Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 04/04/2017 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA.Bayshore Beautification MSTU
/'" Haldeman Creek MSTU
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was
called to order by Chairman, Maurice Gutierrez at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office, 3570 Bayshore
Drive, Unit 102.
I. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Maurice Gutierrez, Mike Sherman, Karen
Beatty, Peter Dvorak, Chuck Gunther, Shane Shadis, Ron Kezeske and Larry Ingram.
Steve Main, excused absence.
CRA Staff Present: Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator, CRA; Tammy Scott, Senior
Project Mgr, CRA; Michelle Arnold, PTNE Director; and Elly McKuen, Project Mgr,
Capital Improvements Dept.,
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Peter Dvorak,
seconded by Ron Kezeske. The motion passed unanimously.
IV. Adoption of Minutes: A motion to approve the March 7, 2017 minutes was made by
Peter Dvorak, seconded by Karen Beatty. The motion passed unanimously.
V. Jerry Goldberg, Opera Naples request: Wanted to request some enhanced lighting and
sidewalks next to their facility along Linwood Ave for their patrons. There were some
previous discussions with the former Executive Director that the CRA would fund
sidewalks and lighting for safety because there are a lot of bicyclists riding on the dark
street with dark clothing, but due to the decline in property values the CRA had no
funding for that project. Mr. Goldberg wanted to revisit that option now that the economy
is more favorable. Staff will assist with a CBIG application to assist with the renovations
Opera Naples is trying to do in the interior and possibly enhanced lighting outside.
Med Express Urgent Care: Mr. Troy Steckler, Senior Vice-Pres of Med Express
presented a history of the Company. He went into the reason why there is such a need for
an urgent care versus an emergency room, and he brought in a conceptual plan for the
design of the building, which they are proposing to build on the SWC of Bayshore and
41, east of the McDonald's, where the previous gas station was located. He also
explained how important it is for the urgent care to have excellent customer service for
the Community. Med Express staff will only address diagnosing illnesses, minor
splinting, x-rays, etc., as well as prescribing antibiotics and other drugs. They can also set
up referrals and appointments to the appropriate specialists that the patients may need to
go to.
Mattamy Homes—Pine Street sidewalk construction: As part of the developer's
process for a PUD rezoning, all new developments are required to construct sidewalks,
bike lanes, and pathways. CRA Staff was contacted by the Transportation Planning
Section(TPS) to discuss the construction of the Pine Street sidewalk. Staff wanted to
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provide an introduction to the topic. Mike Sawyer was present from the County
Transportation Dept. to answer any questions to address any technical questions from the
County's perspective and CRA staff will provide the introduction and references to the
Land Development Code. Staff would like the Committee to provide a recommendation
to the TPS on whether to request the developer construct the sidewalk at their expense or
accept the payment-in-lieu provision. The Collier County Planning Commission meeting
is May 4th @ 9am. Ron Kezeske made a motion that the Developer install the sidewalk
instead of payment in lieu, Peter Dvorak Second; Passed unanimously.
VI. Project Updates:
CRA staff provided an update for the following projects:
1. Gateway Triangle Properties: Cell tower representatives, Crown Castle, met with
Growth Management Staff to determine the process to upgrade and relocate the
tenants from their tower on the Gateway Triangle property to their existing site at
2370 Kirkwood Avenue. Growth Management staff has determined that the upgrade
and relocation will be an Insubstantial Change to the Site Development Plan(SDPI).
2. Solstice f/k/a Cirrus Point: The owners have met with several developers and
investors, and are in negotiations.
3. The Garden School: The construction is still ongoing. CRA staff has not been
advised of any outstanding issues. The school building is almost complete with 2
paved entrances off of Bayshore Dr.
4. Microbrewery: Ankrolab Brewing still has some very minor corrections to make, the
owner is thinking about adding a silo in the front or side if that is allowable. Staff has
been working with County Fire review staff and the assigned planner (Chris Scott) to
work out a location on site without a variance if possible. The owner of the property
will add the Silo later after he gets an approved SDP.
5. Sugden Park Pathway: CHS has scheduled a presentation for the project before the
Ranking and Review Committee on Tuesday, April 4. There was great feedback for
the applications that were submitted. Staff should find out if grant funding will be
available late April early May for this project. Tim Durham contacted Maurice
Gutierrez and asked if the committee would consider allowing the construction to be
included with the Developer of the 17 acre parcel. Peter Dvorak brought up if the
Developer wants to move the pathway to the middle of their project would everyone
be willing to wait for several years for the completion of the path. Maurice Gutierrez
assured everyone that it still would be a public pathway and they have the ability to
renegotiate the terms of that path.
6. Karen Dr. Stormwater: JRL Underground Utilities has purchased their performance
bond and the receipt was forwarded to the Procurement Section for contract
execution. Staff and CHS staff met with the contractor on March 16 to review and
familiarize him with the CDBG paperwork. CRA staff is still waiting for an executed
construction contract to issue his Notice to Proceed. However, construction is still ''
anticipated to start in mid April. The project should take 60-90 days to complete.
