EAC Agenda 12/07/1988 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL AGENDA December 7, 1988 8 :45 A.M. I. ROLL CALL II . APPROVAL OF MINUTES III . ADDENDA IV. STAFF REPORT A. PROPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL V. OLD BUSINESS A. R-87-43C: J. Gary Butler of Butler Engineering, Inc. , representing Quail Woods Estates Development Corporation; requesting a zoning change from A-2 to RMF-6 for condominiums. (Continued from 11-2-88 . ) B. Proposed revision of Standard Stipulation No. 2 . VI . PUBLIC HEARINGS A. R-88-23C: Dr. Neno J. Spagna of Florida Urban Institute, Inc. , representing Mrs. Joseph S. Weinfeld for the Joseph S. Weinfeld Family Trust, and Lester and Mary Persky; requesting a zoning change form A-2 (MH) to PUD. TRAFFORD HIGHLAND ESTATES. B. R-88-24C/PDA-88-13C: Robert H. Grabner, Jr. , of Ericksen Corporation, representing Radnor/Lakeside Corporation; requesting a zoning change from A-2 to PUD for 20 multi-family units, and an amendment to the Citrus Gardens PUD and Master Plan. VII . NEW BUSINESS VIII. DISCUSSION OF ADDENDA IX. ADJOURNMENT X. WORKSHOP ************************************************************* NOTES: A. Notify Environmental Resource Management (774-8454 ) no later than 5 P.M. on Monday, December 5, 1988, if you cannot attend this meeting or if you have conflict and thus will abstain from voting on a particular petition. B. Please refer to notice on first floor, Building F, for the location of the E.A.C. meeting. C. Items added after agenda was sent out. D. No action since last Council meeting. E. On January 7 , 1987 the E.A.C. adopted a policy that any person addressing the E.A.C. on behalf of any organization must present a letter from said organization acknowledging them as a representative empowered to make policy related comments on that subject. ************************************************************* PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ********** *********** ********** ************************************************************* REVISED WORDING FOR STANDARD EAC STIPULATIONS (No.s 1,3,4 Adopted by EAC on 4/1/87) (No. 2 Adopted by EAC on 12/7/88) 1. Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time of permitting) , requiring the acquisition of a tree removal permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and subject to approval prior to any work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict haw the final site layout incorporates retained native vegetation to the maximum extent possible and haw roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate modate this goal. 2. Native species shall be utilized, as described below, in the site landscaping plan. A landscape plan for all landscaping on the development shall be submitted to the County Landscape Architect and to a County Environmental Specialist for their review and shall be subject to their approval. The landscape design shall incorporate a minimum of 60% native plants, by number, including trees, shrubs, and ground cover. At least 60% of the trees, 60% of the shrubs, and 60% of the groundcover shall be native species. At the direction of the County Landscape Architect or County Environmental Specialist a higher percentage of trees or shrubs can offset an equal percentage of groundcover. For example, the use of 70% native trees could allow the use of only 50% native groundcover. This plan shall depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. 3. All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site development, a maintenance program shall be implemented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and subject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. 4. If, during the course of site clearing, excavation, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to provide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. _ , MEMORANDUM TO: All EAC Members FROM: Kate Muldoon4 Dev. Comp. Spec. , NRMD DATE: September 29 , 1988 RE: Landscape Ordinance Committee recommendations for review of standard stipulation No. 2. On 30 August 1988, I attended the Landscape Ordinance Committee Meeting in order to discuss methodology and review problems concerning PUD compliance for Standard Stipulation No. 2. The county' s new landscape architect, Anne McCoy, also was present. The following occurred: 1) The Committee did not wish to rewrite stipulation No. 2 due to a) time constraints caused by continuing work upon the model landscape code; b) redundancy of effort, i.e. , the new model landscape code will preserve the intent of stipulation No. 2. 2) The Committee voted instead to concentrate strictly on the review process of stipulation No.2 , for a "quick fix" . They decided to propose to the EAC that the landscape reviewer concentrate on the native vegetation percentage (60%) only for trees and understory, eliminating review of groundcovers. (please see attached letter) The EAC therefore has the option of accepting this recommendation, or considering some alternatives. These alternatives could consist of: 1 ) Forming a new landscape committee to make recommendations; 2) Directing NRMD to make recommendations concerning the review/re-writing of this stipulation; Anne McCoy, the County landscape architect, would aid in this. 3) Any other solutions which the EAC wishes to propose. FLORIDA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA I FAS INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 