TDC Minutes 03/24/2003 R March 24, 2003
Naples, Florida, March 24, 2003
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Tourist Development Council
in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on
this date at 9:00AM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F of the
Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members
Commissioner Tom Henning
Vice Mayor Gary Galleberg
Gene Vaccaro
Kevin Durkin
Jerry Thirion (9:07)
Susan Becker
Rhona Saunders
Councilman E. Glen Tucker
Joe Dinunzio
Ron Hovell, Project Manager-Public Utilities Div.
Jack Wert, Tourism Director
Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney
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MARCH 24, 2003
9 A.M.- NOON
APPROVAl. OF MIN,UTES_ - February 24, 2003
Category "A" Grant Rcqucsts- Ron llovcli
tc County line to south of Gordon Pass annual monitoring: work order /
proposal tbr thc summer 2003 surveys and annual monitoring report
(project # 90004)
b. llideaway Beach Annual Monitoring: work order / proposal for the
April and November 2003 surveys and annual monitoring report required
by permit (project 1t')0006)
c. Wiggins Pass (project//50004): work order amendment (th-nc &
materials) for actual construction observations costs due to inclement
weather and mechanical problems
d. llideaway Beach Access Improvements (project # 90511): last TI)C
meeting the recommendation to withdraw thc permit application was
approved; CAC recommended a budget estimate of $25,000 to study thc
environmental (birds, mangroves, ~a grasses) kssucs to see if there is a
way to obtain a permit for a project to improve walking access to
Collier County Film Commission First Quarter Report - Maggie McCarty
1. Director's Report - Jack Wert
2. Introduction of New Tourism StaffMcmbers -.lack Wort
3. KSR Report
I. Naldcs Chamber Permission to use "Collier County CVB' Name
March 24, 2003
Call to Order - Commissioner Tom Henning called the meeting to order at
9:03 AM. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call - a quorum was established.
Changes & Approval of Agenda - Mr. Durkin moved to approve the
Agenda. Seconded Susan Becket. Carried Unanimously 7-0
Introduction if Guests - None
Approval of Minutes - February 24, 2003 - Mr. Durkin moved to approve
Minutes of February 24, 2003. Seconded Susan Becker. Carried
Unanimously 7-0.
(Mr. Thirion arrived at 9:07 AM)
Requests for Funding -
Category "A" Grant Requests - Ron Hovell
County line to south of Gordon Pass annual monitoring: work
order/proposal for the summer 2003 surveys and annual monitoring report
(project #90004)
Councilman Galleberg moved for approval. Seconded Rhona
Carried Unanimously 8-0.
Hideaway Beach annual Monitoring: work order/proposal for the April
and November 2003 surveys and annual monitoring report required by
permit (project #90006)
Council Tucker moved for approval. Seconded Councilman
Ron Hovell noted there is some confusion with projects on Hideaway with
the renourishment of the beach project so the Coastal Advisory Committee
has established a Policy Sub-Committee and will meet next Monday.
Motion Carried Unanimously 8-0.
Wiggins Pass - work order amendment (time & materials) for actual
construction observation costs due to inclement weather and mechanical
problems. (Project #50004)
Councilman Galleberg moved to approve. Seconded by Councilman
Tucker. Carried unanimously 8-0.
d. Hideaway Beach Access Improvements - (Project#90511): last TDC
meeting the recommendation to withdraw the permit application was
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March 24, 2003
approved; CAC recommended a budget estimate of $25,000 to study the
environmental (birds, mangroves, sea grasses) issues to see if there is a
way to obtain a permit for a project to improve walking access to
Councilman Tucker moved for approval. Seconded Mr. Durkin.
Councilman Galleberg stated the CAC decided it was an environmental
study, and whatever the future holds for Hideaway, as far as
renourishment and public funding this study would be useful knowledge
of the entire coast line.
Councilman Tucker stated the public policy issue keeps coming up and
when he became a member of the TDC there was no discussion and
seemed to be in the best interest of the public to keep Hideaway Beach
renourished. The Hideaway Beach area, Tigertail and Collier Creek
systems all interact. In the past there was a renourishment program paid
for by beach front owners and later TDC monies.
He corrected an issue from the newspaper about the attitude of several city
council members about beach access on Marco Island. He gave a past
history of the beach access by developers when Marco Island became a
city and after. The attitude of the residents and City Council is not that
they want exclusive beach use; it is a parking dilemma they are concerned
about. He wants everyone to keep an open mind.
