DATE: January 8, 1997
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
PLACE: 3rd Floor Boardroom, Administration Building, Collier County
Government Center, Naples, Florida
Foley X Chrzanowski X
Hermanson X Lenberger X
Hinchcliff X Ashton X
Lamoureux X
Saadeh Excused Absence
Straton X
Wilkison X
MINUTES BY: Stephen Lenberger, Environmental Specialist II
CALLED TO ORDER AT: 9:03 a.m. ADJOURNED AT: 10:05 a.m.
PRESIDING: David S. Wilkison, Chairman
Motion made by Mr. Hermanson, seconded by Mr. Foley and carried 6/0, to approve minutes of
December 6, 1996 with correction made from Blair A. Foley as Chairman to David S. Wilkison as
ITEM: Consent/Administrative Approval Agenda
PETITION NO: Commercial Excavation Permit
"No. Ex. 59.591"
Motion made by Ms. Straton Seconded by Mr. Foley and carried 6/0, to place Commercial
Excavation Permit No. 59.591 under regular agenda for discussion.
Environmental Advisory Board Minutes January 8, 1997
Page 2
ITEM: Regular Agenda
PETITION NO: Commercial Excavation Permit
"No. Ex. 59.591"
The petitioner plans to dig 3 each 1.67 acre lakes for a total acreage of 5 acres of lake on a 10
acre parcel. The lakes will be excavated to a depth of 18 ft. 0 in. (maximum allowable for
commercial excavation is 20 ft. 0 in.) to allow some degree of cold protection during dry season
low water levels.
MOTION: Made by Mr. Hermanson, seconded by Mr. Hinchcliff and carried 5/1, to approve
Commercial Excavation Permit No. 59.591 with the following stipulations:
1. The agricultural clearing permit will be issued only after South Florida Water Management
District (SFWMD) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) permits or letters of
exemption have been obtained.
2. If the operation is to be used as a fish farm then no requests for incidental take permits or
permits to dispose of state or federally listed bird species shall be applied for by the petitioner.
COMMENTS: For a complete record of the proceedings reader is directed to the tape
recording of this meeting, located in the Office of the Clerk to the Board, 5th
Floor, Building "F", Collier County, Government Complex.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair.
Environmental Advisory Board
David S. Wilkison, Chairman
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
An Assessment of the
Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board
Prepared by:
William D. Lorenz, Jr. , P.E.
Natural Resources Department
Community Development and Environmental Services Division
January 17, 1997
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the necessity of the
Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board (EPTAB) in light of
the current and future requirements it must address and to
evaluate possible areas of concern in order to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of the County's approach in
protecting its natural resources. The report identifies several
possible alternatives and recommends an efficient approach that
will continue to provide the neccessary input to the BCC
regarding environmental issues.
EPTAB was established in March, 1991. A major purpose of this
advisory committee was to assist staff and provide
recommendations on the various programs and land development
regulations specified in the Conservation and Coastal Management
Element (CCME) of the County's Growth Management Plan (GMP) .
EPTAB provided input to staff and conducted several workshops on
major efforts required by the GMP such as the Habitat protection
ordinance and the Natural Resources Protection Area Program
(NRPA) . For the first four years, EPTAB met twice a month to
accomplish its responsibilities but now meets only once per
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
EPTAB's activities have been reduced since most of the
environmental programs required by the GMP have now been
addressed. There are no more policy initiatives required by
either the current update of the CCME or requested by the Board
of County Commissioners (BCC) . Because of this change in focus,
EPTAB has discussed its future direction on several occasions in
the past year.
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
Enabling Authority
The Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the County's
Growth Management Plan contained a requirement for the County to
establish a technical advisory committee to advise and assist the
County in the activities involed in the development of a
comprehensive environmental management program (Policy 1. 1. 1) .
Additionally, the CCME specifically identified the the technical
advisory committee to work on the NRPA program (Policy 1.3.3) .
In March of 1991, the Board of County Commissioners approved the
formation of EPTAB to advise the BCC in matters dealing with the
regulation, control, management, use or exploitation of any or
all natural resources of or within the County (Ord. No. 91-26) .
