Immokalee MSTU Minutes 01/20/2016 JEnclosure 3
Meeting of the Joint Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee, the Immokalee
Lighting and Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee, and the Enterprise Zone Development
Agency Board on January 20, 2016.
Ann Olesky Park (next to pier)
6001 Lake Trafford Road, Immokalee, FL
A. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Mike Facundo, CRA Chair and Cherryle Thomas
MSTU Chair at 8:41 AM.
B. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Present:
Ski Olesky, Jim Wall, Joseph Mucha, Andrea Halman, and Frank Nappo.
Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Absent/Excused:
Mike Facundo, Estil Null, Martha Williams, Julio Estremera, and Cindy Lozano.
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Present:
Cherryle Thomas, Lucy Ortiz, Norma Garcia, and Andrea Halman.
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
Bill Deyo.
Others Present: Commissioner Tim Nance, Leo Ochs, Tim Durham, Jim Flanagan,
Michelle Mosca, Armando Yzaguirre, Bernardo Barnhart, Maria O’Neill, Richard
Tindell, Daniel Gonzalez, Vanessa Bielema, Maria Perez, Pam Brown, Joe Schmidt,
Frank Rodrigues, Corporal Mike Taylor, Corporal Patti Calderon, Patty Brant, Annie
Alvarez, and Carrie Williams.
Staff: Christie Betancourt.
C. Introductions. Newly elected Chairman Frank Nappo introduced himself and welcomed
all to the meeting. All other board members present and members of the public
introduced themselves.
D. Announcements.
1. Meetings and Public Comment speaker slips
CRA staff reiterated the public 3 minute speaker slip policy. The board will give
more time if they feel it necessary.
Staff announced that Chief Paul Anderson, Maria O’Neill, Bernardo Barnhart, and
Mariela Romero have been approved by this board to serve as board members but
they haven’t been officially appointed so they are welcome to comment but their
vote will not count until the Board of County Commissioners appoints them next
2. Commissioner Tim Nance District 5
I wanted to come here today because we have a number of challenges facing us.
Every person in this room is either a volunteer, an elected official, somebody who
works for a government agency or somebody whose full time job is to expend
monies and to provide services in Collier County including Immokalee. With the
loss of Mr. Muckel as the manager of the CRA and the CRA discussing what it’s
going to be going forward and what the circumstances are.
Enclosure 3
I wanted to come out here because I was a little concerned over the tenure of some of
the discussions that were going on and the expectations and the thoughts regarding
how Immokalee and the Collier County CRA Advisory board and some of the
different spending units in Collier County and in the Immokalee area function. One
of the things that I am going to start talking about because I want you to consider it
and I want you to put things in perspective is the monies that we expend and that we
have available for the services that all of us want to provide.
Many of you are volunteers here and many of you work with social service entities
like charities and corporations that are put together to try to help with the social
circumstances in Immokalee and all of you that live in Immokalee and work out here
and are interested in benefiting Immokalee realize that the funds available to expend
in Immokalee are always going to be insufficient to the needs. By the very
definition of who comes to work in Immokalee for Agri-business that functions in a
very competitive world it’s very difficult to achieve everything we want with the
available funds.
I wanted to talk to you a little bit about how monies are collected in Immokalee and
how they are spent. I believe there is a little bit of a misunderstanding and there is a
genuine belief by everybody that the county has a very large pool of money that’s
not being correctly spent in Immokalee and somehow Immokalee is being short
changed regarding monies that are available to meet all the needs of folks out here.
Everybody knows that they are reduced monies that are collected today versus the
situation before the great recession but a lot of people don’t compare millage rates
and how monies are collected. Monies are collected across Collier County in a
uniform method called Advalorem Property Tax Collection. Advalorem property
taxes accounts for about 85 percent of what the county collects. It is all accessed
uniformly across the county and the millage rate is 3.58 mils. That is the amount of
money that Collier County collects from each citizen that owns property and that
money is redistributed to those people through services.