Motion Carried Unanimously 8-0.
Reports for TDC Acceptance
Collier County Film Commission First Quarter Report-
Maggie McCarty - She gave a recap &the report
Councilman Galleberg moved to approve the report. Seconded Susan
Becker. Carried unanimously 8-0.
Staff Reports
1. Director's Report - Jack Weft - gave a recap of activities in
the past months:
- Florida Huddle - Show with Vanderbilt Inn (important to attend)
- Collier County Lodging Assoc. presentation
- Workshops- Roundtable
- Delta Vacations - 90 sec. video message
2. - Introduced two new staff members - Nancy Mesa and Debi
- Spent time in Tallahassee (sub-committee on Tourism)
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March 24, 2003
Grant applications for next fiscal year are reviewed in April and
asked if they could be continued in May. It was agreeable with the
rest of the members.
He mentioned the May meeting falls on the Memorial Day
Holiday. He checked on the availability of the room. The
Committee decided to meet on Wed. May 28th.
- He introduced Mr. Bob Dictor from the Marco Island Marriott who
will take Mr. Thirion's place on the TDC.
- Naples Botanical Garden Report - construction work completed
- Question was asked about the number of persons on the Board.
Mr. Wert replied Mr. Bud Stannar has a non-voting position created
by the BCC for the review grant applications relating to "events".
He has not attended meetings in the past and was reappointed by the
BCC for another 4 year term. He is always invited to the meetings.
The BCC also created an Everglade City seat, Mr. David Loving, to
replace Mr. Vaccaro's seat.
Commissioner Henning felt they should look at the Ordinance
concerning Mr. Stannar's position.
KSR Report - Barbara Larkin reported:
Visitors increased for January and February
Advertising Activities & Other Misc. Activities
- Coop Ads
- Successful Meetings
- Shortened the Logo name -
- Researched Updates on Website
- Creating a CD Rom
- Creating a Symbol/lapel pin
- Emergency Plan Outline
Introduced Jonelle Modys - Public Relations Director
- FAM Trips
- Journalists visiting
- Fox Network Visits
- Press Releases - 5 in Jan & Feb.
- E-Letter
- Assisted Program on Food Network with Production crew in
Everglade City
- Nature Activities
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March 24, 2003
Articles in several magazines
Press Clippings
Councilman Galleberg would like to see the Annual Report over a
cycle of 12 months.
Discussion followed on those using the Internet.
The Committee would like to see comparables for the month, year
and year to date.
New Business
1. Naples Chamber Permission to use "Collier County CVB"
name. Mr. Wert explained an Agreement is attached and was discussed.
Sometime in the future they may want to use the name Collier County
Convention and Visitors Bureau - so need to consider agreeing with the
agreement and permission from the Chamber to use the name.
Heidi Ashton - Assistant County Attorney has concerns with the
agreement and will discuss them with Mr. Wert before going to the BCC.
Mr. Wert has problems with the agreement also, but would like a
recommendation from the TDC to try to reach an agreement with the
Greater Naples Chamber.
Ms. Saunders moved to postpone the recommendation of the
agreement for permission from the Greater Naples Chamber to use
the name "Collier County CVB" name until more information is
given. Seconded Mr. Thirion. Carried Unanimously 8-0.
2. Contract with Visit Naples, Inc. for Economic Disaster Recovery
Program. -Found Agreement for Emergency Advertising since 1997 -
Sandlin & Assoc. not used since and PO has been rolling over year after
year. Approx. $600,000 is tied up in the Purchase Order and Mr. Weft
requests the contract be terminated and take to the BCC.
Mr. Durkin moved to recommend termination of the Contract with
Visit Naples, Inc. for Economic Disaster Recovery Program and
forward to the BCC for approval. Seconded Councilman Galleberg.
Carried Unanimously 8-0.
3. Enhanced Research Program - contract of $41,500 with Evens-
Klages, Inc. for a quarterly report on impact of tourism in the community
and annual conversion study. Mr. Wert determined they need more data
and detail on their target market, Need to promote whole destination as
one entity. For more research cost would be an additional $40,000. This
has not been negotiated at this point. He suggests the TDC perhaps
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recommend "up to" $40,000 and negotiate with them. The research is
Discussion followed on costs, possible bidding on the contract, renewal of
the contract in 2003, and time of year, marketing and economy.
Mr. Durkin moved to table the Enhanced Research Program for one
year. Seconded Councilman Galleberg. Mr. Durkin amended his
motion to delay the proposed additional priorities until the Contract
is up for renewal for October 1, 2003 for the 2003/2004 fiscal year.