1111 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION SCHOOL OF FOREST RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE IUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA REPLY TO: Court Plaza, D-103 2663 Airport Road, S. Naples, FL 33962-4855 September 23, 1988 Kate Muldoon Dev. Compliance Specialist Natural Resources Department Building F, 8th Floor Collier County Complex Naples, FL 33962 ' Dear Kate: This letter is in response to your request to the Collier County Landscape Code Committee for suggestions regarding the 60% native plant requirement for new landscape installations by developers on rezoned property. It is the committee's understanding that the 60% native plant requirement set by the Natural Resources Department is an interpretation of the Environmental Advisory Council 's Standard Stipulation #2, regarding the utilization of native plant species by developers. With this in mind, the Landscape Code Committee discussion resulted in a consensus agreement to recommend the elimination of ground cover plants in figuring the current, 60% by number, native plant requirement for landscaping installed by developers on rezoned land. Ground cover plants are to be, as defined by the South Florida Water Management District in their Model Landscape Code: "plants, other than turfgrass, normally reaching an average maximum height of not more than twenty-four (24) inches at maturity." This recommendation is to apply only to interim requirements set by the Natural Resources Department. It is the intent of the Landscape Code Committee to set future difinitive plant requirements, taking into account all plant species, as part of the proposed new landscape code for Collier County. Sincerely, % -- JPB:pl Jo ;4°1P. Begeman Ornamental Horticu ture Agent Collier County The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an Equal Employment Opportunity—Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research,educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race,color,sex,age,handicap or national origin. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS,STATE OF FLORIDA,IFAS,UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE,AND BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COOPERATING. tR MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL DATE : November 16, 1988 TIME: 9 : 00 A.M. PLACE : 3rd Floor Boardroom, Building "F" , Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida EAC STAFF PRESENT CARDILLO X BURCH X BELOW X EDWARDS X BENEDICT EXC STEVENS X KURGIS X LORENZ X SNYDER EXC KOOPMAN X MINUTES BY: Dalila Mendez , Deputy Clerk CALLED TO ORDER AT: 9 :00 A.M. ADJOURNED: 9 : 10 A.M. PRESIDING : John P. Cardillo, Chairman ADDENDA TO THE AGENDA: None. Page 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL AGENDA November 16, 1988 8 :45 A.M. I. ROLL CALL II . APPROVAL OF MINUTES III . ADDENDA IV. STAFF REPORT A. PROPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL 1. PU-88-24C: Dr. Neno J. Spagna, of Florida Urban Institute, Inc. , representing Kampgrounds of America, Inc. ; requesting a provisional use 7 .19.b. 3 (c) of TTRVC for camping cabins. V. OLD BUSINESS A. R-87-43C: J. Gary Butler of Butler ,Engineering, Inc. , representing Quail Woods Estates Development Corporation; requesting a zoning change from A-2 to RMF-6 for condominiums. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PU-88-21C: Dr. Neno J. Spagna, of Florida Urban Institute, Inc. , representing the Bethesda Church` of Christ; requesting a provisional use "a" of the "E" zoning category for a church and related facilities. VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. DISCUSSION OF ADDENDA IX. ADJOURNMENT X. WORKSHOP ************************************************************* NOTES: A. Notify Environmental .ResQurce _:Management (774-8454) no later than 5 P.M. on Monday, November 14 , 1988, if you cannot attend this meeting or if you have conflict and thus will abstain from voting on a particular petition. B. Please refer to notice on first floor, Building F, for the location of the E.A.C. meeting. C. Items added after agenda was sent out. D. No action since last Council meeting. E. On January 7, 1987 the E.A.C. adopted a policy that any person addressing the E.A.C. on behalf of any organization must present a letter from said organization acknowledging them as a representative empowered to make policy related comments on that subject. ************************************************************* PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE , WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ********** *********** ********** ************************************************************* fi''1 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 16, 1988 ***** ITEM: Minutes of November 2 , 1988 COMMENTS: Since two members of the EAC were not present, Mr . Cardillo stated that the minutes of November 2 , 1988 would be reviewed and approved at the next EAC meeting. ***** PETITION NO. PU-88-24C FILED BY/FOR: Dr . Neno J. Spagna, of Florida Urban Institute, Inc . , representing Kampgrounds of America, Inc . REQUESTING: A provisional use 7 . 19.b. 3 (c) of TTRVC for camping cabins at the intersection of Barefoot Williams Road and Tower Road. REPRESENTED BY: Dr. Neno J. Spagna COMMENTS: Mr . Cardillo asked if the EAC had any comments on the above administratively approved petition? In response to Ms. Kurgis, Dr . Spagna advised that the white mangroves will not be disturbed, however, the Brazilian pepper will probably be removed. The EAC did not object to the petition being administratively approved, subject to Standard Stipulations 1 - 4 . STIPULATIONS: 1 . Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time of permitting) , requiring the acquisition of a tree removal permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and sub- ject to approval prior to any work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule . The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegeta- tion to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other Page 2 < w � ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 16, 1988 facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal . 2 . Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division for their review and sub- ject to their approval . This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities . 3 . All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas . Following site deve- lopment, a maintenance program shall be imple- mented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and subject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. 4. If , during the course of site clearing, excava- tion, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact , or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salva- geability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to pro- vide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. ***** Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 16, 1988 PETITION NO: R-87-43C FILED BY/FOR: J. Gary Butler of Butler Engineering, Inc . , representing Quail Woods Estates Development Corporation. REQIIESTING: A zoning change from A-2 to RMF-6 for condominiums . COMMENTS: Mr . Edwards advised that the revised EIS has not been submitted by Mr . Butler, therefore, the petition has been continued. ***** PETITION NO. PU-88-21C FILED BY/FOR: Dr . Neno J. Spagna, of Florida Urban Institute, Inc . , representing the Bethesda Church of Christ . REQIIESTING: A provisional use "a" of the "E" zoning category for a church and related facilities. COMMENTS: Dr . Spagna advised that the parcel consists of 5 acres located at the intersection of 5th Avenue S .W. and C .R. 951 in the Golden Gate Estates area. He noted that Mr . Edwards conducted a site visit . He stated that the property con- sists of slash pine, Florida holly, a few mela- leuca and the usual understory vegetation. He noted that the church will consist of a 200 seat facility; 100 paved parking spaces, as well as unpaved parking spaces. Mr . Edwards advised that the area has been impacted by drainage due to the construction of nearby canals. He stated that this has allowed for the invasion of and establishment of more mesic , early successional plan species . He stated that grape vine and poison ivy have resulted from this. He noted that there are cypress trees along the eastern and western boundary of the site . He noted that the understory consists of scattered cabbage palms, wax myrtles and Brazilian peppers. He advised that there is an open area in the middle of the site where the church building will be located, which will allow for the retention of cypress n Page 4 e'"" ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 16, 1988 trees along the eastern boundary. He indicated that there are also open areas where the parking is planned to be located. He indicated that the water retention area will be located in the western half of the parcel . He advised that Staff recommends approval of the petition sub- ject to the four standard stipulations, and that the petitioner incorporate the on-site vegetation into the landscape plan. Dr . Spagna indicated that the petitioner concurs with Staff ' s recommendations. In response to Ms . Kurgis, Dr . Spagna advised that the developer will work with Staff in order to save as many cypress as possible. MOTION: Made by Mr. Below to recommend approval of Petition PU-88-21C, subject to the standard stipulations. Seconded by Ms. Kurgis. Carried 3/0. STIPULATIONS: 1 . Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time of permitting) , requiring the acquisition of a tree removal permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and sub- ject to approval prior to any work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegeta- tion to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal . 2 . Native species shall be utilized, where available , to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division for their review and sub- ject to their approval . This plan will depict Page 5 P"-• ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 16, 1988 the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities . 3 . All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas . Following site deve- lopment , a maintenance program shall be imple- mented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and subject to approval by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division. 4 . If , during the course of site clearing, excava- tion, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact , or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped n and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salva- geability. The Natural Resources Management Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to pro- vide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities . ***** There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair . ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL John P. Cardillo, Chairman /'\ Page 6 - . ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES STAFF REPORT FOR EAC MEETING 12/7/88 Petition: R-88-23C: Dr . Neno J. Spagna of Florida Urban Institute, Inc. , representing Mrs. Joseph S. Weinfeld for the Joseph S. Weinfeld Family Trust, and Lester and Mary Persky; requesting a zoning change from A-2 (MH) to PUD. TRAFFORD HIGHLAND ESTATES. Considerations: The subject property is a 38.4 acre square-shaped parcel located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Lake Trafford Road and Carson Road, one mile west of SR 29 in Immokalee (S32, 1468, R29E) . A mobile home district is located to the north of the parcel , and vacant lots and single family homes are found to the east of the subject property. The site was inspected on November 15, 1988 by Andrea Stevens (Environmental Resources Staff) . The petitioner is requesting a rezoning of the parcel from A-2 (MH) to PUD for mixed use housing (single and multi-family) and a neighborhood commercial district. The residential area will include 32.7 acres with a density of 9.8 dwelling units per acre. 60-70% of the site will be made up of impervious surfaces. Most of the southern half of the parcel is an open palmetto (Serenoa repens) habitat with widely scattered slash pines (Pinus elliottii ) , with diameters of up to 8 inches. Extensive burn scars on most of the pines are indicative of recent fires in the area. The southeast corner of the site supports a more dense canopy of pines, with some small oaks (Quercus spp. ) . This corner of the property has not been burned as recently as the remainder of the parcel . Most of the shrub and groundcover species in the southern half of the site are made up of primary succession or invader species, which rapidly invade disturbed areas. These include rusty lyonia (Lyonia ferruoinea) , shiny blueberry (Vaccinium myrsinites) , and various grass species. The northern half of the property is vegetated with small oaks (up to 10 feet in height) and palmetto. Pines are found infrequently throughout this habitat. Groundcover vegetation in the oak community includes prickly pear cactus (Opuntia spp. ) , gopher apple (Licania michauxii ) , and greenbriar (Smilax spp. ) . In general , the site appears to have been subject to periodic burning, as the palmetto are quite dense throughout the parcel . Several off-road vehicle trails traverse the property. The property has been extensively disturbed, and few intact habitats remain on site. ,""%. - ' ~ Staff Report R-88-23C ~"-% [AC Meeting 12/7/80 Page 2 Recommendations: The Environmental Resources Staff recommends approval of petition R-80-23C subject to the following stipulations: 1-3. Standard Stipulations 1 , 3 and 4 as adopted by the EAC on 4/1y87. 4 . The petitioner shall preserve 50% of the oak trees (4" in diameter or greater ) on site. This may be accomplished either by leaving the trees in their existing locations or by transplanting the trees for use as landscaping components in the development . This stipulation will become a condition of the Tree Removal Permit which will be required for any clearing activity on site, by authority of Ordinance 75-P1 ~ ^ 9 Prepared By:__ 12.' /. p5� Reviewed By:_ �7 Qate: ii// ( �______ ' . . ..""*..k, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES STAFF REPORT FOR EAC MEETING 12/7/88 Petition: R-88-24C/PDA-88-13C: Robert H. Grabner , Jr . , of Erickson Corporation, representing Radnor/Lakeside Corporation; requesting a zoning change from A-2 to POD for 20 multi-family units, and an amendment to the Citrus Gardens PUD and Master Plan. Considerations: The petitioner is requesting an amendment to the Citrus Gardens PUD to include the following additions and changes : 1 . The addition of 5 acres along the eastern boundary of the existing POD. 2. An increase in the overall number of dwelling units from 376 to 396 units (no overall density change) . 3. An amendment to the POD language which would change the public loop road to a private road . The Citrus Gardens PUD (R-86-5C, see Attachments 1 and 2) is located on the east side of Airport Road, north of Pine Ridge /-...„ Road. The existing PUD is a 93.6 acre parcel , currently undergoing early phases of development . The amended 98.6 acre PUD will be known as "Lakeside of Naples" . The PUD will include 8 residential tracts (42.5 acres) , a lake (41 .0 acres ) , loop raod easement and buffers ( 14. 1 acres) , and a recreation area ( 1 acre) . The 5-acre addition to the PUD is a strip of land ( 1589 feet x 137 feet ) abutting the eastern boundary of the existing PUD. This additional parcel includes a drainage easement and a small portion of an adjacent citrus grove. Most of the vegetation in this 5-acre parcel is made up of exotic trees (Brazilian pepper ) and herbaceous groundcover well adapted to disturbed habitats. Recommendations: The proposed amendments to the PUD will have a relatively minimal effect on the environment in the area. The adjacent 5- acre parcel has already been altered, and very little native habitat remains here. The Environmental Resources Staff recommends approval of petition R-88-24C/PDA-88-13C subject to Standard Stipulations 1 , 3, and 4 as adopted by the EAC on 4/1/07. __ Prepared By:(140Aw' i Date: 12, i- e3e , Reviewed By:_, ,...p.,-770t .---.._ __A„_____ Date: