CAC Minutes 02/21/2003 RFebruary 21,,2003 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, February 21, 2003 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 AM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Gary Galleberg William Kroeschell Ron Pennington James Snediker David Roellig Anthony Pires (9:05AM) John Strapponi John Arceri Bedford Biles ALSO PRESENT: Ron Hovell - Coastal Projects/Public Utilities Dr. Jon Staiger - City of Naples Page 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARDROOM, THIRD FLOOR, W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (ADMINISTRATION), AT THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX, 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA AT 9:00 A.M. ON FEBRUARY 21, 2003. AGENDA o 6. 7. 8. Roll Call / Welcome New Members Additions to Agenda Old Business a. Approval of minutes for January 9, 2003 b. Hideaway Beach Truck Haul Update c. Marco Island Beach Cleaning and Grass Update d. 10-Year Plan Discussion New Business a. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Engineering Services Supplemental Grant Application b. Lowdermilk Park Renovation Supplemental Grant Application c. Request from Surfsedge / Park Shore Beach d. Draft Fiscal Year 2004 Grant Applications e. Draft State Beach Funding Resolution f. County / Naples Renourishment Update g. Marco Island Monitoring Report h. Tigertail Lagoon Presentation i. Hideaway Beach Access Improvements Update j. Rock Removal Consent Order Update k. Annual Beach Tilling Audience Participation Committee Member Comments Schedule next meeting Adjournment ADDITIONALLY, THIS NOTICE ADVISED THAT, IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND THAT FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. February 21, 2003 e Roll Call Chairman Gary Galleberg noted that a quorum was present and introduced the new members- Mr. John Arceri (filling Mr. Stakich's set) and Bedford Biles (filling Ashley Lupo's seat). Additions to the Agenda Under "Old Business" add - 3e. Public Policy Discussion of Standards & Review. Old Business: a. Approval of Minutes for January 9, 2003 - one correction on page 3, bottom - should read 30,000 yards of sand instead of 40,000 yards. Mr. Kroeseheil moved to approve the minutes of January 9, 2003 as amended. Seconded Mr. Roellig. Carried unanimously 9-0. bo Hideaway Beach Truck Haul Update - letter from the County Attorney giving opinion for using TDC funds for renourishing the segment of Hideaway Beach stated the Florida Statutes provides tourist development tax revenues may be used. Discussion followed with remarks concerning a Collier County policy regarding use of Tourist Tax Funds concerning public access & utilization. Lely Barefoot Beach was denied dune restoration because of being on private property. Mr. Pennington moved to recommend to the County Commission to direct the Coastal Advisory Committee to propose a County policy regarding public funding of beach nourishment & that further effort on Hideaway is held in abeyance pending establishment of such policy. Seconded Tony Pires. Discussion followed on the need to request direction from the BCC. Mr. Hovell stated the Committee could proceed to propose a policy. Mr. Hovell responded to a question that in each case from now on, if sand is to be put onto any of the Beaches it will have to go back to the BCC. The Clerk of Courts has said staff has no discretion in authorizing any expenditures or delegation of authority. (Mr. Pires left at 9:20 AM.) Mr. Pennington amends his motion to take out "BCC directing the Coastal Advisory Committee" and to read that "the Coastal Advisory Committee propose a County policy for the public funding of Beach nourishment and suggest the CAC establish a Sub-Committee to work out details for the CAC." Due to the absence of Mr. Pires amending his second, Mr. Pennington withdrew his motion. Mr. Pennington moved the Coastal Advisory Committee propose to the BCC a County policy for the public funding for beach nourishment and a sub- committee be established to bring information back to the CAC. Seconded Mr. Roellig. Carried unanimously 8-0. Page 2 February 21, 2003 Ken Humiston, Humiston & Moore Engineering, stated the placement of sand was per permit on Hideaway Beach. The requirement says they are to maintain the sand at the level where it was after the T-Groins were put in. The renourishment has been accomplished as per the requirements of the permit, and would not be in violation of the permit if more sand was not put on. Mr. Humiston discussed the question of the erosion control line and completing the plan. Mr. Roellig moved to forward approval, to continue the Hideaway Beach project by placing the additional sand, recommended in the original project, being approx. 