Councilman Galleberg amends his second. Carried Unanimously
4. Recovery Advertising Allocation - emergency fund was established
after 9/11, and was replenished to $1M. Mr. Wert would like to allocate
some dollars and like the TDC to recommend to the BCC to allocate
$250,000 from the fund to be used immediately to KSR.
Barbara Larkin from KSR based her information from the roundtable
discussion that was held and what FLUSA is proposing in their emergency
plan. They put together an outline of a plan and focused on what the
emergency would be. There would be a command post in place for
Tourism and a budget would be prepared for those emergencies. The
objective is to bring tourists to the area after the emergency as quickly as
possible. She covered different options of what would be done length of
time and budget costs. ($550,000 6 weeks or $925,000 12 weeks) She
gave a breakdown of the two options.
Discussion followed on production budget, radio & TV advertising and
costs. Mrs. Saunders questioned the costs themselves and expressed the
commercials may be too elaborate.
KSR responded they are only looking at proposals at this time.
A decision needs to be made whether $125,000 should be released to
spend on production advertising.
It was noted perhaps more monies should be allocated toward the
emergency fund. Mr. Wert responded they have had conversations with
the advertising company on such concerns - funds may be reallocated as
time goes on with what is happening in the world today.
Mr. Bleu Wallace - Community Development Operations Director -
The balance for the disaster recovery this past year was down to approx.
$600,000 and transferred over $300,000 into Disaster & Recovery from
Advertising & Promotion to get the total up to the SIM that the Budget
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Director, County Manager and everyone felt it should be at. It was
reported at a previous meeting. It use to be a percentage figure and
accumulated. Last year $250,000 came out of the advertising and
promotion and $250,000 came out of the allocation for the normal budget
for advertising. Last summer the TDC recommended another $250,000
come out of the disaster recovery for additional advertising and was
approved by the BCC.
Mr. Dinunzio moved $250,000 be approved and recommended to the
BCC for the Economic Disaster Fund, under the direction of the
Tourism Director to be implemented by the advertising agency.
Seconded Mr. Durkin. Carried unanimously 8-0.
Ms. Ashton asked there be discussions between Mr. Wert and the Clerk of
Courts prior to the BCC approval.
Break- 10:35 AM
Reconvened- 10:45 AM
Mr. Wert explained that after the last vote it was brought to his attention
concerning "Option 1". The option for $250,000 in advertising has an
additional $70,000 for Public Relations Expense, which are actually "out
of pocket" expenses. The recommendation needs to be $320,000 out of
the emergency Fund #196 and then become the Scope of Services and do
an amendment to the KSR Contract. These figures are not negotiated, but
can negotiate the costs relating to the $320,000.
Councilman Tucker moved $320,000, as explained by Mr. Wert,
instead of the $250,000, be approved and recommended to the BCC
for the Economic Disaster Fund, under the direction of the Tourism
Director to be implemented by the advertising agency. Seconded Mr.
Thirion. Carried unanimously 8-0.
5. J.P. Morgan Tennis Challenge - this is a tennis challenge on April 5th,
2003 Naples Bath & Tennis. The two seated top tennis players in the world,
including Monica Sellas, will be in Naples. Great media opportunity as it will
get national coverage and also a 2 minute segment on
GreaterNaplesMarcolslandEverglades. This is a great opportunity for $15,000.
The logo will be displayed.
Ms. Saunders moved to approve the ratification of staff & KSR's
action to purchase this media promotion opportunity at the cost of
$15,000 from the Opportunity Marketing line. Seconded Susan
Becker. Carried unanimously 8-0.
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Meeting Planner Golf Classic - meeting planners to tour the County for
various events. Would like to have an agreement with Collinson &
Company to sponsor the event.
Ms. Saunders moved to approve and recommend the County enter into an
agreement with Collinson & Company to sponsor the event for $20,000
from the Opportunity Marketing line. Seconded Mr. Thirion. Carried
unanimously 8-0.
Audubon Photo Safari - has held with Corkscrew Swamp and Audubon
for several years. It attracts approx. 150-200 people. It is a series of
advertising and good exposure - but the cost being $50,000. Lee County
would like to sponsor it and is accessible from Lee County. Mr. Weft would
like to go back to Collinson and see if Lee County would cost share on the
Jonelle Modys - KSR - noted Lee County markets and promotes Corkscrew
Swamp and Sanctuary and advertises it as being in Bonita Springs.
