EAC Minutes 11/02/1988 MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL DATE: November 2 , 1988 TIME: 9 : 15 A.M. PLACE: 3rd Floor Boardroom, Building "F" , Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida EAC STAFF PRESENT CARDILLO X BURCH X BELOW EXC EDWARDS X BENEDICT X KOOPMAN X KURGIS X LORENZ X SNYDER EXC NADEAU X MINUTES BY: Dalila Mendez, Deputy Clerk CALLED TO ORDER AT: 9 : 15 A.M. ADJOURNED: 11 : 25 A.M. PRESIDING: John P. Cardillo, Chairman ADDENDA TO THE AGENDA: Item regarding Staff reports added by Dr . Benedict ,n Page 1 _ ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 *** ITEM: Approval of Minutes - October 19, 1988 COMMENTS: Dr . Benedict noted that the following changes be incorporated into the Minutes of October 19, 1988 : Page 4, Paragraph 3 , fourth sentence, the words "and stating" were added after the word "questioning" . Page 5 , second paragraph from the bottom, the "question mark" was replaced with a "period" . MOTION: Made by Dr. Benedict to approve the minutes of October 19, 1988, as amended. Seconded by Ms. Kurgis. Carried 3/0. *** PETITION NO: PU-88-17C FILED BY/FOR: Alan D. Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , and Peek, Inc. representing Harper Brothers, Inc . REQUESTING: A provisional use "a" of the "I" zoning classi- fication for an asphalt plant and material storage. REPRESENTED BY: Mr. Willis Kingsbury COMMENTS: Mr . Kingsbury of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll and Peek Inc. advised that the facility for the asphalt plant will be located on 7 . 54 acres of land in the northeast portion of Naples Commercial Park. He indicated that the site is surrounded by industrial property and this request is for a provisional use of the industrial zoning. He stated that the peti- tioner concurs with the recommendations of the Staff report . Mr. Edwards advised that the site has been disturbed in the past by the creation of sandy roadways and other trails throughout the pro- perty. He indicated that the canopy layer Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 consists solely of slash pine; the understory is dominated by melaleuca, and cabbage palm with scattered Brazilian pepper and winged sumac. He noted that the groundcover is dominated by palmetto and early successional , disturbance species are also dominating. He advised that he has discussed asphalt plants, stipulations and regulations with a member of DER. He stated that the Staff report details the maxi- mum particulate emissions from asphalt plants, and DER' s statement that the baghouse and stack design of the proposed asphalt plant are the most effective for controlling particulate emissions. He stated that DER performs yearly stack tests and periodic unannounced inspec- tions throughout the year to ascertain that they are in compliance. Based on the afore- mentioned, he stated that Staff recommends approval subject to the four standard EAC sti- pulations. Responding to Ms. Kurgis, Mr. Kingsbury advised that there are two types of oil on site, which include basic oils used to fire furnaces; will be in impervious compounds including the pipe lines to the facilities, and will meet state and federal codes. He stated that if there is any rupture of the tank or spillage, there is con- tainment areas large enough to contain all of their volume. He noted that the asphalt oil silicifies as soon it drops below 160° , and is not a liquid, unless it is super-heated. He stated that Staff is comfortable with the full containment concept . Dr. Benedict asked how the petitioner will deal with any leakage or problems with other units and is there containment around them? Mr. Kingsbury responded that an alternate drawing was provided that indicated the actual contain- ment with the trench containment going through the pipe lines to the burners, and oil would flow back to the main compound area should any rupture occur in the lines. He indicated that the asphalt oil tanks will be set on a concrete slab outside the compound area to assure that if "hot" spillages occur they will drop on the concrete slab, which will be 10 feet larger than the compound area. Page 3 • ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 Referring to the diagram, Mr. Kingsbury deli- neated the areas where the containment areas will be located. Mr . Nadeau advised Dr . Benedict that Staff does not have a revised plan. He noted that after meeting with NRMD, Planning Services and Mr. Lorenz it was agreed that the storage tanks for the asphalt as well as the fuel would be put in a containment area. He confirmed that the asphalt tank would be placed on a 10 foot wide slab which would exceed the outside edges of the tank, and added that it will be stipulated as such in the Staff report . In response to Dr. Benedict , Mr. Inge of Harper Brothers advised that the baghouse itself is optional if fuel emissions can be controlled without its usage. He noted that it is the most effective means to maintain emissions with DER' s standards, and is a safety measure to ascertain that the restrictions will not be violated. Dr. Benedict asked what Phase II of the project would entail? Mr . Harper of Harper Brothers, Inc. , advised that the clearing levels indicated on the plan are sufficient to allow for the stack house material needed on site; however, if volume increases, the size of the stack piles will require future clearing and County appro- val . Mr. Kingsbury noted that a 50 foot buffer is required for the provisional use which was done during the development process to assure that all the guidelines were met . He stated that the buffer is a setback for construction and is not a vegetated