EAC Agenda 01/18/1989 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL AGENDA January 18, 1989 8 : 45 A.M. II I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III . ADDENDA IV. STAFF REPORT A. PROPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL 1. R-88-26C: Edward J. Thompkins, representing The Country Club of Naples, Inc. ; requesting a zoning change from RSF-3 to GC for a golf course and acccessory structures. V. OLD BUSINESS VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PU-88-28C: Diana L. and Anthony J. Gualario requesting a provisional use "e" of Estates zoning for an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF) . B. PU-88-29C: David Sneed of Kuhlman Engineering, Inc. , representing Jon Breau; requesting a provisional use "a" of C-4 zoning for a car wash. VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII . DISCUSSION OF ADDENDA IX. ADJOURNMENT X. WORKSHOP ************************************************************* NOTES: A. Notify Environmental Resource Management (774-8454) no later than 5 P.M. on Monday January 16, 1989, if you cannot attend this meeting or if you have conflict and thus will abstain from voting on a particular petition. B. Please refer to notice on first floor, Building F, for the location of the E.A. C. meeting. C. Items added after agenda was sent out. D. No action since last Council meeting. E. On January 7 , 1987 the E.A.C. adopted a policy that any person addressing the E.A.C. on behalf of any organization must present a letter from said organization acknowledging them as a representative empowered to make policy related comments on that subject. ************************************************************* PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ********** *********** ********** ************************************************************* ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL JANUARY 4, 1989 REPRESENTED BY: Mr . Roy Cassell COMMENTS: Mr . Roy Cassell of Gainesville, Florida, advised that the petitioner is requesting a rezoning for property in Immokalee to allow an apartment complex of 66 rental units. He noted that the property consists of a 7. 29 acres of grassy pasture. He stated that he concurs with Stipulations #2, #3 , and #4 as recommended by Staff. Ms. Stevens advised that the site is an open grassy pasture with exotic fruit trees. She stated that small berms run along the length of the field suggesting some past agricultural use of the site. She noted that the only remaining native vegetation includes dog fennel and various annual grasses. She indicated that the petitioner is encouraged to re-create as much of the lost habitat as possible, and Staff recom- mends approval of the petition subject to Stipulations Nos. 2 , 3 , and 4 . As native trees are not present on the site, Stipulation No. 1 is not applicable, she said. MOTION: Made by Mr. Neale to recommend approval of Petition R-88-25C subject to Stipulations 2, 3, and 4. Seconded by Mr. Turrell. Carried 3/0. STIPULATIONS: 2 . Native species shall be utilized, as described below, in the site landscaping plan. A landscape plan for all landscaping on the deve- lopment shall be submitted to the County Landscape Architect and to a County Environmental Specialist for their review and shall be subject to their approval . The landscape design shall incorporate a minimum of 60% native plants, by number , including trees, shrubs, and ground cover . At least 60% of the trees, 60% of the shrubs, and 60% of the ground cover shall be native species. At the direction of the County Landscape Architect or County Environmental Specialist a higher percentage of trees or shrubs can offset an equal percentage of ground cover . For example, the use of 70% native trees could allow the use of only 50% native ground cover . This plan shall depict the Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL JANUARY 4, 1989 incorporation of native species and their mix with other species , if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. 3 . All exotic plants , as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site deve- lopment, a maintenance program shall be imple- mented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals , shall be filed with and subject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. 4 . If, during the course of site clearing, excava- tion, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salva- geability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to pro- vide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. *** ITEM: New Business COMMENTS: Mr . Burch reminded the new members that the EAC meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Mr . Turrell suggested that a copy of the Ordinance which delineates the EAC functions be provided to the new members for their review. Responding to Dr . Synder , Mr . Burch said that the EAC review ordinance has been drafted and has been approved. He indicated that he Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL JANUARY 4 , 1989 would provide the members with any pertinent information regarding the Ordinance. He advised Mr . Neale that Staff ' s role in the Growth Management Plan has been to propose standards and criteria, and different environmental ordinances. He noted that the role of the EAC will become harder in establishing policies for future use. He advised that the Board of County Commissioners will be conducting a public hearing this evening (01/04/89) and the Conservation and Coastal Element will be reviewed by the Board. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair . ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Dr . James Snyder , Acting Chairman Page 5 ~ Y. / tTh \.- MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Burch , Supervisor Environmental Resources Management FROM: Keith Edwards Environmental Resources Specialist DATE: January 9, 1988 RE: Petition R-88-26C; Edward J. Thompkins, representing the Country Club of Naples; requesting a zoning change from RSF-3 to GC for golf course and accessory structures. Petitioner is requesting a zoning change for a rectangular 2.24 acre parcel from RSF-3 to GC. The parcel is located along the southern boundary of the Country Club of Naples and lies directly east of the intersection of Solana Road and Burning Tree ��� Drive (R25E, T49S, 815) . The parcel is bordered to the south by ' RO zoned• land , to the east and west by RSF-3 land and to the north by the rest of the Country Club of Naples. A site visit was conducted on 9 January by Keith Edwards (ERM) . The parcel is heavily infested with Brazilian pepper (SchkAls teE2bil]thifglius) . Scattered cabbage palms (S,ab�l palmgtt2) occur in the western end , becoming more dense at the eastern end . Several oak (QueEcus spp . ) , red bay (pprga bgEboDia) , and strangler fig (Ficus ��mea) trees are also present in the eastern end of the site. No groundcover was found. At present , petitioner has no plans for the parcel except for removal of the Brazilian pepper and retention of the native tree species. Possible uses of the parcel may include tree or grass nurseries or location of the golf course maintenance facilities. ERM administratively approves petition R-88-26C subject to standard •stipulations 1 , 3, and 4 as adopted by EAC on 4/1/87, and standard stipulation 2 as adopted on 12/7/88. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES STAFF REPORT FOR EAC MEETING 1/18/89 Petition: PU-88-28C: Diana L. and Anthony J. Gualario requesting a provisional use "e" of Estates zoning for an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF) . Considerations: The property under consideration for provisional use is a 2.27 acre rectangular parcel (S7, T49S, R26E) . The lot is located in the Golden Gate Estates subdivision, on the north side of 6th Avenue SW, which intersects with Livingston Road, north of Pine Ridge Road. Lots to the north and west of the subject property are undeveloped pine flatwoods, and a single family home is located to the east of the property. The petitioner is requesting a provisional use "e" of the Estates zoning to allow for a 7000 square foot Adult Congregate Living Facility. The site was inspected by Andrea Stevens (Environmental. Resources Staff) on January 10, 1989. The site supports a pine flatwoods habitat with an understory dominated by palmetto (Serenoa repens) . Slash pines (Pinus elliottii ) range in size from saplings to mature trees of up to 8 inches in diameter . The canopy across the site remains fairly open. Small areas of dense palmetto growth are found in the south half of the site, but the palmetto is only scattered elsewhere. Understory and shrub layer vegetation includes infrequent dahoon holly (Ilex cassine) , red bay (Persea borbonia) , wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) , hogplum ( Ximenia spp. ) , and rusty lyonia (Lyonia ferruqinea) . Groundcover across the site is made up of various grass species, fox grape (Vitis spp. ) , and greenbriar (Smilax spp. ) . A few small melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) trees were noted on site. The parcel seems fairly typical of the Estate lots in this neighborhood. It is unlikely that the site would fall under the wetlands jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers because of the upland characteristics (palmetto ) in the area. Recommendations: The Environmental Resources Staff recommends approval of petition PU-88-28C subject to Standard Stipulations 1 , 3, and 4, as adopted by the EAC on 4/1/87, and Standard Stipulation 2, as adopted by the EAC on 12/7/88. Prepared By: Date: 07 • ;74 Reviewed By: a---- )4� 4 Date:-_ i/i Z-/r g Minor Traffic Impact Statement The following information is a minor traffic impact statement for the intended analysis of traffic conditions , both existing and future , in the North Naples areas . The areas of interest are the Old U. S . 