May l,2O77
Naples, Florida
tET lf BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory
committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M.in awoRKtNG SEsSTON at 3299 TamiamiTrail East, Building F,5'h Floor,
Training Room, Naples, Florida, with the followinB Members present:
Steve Hruby, Chair
lohn Cowan
Mary Waller
Litha Berger
Denise Murphy
Joseph Schmitt
Carlos Portu
Taylor McLaughlin
Kristi Bartlett
Christina Apostolidis
ALso PRESENT:Kim Grant, Director - Community and Human Services
Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS
Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services
Cormac Giblin - Senior Housing & Grants Coordinator
Kris Van LenSen - Growth ManaSement
Elly McKuen - Capital Project Planning
PubIic PRESENT:Barbara Melvin - FFI Bank
1. C.AtrToOioER
Steve Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m. and read the procedures to be observed during the
meeting. He led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Rou CAU - CoMMrrrrE MEMBERS arD SrAFF
six members were in attendance, therefore a quorum was established
3. AppRovAr. oF AGEI{DA ar{D Mr urEs
The motion was made to approve the agenda by Litha Berger and was seconded by Mary waller. The
group voted 6{ to approve the agenda.
b. Mary Waller made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting ofApril 3, 2017 and Denise
Murphy seconded. The Broup unanimously approved with a vote of 64.
4. lxFoRMAnorA[ mMs
b. Stakeholder Update - The stakeholder group has been divided into 7 subcommittees. Each is
working on one or more of 27 recommendations we received from the ULl. They found out that
many of the items are inter-related.
Housing Plan Phase 2 - Consultants are being resourced to tackle three ofthe items including linkaSe
fees, community land trust and inclusionary zoning. The plan should be done in September. Steve
Hruby feels that the RFP should be broadened. Joe Schmitt said that the term "smart zoning" is way
too broad. Kris Van Lengen from zoning wants to dovetail his plan for the Golden Gate and rural
fringe area. Tindale Oliver will be asked to consult on the impact fee issue and looking to see if
impact fees could be modified in activity centers throughout the county.
d. HUD released the new 2017 Fair Market Rents. There has been an increase by 14% in their numbers.
5. Puouc CoMMEl{r
There were no requests for public comment.
6. DEcussox mMs Ar{o Pf,EsErr^nors
Jason Rummer spoke to the group regarding the Quarterly Apartment Survey and the AHAC Housing
Model. He said we have not yet Botten new numbers from NABOR. He is looking into nonrommunity
housing such as property privately owned and will bring the information to the next meeting.
b. Cormac reviewed a listing of county owned properties that were put together by staff at Commissioner
Taylo/s request. All the Commissioners agreed to use county owned property for housing that is
affordable. There are 8 properties that looked promising. The question was also asked about using a
portion of the larger lots for housing. Steve said that maybe standards need to be changed to incorporate
housing affordability. Kris Van Lengen said that his community outreach period is concluding and
currently the estates are not zoned for multi-family units. He said the area at Collier Blvd and Vanderbilt
geach is perfect for housing for workers. Elly McKuen told the group that Dale Ackerman has some
property for sale at the corner ofThomason and Bayshore that could be used for housing.
c.Possible expansion of the pro.iection model - A discussion was had regarding the number of units we need
to lower the percentage of residents that are cost burdened. We could use this approach to take to the
Commissioners. Joe Schmitt asked if we should look at the developer process on how much money and
time could be saved. Nick Kouloheras will present regarding how much money could be removed from
the cost of a unit and what we can do to make the cost go down. The projects still need to be doable by
the builders. Denise Murphy motioned and .,oe Schmitt seconded that Kim take the cost burdened idea to
the Board. The group voted 6{.
a. Cormac told the Broup that Commission Taylor was approached by Vescor who told her that they
have identified a site where they would liketobuild apartments. They wou ld have a total of 108
units and 32 would be affordable. They also stated that the percentage of affordable could increase
if the county would increase density numbers or if the county would put in some money.
Meetint: June 5, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
Locatlon: 56 Floor TraininS Room, Admlnistratlon (Bullding F) located at 32E Tamlami Trall East,
Housrt6 ADvtsoRY
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
OR "os omended l).
201-7 , " os submitted LA
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meetinB was adjourned at 9:47 a.m. after
being motioned by Joe Schmitt, seconded by John cowan and havinS a final vote of 6{.