Agenda 06/27/2017 Item #16J 106/27/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the use of $500 from the Confiscated Trust Funds to support the Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation. OBJECTIVE: To request that the Board approve the use of $500 to support the Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation. CONSIDERATION: The Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation by virtue of Section 932.7055 (5)(c) 1 Florida Statutes is seeking Board authorization for the appropriation of funds to support the Florida Missing Children’s Day 2017. Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation has applied to the Sheriff for appropriation. The Collier County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) requests Board approval to appropriate $500 to support the Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation. Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation objective is to raise awareness of Florida’s currently missing children, to educate the public on child safety and abduction prevention, and to recognize those individuals and law enforcement officers who have made outstanding contributions in the missing children issue. The CCSO requests $500 from the Confiscated Trust Funds to be used to support the Florida Missing Children’s Day 2017. This support will benefit the Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation mission. FISCAL IMPACT: A budget amendment is needed in the amount of $500 from the Confiscated Trust Fund (602) reserves to support the Florida Missing Children's Day Foundation. The source of funding are proceeds from confiscated property. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, in consultation with the Sheriff’s Office. Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation stated objective is to raise awareness of Florida’s currently missing children, to educate the public on child safety and abduction prevention, and to recognize those individuals and law enforcement officers who have made outstanding contributions in the missing children issue. Section 932.7055 (5)(a) Florida Statutes provides “Such proceeds and interest earned therefrom shall be used for school resource officer, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education and prevention programs, or for other law enforcement purposes…” The program’s stated purpose is to raise awareness concerning abducted children, which directly relates to Law Enforcement functions concerning the rescue of abducted children and apprehension of Child predators. Additionally, the program serves a crime-prevention function by educating parents on ways to avoid placing their children at risk for abduction. Raising awareness of a harm is a prerequisite to the efficient use of law enforcement resources to resolve or prevent the harm. Accordingly, in my opinion, the intended use of the funds meets the criteria of F.S. 932.705, and as such is approved as to form and legality. This item requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the budget amendment to appropriate $500 Confiscated Trust Funds to support the Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation. PREPARED BY: Andrea Marsh, Finance Director APPROVED BY: Kevin Rambosk, Sheriff ATTACHMENT(S) 1. FL Missing Children's Day (PDF) 