EAC Agenda 03/05/1997 •
MARCH 5, 1997; 9:00 A.M.
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—February 5, 1997
All matters listed under this item are considered to be routine and action will be taken
by one motion without separate discussion of each item. If discussion is desired by a member of the
Board,that item(s)will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
A. Possible consolidation of EAB and EPTAB functions.
A. [Board Members]: Notify the PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (643-$400) no
later than 5 P.M. on Monday March 3, 1997, if you cannot attend this meeting or if you have conflict and
thus will abstain from voting on a particular petition.
B. [General Public]: Any person who decides to appeal a decision of this board will need a
record of the proceedings pertaining thereto; and therefore may need to insure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be
DATE: February 5, 1997
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
PLACE: 3rd Floor Boardroom, Administration Building, Collier County
Government Center, Naples, Florida
Foley X Chrzanowski X
Hermanson X Lenberger X
Hinchcliff X Lorenz X
Lamoureux X Seal X
Saadeh Arrived 9:08
Straton X
Wilkison Excused Absence
MINUTES BY: Stephen Lenberger, Environmental Specialist II
CALLED TO ORDER AT: 9:00 a.m. ADJOURNED AT: 9:45 a.m.
PRESIDING: Paul Hinchcliff, Vice Chairman
Motion made by Ms. Straton, seconded by Mr. Foley and carried 5/0, to approve minutes of
January 8, 1997 with corrections.
ITEM: Regular Agenda
PETITION NO: Planned Unit Development Amendment Petition No. PUD-85-29(1)
"Naples Gateway PUD"
REPRESENTED BY: Robert Duane, Hole, Montes& Associates, Inc.
Environmental Advisory Board Minutes February 5, 1997
Page 2
Kenneth Passarella, Passarella and Associates, Inc. Consulting
Motion: Made by Mr. Foley Seconded by Ms. Straton and carried 5/0, to approve with added
stipulations. Mr. Hermanson abstained from the vote.
Water Management:
1. A copy of the SFWMD Surface Water Permit with staff report is required prior to
construction plan approval.
1. Environmental permitting shall be in accordance with the state of Florida Environmental
Resource Permit rules and be subject to review and approval by Current Planning
Environmental Review Staff. Removal of exotic vegetation shall not be counted towards
mitigation for impacts to Collier County jurisdictional wetlands.
2. All conservation areas shall be designated as conservation/preservation tracts or easements
on all construction plans and shall be recorded on the plat with protective covenants per or
similar to Section 704.06 of the Florida Statutes.
In the event the project does not require platting, all conservation areas shall be recorded
as conservation/preservation tracts or easements dedicated to an approved entity or to
Collier County with no responsibility for maintenance and subject to the uses and
limitations similar to or as per Florida Statutes Section 704.06.
3. An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maintenance (exotic-free) plan for the site,
with emphasis on the conservation/preservation areas, shall be submitted to Current
Planning Environmental Review Staff for review and approval prior to final site
plan/construction plan approval.
4. Proof of ownership for the adjoining property to the west shall be provided to Current
Planning Review Staff prior to Final Development Order Approval.
New Business:
Possible consolidation of EAB and EPTAB functions.
Environmental Advisory Board Minutes February 5, 1997
Page 3
COMMENTS: For a complete record of the proceedings reader is directed to the tape
recording of this meeting, located in the Office of the Clerk to the Board, 5th Floor, Building "F",
Collier County, Government Complex.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair.
Environmental Advisory Board
Paul Hinchcliff, Vice Chairman
Fax number: +1 (941) 643-3266
Business phone: 643-6752
From David Wilkissor)
Fax number: +1 (941) 643-5173
Business phone:
Home phone:
Date & Time: 1/30/97 2:00:50 PM
Pages: 1
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pliance with local codes and ordinances.Nothing (d) Appointment of members to the committee
contained under this division shall prohibit the shall be by resolution of the board of county corn-
county from enforcing its codes by any appro. missioners and such resolution shall set forth the 1
=-t priate civil action, or by referral to the state at- date of appointment and the term of office of each
torney's office for prosecution in the case of a crim- member.
inal violation,and/or by presentation to any other (Ord. No. 93-76, § 2)
county board or agency with jurisdiction to hear
and act upon the alleged code or ordinance viola- Sec. 2-1033. Terms of office.
(Ord. No. 92-80, § 15) (a) The initial terms of office of the develop-
ment services advisory committee members shall
Secs. 2.1021-2.1030. Reserved. be as follows:
:.. DIVISION 12.DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (1) Six members to serve for two years.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE* (2) Five members to serve for three years.
Sec. 2.1031. Created. (3) Four members to serve for four years.