How does that compare to other taxing and spending entities. Immokalee Fire and
Rescue District collects 4 mils to provide fire and rescue services around
Immokalee. They collect more money than Collier County collects just to provide
fire service. So Collier County has to fund the Sheriff’s Office, Collier County
EMS, Parks & Recreation, and the library services on less money than Collier
County Fire & Rescue collects. Commissioner Nance asked, “How many of you
realize that this was the case?”
Board member Lucy Ortiz asked that if that 4 mil across the county or just in the
area of Immokalee?
Commissioner Nance said he is comparing the money that is collected in the area of
Immokalee. The Collier County Fire & Rescue District collects 4 mils across this
area. That covers most of the 20,000 people that live in Immokalee. Across those
same 20,000 people the county only collects 3.58 mils.
Enclosure 3
The Immokalee MSTU collects 4.0 mils. The Immokalee MSTU collects more
money than Collier County. The tax rate just went up. Immokalee has a very high
tax rate out here but it doesn’t amount to a lot of money. You always compare
yourself to Naples. Let’s examine the 20,000 people in Naples and the 20,000
people in Immokalee. 20,000 people on both sides are about 5 percent of the county.
5 percent of the county lives in Immokalee and 5 percent of the county lives in the
city of Naples. The 5 percent of the people that live in the city of Naples account for
24 percent of the tax dollar that are collected. 5 percent of the people amount to
about 25 percent of the revenue. Those people pay a lot of tax money and they know
it. They also demand a lot of services.
How many people think the average tax payer in Immokalee is the average tax payer
in Collier County. I am probably not an average tax payer. Immokalee is a much
poorer demographic than the citizens of Naples. In reality of the money that Mr.
Ochs gets. He is responsible for providing all the base level government services
across the county. He has some latitude in making up his budget on where to spend
money in reality based on the amount of tax money that is collected in Immokalee.
Immokalee is a recipient of money from the city of Naples.
Immokalee actually has more money spent out here than the taxes that they pay. The
city of Naples knows that it’s a donor community and they will tolerate a certain
amount of that and that is fine that’s normal for a community that is very wealthy for
that to take place. But when you add up the money that is transferred out here it’s
not a tremendous amount of money. Why is that? Because there representing
county commissioner knows exactly how much money those people pay in taxes in
those communities. They are simply not anxious to have a lot of their tax money
spent out here. They are very demanding they pay taxes and they expect them to be
spent over there.
Board member Andrea Halman asked, “If Immokalee owes any more taxes. Are we
paying what we are required to pay?” Commissioner Nance said, “Yes, but it’s not a
lot of money.”
Board member Norma Garcia said that you are saying that the only reason why we
are getting anything done here is based on tax payer money. Commissioner Nance
said we get some state money. Collier County is a donor county and we don’t get a
lot of our money back that we put in.
Commissioner Tim Nance said that Immokalee receives quite a bit more money that
it pays in. There is a very limited amount of money that we all have and we are all
working out of the same general pool. Your Fire District, your MSTU, and the
county monies that you have available to spend out here are all limited and are all
coming out of the same pool. The money that the CRA gets the (TIF) Tax Increment
Funding money comes out of what’s collected by the county.
Enclosure 3
Board member Frank Nappo said the board wanted an accounting of the Seminole
Compact money. Mr. Nappo said that Chief Anderson who is not here today made a
presentation at that time that indicated in other counties within Florida 30 or 40
percent of those dollars are set aside for Fire Rescue, EMS and all of that. So the
question that we have and have had is those dollars that have been collected for the
past three or four years from the casino what proportion of those dollars returned
here and is there a formula for that and what type of planning can do we do to utilize
those dollars to satisfy some of the things that need to get done.
Leo Ochs said that the receipts from the gaming compact that the board receives are
placed in a dedicated funds for economic development county wide and it can be
used anywhere. It general revenue it’s not encumbered in any way for the boards use
but they made a policy decision to set that money aside there is 2.5 million dollars in
a fenced off account to be used for economic development. These funds can be used
for economic development anywhere in Collier County.
