX-Officio Governing of the Isle of Capri Municipal Fire Service Taxing District Robert B. Tober, Medical Director Emergency Medical Services Department Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Hei~ F.~a~sht0n, AsSistant ~'ounty Attorney 5 HAY I? 1998 MEMORANDUM To: Rod Rodriquez, Chief Date: From: September 18, 1997 Helen Ortega, Captain/BLS Coordinator Emergency Medical Services Department Ref: 1997 - 98 MOU Training Ail classes will be from 0900 - 1200 hrs All classes will be held at the department stations on 3 shifts. 3 CEU's will be earned for each class October 1997 November 1997 January 1998 March 1998 May 1998 July 1998 September 1998 October 1998 SAED Recert. 14 - 6 Scenarios I Written Test 'BOOM' ... Explosion Scenario - real time mock up with hazmat and decon. The Management of Chest Pain & SOB by the EMT- Basics TX: the differentials of chest pain & SOB in the field as EMT.B's. Lecture and scenario based training Lecture: Patients at risk with minor complaints ? SAED Recert. 14-6 scenarios i written Spinal motion restriction & Head to Toe Splinting: rigid traction the MAST, aggressive airway management for EMT - B's,' scenario based training. Quick review of heat Emergencies & Drowning 1998 HIV-HBV update- Mandatory for State Recert!!!! Do Not Miss This One. Airway Management Skills Station Lec: The facts of chest and ABD. Trauma, Shock Challenges Scenarios and Videos SAED Recert. 14-6 Scenarios I Written, OB emergecnies in the field ..... delivering under less than optimal conditions. The resuscitation oh neonates and infants. ,A~ENOA ~T£M Exhibit C ~o.~ HAY 1998 tNTE .R. LOCAI~ AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT dated this . day of ., by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the 'City of Naples.' WITN ESSETH;_ WHEREAS, this Agreement is being entered into between the County and the City of Naples for the purpose of establishing dispatch protocols, rules and responsibilities of first responder personnel in an emergency scene and the documentation required for patient care rendered pursuant to Section 401.435, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants provided herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: A. DISPATCH PROCEDURE: Since the City of Naples uses its own Dispatch Center, the parties shall operate under the current dispatch procedures, B. FIRST RESPONDER QUALIFICATION: To be eligible to perform as a first responder, an individual under the employment of the City of Naples must (a) successfully complete at a minimum a course which meets or exceeds the 1979 U.S. Department of Transportation First Responder training course. (Proof of course completion is required); and (b) successfully complete an AHA CPR Basic Life Support Course C or ARC CPR Basic Life Support for professional rescue. (Proof of course completion is required). C. FIRST RESPONDER RULES A~ID RESPONSIBILITIES: All first responders, upon arriving at a scene and deeming that the scene is safe, will begin patient care, if needed, following the guidelines set forth by The Collier County Emergency Medical Services Department Medical Director (the "Medical Director"). A copy of the guidelines is attached as Exhibit A. HAY 199,8 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE. I . A quality assurance program will be conducted by the Collier County Basic Life Support Coordinator (the "Basic Life Support Coordinator") and Medical Director on a monthly basis using the computer hardware, software and run report. Run Reports and the appropriate computer hardware, if unava~able at a co-located EMS/Fire EMS Department Station, will be the responsibility of the City of Naples. 2. The assurance review:. Basic Life Support Coordinator will conduct a three-part quality a. 100% quality assurance review using specially designed computer software developed by the Emergency Medical Services Department and the County's software company. Individual run report review by Basic Life Support Coordinator or Medical bo Director. C. Field evaluation where the Basic Life Support Coordinator and/or the Medical Director randomly respond to calls without notice to the City of Naples. If the computer program determines that there is a deviation from the procedures and guidelines attached in Exhibit A, the Basic Life Support Coordinator shall complete a quality assurance worksheet in the form of Exhibit B. 3. The quality assurance worksheet classifies quality assurance concerns in the following categories: Level 1: Constitutes a serious breach of protocol and/or has a negative impact on the patient's prognosis. All Level 1 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support XG[~ HAY 1? 1998 Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assigned City of Naples liaison shall assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education. Level 2: Constitutes a breach of protocol which had minimal or no impact on the patient, but would be considered poor clinical treatment o~ decision making. All Level 2 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder Iogether with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the ~ Director in conjunction with the assigned City of Naples liaison will assure lhat the ~ F'~rst Responder receive additional training and education Level 3: Constitutes a minor protocol deviation. All Level 3 quar~/assura3ces shall be considered minor and shall be handled through contrKlential inte~'depar'~w~al mail. Level 4 ' Provides a means for communication between individual first responder and Basic Life Support Coordinator E . IN-SERVICE PROGRAM. The in-service program provides face to face training for First Responder. In.services will be mandatory for all personnel whose role and responsibilities will be or could be that of a first responder. Six in-services a year will be offered at the City of Fire Departments Stations, see Exhibit C attached. Scheduling of the in-services will be done in conjunction with the City of Naples Fire Department. The in-services will follow the DOTIEMT-B first responder curriculum and will contain both didactic and hands-on skill evaluation. Only three absences per First Responder will be allowed in a two-year period. Failure to meet this requirement will mean immediate suspension of the individual First Responder's ability to work under the roles and responsibilities of a first responder. Actions of this type will involve the City of Naples Fire Department Chain of Command. After suspension,__an individual I HAY Iq i998 !_ -I First Responder may regain the status of a first responder only aries' completing a written exam and a scenario-based evaluation by the Medical Director. In order to enhance the training program, the City of Naples will identify one person to act as the liaison to the Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Direct_or. Fo completed every six months through the regularly scheduled in-service program. record keeping and quality assurance will also be handled by the Basic Ufe Support Coordinator. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) TRAINING. AED training will be All G. DOCUMENTATION. Upon completion of a medical call, the First Responder meeting the necessary qualifications will enter the appropriate information into the computer and properly complete the run report. The County shall assure that the computer is designed to automatically upload the information via modem into the main data base located at Collier County Emergency Medical Services at a pre-designed time. The first responder shall provide the information to the EMS Paramedic team verbally and forward a completed basic life support run report to the office of the Basic Life Support coordinator within 24 hours from the provision of service rendered. All basic life support run reports are confidential medical information and shall be handled consistent with federal and state legislation. H. EQUIPMENT. All basic life support medical equipment, not on the Standardized Equipment List shall receive approval prior to purchase by the Medical Director. This will create a system which provides for the standardization of all basic life support medical equipment throughout the nine area fire departments. 4 I. NOTIFICATION OF EXPOSURE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Upon notification, the treatment procedures shall be the respons~ility of the City of Naples. J. The City of Naples shall pay the sum of $10,747.15 by October 31, 1997 to Collier County as a reimbursement towards operational expenses. This Agreement will commence on October 1, 1997 and shall be filed with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, 1317 Winewood Blvd., Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700, where it will be retained as part of Ihe Collier County EMS Department License file. This Agreement will expire on September 30, 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhis Agreement was executed this day of 1997 by the undersigned. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BY: Deputy Clerk Tara A.,, City Clerk Dr. Robert B. Tober, IVl~dical Director Ba=ba=a ~o Be==yChairman Api;ro~ved as to legal f~rrr~and content d, ',,/ As{~t. County AttOrney Approved as to legal form and content 5 MEMORANDUM Kevin Rambosk, Chief Naples Police & Emergency Services Department Date: September 18, 1997 From: Helen Ortega, Captain/BLS Coordinator Emergency Medical Services Department Ref: 1997 - 98 MOU Training All classes will be from 0900 - 1200 hrs All classes will be held at the department stations on 3 shifts. 3 CEU's will be earned for each class October 1997 SAED Recert. 14 - 6 Scenarios I Written Test November 1997 January 1998 'BOOM'... Explosion Scenario - real time mock up with hazmat and dec. on. The Management of Chest Pain & SOB by the EMT- Basics TX: the differentials of chest pain & SOB in the field as EMT-B's. Lecture and scenario based training March 1998 Lecture: Patients at risk with minor complaints ? SAED Recert. 14-6 scenarios I written May 1998 Spinal motion restriction & Head to Toe Splinting: rigid traction the MAST, aggressive airway management for EMT - B's, scenario based training. Quick review of heat Emergencies & Drowning July 1998 1998 HIV-HBV update- Mandatory for State Recert!!l! Do Not Miss This One. September 1998 Airway Management Skills Station Lec: The facts of chest and ABD. Trauma, Shock Challenges Scenarios and Videos October 1998 SAED Recert. i 4-6 Scenarios I Written, Om emergecnies in the field ..... delivering under less than optimal conditions. The resuscitation oh neonates and infants. Exhibit C INT~RLOCAL AGREEMENT THiS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT dated this , day of_ _ by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control and Rescue District. created by Special Act of the legislature in the Laws of Florida 77-535, hereinafter referred to as 'Fire District' wrrNt SSETH: WHEREAS, this Agreement is being entered into between the County and the Fire District for the purpose of establishing dispatch protocols, rules and responsibilities of first responder personnel in an emergency scene and the documentation required for patient care rendered pursuant to Section 401.435, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants provided herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: A. DISPATCH PROCEDURE: Since the Fire District Operates on Collier County Sheriff's Office control channel, the parties shall operate under existing Collier County Sheriff's Office dispatched procedures also referred to as the Collier County Fire Chiefs Communication Manual B. FIRST RESPONDER QUALIFICATION: To be eligible to perform as a first responder, an individual under the employment of the Fire District must (a) successfully complete at a minimum a course which meets or exceeds the 1979 U.S. Department of Transportation First Responder training course. (Proof of course completion is required); and (b) successfully complete an AHA CPR Basic Life Support Course C or ARC CPR Basic Life Support for professional rescue. (Proof of course completion is required). HAY C. FIRST RESPONDER RULES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: All first responders, upon arriving at a scene and deeming that the scene is safe, will begin patient care, if needed, following the guidelines set forth by the Collier County Emergency Medical Services Department Medical Director (the "Medical Director"). A copy of the guidelines is attached as Exhibit A. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE. (NON DISCIPLINARY) I . A quality assurance program will be conducted by the Collier County Basic Life Support Coordinator (the "Basic Life Support Coordinator'') and Medical Director on a monthly basis using the computer hardware, software and run report. Run Reports and the appropriate computer hardware, if unavailable at a co-located EMS/Fire EMS Department Station, will be the responsibility of the Fire District. 2 The Basic Life Support Coordinator will conduct a three-part quality assurance review' a. 100% quality assurance rewew using specially designed computer software developed by the Emergency Medical Services Department and the County's software company b. Individual run repot! review by Basic Life Support Coordinator or Medical Director. c. Field evaluation where the Basic Life Support Coordinator and/or the Medical Director randomly respond to calls without notice to the Fire District. If the computer program determines that there is a deviation from the procedures and guidelines attached in Exhibit A, the Basic Life Support Coordinator shall complete a quality assurance worksheet in the form of Exhibit B. HAY 1998 3. The quality assurance worksheet classifies quality assurance concerns in the following categories: Level 1: Constitutes a serious' breach of protocol and/or has a negative impact on the patient's prognosis. All Level 1 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assigned Fire District liaison shall assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education. Level 2: Constitutes a breach of protocol which had minimal or no impact on the patient, but would be considered poor clinical treatment or decision making. All Level 2 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assigned Fire District liaison will assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education Level 3: Constitutes a minor protocol deviation. All Level 3 quality assurances shall be considered minor and shall be handled through confidential interdepartmental mail. Level 4 · Provides a means for communication between individual first responder and Basic Life Support Coordinator. E IN-SERVICE PROGRAM. The in-service program provides face to face training for First Responder. In-services will be mandatory for ali personnel whose role and responsibilities will be or could be that of a first responder. Six in-services a year will be offered at the Fire Districts Stations, see Exhibit C attached. Scheduling of inservices will be done in conjunction with Fire Bi~J~,ele. ~0 ~t'v, (.f'~. 3 ............................................. ]1! The in.services will follow the DOT/EMT-B first responder curriculum and will,~ contain both didactic and hands-on skill evaluation. Only three absences per First Responder will be allowed in a two-year period. Failure to meet this requirement will mean immediate suspension of the individual First Responder's ability to work under the roles and responsibilities of a first responder. Actions of this type will involve the Fire District chain of Command. After suspension, an individual First Responder may regain the status of a first responder only after completing a written exam and a scenario-based evaluation by the Medical Director. In order to enhance the training program, the Fire District will identify one person to act as the liaison to the Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director. F. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) TRAINING. AED training will be completed every six months through the regularly scheduled in-service program. All record keeping and quality assurance will also be handled by the Basic Life Support Coordinator. G. DOCUMENTATION. Upon completion of a medical call, the First Responde~ meeting the necessary qualifications will enter the appropriate information into the computer and properly complete the run report. The County shall assure that the computer is designed to automatically upload the information via modem into the main data base Iocatecl at Collier County Emergency Medical Services at a pre-designed time. The first responcler shall provide the information to the EMS Paramedic team verbally and forward a completed basic life support run report to the office of the Basic Life Support coordinator within 24 hours from the provision of service rendered. All basic life support run reports are confidential medical confidentIal medical information and shall be handled consistent with federal and state legislation. H. EQUIPMENT. All basic life support medical equipment, not on the Standardized Equipment List shall receive approval prior to purchase by the Medical Director. This will create a system which provides for the standardization of all basic life support medical equipment throughout the nine area fire departments. I. NOTIFICATION OF EXPOSURE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Upon notification, the treatment procedures shall be the responsibility of the Fire District. J. The Fire District shall pay the sum of $1,873.50 by October 31, 1997 to Collier County as a reimbursement towards operational expenses, and by each October 31, thereafter, the Fire District shall pay a sum equal the percentage of the total operational expenses, of the nine Fire Departments, which sum shall be mutually agreed upon by the County and the Fire District. This Agreement will commence on October 1, 1997 and shall be filed with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, 1317 Winewood Blvd.. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700, where it will be retained as part of the Collier County EMS Department License file. This Agreement will expire on September 30. 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this Agreement was executed this day of 1997 by the undersigned. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Deputy Clerk BY: Deputy Clerk BY.~'~ Diane B. F!agg,'~.hief . , Emergency Service~ Department ,Ix. I~andy Lyg. j3s~", Chairman / Big Cork Screw Island Fire District BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~,a~'b&ra B. Berz'y Chairman Collier County BTd ~//~~ Robert B. Tober, .,,M~_~cal Director Emergency Medical Services Department Approved as to,form and legal sufficiency HHi~i F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney HAY 1998 To: Frank Kovorik, Chief MEMORANDUM Date: September 18, 1997 From: Helen Ortega, Captain/BLS Coordinator Emergency Medical Services Department Ref: 1997 - 98 MOU Training All classes will be from 0900- 1200 hrs All classes will be held at the department stations on 3 shifts. 3 CEU's will be earned for each class October 1997 SAED Reced. / 4 - 6 Scenarios I Written Test November 1997 January 1998 "BOOM" ... Explosion Scenario - real time mock up with hazmat and dec, on. The Management of Chest Pain & SOB by the EMT- Basics TX: the differentials of chest pain & SOB in the field as EMT-B's. Lecture and scenario based training March 1998 Lecture: Patients at risk with minor complaints ? SAED Recert. / 4-6 scenarios I written May 1998 Spinal motion restriction & Head to Toe Splinting: rigid traction the MAST, aggressive airway management for EMT - B's, scenario based training. Quick review of heat Emergencies & Drowning July 1998 1998 HIV-HBV update- Mandalory for State Recert!!!! Do Not Miss This One. September 1998 Airway Management Skills Station Lec: The facts of chest and ABD. Trauma, Shock Challenges Scenarios and Videos O~ober 1998 SAED Recert. 1 4-6 Scenarios I Written, OB emergecnies in the field ..... delivering under less than optimal conditions. The resuscitation oh neonates and infants. Exhibit C !NTER~.0CAL AGREEMENT.. THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT dated this day of , by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the Ochopee Fire Control District, created by County Ordinance No. 75-6, as amended, hereinafter referred to as 'Fire District.' WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, this Agreement is being entered into between the County and the Fire District for the purpose of establishing dispatch protocols, rules and responsibilities of first responder personnel in an emergency scene and the documentation required for patient care rendered pursuant to Section 401.435, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants provided herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: A. DISPATCH PROCEDURE Since the Fire District Operates on Collier County Sheriff's Office control channel, the parties shall operate under existing Collier County Sheriff's Office dispatched procedures, also referred to as the Collier County Fire Chiefs Communication Manual. B. FIRST RESPONDER QUALIFICATION: To be eligible to perform as a first responder, an individual under the employment of the Fire District must (a) successfully complete at a minimum a course which meets or exceeds the 1979 U.S. Department of Transportation First Responder training course. (Proof of course completion is required); and (b) successfully complete an AHA CPR Basic Life Support Course C or ARC CPR Basic Life Support for professional rescue. (Proof of course completion is required). C. FIRST RESPONDER RULES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: All first responders, upon arriving at a scene and deeming that the scene is safe, will begin patient care, if needed, following the guidelines set forth by The Collier County Emergency Medical Services Department Medical Director (the "Medical Director"). A copy of the guidelines is attached as Exhibit A. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE. (NON DISCIPLINARY) 1 . A quality assurance program will be conducted by the Collier County Basic Life Support Coordinator (the "Basic Life Support Coordinator") and Medical Director on a monthly basis using the computer hardware, software and run report. Run Reports and the appropriate computer hardware, if unavailable at a co-located EMS/Fire EMS Department Station will be the responsibility of the Fire District. 2. The Basic Life Support Coordinator will conduct a three-part quality assurance review' a, 100% quality assurance review using specially designed computer software developed by the Emergency Medical Services Department and the County's software company. b. Director. C. Individual run report review by Basic Life Support Coordinator or Medical Field evaluation where the Basic Life Support Coordinator and/or the Medical Director randomly respond to calls without notice to the Fire District. If the computer program determines that there is a deviation from the procedures and guidelines attached in Exhibit A, the Basic Life Support Coordinator shall complete a quality assurance worksheet in the form of Exhibit B. ; ---1 ............. - - , .... ..... ~ ......... II II III ................................ ! 3. The quality assurance worksheet classifies quality assurance concerns in the following categories: Level 1: Constitutes a serious breach of protocol and/or has a negative impact on the patient's prognosis. All Level 1 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assigned Fire District liaison shall assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education. Level 2: Constitutes a breach of protocol which had minimal or no impact on the patient, but would be considered poor climcal treatment or decision making. All Level 2 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with assigned Fire District liaison wdl assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education Level 3: Constitutes a minor protocol deviation. All Level 3 quality assurances shall be considered minor and shall be handled through confidential interdepartmental mail. Level 4 ' Provides a means for communication between individual first responder and Basic Life Support Coordinator. E . IN-SERVICE PROGRAM. The in-service program provides face to face training for First Responder. In-services will be mandatory for all personnel whose role and responsibilities will be or could be that of a first responder. Six in-services a year 3 will be offered at the Fire Districts Stations. see Exhibit C attached. Scheduling of in- services will be done in conjunction with the Fire Districts. The in-services will follow the DOT/EMT-B first responder curriculum and will contain both didactic and hands-on skill evaluation. Only three absences per First Responder will be allowed in a two-year period. Failure to meet this requirement will mean immediate suspension of the individual First Responder's ability to work under the roles and responsibilities of a first responder. Actions of this type will involve the Fire District chain of Command. After suspension, an individual First Responder may regain the status of a first responder only after completing a written exam and a scenario-based evaluation by the Medical Director. In order to enhance the training program, the Fire District will identify one person to act as the liaison to the Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director. F. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) TRAINING. AED training will be completed every six months through the regularly scheduled in-service program. All record keeping and quality assurance will also be handled by the Basic Life Support Coordinator. G. DOCUMENTATION. Upon completion of a medical call, the First Responder meeting the necessary qualifications will enter the appropriate information into the computer and properly complete the run report. The County shall assure that the computer is designed to automatically upload the ir,,:ormation via modem into the main data base located at Collier County Emergency Medical Services at a pre-designed time. The first responder shall provide the information to the EMS Paramedic team verbally and forward a completed basic life support run report to the office of the Basic Life Support coordinator within 24 hours from the provision of service rendered. All basic life support run reports are confidential medical confidential medical information and shall be handled consistent with federal and state legislation. H. EQUIPMENT. All basic life support medical equipment, not on the Standardized Equipment List shall receive approval prior to purchase by the Medical Director. This will create a system which provides for the standardization of all basic life support medical equipment throughout the nine area fire departments. I. NOTIFICATION OF EXPOSURE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Upon notification, the treatment procedures shall be the responsibility of the Fire District. J. The Fire District shall pay the sum of $ 3,575.20 by October 31, 1997 to Collier County as a reimbursement towards operational expenses. This Agreement will commence on October 1, 1997 and shall be filed with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, 1317 Winewood Blvd., Tailahassee, Florida 32399-0700, where it will be retained as part of the Collier County EMS Department License file. This Agreement will expire on September 30. 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this Agreement was executed this day of 1997 by the undersigned. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BY: BY: BY: Deputy Clerk · ,,Chief Emergency Services Department Vince Doerr. Chief Ochopee Fire Department Barbara B.Berry Chairman Collier County Board of County Commissioner as EX-Officio Governing of the Isle of Capri Municipal Fire Service Taxin~.~,~/,~~"~ BY: '/"'~'/ Robert B. Tober,,/~edical Director Emergency Medical Services Department Appr. oved as t.o form and legal sufficiency He, dj F. Ash{'on~ ~ssistan~'County Attorney 5 MEMORANDUM To: Vince Doerr, Chief Date: September 18, 1997 From: Helen Ortega, Captain/BLS Coordinator Emergency Medical Services Department Ref: 1997 - 98 MOU Training All classes will be from 0900 - 1200 hrs All classes will be held at the department stations on 3 shifts. 3 CEU's will be earned for each class October 1997 SAED Recert 14 - 6 Scenarios ! Written Test November 1997 'BOOM" ... Explosion Scenario - real time mock up with hazmat and decon. January 1998 The Management of Chest Pain & SOB by the EMT- Basics TX: the differentials of chest pain & SOB in the field as EMT-B's. Lecture and scenario based training March 1998 Lecture: Patients at risk with minor complaints ? SAED Recert. / 4-6 scenarios I written May 1998 Spinal motion restriction & Head to Toe Splinting: rigid traction the MAST, aggressive airway management for EMT - B's, scenario based training. Quick review of heat Emergencies & Drowning July 1998 1998 HIV-HBV update, Mandatory for State Recert!!!! Do Not Miss This One. September 1998 Air'way Management Skills Station Lec: The facts of chest and ABD. Trauma, Shock Challenges Scenarios and Videos October 1998 SAED Recert. 14-6 Scenarios I Written, OB emergecnies in the field ..... delivering under less than optimal conditions. The resuscitation oh neonates and infants. Exhibit C INTERL.0CAL A(~REEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT dated this day of , by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred tc as "County" and the City of Marco Island hereinafter referred to as 'City WITNE, SSETH: WHEREAS, this Agreement is being entered into between the County and the City for the purpose of establishing dispatch protocols, roles and responsibilities of first responder personnel in an emergency scene and the documentation required for patient care rendered pursuant to Section 401.435, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants provided herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: A. DISPATCH PROCEDURE: Since the City operates on Collier County Sheriff's Office control channel, the parties shall operate under existing Collier County Sheriff's Office dispatch procedures, also referred to as the Collier County Fire Chiefs Communication Manual. B. FIRST RESPONDER QUALIFICATION: To be eligible to perform as a first responder, an individual under the employment of the City must (a) successfully complete at a minimum a course which meets or ~xceeds the 1979 U.S. Department of Transportation First Responder training cour. se. (Proof of course completion is required); and (b) successfully complete an AHA CPR Basic Life Support Course C or ARC CPR Basic Life Support for professional rescue. (Proof of course completion is required). FIRST RESPONDER ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES All first upon arriving at a scene and deeming that the scene is safe. will beg~n Colher County responders, patient care. if needed, following the guidelines set forth by the Emergency Medical Services Medical Director (the "Medical Director"). A copy of the guidelines is attached as Exhibit A D. QUALITY ASSURANCE. (NON DISCIPLINARY) 1 . A quality assurance program will be conducted by the Colher County Basic Life Support Coordinator (the "Basic L~fe Support Coordinator") and Medical D~rector on a monthly basis using computer hardware, software and run reports Run Reports and the appropriate computer hardware if unavailable al a co-located EMS/Fire Department Station, will be the responsibJhty of the C~ty 2 The Basic Life Support Coord~na:or w~ll conduct a three-part quahty assurance rev~e,,v a 100% quahty assurance revsew using spec~a!ly designed computer software developed by the Emergency I'vled~csl Serwces Departmenl and the County's software company b Director. c. Individual run repo,'t rev,ew by Basic Life Support Coordinator or Medical F~eld evaluation where the Basic L~fe Support Coordinator and/or the Medical Director randomly respond to calls without nobce to the Fire District if the computer program determines that there ~s a dev~abon from the procedures and guidelines attached 'n Exhibit A. the Basic Life Support Coordinator shall complete a quality assurance worksheet in the form of Exhibit B 3 The quahty assurance worksheet classifies quality assurance concerns in the following categories Level 1' Consbtutes a serious breach of protocol and/or has a negative ~mpact on the patient's prognosis All Level 1 concerns will be rewewed by the indtvidual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assigned City Paison shall assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and educabon Level 2. Constttutes a breach of protocol which had m~mmal or no ~mpact on the pabent. but would be considered poor chntcal treatment or decision making. All Level 2 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assigned C~ty liaison w~ll assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and educahon Level 3: Constitutes a m~nor protocol dewahon All Level 3 quality assurances shall be considered minor and shall be handled through confidential interdepartmental mail. Level 4 · Provides a means for commun~cabon between ~nd~wdual firefighter and Basic Life Support Coordinator E IN-SERVICE PROGRAM The tn-service program provides face to face training for First Responder. In-services will be mandatory for all personnel whose role and responsibilities will be or could be that of a first responder. Twelve in-services a year will be offered at the C~ty station, see Exhibq C attached Scheduling of in-serv,ces ! HAY I /1998 will be done in conjunction with the City Liaison. The in-services will follow the DOT/EMT-B first responder curriculum and will contain both didactic and hands-on skill evaluation. Only three absences per First Responder will be allowed in a two-year period. Failure to meet this requirement will mean ~mmediate suspension of the individual First Responder's ability to work under the roles and responsibilities of a first responder. Action of this type will involve the City Fire Department chain of command After suspension, an individual First Responder may regain the status of a first responder only after complehng a written exam and a scenario-based evaluation by the Medical D~rector In orc~er to enhance tr~e training program, the C~ty w~ll identify one person to act as the he,son to tl3e Basfc Lde Support Coordinator and the Medical Director. F Automatic External Dehbrlllator (AED) TRAINING AED training will be completed every slx months through the regularly scheduled in-service program Ail record keeping and quahty assurance w~ll also be hanc~led by the Basic Life Support Coordinator G DOCUMENTATION U~on complebon of a medical call, the F~rst Responder meeting the necessary quahhcat~ons w~ll enter the appropriate ~nformabon ~nto the computer and properly complete the run report The County shall assure that the computer ~s designed to automahcally upload the ~nformahon v~a modem into the ma~n data base located at Collier County Emergency Medical Services at a pre-designed brae The f~rst responcler shall prowcle the ~nformation to the EMS Paramedic team verbally and forward a completed basic :~fe support run ~'eport to the ofhce of the Basic Life Support coordinator within 24 hours from the prows~on of service rendered All basic hfe support run reports are conhdenhal medical confidential meal,cai ~nformatlon and shall be handled consistent with federal and state legislation H. EQUIPMENT. All basic life support medical equipment, not on the Standardized Equipment List shall receive approval prior to purchase by the Medical Director. This wdl create a system which prowdes for the standardization of all basic life support medical equipment throughout the rune area fire departments I. NOTIFICATION OF EXPOSURE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES Upon notification, the treatment procedures shall be the responsibdity of the Fire District. J. The City shall pay the sum of $ 11,773.72 by October 31, 1997 to Colher County as a reimbursement towards operational expenses This Agreement will commence on Octcber 1. 1997 and shall be hied w~th the Department of Health and Rehabd~tat,ve Serwces Ofhce of Emergency Medical Services. 1317 Wmewood Blvcl Tallal3assee Florida 32399-0700. where it wql be retained as part of the Colher County EMS Departmenl L~cense hie Th~s Agreement will expire on September 30. 1998 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. th~s Agreement was executed th~s day of 1997 by the undersigned DATED ATTEST DWIGHT E. BROCK, Deputy Clerk Harry Cow~n. Chairman _Cit.'v of, Marco Island , \ Oiane"B Flagc~:-~,~h,ef Emergency Services Department ~d Fire-Rescue BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA BY Barbara B Berry. Chairman Collier County Board of~ Robert B Tober. ~edl~al D~rector Emergency Medical Serwces Departmenl Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Held~ F'~shto~. Assistant County Attorney BY: Charles McCool Interim City Manager Approved as to form and legal sufficiency MEMORANDUM To: Ed Dwyer, Chief Date: September 18, 1997 From: Helen Ortega, Captain/BLS Coordinator Emergency Medical Services Department Ref: 1997 - 98 MOU Training All classes will be from 0900 - 1200 hrs All classes will be held at the department stations on 3 shifts. 3 CEU's will be earned for each class October 1997 SAED Recert. / 4 - 6 Scenarios I Written Test November 1997 'BOOM" ... Explosion Scenario - real time mock up with hazmat and dec. on. January 1998 The Management of Chest Pain & SOB by the EM'r- Basics TX: the differentials of chest pain & SOB in the field as EMT-B's. Lecture and scenario based training March 1998 Lecture: Patients at risk with minor complaints ? SAED Recert. 14-6 scenarios / written May 1998 Spinal motion restriction & Head to Toe Splinting: rigid traction the MAST, aggressive airway management for EMT - B's, scenario based training. Quick review of heat Emergencies & Drowning jury 1998 1998 HIV-HBV update~ Mandatory for State Recert!!!! Do Not Miss This One. September 1998 Airway Management Skills Station Lec: The facts of chest and ABD. Trauma, Shock Challenges Scenarios and Videos October 1998 SAED Recert. 14-6 Scenarios I Written, OB emergecnies in the field ..... delivering under less than optimal conditions. The resuscitation oh neonates and infants. Exhibit C HAY lq '1998 I INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT dated this~ . day of_ .., by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the North Naples Fire Control and Rescue District, created by Special Act of the legislature in the Laws of Florida 65-2032, hereinafter referred to as 'Fire District" WITNE. $SETH; WHEREAS, this Agreement is being entered into between the County and the Fire District for the purpose of establishing dispatch protocols, rules and responsibilities of first responder personnel in an emergency scene and the documentation required for patient care rendered pursuant to Section 401.435, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants provided herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: A. DISPATCH PROCEDURE: Since the Fire District Operates on Collier County Sheriff's Office control channel, the parties shall operate under existing Collier County Sheriff's Office dispatched procedures, also referred to as the Collier County Fire Chiefs Communication Manual. B. FIRST RESPONDER QUALIFICATION: To be eligible to perform as a first responder, an individual under the employment of the Fire District must (a) successfully complete at a minimum a course which meets or exceeds the 1979 U.S. Department of Transportation First Responder training course. (Proof of course completion is required); and (b) successfully complete an AHA CPR Basic Life Support Course C or ARC CPR Basic Life Support for professional rescue. (Proof of course completion is required). C. FIRST RESPONDER RULES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: All first responders, upon arriving at a scene and deeming that the scene is safe, will begin patient care, if needed, following the guidelines set forth by The Collier County Emergency Medical Services Department Medical Director (the "Medical Director"). A copy of the guidelines is attached as Exhibit A. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE. (NON DISCIPLINARY) 1 . A quality assurance program will be conducted by the Collier County Basic Life Support Coordinator (the "Basic Life Support Coordinator") and Medical Director on a monthly basis using the computer hardware, software and run report. Run Reports and the appropriate computer hardware, if unavailable at a cmlocated EMS/Fire EMS Department Station. will be the responsibility of the Fire District. 2 The Basic Life Support Coordinator will conduct a three-part quality assurance review: a. 100% quality assurance review using specially designed computer software developed by the Emergency Medical Services Department. b. Individual run report review by Basic Life Support Coordinator or Medical Director. c. Field evaluation w. here the Basic Life Support Coordinator and/or the Medical Director randomly respond to calls without notice to the Fire District. If the computer program determines that there is a deviation from the procedures and guidelines attached in Exhibit A, the Basic Life Support Coordinator shall complete a quality assurance worksheet in the form of Exhibit B. HAY 1998 3. The quality assurance worksheet classifies quality assurance concerns in the following categories: Level 1: Constitutes a serious breach of protocol and/or has a negative impact on the patienrs prognosis All Level 1 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assigned Fire District liaison shall assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education. Level 2: Consbtutes a breach of protocol which had minimal or no impact on the patient, but would be considered poor clinical treatment or decision making. All Level 2 concerns will be reviewed by the individual First Responder together with the Basic Life Support Coordinator. The Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director in conjunction with the assigned Fire District liaison will assure that the individual First Responder receive additional training and education Level 3: Constitutes a minor protocol deviation. All Level 3 quality assurances shall be considered minor and shall be handled through confidential interdepartmental mail. Level 4: Provides a means for communication between Basic Life Support Coordinator. individual first responder and E . IN-SERVICE PROGRAM. The in-service program provides face to face training for First Responder. In-services will be mandatory for all personnel whose role and responsibilities will be or could be that of a first responder. Six in-services a year 3 I I,IA¥ aS8/ will be offered at the Fire Districts Stations, see Exhibit C attached. Scheduling of in- services will be done in conjunction with the Fire District. The in-services will follow the DOTIEMT-B first responder curriculum and will contain both didactic and hands-on skill evaluation. Only three absences per First Responder wilt be allowed in a two-year period. Failure to meet this requirement will mean immediate suspension of the individual First Responder's ability to work under the roles and responsib!!ities as a first responder. Actions of this type will involve the Fire District chain of Command. After suspension, an individual First Responder may regain the status of a first responder only after completing a written exam and a scenario-based evaluation by the Medical Director. In order to enhance the training program, the Fire District will identify one person to act as the liaison to the Basic Life Support Coordinator and the Medical Director. F. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) TRAINING. AED training will be completed every six months through the regularly scheduled in-service program. All record keeping and quality assurance will also be handled by the Basic Life Support Coordinator. G. DOCUMENTATION. Upon completion of a medical call, the First Responder meeting the necessary qualifications will enter the appropriate information into the computer and properly complete the run report. The County shall assure that the computer is designed to automatically upload the information via modem into the main data base located at Collier County Emergency Medical Services at a pre-designed time. The first responder shall provide the information to the EMS Paramedic team verbally and forward a completed basic life support run report to the office of the Basic Life Support coordinator within 24 hours from the provision of service rendered. All basic life support run reports are confidential medical confidential medical information and shall be handled consistent with federal and state legislation. H. EQUIPMENT. All basic life support medical equipment, not on the Standardized Equipment List shall receive approval prior to purchase by the Medical Director. This will create a system which provides for the standardization of all basic life support medical equipment throughout the nine area fire departments. I. NOTIFICATION OF EXPOSURE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Upon notification, the treatment procedures shall be the responsibility of the Fire District. J. The Fire District shall pay the sum of $ 24,238.98 .by October 31, 1997 to Collier County as a reimbursement towards operational expenses. This Agreement will commence on October 1, 1997 and s~all be filed with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, 1317 Winewood Blvd., Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700, where it will be retained as part of the Collier County EMS Department License file. This Agreement will expire on September 30, 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed this of 1997 I~y the undersigned. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk BY: Diane B. Flagg,'Chief Emergency Sergices Department Ed Maguire~l~man North Naples Fire District BY: Barbara a.aerr~hairman Collier County Board'of County Robert B. Tober,~l Director )roved as to fo,~ Apl and legal sufficiency H~idi F.-Ashton, Assistant County Attorney 5 MEMORANDUM OFFICE ,3-': COUNTY AT :'v To: Jim Tobin, Chief Date: September 18, 1997 From: Helen Ortega, Captain/BLS Coordinator Emergency Medical Services Department Ref: 1997 - 98 MOU Training All classes will be from 0g00 - 1200 hrs All classes will be held at the department stations on 3 shifts. 3 CEU's will be earned for each class October 1997 SAED Recert. 1 4 - 6 Scenarios / Written Test November 1997 "BOOM" ... Explosion Scenario - real time mock up with hazmat and dec, on. January 1998 The Management of Chest Pain & SOB by the EMT- Basics TX: the differentials of chest pain & SOB in the field as EMT-B's. Lecture and scenario based training March 1998 Lecture: Patients at risk with minor complaints ? SAED Recert. / 4-6 scenarios / written May 1998 Spinal motion restriction & Head to Toe Splinting: rigid trac',ion the MAST, aggressive airway management for EM'r - B's, scenario based training. Quick review of heat Emergencies & Drowning July 1998 1998 HIV-HBV updatd- Mandatory for State Recert!!!! Do Not Miss This One. September 1998 Airway Management Skills Station Lec: The facts of chest and ABD. Trauma, Shock Challenges Scenarios and Videos October 1998 SAED Recert. 