Immokalee MSTU Minutes 03/29/2017 .xi a ry�x<<.a.v i•it :fae.;.F
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Meeting of the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee Board on March 29,
750 South 5th Street, Immokalee,FL
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.
The meeting was called to order by Cherryle Thomas, MSTU Chair at 8:35 AM.
C. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Advisory Committee Members Present:
Cherryle Thomas,Bill Deyo,Norma Garcia and Andrea Halman
Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
Chief Paul Anderson Jr.
Others Present:
Armando Yzaguirre, Dan Novakovich, Harry Sells, Bill Ten Eyck, Joseph Brister and Maria
Dej esus.
Staff: James Sainvilus, Christie Betancourt,Michelle Arnold and Terry Rosalez.
D. Introductions. All board members and the members of the public introduced themselves.
E. Approval of Agenda.
James Sainvilus presented agenda to the board for approval. Agenda was approved with no
Action:Mr. Bill Deyo made a motion for the MSTU to approve the Agenda with no modifications. Ms.
Norma Garcia seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 4-0.
F. Approval of Minutes
1. February 15, 2017 MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting(Enclosure 1)
James Sainvilus presented minutes to the board for approval. Minutes were approved with
no changes.
Action:Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve the minutes for the February 15, 2017 MSTU
Advisory Committee Meeting with no correction. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bill Deyo
and the minutes were approved by unanimous vote. 4-0.
G. Announcements.
1. Communications Folder
Staff reviewed the communications folder with the board and members of the public.
2. Public Comment speaker slips
Staff reiterated the public 3 minute speaker slip policy. The board will give more
time if deemed necessary.
3. Celebrate Immokalee Festival March 24, 25 &26,2017
Staff provided event flyer to all present.
4. CRA/MSTU Workshop—April 4,2017 at 9:00 am BCC Chambers
Staff invited all the board members and members of the public to attend the annual
5. CRA Annual Report
Staff presented board and members of the public the final Annual Report.
6. Lipman 5k April 22,2017
Staff provided event flyer to all present.
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7. CRA Executive Director
Staff announced that Michelle Arnold will no longer be the Director for the CRA.
An Executive Director will be hired to oversee both the Immokalee CRA and the
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA and possibly a third newly created CRA. County
staff is currently in the process of taking in applications for the positions. Staff will
let the board know when the transition occurs.
H. MSTU New Business
1. Hydropoint Presentation-Cherryle Thomas welcomed Harry Sells,MSTU Project Manager,
Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Division to present Bill Ten Eyck for the
Hydropoint presentation.Bill highlighted the followings:
i. Smart Irrigation - How you can reduce your sites' water costs by 25% to 40% by
eliminating water waste in landscape irrigation.
ii. Smart irrigation controller - flow products and cloud-based central management,
eliminates water waste and delivers operational savings.
iii. WeatherTRAK Mobile turns an Apple iOS or Android device into a remote smart
irrigation device capable of managing and controlling your HydroPoint controllers
while on the go.
iv. $255 yearly for using the cloud(WatherTRAK Mobile)
v. Leak&flow Monitoring(Flow Sensor).
2. Open discussion-Painting the Blue Light Poles
Cherryle Thomas wanted to know why would we paint or make improvements to the blues
poles when FDOT is coming to do work in that area. Staff explained that the design of the
Main Street Improvement project is scheduled for FY17 - 18 and construction FY18 — 19;
FDOT will only provide their standards light poles which are not allowed to hold banners
and Christmas decorations; and painting the existing blue poles is to save money by buying
addition poles instead of buying all new poles.
Norma Garcia suggested that we look into the solar light system that she had seen in the Fort
Lauderdale area.
James Sainvilus suggested that we first agreed on the color and type/style of poles that we
want before painting the existing poles.James will bring a few examples with estimated cost
before the board for more discussion.
Christie Betancourt mentioned that she would prefer to keep the existing poles and paint
them because they are still good and the cost of new poles will be too expensive. She
suggested they be painted black.
Cherryle Thomas concluded the discussion requesting more information about painting the
poles and cost estimate of replacing the poles on Main Street.
Christie Betancourt mentioned the lighting report that the Sheriff Department is putting
together again this year, for last year the MSTU had installed 25 new security lights helping
the Sheriff Department fight crimes by illuminating some of the unsafe areas where there
have been repetitive crimes. Christie also wanted to apply for the lighting grant but did not
have a report or study as backups.
Ms Halman suggested that staff speak with Ron Mosher from the Sheriff Department, who
is doing the crime lighting report.
James Sainvilus responded that he has spoken with Ron on March 25th and he said that he
will be doing the report based on certain areas where crimes had being committed,not all of
Immokalee.The MSTU will have to do a lighting study in Immokalee.
Michelle Arnold gave a quick summary to Dan Novakovich our new Landscape Architect
regarding who is David Jones—Project Manager for FDOT and the Immokalee Main Street
Improvement project.
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She also went over that FDOT is not installing decorative light poles but they are willing to
work with MSTU to purchase and install whatever decorative poles the MSTU Board agreed
MSTU Old Business
1. Budget Fund 162& 111 (Enclosure 2)
Michelle Arnold presented:
The Budget breakdown for funds 162 and 111 to the committee explaining how much
money was budgeted, committed and spent as of March 07, 2017 and what has been
collected for AD Valorem Taxes and the Uncollected Ad Valorem Taxes.
Cherryle Thomas shared a public comment from the new manager at the Waste
Connections/Progressive; the manger would to be invited to the MSTU to hear and discuss
our concerns.
Staff had invited the new manger to this March meeting but they weren't able to attend.
Staff will formally invite Waste Connections/Progressive to the next MSTU meeting next
Cherryle Thomas also shared with the Board some new information she had heard from our
Commissioner Bill McDaniel about AIMS (Agency Issue Management System), a system
that is in place for the public to report their complaints. She had filed a complaint through
AIMS and within 30 minutes someone had called her to fix the issue. She said the system
does work.
2. Support Letter for a Local Food Promotion Planning (LFPP) grant application for the
Immokalee Culinary Arts and Production(I-CAP)Campus(Enclosure 3)
James Sainvilus shared with the rest of the Board the Support Letter that the MSTU
Chairman had signed for a Local Food Promotion Planning(LFPP)Grant application for the
Immokalee Culinary Arts and Production(I-CAP)Campus.
3. James presented the MSTU Project Manager Report(Enclosure 4).
Christie Betancourt talked about the Immokalee scenery banners that had just recently been
printed. She said changes could be done the next time they get redone. She also mentioned
that Carrie Williams suggested we make changes to the design of the banners and replace a
few of them with different Immokalee scenes.
Cherryle Thomas's main concern is the flapping of the banners with loosing arms.Armando
and Christie both explained that the pole's arms are fixed and cannot be adjusted. Over the
years the arms loosen and screws corroded. Staff will be looking into purchasing
independent banner arms that will work for our poles.
James Sainvilus suggested that he could get quotes for the snowflakes and LED angles.
Christie Betancourt suggested that the donated money the chamber received from the casino
be used to purchase a sound system and decorations at the Zocalo and the MSTU use their
funds to purchase the additional tier for the Tree and to purchase additional pole decorations
(angels, wreaths, snowflakes, bells, etc.) needed for the upcoming year. For next month
Christie would like to have a number for everything she had talked about. Andrea Halman
added that we are talking too long to get things going.
4. Immokalee Sidewalk Improvements
i. 90%Plans Review Meeting Minutes(Enclosure 5)
James Sainvilus shared with the board that the MSTU is coordinating with the Water
& Sewer for the sidewalk improvement project on S. 9th St., W. Eustis ave and S. 5th
Joseph Brister shared his concerns about the disconnect beteewn the County and the
IWSD(Immokalee Water& Sewer District)on the New Market Rd. Sidewalk Project.
The IWSD is going to replace all the water lines in Immokalee. In New Market Rd.
they are going to take out and replace about 900 Square foot of the new sidewalks.Mr.
Brister would like better communication and coordination beteewn the County and the
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IWSD. He also mentioned that the fire department could paint the fire hydrants based
of the light poles color.
Andrea Halman suggested that the County, community leaders and businesses to
formally share their activities or projects in Immokalee so everybody could work with
or around each other's projects.
Andrea Halman gave an update of the PAC meeting she had attended last week and
there is only one project in Immokalee on the MPO 5 year plan. After she had asked
all the right questions she said the MPO board told her that they drove around
Immokalee looking for potential projects then added them on the list or if someone
calls about a project then they would add that project on the list. Andrea suggested
that we as a group send out our project list to the MPO so they can be added to the list.
Staff will make copies of the MPO 5 year plan for all the board members.
Staff is going to ask Joshua from the MPO to come to our next MSTU meeting.
5. Contractor Reports
i. Maintenance Report—A&M Monthly Report
a. Quote for Irrigation reports on 1st&E. Delaware(Enclosure 6a)
b. Quotes to replace Non function Motorola(Enclosure 6b)
c. Quote to restore power to the man controller(Enclosure 6c)
Armando presented his report with proposals for a temporary solution for the irrigation
on 1st Street.
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve A&M Property Maintenance proposal to
install three irrigation clocks on 1St Street and the amount shall not to exceed $1,000. The
motion was seconded by Norma Garcia and it was approved by unanimous vote. 4-0.
Michelle suggested that the Board considered fixing the irrigation on Main Street before the
FDOT safety improvement project. The Board agreed for A&M to start working on getting
the irrigation working on Main Street as well. A&M will provide a proposal for installing
the drip lines.
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion for A&M Property Maintenance to start working on the
Irrigation on Main Street and for the amount not to exceed $10,000. The motion was
seconded by Bill Deyo and it was approved by unanimous vote. 3-1.
ii. Landscape Architect Report(Enclosure 7)
Dan Novakovich presented his Landscape Architect Report. The inspection was
conducted with the MSTU project Manager and the MSTU Maintenance Contractor on
March 7,2017.
He didn't' go over each concern because several of the issues had been represented to
board from the previous Landscape Architect. Dan also went over the question the Board
had asked him two meetings ago about what his vision would be for Immokalee on
the last page of his report.
Andrea Halman mentioned to Dan that the report was very good and informative.
Armando was asked to provide a quote to add irrigation to the cemetery on Main
6. CRA Manager Report-No report was given.
7. Code Enforcements—No report was given.
8. Other Agencies—No other agencies.
J. Citizen Comments:No citizens comments.
K. Next Meeting Date: MSTU Meeting April 26,2017 at 8:30 A.M. or a Joint CRA&
L. Adjournment. Meeting Adjourned @ 11:10 a.m.