Board member Norma Garcia wanted to know why Walmart didn’t come to
Immokalee. Mr. Ochs said that he didn’t know why Walmart didn’t come but it
wasn’t because the county didn’t make concessions to them. They're going to shut
down 250 stores around the country if you read the paper this week it may have
something to do with a larger corporate strategy and not from them not getting
money from the gaming casino.
Commissioner Nance said that he wanted to address the Walmart issue. I want to
tell you what my experience was with Walmart and what Walmart did I think
Walmart was very disingenuous when they came to Collier County. They came and
asked for a lot of concessions that they got but they never asked the county for a
concession. They went and negotiated with Barron Collier who owned the property
that is the property they said they wanted. They negotiated a price with Barron
Collier and at the eleventh hour when they were getting ready to start and get the
permits and everything they decided to they were going to pay half of what they had
agreed to. Walmart set up an appointment with me and they sent a commissioned
consultant not even an employee of Walmart and he said if Collier County didn’t
give Walmart a million dollars they will not come to Collier County.
County manager Leo Ochs wanted to close the loop on the gaming receipts and the
Immokalee fire district. I think most of you know that your fire district has a
contract with the casino for fire protection services. They pay the district on top of
what you all pay in your taxes for fire services to protect the casino property. So the
district decided they wanted to be an independent special district and the whole idea
of an independent special district is that you raise the revenue to cover your expenses
as a district.
Enclosure 3
Chairman Frank Nappo said we need to meet with Commissioner Nance because we
are all for economic development but, we have other issues and needs here that need
to be addressed and from the presentation here today about what funds are available
we obviously have a lack of funds to do the things that we want to do. The reason
for the meeting here today is so that you can see for yourself the pier improvements
that are needed. The CRA will be meeting around Immokalee (Roberts Ranch,
Pepper Ranch and other locations) so that the people in the different parts of the
community can attend. We need pier improvements, road and sidewalk
improvements on Lake Trafford Road and other areas in Immokalee. We don’t have
an evacuation route on this side of State Road 29 if there is a hurricane or a disaster
Little League Road can be our way out if we extend it to State Road 82. So these are
things that need to get done. We need to find revenue sources for them whether it’s
grants or other sources. We have limited resources and that’s the reason why the
casino dollars have come to play here. Economic Development at the airport is a
wonderful thing if it brings jobs to Immokalee. We still need to get sidewalks and
other things so we need to priorities what we want. We need help from our
commissioner as well. Maybe we need to define the concept of Economic
Development at put safety in there or something like that.
Commissioner Nance said the reason why I wanted to bring up the money is because
that is the driver that makes everything possible. So when we talk about the money
that the CRA collects part of that is of the county collection. The TIF money is
redirected for the CRA to spend rather than the county to spend. The amount of
money that is collected by the county and by the fire district as a whole you need to
start taking a look at what those pools of money are so you can understand the
magnitude of the challenge we have. The county does not have tremendous funds
available for new projects at this time. If you would take a look at the county budget
I would invite you to take a look at it. One of the things that the county currently
struggles with is that we have a back log of operations and maintenance of the
general roads, infrastructure, the equipment that we own and things like that that we
weren’t able to pay during the recession. Hundreds of Millions of dollars are going
to have to be expended over the next years to fill this hole. Although we do recover
property value in the county there is not a great pool of money available for different
projects. What we have to do Mr. Chairman is we are going to have to work
together. We are working better today with the Florida Department of
Transportation than I think we have in a long time. We are the only county in the
state of Florida that disapproved of the allocated funds. We are working in a better
coordinated way with other state agencies like the South Florida Water Management
District to address money for things like Lake Trafford. We are working better with
our education partners like the University of Florida to make sure that the core
industry which is agribusiness out here in Immokalee in which everybody depends.