EPTAB's mission is quite broad in its scope of coverage and it is
to function to advise on the "preservation, conservation,
protection, management and beneficial use of the physical and
biological natural resources (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic
and hydrologic) of the county in regard to the safety, health and
general well-being of the public. "
EPTAB has the authority to advise and assist the County in
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
developing the purpose, intent and criteria of all county
ordinances, policies, programs and other initiatives dealing with
natural resources. Additionally, EPTAB is to assist in the
implementation of the growth management plan and to serve as the
technical advisory committee as stated in Policy 1.1. 1 of the
Originally adopted as a nine-member advisory board with members
having technical expertise in a variety of environmental
disciplines, the BCC soon increased its membership to eleven (11)
by adding other representative areas such as individuals from the
development community. As of October 31, EPTAB has five(5)
Staff Support/Costs
The Natural Resources Department is assigned the responsibility
to provide support to EPTAB. For FY95/96, Natural Resources
staff spent 166 hours on EPTAB functions. The total cost of
supplying support to EPTAB is approximately $5, 000 for FY95/96.
This includes personnel ($4, 600) , mailing ($200) and copying
($400) costs. Staff from other departments periodically have
made presentations on a variety of subjects. These costs have
not been recorded but are estimated to be less than $500.
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
Past Accomplishments
EPTAB has worked on various issues in the past five years (Table
1) . Most of the effort has been focused on activities required
by the Growth Management Plan, notably the Habitat Protection
Ordinance and the Natural Resources Protection Area (NRPA)
Program, including the review of the Clam Bay NRPA management
plan. In the last year, EPTAB was involved in the preparation of
the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) and in the evaluation
of the problems of exotic vegetation in the County.
Selected List of EPTAB
1. Environmentally Sensitive Lands Acquisition Ordinance;
2. List of NRPA's with mapped areas and general descriptions;
3. Review of the Coastal Zone Management Plan and LDC Amendment;
4. Workshop reviews and recommendation of the Habitat Protection
5. Workshop reviews and formulation of the NRPA Programs;
6. Workshop reviews and formulation of the Clam Bay NRPA;
7. Review and recommendation of the Critical Aquifer Recharge
Management Plan;
8. Recommendation for Sand Dollar Island;
9. Recommendation for Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan;
10. Manatee Protection Plan - Review and Recommendations.
11. EAR Report Review and Recommendations
12. Exotic Plant Report (pending)
Preliminary Report '
January 17, 1997
A major area that reduces the efficiency and has caused some
problems is the relationship of EPTAB to the Environmental
Advisory Board (EAB) and the Development Services Advisory
Committee (DSAC) . Other problems include the change in direction
for implementing the original Growth Management Plan and
attracting qualified members.
Overlapping Responsibilities
The EAB's major function is to act in an advisory capacity to the
BCC in matters dealing with the review and evaluation of specific
zoning and development petitions on their impact upon the
County's natural resources. The EAB reviews and recommends
environmental stipulations for a variety of development orders.
These environmental stipulations essentially implement the
policies recommended by EPTAB and approved by the BCC. On
occasion, the EAB will conduct workshops or discuss existing
or proposed environmental regulations.
The DSAC was created to assist in the enhancement of operational
efficiency and budgetary accountability within the Comunutiy
Development and Environmental Services Division and to serve as a
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
primary communication link between this Division, the development
community and the citizens of the county. A specific function of
the DSAC is to provide input to staff regarding the creation of
new rules, processes and procedures associated with the
development industry. Like the EAB, the DSAC reviews and
comments on new environmental regulations and code changes.
All three advisory committees are involved with the review, input
and recommendations for exisiting and new environmental
regulations. In the past, this has led to some confusion as to
which advisory committee staff should solicit review of proposed
environmental regulations. Staff now tries to ensure that each
advisory committee is briefed on proposed regulations or topics
of interest. This of course increases the cost of developing the
proposed regulations since staff must work with the three
separate advisory committees.
Implementation of Environmental Programs
Collier County received a Florida Growth Management Award from
DCA for its Growth Management Plan in the category of Natural
Resources Protection. The Conservation and Coastal Management
Element contains many environmental programs that were required
to be completed by August 1994. These programs have been
developed and proposed to the BCC with the BCC implementing some
aspects of the programs. Now there are less GMP-related
requirements that are planned to be accomplished in the next
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
The BCC has also determined that the pace with which GMP related
environmental programs are being implemented is sufficient.
Additionally, two staff positions were reduced in the Natural
Resources Department. Thus, the work efforts of the NRD have
primarily shifted away from the programs identified in the Growth
Management Plan and are now focused on other operational
requirements such as waterways maintenance and technical
assistance to other county departments. The BCC has also
indicated that environmental data gathering and planning are to
be reduced as well.
Since there are less environmental programs requiring
development, there is less need for a technical advisory
committee to provide input into BCC mandated activities. Staff
is planning only two activities requiring EPTAB input for
FY96/97. The EAR amendments will be based on the EAR report of
last year in which EPTAB already provided input. Incentives for
protecting habitat are now being developed and will be presented
EPTAB has had a number of discussions as to its future role.
