AHAC Minutes 01/09/2017MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING AOVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A. M.in a WORKTNG SESSION at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Buildin8 F, 5th Floor, Training Room, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Steve Hruby, Chair Taylor McLauShlin, Vice.chair Christina Apostolidis John Cowan Mary waller l-itha Berger Joseph Schmitt Denise Murphy Carlos Portu Kristi Bartlett Excused:None Absent: None ALSO PRESENT:Kim Grant, Director - Community and Human Services Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS .lason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public services Cormac Giblin - Senior Housing & Grants Coordinator (ris Van Lengen - Growth Management Andrew Solis - Collier County Commissioner District 2 Public PRESENT: 1. Cauro ORoER Chairman Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. Mr. Hruby read the procedures to be observed during the meeting. 2. Rou. Cau - CoMMT|.rEE MEMBERSATD STArF Ten members were in attendance, therefore a quorum was established. 3. AppRovAL of AGENoA At{D Mll{urEs a. The motion was made to accept the agenda by TaYlor McLaughlin and was seconded bY Denise Murphy. The Sroup voted 1GO to approve the agenda. January 9, 2017 Naples, Florida George Danz - Riviera Golf Estates Robin white Donald Labine b. Litha Berger made the motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of December 5, 2016 and Taylor McLaughlin seconded. The group unanimouslY approved with a vote of 10{. 4. II{FORMATIONAL mMS 5. PUBUCCoMMEi.I There were no requests for public comment. 5. DlscussroN mMsaxD pREsEirAro s a. Cormac took the lead at reviewing the ULI Panel ltems. The invitations for save the dates for the ULI reception and presentation have been sent out. The individual interview invitations will be sent out by the end of the day. Cormac asked the group for any additional names of those who would be good interview candidates. Steve Hruby stressed the importance of getting a variety of opinions. 7 2. Cormac asked the group for suggestions for points of interest to be included in the route for theULl bustour. On Sunday they will tou r the Western regions and the districts of Commissioners Fiala and Taylor. Monday will be for the Eastern areas such as lmmoka lee, Golden Gate, Ave Maria, etc. which are the districts of Commissioners Mcoaniel, Solis and Saunders. Taylor McLaughlin suSgested that they go North at rush hour to see all the cars comingSouth. Kristi Bartlett suggested that they drive through Lake Park. Shesaidschool enrollment is down because the families who want to live there are not able to because of rising home costs. Cormac went through the table of contents and the information put into the briefing book. He said that the 2016 collier County Economic, Demographic and Community Profile that was created by the Growth Management Department was also included. He then asked for a volunteer who would read and proofthe entire briefing book for the ULl. Marywaller volunteered to do so. 4. Thesurveywas reviewed bytheSroupand somechangeswere made. Cormactoldthe group that the survey will also be reviewed at the Stakeholders meeting this afternoon, along with any suggested changes. The survey will be available on-line and in paper form at the ULI reception. Michelle Arnold volunteered to collect surveys at the CATtransport stations. Kim Grant told the group that the Stakeholders initiated the survey and wanted to make it generic enough for anyone to fill out. They will distribute them to their employees and other groups of interest in addition to being on-line. ln addition, the Naples Daily News has been supplied with much information concerning the study. 5. Marketing Plan - ln addition to the stakeholders spreading the word, there was a meeting with the Naples Daily News informing them ofthe process. Kate Albers, our representative from the Public lnformation Office will write an editorial and submit it to Alan Bartlett thc editorial editor. Also, a special webpage will be created containinS all of the information available reSarding the subject. Ourmain webpage will havea banner announcing the survey and an electronic link. This should all be complete by the end of the week. 3 2 b. Cormac told the group that the HUD Entitlement funding round has been announced and the application will be available Friday on-line. Applications must be received by March 1d and individual presentations will be done on March 29-30. Taylor Mclaughlin was appointed as a member of the Application review and Ranking Commlttee. This year we will have approx. 52M in CDBG, S500,0O0 in HOME and S150,000 in ESG to distribute. 7. ADJOURT{ There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adiourned at 9:36 a.m. after being motioned by John cowan, seconded by Litha Berger and having a final vote of 10{. I{sr MEmrG: Meetint: February 6,8:30 a,m, Location: 5th Floor Training Room, Admlnistration (Buildln8 Fl located at 329!t Tamiami Trall East. HoUSI G ADVISoRY =/vl n ,2077 , "os submitted' l)The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on oR "os omended' L} l CoUNIY Stephen )