14-6 Scenarios I Written, OB emergecnies in the field ..... delivering under less than optimal conditions. The resuscitation oh neonates and infants. Exhibit C COLLIER COUNTY FIJ~ST RESPONDER BLS STANDING ORDERS STA TEMEN. T OF PURPOSE The intention of Basic Life Support Protocols is to assist the First Responders of the nine area fire departments in delivering basic patient care to our community, consistent with medical standards. GUIDELINES FOR TREATMENT The following general measures shall be applied to help promote speed and e~cien~, when rendering emergency medical care to the sick, iii, injured or infirmed These protocols constitute guidelines for treatment and may be altered at the discretion of the attending Paramedic or EMS Medical Director. I{Tte~7 applicable, obtain verbal consent prior to treatment Respect the patient's right to privacy and dignity. Courte~., concern and common sense will assure the patient of the best possible care..dm' competent adult patient has the right to refuse any and all medic~l care. Should a patient refuse care, you must wait~or an EMS unit to arrive on scene to assure the appropriate release form ix read and signed by the patient. Bo The First Responder shall provide Collier County Emergency Medical Sen'ices Department with all the necessary available information in a timely manner regarding the patient's condition and treatment to that point, including a copy. of the medical report. Upon this interaction, the First Responder will give arty assistance to the transport agent3.,. INFECTIOUS DISEASE PROTOCOL .4. ~4t ail times, use universal precautions. lg'earing of gloves to prevent contact with patient body. fluids. I4'earing of masks and protective eye wear during procedures likely to generate droplet of bod), fluids. e Wearing of gowns during procedure~ likely to generate splashes of bo . fluids. . Proper cleaning/disinfecting or disposal of equipment and supplies. Washing of hands thoroughly before and after txztient contact, and after removal of gloves. Be If a First Responder becomes exposed, the procedures listed below should be followed to include: e The contamintrted area should be washed thoroughly with soap and'water as soon as possible. Advise the EblS crew so they can relay to the E.R. Physici~ where patient is transported to that a '*significant taposure " has occurred and request that the source patient be tested L PA TIENTASSESSMENT Initial assessment and emergent, treatment of the patient must be carried out simultaneously, keeping treatment priorities in mind. The primary survey is utilized to access for life-threatening situations. The primary survey and appropriate therapy should be completed immediate.tv and efficiently upon reaching the pattent. When appropriate, stabilizing therapy. (cervical spine immobilization) should be instituted almost simultaneously with the primary survey. The First Responder Team s3ould complete the primary survey within 60 seconds, checking and/or performing the following. 1. Assess Airway 2. ao Assess patency of airway. Establish and maintain patent airway. Determine the adequacy and rate of respirations. Fo#ow American Heart Association (AHA) BCLS standards, if necessary. Assess BreatMng (see Respiratory Emergencies Protocol)_ a. Look, listen and feel for movement of air. I e b. Support respirations as needed c. £ook for ~ymmetrical chest movement. · d. Look for arty signs of respiratory distress (~. anosis, use of accessory muscles}. e. Record respiratory rate and quality. Assess Circulan'on a. /lssess carotid or femoral pulses (rate and quali.tv). b. If indicated, perform CPR. Follow ,~H,~ BCLS standards. c. Check for signs and ~ymptoms of circulatory compromise (pallor, diaphoresis, delayed capillary refill). Assess For Life Threatening Bleedt'ng Cohtrol exsanguinating hemorrhage appropriate~. Assess Level of Consciousness The ,~. KP. U. method should be used. for initial neurologic evaluation: .~ - ,~ left I/' ReSPonds to verba[ stimuli ? - Responds to painful stimuli U- Unresponsive Secondary Sttrvey: The seconda~, survey occurs after the primary' survey has been completed and appropriate action has been taken. It is a complete examination designed to check for speci.~c, although not necessarily life-threatening injuries. The secondary survey can be performed in conjunction with the primary survey or when appropriate throughout patient treatment. The Fire-Resczte Team should perform and/or check for the following. tal Signs: Blood Pressure: ,~I1 medically related calls shouM have a "complete" assessment of the ~.stolic and diastolic pressures. If extenuating circumstances exist, such as active se~'ures, a ~ystolic blood pressure may be palpated. F/hen a blood pressure is palpated, narrative documentation must be provided regarding the reason it was necessary. ,~s soon as possible, complete blood pressures shall be auscultated and documented Trauma patients m~. have blood pressures palpated as long as prohibits a 'complete assessrnenL Once the situation ix stabil~ed, complete blood pressures must be auscultated and documented. , Respirations: Check and document for rate and quality. Temperature: Must be taken on aH medical patients. History: Use the AMPLE metho& 1. A - Allergies 2. M- Medications. Determine what reeds the patient takes. Note the dosage and schedule. Ig~henever possible, bring the medications to the hospital with the patient, and document it on the run report. 3. P - Previous illness 4. L - Last meal 5. E- Details of the present complaint and precipitating events. Head to Toe Survey A thorough hands-on examination to include removing clothing over the injured areas. The survey should inchtde: Skin Color - document if the skin is: a. Normal b. Pale c. Flushed d. Ashen e. Cyanotic Skin Temperature. document if the skin is: a. Hot and dry - or. hot and moist b. }Varm and dry - or. warm and moist c. Cool and dry. or. cool and moist I ,,o. j ] MAY f'~.1998 I 3. Pupi/lary React/on a. Equal and Reactive . b. Equal and Unreactive ~. U~I ,l. Capillary Refill a. < 2 seconds b. > 2 seconds 5. Distal Pulses 6. Current Physician 7. ,4ge and Sex 8. Weight (in kilograms}. ,4pproximate if unable to determine exact. 9. Specialized exams as necessary (e.~. cardiac, neurologic) Relevant Information: I. Patient's chief complaint, pertinent medical histo~. , allergies. 2. ~Vame and age of the patient. 3. Pertinent results fottnd on physical examination. 4. Mechanism of injury, it'found AIR WA Y M,41NTEN,4NCE ,4ND OXYGEN,4DMINISTRA TION: Where stated in the specific treatment protocols as "Secure an airway and administer Supplemental Oxygen as Indicated", the following guidelines should be followed: ,4 DMINIS TERING OXYGEN: Nasal Cannula: 4 - 6 Z/rain (2 L/min for mild respi['atory distress. COPD patients) for patients In Non-rebreather mask (NRM): 10 . 12 L/rain for pq, tientx in severe respiratory distress, third trimester emergencies, $ignOqcant trauma and circulatory deficiencies. Pedi/infant simple mask: ,4 minimum of 6 L/rain must be used NOTE: P, atie..nts with lnawn COPD and C02 retention $1wuld receive tow. JlOW oxygen in order to m otd xupprma-ing the veatilatory oxygen driv& ninon teve~ may mppre~ the~t paaents' admini_stration~.~._~ caution must n however, 'enurt the Be-r--a - a hi her levels o oxy en tn severe dtrtr~. A~C,:~. rea to u~e a BVM and continually reasse~ the ESTABLISH PA TENCY OF AIRP/A y Airway Management: Clear obstructe'd airways using the appropriate techniques. If necessary, insert an appropriate airway device to maintain the airway. (oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal). Obstructed Airway Conscious - administer abdominal thrusts (adult or child) or alternate between back blows and chest thrustr (infant) depending on patient situation until the obstrucn'on is relieved or the patient becomes unconsciotts. Unconscious. ,'tttempt to ventilate the patient. If mtcceszful, continue to assist patient respira:ionx. If unz~tcces, vful, repo$ition the head and attempt to ventilate again. If still tmsucce$~ful, administer $ abdominal thrusts (adUll and chilcO or $ back blows then $ ahest thrusts (infant) depending on patient situation. Perform finger z~veep (on an adult only) if necessary. NO TE: A~empt ventilations after each maneuver. Continue this sequence until the patient regains consctott~ness or more qualified help arrives. MAY lq.?q8 Insert oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway. Ventilate the patient once every 5 seconds for an achtlt, once every $ seconds for a child and once every 3 seconds.for an infant, uttl~ing an appropriately si.ed bag-valve mask with reservoir. I~rhen using the bag-valve device connect the supply tubing to the ax),ggn tank at a flow of I$ L/min. wtth the reservoir bag attached. MEDIC/ff~ EMERGENCIE$ Citest Pain of Cardlac Origin 1. Perform patient assessment and document finding~. 2. Have patient remain quiet in 'a position of comfort. 3. Secure an air~vcO. and administer supplemental 02 a:r indicated. Cardiac Arrest Primary ~rvey. advise advanced life support unit of cardiac arrest. Perform adequate one or two person CPR according to the most current AHA BC£S standards. 3. Apply SAED Comatose Patients 2. Perform patient assessment and document findingx. Secure an airway and administer supplemental 02 a~ Indicated. Assess scene.for possible causes. HAY ,1998 / · Sei~ure~ Perform patient arse, rsment and docmnent fmd'ingr. Protect patient from injury. Move objec~ away that the patient might strike and cushion the head with a pillow or blan~t. ,,,ua posstvte precipitating caurem. Stroke - CVA (Cerebral l/araular Accident} 1. Perform patient assessment and document fmdingr. 2. Secure an air, ray and administer supplemental 02 ar indicated. 3. TO' to establish communication with patient. Even though the patient may be unable to speak and appears to be unconrciotm. the), may still be able to hear and underz'tand what l$ taking p/ace· Look.for signs indicatlng pattent can undergtand you. lndicatioar may be subtle, such as a glance, a gaz. e, motion or pressure with a finger or hand or a nodding of the head 4. Cahn the patient. Secure an airway and administer ~ppl~ 02 as indicated. Do not give patient anything by mouth (they may be unable to m~'allow). Diabetic Emergencies Perform patient assessment and document~ing$. NthOTE: If the pattent ls displaylng'~'ymptonzr o lntox~, ey may actually be having a diabetic react~o~f 'cation, Secure an airway and administer rupplementa102 ar Indicated. 4. ~patlent lg consciou~ and alert, you may give juice, candy bar. granular sugar, eta) ~ugar ('orange III. TIL4 UMA EMERGENciEs Trauma Transport Criteria All patients meeting arty one of tire criteria ~ummarized below (dej~ned in the Trauma Scorecard Criteria ax outlined in Florida Statute IOD-66 and the Collier Coun.ly £M~ Protocol) should be transported to a Trawna Center: ' Respirator. Rate < 10 or > 29per minute ' Systolic BloodPressure < 90 mm ~g ' Glasgow Coma Scale < or equal to 12 ' Pediatric Tratana Score < 8 ' Amputation proximal to the wrist or anlde ' Penetrating Injury to the head, neck, ' Second or thirddegree chest, abdomen or groin ' Paralysis burns > 15~ of body suorace area ' Ejection from motor vehicle (car or truce on.tvJ General Trauma Protocols Minimize on scene time of the m' immobilization is reattir.- ador trauma ....... Assessment ,..~ ....~ eot with a ce,,,;-..~ - · ~utten~ BI.~ and · '"- ,reatmentpriorities ~. ,,,-,~ ~_'~ aevlce, a~d bacloboa order. If the patient is ~apected to be a trauma approached m the following unit must be contacted and advised of./qndings, alert. Then ~e EMS ('Al.S} t~rimary Survey 2. Stabilize the nec~ and open the air~ay with ajaw thrust. Assess breathing, lung soundr and circulation, and chec~ chest while maintaining botlt manual cervical immobilization and./_my thrust. Secure an airway and admini, vter supplemental 02 ar indicated. Trauma patientr should receive high flaw oxygen 10-12 L/min. via non-rebreather mark. Replace manual cervical imrnobil~.ation with appropriate cervical immoblli:.atton dolce, and place the patient on a backboard (see appendix A.} Control bleeding by direct prtt. ntre and o.~re.~ for ~ Secondary Surve~ Head Pa/pate, inspect the head and skull. Identify all related and significant injuries. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Evaluate eyes for pupillary xP_.e, hemorrhage and penetrattng injuries. Assess the nose, ears and mouth for blood or Cerebral/Spinal FluM (CSF). Observe for vomiting and prevent arpiration. Observe for convulsion~ in head injuries. Maintain C-~pine immobil~ation. Ail unconscious patients with ~rpected head injury should be hyperventtlated by bag-valve mask with reservoir and supplemental oa3. 'gen at a rate of 24 - $0 breaths per minute. Maxillofacial (Jaw and Faafal Areas) 2. Pa/pate, Inspect for maxillofacial injures. Treat airw~. obstruction if present, and control hemorrhage. Blunt maxtllofacial injuries should be presumed to have a C- Spine injury until ruled out by x-rtry'diagno$t.v. Eye Injury a. Inspect the eye Carefully and document vi. mai acuio~. If globe i~ tnjured, apply a ~erile, non-pre~'ure dressing and cover ~ eyes. C. Splne / Necl~ Do not remove any penetrattng objects. 2. Palpate, Inspect the C-Spine while maintaining immobil~.ation with a cervical device and ~kboard, Inspect the neak for distended neck veins and trac3eal deviation. Abdomen ~4 uscultate, palpate and irape~ the chest, ribs and clavicle for njuries (flail chest, .ntcking chest wound, impaled objectr, bruaing.) Evaluate and continue to rea~ess breath soundr. ~4uscultate heart.for rate and adequate heart soun~ (l~ote distant or muffled heart sounds). · 4ssessfor the presence ofnarrowingpulse pressure indicating a possible cardiac tamponade. If the chest is bruised, suspect a myocardial contusion. o Extremities Palpate, auscultate and inspect all four quadr~ of the abdomen. /tpply a moist sterile dressing to eviscerated abdominal woundr or organs. ~4ssess for pelvic fractures. Continually reassess patientr with any type of abdominal injury. 2. Inspect lower and upper extremities for any deformi.tv fractures, paralysis or paresis {loss of feeling). Palpate extremities for tenderness, crepitus, peripheral pulses, abnormal movement and range of motion. 'Visualize extremities, and immobilize and splint fracture site before moving, arty possible Check distal sensation and pulses before and afer splinting or manipulation 6. Neurologie 1. 2. Shock · App~ gentle traction to any non~ angulamdextremity' fracture. Check distal sensation and pulse~ before and after stabili:.ation. Splint joint injuries in the position.found Immob'il~ both above and b. elo~, the joint. Support hip di~loct~n with both pillows and uninjured leg In the posttion of cotnfott MAST tuit (if available) can be uted to ~abil~e femure, hip and pelvic fracture~. . ' Control bleeding by direct pre.mo'e and a~se.~ for ~hock. Cover open fracture, and amputations with moist xlerile dressings. AmRutated parts need to be in a sealed pla~ttc bag (if available). Do not place the pan directO,, on ice or wrap in moist dressings. Assess the motor and sensory responses of extremities. Reassess the Glasgow coma score, level of consciousness (A VP U} and the s~e and reaction of tn~il.t Continually reassess for any sign~ of head injury. Look for any of these signs and symptoms when asst~ng thepatient: 1. Confusion, restlessness, or combativeness 2. g,'eakness 3. Thirst 4. Pallor $. Tachycardia (pulse > lOOper min.) 6. Sweating (diaphoresis) 7. Tachypnea (respiratory rate > 30per min.) 8. Cold skin ' 9. Hypotension ('blood pressure < I00 'systolic) Spinal Shock Signs and Symptoms: ma I 1. Decre~ed blood pressure 2. Slow and strong pulse 3. Skin warm and dry 4. Loss °f thermo-regulatory mechanisms, heat (hypothermia). Treatment Priorities for Shock causing a loss of bo~. 1. Open air, ray and control cervical spine. 2. ,4sses.s bre~hb~g and circulation. 3. Stop, life threatening bleeding. 4. Recognize signs and symptoms early in treatment. 5. Coverpatient with blanket to prevent loss of body temperature. SPECIFIC TILl UMA TIC INJURIES Gunshot attd Stab Wounds 1. Perform patient assessment and document findings. 2. Secure an airway and administer supplemental 02 as indicated. 3. Examine patient for entrance and exit wounds. Cover ail wounds with sterile occlusive dressing. 4. Stabilize impaied objectr inplace. Head Trauma 1. Control cervical spine and perform patient document findings, assessment, 2. All unconscious patients with suspected head injury should be hyperventilated ~. bag-valve mask with reservoir and supplemental oxygen at a rate of 24 - 30 breaths per minute. Auto Accidents Control cervical spine and perform patient document findings, assessment, Prior to extrication, apply cervical collar and KED complaining of back pain). (if ! MAY | · Perform rapid ex~ricatio~ ~dminister appropriate treatment.for ~pecific injuries as necessary. 