buffer which would be opted to be done on the east side of the pro- perty. Responding to Mr. Cardillo, Mr. Harper advised that the facility will be serving the contrac- tors in the Naples area for an indefinite period of time. Dr . Benedict asked how tall the towers would be? Mr. Harper responded that the towers will be limited by the Zoning ordinance, which states that structures cannot be over 90 feet, and stack piles cannot be over 60 feet . Page 4 ,..r ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2, 1988 COMMENTS: Dr. Benedict recommended that three additional stipulations be added indicating the 50 foot buffer on the east side of the property; the use of the baghouse for emission control , and the additional containment as described during the hearing and discussed with Staff . Messrs. Kingsbury and Harper did not object to the additional stipulations. MOTION: Made by Mr. Cardillo to recommend approval of Petition PU-88-17C, subject to the stipulations listed below. Seconded by Dr. Benedict. Carried 3/0. STIPULATIONS: 1 . Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time of permitting) , requiring the acquisition of a tree removal permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and sub- ject to approval prior to any work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegeta- tion to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal . 2 . Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division for their review and sub- ject to their approval . This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. 3 . All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space Page 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 areas, and preserve areas. Following site deve- lopment , a maintenance program shall be imple- mented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and subject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. 4. If, during the course of site clearing, excava- tion, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact , or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salva- geability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to pro- vide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. 5 . Fifty foot buffer on the east side of the pro- perty. 6 . The use of the baghouse for emission control . 7 . Additional containment as described in the hearing and discussed with Staff . *** PETITION NO: PU-88-20C FILED BY/FOR: Joseph S. Boggs of Bruce Green and Associates, Inc. representing Lee Williams REQUESTING: A provisional use 8 . 10 b of MHRP (Mobile Home Rental Park) for a sewage treatment plant . REPRESENTED BY: Mr . Joseph S. Boggs COMMENTS: Mr . Boggs, representing Lee Williams, stated that the request is for a provisional use for a sewage treatment plant on property located Page 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 south of the Hitching Post Mobile Home Park, that was previously an old farmfield. Ms. Stevens advised that the parcel consists of 4 . 34 acres with a canal located on the western boundary of the property. She stated that the northern, western and some interior areas are infested with noxious exotics (Melaleuca and Brazilian pepper) ; the parcel supports widely scattered slash pine with an average diameter of 6 inches with a graminoid groundcover. She stated that the native habitat on the parcel has become impacted by past activities; however, Staff recommends approval subject to the four EAC standard stipulations. Ms. Kurgis asked in how many stages the treat- ment plant will be initiated? Mr . Boggs responded that the sewage treatment plant will be built in two phases, but the ponds that will take the bulk of the site, will be built at one time. He indicated that the plant will be designed and built in accordance with State and County regulations. In response to Dr. Benedict , Mr . Boggs advised that there will be a new EIS for the new park to be constructed. He reiterated that 75% of the land for the Mobile Home Rental Park is a farmfield, and the southeast corner of the par- cel consists of oaks, and a seasonal wetland. He stated that some of the oaks will be left in place and others will be transplanted. He noted that the Army Corps of Engineers has made its assessment and determined that the wetland vegetation falls under a nationwide permit for which the petitioner will have to apply. He advised that Henderson Creek is located 3/4 of a mile from the treatment plant and the parcel is immediately adjacent to the Hitching Post Park. To further clarify the location of the parcel, Mr . Boggs delineated the shaded areas on a sketch provided. MOTION: Made by Dr. Benedict to approve Petition PU-88-20C with the EAC standard stipulations. Seconded by Ms. Kurgis. Carried 3/0. STIPULATIONS: Page 7 /'-\ ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 1 . Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time of permitting) , requiring the acquisition of a tree removal permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and sub- ject to approval prior to any work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegeta- tion to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal . 2 . Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division for their review and sub- ject to their approval . This plan will depict /'N the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. 3 . All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site deve- lopment , a maintenance program shall be imple- mented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and subject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. 