-The county development services advisory corn- (b) Thereafter, each appointment or reappoint-
mittee is hereby created to provide reports and ment shall be for a term of four years. Terms of
recommendations to the board of county commis- office shall be limited to two consecutive terms of
sioners to assist in the enhancement of opera- service.Appointments to fill any vacancies on the
tional efficiency and budgetary accountability committee shall be for the remainder of the un-
within the community development services clivi- expired term of office.
sion and to serve as a primary communication (Ord. No. 93-76, § 3)
,_ link between the community development ser-
vices division, the development industry and the Sec. 2-1034. Removal from office; failure to
,. citizens of the county. attend meetings.
(Ord. No. 93-76, § 1)
""' (a) Any member of the development services ad-
Sec. 2.1032. Appointment and composition. visory committee may be removed from office,with
�. (a) The development services advisory corn- or without cause,by a majority vote of the board
mittee shall be composed of 15 members. of county commissioners.
--' (b) Members shall represent the various as- (b) In the event that any committee member is
pects of the development industry with one or more absent from two consecutive committee meetings
members from each of the following clA�ifica- without a satisfactory excuse acceptable to the -
tions:architect,general contractor,residential con- committee chairman, the committee chairman
tractor, environmentalist, land planner, land de- shall state such fact at the next regularly sched-
.ey veloper,landscape architect,professional engineer, Wed committee meeting and shall thereafter no-
and utility contractor. may, in writing, the community development ad-
ministrator or his designee of the committee
(c) Members of the committee shall serve at the member's failure to attend without satisfactory
:, pleasure of the board of county commissioners and excuse. The board of county commissioners shall
shall be permanent residents and electors of the review the committee chairman's notification at a
--, county. board meeting and shall declare the committee
member's position to be vacant if the commission
*Cross references—Buildings and building regulations, concurs that the committee member was absent
eh. 22;development services department, § 22-30;manufac-
` tured homes and trailers,ch.86;planning.ch. 106. from two consecutive committee meetings without
Land development code reference—Development ser- a satisfactory excuse and shall promptly fill the
" ' vices department,div.5.10. vacant position.The committee member shall not
serve at any meetings after his position is de- expenses reasonably incurred in the performance
Glared vacant. of their duties upon prior approval of the board of
county commissioners.
(c) If any member of the committee is absent (Ord. No. 93-76, § 6)
for more than one-half of the committee's meet-
ings in a given fiscal year,it shall be deemed that
the member has tendered his resignation from Sec. 2-1037. Functions,powers and duties.
such committee.The board of county commission-,
ers shall as soon as practicable after such resig- The functions, powers and duties of the devel-
nation,declare the position to be vacant and shall opment services advisory committee shall be as
promptly act to fill the vacancy. The committee follows:
member shall not serve at any meetings after his (1) serve as a rim
position has been declared vacant by the board of primary communication link
county commissioners. between the community development ser-
vices division and the development indus-
(d) A member of the committee shall be deemed try, which includes environmentalists, de-
absent from a meeting when he is not present signers,developers and contractors involved
during at least 75 percent of the meeting. in both site work and building construc-
(Ord. No. 93-76, § 4) tion.
(2) To make recommendations as to rules and
• Sec. 2-1035. Officers; quorum; rules of pro- procedures to enhance the operational effi-
cedure. ciency and budgetary accountability which
' C (a) Annually the membership of the develop- may include plan review, permit issuance,
ment services advisory committee shall elect a inspections, code enforcement, contractor
chairman and vice-chairman from among the licensing,facility improvements and build-
" members. Officers' terms shall be for one year ing and development related fees.
with eligibility for reelection. (3) To identify concerns of the development
(b) The presence of eight or more meindustry and present them at regularly
shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of scheduled advisory committee meetings.
those members present is necessary to take action (4) To provide input to staff regarding the
and transact business. creation of new rules,processes and proce-
dures associated with the development in-
(c) The committee shall,by majority vote of the dust,
entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for
the transaction of business and shall keep a (5) To increase the awareness of adopted build-
record of meetings, resolutions, findings ing and development standards by promot-
and determinations.Copies of all committee min- ing development industry educational pro-
resolutions, reports, and exhibits shall be grams
submitted to the board of county commissioners. (6) T?prepare and recommend to the board of
(d) Clerical and reasonable staff support shall county commissioners technical and admin-
be provided by the county development services istrative programs designed to enhance the
division. . proficiency and customer services of the
(Ord. No. 93-76, § 5) community development services division.
(7) To develop an advisory committee monitor-
Sec. 2-1036. Reimbursement of expenses. ing program of the key review activities of
the division for the purpose of providing
%i Members of the development services advisory continuing feedback on both the quality
committee shall serve without compensation,but and quantity of services rendered by the
�-• shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for division.