We have to help agricultural because it is struggling. The county is working better
with the University of Florida and with our resources here.
Enclosure 3
The Collier County Economic Development effort is focused on effort called
Opportunity Naples. It is a public/private partnership between Collier County and
primarily the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce. Our biggest land mark effort
is our soft landing business accelerator. We are waiting on the funding to comeback
so we can get the accelerator in Immokalee.
Public speaker Carrie Williams wanted to know why it is named Opportunity Collier
County not Opportunity Naples. Agricultural is struggling and we need other ways
for people to earn a living in Immokalee. We need economic development in
Immokalee desperately.
Commissioner Nance said that it’s called Opportunity Naples because they are the
ones kicking in the money.
Public speaker Carrie Williams said we are the only people that are affected by the
casino. Why don’t we get the compact money to provide economic development
over here? There is 2 million dollars but its economic development for Naples not
for Immokalee.
Commissioner Nance said that it is economic development for Immokalee. Over 60
percent of economic development is being development at the Immokalee airport.
Commissioner Nance also discussed the effort with the company coming from
California to Naples.
Public speaker Danny Gonzalez who is the President of the Immokalee Chamber of
Commerce told Commissioner Nance that he would have liked for the county to
consider using the packing house in Immokalee off of Jerome Drive for that
We need to prioritize our efforts. We have three CRA’s in the county. The county
staff is at the disposal of everyone else in the county. We need to refocus so we can
get the
Commissioner Nance said that the mission of the CRA needs to be economic
development. Immokalee CRA has tried to become all things for all needs. We
need to do better.
Public speaker Bernardo Barnhart said there is some frustration on our part. If the
casino was in Naples do you think that money would have been put aside? I’m okay
with them saying Naples but have some funds set aside for economic development
for Immokalee. It takes forever for this community to get some money. We see the
cars the trucks and the wear and tear on our roads from the casino traffic.
Commissioner Nance said that Immokalee is receiving more money that it’s paying
in general.
Enclosure 3
Public speaker Bernardo Barnhart wanted to thank everyone for the efforts to add the
field at the Tony Rosbough Little League Park.
County Manager Leo Ochs suggested that we make a specific list of projects,
priorities or concerns that the CRA has or the MSTU has that he can specifically
work on and provide some detailed information on. It would be more constructive
than talking in general. The casino money sounds like a lot of money but it really
isn’t a lot of money. I hate to see all the focus on one source of funding when you
have needs that we could apply other sources of funding to and try to find solutions
Chairman Frank Nappo said we have one concern that needs to be addressed almost
immediately. We would like to participate in whatever plans are there for replacing
that position. We have Christie Betancourt as our leader now. We would like for
the subcommittee of the CRA to participate with your human resource department or
give them impute at least as to the time table to fill the vacant position at the CRA so
we can advertise it out here. We also need to have someone acting in that position
so last month we made a recommendation that Christie Betancourt be acting in that
position so we can continue working.
MSTU board member Lucy Ortiz said she has lived in Immokalee over 50 years by
choice. She said she has often said Naples is 45 minutes and two worlds away from
Immokalee. You listened today hopefully with your ears and with your heart and
you heard the frustration but you also should know that we have a sense of
community here in Immokalee. We feel that are a community that means that we
communicate together. We want to be a part of the community of Naples but we
feel that we are not able to get to that place. When you say that Agricultural is
important it is not only important it is the the most important thing.
After much discussion Chairman Frank Nappo announced a five minute break.
E. Adoption of Agenda.
Staff would like to add item under Red Flag Items I.1. Lake Trafford and shift all items
under Red Flag as follows:
Staff would also like to add Enclosure 15 to agenda item K.1.ii. Landscape Architect.
Action: No action was taken by the CRA due to a lack of quorum.
