Agenda 06/27/2017 Item #16J 406/27/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize execution of the budget amendment from 911 Emergency Phone System Fund reserves in the amount of $343,011 for AIRBUS Services (Internet Protocol selective routing services, location, database services, and network services for the next generation 911). OBJECTIVE: To authorize execution of the budget amendment from reserves in the amount of $343,011 for AIRBUS Services. CONSIDERATION: Collier County Sheriff’s Office needs to replace the legacy selective routers that support the county today. The current Enhanced 911 call transfer capabilities will be retained with the new installation. The new internet protocol selective routers provide enhanced call transfer capabilities using customized policy routing functions that broaden the routing options for Collier County. FISCAL IMPACT: A budget amendment in the amount of $343,011 is needed from the 911 Emergency Phone System Fund (611) reserves. Source of funding is a surcharge to cellular and land -line telephone users that are billed and collected by the phone company providers, remitted to the State, and then sent to the county for deposit into the Emergency 911 Phone fund. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners (1) authorize execution of the budget amendment from reserves for the 9-1-1 AIRBUS System. PREPARED BY: Andrea Marsh, Finance Director APPROVED BY: Kevin Rambosk, Sheriff ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Airbus Back-Up (PDF) 16.J.4 Packet Pg. 1383 06/27/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.J.4 Doc ID: 3372 Item Summary: Recommendation to authorize execution of the budget amendment from 911 Emergency Phone System Fund reserves in the amount of $343,011 for AIRBUS Services (Internet Protocol selective routing services, location, database services, and network services for the next generation 911). Meeting Date: 06/27/2017 Prepared by: Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: MaryJo Brock 06/14/2017 11:35 AM Submitted by: Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: Leo E. Ochs 06/14/2017 11:35 AM Approved By: Review: Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 06/15/2017 10:39 AM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 06/15/2017 5:16 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 06/16/2017 1:56 PM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 3:36 PM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 06/16/2017 4:17 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 06/27/2017 9:00 AM 16.J.4 Packet Pg. 1384 AIRBUS Donald A. BoYd III Legal Cormscl 9s1.719.2100 Donald.Boyd@Airbus'DSComm.com VIA PROPOSAL SUBMISSION April 6,2017 Collier Cormty Sheriffs Office 8075 Lely Cultural ParkwaY Napleq FL 341 l3 Attn: Justin Koval, Technical Supervisor RE: Sole Souce Justification Dear Justin, sole source Justification: Pufsuant to th€ Exemption for single soulce commodities' it is the belief of At b* DS CoEun"d*fions, lnc. C'Ait.bus') th;t the Aibus Routing Proposal meets 8t lcast two of the ttfce conditions justiSing solc source Procurement' as detailed below' l. The item(s) is lhe only one ovailable that can properly perform the intendedfunction(s); Airtus is uniquely capable of pmviding and+o-end 9-l -l service. The County already utilizes the VESTA 9-l-f call tranaing sotutiorr, ttrer"Uy .rti"g elU" uniquely qualified to provide cad-to- eod managernent of call deliverY. 2. The reaormended vendor/antmcror is the only one ready, wiuing and able lo meet the Counly's requirements; or Airtus may bc thc only vendor that is ready, willing and able to mect the Couoty's reqtirerncot of an in-statjin-regioo Jlution. White some veodon may be able to Fovide aportion of tre solution' thcsc vendors 6not provide a turtrkey proposal that includcs end-to-cnd call managemant of the 9- l -1 cEll, 3. The requested etemptlon b in the Comty's besl interesl. As the incumbeirt 9-l-l csll hsndtiog slstem provider, having Airtus as the single vendor rtsponsible for end-to-cntl call dclivay, pmvidcs Collier County with a singlg accountablc vendor forall 9-l-l calls. This reduces problern resolution timq while also impmving syslern availability' thcrcby allowing Coltier County to impmve scrvice to its constitu€nts. It dso puts Collief, Couty in H..dqir.ri.6! t2SO5 Ro tLdo IPO 8os 0m7 lT,n.qlb. CA E25gO t SA I Fhqt Ost ,lB2tGO lTo[ Fr!! 8OO,{9'l 173.1| Ft4 e$ *27:21 6dnr.u Omc.: 2OO ghd dr h TGclrElofte, $rlc 3OO I G!ltr.'r. OC JAZ 3H0 Csi.dr I F !n.: 613 nE m5:t I F.r: 018 778 3{}8 Brs{r,ood Otic.: r0li wlriDlrt I} Sub 2m I 8,!in'rDod, TN SrfE? USA I Ptto.r! 6i5 ?00 2882 lTol Fttc EoO 7e3 3i!07 I F.tr 615 7c, l3ag RtCnrdron Otic.: t30t w Pr!.h!n[ GcoE. Bili l{wy, 6olb tso I RchatiErr, TX rlofo USA I Phonc ,169 365.,1S60 | Far nL30/EfU| www.ArbulDSCoottlr.com 16.J.4.a Packet Pg. 1385 Attachment: Airbus Back-Up (3372 : AIRBUS Services) Collier County Rc: Solc Soru'cc Justification April 6, 2017 Pagc 2 a leadership role within the Southwest Region, improving our wide-scale disastcr preparedness capabilities. Legal Counsel rrYw.Arbut.OSCornm.com Boyd III 16.J.4.a Packet Pg. 1386 Attachment: Airbus Back-Up (3372 : AIRBUS