Minutes 04/05/2017 PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION BOARD REGULAR SESSION APRIL 5,2017 The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, April 5, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive,Naples, Florida 34108. In attendance were: Pelican Bay Services Division Board Bohdan Hirniak Ken Dawson, Chairman Susan O'Brien Scott Streckenbein, Vice-Chairman Peggy Pinterich Joe Chicurel Mike Shepherd Tom Cravens (absent) Dave Trecker Jacob Damouni Gary Ventress Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Mary Johnson, Pelican Bay Foundation Dave Cook, Pelican Bay Foundation Robert Sanchez, PBPOA John Chandler, Pelican Bay Foundation Trent Waterhouse, Pelican Bay Foundation Jim Hoppensteadt, Pelican Bay Foundation APPROVED AGENDA (AS AMENDED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. *Election of new chair and vice chair (10 minutes) 5. Approval of 03/01/17 Regular Session meeting minutes 6. Audience comments 7. Administrator's report (45 minutes) a. Lake bank erosion study update b. Update on the intersection of Gulf Park Dr. &US41 and median cut c. Street lighting project update d. Bay Colony Brazilian pepper update e. Dune swale update f. Cobblestones removal update g. March financial report 8. Committee reports (30 minutes) a. Clam Bay b. Landscape & Safety i. *Request to paint the large water tank c. Water Management d. Budget 9. Chairman's report 10. Old business 1 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session April 5,2017 a. PBSD Election (5 minutes) 11. New business a. Construction related activity in a PBSD easement (add-on) 12. Adjournment *indicates possible action items ROLL CALL Mr. Cravens was absent and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL Dr. Trecker motioned, Mr. Streckenbein seconded to approve the agenda as amended,with the addition of item#11a. The motion carried unanimously. AT THE REQUEST OF DR. CHICUREL, MR. DAWSON STATED THAT AGENDA ITEM#8A WOULD BE HEARD DIRECTLY AFTER"AUDIENCE COMMENTS" ELECTION OF NEW CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Dr. Trecker motioned, Mr. Damouni seconded to nominate Mr. Streckenbein to serve as Chairman of the PBSD Board. The motion carried unanimously. Dr. Trecker motioned, Mr. Damouni seconded to nominate Mr. Shepherd to serve as Vice-Chairman of the PBSD Board. The motion carried unanimously. Dr. Trecker motioned, Mr. Shepherd seconded to propose a nomination (resolution) thanking Mr. Dawson for his outstanding leadership, stewardship, over the past year, which was a very productive one. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF 03/01/17 REGULAR SESSION MEETING MINUTES Ms. O'Brien motioned, Mr. Shepherd seconded to approve the 03/01/17 regular session meeting minutes as amended. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Ray Gniewek commented on the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) developed by the PBSD in consultation with the PBF in 2010, which included installing 12 trees along the street border of Crown Colony (from the Marker 36 parking lot to Gulf Park Dr.). The PBSD Landscape Committee set aside the landscape portion of the CIP plan and the trees were never planted. 2 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session April 5,2017 Ms. Mary Johnson commented on the planned installation of 12 trees included in the 2010 CIP Plan and requested that the L&S Committee address this issue. Dr. Chicurel responded that he would take this issue up at the next L&S Committee meeting on April 18. Ms. O'Brien commented that the 2010 CIP Plan included stalling 57 trees on PB Blvd. as well as additional trees throughout the PB community. Mr. John Chandler encouraged the PBSD to install 12 trees in front of Crown Colony. Mr. Trent Waterhouse thanked the PBSD for listening to Chateaumere concerns over the newly exposed water tank at the Operations site. Mr. Robert Sanchez requested a discussion of the possibility of installing a PEM system, an alternative method to control beach erosion. Dr. Trecker responded that the Beach Renourishment Committee would discuss this at the next committee meeting. Dr. Ted Raia commented on alternative solutions to beach erosion, recent sidewalk repairs, and enlarging sidewalk widths to at least five feet. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT LAKE BANK EROSION STUDY UPDATE Mr. Dorrill commented that the field work has been completed for our lake bank erosion study; a report will be presented at the Water Management Committee meeting on April 21. UPDATE ON THE INTERSECTION OF GULF PARK DR. & US41 & MEDIAN CUT Mr. Dorrill reported on a pre-application meeting he attended with our engineer, Mr. Jim Carr, and FDOT staff concerning a possible request for a traffic study of the intersection of Gulf Park Dr. & US 41 to limit egress from Gulf Park Dr. to a right turn with a median modification. Mr. Dorrill reported that the County Transportation Dept. has not scheduled their quarterly safety meeting for prioritization of capital projects and determination of where our proposed Gulf Park Dr. median cut would fall in the list of priorities. Staff will report back next month as to when the next quarterly meeting will be held. STREET LIGHTING PROJECT UPDATE Mr. Dorrill commented that the PBSD obtained a right-of-way permit for the Laurel Oak Dr./Ridgewood Dr. street light project, the new LED fixtures have been installed, and the new street light poles will be installed next week. BAY COLONY BRAZILIAN PEPPER UPDATE Mr. Dorrill commented on two PBSD projects in Bay Colony: (1) the project for removal of willows and other exotics in the water management areas adjacent to the Ritz Carlton and Trieste has been completed, and (2) a project to remove exotics from a drainage easement adjacent to Colony Dr. is currently out for bids, due back on April 14. DUNE SWALE UPDATE 3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session April 5, 2017 Mr. Dorrill commented that the dune swale project will commence on April 17 with Earth Tech as the contractor. An informational notice on the project has been sent out to Bay Colony residents and the surrounding communities. COBBLESTONES REMOVAL UPDATE Mr. Dorrill reported that our engineer is in the process of preparing plans/specifications and right-of-way permit applications for the cobblestone removal at the three remaining crosswalks on Pelican Bay Blvd. This will be followed by putting the project out to bid. MARCH FINANCIAL REPORT Dr. Trecker motioned, Mr. Streckenbein seconded to accept the March financial report. The motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS CLAM BAY REPORT Ms. O'Brien summarized her March 2017 Clam Bay update included in the agenda packet and specifically noted: (1) Mr. Tim Hall's February report indicated that the mangrove die-off area has decreased to approximately 8.7 acres from 12 acres in November, (2) new annual contracts are in place for Clam Bay monitoring for the next fiscal year, and (3) only one of 27 samples showed copper exceeding FDEP standards in the first quarter. Ms. O'Brien reported that we have been notified that FWC staff will not change its recommendation relative to Clam Bay receiving a manatee protection zone status from FWC Commissioners. She suggested that concerned residents and advocates of Clam Bay submit letters to the FWC Commissioners concerning this decision. Ms. O'Brien motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded that the PBSD send a communication to the FWC Commissioners stating our support for Clam Bay being designated a manatee protection zone with slow speed. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Dave Cook suggested the communication include, (1) mention that residents are seeking a "redesignation" for a protection zone, and (2) mention that the PBSD is the designated steward of Clam Bay in Collier County. Ms. Mary Johnson commented that Clam Bay has never been designated a manatee protection zone. Ms. O'Brien clarified that Clam Bay previously had been designated an "idle speed no wake zone" in 1996 by Collier County, but a change in state law in 2009 made this speed restriction unenforceable. Ms. O'Brien commented that she will draft a letter and include Mr. Cook's input. LANDSCAPE & SAFETY REPORT Dr. Chicurel reported that the Landscape & Safety Committee met on Mar. 21 and the following items were discussed and acted upon. 4 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session April 5,2017 1. Residents of Oak Lake Sanctuary asked for help from some Pelican Bay entity to remediate sight and noise exposure experienced since the County ordered the removal of Brazilian Pepper trees and vegetation between Oak Lake Sanctuary and the Village. They were directed to the PBF for help as it relates to the US 41 berm, and Mr. Dorrill will look into providing assistance. 2. Mr. Bolick will come back to the committee with a plan to place leftover mulch from the mulching project on the US 41 berm. 3. A motion passed unanimously to recommend to the full PBSD Board that Mr. Dorrill coordinate with the County to paint the large water tank on the operations site. Color to be hunter green or equivalent and approved by the PBF. 4. The sharrows in Pelican Bay are fading due to traffic. In order to find a solution to the problem, the committee recommended by consensus that the sharrows be repainted annually on Pelican Bay Blvd. and Gulf Park Dr. using reflective glass beaded paint. After Gulf Park Dr. is repaved, sharrows shall be applied with 60 mil thermoplastic material and placed in the middle of the lane (to help lessen tire wear and resultant graying). 