Action: Ms. Lucy Ortiz made a motion for the MSTU to adopt the Agenda with new
changes adding Red Flag I.1. Lake Trafford and shift all items down and adding Enclosure 15
to agenda item. K.1.ii. Landscape Architect. Ms. Andrea Halman seconded the motion and it
passed by unanimous vote. 4-0.
Enclosure 3
F. Communications.
1. Public Meeting Notice
2. Naples Daily News Articles
3. Immokalee Bulletin Articles
CRA staff reviewed the communications folder with the boards.
G. Approval of Minutes.
1. CRA Approval of Minutes for the Joint November 18, 2015 CRA/EZDA & MSTU
Advisory Committee Meeting (Enclosure 1).
Action: CRA November 18, 2015 minutes were tabled due to no quorum present.
2. CRA Approval of Minutes for the Joint December 16, 2015.
Action: CRA December 16, 2015 minutes were tabled due to no quorum present.
Action: Ms. Norma Garcia made a motion to approve the minutes for the Joint
December 16, 2015 CRA/EZDA & MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting. The motion was
seconded by Ms. Lucy Ortiz and the minutes were approved by unanimous vote. 4-0.
H. BCC Agenda Items for February 2016
1. Advisory Board Appointments
i. Bernardo Barnhart
ii. Chief Paul Anderson
iii. Maria O’Neill
iv. Mariela Romero
Staff informed the board that the four applicants were recommended to be appointed
by this advisory board at the next BCC agenda but due to delay and two more
applications received board would like to discuss the options at the next meeting
since they don’t have a quorum today.
I. Red Flag Item
1. Lake Trafford (Enclosure 3)
Staff provided the board with Enclosure 3 which is a flyer and an agenda for the next
Lake Trafford Management Team meeting. Joseph Schmidt with the South Florida
Water Management District introduced himself and discussed the upcoming Lake
Trafford Management Team meeting. He said if anyone was interested to hear what
is going on with the lake and the status of the water quality analysis is more than
welcome to attend the January 26, 2016 meeting at the CRA office. Board had a
Q&A session with Mr. Schmidt.
i. Ann Olesky Park
Annie Alvarez, Regional Manager with Collier County Parks & Recreation
announced that we have $150,000 this year to put towards the seawall. We lost
over 15 to 18 feet of the seawall. There are a few things happening with that right
now. We have $150,000 from this year’s budget to put towards the seawall. The
Florida Wildlife Conservation has applied for a grant to do several things out here
in the lake to support when we build the seawall so we don’t lose it again. FWC
is applying for a grant to do all some improvements at the lake. Board had a Q &
A session with the board. Annie Alvarez provided the board with a rendering of
Lake Trafford Improvements.
Enclosure 3
a. Lake Trafford Pier Improvements
Annie Alvarez with Parks & Recreation announced that we have
$25,000 for TDC (Tourist Development Council) funds for assessment
of the pier. There is a work order in for the assessment of the pier. The
project manager for the project is Margret Bishop. Board had a Q & A
session with the board.
Chairman Frank Nappo would like to be involved on the assessment of
the pier. After much discussion board would like to have a nice
brochure to be put together to promote Eco-tourism to tie in Pepper
Ranch, the Immokalee Pioneer Museum and other areas of Immokalee.
Annie Alvarez also briefly discussed the increased use of Pepper
Ranch and future events happening there. She also discussed the
improvements at the Little League field, at Dreamland Park, and at the
Immokalee Sports Complex Fitness Center.
Staff asked Annie Alvarez if she sees Collier County Parks &
Recreation building any new parks in our near future for Immokalee.
Annie Alvarez said all I can say at this point is that it is being studied.
Going back to FDOT eventually throughout the next 10 years FDOT
will take the Immokalee Airport Park from us. That is part of the deal
in order for them to do what they need to do on State Road 29. They
made commitments to make parks and recreation whole. So they are
hoping to give us green space. The request we made at the last
meeting is that we don’t want a park like Airport Park we want fields
we need more fields. The hope is that when FDOT makes us whole
we will be able to build more parks with more fields.