Supp.No.2 CD2:53
(8) To design a technical review/customer ser- (4) To attend, or have his designee attend, all
vice evaluation form for response by users county development services advisory corn-
_ of the community development services di- mittee meetings.
vision. (Ord. No. 93-76, § 8)
(9) To submit an annual report to the county
administrator and the board of county corn- Sec. 2-1039. Review process.
missioners which shall summarize findings
and issues during the report year and the Thiscommittee shall be reviewed once every
status of their resolution. four years commencing in 1997, in accordance
with the procedures contained in division 2 of this
(10) To review proposed ordinances and codes article.
that may affect the community develop- (Ord. No. 93-76, § 9)
ment services division prior to their sub-
mittal to the board of county commission- Secs. 2-1040--2-1050. Reserved.
ers for approval.
(11) Tb perform or assist with any other func-
tion or duty as requested by the county DIVISION 13. COLLIER COUNTY COUNCIL
administrator or the board of county cora- OF ECONOMIC ADVISORS
m.issioners. •
(12) To adopt and amend guidelines to govern Sec. 2-1051. Creation. •
their meetings and operations, subject to
the approval of the board of county commis- The Collier County Council of Economic Advi-
sioners. sors is hereby created to provide assistance, ad-
reports and recommendations to the board of
(13) The committee meetings shall be open to county commissioners regarding efficient and ef-
the public. fective methods that the board can use to increase
(Ord. No. 93-76, § 7) economic opportunities and increase and diver-
sify the economic base in Collier County. The
council of economic advisors shall make recom-
Sec. 2-1038. Duties of administrator. mendations regarding polices and programs to
increase and promote economic vitality and eco-
nomic opportunities that are compatible with the
The duties of the community development ser-
vices division administrator or his designee shall quality of life in Collier County, advise the board
on ways to take advantage of the economic oppor-
'" tunities presented by the establishment of Mori- "•
(1) To administer the activities of the county da's Tenth University, assist the staff and the
development services advisory committee board in the development of an economic element
in accordance with established policies and to be included in the county's growth manage-
guidelines of the board of county commis- ment plan, if directed by the board of county
sioners. commissioners,and exercise such other functions,
(2) To provide technical information, county powers and duties as provided in this division.
operational procedures and support rela- ( rd
•No. 94-26, § 1, 5-10-94)
tive to the community development activi-
ties of the community development ser- Sec. 2-1052. Appointment and composition.
vices division.
(a) The council shall be composed of 12 mem-
(3) To assure that all reports, studies, plans, been.
etc., are forwarded to the county adminis-
trator and the board of county commission- (b) Members of the council shall serve at the 1l
ers for their review. pleasure of the board of county commissioners,be
Sapp.No.2 CD2:54
permanent residents and electors of Collier County promptly fill the vacant position. The council
and shall have substantial experience in econom- member shall not serve at any meetings after his
ics and business development. or her
position is declared vacant.
(c) Appointment of members to the council shall .
(c) If any member of the council is absent for
be by resolution of the board of county commis_
sinners and such resolution shall set forth the more than one-half of the council's meetings in a
date of appointment and the term of office of each given fiscal year, it shall be deemed that the
member. member has tendered his resignation from such
(Ord. No. 94-26, § 2, 5-10-94; Ord. No. 95-6, § 1, council.The board of county commissioners shall
2-7-95) as soon as practicable after such resignation,
declare the position to be vacant and shall promptly
act to fillthe vacancy. The council member shall
Sec. 2-1053. Terms of office.
not serve at any meetings after his position has
The initial terms of the council members shall been declared vacant by the board of county
be as follows: commissioners.
(1) Four members to serve for two years. (d) A member of the council shall be deemed
(2) Four members to serve for three years. absent from a meeting when he/she is not present
(3) Four members to serve for four years. durilease
(Ord.ng Nato. 94-2t6, §75 4p, 5-10-94)rcentofthe meeting.
P Thereafter, each appointment or re-appoint-
went of members shall be for a term of four years.
'Arms of office for members shall be limited to two Sec. 2-1055. Officers; quorum; rules of pro-
. Cconsecutive terms of service.Appointments to fill cedure.
any vacancies on the council shall be for the
- remainder of the unexpired term of office. (a) Annually the membership of the council
(Ord. No. 94-26, § 3, 5-10-94; Ord. No. 95-6, § 2, shall elect a chairman and vice chairman from
2-7-95) among the members. Officer's terms shall be for
one year with eligibility for re-election.