In early 1996, EPTAB decided to research environmental issues and
prepare white papers with recommendations to the BCC. A report
on the problem of exotic plants is scheduled for the November
1996 meeting.
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
The primary consideration in appointing advisory board members is
to provide the BCC with technical expertise neccessary to
effectively accomplish EPTAB's purpose. The eleven-member
advisory board recently has had many vacancies, either by term
expiration or resignations. Several advertisements have been
required to encourage applicants to apply for membership. In the
past EPTAB has not recommended certain applicants because they
lack expertise in the required technical areas. Thus it has been
a problem within the past two years to attract members who have
the technical qualifications identified in EPTAB's enabling
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
With the completion of many GMP mandated programs and the policy
shift of the BCC away from environmental planning and analysis,
EPTAB is experiencing a shift in its original focus. Whereas,
the amount of programs facing EPTAB just after the adoption of
the original GMP justified a separate advisory board, the amount
of effort required for BCC-mandated programs could now be
supported by other existing advisory committees (i.e. , EAB or
DSAC) . Thus, possible alternatives to be considered should
include the consolidation of functions with either the EAB or the
Included below is a description of possible alternatives and an
analysis of advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.
Do Nothing
This alternative consists of maintaining the status quo. EPTAB
would continue to function as it has in the past. Staff would
continue to coordinate issues among the three advisory boards as
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
The advantage of this alternative is to have one advisory
committee focus its attention on environmental issues, especially
those of a long-range planning nature with emphasis on problem
A disadvantage of this alternative is the continued need for
staff to coordinate issues with three advisory committees.
Timing of proposals and advisory committee feedback beomes
difficult when the advisory boards meet only once a month.
Eliminate EPTAB and Use the EAB
This alternative consists of eliminating EPTAB and having the EAB
perform EPTAB's current functions. This would require the EAB to
add other topics to its current agenda.
An advantage of this alternative is to reduce the number of
advisory committees that require coordination by staff for land
development regulations and other proposals. Another advantage
of this alternative is that the EAB is involved with recommending
stipulations for development projects and therefore has a basic
understanding of how proposed regulations are likely to effect
the development review process.
A disadvantage of this alternative is the time needed to perform
both functions. Regular meetings now last approximately 1 to
1 1/2 hours. Since EPTAB meetings usually meet for 1 1/2 hours,
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
the consolidated committee would expect to meet for approximately
3 hours per month. EPTAB has also used subcommittees to work on
various issues thus requiring more time from its members.
Eliminate EPTAB and Use the DSAC
This alternative consists of eliminating EPTAB and having the
DSAC perform EPATB's current functions. To implement this
alternative, it is recommended that the DSAC establish an
environmental subcommittee to handle the environmental topics.
An advantage of this alternative is to reduce the number of
advisory committees that require coordination by staff for land
development regulations and other proposals. Since the building
and development community is represented on DSAC, this interest
group would become immediately familiar with new environmental
A disadvantage of this alternative is that the current focus of
this advisory committee is on many non-environmental issues.
Although DSAC has a position designed to represent the
environmental community, no current member represents an
environmental organization.
Modify EPTAB's Current Structure
This alternative consists of reducing EPTAB's membership to a
Preliminary Report
• January 17, 1997
five or seven member board.
The advantage of this alternative is to increase the probability
of obtaining sufficient qualified applicants.
The disadvantage is to add more workload to the membership
serving on various subcommittees.
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
Staff recommends that the BCC consider consolidating the
functions of the EAB and EPTAB into one Environmental Advisory
Board. This single advisory committee will have the
responsibility for providing the BCC with advice and
recommendations for all environmental issues.
Functions and Duties
The new EAB will retain the duties of the present EAB and will
also function to recommend the nature of the County's
environmental management program required by Policy 1.1. 1 of the
Conservation and Coastal Management Element. It will be
responsible for reviewing land development projects, proposed
environmental ordinances, Growth Management Plan issues, and
other environmental programs and initiatives.
The membership of the current EAB should be increased by at least
two members to carry out its new mission thus having a
membership of seven. Membership qualifications should be
consistent with the present EAB and EPTAB requirements.
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
Meeting Frequency
Meeting frequency may need to increase by up to 50%. Special
meetings could be used for workshopping specific issues.
Subcommittees should be used to reduce the time the full advisory
board must meet. Subcommittee meetings will still require public
notice and staff support.
