Minutes 03/29/2017 BUDGET COMMITTEE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION MARCH 29,2017 The Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Wednesday, March 29, at 9:00 a.m. at the SunTrust Bank Building, located at 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 302, Naples, Florida 34108. In attendance were: Budget Committee Ken Dawson (ex-officio) Scott Streckenbein, Chairman Mike Shepherd Joe Chicurel (absent) Dave Trecker Susan O'Brien Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager (absent) Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present None APPROVED AGENDA (AS AMENDED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 01/26/17 meeting minutes 5. Audience comments 6. Review and discuss vehicle and equipment replacements 7. Capital Projects Planning for FY 2018 and forward 8. Review and discuss,b dget to actual figures and proposed FY 2018 budget 9. Old Business 10. New Business a. Revised format for monthly financials (add-on) b. Unbudgeted erhergency projects (add-on) 11. Adjourn h ROLL CALL Dr. Chicurel was absent and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL Ms. O'Brien motioned, Mr. Shepherd seconded to approve the agenda as amended, with the addition of discussion items #10a and #10b. The motion carried unanimously. 1 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 29,2017 Minutes APPROVAL OF 01/26/17 MEETING MINUTES Ms. O'Brien motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded to approve the 01/26/17 meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS None VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENTS Mr. Streckenbein commented that the County Manager's budget deadline is May 26. The committee reviewed and discussed the FY18 recommended vehicle and equipment replacement list, prepared by the County Fleet Management Dept. By consensus, the committee requested (1) staff prioritize the replacement list, (2) staff request a similar replacement list from Fleet Management for FY19, and (3) that Mr. Dorrill ascertain from County staff whether the PBSD must use County Fleet Management to maintain our vehicles, or if outsourcing is possible. CAPITAL PROJECTS PLANNING FOR FY2018 AND FORWARD The committee reviewed and discussed a schedule of estimates for planned FY18 capital projects. Ms. McCaughtry commented that our engineer's report on our lake banks is expected to be available next week and will go to the Water Management Committee for review. By consensus, the committee agreed that information in this report is critical for budgeting an adequate amount for FY18 lake bank improvements. The committee reviewed and discussed shop/field improvements, estimated to be $100,000 for a new maintenance shed and $75,000 for a fuel tank. By consensus, the committee requested that (1) Mr. Dorrill contact the County to determine whether the PBSD can continue to rent its onsite fuel tank for an additional year, and (2) Mr. Bolick provide a summary document including justification, quote, and description of the requested maintenance shed. By consensus, the committee agreed to budget $45,000 for the east side of the north berm project, and reconsider the west side of the north berm project for FY19 during next year's budget cycle. By consensus, the committee agreed to remove the $75,000 for implementing new sign specs, and increase the routine sign maintenance budget to $40,000. By consensus, the committee agreed on $200,000 for beach renourishment, citing the possibility of a catastrophic storm, requiring a larger reserve to be available. BUDGET TO ACTUAL FIGURES AND PROPOSED FY18 BUDGET The committee reviewed and discussed staff's schedule of FY17 budget to actual expenses and proposed FY18 budget by line item. By consensus, the committee requested staff provide (1) a summary document including a description and phases of the Trieste and Ritz Carlton project for maintenance of exotics for drainage purposes, (2) a summary document including a rationale and description for $300,000 2 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 29, 2017 Minutes budgeted for multi-year structural pruning, (3) a summary document of a realistic budget for landscape materials (ROW beautification field), prepared by Mr. Bolick, and (4) a description of the components of$51,600 in"other contractual in ROW beautification adm." By consensus, the committee agreed to maintain the same millage rate of.0857 for FY18 street lighting and that $120,000 for LED replacement bulbs should be included in the operating budget, with an offsetting reduction of$120,000 in reserves. Ms. O'Brien provided a document entitled, "FY 18 Clam Bay Budget (DRAFT)" which was distributed and added to the record. After review and discussion, staff agreed to provide a reconciliation between staffs estimate of a proposed FY18 Fund 320 budget of $113,300 and Ms. O'Brien's estimate of$182,765. Dr. Trecker commented on the option of using part of the capital carry-forward to reduce the draft proposed FY18 assessment of$681.87 (a 15% increase from FY17). Mr. Streckenbein suggested that the issue of advantages and disadvantages of temporary vs. full-time landscaping employees be discussed at the next Budget Committee meeting, to be scheduled subsequent to staff completing all requested information. Mr. Streckenbein commented on his goal for final approval of the FY18 PBSD budget at the May PBSD board meeting. MR. DAWSON LEFT THE MEETING AT 10:35 AM DR. TRECKER LEFT THE MEETING AT 11:24 AM OLD BUSINESS Not discussed NEW BUSINESS Not discussed REVISED FORMAT FOR MONTHLY FINANCIALS (ADD-ON) Not discussed UNBUDGETED EMERGENCY PROJECTS (ADD-ON) Not discussed ADJOURNMENT IThe meeting was adjourned at 11:29 a.m. I 3 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 29,2017 Minutes Scott Streckenbein, Chairman Minutes approved [ I as presented OR [ t/ as amended ON I `f , ) 1 1 date • 4