4 . If , during the course of site clearing, excava- tion, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact , or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department Page 8 �-. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salva- geability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to pro- vide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. *** PETITION NO. PU-88-16C FILED BY/FOR: Robert K. Lockhart , P.E. , Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , & Peek, Inc. , representing William Higgs. REQUESTING: A provisional use "b" of A-2 earthmining. REPRESENTED BY: Mr . Robert K. Lockhart COMMENTS: Mr. Lockhart, representing William Higgs, advised that the petition is to request two modifications to the existing provisional use (PU-81-20C) ; to increase the depth of excava- tion and to modify the provisions for transporting of material off-site to locations throughout the Naples area. He stated that pre- sently this process is limited to I-75 construc- tion only, and he would like to expand for greater market ability. He noted that the petitioner concurs with Staff ' s recommen- dations and the stipulation. Mr. Burch reiterated the above statement regarding the request , and added that the remo- val of the fill material and the increased depth of excavation will not have any environ- mental impacts on the property. He stated that the area is surrounded on the north and east by transitional upland/wetland forest habitat, dominated by slash pine with moderate melaleuca invasion, and there is also a wetland preserve area near the south border of the site which is in the northeast sector of the intersection of I-75 and C .R. 951 . He Page 9 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 advised that Staff had concerns about the possible effects on ground water and surface water in the area; therefore, an EIS was required with emphasis on water quality in and around the pit . He noted that Staff also raised concerns about the possible blasting and fracturing of the confining layer that defines the upper limit of the Lower Tamiami Aquifer. He noted that other concerns were the project 's proximity to wellfields, intrusion by sub- surface trapped saltwater and effects on migra- tion of water from the nearby County landfill which is approximately 3/4 of a mile from the area. The proposed mining and blasting is unlikely to da,.ae the subtending confining layer, he noted. He stated that the operation will be a wetmining project and will not require dewatering; nor will ground water flow be adversely affected. He indicated that Staff recommends approval subject to a stipulation related to exotic plants and native habitat preservation, as defined in Ordinance 82-37 . In response to Ms. Kurgis, Mr. Lockhart advised n that the applications approved by the Board for excavations have varied in depths from a mini- mum depth to a maximum depth of 50 feet . He advised that the Water Management Advisory Board (WMAB) and the Board of County Commissioners usually include ground water monitoring stipulations. He noted that the petitioner has done several borings on site to verify the material quality for the excavation, which is proposed to a depth of 30 feet , and has confirmed that blasting is not needed below the upper 10 feet . He noted that WMAB usually reviews excavation applications thoroughly, and stipulate any concerns relating to the project ' s impact on the area. He further indicated that WMAB has recommended approval of the excavation with stipulations that a program be established and implemented between WMAB Director Boldt, NRMD, and EAC at the conclusion of all hearings. Mr. Lockhart confirmed for Dr. Benedict that the area identified as zone "b" is the wetland pre- serve. He indicated that presently there is no master plan prepared for potential future use of Page 10 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2, 1988 the site. He noted that in the 1981 petition, some areas were designated as "ST" and since the wetland areas were highly impacted, the "ST" designation was no longer applicable. Dr. Benedict suggested that the original stipula- tions regarding the wetland preserve be applied to the petition as the wetland preserve labeled on the site map as Zone "b" does not specifi- cally define the area. He suggested that the original report be reviewed and any stipula- tions that still apply be added. Mr. Cardillo expressed concerns about the depth of the excavation as it would be in close proximity to the cap rock. Mr. Lockhart clarified for Mr. Cardillo that the confining layer of the aquifer was not reached, and the cap rock is on the upper 10 feet , below that is sand, loose rock, etc. down to a depth of 40 feet, and the excavation proposed is for a depth of 30 feet . He noted that the Lower Tamiami Aquifer is approximately 90 feet and the water quality should not be adversely affected by the proposed excavation. Mr. Burch n advised that the reference used by Staff suggested a 40 foot depth and the depth of the confining layer is quite variable. Mr . Cardillo asked why there were limitations to 20 foot depths? Mr. Lockhart responded that the limitations for lake excavations are derived by the Excavation Ordinance. He noted that decaying of the lakes is faster when they are smaller and deeper, and pointed out that the proposed depth is not the maximum possible. He reiterated his previous statement regarding WMAB restrictions on such a use. He stated that the proposed use is a few miles from the County Landfill and the nearest wellfield is the Florida Cities Golden Gate Wellfield which is two miles northwest of the project . He noted that the project will not degrade