8,000 yards, to the Board of County Commissioners. Seconded Mr. Kroeschell. A lengthy discussion followed on whether this is a new project or completing the original project. Whatever is recommended will need to go to the Board of County Commissioners on March 25th. (Mr. Pires returned at 10:05 AM.) Vote failed- 5 No - 3 Yes - 1 Abstention (Mr. Snediker abstaining) c. Marco Island Beach Cleaning & Grass Update - Mr. Hovell reported discussions with Parks & Recreation and the City of Marco about continuing the beach raking, and moving towards grooming and hand picking trash as is done in the rest of the County. A field permit would be required to do any disking. A Public Hearing on beach raking will be held on March 3rd. The Marco Island Beach Advisory Committee's meeting will be held on the beach to check on the grooming, equipment and grass. A report will be given at the next CAC meeting. Mr. Snediker stated the reason for his abstention on the last vote was because he is a resident of Hideaway Beach and will submit the needed form. Policy Standards & Reviews An E-Mail - Subject: Funding Policy Thoughts - was handed to the Committee. Mr. Hovell summarized the basic ideas of establishing a minimum and maximum level of TDC Funding on a percentage basis. This subject will go before the Sub-Committee to bring back with their recommendations to the CAC in the future. Break- 10:45 AM Meeting Reconvened- 10:55 AM 4. NEW BUSINESS: Page 3 February 21, 2003 4i) Hideaway Beach Access Improvements Update - discussed: Project consists of placing approx. 18,000 Cubic Yards of sand along the shoreline and construction of a boardwalk between Tigertail Beach & Hideaway Beach on Marco Island. - Several letters & e-mails were submitted in objection to the project going forward. - Letter from Department of Environmental did not consider it a permittable activity. - Mr. Hovell reported on invoices from Humiston & Moore Engineering. Funding is adequate to cover the Engineering & Construction. - Persons at Hideaway Beach would like to improve public access to Hideaway Beach. It was noted a 30 foot beach would be less costly than a boardwalk. - Ken Humiston gave a summary of the two letters from DEP. - The mangroves, shoreline habitat and not having a mitigation proposal are the main concerns of the DEP. Mr. Roellig moved to suspend further action on permitting and do more of a study on alternatives. SPEAKERS: David Somers - General Manager at Hideaway Beach - minutes were handed out - Letter was read from County Attorney January 9, 2001. This was concerning the public access on Marco Island. Marco has two points of public access which are Tigertail Beach and small walkway at the south end of the Beach. It also addressed the T-Groins and Funding. Aerial photos were shown of where the sand is located and of other areas which has always been an issue of public access over the years. The City is supportive of the issue and feels this is a good project in order to have public access on Marco Island. He addressed the habitat on Sand Dollar Island and encouraged the Committee to come up with some alternative proposals to satisfy everyone. - Parking and the boat ramp was addressed Mr. Somers feels this is important because their members are not able to see some of the bird areas and use the picnic areas because they are not accessible. They are not able to walk all the way to Tigertail Beach. The Associations position is that they would like to see a natural beach as before rather than a boardwalk. Nancy Peyton - Florida Wildlife Federation - she asks the Committee to recommend to the BCC not to pursue this application which is the Hideaway Beach access improvement project. They submitted comments opposing the application to DEP. Concerns were listed species and environmental impacts with Big Marco Pass critical Wildlife area, the different habitats and sea turtle monitoring being a false issue. Project is not consistent relating to sovereignty lands. She spoke of specific data that has been collected since 1974 on the area. FLWLF supports public access but this particular one is not appropriate. She suggested the issue be addressed by running a shuttle from Tigertail parking lot to Hideaway Beach. She read comments from the Center for Biological Diversity. Page 4 February 21, 2003 They had submitted photos and additional documentation concerning piping clovers and habitat. FLWLF recommends Committee to discontinue pursuit of the application. Several questions of Nancy were discussed with Committee members. Mr. Arceri felt they need an Environmental Study on the 30 foot recommendation as to what environmental problems there may be before they abandon the access project between Tigertail and Hideaway Beach and wishes the Committee to consider this. Nicole Ryan - Conservancy of Southwest Florida - the Conservancy wrote a letter to DEP in opposition to permitting the project. Their concerns are sand placement and boardwalk construction in the area. The FL Fish & Wildlife Commission and Department of Environmental Protection have also had serious concerns. A letter of January 22, 