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 1366 06/27/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.J.1 Doc ID: 3361 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the use of $500 from the Confiscated Trust Funds to support the Florida Missing Children’s Day Foundation. Meeting Date: 06/27/2017 Prepared by: Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: MaryJo Brock 06/13/2017 1:29 PM Submitted by: Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: Leo E. Ochs 06/13/2017 1:29 PM Approved By: Review: County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 06/14/2017 11:03 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 06/15/2017 10:22 AM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 11:24 AM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 4:07 PM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 06/16/2017 4:18 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 06/27/2017 9:00 AM 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 1367 Apn:25,2017 Honorable Kevin J Rambosk co∥ier Counw Shttr 3319 E TamiamiT嗜 ∥East Naples,FL 341124901 Dear勧 面 r Rambosk, Each year FJ●Fda rerlews tt eml昴 “ わ f●cnttse ewa腱 ●―o′●″"Issrag。日艤 n,and pprecr`随 sare″。「 cヵ rrd_trl"●grl p"v●●ゎら ●draront a″d commυ ,″ravOrvemeFt :n add蘭 on,tho Stale ttCognzes the exmOrdinary efForts made by law oo7orcement ofnce●and plvate c蘭 2ens on beha:f of misslng chlldren at he annu●:Fr●Jda mJ3grag cIPJrd_●七 Day(FMCD)ceremOny This years ceremOnソ wI∥be held at the Capil●l on Monday, Septmb●『11,2017 里 謂 謄 騰 誦 場 lき 響 調 器 胤 ■鴨 用 闘 概 溜 鞘 識 踏 評 h翼 精 柵 翼 h里 1謝 配 鵬 『 』:murder of 9‐year old Jimmy Ryce in Red:and(19951:7 year old A71nnd●Brown in Tampa(1998)and the d:sappearance under suspldous cI“ "mstanceo of 8‐ yearold Zan 3emhad in Clearwater(2000) FMCD adds a neM●7k Of Support to the vichm ttm∥les as tty are able to share ttdr sto∥es o「hearbreak and hope mal others going through軸 前lar drcumsじ nces duing a vlttm fam∥y receptoo,breakLst哺 h ceremony sponsors,the FMCD fomal ceremonylnduding the moving面 ぃ●●rReme17balTce.fol:owed by a luncheon P"o「tothe FMCD fomalceremony,a ch∥d ttentncabONsafety falris held in which c爛 :dren are ingerpinted,photographed, and pmvlded wth child safe mate∥a:s for bch themselves and hel「paFentS Atendees getto meet many of the canlne tacklng teams on hand fOrthe day Ea∥ier this year♂graders throughOutthe Stt pttdpated in the°■ "ls ls How′ Stay Sareス ″Da/eS38y cOntest,and the US DepanmentOf」ustce・ 8‐Oor―Chrrdren∴ゎ輌Ю"poster mtest Awards are 9iven at FMCD You should have received an ema∥哺ha:etter」胸κオ聰d from me ttorlda Police Chiers Associatton or Fbnda She"IFs 節盤躙蹴胤出報蹴ぎF諄 ‰殿轟躍鴇∬出世剛躙鵬ツ背l響 財蹴鶴 ag"cyt,arrle rmf●ded"frle″■Orsp●●sO●rOrFMCD 20″ZAs a remhder,nominations for FMCD awards must be receted bythe MEP:CA● “ 30ry BOard by June l,2017 NolninaJon forns are ava∥able at httpl″―fdle state n us′MclCSearch/AdvisorvBoard asp HOnorln9 ourlaw enforcement end dllzen wattors who seatt for,Fnd,and prolect Flolda's ch∥d"n:s important for a∥of us to do,and espeda∥y encounging and ∞mforbo9 for the vittm fami:ies present at FMCD We en∞urage you to nOminate those indi哺 duals and teams hm your agenに γ and afea deserving ofthls statttde recognltbn The Florlda MLsing Ch::drent D●ソFoundoOon{日 MCDnt aoated pursuant to F.S 683231,Is a non‐pmlt c闘 2en‐ support organt2atOn to