the water quality derived from the wellfield. Dr . Benedict stated that the entire western portion of Collier County is one large aquifer . Environmental Science and Pollution Control Director Lorenz advised that a Hydrologist reviewed the data provided by the applicant and determined that there will not be any dewa- Page 11 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 tering. He, therefore, indicated that changes are not expected to occur in the ground water other than what is typical in the area. MOTION: Made by Dr. Benedict to recommend approval of Petition PU-88-16C subject to Staff 's recommended stipulation, and with the addition of two stipulations, as noted below. Seconded by Ms. Kurgis. Carried 2/1, (Mr. Cardillo opposed) . STIPULATIONS: 1 . All exotic plants, as defined by County Ordinance 82-37 shall be removed from the pre- serve area, and any other native habitat within the project limits, upon the initiation of the proposed mining activity. 2 . So-called Zone "b" , be designated and preserved as a wetland preserve, and designated on all future site maps. 3 . All previously applicable environmental stipula- tions will be added to the project approval . COMMENTS: Mr. Lorenz requested that Dr. Benedict be more specific as to the area in question, and Dr . Benedict stated that his concerns pertain mainly to the wetland area. He suggested that Staff make the determination as to which areas are wetlands and which are not . *** PETITION NO. R-87-43C FILED BY/FOR: J. Gary Butler of Butler Engineering, Inc . , representing Quail Woods Estates Development Corp. REQUESTING: A zoning change from A-2 to RMF-6 for construc- tion of multi-family residences. REPRESENTED BY: Mr. J. Gary Butler COMMENTS: Mr. Gary Butler, representing Quail Woods Estates Development Corp. , stated that the site is currently zoned agricultural and the peti- tion is to change the zoning to RMF-6. He noted Page 12 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 that the site consists of 18 . 7 acres and is located on the south side of Immokalee Road between I-75 and Airport Road. He indicated that the original report indicated the range as 29, but is correctly noted as Range 25 on the Staff report . He indicated that the site has one natural area that will be retained for the water management system. Mr . Edwards advised that the northern half of the site is a xeric system dominated by large patches of palmetto with scattered slash pine. He noted that the understory consists of palmet- tos, winged sumac, and cabbage palm, and the ground cover consists of mostly graminoids with scattered prickly pear, blackroot and poison ivy. He stated that the eastern half of the xeric landscape has been heavily invaded by grape vine and Brazilian pepper . He stated that the southern half of the property consists of cabbage palms, bald cypress, and the ground cover consists of ragweed, dog fennel and grami- noids. He noted that there is a portion in the eastern half of the site which is of concern; n this area is dominated by cypress, 12-16" DBH, with an understory of pop ash and groundsel . He confirmed that the petitioner intends to keep this area as a natural area preserve and incor- porate it into the water management plan, and noted that Staff endorses the plan. Based on the aforementioned, Mr . Edwards indicated that Staff recommends approval of the petition sub- ject to Standard Stipulations 1-4, and Stipulation 5 . Dr . Benedict stated that the EIS provided does not follow the standard format , as it is shorter, briefer and does not contain all the information needed. Mr. Butler advised that the original EIS included a vegetative index, and an aerial . Dr. Benedict stated that the natural area should not be designated as a "natural area" , but designated as a "wetland preserve area" . Referring to Stipulation 5 , he stated that the words "at their existing loca- tion" should be incorporated into the first sentence, and in regard to the second sentence, he noted that the word "not" should be inserted after the word "If" . In regard to the EIS, Dr . Page 13 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 Benedict commented that Staff ascertain that the EIS be consistent , and contain the necessary information. MOTION: Made by Ms. Kurgis to recommend approval of Petition R-87-43C, subject to Standard Stipulations 1-4, and Stipulation 5, as modified. Seconded by Mr. Cardillo. COMMENTS: Dr . Benedict expressed concerns about the EAC approving a petition without a complete EIS, therefore, he noted he would vote against the petition until the EIS is complete. In response to Mr. Cardillo, Mr. Burch noted that the EIS review would not take too much time. Upon call for the question, the motion failed, 1/2 (Dr. Benedict and Mr. Cardillo opposed) . COMMENTS: Mr. Cardillo recommended that Petition R-87-43C be continued for two weeks, in order to give the petitioner time to prepare the EIS, at which time the EAC will review it and make a positive determination; Mr. Butler did not have any objections to this recommendation. The consensus was to continue petition R-87-43C to November 16, 1988 . *** Recess 10:35 a.m. - Reconvened 10:45 a.m. *** PETITION NO. PDA-88-9C FILED BY/FOR: James E. Vensel of James E. Vensel Associates, Inc. , representing The Deltona Corporation. REQUESTING: A PUD amendment to the Marco Shores PUD. REPRESENTED BY: Mr. James E. Vensel COMMENTS: Mr. Vensel , representing the petitioner, stated that the 1984 PUD had resulted in deeding 15,000 acres of mangroves to the State of Florida, and 14, 500 dwelling units were approved at the time. He indicated that the PUD amendment is for Unit 30. Delineating the areas on the sketch, he pointed out that the request is for the Page 14 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 construction of an 18-hole golf course for use of the Marriott Hotel . He indicated that the original PUD required that the dwelling units have access to S .R. 951 . He indicated that the petitioner is proposing to decrease the density from 9, 110 to 7,000 dwelling units resulting in the elimination of a road connection. He noted that approved access to Unit 30 for the golf course will be available in 1989. He stated that an 18 . 