5. Stop the burning process fi.active burning ir pre. rent. Perform pattent assessment and docaonent findings. Evaluate patient for extent and severity of burn(s} uttl~ing "Rule of Nines" (see appendix C). Cover the burned area wtth dry, sterile ~ If the burn was due to a chemical agent, flush the area with large amounts of water. If the bum was tine to dry lime, brush off the dry lime prior to flushing. Burn patients shouM receive htgh flaw oaygen, 10 - 12 L/min. via non-rebreather mask, fi.shortness of breath, shock, or evidence of respiratory tract Injury ir present. Eye Emergencies Evaluate mechanism of injury. For foreign bodies or chemical exposure, flush eyes with large quantities (up to 2000 cc.) of sterile Normal Saline. NOTE: The exception of this rule ir a penttraffng Injury of the eyeball. Flushing should take place immediate~,. However, transport shouM not be delayed to complete flarhing' If necessary, perform flushing during transport. Cover both eyes with eye pods and dry sterile dressings. Maintain contact with the patient for rearsurtm~. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL EMER GENE?ES Heat Emergencies 21 3. Perform patient assessment and docnment fi~'ngs. Move the patient to a shaded, well ventilated area. Secure an airw~, and administer supplemental 02 ar ~ L,HAY lC/ lg58I · Cool the patient rapidly by removing exce. trive clothing and applying large amounts of g~l water, do not a, pp~, Ice, cover the patient with wet towels, or give the patient cold I/quid to drink as all these procedures will hamper the body '~ cooling process. Cold Emergencies 1. Gently remove patient from cold environment. Rough handling of the hyPotherotic patient can cause cardiac arrest. 2. Remove any articles of damp clothing from the patient. 3. Cower the patient with blankets. 4. Secure an airw~, and administer suppleraenta102 ax indicated. Water-R elated ,4 ccidents o 4. Begin resuscitative measures even if patient was yubm~rged for a long period. Poisoning Suspect a cervical or head injury on any patient in a water- related accident. Secure an airway and admin'ffter supplemental 0 ' Control ~.;~_, __. _ . '2 ax indicated. ce, ,,~a~ sptne ana perjorm patient assessment and docum e nt.17ndin gs. Fully immobili:e patient as soon ax possible. I. Perform patient assessment and document findings. 2. Secure an air, ray and administer supplemental 02 ax indicated. 3. /lscertain the following information: a. ~at did the patient take, how much and how long ago? b. Collect all medicine vials or containers involved, for transport to the hospital. Hazardous Marine Stings and Bites Perform primary survey. Perform secondary survey, when appropriate. Remove tentacles or residue by.flushing the area with sea water. ~ 4. · Secure an airway and adrnintrter supplemental 02 ai indicated. 5. Sting r~. stings are to be treated with heat. NOTE: DO NOT USE FRESH IV, ITF. R OIV I'HE ,IFFECTED ~IRE,4. Snake and Insect Bites Perform patient assessment and document findings. Try to obtain the following information.. a. The .type of snake or infect. (lf poxrt'ble, collect dead , make or insect.for identification.} b. Where did it bite the patient and how long ago? Remove a~. constricting clothing or jewelry on the affected e. xtremi.tv. Immobilize the extremity and keep the t~'emity lower than the level of the heart. ' · 4nimal Bites Perform patient assessment and document findings. T~. to obtain the following information: a. The .type of animal. b. ~here was the patient bitten and how long ago? Stop bleeding and cover wounds with sterile dressings. Secure an airway and administer ~upplementa102 as indicated. ,4dminister appropriate trealment for specific injuries as necessary. Decompression Sickness (Dive./lccidenO Perform primary survey. Perform secondary s~vey, when appropriate. Place patient in supine position. NOTE: 'Tltere Is no support for tire le~ lateral decubitis position or trendelenburg as may have been previoit$1y recommended. Trendelenburg has been shown to be harmful except possibly in the .first 20 minutes after sttoracing. V. 4. ' Secure an atrw~, and administer supplemental 02. 02 via non-rebreather mask i~ indicated OBSTETRIC,4L EMERGENCIES High flmv Normal Delivery e 6. Perform patient assessment on mother and document findings. /tssist the ba~. as it is delivered. Never attempt to pull the baby out. Keep baby at the same lev,las mother until cord has been clantped and cut. Sttction the mouth and the nose with a small btdb suction. Insert the bulb squeezed and then release the bulb to suction appropriately. Clamp the umbilical cord at 6 and 8 inches and cut bet~veen' clamps. Perform patient assessment on the baby. Wrap the baby to preserve body heat..4dvise the ALS unit of baby's condition. Secure an aitnvay and administer supplemental 02 as indicated. An .4PG~4R score shotdd be completed at I and :5 minutes after delivery (see appendix C). Prolapsed Umbilical Cord 2. 3. 4. Perform patient assessment on mother and docurnent findings. Place mother in supine position with hips elevated- Secure an air, var and administer supplemental 02 as indicated I47th a sterile gloved hand, gent.Iv push the baby up the vagina several inches to relieve the pressure on the umbilical cord or until a pulse returns to cord- This position must be maintained Iq'rap exposed umbilical cord with sterile dressing moistened with sterile Atormal Saline. Palpate and document the pulse in the umbilical cord- Breech Birth Perform patient assessment on mother and document findings. Secure an air~vay and administzr supplemental 02 as · In the baby's head i~ not delivered within $ minutes, action must be taken to prevent suffocation. F/ith a xl,erile glove hand fornt a "V" withJ~ngers on both stdex of the batm's nose and push the vaginal wall tnvayfrom the baby. 's ~tc~ assess breathing} until th : . ~ 6 for e head ts delivered (aatction O"possible}. Never attempt to pull the baby out of the vagina. 7his is a medical emergency. Rapid ~ is essential for a positive outcome. ' lItird Trimester Bleeth'ng 1. Perfqrm patient assessment on mother and document~nding~. 2. Secure an · 3. airway and administer s'upplementa102 as indicated. Place patient on left side to prevent hypoten~ion. 4. 3/ever attempt lo examine the patient internal.. Trauma Itt Pregnancy 1. Perform patient assessment on mother and document findings. 2. Secure an airway and administer supplemental 02 as indicated. 3. Place patient on left side to prevent hypotension (if there is not danger of spinal injury), or tilt the bac-ltboard $o that the mother is leaning to the left. Not on.Iv does this prevent obstruction of the vena cava, it also makes aspiration less likely if she vomits. 4. Trauma to the abdomen may cause bleeding inside the uterus. Mark the top of the uterus with a marlu'ngpencil. Enlargement of the uterus a'uggestr intrauterine bleeding. 5. Monitor vital signs frequently and watch the abdomen for signs of intra, abdominal bleeding. 6. Shock is more di. bcqcult lo diagnose.in the pregnant patient, but the most likely cause of pre-hospital death is from injury, to the uterus. Shock also Mils the baby quickly since the blood supply to the fetus is shut off when the mother is in shock. 7. The most common cause of traumatic fetal death ix the death of the mother, so the goal is to get the mother to the ER alive. P~'DIA TRIC PRO TOCOI. S Pediatric Allergic Reactions Secure an airw~, and'administer supplemental 02 ar indicated If the child is resistant to the use of 02 equipment, a mmlc Item close to rIte face is a good alternative. Perform secondary survey. Pediatric Seiz. ttres e Perform primary survey. lf possible, secure an ainvay and administer ~upplementa102 as i~.di'cated. Protect rIte patient from injury. Perform secondary survey. Febrile Seizures Actively try to cool patient's bo~. temperature. Remove all clothes (including tIte socks).. Cool patient by sponging with ~ water. ~Q. NO__Q._T coverpatient with a wet towel, apply ice or give cold liquids to drink. Pediatric Altered Level of Consciousness Perform primary surve): Secure an airway and administer supplemental 02 as indicated. Perform secondary, survey. Pediatric Asthma Perform primar3', survey. Secure an airwcO, and ~dminister zT~pplementa102 as indicated. Perform secondary survey. Croup / Epiglottis Perform primary survey. Perform secondary survey. J · Jdminister 02 only tfthe patient will tolerate it. Ifahild ix resirtant to the use of 02 equipment, the mark may. M hem close to the face rather than secured to the child. If the patient is cyanotic or has an altered mental xtatux, ventilatory effort mm., need to be assisted. Do not introduce oral airways, tong~te blades or am, other device into the patient's mouth, as this may prec~pitate laryngeal ~axsznx and severe z~velling, causing a complete airway obstntc~n. PEDIATRIC ~ UM/t Primary Su r~ey , Establish a patent air~vav and immobilize the C-Spine: Maintain a neutral posit'ion with manual immobili-mion until a cervical immobili:ation device and bac]cboard ir applied. .4ssist ventilation if level of consciousness ir decreased or the patient fails to respond appropriately to voice. BreatMng 1. Expose the chest. of respirations. 2. e Auscultate lung sounds. Note depth and rate Inspect and palpate for unilateral or bilateral che. rt movement, and any other signs of injury to the area. ~4 dm inister high.flow oxygen. ~4ssess for tension pneumothorax, and open pneumothorax. Initiate intervention and treat appropriately. Reassess vitals ;o evaluate effectivenezs of the intervention. Watch for gastric distention to ~r~,oid impairment of respiratory e. fi'on and/or decreased venous return. Circulation ,4sses$ the pulse quali.tv, rate and regulari.tv. .4ssess the skin color, texture, and capillary refill for signs of shoc/c HAY Ic] .5'? ' Sign~ and .xvmptotn, ofpea~rtcpatients with severe shocl vp, ovolemia: a. Tachycardia, tac~pnea ' b. Delayed capillary refill c. Anxiety/restlessness d. Hypotenxion (late, ominous sign) Briefl. v assess the chest, abdomen, and extremities.for life threatening bleeding. App~v dlrect pressure dressings to bleeding sites. Disability ! Assess the patient's neurological status. 2. 3. 4. Glascow Coma Score (see appendix) Pediatric Trauma Score (see appendix) Pupil st::e and reaction Hyperventilate if the level of consciousness is decreased Secondary Surve), Follow same protocol as adult secondary surv~. . BA CKB OA RD ING 2. APP£N~D~ A Manually ~ab ili:e. C-Spine. Supplement manual stabilU, ation with an appropriate~ xU. ed Cervical Immobilization Device. Continue manual ~tab..t~- ..... t~,~.t,k,~,.,.,.t ,n~ . t/tt~XitlOl~ ttntil 'tent ~"~'~"""~ .~rreJerred pedi. immobilP~r) lr ful~ $tabilP. ed on Log-roll tfte patient on side, check back for Injuries, then place the backboard under the patient, with the patient's head I to 2 feet fPom the top of the board. Now roll the patlent onto the board The person at the head makes all the calls as to when to move patient. Slide patient as a unit up into position on the backboard Strap the patient to the backboard, starting with the boa~. ftr~ The straps should be criss-corssed across the chest, followed bp the hips and legs. The head is the last part of the body to be se board. . cured to the HAY l 1Lo8 I ,., o / APPENDIX B AIR WA Y ADJU~CTS Oropharyngeal Alrvmy Determine size of ainvav needed (dirtance between corner of mouth and ear lobe}. ' . 2. Insert with curve pointi, g utnvard and rotate 180 de~ while inserting. lf patlent exhibitr am., gag reflex, remove airway. APPENDIX C EYES 4 Spont. $ To Voice 2 To Pain 1 [Jnresp. GI.A$CO IF COMA SCALE $ Oriented 4 Confuted $ Inappro. 2 Garbled 1 None MOTOR 60t~,yt. Cotnnd~ $ Patn- 4 Pain. ~qt~draw $ Pain. Flt~n 2 Paln - Eru~dr 1 None AP~AR $CORIIV~ TABL£ ' The ,4~gar ~coring ~em ~ W~e~ ~e re~xcitation ortho .... t_ _ ~ d ~ ~ ~i~r ~,~ .... ~ ~ ~-.~ ,~oo~. F~ ~: ..... ~ ~ ~jor ~tat. s?re is noted at I mi~te.'~°~e~t~e ~ ~e ~e//ng ~e cord~~r ~erial ~ me ~tremitie, in re~e to ~t~ ' '~ rate5 M~~ ~ ~ ~ ~m & mulatto d~ing ~ctioning of ~e ~-. - ~ ~ ~~ a ~ o or tn~nt. Most n~vbo~ *core only l~r ~lor ~ m o~ ~e m~e, of age, ~ ~ere t~ ag~ ~ome degree of ~er¢&r~ ~~ (a~o~,~). ~e need~r Immediate re--citation can be mo~ ~~ ~ed ~ ~al~ting the heart rate, ~irato~ actbi~ ~ color, ~ ~ ~ ~l ~PG~R $core. ~ince ~en a ,ho~ de[~ tn lnitia~g ~~tton ~ ~lt in a long de[~ in e*~bl~htng ~ontaneo~ ~ re~ r~to~, re--citation ~hou/d be ~ta~ed immediately when i~icated ~ i~e~ rex~iratio~ and/or heart rate. it *houM not ~ ~l~ed while obtaining ~e one-minute tcore. COLLIER COUNTY qum. rry ~SSURm~2~ WO~ NAME: _ llA'l:t: .... t t ~ A B c 3 4 REVIt'WED BY: FIL=LD I~$OURCI! OFFIC~]~_ CO~~: MEDICAL D~ECrOPz EMPLOYEE SIGNATUR. E:= COMMEMTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADDENDUM '1'O COOPERATIVE A¢;REEMENT WITII TIlE I)EPARTbtENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSIIMER SERVI¢:E.~ DIVISION OF FORESTRY AND COLLIER COUNTY FOR FIRE PROTECTION. OP..IECT|VF~; To obtain Board of Co.nmy Commissioners approval to execute a Addendum lo Cooperative Agreement with Dep;idment of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Foreslry fi~r provision of fire prnmection for the total forest and wild land acreage of (:oilier Co~mty CONS!I)ERAT!¢)N: in FY 97/9g thc Division of Fnre.~ry provided fire protection for 54g.006 acres in Collier ('oumy m ~l~e cost of$O O3 per acre for an annual cost ot' $16.440 Ig The Di,~ision ~d'Fores~r~' has rcquesmcd an addendum to the Cooperative Agrecmcnl ell'uctive July I. I~Y),g. rcpru,~unling a reducthm of acreage lo 413.259 acres rewriting in a co~t red.clion t,~ ~hc p. rcha~ ~tl'acrca~c by .~lillC ami I'cdcr,d FI.gCAI, I.MI'A(.'T Fmld.,, ;irc ;lvmlahlc in l)ivi~ion .l'fore..,t~' .gcrvicesd'und MSTD ( I ] I) Thc F't' IO'~g - I~yF) p;.I) recall It~ Ibc I)ivi~i.n ol'Forcst .fy is $12.397.77 GIIOW'I'II 51.AN,tGEMENT IMI'..'~('T N~,nc rF~¢:OMSIE~I),~'r!ON Tha~ Ih,: Ili~ard ol'(',qmly ('onmlissinners approve the Addendum to Cooperative A.urccmc~ .t wid~ ~hc I'}cpanment ol' Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Forestry and Co',~icr Courtly and amhorize Ihe Chairman to execute the same. S~ Addendmu FC-$700-11 Approved 12/92 Legal ADDENDUM TO COOPERATIVE AGREEM~q'T DEPAR'I'MEN'r OF AGRICULTURE AND CON~ SERVICES DMSION OF FORESTRY COLLIER COUNTY WHEREAS, the parties entered into an agreement as r~ by Section 125.27, Florida Statues, ~to provide fi.re protection to the total forest and wildland acreage of..~tlli~ g~EREAS, the parties now desire and intend to amend said agreement. THEREFORE, this amendment witnesseth: Paragraphs numbered 1 and 2 of the aforesaid agreement axe amended as follows: FROM The Department shall provide fire protection for~ acres of forest and v.'ild land within ~ County. The County shall, under the terms of this agreement, pay to the Department annually as its share of the cost ofproviding such fire protection, ~ said receipts to be deposited in the General Revenue Fund ofthe State. TO I. The Department shall provide fire protection for ~.L3..2~ acres of forest and wild lands within ~ County. The County shall, under the terms of this agreemc~t, pay to the Department annually its share of the cost of providing such fire protection, ftl2..