EAC Agenda 11/01/1989 ' uuo.tng0 oTT0144a3 s.za;ad '4S1, and O . C-3S2i/Qfld UI01; abu2go buTuoz P buTq.sanbe.t :a3TuaA go asaooTQ ago go dogsTg SP 'SUTnaN •r ugor buT.uase.tda.t ' •ouI 'S94PTOOSSV pus sa4uow 'aToH go 'aupnu •rl 4aagog : 8T-68-g 'O „and saxa' Jan'TSI, and 04 Z-V uzo.t3 abuPgo buTuoz P buT4Senbea :Aautoc papups ' ab.toa0 buTquasa.tda.t ' •V•d 'sa4WToossy '9 ATuO014 'O umTTTTM 3o 'a'd 'ATuVoN 'O UaTTTTM :ST-68-U 'g •pa A 35 ATas P log goTagsTp buTuoz TaTagsnpui go „q„ asn TPuoTsTno.td L buT4senbe.1 9.tooyi Aaor pua ssabbog uog buTquaseada.t ' 'ouI 'se ToossV ' sa4uoW 'aToH 3o earl ugor : LT-68-nd 'Id SOMI IVaH OI'Iand 'IA ssaNlsng arm 'A .and 4aosag 'A'21 aNP I TP4sAaD o. .uauzpuauzp and P buT4sanbea :a.tn4uaa 4uTor axprl Ta4sA.tO buT4uasaadaa ' •Vi'd 'sa4sToossV '9 ATuyoN •O u1PTTTTM 3o 'a'd 'ATuvoN 'O UIPTITTM : ZT-68-KQd 'T `IKAO 1ddV 3AI LYHSSINIWQY QSS0d0Hd 'V J UOd�2� 33VZS 'AI VUNaQQY 'III SSIfNIW 30 'IKAOUddV 'II yu2m� � TWO rlrl02i *1 7--- /1-2D V (3z 127-2 686t 't leguIanox ' axaDY zzoxnoo xxoszna' aymaxMOIIAMs -Z- 'aasVH 3g OS SI 'IYaddv 3HL HOIHM NOdfl 3oN3QIA3 CNF/ ANowiIsaL SHL Saan'IONI aU00g2I HOIHM 'aaIW SI SONIaaao0Ud 3HI 3O UO32i32l WILV9 ISA K LVHL 32InSNa OL a33N AKW 32i033233HL (NV 'OL2 IaHL ONINIVIU3d SONIa33oO2Id 3HI 3O a2IO032i V a33N TIIM a2iVOH SIHL 3O NOISIoaa K 'IV3ddV OL S3QI03a OHM NOSHad •4oa Cgns q.PL{q. uo s.uauzuzoo paq.PTa.I AoTTod expo og palaModuza aATgpguasaadaa P SP uzauq. buTbpaTMouxoP UOT4PZTUPb.ZO pTPs uzo.13 aaggaT P 4uas9.Id ;snuff uoT4pzTupbao AuP 3o 3Tpgaq uo buTssa.Ippp uos.Iad AuP qPL{a. ROT TOd P pagdopP •p•V•g 9144 L861 'L A.IPnuP j uo •g •buTgaauz TTounop 4sPT aouTs uoT4oP oN 'a •q.no 4uas SPM PpuabP .Iag3p pappp suzagl •p •buTgaauz •p•V•3 egq. JO UOT4POOT auq .Io3 '3 buTpITng '1ooT3 q.s1T3 UO 93T.Ou O3 .Ie;al aspaTd 'H •uoTgTgad .IPTnoigipd P uo buTgon uzo.13 uTpq.sgP TITM sngq. pup 4oTT3uoo anpq noA 3T .IO buT.aauz sTuq. pup 4ouupo noA 3T '686T 'OE iagogop ippuox uo •11•d g upg4 .Ia4pT ou (0L178-8v9) (MaTnag TPquauLuo.ITnua) S3oIA2i3S ONINNFi`Id A;Tq.oN 'V :S3LON dOHSN IOM 'X LNaWNun0raV 'xI VaN3aaV 30 NOISSnDSIa *MA SS3NISng M3N 'IIA upooMzaa.IgU •and oq. Z-y uo.13 abupgo buTuoz p buTgsenbea :eaq.sn.ij 'ATnpd '2i xOT.Ipa.13 buTguase.zdai "our 'saq.PToossV / saquoW 'aToH 3o aupna •Z giagog :VT-68-H '3 PLANNING SERVICES (Environmental Review) STAFF REPORT FOR EAC MEETING 11/1/1989 Petition: R-89-18; Robert L. Duane, of Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. , representing John J. Nevins, as Bishop of the Diocese of Venice; requesting a zoning change from PUD/RSF-3 to PUD "St. Peters Catholic Church" . Considerations: 1. Location/Proposal: The 10. 3 ± acre site is located at Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Hawaii Blvd. (S18, T50S, R26E) . Surrounding land use is as follows: to the north RSF-3 , to the east MHSD, Hawaii Blvd. west and Rattlesnake Hammock Road to the south. Petitioner proposes a 20, 150 square foot church building and associated parking on a five (5) acre portion of the 10. 