2002/2003 1)-49)100 County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: PATRICIA M DEPUTY CLERK = RECEIPT: 38J.7580 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- NAME: PAYOR: REFNC: KAREN K. BISHOP KAREN BISHOP LOBBYIST 25.00 PLM DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 PNIS, Inc. of Wetples 6 4'1,00 Project N1emetge...ent Services September 26, 2003 Collier County Minutes and Records Department 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Please find enclosed a $25.00 check, #7016 for Karen Bishop's Lobbyist Renewal. If any additional information is needed please do not hesitate to let us know and it will be sent immediately. Sincerely, a>;;~/ .' ~ Il) ~ " ) I/u;, . U ;!'1/~ 1?,~~ /L Christina Fridley - / ) Office Manager U 2335 Tet""'''''; Tr..i1 N., Ste 408, Net pies, l=t 34103 239'435'9080e"t. 4 239'435,9082 I.." "B- LW100 COLLIER COUfi".l'x 3301 T~miami 'Trail East M__'._ F,'.nrida 34112 .L"lat".........~, ~O~~D OF COUNTY COMMISS~ONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM 11A.1YlE I~ (en ~. Bi6hDp DATE_II~ BUSIUESS l'.DDRE!::S 'Pm~, :I.(l(!.. of Ja.pes .~ 23.Tl ~ICUDi C4YvL /rG.i I tJ: qat ~.~~JOcS NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPREs~rrED: 1) ~e amch er::l shcc::,--j--, 2) ATTACH ADDITIONJl..L SHEETS AS MA ignature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing~gistration(Was swoFn to a~~~s~ed befol).m~_on this the Ii}, day of IUOV'f'.fl-De.' o;v'1Sy e./) IC. /5f1Vp, who is p_rRnnallv known to me or who has produced .. i..nt:::c~~~~.th Deputy rk . ary Public Please Notel 1; Failure to renew this registration by the renewa1 date of october l't will result in ~hB placemen~ of ~his registrant on a .sta~us unknown" 11.t. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a -Lobbyist Withdrawal" fo~ must be filed with the Clerk ~o the Board. 3j Annual ~.gistration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22 PMS, Inc. of Naples Project Management Services LOBBYIST REPRESENTATION Alex Pulling Temple Citrus Grove 6500 Airport Pulling Road North Naples, FL 34109 Krehling Industries, Inc. 1425 E. Wiggins Pass Road Naples, FL 34110 John McMullen 2103 E. Newark Road Lapeer, MI 48446 Royal Palm Builders 5811 Pelican Bay Blvd. #208 Naples, FL 34108 Carlton Lakes 6025 Carlton Lakes Blvd. Naples, FL 34110 Vanderbilt Partners II L TO 5551 Ridgewood Drive #203 Naples, FL 34108 Mirasol Development LLC 6025 Carlton Lakes Blvd. Naples, FL 34110 Vanderbilt Partners, L TO 5551 Ridgewood Drive #203 Naples, FL 34108 NTC Development L TO 6025 Carlton Lakes Blvd. Naples, FL 34110 Kenco Development, Inc. 8610 Pebblebrooke Drive Naples, FL 34119 Nicaea Academy 2200 Santa Barbara Boulevard Naples, FL 34116 Signature Communities 5551 Ridgewood Drive, #203 Naples, FL 34108 Saundry & Associates 8610 Pebblebrooke Drive Naples, FL 34119 John Soave, Inc. 2043 Trade Center Way Naples, FL 34109 Pebblebrooke Lakes 8610 Pebblebrooke Drive Naples, FL 34119 John Jassy 895 Turtle Ct Naples, FL 34108 2335 Tamiami Trail N. - Suite 408 . Naples FL 341 03/ (941) 435-9080 x3 - Fax (941) 435-9082 ~~ LOBBYIST REPRESENTATION - PG 2 Buckley Enterprises 7501 Airport Pulling Rd. N. Naples, FL 34109 Olen Development Corporation 1062 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs, FL 33071 Mike Taylor Team Synervision 950 N. Collier Blvd. #402 Marco Island, FL 34145 Vanderbilt Beach Motel, Inc. 9225 Gulf Shore Drive Naples, FL 34108 N. Naples Fire Department 1441 Pine Ridge Rd Naples, FL 34109 2335 Tamiami Trail N. - Suite 408 - Naples FL 34103/ (941) 435-9080 x3 - Fax (941) 435-9082