` Sec. 2-1054. Removal from office; failure to
attend meetings. (b) The presence of seven or more members
shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of
(a) Any member of the council may be removed those regular members present is necessary to
from office, with or without cause, by a majority take action and transact business.
vote of the board of county commissioners.
(c) The council shall, by majority vote of the
(b) In the event that any council member is entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for
absent from two consecutive council meetings the transaction of business and shall keep a
without a satisfactory excuse acceptable to the written record of meetings, resolutions, findings
council chairman,the council chairman shall state and determinations.Copies of all council minutes,
such fact at the next regularly scheduled council resolutions,reports,and exhibits shall be submit..
meeting and shall thereafter notify, in writing, ted to the board of county commissioners.
the county administrator or his designee of the
council member's failure to attend without satis- (d) Clerical and reasonable staff support
factory excuse. The board of countycommission- provshall
ers shall review the council chairman's tica- The county administrator shally the county adminio strator's office.
tion at a county commission meeting and shall from the county administrator's stag one or ore
declare the council member's position to be vacant staff member(s) to act as liaison to the Collier
if the commission concurs that the council mem- County Council of Economic Advisors.
(..._ ber was assent from two consecutive council meet- (Ord. No. 94-26, § 5, 5-10-94; ^
ings without a satisfactory excuse and shall 2-7-95) Ord. No. 95-6, § 3,
Supp.No.2 CD2:55
. • 1.
. r
4 2-1056 COLLIER COUNTY CODE '---)
.pec. 2-1056. Reimbursement of expenses. Sec. 2-1058. Review process.
This council shall be reviewed once every four
Members of the council shall serve without years commencing in 1998,in accordance with the
" compensation, but shall be entitled to receive procedures contained in Collier County Ordi- .
reimbursement for expenses reasonably incurred nance No. 86-41, as amended.
in the performance of their duties upon prior (Ord.No. 94-26, § 8, 5-10-94)
approval of the board of county commissioners.
(Ord.No.94-26, 6,5-10-94) Secs. 2-1059-2-1070. Reserved.
Sec. 2-1057. Functions, powers and duties DIVISION 14. MARCO ISLAND VISION
The functions,powers and duties of the council Sec. 2-1071. Creation.
shall be as follows:
This division is enacted pursuant to Collier
_ (1) To advise and assist the board in the estab- County Ordinance No. 86-41, as amended by
lishment,review and enhancement of poli- Ordinance No. 92-44,to establish and create the
des and programs to increase and promote Marco Island Citizens Vision Planning Advisory
economic vitality and economic opportuni- Committee,hereinafter referred to as the'vision
ties that are compatible with the quality of planning committee" or the*committee."
life in Collier County. (Ord. No. 95-1, § 1, 1-10-95)
--, (2) Tb advise the board of county commission-
Sec. 2-1072. Appointment and composition.
ers on ways that the board can promote
business and take advantage of the eco- (a) The vision planning committee shall consist
nomic opportunities presented by the es- of ten members which representation shall con-
15 tablishment of Florida's Tenth University. sist of no more than one officer or director from
(3) To assist in the development of an economic any one organization/association and should in-
element to the county's growth manage- elude the following associations:
ment plan, if so desired by the board of (1) Marco Association of Condominiums;
county commissioners. (2) Marco Island Area Association of Realtors;
,.. (4) To advise the board of county commission- (3) Marco Island Area Ministries;
-ers on all issues associated with economic
=. planning and incentives,including the eco- (4) Marco Island Chamber of Commerce;
nomic aspects of regulatory reform. (5) Marco Island Civic Association;
(5) To perform or assist with any other func- (6) Marco Island Taxpayers Association.
tion or duty as it relates to economic devel- The balance of the membership shall be resi-
opment as requested by the board of county
commissioners. dents of Marco Island and shall not necessarily
represent any one particular group or association,
(6) The council may adopt and amend"guide- but may be a member of such an association but
lines"to govern their meetings and opera- not serving as an officer.
tions, subject to the approval of the board (b) Members of the vision planning committee
of county commissioners. shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
""' (7) The council meetings shall be open to the the board of county commissioners.Said members
public. shall be permanent residents and electors of the
a '-VOrd. No. 94-26, § 7, 5-10-94) Marco Island Community. '•_____.)
Sapp.No.2 CD2:56
(c) Appointment of members to the committee Sec. 2-1076. Functions, powers and duties
shall be by resolution of the board of county of the committee.
commissioners, which resolution shall set forth
the date and appointment and the term of office. The functions, powers and duties of the cora-
(Ord. No. 95-1, § 2, 1-10-95) shall be as follows:
(1) To aid and assist in the preparation of the
Sea 73. Terms of office. Marco Island Master Plan. This would in-
clude assistance with data collection, sur-
The vision planning committee shall be estab- veys, provide for visioning workshops to
lished for a two-year time elicit citizen input, develop policy y period which shall mendations and review and make recom-
commence with the effective date of the resolution mendations on the Capital Improvements
appointing said members and conclude after the Element as it relates to Marco Island.
final adoption hearing for the Marco Island Mas-
ter Plan by the board of county commissioners. (2) provide recommendations to the board
(Ord. No. 95-1, § 3, 1-10-95) of county commissioners on policy related
to the development of the master plan.