4 acre lake will provide fill for the four-laning of S .R. 951 . Mr . Vensel noted that the original stipulations are still in effect , and concur with Staff ' s recommendations. Ms. Stevens advised that the proposed amendments to the Marco Shores PUD will not further alter the environmental conditions of the site. She stated that they will provide for additional environmental protection as compared with the approved PUD plans. She noted that environmen- tal improvements to the original plan include the elimination of a road traversing a wetlands preserve, the donation of land to Rookery Bay, and the reduction in overall project density. She noted that Staff recommends approval, and the 1984 stipulations are still applicable. Mr. Vensel noted that since the 1984 approval, the area which included approval of 2 , 544 dwelling units has been deeded to the State. Responding to Dr. Benedict, Mr. Vensel noted that the wording pertaining to the causeway' s elimination is included in the PUD document, and has been changed to read that it will be a pre- servation area. He noted that the land deeded to the State was retained as an easement by the State, and will be removed. Ms. Stevens clarified for Dr . Benedict that the "donation of land" as indicated in the Staff report, is not part of the requested amendment, but of the original petition. Mr . Vensel con- curred with Dr. Benedict 's recommendation that the causeway be abandoned and committed as a preservation, and that the original stipulations still apply. n Page 15 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 MOTION: Made by Dr. Benedict to recommend approval of Petition PDA-88-9C, subject to the following stipulations. Seconded by Ms. Kurgis. STIPULATIONS: 1 . All original environmental stipulations still apply. 2 . The former causeway road connection be committed to the preservation district , and that the ease- ment be abandoned, if there is an easement on State land. COMMENTS: Ms. Stevens noted that the aforementioned recom- mendation is worded as such within the ordi- nance. Dr. Benedict confirmed that he wanted the wording included in the ordinance as a sti- pulation. MOTION: Upon call for the question, the motion carried 3/0. *** n PETITION NO. R-88-22C/PU-88-23C FILED BY/FOR: Sutter Marcus, Inc. , representing Charles and Brenda Scire. REQUESTING: A zoning change from A-2 to RSF-4 for 20 dwelling units, and provisional use "g" of RSF-4 for cluster housing. (Bailey Lake) REPRESENTED BY: Mr. Steve Sutter COMMENTS: Mr. Steve Sutter, representing the petitioner, advised that the request is to change the zoning from A-2 to RSF-4 for the construction of 20 dwelling units, consisting of 10 buildings. He noted that after meeting with Staff , the foun- dations of the buildings have been redesigned to go into the stem walls which will save existing vegetation to its maximum. Ms. Stevens advised that the site is an open disturbed area partially vegetated with palmet- tos, slash pines, and exotic Brazilian pepper. She noted that the ground cover consists mostly Page 16 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 of various grasses. The site was cleared prior to 1985, she noted. She further noted that the petitioner has indicated an interest in pre- serving as many of the native trees on site as feasible, and Staff recommends approval subject to the four standard stipulations. Responding to Ms. Kurgis regarding the size of the lake, Mr . Sutter stated that according to the engineers the size of the lake is necessary for water retention. Ms. Stevens noted that the trees in the middle portion of the property con- sist mostly of Brazilian pepper. Mr. Sutter confirmed for Dr. Benedict that the area will be as undisturbed as possible. Dr. Benedict com- mented that he would like to see dry retention and restored greenery instead of the lake. Mr. Vensel , however, advised that when the engineers implemented the work, they felt a lake would be more attractive. Dr. Benedict commented that the EAC ' s policy has been to encourage dry retention. After further discussion, Dr. Benedict recommended the following stipulation: "Every effort be made to reduce the lake size to utilize dry retention and to maintain existing vegetation and replant it in a native habitat" . Mr. Sutter did not have any objections to this recommendation. MOTION: Made by Dr. Benedict to recommend approval of Petitions R-88-22C and PU-88-23C with EAC standard stipulation, and with an additional stipulation, as noted below. Seconded by Ms. Kurgis. Carried 3/0. STIPULATIONS: 1 . Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time of permitting) , requiring the acquisi- tion of a tree removal permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and subject to approval prior to any work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vege- tation to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal . Page 17 e-N ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 2 . Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be sub- mitted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division for their review and subject to their approval . This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re- creation of native vegetation and habitat charac- teristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. 3 . All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and pre- serve areas. Following site development , a main- tenance program shall be implemented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and sub- ject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. 4 . If, during the course of site clearing, excavation, or other constructional activities, an archaeologi- cal or historical site, artifact , or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to provide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. 5 . Every effort be made to reduce the lake size to uti- lize dry retention and to maintain existing vegeta- tion and replant it in a native habitat . *** PETITION NO. R-88-19C/PDA-88-10C FILED BY/FOR: Alan D. Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll /\ & Peek, Inc . , representing David A. Urich, agent for Youth Haven, Inc. Page 18 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 REQUESTING: A zoning change from RMF-6 to PUD and a PUD amendment to Youth Haven PUD. REPRESENTED BY: Mr . Alan D. Reynolds COMMENTS: Mr. Reynolds advised that the request includes PUD modification to the existing Youth Haven, Inc. planned unit development and a rezoning of an additional piece of property to the east of the PUD. He noted that 9. 7 acres are not part of the PUD which is zoned RMF-6, and the existing PUD is 14 . 3 acres of land. He indi- cated that Executive Director Urich is present should the EAC have any questions pertaining to Youth Haven' s operation. He noted that the request is for expansion of the facility to be implemented as funds become available. He stated that the original PUD was approved in 1981 and the documentation for the present request is fully detailed. He noted that the site consists of pine flatwoods, slash pine is the dominant canopy tree, and the understory consists of native and exotic vegetation. He indicated that the plan will have dry retention, but presently there is a lake on site for the purpose of water retention. He concluded by stating that the petitioner concurs with the Staff report and the recommended stipulations. Mr . Edwards reiterated that the site consists of pine flatwood, with a few small cypress trees remaining; the understory consists of melaleuca, and the ground cover consists of scattered patches of palmettos, poison ivy, etc. He stated that Staff recommends that the petitioner utilize native species in the landscaping plan and recommends approval of the petitions subject to the four standard EAC stipulations. Mr. Cardillo asked if the impact to the area could be as a result of the prior development of Youth Haven? Mr . Edwards responded that the impact in the area is probably due to the construction of road side and drainage canals. MOTION: Made by Ms. Kurgis to recommend approval of Petitions R-88-19C and PDA-88-10C, subject to EAC standard stipu- lations. Seconded by Dr. Benedict. Carried 3/0. Page 19 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2, 1988 STIPULATIONS: 1 . Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time of permitting) , requiring the acquisition of a tree removal permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and sub- ject to approval prior to any work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegeta- tion to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal . 2 . Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division for their review and sub- ject to their approval . This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. 3 . All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site deve- lopment, a maintenance program shall be imple- mented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and subject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. 4 . If, during the course of site clearing, excava- tion, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact , or other indicator is discovered, all development Page 20 r � ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 2 , 1988 at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salva- geability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to pro- vide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. *** ITEM: ADDENDA COMMENTS: Dr . Benedict commented that in reading the Staff reports he noticed that they were too brief , and should be written as in the past which specifi- cally indicated areas of concern. Mr. Burch noted that the petitions previously discussed were straight forward projects, and the Staff ' s concerns were indicated. Dr . Benedict indicated that Staff reports should include three impor- tant factors; the description of the site, Staff concerns about the site, Staff ' s recommendations as well as Staff ' s analytical findings. Ms. Stevens noted that recommendations have changed not the contents of Staff ' s reports. She concurred with Dr. Benedict ' s recommendation that Staff ' s concerns be listed in the Staff reports. Mr. Lorenz advised that Acting Community Development Administrator 011iff is in the process of scheduling a workshop with the EAC to discuss the aforementioned items. He noted that presently Mr . 011iff is compiling a document which will reflect his recommendations, and also noted that he would advise him of Dr . Benedict ' s concerns. *** There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair . ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL John P. Cardillo, Chairman Page 21