Enclosure 3
I am not sure of the time span right now. In the mean time at the last
Lake Trafford Water Management meeting we spoke about several
things. One is that Stormwater has $200,000 set out here. There is no
community center on this side of town. Dottie Cook who works with
Rural Neighborhood is working with all these agencies to try to get a
park with fields and a stormwater pond on this side of town. We are
trying to get a joint funding partnership venture with Rural
Neighborhood, Parks & Recreation, the Stormwater Department, the
Immokalee CRA, and the Immokalee MSTU. We are looking at
different property for where to build. We need about 40 -60 acres of
property to development.
Chairman Frank Nappo said that if we go after CDBG grants we have
to make sure we have the staff time to manage the grants.
Michele Mosca with Collier County Stormwater Department said that
they met with the Williams Family in December to see if they would
be willing to sell their property that is west of Arrowhead. It is
roughly 60 acres of which 22 acres are uplands and the rest is wet. We
would like to have a pond site as well as a park site. If we work
together we may be able to get additional funding. That site may not
be enough to accommodate for fields. We need about 5 – 10 acres for
the pond. We are also looking at the property on the north side of
Lake Trafford which is Fish Creek. We are also looking at another
property for a pond site on Immokalee Drive. I don’t know if we will
be able to get in this cycle of CDBG funding because in order to apply
for the grant we have to identify the site location.
2. Letter from Jess Clark (Enclosure 4)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 4 which is a letter sent to the CRA from Mr.
Jess Clark listing some ideas for the community of Immokalee. Staff will send a
letter to Mr. Clark inviting him to attend a future meeting to discuss his letter further.
J. MSTU New Business
1. Storage Container (Enclosure 5)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 5 which is the quote for $2,300 for the storage
container which was purchased to store all the Christmas Decorations that were
purchased this year and last year for the First Street Zocalo tree lighting and for the
Main Street and 15th Street area. Staff will look into purchasing a humidifier for the
storage container so the storage items don’t get ruined.
i. Christmas Decoration Inventory List
Armando Yzaguirre and Collier County Parks & Recreation staff worked together
to put an inventory list of all the Christmas Decoration that were purchased this
year and last year. Staff will get a copy of the inventory list from Derrick Dimas
and present it to the board at a future meeting.
Staff said they plan on renting Commercial Christmas Decorations for 9th and
Main Street for next year.
Enclosure 3
K. MSTU Old Business
1. Contractors Report
i. Maintenance Reports – A& M (Enclosure 6)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 6 which is the maintenance report for the
month of December and half of the month of January. Armando Yzaguirre said
that the irrigation boxes don’t have power so he will have to get with facilities to
see why he doesn’t have power. Mr. Yzaguirre said that Christmas banners will
remain up until the new Cornucopias banners are delivered. Armando also
reported that Choice the trash disposal company has done a better job picking up
the garbage in town.
Patti Calderon reported that she had the weekenders pick up trash and cleaned up
shrubbery along Main Street.
ii. Landscape Architect – GWS (Enclosure 15)
Richard Tindell provided board with Enclosure 15 which is a copy of the
Landscape Arhitect report. He said that at the last joint meeting there were
questions about the height of the soil in the medians especially along First Street.
Mr. Tindell also provided an overview of his report. He said that the maintenance
firm is keeping up and routine maintenance work has been performed. All median
plantings need to be pruned and brought within specified height limitations. Some
trash observed. Excess oil first Street median continues to be a problem. Main
Street planting remains on hold. Several lamp poles missing on First and Main
Street. It appears some of the Confederate Jasmine on at the cemetery on the
cemetery fence has been treated with herbicide or mechanical damage.
Armando reported that Image 11 on page 5 shows the bulb out drain that has
plywood that is rotted out and needs to be replaced. They were done about 10 or
15 years ago. There is about three or four areas that need to be redone. MSTU
Chair Cherryle Thomas said this needs to be addressed immediately. Staff will
look into this issue.
