AHAC Minutes 04/03/2017tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory
Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a [{OR(UV6 SESSTON at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 5'h Floor,
Training Room, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present:
Present:Steve Hruby, Chair
Taylor McLaughlin, vice-Chair
Christina Apostolidis
John Cowan
Mary waller
Litha Berger
Denise Murphy
Kristi Bartlett
ioseph Schmitt
Carlos Portu
AISO PRESENT:Kim Grant, Director - Community and Human Services
Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS
Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services
Cormac Giblin - Senior HousinS & Grants Coordinator
Kris Van LenSen - Growth Management
PubIic PRESENT:Barbara Melvin - FFI Bank
1. Crlrro ORoER
Vice-Chair Taylor Mclaughlin called the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m. and read the procedures to be observed
during the meeting. she led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Rou cal'r-CoMM]mE MEMBSRS aro Sr FF
All members were in attendance, therefore a quorum was established.
a. The motion was made to approve the agenda by John Cowan and was seconded by Litha Eerger. The
group voted 10{ to approve the agenda.
b. Mary Waller made a motion to approve the minutes from the meetin8 of March 6, 2017 and .,ohn
cowan seconded. The Sroup unanimously approved with a vote of 10{.
Naples, Florida
Cormac told the group that Chairman Hruby had asked that the Advisory Board attendance policy be
reviewed. According to the Code of Ordinances that Sovern all Advisory Boards for the County, a member
can't be absent for more than half of the meetings or have 2 consecutive unexcused absences during any
fiscal year. The attendance recap spreadsheet was reviewed and Steve asked that the attendance be
reviewed on a quarterly basis. Cormac said he will put it on the agenda.
5. PuBuc CoMMErr
There were no requests for public comment
6. D6cus5lo mMsAtlD PRBErrAno s
Review ofAHAc applicants for the vacant seat. The group reviewed the applications ofScott Kish, ll and
Maurice Cossairt. Mr. Kish is currently in the construction business and Mr. Cossairt is currently in the
real estate business, but does have his contracto/s license. The group discussed the qualilications and
thouSht that Mr. Kish would better understand what it would take to build desirable and marketable
housing in our community. Joe Schmitt motioned to send a recommendation to the BCC to appoint Mr.
Kish to the Affordable HousinB Advisory Committee. Mary waller seconded the motion. The group voted
1GO to approve.
b. Cormac led the discussion regarding the Community Housing Plan. He reviewed what happened at the
last Stakeholders Meeting. Members selected a group to join out ofseven functional areas of
deliverables, made plans for future meetings, assigned duties and identified ifthey needed outside
resources. The schedule was outlined for the process: April would be to study the issues; in May, an
outline will be prepared with recommendations; June will be the month that draft recommendations will
for formulated; these will be finalized in July, presented to the AHAC in August and taken to the BCC in
September. The recommendations will state whether this is already being done, it's not for Collier or if
ifs a great idea. Nick Kouloheras, the chairman of the Stakeholde/s Committee will attend the AHAC
meetings to keep the Sroup updated oftheir pro8ress. The recommendations will be sent to the AHAC in
luly so that the AHAC members have time to review them before the actual presentations in August. Kim
told the group that the U Ll report is in-house and is being reviewed. She said the report contains more
detailed information regarding the core items. lt will be forwarded to all members when it is available for
c. Jason Rummer reviewed the Reasonably Priced Dwelling Units report. The vacancy rate dropped to 97%
from the 1OO% occupancy rate for last time. Kristi Bartlett asked ifJason could find outthe average rental
price for all apartments. carlos Portu asked if we could get the dollar amount for single family homes and
condos in addition to apartments. He said that perhaps we could get rental property owners to register
their properties with a tax incentive. Jason said he would research and get the information to the group
at the next meeting. Kim suggested that he do some investiSation in the Shemberg reports. Jason said he
will get in contact with Seneral associations. Jason willalso contact GMD and find out how many
affordable housing units are currently being built. Discussion was made regarding minimum square
footage. Kris Van Lengen stated that there is an 80O sq. ft. minimum.
4, ll{fonMATtoMt mMs
d. cormac reviewed the draft definitions with the group. He said that because the term "affordable
housing,, is so confusin& we needed to develop somethinS that was more standard so that it could be
easily Understood and was consistent. He reviewed the general definitions and said this was an
introduction of "lncome Restrictd Aflordable DwellinB Units" and "Unrestricted Reasonable Priced
Market Rate Owner Occupied Dwelling Units". This hasbeen in process for awhile, butwas puton hold
duringtheULl engagement. The group also talked about the total cost of home ownership also includes,
HOA fees, taxes, insurance and utilities. Cormac said hewill refine the document and brin8 it back to the
AHAC next month.
NErI MEm.{G:
Meeting: May 1, 8:30 a.m.
Location: sth Floor TraininB Room, Administration (Buildlnt F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trall East,
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned at 9:41 a.m. after
being motioned by Oenise Murphy, seconded by Carlos Portu Berger and having a final vote of 10-0.
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
OR "os omendet Ll.
2017, 'os submittet IXI