Staff Support
Primary staff support will come from both the Planning Services
Department and Natural Resources Department.
Implementation Schedule
-' Staff estimates that a new ordinance for the expanded EAB could
be brought to the BCC in 3 months after receiving administrative
direction to proceed. An outline of the implementation process
is provided below:
Task Description Time (weeks) to Complete
1. Administrative Direction 0
2 . BCC Direction to Proceed 3
3 . Draft Ordinance for CAO Review 2
4 . CAO Review/Final Public Hearing Draft 4
5. Advertising/BCC Public Hearing 3
Preliminary Report
January 17, 1997
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL agement and protection of air, land, and
water resources and environmental quality
Secs. 54.1-54-25. Reserved. in the county.
(2) Assist the board to establish goals and ob-
jectives for the county's environmental con-
ARTICLE II.ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY servation and management programs.
TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD* (3) Assist the board in developing and revising,
as appropriate,local rules,ordinances,reg-
Sec. 54.28. Establishment. ulations,programs and other initiatives ad-
dressing the use, conservation and preser-
There is hereby established the environmental vation of the county's natural resources.
policy technical advisory board,which shall herein
be referred to as the EPTAB. (4) Assist in the implementation and develop-
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 1) went of the growth management plan re-
garding environmental and natural re-
Sec. 54-27. Authority; functions;powers and source issues.
duties. (5) Assist the board in identifying and recom-
(a) The environmental policy technical advi- mending solutions to existing and future
sory board obtains its jurisdiction, powers, and environmental issues.
limits of authority from the board of county corn- (6) Serve as the technical advisory committee
missioners and, pursuant to this article, shall act to advise and assist the county in the ac
in an advisory capacity to the board in matters tivities involved in the development and im-
dealing with the regulation,control,management, plementation of the county environmental
use or exploitation of any or all natural resources resources management program as stated
of or within the county. in Policy 1.1.1 of the conservation and
(b) The advisory board will function to: coastal management element of the growth
management plan.
(1) Advise on the preservation, conservation, (7) Implement the water policy pursuant to
protection, management and beneficial use chapter 90, article II of this Code.
of the physical and biological natural re-
sources (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic (8) Provide an opportunity for public comment
and hydrologic) of the county in regard to on environmental issues, ordinances and
the safety, health and general well-being of programs.
the public; (Ord. No. 91.26, § 2)
2 Advise and assist the county staff and board Sec. 54-28. Membership.
toward developing the purpose, intent andp•
criteria of all county ordinances, policies, (a) The environmental policy technical advi•
programs and other initiatives dealing with sory board shall be composed of 11 members who
natural resources. shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
(c) The powers and duties of the advisory board the board.Appointment to the advisory board shall
are as follows: be by resolution of the board and shall set forth
the date of appointment and the term of office.
11 Identify, study, evaluate, and provide tech-
(b) Vacancies on the advisory board shall be
nical recommendations to the board on pro-
publicized in a publication of general circulation
grams necessary for the conservation,manwithin the county, and vacancy notices shall be
'Cross reference—Boards,commissions and authorities,I posted in the county libraries and county court-
2.816 et seq. house. Along with the applicant responses the
` board's staff shall provide the board with a list (f) For the full term of the initial appointments,
outlining the qualifications and demographic back- the three members serving until September 30,
ground of each candidate, including the present 1994 and the two members serving until Sep-
members seeking reappointment. tember 30, 1995 shall have demonstrated exper-
tise(c) Members shall be permanent residents and in biology(including any of the subdisciplines
such as botany,ecology, zoology,etc.)and/or wild-
electors of the county and should be reputable and
active in community service. life management. After the expiration of these
initial terms of appointment, the vacancies may
(d) The primary consideration in appointing the be filled by members demonstrating expertise in
advisory board members shall be to provide the any of the abovementioned areas related to envi-
board with technical expertise necessary to effec ronmental protection and natural resources man-
tively accomplish the advisory board's purpose, agement.
Members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise (g) Any member of the advisory board may be
in one or more of the following areas related to removed from office by a majority vote of the board.
environmental protection and natural resources
management: air quality, biology (including any (h) Members shall be automatically removed if
of the subdisciplines such as a botany, ecology, they are absent from two consecutive meetings
without a satisfactory excuse or if they are absent
zoology, etc.), coastal processes, estuarine pro-
cesses,hazardous waste,hydrogeology,hydrology, from more than one fourth of the meetings in a
hydraulics, land use law, land use planning, pol given fiscal year. Members shall be deemed ab
lution control, solid waste, stormwater manage sent from a meeting when they are not present
ment, water resources, wildlife management, or during at least 75 percent of the meeting.
other representative areas deemed appropriate by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 3; Ord.No. 91-48, § 1)
the board such as, but not limited to, a represen-
tative of the development community. See• 54.29. Officers and support staff.