Enclosure 3
2. MSTU Budget Report
i. Current Budget (Enclosure 7)
Staff reviewed MSTU Enclosure 7 report with the board. Chair Cherryle Thomas
wanted to go on the record saying that the Immokalee MSTU had never had the
financial support from FDOT.
3. MSTU Project Manager
i. Monument (Enclosure 8)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 8 which is the options for the monuments.
MSTU board member Andrea Halman wanted to know what was wrong with the
current monument. Staff said that the board voted at a past meeting to replace the
signs. After discussion board will table this item until the MSTU project manager
ii. Immokalee Banners
Staff is waiting for new banners to arrive.
iii. Lighting Report
No report was given.
iv. Sidewalks and Streetscape
No report was given.
v. Immokalee Main Street Improvements
No report was given.
L. CRA New Business
1. Advisory Board Members
No report was given.
i. Orientation
Staff reported that they will schedule orientation with the board once the new
advisory board members are appointed.
ii. Board Applications
a. Pam Brown
b. Vanessa Bielema
Staff reported that applications were received but applications are on hold until
further direction from Commissioner Nance.
2. CRA Vacancy
i. Sub-Committee
Staff said that once direction is given to them they will report back to the board.
3. EZDA Quarterly Activity Report: 10/01/2015 – 12/31/2015 (Enclosure 9)
Staff reviewed Enclosure 9 which is the EZDA Annual Incentive Worksheet.
4. Oxxe Oil Petroleum – update
No update was given.
5. Requirement to open a business (Enclosure 10)
Item was tabled for a future meeting.
6. Commercial Façade Grant Applicants
i. Mr. 99 Cents Supermarket
ii. Lozano’s Restaurant
Staff reported that two potential Façade Grant applicants will present to the board
next month.
Enclosure 3
M. CRA Old Business.
1. Adopt –A – Road Program – update
No update was given.
2. LDC Amendment – update
No update was given.
3. Promise Zone Application – update
No update was given.
4. Historical Marker for Jane Brown Graveyard – 1380 Roberts Avenue (Enclosure 11)
No update was given. Item was tabled.
5. CRA Budget Report
i. Current Budget (Enclosure 12)
Item was tabled for the next meeting.
6. CRA Project Manager Report (Enclosure 13)
i. Immokalee Stormwater Projects (Enclosure 14)
7. Code Enforcement – update
No updates were given.
8. Immokalee Chamber of Commerce – update
No updates were given.
9. SWFWDB – update
No update was given.
10. Housing – update
No update was given.
11. Law/Fire Enforcement – update
12. IFAS extension
No update was given.
N. Citizen Comments:
No Comments.
O. Next Meeting Date: CRA & the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU will meet
on February 17, 2016 at 8:30 AM at the Immokalee Pioneer Museum at Robert’s Ranch
P. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:48 AM
Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU
Certification of Minutes Approval Form
Prepared by: Approved by:
Okiih.., 011 i
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Christie Betancourt Cherryle Tho as, Chair
MSTU Liaison •
These Minutes for the January 20, 2015 Joint CRA/EZDA & MSTU Advisory Committee
were approved by the MSTU Advisory Committee on February 17,2016 as presented.
* The next MSTU Advisory Committee meeting will be held March 23, 2016 at 8:30A.M. at the
Immokalee CRA office located at 750 South 5th Street, Immokalee, FL., 34142.
All meetings will be publicly noticed in the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building F), posted at the Immokalee
Public Library and provided to the County Public Information Department for distribution. Please call James
Sainvilus, Immokalee CRA, at 239-867-0026 for additional information. In accordance with the American with
Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact Christie
Betancourt, Administrative Assistant, at least 48 hours before the meeting. The public should be advised that
members of the MSTU Lighting and Beautification Advisory Committee may also be members of other Boards and
Committees. In this regard,matters coming before the Advisory Committee may come before one or more of the
referenced Board and Committees from time to time.