Services) VISボ Router Next Generation Routing Solution for Collier County, Florida Executive Summary ◎斜緊聖桑ACE AIRBUS DS Cc rr:rr.;;rt.:,1.::rr; I i;:',:r:r:,,i VESrrl 16.J.4.a Packet Pg. 1387 Attachment: Airbus Back-Up (3372 : AIRBUS Services) AIRBUS DS Communlcatlons lヵ Omeο ′VESFA〕 As a customer for over 20 yea6, we deeply value the partnershlp that has been c.eated b€tween Collier County and Airbus. As part of that partnership, when new services and opportunltles within the 911 lndustry and Alrbus present themselves, Colller County is at the foreftont of implementlng new technology, whether belng a BEIA slte, or the flrst to implement a generally released product or service. This dedication and partnership continues to keep Collier County on the leadlng edge within the 9u lndustry. As such, as the 911 lndustry beglns the move into Next Generation, Alrbus is pleased to offer a new 9-1-1 routlng solution for the State of Florida, and speciflcally Collier County, Currently, 9-1- 1 calls are delivered to PSAPS using legacy technology over analog trunks. Airbus ls Proposing a new routing service for 91-1 call delivery based on lP technolo8y. The Airbus lP selective routinB technology will put collier county in a leading role on the path to N69-1-1 wlthin the State of Florida. Whlle a few PSAPg have moved to lP routln& our proposal is to develop a rcSional Eslnet, realizinB the NENA vision of an interconnected emergency services network. colllercounty and the Southwest Flodda reSion wlllget a number of enhancements with the mlBratlon to NG9-1-1, such as: ENHANCED CATI TRANSFER CAPABILITIES The lP selective routers provide enhanced calltrander capabilities using customized policy routing functions that broaden the routing options for Collier County. Th's will greatly expand the disaster preparedness in the event of a major catastrophe by allowing the County to establ'rsh routing rules based on various scenarios. Additionally, by uslnt predefined policy routing functions, there is no longer a need to use make-busy switches. IMPROVED RELIABIIITY Overall system resiliency will be enhanced with the additlonal reliability, robustness, and falloyer strateglG lncluded in a fault-tolerant lP solution. MIGRATION PATH TO NG9.1-1 GEOSPATIAT ROUTING Whlle the lnitlal deployment will use lP ES -based (EmerEency Service Number) routing, ln the futurc, the solution will support Beospatial routing without a service interruptlon. IMPROVED SERVICE TO YOUR CONSIITUENTS The VESTA' Router solution will enable the improvement of emergency communications by providing more information to telecommunlcators and supportlng new types of requests for service, ln the future, VESTA Router may also be enhanced to support new types of media, such as imates or vldeo. O ml6 Ahbcr Dl Co,rnrrnkatb.r, h. Ihl3 do.ttlrcnt Ir p.ol.cr.d b' .orrlSlrt l.r .ld |rtcri.lbnl rr.ruc!. &r.l b th. CoxllDfr{tlAl ANO DK)Pir€IAiY crimh.l p.nah&., .nd will bc For..rild lo th. n nllllm .rt.nt porlllL undd fi. L{ All tr.d.i!txb, t.(k. m..k, g.odrct n rs, *.nd!, .o.np.ny n:m.r and loco! arpaannS h ! r &(unani .ra drr p(orany o, $rl rlrOadtr. oen!fi. 16.J.4.a Packet Pg. 1388 Attachment: Airbus Back-Up (3372 : AIRBUS Services) A:RBUS DS Communlcatlons lゎ οme οfyFSTA' DEDICATED IN-REGION SOLUTION FOR REDUCED RISK / MORE CONTROL VESTA Router will be deployed in*tate and dedicated to the retions. Because the solution is dedicated, the rcdons will have input into the overall manatement of lhe solution, such as when upgrades are performed. No longer wlll the County be at the merry of the local telephone company. Additlonally, most other optlons requlre routing of traffic to travel outside ofthe State of Florlda, wlth the Airbus solution, alltralfic wlll stay ln state, those reduclng risk of network failures ln othcr areas of the Country. Thus lmprovlng the teliabllity of the system. The FCC and numerous other industry groups have been encouragln8 PSAPS to move to NG+1-1 technology even though hrnding challenges have not been resolved' As such, the FCC has developcd a N69-1-1 Maturity Model, or phased mlgftrtlon Plan, to help PSAPs wlth a phased dan that tles lnffemental value to lncremental cost!. Our proposal ls aligned wlth the transitlonal phase of the FCC NG9-1-1 maturlty model. Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal to Collier County, and thank you for continulnS to be our valued partnerl We look forward to movlng fonrard with our project and continulng to asslst the County wlth beinB at the forefront oftechnology for its constltuents. Slncerely, Chris taircloth Enterprlse Account ManaSer colliaf colniy, tL Prt.l G IOr5 ALhr D3 Cqt|,lrrrl' tbnr, lte Thrt do.lrnda lr Forr<r.d br (opyr!r{ LD ,rd &tt.nr.ilod 1rc.u6. ..d h lh. corliloEt{TrAl AaD Pi(]PirEIAil h|oma on ol At hr OS CommunLitbd,lra- Unrllio.lrrd r.prodsdon, ora, o.drtiitltbn ot dllr rh.ur!.nt, o. .iv Fnbn cI h. mtY r6dr ln t.[t. (MI ..d rrimhal pa6ttlaa, rld rll !a p.oraautrd to dla lnrrlm{m arrnt podlh tLr lia Ls. A[ tndaid!, rarvta mat , ptodtrr n.m.' h.andt, (!(rlpant namtl and btor .rpar.ld L thh &aumant -a tha p.ocary ol ah.l. .aaDaalht ownarr. 16.J.4.a Packet Pg. 1389 Attachment: Airbus Back-Up (3372 : AIRBUS Services)