Sec. 2-1074. Officers; quorum, rules of pro-
(3) To provide a forum for broad citizen input
cedure;removal from office and and participation.
failure to attend meetings. (4) To provide information to the general pub-
lic and keep the citizens of Marco Island
(a) At its earliest opportunity,the membership involved and informed of the planning pro-
of the committee shall elect a chairperson and
vice chairperson from among the members. cess as it relates to the formulation of the^
Marco Island Master Plan.
(5) To perform or assist with any other func-
(b) The presence of six or more members shall tion or duty as it relates to the development
constitute a quorum of the committee necessary of the Marco Island Master Plan as re-
to take action and transact business. quested by the board of county commission-
(c) The committee shall,by majority vote of the
entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for (6) The committee meetings shall be open to
the transaction of business and shall keep a the public.
written record of meetings, resolutions, findings (Ord. No. 95-1, § 5, 1-10-95)
and determinations.Copies of all committee min-
utes, resolutions, reports and exhibits shall be
submitted to the board of county commissioners.
(d) Any member of the committee may be re-
moved from office by a majority vote of the board
of county commissioners.
(e) If any member of the committee fails to
attend two consecutive committee meetings with-
out a satisfactory excuse,or if a member is absent
from more than one-half of the committee's meet-
ings in a given calendar year,the committee shall
declare the member's seat to be vacant and the
vacancy shall be filled by the board of county
(Ord. No. 95-1, § 4, 1-10-95)
Supp.No.2 CD2:57
(c) Appointment of members to the committee Sec. 24075. Functions, powers and duties
shall be by resolution of the board of county of the committee.
commissioners, which resolution shall set forth The functions, powers and duties of the cora-
the date and appointment and the term of office. mittee shall be as follows:
(Ord. No. 95-1, § 2, 1-10-95)
(1) To aid and assist in the preparation of the
Marco Island Master Plan. This would in-
Sec. 73. Terms of office. dude assistance with data collection, sur-
veys,The vision planningcommittee shall be estab- provide for visioning workshops to
elicit citizen input, develop policy recom-
lished for a two-year time period which shall mendations and review and make recom-
commence with the effective date of the resolution mendations on the Capital Improvements
appointing said members and conclude after the Element as it relates to Marco Island.
final adoption hearing for the Marco Island Mas-
ter Plan by the board of county commissioners. (2) provide recommendations to the board
(Ord. No. 95-1, § 3, 1-10-95) of county commissioners on policy related
to the development of the master plan.
Sec. 2-1074. Officers; quorum, rules of pro-
(3) To provide a forum for broad citizen input
cedure;removal from office and and participation.
failure to attend meetings. (4) To provide information to the general pub-
lic and keep the citizens of Marco Island
(a) At its earliest opportunity, the membership involved and informed of the planning pro-
of the committee shall elect a chairperson and cess as it relates to the formulation of the
( � vice chairperson from among the members. Marco Island Master Plan.
(5) To perform or assist with any other func-
(b) The presence of six or more members shall tion or duty as it relates to the development
constitute a quorum of the committee necessary of the Marco Island Master Plan as re-
to take action and transact business. quested by the board of county commission-
(c) The committee shall,by majority vote of the (6) The committee meetings shall be open to
entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for the public.
the transaction of business and shall keep a
written record of meetings, resolutions, findings (Ord. No. 95-1, $ 5, 1-10-95)
and determinations. Copies of all committee min-
utes, resolutions, reports and exhibits shall be
submitted to the board of county commissioners.
(d) Any member of the committee may be re-
moved from office by a majority vote of the board
of county commissioners.
(e) If any member of the committee fails to
attend two consecutive committee meetings with-
out a satisfactory excuse,or if a member is absent
from more than one-half of the committee's meet-
ings in a given calendar year,the committee shall
declare the member's seat to be vacant and the
vacancy shall be filled by the board of county
(Ord. No. 95-1, $ 4, 1-10-95)
Supp.No. 2 CD2:57
Sec. 2-1056. Reimbursement of expenses. Sec. 2-1058. Review process.