5. Discussion and refinement of the Landscape Management Plan continued. Final approval by the committee will occur at the next committee meeting. 6. Mr. Shepherd suggested that a strategic plan be developed for our operations site and that the PBSD consider transitioning to full-time employees since part-time workers have proven to be inefficient and hard to find. 7. A refined scope of services for the street light project was agreed upon. The items include: (1) Show locations where adding additional street light poles at crosswalks and intersections are needed, (2) Provide a map showing where tree trimming cannot eliminate conflicts with streetlights and provide solutions (i.e. extension arms or adding additional poles), and (3) Assist the PBSD to determine the type of labels that could be affixed to the concrete street light poles for numbering purposes. REQUEST TO PAINT THE LARGE WATER TANK Dr. Chicurel motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded that the PBSD Administrator, Neil Dorrill, coordinate with Collier County to paint the water tank on the County operations site. The color should camouflage the tank (i.e. hunter green) and be approved by the Pelican Bay Foundation. The motion carried unanimously. Dr. Chicurel commented that the water tank repainting would be a cost incurred by the County. Mr. Shepherd reported that County staff is in the process of bidding out the repainting of the water tank under discussion, and that staff is amenable to working with us on color preference. Mr. Dorrill reported that Commissioner Solis is highly motivated to have staff complete the water tank repainting project during this fiscal year. WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT 5 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session April 5,2017 Mr. Streckenbein commented that the next Water Management Committee meeting is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Friday, April 21 at the PBSD Office. BUDGET REPORT Mr. Streckenbein reported that the Budget Committee met on March 29. He reported that most of the FY18 proposed budget increases are a result of capital project needs. He will schedule the next committee meeting as soon as staff has completed research on a number of proposed budgeted items. A final budget is due into the County Manager's Office on May 26. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Streckenbein commented on, (1) a recent Men's Coffee meeting where Commissioner Solis commented that a higher percentage of the tourist tax should be used for beach renourishment, (2) his appreciation of staff's hard work, and (3) a future survey to be sent out to board members asking for committee preferences. OLD BUSINESS PBSD ELECTION Ms. O'Brien reported that 10.5% of the ballots for the PBSD election were returned to the Collier County Clerk of Courts. She suggested that the board consider for next year's election: (1) a candidate forum, (2) an addressed return envelope, (3) significant advanced pre- planning. Mr. Streckenbein commented on candidate forums sponsored by the PBPOA in the past. Dr. Chicurel reported that this week's PBF e-blast would include the results of the PBSD election. Mr. Dorrill commented that he will evaluate the PBSD election process, and review this process as described in the PBSD ordinance. Mr. Trent Waterhouse, as the Chair of the PBF election committee, offered his help in future election processes. NEW BUSINESS CONSTRUCTION RELATED ACTIVITY IN A PBSD EASEMENT (ADD-ON) Ms. O'Brien provided a photo of the rear of a Georgetown home with a construction fence in an area where the PBSD has an easement. She commented on the need for the PBSD to review/weigh in on these types of situations, provide input, and exercise authority. Mr. Hoppensteadt commented that the County does not restrict fences in easements because they are temporary. Mr. Dorrill commented that the PBSD has no regulatory authority. He will follow up on this issue with Mr. Frank Laney of the PBF. ADJOURNMENT IThe meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m. 6 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session April 5,2017 .„.„)) c4}±,-; Scott Streckenbein, Chairman Minutes approved [a' ] as presented OR [ ] as amended ON [ `) "3_ (7 ] date 7