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7. Fire Suppression: Staff is also requesting pp q g $750,000 through the Florida Legislative
process. HB3327 outlines the request and if funded, money will come from Florida
Department of Environmental Protection. The session began on March 7.
8. Food Truck Park: While surveying the parcel, the owner's representative identified
that the MSTU's irrigation control box is located outside the right of way and on their
property. CRA staff is working to determine where to relocate the box, cost to
relocate the box, and the timeframe for the relocation. This project will be discussed
in more detail during the MSTU meeting on April 5.
9. Thomasson Drive: Staff met with Mr. Ackerman's representative on Friday, March
24. The roundabout discussion was on the March 28 BCC agenda and the results were
to proceed with the design including the roundabout with Mr. Ackerman's minor
revision of including a flag pole in the center. Tami Scott, stated that the project
should take a couple of years to complete.
10. Trio Mixed Use Project: Demolition and clearing will be completed by March 8 and
site work will begin soon after that. Navy Blue screening, matching the project
branding, was installed March 1. There has been a lot of interest from the public and
local realtors. Mr. Fortino expressed his excitement for the public's interest of the
project in order to ignite the financing of the project.
11. Parking Study: Staff has identified two potential vacant lots for a surface parking
lot. In addition, they have identified a couple of existing parking lots along Bayshore
Drive that might have some potential as well. Staff will meet with Real Property on
Monday, April 3 and provide an update during the CRA meeting. Elly McKuen stated
that they met with Real property and identified more available lots on Bayshore Dr
for parking, they were for sale at a higher rate than the appraised price and the staff
will contact and negotiate for a lower price.
12. Race Trac: The BCC hearing date has been moved from May 23, 2017 to October
but no final date yet. If anyone is interested in speaking on this item it is
recommended they be at the meeting to sign up to speak.
13. Redevelopment Plan Update: The selection committee, comprised of Tim Durham,
County Manager's Office; Michelle Arnold, PTNE Director; Chris Scott, Planning
Manager; Ed Finn, Senior Analyst, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Anita
Jenkins, Prinicipal Planner, Zoning Department and Elly McKuen, Project Manager
reviewed and heard presentations from three of the four proposals on March 21. The
remaining proposer will be heard on April 6. Following the last presentation, the
selection committee will make its recommendation for the CRA Advisory Board and
the CRA Board's acceptance.
14. Wood Springs Suite: The zoning application was approved and the County is
uploading the submittals and is not accessible at this time. The Developer would like
to be finished with the project within 8-10 months.
15. CRA 17 Acres: The draft RFP has been completed and has been circulated to the
CRA committee members for comments and suggestions. The RFP is scheduled for
final review by the CRA Board at the April 11 BCC meeting. Staff will work with the
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County's Procurement Division to publish the RFP after Board approval. There will
be a 90-day solicitation period. Conceptual plans and proposed land uses are being
16. Mattamy Homes: They submitted their PUDZ and are on their third submittal
awaiting staff comments. Under the developers commitments the developer has 7
years to utilize 62 density bonus pool units from the date of the PUD approval.
VII. MSTU's Project Updates:
The Bayshore Beautification MSTU meeting will meet the following day. The project
update is part of the packet for the committee to read. There were no questions regarding
their update.
VIII. Request for Payments: None other than routine operational. All invoices are located in
the book for review.
IX. New Business:
a. Member Reappointments: Shane Shadis, Steve Main and Larry Ingram have
reapplied for continuing on the committee. Chuck Gunther made a motion to approve
Shane's reappointment, Ron Kezeske, Second. Passed Unanimously. Maurice
Gutierrez made a motion to approve Larry Ingram's reappointment, Second by Ron
Kezeske; Passed unanimously. Karen Beatty made the motion to reappoint Steve
Main, second by Mike Sherman; Passed unanimously.
,•••• •,a,b. Leighton's Garage CBIG application: Improvements include replacement of doors
windows. Access Door and Glass: $6430.00 + permits and taxes (if applicable), a
motion to approve half the improvement costs plus half permit fees made by Chuck
Gunther, second by Karen Beatty. Passed unanimously.
X. Old Business: Tami Scott, Senior Project Mgr. was introduced and thanked Elly
McKuen for all her help updating her on the projects.
XI. Advisory Board General Communications:
Karen Beatty wanted to update about the Community Solar Coop to include a website to
all the Committee members for informational purposes only. She discussed some Federal
Grants for Commercial Businesses plus tax breaks to homeowners.
Peter Dvorak wanted to update about the Little Free Library, he had been identifying
some locations and resources for some books, will update Committee on May's meeting.
Michelle Arnold updated the committee on Del's representative Allen Richardson, he had
a meeting with County Managers Office regarding the County purchasing Del's property.
Allen Richardson expressed Del's desire to have a community library for that location.
Michelle thought it would be a great location to have a CRA office and the committee
should consider that option to purchase.
XI. Citizen Comments: There were no citizen comments.
XII.Next Meeting Date: The next CRA advisory committee meeting is May 2, 2017
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XIII. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
pproved by Maurice Gutierrez, CRA-AB Chairman
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