This council shall be reviewed once every four
Members of the council shall serve without
years commencing in 1998,in accordance with the
compensation, but shall be entitled to receive
reimbursement for expenses reasonably incurred procedures contained in Collier County Orth-
in the performance of their duties upon prior Hance No. 4 ,86-41, as amended.
(Ord. No. 94-26-26,
approval of the board of county commissioners. § 8, 5-10 94)
(Ord. No. 94-26, § 6, 5-10-94)
Secs. 2-1059-2-1070. Reserved.
Sec. 2-1057. Functions, powers and duties DIVISION 14. MARCO ISLAND VISION
The functions,powers and duties of the council Sec. 2-1071. Creation.
shall be as follows:
This division is enacted pursuant to Collier
(1) 1b advise and assist the board in the estab- County Ordinance No. 86-41, as amended by
lishment, review and enhancement of poli- Ordinance No. 92-44, to establish and create the
cies and programs to increase and promote Marco Island Citizens Vision Planning Advisory
economic vitality and economic opportuni- Committee, hereinafter referred to as the"vision
ties that are compatible with the quality of planning committee" or the "committee."
life in Collier County. (Ord. No. 95-1, § 1, 1-10-95)
(2) 1b advise the board of county commission-
ers on ways that the board can promote Sec. 2-1072. Appointment and composition.
business and take advantage of the eco- (a) The vision planning committee shall consist
nomic opportunities presented by the es- of ten members which representation shall con-
tablishment of Florida's Tenth University gist of no more than one officer or director from
(3) To assist in the development of an economic any one argani7ation/association and should in-
element to the county's growth manage- elude the following associations:
ment plan, if so desired by the board of (1) Marco Association of Condominiums;
county commissioners.
(2) Marco Island Area Association of Realtors;
(4) Tb advise the board of county commission- (3) Marco Island Area Ministries;
ers on all issues associated with economic
planning and incentives,including the eco- (4) Marco Island Chamber of Commerce;
nomic aspects of regulatory reform.
(5) Marco Island Civic Association;
(5) 1b perform or assist with any other func- (6) Marco Island Taxpayers Association.
tion or duty as it relates to economic devel-
The balance of the membership shall be resi-
opment as requested by the board of county
commissioners. dents of Marco Island and shall not necessarily
represent any one particular group or association,
(6) The council may adopt and amend "guide- but may be a member of such an association but
lines" to govern their meetings and opera- not serving as an officer.
tions, subject to the approval of the board
of county commissioners. (b) Members of the vision planning committee
shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
(7) The council meetings shall be open to the the board of county commissioners.Said members
public. shall be permanent residents and electors of the
(Ord. No. 94-26, § 7, 5-10-94) Marco Island Community.
Sapp.No.2 CD2:56
permanent residents and electors of Collier County promptly fill the vacant position. The council
and shall have substantial experience in econom- member shall not serve at any meetings after his
ics and business development. or her position is declared vacant.
(c) Appointment of members to the council shall (c) If any member of the council is absent for
be by resolution of the board of county commis- more than one-half of the council's meetings in a
sinners and such resolution shall set forth the given fiscal year, it shall be deemed that the
date of appointment and the term of office of each member has tendered his resignation from such
member. council. The board of county commissioners shall
ZOr g5No. 94-26, § 2, 5-10-94; Ord. No. 95-6, § 1, as soon as practicable after such resignation,
-7 )
declare the position to be vacant and shall promptly
Sec. 2-1053. Terms of office. act to fill the vacancy. The council member shall
not serve at any meetings after his position has
The initial terms of the council members shall been declared vacant by the board of county
be as follows: commissioners.
(1) Four members to serve for two years. (d) A member of the council shall be deemed
(2) Four members to serve for three years. absent from a meeting when he/she is not present
(3) Four members to serve for four years. during at least 75 percent of the meeting.
(Ord. No. 94-26, § 4, 5-10-94)
Thereafter, each appointment or re-appoint-
ment of members shall be for a term of four years. Sec. 2-1055. Officers; quorum; rules of pro-
Terms of office for members shall be limited to two cedure.
consecutive terms of service.Appointments to fill
any vacancies on the council shall be for the (a) Annually the membership of the council
remainder of the unexpired term of office. shall elect a chairman and vice chairman from
(Ord. No. 94-26, § 3, 5-10-94; Ord. No. 95-6, § 2, among the members. Officer's terms shall be for
2-7-95) one year with eligibility for re-election.
Sec. 2-1054. Removal from office; failure to (b) The presence of seven or more members
attend meetings. shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of
(a) Any member of the council may be removed those regular members present is necessary to
from office, with or without cause, by a majority take action and transact business.
vote of the board of county commissioners.