2003 from the Fish & Wildlife Commission to the DEP stated that the project is confusing and not well conceived. They listed a number of concerns; potential impact to mangroves, shorebirds and their habitats, sea turtles, sea grasses, disruption of the natural hydrology within the mangrove system, transporting the sand replacement on the beach and how the project will impact local sediment movement. Others were mentioned. Letter to the County will be sent from the DEP stating the above reasons and concerns. The Conservancy has been a staunch proponent of the Big Marco Pass Critical Wildlife and opposed projects that would negatively impact the area. They felt this project would negatively impact the critical area and adjacent lands therefore asked that funding be suspended for the project. Regina Reiley - Spinnaker Drive -citizen and beach walker - she walks the beach everyday. She has walked to Hideaway Beach the past two weeks at low tide. Her solution is to watch the tides - and go at low tides. Before putting artificial structures in and bring in sand, suspend the project - put signs up at Tigertail Beach so the public knows they can access Hideaway Beach. They can walk around the lagoon. She would like to see the project put on hold and encourage signage at Tigertail. Linda Colombo - Plantation Ct. - she agrees with the previous speakers. As the friends of Tigertail - they believe in preserving and protecting the area. The Boardwalk would have potential to damage the mangroves and shore bird habitat. As Nancy Peyton suggested, perhaps a trolley would provide access. Addressing the beach Renourishment on Hideaway she would hope the Committee would look into preserving putting any more sand in the area for no useful purpose. The Friends of Tigertail support the DEP's evaluation of building the boardwalk and renourishing would not be recommended. Mr. Roellig repeated his motion to suspend the process of the permit application by the County and move to a phase when they can have discussions on a possible, favorable proposal to provide access. Seconded Mr. Arceri. Discussion followed on additional information studies and permitting needed on the project. Page 5 February 21, 2003 Motion Carried Unanimously 9-0. 4c) Request from Surfsedge/Park Shore Beach - Mr. Hovell explained to the Committee Surfsedge Condo has requested the County to remove the sand from their landscaping, additional vegetation plantings and/or raising their seawall. The sand has blown over the seawall. Mr. Hovell asked the company that did the dune planting to give a recommendation of what could be done. Coconut husk matting was suggested and plant additional sea oats at an estimate of $4,000.00. SPEAKERS: William Reid - the sand that was put on the beach was put in too high. Blows over the seawall, over the grass, across the sidewalk and ends up in their plants, shrubs and grass. Surfsedge has removed the sand on two different occasions. The manager was advised to put the sand back on the beach and found a particular permit was needed. A letter was written to Commissioner Fred Coyle in 2002 expressing their concerns. Mr. Withers said the sand had been placed to the elevation to the 1995-96 renourishments. Photos were shown. The County needs to remove the sand before the damage is extensive and keep the sand on the beach. He asked the Committee to support removing the sand. A lengthy discussion was held on wind currents, planting suggestions, re-grading and putting the sand back on the beach, etc... Mr. Pires moved to give staff direction to investigate all options with feasibility and cost estimates to be presented to the Committee at the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Pennington. Carried unanimously 9-0. Lunch Break- 1:00 PM Meeting Reconvened- 2:00 PM (Mr. Pires and Mr. Strapponi did not return from lunch) 4a) Hideaway Beach Renourishment Engineering Services Supplemental Grant Application - Ron Hovell - Humiston & Moore Engineering did the Design & Permit for the sand search. Mr. Hovell presented the Committee with a supplemental Grant Application for an additional $165,500 to complete the pre-construction engineering services. This will be done over the next year. Mr. Pennington moved to recommended approval of the additional $165,500 to complete the engineering services for Hideaway Beach. Seconded by Mr. Kroeschell. Page 6 February 21, 2003 After some discussion Mr. Pennington withdrew his motion & Mr. Kroeschell withdrew his second. - The proper paper work for the work order and the Executive Summary needs to be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners at the March 11 th meeting for their approval. - Concerns about the policy with Hideaway Beach being a valid public beach and waiting for another policy and possibly having the project stopped was discussed. - Decisions need to be made for cost benefits for where the resources are to be directed. - $335,000 has been