41 and future Livingston Rd . and the future intersection of Livingston Rd . and David C. Brown Highway. The purpose of this impact statement is to provide information as per the increase in traffic generated by the proposed installation of an asphalt plant in this area . The plant chosen for this installation is a Standard Steel TM-30 with maximum production capacity of 500 tons per day of hot mix asphalt . As a rerlistic approach to this statement one should use approximately 300 tons per day and three days per week actual producing time ( taking into account normal down time and maintenance , moisture content in aggregate and average demand for material sales) . Therefore , if 300 .tons per day are produced as finished product , then 300 tons of raw material (sand , gravel and liquid asphalt ) must be trucked to the plant site . However , it is our intention to haul raw materials on days that the plant is not producing . Each load to and away from the plant will be approximately 20 tons each thus creating 15 loaded trips per day. When hauling raw materials to "stockpile" the plant , the route proposed is that of future Livingston Rd . and David C. Brown Highway with the "load on" point being Florida Rock Industries Mule Pen Quarry. Until that intersection and Livingston Rd . is constructed , the intended route will be David C. Brown Highway west to U. S . 41 , then U. S. 41 N. to Old 41 N. and Livingston Rd . The average trip for the completed product of hot mix asphalt will be probably 10 to 15 miles in duration from plant site to job site. Of course , this will depend on future growth patterns of Collier and Lee County. Since there are several developments being considered along David C. Brown Highway east of Livingston Rd . and the highly publicized future developments in Bonita Bay and Vanderbilt Beach Rd . , it is extremely difficult to determine which direction or route that loaded trucks will take as a percentage of estimated "named" road miles . For the hake of rough guess calculation one might say that 60% of loaded truck traffic will turn east on David C. Brown Highway for the useof Interstate 75 to other parts of the county and 40% of loaded truck traffic will head west and south to the Naples area . • There are development groups presently negotiating with Collier County Depts . of Transportation and Engineering with plans of constructing at least two lanes of the east-west Livingston Rd . The portion of road in consideration is east of Old U. S. 41 for approximately 5000 +. The easement to be used for this asphalt plant installation is a north-south easement of 60 ' through the middle of lot #27 . A road heading north from Livingston Rd . approximately 1350 + must be constructed in order to have access to lot # 34 which is the proposed 5 acre plant site . Presently, there is a traffic load of about 5670 cars per day, using the roads in the North Naples area . This infor- mation is provided by the last survey completed by the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Collier County. In conclusion , and in addition to the traffic generated by an installation of this nature, there will be at least 15 to 20 employees working from the office/shop building to be constructed on this site. The mornings before 7 : 00 am and evenings after 5 :00 pm will be the peak traffic impact for these vehicles as they come and leave their work site. However, some individuals drive directly to particular job site and only visit the office on Friday afternoons . Therefore, it is again very difficult to pinpoint the employee traffic impact. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES STAFF REPORT FOR EAC MEETING 1/18/89 Petition: PU-88-29C: David Sneed of Kuhlman Engineering, Inc. , representing Jon Breau; requesting a provisional use "a" of C-4 zoning for a car wash. Considerations: The property under consideration for provisional use is a half-acre rectangular parcel (S29, T5OS, R26E) . Floridan Avenue and the Tamiami Trail East coincide with the northeast and the southwest property boundaries. A gas station is located to the northwest of the site, and undeveloped land remains to the southeast of the parcel . The petitioner is requesting a provisional use "a" of the C-4 zoning to allow for a self-service car wash. The site was inspected by Andrea Stevens (Environmental Resources Staff) on January 10, 1989. The site supports a pine/palmetto flatwoods, although only 15-20 slash pines (Pinus elliottii ) with diameters of up to 10 inches are found on the parcel . The shrub layer is dominated by saw palmetto (Serenaa repens) with encroaching exotics melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) and Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) . Scattered cabbage palms (Sabal palmetto ) are found among the pines. Fox grape (Vitis spp. ) grows throughout most of the parcel . The proximity of the subject property to altered and developed lands has encouraged the growth of exotics and primary invader species on the site. The petitioner should make every effort to preserve some of the remaining large pines on the parcel , although in this case, the proposed use of the site may not be compatible with habitat preservation. Recommendations: The Environmental Resources Staff recommends approval of petition PU-88-29C subject to Standard Stipulations 1 , 3, and 4, as adopted by the EAC on 4/1/87, and Standard Stipulation 2, as adopted by the EAC on 12/7/88. Prepared By: )11/144.1,49t/= 4„ Date: /" 12136 Date: OF Reviewed By:_ �^-�---� V‘_ 1. ---