February 6,2017
Naples, Florida
Present:Steve Hruby, chair
Taylor Mclaughlin, Vice-Chair
Christina Apostolidis
John Coruan
Mary waller
Litha Berger
Denise Murphy
Kristi Bartlett
Joseph Schmitt
Carlos Portu
Atso PRESENT:Kim Grant, Director - Community and Human Services
Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS
Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services
Cormac Giblin - Senior Housing & Grants coordinator
Nick Kouloheras was invited as Chairman of the StakeholdeB Committee
PubIic PRESENT 6eorge Oanz - Riviera Golf Estates
Sally Luken - Lukens Solutions
Barbara Melvin - FFI Bank
1. C^u"ro ORDER
Chairman Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. Mr. Hruby read the procedures to be observed
during the meeting.
2. Rou Ca[ - CoMM]rrEE MEMEEnS A DSr rF
Eight members were in attendance, therefore a quorum was established.
3. AppRov^r, of AGE]lo arD Mtt{urEs
The motion was made to accept the agenda by Litha Berger and was seconded by Mary Waller. The
group voted 8-0 to approve the agenda.
b. John Cowan made the motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of January 9, 2017 and Litha
Berger seconded. The group unanimously approved with a vote of8{.
IET 1T BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory
Committee met on this date at 8:30 A. M.in a UORKING SESSTON at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 5'h Floor,
Training Room, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present:
4. llrFORMATrOr{Ar mMS
There were no requests for public comment
6. DEcussro mMs ano PREsEirrAnols
a. Review of AHAC applicants for the vacant set.
1. The group reviewed the applications of Tiffany Evans, Lauren Melo and Richard Lavariere.
Ms. Evans had management and customer service experience; Ms. Melo is involved in real
estate and Mr. Lavariere is an attorney. After discussion, it was decided that none of the
current applicants had the qualifications for the "labor engaged in home buildingl'
backSround necessary for the open position.
Cormac told the group that the Chair ofthe ULI told the Board the panel defined the problem and
said that the time is right for action and implementation. lt's time to do something to fix the problem
before we get into a crisis. The ULI Bave the BCC many suggestions of things they can do to help ease
the burden. They stated that we have many things already on the book so we don't have to reinvent
the wheel. we need to take what we have and enhance or expand the programs. They mentioned
density bonus, impact fee deferral, housing density, fast tracking applications and zoning incentives.
Some of these need to be dusted off and made more desirable. Secondly, they talked about rezoning
and making every new development address the housing demand that it creates. lnclusionary zoning
and community land trust was also discussed. They suggested that the housing be built next to the
.iobs and near transportation. They said the entire zoning code should be looked at to allow
affordable housing in rehab areas. Additionally, they suggested a revamp ofthe approval process -
possibly a 7 member committee with the extra 2 Commissioners being "at large" or a simple majority
vote instead of a super-majority. Many developers were asking for certainty in the develop process.
They suggested a smart code that would have multiple codes - different codes for different scenarios.
A central database was mentioned for all vacancies and properties that can be shared with other
agencies throuBhout the county.
We need to give the BCC a list of some short term things to work on - things that can be done
quickly. Later on wecan revisit and talk about things like reworking the land development code. We
also need to find out what the Board will absolutely not do so we don't waste time working on
options that will not be passed. lt was suggested that the AHAC work on the vision statement. Kim
said she would talk to the County Manager about the AHAC taking on that project.
b. Steve Hruby led the discussion regarding the ULI Housing presentation. He commended the staff on
their hard work in preparing for the ULI visit, planning the bus tour route and for the preparation of
the book that the ULI used as reference material. He thought the Board of County Commissioners
was very receptive to the presentation and wants to move forward. He stated that he feels the
window is open to move forward with the agenda and feels we need to move while the iron is hot.
The BCCwantsto move forward as quickly as possible. The County Managerwill be trying to set-up a
workshop to openly discuss the suggestions that were Siven by the ULl. The possible dates would be
2/24 or 317- steve asked that as many of the AHAC members as possible attend the workshop. we
will let everyone know the date as soon as it is determined.
sally Luken, a consultant regarding affordable housing told the group that she would like the
opportunity to share her knowledge on the subject. She said she would send some information to
steve Hruby and Kim Grant.
Meeting: March 5, 8:30 a.m.
Location: 56 Floor TralnlnS Room, Administation (Bulldint F) located at 3299 Tamlaml Trall East.
Stephen H
2017, "os submitted' L)
There being no further business for the Sood ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned at 9:36 a.m. after
being motioned by Mary waller, seconded by Utha Berger and having a final vote of 10-0.
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
oR "os omended' L).
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