(c) The council shall, by majority vote of the
(b) In the event that any council member is entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for
absent from two consecutive council meetings the transaction of business and shall keep a
without a satisfactory excuse acceptable to the written record of meetings, resolutions, findings
council chairman,the council chairman shall state and determinations.Copies of all council minutes,
such fact at the next regularly scheduled council resolutions,reports, and exhibits shall be submit-
meeting and shall thereafter notify, in writing, ted to the board of county commissioners.
the county administrator or his designee of the
council member's failure to attend without satis- (d) Clerical and reasonable staff support shall
factory excuse. The board of county commission- be provided by the county administrator's office.
ers shall review the council chairman's notifica- The county administrator shall also designate,
tion at a county commission meeting and shall from the county administrator's staff,one or more
declare the council member's position to be vacant staff member(s) to act as liaison to the Collier
if the commission concurs that the council mem- County Council of Economic Advisors.
— ber was assent from two consecutive council meet- (Ord. No. 94-26, § 5, 5-10-94; Ord. No. 95-6, § 3,
ings without a satisfactory excuse and shall 2-7-95)
Supp.No. 2 CD2:55
(8) Tb design a technical review/customer ser- (4) 'lb attend, or have his designee attend, all
vice evaluation form for response by users county development services advisory cora-
of the community development services di- mittee meetings.
vision. (Ord. No. 93-76, § 8)
(9) To submit an annual report to the county
administrator and the board of county corn- Sec. 2-1039. Review process.
missioners which shall summarize findings
and issues during the report year and the Thiscommittee shall be reviewed once every
status of their resolution. four years commencing in 1997, in accordance
with the procedures contained in division 2 of this
(10) To review proposed ordinances and codes article.
that may affect the community develop- (Ord. No. 93-76, § 9)
ment services division prior to their sub-
mittal to the board of county commission-
ers for approval. Secs. 2-1040-2-1050. Reserved.
(11) To perform or assist with any other func-
tion or duty as requested by the county DIVISION 13. COLLIER COUNTY COUNCIL
administrator or the board of county corn- OF ECONOMIC ADVISORS
(12) To adopt and amend guidelines to govern Sec. 2-1051. Creation.
their meetings and operations, subject to
The Collier County Council of Economic Advi-
the approval of the board of county commis-
sioners. sors is hereby created to provide assistance, ad-
vice,reports and recommendations to the board of
(13) The committee meetings shall be open to county commissioners regarding efficient and ef-
the public. fective methods that the board can use to increase
(Ord. No. 93-76, § 7) economic opportunities and increase and diver-
sify the economic base in Collier County The
council of economic advisors shall make recom-
Sec. 2-1038. Duties of administrator. mendations regarding polices and programs to
increase and promote economic vitality and eco-
The duties of the community development ser- nomic opportunities that are compatible with the
quality of life in Collier County, advise the board
vices division administrator or his designee shall
be: on ways to take advantage of the economic oppor-
tunities presented by the establishment of Flori-
(1) To administer the activities of the county da's Tenth University, assist the staff and the
development services advisory committee board in the development of an economic element
in accordance with established policies and to be included in the county's growth manage-
guidelines of the board of county commis- went plan, if directed by the board of county
sioners. commissioners,and exercise such other functions,
(2) To provide technical information, county powers and duties as provided in this division.
operational procedures and support rela- ( No. 94-26, § 1, 5-10-94)
tive to the community development activi-
ties of the community development ser- Sec. 2-1052. Appointment and composition.
vices division.
(3) To assure that all reports, studies, plans, be(rs) a COuncil shall be composed of 12 mem-
etc., are forwarded to the county adminis-
trator and the board of county commission- (b) Members of the council shall serve at the
ers for their review. pleasure of the board of county commissioners,be
Sapp.No. 2 CD2:54
serve at any meetings after his position is de- expenses reasonably incurred in the performance
Glared vacant. of their duties upon prior approval of the board of
county commissioners.
(c) If any member of the committee is absent (Ord. No. 93-76, § 6)
for more than one-half of the committee's meet-
ings in a given fiscal year,it shall be deemed that
the member has tendered his resignation from Sec. 2-1037. Functions, powers and duties.
such committee.The board of county commission-,
ers shall as soon as practicable after such resig- The functions, powers and duties of the devel-
nation,declare the position to be vacant and shall opment services advisory committee shall be as
promptly act to fill the vacancy. The committee follows:
member shall not serve at any meetings after his
(1) To serve as a primary communication link
position has been declared vacant by the board of between the community development ser-
county commissioners. vices division and the development indus-
(d) A member of the committee shall be deemed try, which includes environmentalists, de-
absent from a meeting when he is not present signers,developers and contractors involved
during at least 75 percent of the meeting. in both site work and building construc-
(Ord. No. 93-76, $ 4) tion.