~2,2~ said receipts to be deposited in the General Revenue Fund of the In all its other terms and conditions thc agreement remains unchanged and is hereby reaffirmed. STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, DMSION OF FORESTRY BY: DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION DATE: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY BY:. CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD DATE: Attest: Clerk of the Circuit Court Approved as to form and leoal sufficiency,. Assistant County A~torne¥ 0 HAY 19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARy APPROVAL OF A BUDGET AMMENDMENT FOR EMERGENCY MODIFICATIONS AND ADDmONS TO EXISTING MAIN CAMPUS CHILLER PLANT ~ To gain Board ~rtovai for a budget amendment to effect a chiller plant exp'a~on project, ~ for the continued operation of the ex.lng chiller plant. CONSIDERATION; For the past thr~ y~ars, the lail's chiller and water tower (the equipmmt that produc~ chilled water for the air conditioning ~ya~n) has been in poor repah- and in real &roger of failing. Failur~ of this equipmer~ would mean a lack of air conditioning for both the jtii section and the SherifFs admln/strafion offices md have major public ~afety implications. Staff has continued to nur~ this equipment along with the intent of replacing it when the Jail Construction lh'oject takes place. Last mmuner the temperatur~ in the Sail elevated to the point of real concern. Fans were ins~led and all · ky lights were painted in an attempt to ~top the rising temperature. In addition to concern of a major failure, the chiller operates on an environmentally dangerous typ~ of freon. The Main Government Complex's main chiller plant (this plant ua'yes all major structures except the Jail Building) reached it's capadty two years ago and is scheduled for expansion in Phase One of the new Space Master Plan that is scheduled to be presented to the Board in May. Staff has worked with FPL and Johnson Controls on a program that would eliminate the Jail Chiller and water tower and incorporate the Jail's ~y~tem in to the Main Chiller ~ystem. This would benefit the County in thc following manner: 1) Consolidation would eliminate the Jail chiller and water tower completely. The chance for a serious failure i~ currently very high. The effects of a failure include the inability to supply air conditioning to the jail, the SherifFs administrative offices and the 911 Office. There are no operable widows in this facility. 2) more reliable system. expanzion. Additional chiller equipment, centrally located would contribute ~ub~tiaily to a The main plant was designed and consiructed for this anticipated Executive Summary Cont. Chfller Plant Expansion Page 2 3) This plan also incorporates equipment for the Courthouse, Health Building and the Administration Building, which will increase the efficiency of the air hamtling units and control the units so they can be scheduled to shut down during off business hours. The savings are included in the total savings calculated in the fiscal impact section. 4) Although staff is bringing this proposal to the Board because of the critical condition of the syst~nn, ther~ are ~ignificant savings that will be generated by the additional equipment required for this plant retrofit. The proposed equipment will provide documenf~ble ~-vings (actual reduction in the County's electric cost) of $90,500 armually. The contractor would provide to the County, aa Energy Analyst to oversee the operation of the system, coordinate the savings with the local power company and guarantee the savings. The analyst would be budgeted within the Maintenance Services Cost Center for two years, ($62,500 annually) after the fa, st yea'. This expense is offset by the annual savings aml is included in the total pa)back calculation by year four. The Energy Analysts expense for the first year is included in the project cost. In addition, Florida Power & Light will issue a $82,500 rebate after the first year for energy saved. This rebate is directly related to the amount of energy saved bringing the J'aii chiller off line. The equipment would be purchased from existing in-place contract with the Johnson Controls Corporation. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the proposal including equipment, engineering, and all other associated costs is: Less FPL Rebate Net Annual Guaranteed Electrical Savings (FPL) Actual Cost after the First Year Total pa)back for this project will occur in 4 years $423,054 $82,500 $340,554 S250,054 Total cost for this project would be S423,054, which would be transferred from the County Wide Facilities Capital Reserves (301-919010-991000) into the Chiller Plant Expansion Project (301-120491-80005). The remaining (301) reserve balance would be $29,132. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None Idly I 998 pg. ~ _ Executive Summm'y Couc CldlLer i'hnt ~COMMENDATION: Tha~ the Boar~ of Col]igr County R~'ov¢ the chiller Depm'm~fl of Fscilidcs ~ BY: ~ Skip- , ~t of F~cilitiez Mm~gem~ Suppofl Scrvicc~ Divisf~/ Mq~OVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS ~ ~ - Gm T~ (Fred 21~) Budg~ ~ No. 98-221 ~ (~ ~]) (s9,.~oa) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL TO PROCURE GRANT WRITING SERVICES THROUGH A COOPERATIVE PURCIIASING ARRANGEMXNT OBJECTIVE: BCC approval to secure grant writing services with Griffin Grant Writing & Consulting, Inc., through a cooperative purchasing arrangement, as this firm is already under contract with the City of Naples. CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County has many unmet capital needs. In addition, there are other unmet capital needs tach as the development ora GIS system and the acquisition of a new integrated f'mancial system. In many imtances, there may be available grant funds that could assist in funding the acquisition oftheae capital items. Griffin Grant Writing & Consulting, Inc., (C-GW & C Inc.) specializes_ in procuring federal grants. This is a California-based firm that has expanded operations into Florida, most recently with the City of Naples. Staff bas reviewed the executed contract between the City of Naples and Griftin Chant Writing & Cotm:lting, Inc. (attached). The Collier County Purchasing Director indicated that the Board of County Commissioners can procure these services cooperatively through the existing City of Naples contract, pursuant to the County's membership in the Southwest Florida Purchasing Consortium. GGW & C Inc. guarantee~ that the County will receive $1,000,000 in new grant funds within the two year contract period for a fee of $80,000 (8%). GGW & C Inc. initially conducts an assessment with County staffto determine needs and identify potential grants available to meet those needs. The County must authorize any grant application prepared by GGW & C Inc. This ensures that the County will only receive grants in targeted priority areas. Typically, the $80,000 fee is due and payable upon ex_,x~__nion of the contract. CsGW & C Inc. h~s agreed 1o 50*/$ (S40,000) of their fee upon completion of the final assessment report, with the remaining 50*4 due 6 months thereaRer. The company guarantees their work through a performance bond. Finally, for every additional $1,000,000 or part thereof, secured by GGW & C Inc. an incentive fee of 8% shall be paid. GGW & C Inc. is also entitled to receive reimbursement on a monthly basis for incidental expenses such as copying charges, postage, etc. GROWTH MANAGEMENT I1MPACT: None. HAY 19 1998 FISCAL IMPACT: There are no existing funds budgeted for this contract. Funds are available in General Fund (001) reserves to fund the initial contract amount of $80,000, plus an additional amount $4,500 for incidental expenses. Any incentive fees for any grant revenues generated above the guaranteed $1,000,000 would be funded by budget amendment from General Fund (001) reserves, unless said grant award were from a special revenue/enterprise fund. Incentive fees for a non-General Fund grant award would be paid from the benefiting fund. RECO~ATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1) 2) approve all associ~ budget amendments. Prepared by:.., z:~,'~"&~.' ..~-,-~ ~"~------ Micl~el Smykow-,ki, OMB Director Approved By: /R~b~. Fernand~unty Administrator autho~ stnffto enter into a contract with Griffin Grant Writing & Consulting, Inc. for grant writing services, subject to County Attorney legal review and approval; May 11, 1998 May 11, 1998 2 3 4 $ 6 ? 9 I0 I! 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 32 34 37 38 39 4O GG C INC. GRA_ T rRITIN CONSULTIN THIS AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ("Agreement" herein), effective ss of the date the last puiy executes the Agreement, is msde and entered into by and between the City of Naples ("City" herein), located at 735 Eighth Streei South, Naples, Florida 34102, and GGW&C, INC. (DBA Griffin Grant Writing & Consulting) ("Contrnctor" herein), located al 655 Redwood Highway, Suite 241, Mill Valley, CA 94941, for a period.of twenty, four months, until the goal amount descn'bed herein is received, the total value of the Agreement is received or until terminated in accordance with the termination provisions in this Agreement WHEREAS, City desires to engage Contractor to perform, and Contractor agrees to undertake, carry out and complete certain professional services as hereinafter set forth: II. NOW, THEREFORE, the panics agree as follows: Parties to the Agreement The parties to the Agreement are: A. City: City of Naples 735 Eighth Street South Naples, FL 34102 B. Contractor: GGW&C, INC. John A. Griffin, President 655 Redwood Highway, Suite 241 Mill Valley, CA 94941 Representatives of the Parties and Service of Notices The representatives of the parties who are primarily responsible for the administration of this Agreement, and to whom formal notices, demands and communications shall be given are as follows: The principal representative of the City shall be: AGENDA ITEM HAY 19 1998 ! 2 4 6 9 i2 14 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 39 40 41 Vo imperative and shall be used to meet the objective set forth in Section HI.A of this Agreement. Both parties agree that the objective set forth in this Ag~ernent is time scnsitivc and is subject to b~th parties mccting all obligations sct forth in t~s Agreement. The City agrees that me,.ting the objective is subject to providing Contractor a "Reasonable Opportunity" u de,ed in Section VI ofthis ^grecrnent. Descrfpflon of Work City hereby engages Contractor, and Contractor accepts such engagement, to l:~'orm the services set forth in the "Scope of Services" in Section V below. Contractor shall perform and complete, in a manner satisfactory to City, all work and services set forth herein. The City Representative, or the Representative's designee, shall have the right to re~cw arid inspect thc work during the course of its performance at such times, as may be specified by the Representative. Scope of Services A. General DescrfPtfon Contractor agrees to provide general grant writing services associated with the completion of grant applications on behalt'of the City. Contractor agrees to provide any and all services required in order to effectively achieve the results as required by this Agreement. Any work conducted outside the scope of this Agreement is subject to additional fees and must be accompanied by an amendment to this Agreement signed by both parties. B. Research & Grants Alert Contractor will conduct research on potential funding sources for the City. This research will enable Contractor, in cooperation with the City, to identify potential grant funds for the City. Potential sources shall be disseminated via a "Federal Grants Aim." AGE IpAJ ,M'" NAY 19 1998 a 03/27/98 ~/.. P°'-Yemm~ - ...... · ......... - .................... II .............. I 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 I0 !1 12 I4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 32 34 36 37 40 41 42 43 45 46 The City must elect to r~.eive the "Grants Alert" defined in this section via facsimile U-ansmission or electronic mail. One copy of said alert shall be furnished to the City designee each week. Information Provision Contractor shall provide City with a weekly written list of potential sources known as the 'Tedaral C-rants Alert," as sources ~re an~otmced. As soon as possible, and in all cases prior to City's authorization to prepare a proposal for funding, Contractor shall notify City whether, and the arnotmt of, any matching funds which may or shall be required fi-om City in order to qualify for awa:d of funding, or which may or shall be required to complete tasks identified in the objectives ora targeted solicitation. The parties together shall discuss the potential sources and identify the sources of interest to City. Contractor shall have first opportunity to write the grants for all sources identified to the City by Contractor based on opportunities .,~,,.. identified in the "Federal Grants Alert." ' 5. Upon written request by City, Contractor shall provide copies of the Request for Proposal ("RFP") for each source identified by City, such copies to be provided within five (5) working days of said written request and subject to the availability of the Request for Proposals. Conditions of R.FPs /' //.~,/~i',..~. 1/~ S' ~~.~"~--'~ l. City understands that the RFPs contain all conditions, regulations, and requirements associated with the grant for use of any funds awarded by the funding source. City accepts responsibility for understanding the terms and conditions and complying with said terms and conditions of any potential grant award. City shall review the requested RF'Ps within five (5) working days, or by a time mutually agreed upon by both parties, as meamr~ fi-om the date of receipt of RFPs by City. AGEf~DA ITEM MAY l g lgg8 I 2 4 6 ? $ 9 !0 I1 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 4~ (ii) I. Grant Writing City agrees to provide all information within seven (7) working days fi, om Ute date of'Ute request or a time mutually agreed upon by boUt parties. For projects authorized by City, failur~ to provide information by City within this mutually agreed upon timeline may b~ subject to ~dditional fees, as described in Section IX. entitled "D~lays Caused by City." Contractor ~all b~ respo~ible for writing grant propo~ identified by and in cooperation with City which, upon approval of this Agreement by ute City representative and within ute twenty. four month duration of this Agreement, will result in at least $1,O00,O00 in funded proposals allocated to the priority area(s) described in Section rfT.C of'this Agreement. Contractor agrees to review all potential oppommities with the City and receive written approval to proceed fi'om the City prior to any solicitation efforts on the part of the Contractor. Approval to proceed shall not be unreasonably withheld. As information is requested from City by Contractor, in order to facilitate ute solicitation process, the City agrees to provide requested materials within seven (7) working days, or a time mutually agreed upon by both parties. City agrees that failure to provide information which creates delays may be subject to additional fees, aa defined in Section IX ofthis Agreement, entitled "Delays Caused by City." Reasonable Opportunity City shall provide Contractor a reasonable oppommity to solicit grant funding identified by Contractor in order to permit Contractor to attempt to achieve ute objective ofutis Agreement. "Reasonable Opportunity" means the City's "acceptance" of a minimum of $3,500,000 in grant sources offered to the City by Contractor through the "Federal Grants Alert" within ten (I0) months from the date of execution of this Agreement. For purposes of this Section, "acceptance" shall be delta, authorizing the Contractor to solicit the minimum of $3 NO. 7 03/27/98 / 1 2 3 4 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 ,12 43 45 47 VIII. Calculate a pro-rated guarantee based on 7.5% of the grants authorized by the City dttring the ten (10) month period; or Calculate fees for services provided during the term of the Agreement, or until terminated at a rate of Sl20.00 per documented hour, not to exceed 5;80,000 in fe~. If the sources authorized, as descn'bed in Section V.G of this Agreement, have been funded previously though the City's efforts, only funding in excess of the City's previous award shall be attributed to the goal amount. The value of previous awards shall not include match~ng funds, but only those funds from the granting agency(les). "Previous award" shall mean any funding received by the City from the funding source during the twelve (12) months immediately prior to the date of execution oft,his Agreement. Where (i) there is a mutually-identified source, (ii) thc City successfully has received a previous award, and (iii) Contractor feels its efforts are not likely to result in exceeding this previous award amount, Contra:tot retains the fight to refuse to solicit the source and agrees to permit City to solicit the source outside the terms oft.his Agreement. Compensation, Costs, and Method of Payment A. Payment Schedule A Retainer of $80,000 shall be paid to Contractor for services described herein. The payment of this Retainer shall be made upon execution of this Agreement. Subject to meeting the "Reasonable Opportunity" clause defined in Section VI of Oxis agreement, and in the event that Contractor is not successful in attaining a minLmum of $1,000,000 in City approved grant funding for the City, Contractor shall r~imbune the S80,000 Retainer to City within thh'ty (30) days of the end ofthe term of this Agreement, or as otherwise provided for in Section XII ofthis Agreement, entitled "Termination of Agreement." Should City fail to meet "Reasonable Opportunity" ts defined in Section VI ofthis Agreement, Contractor shall be entitled to fees based on a rate of $120.00 per hour ofwork performed and documented, not to exceed 5;80,000. This shall not preclude the Contractors rights to "Incentive Structure" for gn .