,e) The initial terms of office of the members of (a) The officers of the environmental policy tech
the advisory board shall be as follows: nicai advisory board shall be a chairman and a
vice-chairman. Officers' terms shall be for one
ti) Three members will serve until September year, with eligibility for reelection.The chairman
30, 1992; and vice-chairman shall be elected by a majority
vote at the organizational meeting and thereafter
12) Three members will serve until September at the first regular meeting of the advisory board
30, 1993; in October of each year.
(3) Three members will serve until September (b) The chairman shall preside at all meetings
30, 1994; of the advisory board.The vice-chairman shall per-
form the duties of'the chairman in the absence or
4) Two members will serve until September incapacity of the chairman. In case of the re-
30, 1995. moval, resignation or death of the chairman, the
After the initial term of appointment, each ap-
vice-chairman shall perform such duties as are
pointment or reappointment shall be for a term of imposed on the chairman until such time as the
four years. All terms of office shall expire on Sep- advisory board shall elect a new chairman.Should
tember 30. Terms of office shall be limited to two the offices of chairman and/or vice-chairman be-
consecutive terms unless waived by the board by come vacant, the advisory board shall elect a sus
censor from its membership at the next regular
a unanimous vote. A member may be reappointed
by the board for only one successive term and shall meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired
apply with other applicants. Terms shall be stag-
of said office.
gered so that no more than a minority of such (c Professional support staff for the advisory
members' appointments will expire in any one board shall be provided by the environmental ser-
year. vices division and such other county staff from
elsewhere within the county government as may, Items shall come before the advisory board as
from time to time, be requested by the advisory scheduled on the printed agenda unless a specific
board and deemed necessary by the county admin- request arises which justifies deviation by the ad-
istrator. visory board.
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 4) (Ord. No. 91-26, § 5; Ord. No. 91.48, § 2)
Sec. 54-30. Meetings;quorum;rules of proce-
dure. Sec. 54-31. Review process.
(a) Regular meetings of the environmental The environmental policy technical advisory
policy technical advisory board shall be held on board shall be reviewed for major accomplish-
the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m., ments and whether the board is serving the pur-
or as otherwise determined by the advisory board, pose for which it was created once every four years
in the commissioner's meeting room,Third Floor, commencing with 1994, in accordance with the
Building "F," Collier County Government Corn- procedures contained in chapter 2, article VIII,
plex, Naples, Collier County, Florida. Special division 2 of this Code.
meetings of the advisory board may be called by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 9)
the chairman or by a majority of the membership.
Such meetings may be called subject to public no-
Sec. 54.32. Reimbursement of expenses.
tice to reduce an overloaded agenda or to consider
a specific topic. Members of the environmental policy technical
(b) A simple majority of the appointed mem- advisory board shall serve without compensation,
bers of the advisory board shall constitute a but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for
quorum for the purpose of conducting business. expenses reasonably incurred in the performance_
An affirmative vote of six or more members shall of their duties upon prior approval of the boarc'
be necessary in order to take official action, re- county commissioners.
gardless of whether six or more members of the (Ord. No. 91-26, § 8)
advisory board are present at a meeting.
(c) The advisory board shall, by majority vote Secs. 54.33-54.55. Reserved.
of the entire membership, adopt rules of proce-
dure for the transaction of business and shall keep
a record of meetings, resolutions, findings and de-
terminations. The advisory board may establish ARTICLE III. WATER POLLUTION
subcommittees comprised solely of its member- CONTROL PROGRAM
ship to facilitate its functions. Meetings of the
subcommittees shall conform to the same public
notice requirements as that of the advisory board. Sec. 54.56. Title and citation.
(d) At the regular meetings of the advisory This article shall be known and may be cited as
board,the following shall be the order of business: the "Collier County Water Pollution Control
1 1) Roll call. Ordinance."
(Ord. No. 89.20, § 1)
12 Approval of the minutes of previous
Sec. 54.57. Applicability.
'3) Old business.
This article shall apply county-wide.
'4) New business. Ord. No 89-20, § 2)
5 Public comments. State law reference—Conflicts between ordinances of non•
charted counties and municipal ordinances, Fla. Const.
'6) Adjournment. VIII, §d).