provlde FDLE tt asslstance,funding,and prom●bonal suppOrt r●r acuvloOs authonzed f●「FMCD We hope you andror representatves h,m your department哺 ∥be able to joln us on Septmber llth in Taltahassee forthe Sponsors Recognluon Brea∥bstlbl:―d by the actua:cerertlony in the Capnol Pla2a lf you have any questons or require ad蘭 onal infO-lon,p:ease do not heslue to cOntact us emer●a ema∥al fmcdinfoOomalcom or by phone at850‐270‐3555 Have a wonde山 ldav and thank you vay much for any support you can pF●Vlde forthis ewnt KIndest RegaFdS, Jみ p″ 」●hn Pitta Presldent 2ag●x」58247●llallassee Fa 32,コ ア~P"Onei ra5り 2ア 03555 ~F"●ll Fσ cebO●々: ~ ″ebsl:ε:FLORIDA MISSI∥●OH口 L口 RE∥'S口 員YF0UNDAT:0NFLOR:DAMiSSiNG 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1368 Attachment: FL Missing Children's Day (3361 : Recommendation to approve the use of $500 from the Confiscated Trust Funds) Florida Missing Children's Day Sepfember 77,2077 Thc Flsfth Polic. Chi:& Asocirtim ad ttc Flai|l Shai6 Asiaio ao poud io bc uoild in oor $rypqt of Flri& Missing Cbildrqr's Dry GITCDI Wc, r. Jrour sEb rsocidior paiCo6, uo srirbg to s* fE each egcncy's sppct urd bolp in Ecoguidrg Flcib's Eicsios chitdlto- Tltc 2017 cammy will bo h3ld st 6e S Cryiol h Tallhassoa or S4oba I l, 2017, rd will hooc law ctrfilc.mEot ofiEocrs od civitims $dswi& yrto brvc assbEd itr thc rccovcry of a missing child or in frc prcvootioo of !r !b&clim. Nmiaaioa forms for FMCD rwuds llt av8ilrbk at lrttn:/,'rr rrrr.frllc.start.fl .us [IL ICScarch, Adr isorvl]uur d,rsn. Nonindlots nlll,t bc tutivd hy tlc MEPIC ;i,drit*y Bwd by lw l, 2017. To raisc s@wilr! rmrcocss in thc pcrrarim of ctiH abdrtioo rad saut oqloiilio, wo coooragp )ou to&ad thig poig'.r cv.ot tr ig tuly o ogtri(m you witl not forBd ed it dvg us the opportuaity to md support the ufro htt E bc.o 3Euc& by eis t)"e o,f hgpdy md-s|ftred such i grcat ioss. Phasc r.k a moooot io yicw fr. vidro dthc FMCD cortoouy highli8tE 6at iltus(rtb lhe significancc of this evcot It catr bo fourd st !t1p41ry1v flncdl.org. Wo aleo imiE you toftin us in ftrocirtly qrypofiiog tti! iufidit ! by Elfing a omtibrxion trorn ],our Tnrst Fund or coatsabrd Fqfritro ruod f6 ttr iopqua rdrwidc hs coforcaocm+oosorcd wcnl our 'ttomclrs bavc opinod lid FM@ appoit is !o aitoriEd us of tt€c fiD&. f1re bclicv" rs'r ooo of thc oost be'neficirl llscs of our law cnfuccmcnt tu*t firnd mmics is ttc mpport of FMCD. Plasc partici@ in this cvcot by rch[ning },our oontibrtim, alog wi6 the ochod spomor Form, end by dadhg FMCD 20t7 io Tdlabassac. To viss r list of otr spoosorsr ploesc visit h n o:ii rrtt!-\..Lil4 ! 1 .qg Jpo$!rr,. Govcmor Ri* Scott school egc childEa, Day kw cafrrccoert omcers, ftEililx of missing childra andthm frmili:s utte c,hiha did not sswivr 6ch rb&aioo, ur iuvibd b .rrlod 6o Scpnbcr ll, ZOIT c.(!oooy. Civilin! x,to bnG ridd h Eierng ohild cas duughout thG $e wil.ioir ltGru" Tbc FloriL Missing sil&o's Day FoDdaioo, Itrc. hu bocn crc&d FrsBlot to Fs. dg323 t ad providG FDLE wi6 assidloco, fuodiog, tod ptonotiod slryFtt fu Etivitios arhorizcd for 5MCD. lto Foun&tion's Eissioo fu tD Ebo the ncccssary pira od prblic firndr to oqrdrE rtc aonral FMCD ccrtrnoy and activfies snomdingFMCD. Wc hopc 1ou will ettsad Flori& MbdnS Childra'e hy 2017 erd s for yonrctfju$ hoq/ your froarcial supPort m!&o3 srh a diftrtrn in lb litcs of victbs' ftndlb by dclnm$rlilg rb cmimod irpport of bn, onfc*mcm rgaoio* Youwill sco ftrlhd how ioporm il is oragniaolr hwcoftrcmt-dfficcrs rna aivililg wto wt ro.lilig-'rly to !!vc thc livcs ofclild!.il. ChttfAl腱 離“B日 範"b■LP■9i碗F扇 da bL Chi“Associ面"働面宙3mり L Dm如 男PSidentn品 むSL遜 ANociation 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1369 Attachment: FL Missing Children's Day (3361 : Recommendation to approve the use of $500 from the Confiscated Trust Funds) 20■6 FloHda mlssing Chlldren9s Day spOnsoFS LewEniorccmcnt Alacfiua County Shcritrs Ofice, Shcrif Sedb Oamsll Bteyad County Shefitrs Ofice, Sherifi Waym lvey Cahoun County Shetirs fficc, Shadr Gibnn Klnbrel Citrus County S|affis Ofllcs, Sherif J€ffiay J. tlawsy Cleamrhr Police Oeper'nen! Chhf Oaniel W. SlaughEr Coffier @urily Sfiorflfs ffiE, She.if tGvh Rambck Coral Gsbl€s & Ir€Firr|snt Chie, E(H J. Hrrdaft, Jr Fleglar County $€rifs Ofica. Sheritr Jan€s tlanfe Floilra Police Chiefr Alsocidlirn Fbrida ShedFs Assrb6on Frankfn County Sheritrs Offcq Sh€fif Uk€ Mock Hcmendo County Sh€ritrs Ofica. ShcrlfiA Nlcnhui! Highlends eounty Sh6rit?B Offico, Sh€ritr Susan Benbn Irldhn Rlwr Shcr ?! Officq Sherlfi Oeryt tcr Kbeimmae Police D€p.!tm.rt, Chl€f Le ttlsie Lake county Str€dfs Ofice, Stl€'ffi Gary S. Borders Leon Cc[rnty Strsdtrs Otr€, Sh€rif Uike Wbod Levy County Sh€ritri Ofrco, Sh€dff Bobby McCellum ManaEe County Shedffs Of,lcr, SnerifiW. Brd Sbube ilarhn Co6ty StrGritrg Ofica, Shcrifi Emery Gshey Itilami ShorB Pdics llsparfn€rt Chief tGrtr Lysta,i, MonIoe Courty Sft€ritrs Ofice, Sherifi RkX Rarirsay Orange County $€rilts Ofice, Sheriff Jeny Demhge Orbndo Pofce D.pstn€nl Chlot John W. Mlna Osceola County Shoritrs Offce, Sheritr Robert Hanssll Ptn€llgs County Sh€ritrs Offce, Shel t Bob Gualtied PlantaUon Policc O€p8rtnff[ Chletw. Horad Hafitso.t S-t LudG County Sherirs Ofica, StErltr lco S. irscara St PeEteluE Polca D€pertme.rt, Chirf Affrmy Ho oway Sarasota Cotrlty Sherirs Ofice, SherelTfrornai Kntght trmqob q9lnty Sliedfs Offc6, Sh€rif OonaH Esthger Slab Lil Elfrrcaneflt Chiefis' Assochdon Sumbr Couty Sh€ritrs Oftq Sti€lffiWlfi8m F rl€r, Jr. Talhhassoe Po$cs tlspdtnent, Cilet Milh€d Deleo Volusia County Sh€ritrs Offica, Sheritr B€n Jottnson l{on-Law Enforcenrent Golrl Epon ot! Florida Assocle0oo of pupll Transpora0on (FAPT) Florlda Netrrork of youth and Fam y Seri,tc€s tllvrrtoonroc Apriss lnc (Loubvi[e, lff) B@n Banbatle Cornpeny (Vem B€ach) {P iroQan Chaso & Co (Chaso BEnk) (Vero Beacfi) Floy Tum€f and Sherie Clsrk (Gre€n Cor.€ SprtEB)' TallatlGsee Cqrnu*ty CoI€96, Fb.id8 pt.tb S*V lnstitJb Brona Soonron }!l1lq.. t"S.q A,rylry.Un[ :l47 cornbtured wih Donns M. titcctone Trust (Larry lake)Flon a Associdon of Rrpil Tempodailoo (Fep'4 FlorUa Oddoor Advrrtt{rE Assotiatirn FaErasiee) Publix Super lik*ata, lnc (Jadconville) Tdhhass€€ Target cornt h€d wih Talalrasrec N,orth TargEt ffaEhasEee) FLORIDA MISSI∥鶴GH:L口 RE∥'S口 員Y F O U N O A T l O N 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1370 Attachment: FL Missing Children's Day (3361 : Recommendation to approve the use of $500 from the Confiscated Trust Funds) Florida ilissing Children's Day Foundotion The Ftorida iilissing Children's Day Foundation (FMCDr) is a 50, (c) (3), nonprofit corporatlon, establlshed ln 2008 pursuant to F.s. 683.231. The purpose of the FMCDF ls to provide assistance, funding, and promotionat support for activities authorized for Florida lilissing Chitdren's Day (FMCD). The mission of the foundatlon and of the FMCD event held each year ls to ralse awareness about Florida's mlsslng chlldren and to educate the publlc on chlld safety and abduction prevention. Law enforcement officeas and individuats who have made outstandlng contributions to the missing persons isstr are also recognized. The Ftorida Missing Children's Day Foundatlon supports the annual FMCD Ceremony, which ls hetd the second ilonday ln September of each year and ls designatcd as FricD in remembrance of Rorlda's past and present missing children and ln recognition of our state's continued efforts to protect the safety of children throuSh preventlon, education, and communlty lnvotvement. This event ls presented by the Ftorlda Department of Law Enforcement's Misslng EndanSered Persms lnformation Clearinghouse Advisory Board (MEPICAB) and funding is through the efforts of the Fl cDF, All donaHons are fully tax deductlble. F lorida ilissing Chi ldren's Day Ceremony Each ye.r chitdren, f.mities, and citizen3 convene at the Capitot in Tallahassee to remember Florida's missing chltdren and the children who wltt never come home agaln. The event recognizes citizens and taw enforcement offlcers who havc gonc above and beyond in missing children investigatlons. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and FDLE Commissioner have sewed as grcst speakers. (L.la: 'Thtl. of ,'r.fr|6ro,/..',1r. bt e$. Plaaat c .ot. oo hh toi" (Jl,,fltt Nc.) p,,l.t. l@ iri0l: fAJ Cfrrtrlrtla,et *rcorl,'gan od ootadw koaa oa aL 2ola fuCO ccrfir'ly.t (L.lt: ChUd Sol.ay Fdlr, tchcEl chlldt n b.ttt lhi'..?dnt d o,td pttologroPh.d oa aL Fllco c.r.t@oy. Rtrha: ,,EPrc N.ory ,srd r*'t,ar Ar. bt Ry.. a,t tfid,lng t(9 utltt ot all' 2016 ccre/''gtyi ,ha Jlw',y e$. cenaer i.. &,!'lrd i,,a,ditad3 ol bao.d,g,,,td, ao lor, anl*.et'Enl dg.t*r.a aaro,' lh..ol,//iary. ) llissing Endangered Persons I nf o rmo ti on C I ea r i nghou se Advisory Board Th€ FDLE l6lsslng Endaryered Persons lnformation clearlnghouse Advisory Board (I EPICAB) addresses issues dealing with Florida's missing and exptolted chitdren, The MEPICAB represents a diverse mix of taw enforcement officiats, victlm parmts, government agencles, missing children non' proflt organizations, and members of the business community. The Advisory Eoard meets quarterty to discuss prarertion and awa,en6s efforts. Eoard members are chosen by FDLE's Commissloner from throughout florida to providc balanced representation. The MEPICAB has sub' commlttees that work on various mlsslng chlld prorects, such as the l lsslng children Highway Eittboard Campaign, and Florida Mlssing Chlldren's Day. Sponsorships and Contributions To make e contrlbutlm or donat. to ihe Florlda l is3tnS Chlldrcn's Diy Foundltlon. vl.w B llitln8 of offlccrs and sponsors, or for rddltlonal lnformatlon, Pleate wrlte: Florlda , lislnS Chlldren's D.y Found.tlon P. O. Bor 15822, Tallahassee, FL 32317 Vlslt us at: wt*,fmcdl.org, Facebool.com or e' tild]ll ls at firridflafo@|gmoil .con. Florida Missing Children's Day Foundation, lnc. 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1371 Attachment: FL Missing Children's Day (3361 : Recommendation to approve the use of $500 from the