3 ± acre parcel. This church will replace the existing church on site. The existing church shall be converted to a parish hall. 2 . Site Description/Vegetation: A site visit was conducted on October 13 , 1989 by Barbara Prynoski of Collier County Planning Services accompanied by John Lee of Hole, Montes & Associates. The site has an existing church with an associated structure and parking on the eastern half. Adjacent to this area and to the west is the proposed construction area (referred to herein as "subject site") . Subject site is maintained as a grassed field. On the western limits of proposed parking there exists a cluster of slash pines (Pinus elliottii var. densa) . Occasional Brazilian pepper (Shinus terebinthifolius) and melaleuca (Melaleuca cquicquinervia) is evident. A small 6-8 foot width drainage ditch extends along the northern property line. This area is proposed to be a retention area. Vegetation in the ditch consists of cattails (Typha latifolia) , duck potatoe (Sagittaria falcata) , smartweed (Polygonum hydropiperoides) . Staff Report R-89-18 EAC Meeting 11-1-89 Page 2 Recommendations: In consideration of the above, staff recommends approval of R-89-18 subject to the following: 1. Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time of permitting) , requiring the acquisition of a tree removal permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and subject to approval prior to any work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegetation to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal. Adopted by EAC on 4/1/87. Parking area shall be re-designed to maximize retention of existing, viable native vegetation on site i.e. slash pines on western portion of proposed parking per Ordinance 89-58. 2 . Native species shall be utilized, as described below, in the site landscaping plan. A landscape plan for all landscaping on the development shall be submitted to the County Landscape Architect and to a County Environmental Specialist for their review and shall be subject to their approval. The landscape design shall incorporate a minimum of 60% native plants, by number, including trees, shrubs, and ground cover. At least 60% of the trees, 60% of the shrubs, and 60% of the groundcover shall be native species. At the discretion of the County Landscape Architect or County Environmental Specialist a higher percentage of trees or shrubs can offset an equal percentage of groundcover. For example, the use of 70% native trees could allow the use of only 50% native groundcover. This plan shall depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. Adopted by EAC on 12/7/88. 3 . All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site development, a maintenance program shall be implemented to prevent re-invasion of the site by such Staff Report R-89-18 EAC Meeting 11-1-89 Page 3 exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and subject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. Adopted by EAC on 4/1/87. 4 . If, during the course of site clearing, excavation, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to provide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. Adopted by EAC on 4/1/87. PREPARED BY: At t art :- —i DATE: 1 Barbara Pryoski REVIEWED BY: `fz,/2 (/. 44,4m, , DATE: /0 Kenneth W./:aginski Staff Reports, R-89-18 ew