(2) To make recommendations as to rules and
Sec. 2-1035. Officers; quorum; rules of pro- procedures to enhance the operational effi-
cedure. ciency and budgetary accountability which
(a) Annually the membership of the develop- may include plan review, permit issuance,
went services advisory committee shall elect a inspections, code enforcement, contractor
chairman and vice-chairman from among the licensing,facility improvements and build-
members. Officers' terms shall be for one year ing and development related fees.
with eligibility for reelection. (3) To identify concerns of the development
industry and present them at regularly
(b) The presence of eight or more members scheduled advisory committee meetings.
shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of
those members present is necessary to take action (4) To provide input to staff regarding the
and transact business. creation of new rules, processes and proce-
dures associated with the development in-
(c) The committee shall,by majority vote of the dustry.
entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for (5) To increase the awareness of adopted build-
the transaction of business and shall keep a ing and development standards by promot-
written record of meetings, resolutions, findings ing development industry educational pro-
and determinations. Copies of all committee min-
utes, resolutions, reports, and exhibits shall be teams'
submitted to the board of county commissioners. (6) 'Ib prepare and recommend to the board of
county commissioners technical and admin-
(d) Clerical and reasonable staff support shall istrative programs designed to enhance the
be provided by the county development services proficiency and customer services of the
division. community development services division.
(Ord. No. 93-76, $ 5)
(7) To develop an advisory committee monitor-
Sec. 2-1036. Reimbursement of expenses. ing program of the key review activities of
the division for the purpose of providing
— Members of the development services advisory continuing feedback on both the quality
committee shall serve without compensation, but and quantity of services rendered by the
shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for division.
Supp.No. 2 CD2:53
pliance with local codes and ordinances. Nothing (d) Appointment of members to the committee
contained under this division shall prohibit the shall be by resolution of the board of county corn-
county from enforcing its codes by any appro- missioners and such resolution shall set forth the
priate civil action, or by referral to the state at- date of appointment and the term of office of each
torney's office for prosecution in the case of a crim- member.
inal violation,and/or by presentation to any other (Ord. No. 93-76, § 2)
county board or agency with jurisdiction to hear
and act upon the alleged code or ordinance viola-
tion. Sec. 2.1033. Terms of office.
(Ord. No. 92-80, § 15) (a) The initial terms of office of the develop-
ment services advisory committee members shall
Secs. 2.1021-2.1030. Reserved. be as follows:
DIVISION 12. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (1) Six members to serve for two years.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE' (2) Five members to serve for three years.
Sec. 2-1031. Created. (3) Four members to serve for four years.
The county development services advisory corn- (b) Thereafter, each appointment or reappoint-
mittee is hereby created to provide reports and ment shall be for a term of four years. Terms of
recommendations to the board of county commis- office shall be limited to two consecutive terms of
sioners to assist in the enhancement of opera- service.Appointments to fill any vacancies on the
tional efficiency and budgetary accountability committee shall be for the remainder of the un-
within the community development services divi- expired term of office.
sion and to serve as a primary communication (Ord. No. 93-76, § 3)
link between the community development ser-
vices division, the development industry and the Sec. 2-1034. Removal from office; failure to
citizens of the county.
(Ord. No. 93-76, § 1) attend meetings.
(a) Any member of the development services ad-
Sec. 2-1032. Appointment and composition. visory committee may be removed from office,with
(a) The development services advisory com- or without cause, by a majority vote of the board
mittee shall be composed of 15 members. of county commissioners.
(b) Members shall represent the various as- (b) In the event that any committee member is
pects of the development industry with one or more absent from two consecutive committee meetings
without a satisfactory excuse acceptable to the
members from each of the following classifica-
tions:architect,general contractor,residential con committee chairman, the committee chairman
tractor, environmentalist, land planner, land de shall state such fact at the next regularly sched-
veloper,landscape architect,professional engineer, Wed committee meeting and shall thereafter no
and utility contractor. tify, in writing, the community development ad-
ministrator or his designee of the committee
(c) Members of the committee shall serve at the member's failure to attend without satisfactory
pleasure of the board of county commissioners and excuse. The board of county commissioners shall
shall be permanent residents and electors of the review the committee chairman's notification at a
county. board meeting and shall declare the committee
'Cross references—Buildingsand buildingmember's position to be vacant if the commission
ma dons, concurs that the committee member was absent
ch. 22; development services department, f 22-30; manufac-
tured homes and trailers,ch. 86;planning,ch. 108. from two consecutive committee meetings without
Land development code reference—Development ser- a satisfactory excuse and shall promptly fill the
vices department,div. 5.10. vacant position. The committee member shall not —