budgeted for engineering services - the complete project will cost $501,000 - less than $50,000 are the estimated costs thus far. A consensus needs to be made whether to expend $5M on one Beach - Chairman Galleberg then asked if it is wise to spend $500,000 on the Hideaway Beach project. A full engineering study needs to be done to develop costs in order for the committee to make a final decision as to the results and whether to proceed with the project or not. Approving the Engineering study and spending the $210,000 does not commit the Committee in doing the project. Mr. Kroeschell moved to proceed and authorize the expenditure of $165,500 to complete the Engineering study for Hideaway Beach with Humiston & Moore Engineers. Seconded by Mr. Pennington. Carried unanimously 7-0. 40 County/Naples Renourishment Update - Steve Keehn - Coastal Planning & Engineering - update given: Monitoring Report for Wiggins to Gordon Pass being done. When finished with study will get design with permitting. Committee will then decide which segments to support. Finished side-scanning shoreline Wiggins Pass to Gordon Pass. Hard bottom mapping available in approx, month or two. Mr. Pennington moved to recommend approval of the request for funding of $89,678 to proceed. Seconded. Carried unanimously 7-0. 4b) Lowdermilk Park Renovation Supplemental Grant Application - The Community Development Committee has requested an additional $150,000 to change the character of the pavilion from renovation to tearing it down and rebuilding it. Page 7 February 21, 2003 Mr. Pennington moved to approve the recommendation of the additional request of $150,000 for Lowdermilk Park pavilion. Seconded by Mr. Roellig. Carried unanimously 7-0. 4g) Marco Island Monitoring Report - Rajesh Srinivas - Taylor Engineering The draft monitoring report on the Marco Island Beaches, Breakwaters and Cxambas Pass was sent to the Committee. Mr. Srinivas's presentation: Gave a brief history of improvements. Gave results of the different shoreline changes. Concems of Beach erosion (South end) were discussed. Covered conclusions & future actions. (Mr. Pires returned at 2:45 PM.) 4h) Tigertail Lagoon Presentation -- Rajesh Srinivas - Taylor Engineering - An aerial map was displayed. - Evolution key dates were given. - Shorelines were shown. - Possible future evolutions discussed. - Erosion due to storm impacts discussed. - Increasing sand in Hideaway Beach will add to the supply to Sand Dollar Questions & discussions were held by Committee members of Rajesh to the future of Tigertail Beach. 4d) Draft Fiscal Year 2004 Grant Applications - Mr. Hovell asks the Committee to review the applications & bring questions to the next meeting. 4e) Draft State Beach Funding Resolution - Mr. Roellig moved to approve the Resolution for $30M State Beach Funding. Seconded Mr. Pennington. Carried unanimously 8-0. 4j) Rock Removal Consent Order Update - Mr. Hovell needs approval from the Committee for a proposal of a Video inspection for $28,000 for rock removal off Vanderbilt and Naples Beaches as part of the rock removal plan. Mr. Pennington moved to recommend approval for the "work order" for $27,925 for the Video inspection. Seconded Mr. Kroeschell. Carried unanimously 8-0. 4k) Annual Beach Tilling - Mr. Hovell mentioned the different beaches for tilling before turtle season due to the dredging required by various permits. Page 8 e ge February 21, 2003 Mr. Pennington moved to recommend approval of proposed services for the annual beach tilling as required by various permits for a Purchase Order of $40,000 or less. Seconded by Mr. Kroeschell. Carried unanimously 8-0. 4d) Draft Fiscal Year 2004 Grant Applications - Mr. Hovell stated most grant applications now have an opinion from the County Attorney. Only outstanding issues are the City of Marco Island for Collier Creek Dredging, and Great Lakes expanded Beach Cleaning application. No legal opinion on the eligibility has been received as of yet. A lengthy discussion followed on obtaining legal opinions, more sufficient information and the various applications for the different beaches. (Mr. Pires left at 3:45 PM) 3. Old Business: 3d) Draft 10 Year Plan - Different budgetary items and the process was discussed along with how Collier County budgets in their fiscal year. Discussion of upcoming projects and potential policy decisions will continue at future meetings. Audience Participation - None Committee Member Comments - Abstaining was discussed. The County Attorneys office can be contacted if a committee member has a question whether they should abstain or not. Schedule Next Meeting - Normal meeting date is 2® Thursday of the month. Next regularly scheduled meeting is March 13, 2003 at 1:30 PM. Adjournment There being no further business for the good of the County the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 4:10 PM. COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman Gary Galleberg Page 9