~tfs) yep. din~ aS defined in Section VEl.C, of this Agreement. AGEI~A HAY 1 9 1998 9 03c27/98 Pg.~l. 1 2 4 6 ? $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 2~ 26 2'7 29 30 31 41 44 IX, Delays A. Bo Do Section III.C of this Agreement, Contractor shall receive an incentive payment of all such funding awarded to City above $1,000,000 in the amount of $% of all funding. Incentive payments shall not exceed $425,000 for the duration oftlgs Agreement. Both City and Contractor understand and acknowledge that any ~nt funds received by City cannot and will not be used to pay Contractor any fees or other amounts under this Agreement. 3. Such incentive payment shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of receipt of notification by the granting agency. Subject to the termination provisions of Section XII of this Agreement, all solicited funding still pending and in excess of $1,000,000 shall be subject to this incentive structure. In case of termination of this Agreement no incentive payment shall be due and payable unless such pending solicitation was identified on a list provided to City prior to termination or completion of the duration of this Agreement. Caused by City-" Contractor will be entitled to time and materials fees once any project is authorized in writing by City and City fails to provide information in accordance with the mutually agreed timeline described in Section(s) V, XI, and XII of this Agreement, or ifCity stops projects subsequent to written author/zation. The measure of time and materials fees shall be a rate of $120/hour for all work performed for which records, logs and other accounting are provided, and shall include any outstanding expenses described in Section VIII.B of this Agreement. City accepts full and total responsibility for authorizing work to be performed by Contractor and understands the requirements of said work. Any time and materials fees shall be invoiced by Contractor and City agrees to pay within a twenty (20) day net from date of receipt of said invoice. Such time and materials fees pertain to individual City and do not pertain to teiafination of the preclude forfeit of the Retainer fee sho:dd the overall ob 11 HAY 19 1998 03/27/98 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 I0 11 12 13 14 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 42 43 46 47 D. Employee Benefits Contnctor, as an independent Conu'actor, is not entitled to any benefits tTpically associated with tn employee such as medical, sick leave or ww..~on benefits. E. Reporting of'Activities Conu'actor agn~s to provide monthly written rcporu to City, ~t City's request, doctunenting all efforts undertaken that month, including but not limited to grants targeted, actual grants and other funding sources solicited, and grants received. Obligations of City A. Cooperation of City Staff, Agents, Employees and Sub-Contractors City agrees to comply with all reasonable requests of Contraetor and to provide access to pertinent documents necessary for Contractor to provide services under this AgreemenL Such pertinent documents include, but are not limited to, budget information, previously written proposals, background, research and other source docm'nents, demographic data, and review of proposal ch'aM. City understands the services offered and dcscn'bed in this Agreement are time-sensitive and City will comply with all informational requests by ensuring Contractor receives all reasonable requests for information within the time period agreed on terms as specified in this AgreemenL m City agrees to meet all obligations defined throughout this Agrec'menL City agrees that failure to meet these obligations may result in additional fees ts defined in Section IX of this Agreement, entitled "Delays Caused by City." City agrees to provide the "Reasonable Oppommi¥' ts defined in Section VI ofthi~ Agreement City agrees th.at, failure to provide a''Reasonable Op~~ as defined in Section .VI. ofthis Agreement shall result ~ guanmtee ts defined m Section VII of this Agreemelt No,_/_~t.~ [ _ p mi,= ! 2 3 6 7 $ 9 l! 12 t~ 16 I9 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 3! 32 33 34 35 36 3'7 38 39 4! 42 43 46 De City shall have the ri~t and opportunity to cure any' such material br~ach within the ten (10) day period. Termination fOr Convenience Both panics apee that either pazty may terminate this Agreement witho~ good cause by providing fifteen (15) days' written notice to the other party. .--- -.._._.._ e In the ca.~ of any termination, under this provision, either Section (0 or Section (ii) below shall apply. (i) Termination for Convenience prior to submission ora City approved Grant Application: In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to Contractor's submission ora City-approved grant application to a granting agency, Contractor shall surrender and return the fi~ll $S0,000 retainer fee to the City within ten (10) days of'Agreement termination. City agrees to pay Contractor within ten (10) days of Agreement termination, all fees, costs and expenses incurred from the point of execution to the date of termination at a cap not to exceed Sg0,000. The calculation of fees shall be calculated at a rate of $120 per hour ofwork documented by Contractor. (ii) Termination for Convenience after submission of Grant Application: In the event termination occm's on or after the date of submission of a City approved grant application, all terms and conditions regarding Contractor's compensation as defined herein shall be applicable. Miscellaneous Both parties agree that pending al~plications which require substantial modifications or changes by the City shall preclude any awards being subjected to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Both parties agree and understand that "substantial modifications or changes" must be r~luested by the funding sotm:e. The required modification response must be in excess of five pages. 15 AGENDA ITEM NAY 19 ! 2 4 9 tc) ~2 t4 t7 ~9 2O 2! 22 2~ 24 2~ :27 28 29 ~2 ~4 ~? 40 4! 42 4~ 4~ recommenc~tlons are based solely on the knowledge obtained through Contractor experiences. In no way shall these recommendations be considered as influential or having decision- making authority. The City accepts full respons~ility for acceptance or rejection of recommendations through the grant seeking and award process. Independent Contractor All sets of Con~, its agents, officers, subcontractors and employees and all others acting on b~half of Contr~tor relating to thc performance of this Agreement' shall be performed as independent Contractors and not ss agents, officers, subcontractors or emploYees of thc City. Contractor, by virtue of this Agreement' has no authority to bind or incur any obligation on behalf of the City, save and except to research, target and solicit funding for the City. Contractor has no authority or responsibility to exercise any fights or power vested in the City. It is understood by both the City and Contractor that this Agre~nnent shall not under any circumstances be construed or considered to create an employer- employee relationship or joint venture. Contractor, its agents, officers, subcontractors and employees are, at all times during the terms of this Agreement, shall represent and conduct themselves as independent Contractors and not as employees of the City. Contractor shall determine the method, details and means of performing the work and services to be provided by Contractor under this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible to City only for the requirements and results specified in this Agreement, and, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, shall not be subjected to the City's control with respect to the action or activities of Contractor in fulfillment of this AgrcernenC Contractor has control over the manner and means of performing services under this Agreement. As an independent Contractor, Contractor hereby indemnifies and holds City harmless from any and all claims that may be made against City based on any contention by third pa.,iy that an employer-employee relationship exists by reason of this Agreement. l? AGELYDA ITEM No.~ HAY 1 9 Igg8 I/ I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 lO 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2,1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 Contractor agrees that all materials, data and information produced or used in the execution of services associated with this Agreement may be reproduced or used outside this Agreement, for any reason, without prior written consent of the City. Conflict of Interest Contractor warrants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest wl'~ch would conflict With performance or services as defined in this AgreemenL Contractor further wanants that, in performance of this Agreement, Contractor shall not employ any person having such an interest. This clause in no way prohibits Contractor from performing similar services for other cities. No member, official or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Contractor, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City, or for any amount which may become due to the Contractor or successor or on any obligations under the terms of this Agreement. o The Contractor warrants that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, any third person any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement. No member, official, or employee of the City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any member, official, or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects their personal interests, the interests of this corporation, partnership or association in which they are directly or indirectly interested. Assignment Neither this Agreement nor any portion thereof may be sub- Agreemened or assigned without the express prior written consent of the City. City understands and agrees that Contractor uses and has maintained relationships with subcontractors who perform research and writing services. The City in no way intends to mandate the manner in which Contractor, as an independent conwactor, achieves the goals and outcomes set forth under this Agreement. 19 AGEI'JDA ITFM 6 9 I0 12 14 16 t? 18 ~9 2! 22 24 27 28 29 40 ,44 be This insurance s~ll indicztc on thc certificate of insurance thc following coverages sad indicate policy aggregate limit applying to: pr~'nisc md operations, broad t'orra A~eernentual, independent contractors and subcontractors, products md complied opershons, md/or professional liability. Automobile Liability Insurance Contractor shall procure ~d maintain, al its cost and for the duration of the Agreement motor vehicle liability insurance (including non-owned and hired motor vehicles) and excess liability inrar'~¢e asainst all claims for injuries against person or damages to property which may L,'ise from or in connection with the operation of motor vehicles by Contractor, Contractor's agents, r~reserttatives, employees or subcontractors in the course and scope of providing services to the City. Liability insurance shall minimally provide for coverase in amotmts of up to $75,000 property damage, SI 00,000 personal injury per person, tnd S300,000 personal injury per incident. The City., its officers, agents and employees, shall be named as additionally insurcds by endorsement on the policy. b. Ind~nnification Contractor shall defend, indemnify arid hold harmless the City of Naples, and its officers, officials, employees and agents fi.om and against all losses, claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries and judgments of eve .ry nature and description brou~t or recoverable against it or th~'n by reason of any negligent or willful act, error or omission related to or arising from the use by Contractor, its agents or employees during the terms of this Agreement of an automobile while on business related to this Agreement. P~r£ormance Bond Coniractor shall, at their own expense, secur~ a performance bond in the amount of $80,000 for the retainer fee in this Agreement. Said bond shall be maintained unlil funds are awarded to City which result from Contractor's efforts pursuant to this Agreement and which result in funds to City in excess of SI,O00,O00 for defined in Section III.C of this Agreement. 21 ~ XITL Signatures: 2 ~ Cit7 of N.~pl~ FL GGW&C, INC. 4 By: . By:. ~ Dr. Richm'd Woodruff, City Manascr lohn~,~ Griffin, Prcside~ Siinature Il 12 14 17 19 20 21 22 23 2~ Dste of Execution Attest of Legal Form: Date of~xeculion Attest to Form: City Counsel City Clerk Scal oft~e City: AGE~DA HAY 1 9 ~J8 ~ ~ .o'l~. ~ ,,, A~enda ltem~ A ~OLUTZO~ AUTHORIZING THE CITY I~NA~R TO ~~~Y ~ ~ ATTenD ~~, WZ~ ~&O, INC. (D~ ~ZN ~ ~ITZNG & ~~TIN0) ~ ~ZDE GGW&C, Inc. will not receive any compensation under this contract without meeting established performance standards and has provided the City with a Bond to protect the City's investment; and it is in ~he best interest of the City of Naples to pursue grants for funding of essential municipal services. NOW, THErEFOrE, ~ ZT ~SOLVED BY THE COURCZL OF THE CXTY OF NAPLES, FLORXDA: Section 1. That the City Manager is authorized to execute the above referenced agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, between the City of Naples and GGW&C, Inc. (DBA Griffin Grant Writing & Consulting) to pursue grants on behalf of the City. Sec,/on 2. This resolution shall take effect ~ediately upon adoption. PASSED IN OPEN AND REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY CO<JNCZL OF THE CXTY OF NAPLES, FLORIDA, THIS DAY OF . , 1998. Attest: ~ara A. Norman, City Clerk /~il~l-Harfison, Asst. City Manager Attachment P: ~resnev~040199grantreo Bill Barnett, Mayor Approved as to form and legality: AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF COUNTY COIVOMI$$IONER~ MISCELLANEOUS CORRF~PONDENCE I~Y 19, 1998 FOR BOARD ACTION: Dwi~t E. Brock, Clerk ofthe Ch, ctdt Court, Fiscal Year 1998/99 Budget. Don Hunter, SIm4ff, Certification of'Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1998-99. FIN 19 '~98 Pg. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE RETENTION OF OUTSIDE COUNSEL FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEMBERS AND A COUNTY EMPLOYEE IN THE CASE OF .lAMES K. KEISER AND SOUTHERN EXPOSURE OF NAPLES, INC. v. COLLIER COUNYY, ET AL. ~ That the Board of County Commissionen (hereinat~er "BCC") m~ider ~e Com~ A~'s ~~i~ m ~n ou~ide ~1 f~ def~ Colli~ ComW ~e E~o~t B~ ~~ "~"), ~e ~ m~ ~fl~ "M~b~") ~d Co~ ~I~ ~ M~ ~fl~ "Mo~") in ~ to ~ ~ ofJam~ K. K~ and S~th~ ~re of Napl~, Inc. v. ~llt~ ~n~, et aL, C~ No. 98-12~-~-25D. CONSIDERATIONS: On April 8, 1998, Collier County, as well as the individual members of the CE'B, to wit, Mireya Louviere, Cn:orge Ponte, Jim Allen, Fred Muller, Clifford Flegal, as well as Collier County employee Morad were named as defendants by James K. Keiser and Southern Exposure of Naples, Inc., in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Case No. 95-120-CIV-FTM-25D. In the three (3) count, twenty (20) page complaint, the plaintiffs allege various civil rights violations emanating from the decision of the CEB which required Southern Exposure of Naples, Inc. to obtain a conditional use permit for the activities engaged in by said plaintiffs, specifically, nude sunbathing. At the time the complaint was served, it was determined by the County Attorney's Office that due to the potential for a conflict of interest, the County Attorney would file a responsive pleading on behalf of the County only, and not for the above named co-defendants. As a consequence thereof and in accordance with Collier County Resolution No. 95-632, the County Attorney's Office is, with the concurrence of the Risk Management Department, recommending that the BCC authorize the retention of outside counsel and payment of legal fees and necessary costs for the individual defendants named in this lawsuit. Staff believes that retention of one attorney to represent the CEB and its member~ and one other attorney to represent County employee Morad will be sufficient to prevent the development ora conflict of interest. Pending formal approval by the BCC, th~ County Attomeles Office and the Risk Management Department administered the competitive selection of counsel for the co-defendants and recommend David E. Bryant, Esq. and Roetzel & Andress through Richard D. Yovanovich, Esq. to represent Morad and CEB. The terms of the representation with respect to fees have been negotiated by the Risk Management Department and reduced to two standard written agreements which have been included in this agenda package. FISCAL IMPACT: The duration and scope of the litigation is unknown and therefore it is impossible to predict with any precision the amount of legal fees and necessary costs that may be incurred. The hourly rate of compensation for the named outside counsel r~¢ Legal Services A~ents. Payment of legal f~s and necessary costs shall b~ made fi-om the Property and Casualty Fund, that is Fund No. 516.121650-945200. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Not applicable. That pursuant to Collier County Resolution No. 95-632 ami this I~:COMM~NDATION: · - .... ' fees F_.rpo~a~ of ]~ap~, Ina v. Collter County, et. al., Case, No. 9~..l~O.4.;iv-r llv~-z;~t~, lz~cu mu. United Sm DisUict Coral for the Middle District of Florida mi that the BCC authorize the Chainnsn to sign the Agreements. PREPARED REVIEWED ~ S. Pivacek Assistant County Attorney Chief Assistant County Attorney REVIEWED BY: ~. _.~!~~ ~-f~ Walker, Director Risk Management APPROVED BY: County Atlomey Date: Date: ~r'.- /f-- ¢~ AOENDA ~Elt~, '~ No. ) THIS LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is entered into between the Board of County Commissioners (hereina[ter refe~ed to as the · Board' and/or 'County') and the law firm of David E. Bryant, P.A. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Firm') on May 26, 1998. WITNESSETH: V~IERBAS, David E. Bryant, Esq., of the Firm, during his employment with said Firm has in the past been responsible for the representation of Collier County regarding numerous lawsuits. alleging civil rights violations; WHERBAS, Collier County employee Ed Morad has been individually named as a defendant in the lawsuit styled James K. Keiser & Southern Exposure of Naples, Inc., v. Collier County, eC al., Case No. 98-120-CIV-FTM-25D; %VHEP~AS, the County Attorney and the Risk Management Director have determined that the interests of Collier County and County employee Ed Morad will be better served if the Firm, by and through David E. Bryant, Esq., advisor is approved as legal AG£NpA.__tl~ and representative for County employee Ed Norad in connection with any legal issues or litigation that have arisen or may arise in the defense of County eml~loyee Ed Norad in the lawsuit styled James K. Keiser & Southern Exposure of Naples, Inc., v. Collier County, et al.; NO%V, TH~FO~{]~, the County and the Firm, in consideration of the premises and covenants contained herein, mutually agree as follows: A. Pursuant to the representation of County employee Ed Norad, the Firm shall prepare all legal documents, correspondence and attend all negotiations, settlement conferences, mediations, court hearings and any trial necessary arising out of or relating in any way to the defense of County employee Ed Norad regarding the lawsuit entitled James K. Keiser & Southern Exloosure of Naples, Inc., v. Collier County, e~ al. B. The Firm, by and through David E. Bryant, is hereby retained by the County for employee Ed Norad in all matters relating to any meetings, negotiations, mediations, settlements or court proceedings arising out of or relating in any way to the lawsuit entitled James K. Keiser & Southern EXlOosure of Naples, Inc., v. Collier Coun=y, e= al. · ¢. A statement or invoice for legal services and direct costs incurred by counsel shall be billed to the Collier County Risk Management Department on a monthly basis. Ail invoices shall contain, as a minimum, the following information: (X) The proper name of the payee as it appears in the Agreement; 2) The date of the invoice; and (3) The description of services and the time period in which billable services were rendered. Ail payments and the resolution of any disputes regarding such payments are subject to and shall be processed in accordance with S 218.70, Fla. $~a~., otherwise known as ,The Florida Prompt Payment Act.' D. The Firm shall be solely responsible to parties with whom it shall deal in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and shall not subcontract its responsibilities to the Board and Mr. Morad under this Agreement. Counsel shall carry Lawyer's professional Liability insurance in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($~00,000) per occurrence. An insurance certificate evidencing this Lawyer's Professional Liability insurance requirement shall be tendered to the Risk Management Department within fifteen (15) execution of this Agreement. Current, valid insurance days of the date of final policy (ies) meeting the requirement herein identified shall be maintained during the duration of this Agreement. Renewal certificates shall be sent to the County thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date(s) on any such policy(les). There shall be thirty (30) day notification to the Board in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. E. The Firm shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold the Board and its officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, professional fees, including attorney fees, and all costs of litigation and Judgments, whether at the trial or appellate levels, arising out of any willful or intentional misconduct, negligent acts or error or omission of the Firm, its subconsultants, subcontractors, agents or employees, arising out of or incidental to the performance of this Agreement or work performed thereunder, including any claim or claima brought against Collier County, its officers, employees or agents by any employee of the Firm, any subconsultants, subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The Firm's obligation under this provision shall not be limited in any way by the agreed upon total contract lindt of, or parties fee specified in this Agreement or the counsel's lack of, sufficient insurance protection. The agree that one percent (1%) of the total co~ the Firm for performance of services authorized by this Agreement is specific consideration for counsel's indemnification of the County. F. This Agreement shall be administered on behalf of Collier County by the Risk Management Department in coordination with the Office of the County Attorney. G. The Firm agrees to obtain and pay for all permits and licenses necessary for the conduct of its business and agrees to comply with all laws governing the responsibility of an employer with respect to persons employed by the Firm. The Firm shall also be solely responsible for payment of any and all taxes levied on the Firm. rules, regulations and In addition, the Firm shall comply with all laws of Collier County, the State of Florida, or the U. S. Government now in force or hereafter adopted. H. Either party may terminate this Agreement for convenience with a minimum of forty-five (45) days written notice to the other party. The parties shall deal with each other in good faith during the forty-five (45) day period after any notice of intent to terminate for convenience has County reserves the right to terminate immediately, for cause, upon written notice to the Firm. been given. The this Agreement $~.oo pursuant, to this Agreemen=. IN WITI c, SS WHEREOF, The Board hereby agrees to pay the Firm at the rate of per hou~ aa compensation £or legal services rendered the Board and the Fi~m have each, respectively, b~ an authorized person or agent, hereunder set thei~hands and seals on the date and yea~ ii,st above mitten. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT £. BROC~ Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONI/~ OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ S. Pivscck By: BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman Approved By: Seffrey Walker, Director, Risk Management DAVID £. BRYANT, P. A. (1) By: (2) 6 LEGAL SEHVICES A~REEHENT BETWEEN BOARD OF COUNTY ~COMNTS~IONEH.~ AND I~OET~.EL & ~ND~SS THIS LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is entered into between the Board of County eo~,,isaioners (hereinafter referred to as the · Board' and/or 'County") and £oetzel & Andress (hereinafter referred to as the 'Firm') on May 26, 1998. WITNESSETH: %V}~R~AS, Richard D. Yovanovich, Esq., an associate of the Firm, during his employment with said Firm and pursuant to a contract of the Firm with the County, is responsible for the representation of the Collier County Code Enforcement Board at its regular meetings; and V~HE~AS, the Collier county Code Enforcement Board members have been individually named as defendants in the lawsuit styled James K. Ketser & Southern Exposure of Naples, Inc., v. Collier County, et al., Case No. 98-120-CIV-FTM-25D; V~RJ~AS, the County Attorney and the £isk Management Director have determined that the interests of the County and the Code Enforcement Board will be better served if the Firm, by and through Richard D. Yovanovich, Esq., is approved as a legal advisor and representative for the Code Enforcement Board members in connection with any legal issues or litigation that have arisen or may arise in the lawsuit styled James K. Ketser & Southern Ezl~sure of Naples, Inc., v. Collier County, et al.; NOIV, TH R POR , the County and the Firm, in consideration of the premises and covenants contained herein, mutually agree as follows: A. members, the correspondence At the direction of the Code Firm shall prepare all legal and attend all negotiations, Enforcement Board documents, settlement conferences, mediations, court hearings and any trial necessary arising out of or relating in any way to the defense of the Code Enforcement Board members regarding the lawsuit entitled James K. Ketser & Southern Exposure of Naples, Inc., v. Collier County, et al. B. The Firm by and through Richard D. Yovanovich is hereby retained by the Board to represent the Code Enforcement Board members in all matters relating to any meetings, negotiations, mediations, settlements or court proceedings arising out of or relating in any way to the lawsuit entitled James K. Ketser & Southern Exposure of Naples, Inc., v. Collier County, et al. c. A statement or invoice for legal services and direct costs incurred by counsel shall be billed to the Collier County Risk Management Department on a monthly basis. All invoices shall contain, as a minimum, the following information: (1) The proper name of the payee as it appears in the Agreement~ 2) The date of the invoice; and (3) The description of services and the time period in which billable services were rendered. All payments and the resolution of any disputes regarding such payments are subject to and shall be processed in accordance with S 218.70, Fla. $=a=., otherwise known as ,The Florida Prompt Payment Act.' D. The Firm shall be solely responsible to parties with whom it shall deal in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and shall not subcontract its responsibilities to the Board and the Code Enforcement Board members under this Agreement. Counsel shall carry Lawyer's professional Liability insurance in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per occurrence. An insurance certificate evidencing this Lawyer's professional Liability insurance requirement shall be tendered to the Risk Management Department within fifteen (15) days of the date of final execution of this Agreement. Current, valid insurance policy(les) requirement herein identified shall be maintained meeting the 1998 during the duration of this Agreement. shall be sent to the County thirty {30) Renewal certificates days prior to the expiration thi~y (30) cancellation coverage. date(s) on any such policy(les). There shall be day notification to the Board in the event of or modification of any stipulated insurance The Firm shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold the Board and its officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, professional fees, including attorney fees, and all costs of litigation and Judgments arising out of any willful or intentional misconduct, negligent acts or error or omission of the Firm, its subconsultants, subcontractors, agents or employees, arising out of or incidental to the performance of this Agreement or work performed thereunder, including any claim or claims brought against Collier County, its officers, employees or agents by any employee of the Firm, any subconsultants, subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The Firm's obligation under this provision shall not be limited in any way by the agreed upon total contract fee specified in this Agreement or the counsel's limit of, or lack of, sufficient insurance protection. The parties agree that one percent (1%} of the total compensation to the Firm for performanc~ 4 authorized by this Agreement is specific consideration for counseL,s indemnification of the County. F. This Agreement shall be administered on behalf of Collier County by the Risk Management Department in coordination with the Office of the County Attorney. G. The Firm agrees to obtain and pay for all permits and licenses necessary for the conduct of its business and' agrees to comply with all laws governing the responsibility of an employer with respect to persons employed by the Firm. The Firm shall also be solely responsible for payment of any and all taxes levied on the Firm. In addition, the Firm shall comply with all rules, regulations and laws of Collier County, the State of Florida, or the U. S. Government now in force or hereafter adopted. H. Either party may terminate this Agreement for convenience with a minimum of forty-five {45) days written notice to the other party. The parties shall deal with each other in good faith during the forty-five (45) day period after any notice of intent to terminate for convenience has been given. The County reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately, for cause, upon written notice to the Firm. AGENDA ITEM. I. The Board hereby agrees to pay the Firm at the rate of $125.00 per hour as compensation for legal services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. ~rITN~S W~'[EP~EOF, the Board and the Firm have each, respect£vely, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date and year first above written. DATED: ATT~T: DWIGHT £. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Ai~,-o~ed as ~o form smd lei*! sulBcie~y: ~e S. p,v~ck A~mm C~ ^twrn~ By: BARBARA B. BERRY, Ch~rman Approved By: Jeffrey Walker, Director, Risk Managemcnt ROETZEL & ANDRESS O) Si~am~ By: (2) $i~natu~ Pnn~d.~T)q~d Tillc 6