Commissioner Henning moved to expend up to $25,000 on the Corkscrew
Swamp Sanctuary Photo Safari event. Seconded Ms. Saunders. Carried
unanimously 8-0.
Fulfillment Savings on International Mailing - opportunity to save money
for mailing out International Packets with the USPO ISAL rates, a savings
of $2.75 ~ with no documentation. This has been done with other vendors
and Mr. Wert will meet with Finance to work out the details.
Ms. Saunders moved to approve Mr. Wert do the International mailings
for the USPO ISAL rates after meeting with Finance to work out the
details. Seconded Councilman Tucker. Carried unanimously 8-0.
Meeting Planner Guide Approval - proposal from Gulf Shore Media to do
a meeting planner guide and put on the website. It will be distributed at
tradeshows for meeting planners. Cost would not exceed $15,000.
Mr. Durkin moved to follow the staff's recommendation to proceed with
'the proposal at a cost not to exceed $40,000 and a net cost to the County
not to exceed $15,000. Seconded Mr. Thirion. Carried unanimously 8-0.
10. Tourist Tax Allocations - follow up discussion held at Joint Workshop in
December with the BCC. The concerns are with the allocation and percentages
currently in the Ordinance relating to the Tourist Development Tax related to
funding. Asked Ms. Ashton what is flexible and what is not. Need to find
more promotion dollars and possibly find partnering or other sources not
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currently in the budget. Need to release funds from other sources relating to
beaches or museums or whatever it might be and reallocate to promotions.
Commissioner Henning stated if they can measure the worth of it - it is
Councilman Galleberg stated it was a terrible idea. The reason residents voted
the Tourist Tax was for coastal management and beach renourishment. It was
not for corporate advertising. Coastal management has to be a government
function, promotional advertising does not. If the funds have to come from
somewhere else, they need to expand their local governments.
Mr. Wert stated the intent is to find additional sources of funding for beach
projects and whatever is found would be released to promotion, such as State,
Federal, Government and Private Funds.
Mr. Ron Pennington - City of Naples resident & member of Coastal
Advisory Committee - not necessarily speaking for the Committee - gave a
history of the determination of the different beaches in the past. He, himself,
had given funding options - sales tax, tourist development tax or a combination.
The voters choose 60% beach renourishment and 40% promotions. It if wasn't
for the beaches, Collier County wouldn't have a Tourist Tax today. The
Commission then added another 1% tax for beaches. Collier County beaches
are some of the best beaches in the areas. Collier County maintains a 10 year
plan, updated annually; to make sure they are well maintained and are prepared
for hurricanes. He urges the members take no action to recommend change to
the current allocation. They are planning a major restoration to the beaches next
year. The proposed allocation change would be disastrous to the program and a
major negative reaction to the public.
Ron Hovell - many Counties require some level of partnerships between
Federal, State, County, City, TDC, special Taxing Districts and upland property
owners. Dealing with them and accomplishing them can be risky. Some of the
Federal funding can take 8-10 years. Already are looking at State Funding.
Local area funding has their pros and cons. The CAC Sub-Committee will
work on these concerns.
Commissioner Henning said they are not trying to neglect the beaches, just try
to find more funding sources for the different categories to market the
community for off-season.
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Councilman Tucker moved to approve the recommendation on a
reallocation of funds to increase promotion funding, and have the different
categories find more funding sources. Seconded Mr. Thirion.
Mr. Wert clarified they will try to find additional sources of funding for non-
tourist related projects, such as beaches, museums, events and allocate those
savings to tourism promotions.
Councilman Tucker didn't feel it takes away from beach renourishment. By
Ordinance their hands are tied on how much they can allocate, and didn't feel
they should look for more funds, because they can't use them if they do get
Ms. Saunders stated she is uncomfortable with decreasing any funding for the
Discussion followed on different areas of funding, budgets, trusts, sponsorships
and monies from museums.
Motion Carried 5-3 - Ms. Saunders, Mr. Galleberg and Ms. Becker voting
X. Audience/Industry Input & Discussion - None
XI. Council Discussion - None
Next Meeting Date/Location - Commissioner Henning would like "Meeting
Schedules for the TDC" added to the May Agenda. (possibly holding
quarterly meetings)
XIII. Adjournment
There being no further business for the good of the County the meeting was adjourned by
order of the Chair at 11:30 AM.
Chairman Commissioner Tom Henning
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