Agenda 12/02/1998 S COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Wednesday, December 2, 1998 5'05 p.m. NOTICE: ALl, PERSONS WISIIIN(; TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA i'FEM blUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SI'EAKERS MUST REGISTER WITI! TIlE COUN'rY ADMINISTRATOR PRIOR TO TIlE PRESENTATION ()F TIlE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. REQUESTS TO Al)DRESS TIlE llOAI,tl) ON SUBJECTS WIlICIi ARE NOT ON Tills AGENDA MUST lie SUil311T'FEI) IN WRITING wrrli EXPLANATION TO TIlE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AT I.EAST 13 DAYS I'RIOR TO TIlE DATE OF Tile MEETING AND WILL BE IIEARD UNI)ER "I'UBI,IC I'ETITI()NS". ANY PERSON wtio DECIDES TO Al'PEAL A DECISION OF Tills BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF TIlE PROCEEI)IN(;S PERTAININ(; TIIERETO, AND TtlEREFORE FlAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORI) OF Tile PROCEEDINGS IS blADE, WtlICtl RECORD INCLUDES TtIE TESTIMONY AND EVII)ENCE UPON WHICI! TIlE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALI. REGISTEI,tEI) PUIll. IC SPEAKERS WILL lie LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS (;RANTED BY TIlE CItAIRMAN. ASSISTED LISTENING I)EVICES FOil TIlE tlEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN TIlE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. I'LED(;E OF ALLEGIANCE An ordinance :~mending Ordinance 91-102, as amended, The Collier County Land Development Code, which includes the comprehensive zoning regulations for the unincorporated area of Collier County, Florid% I)y providing for: Section One, Recitals; Section Two, Findings of Fact; Section Three: Adoption of amendments to the Land Development Code, more specifically amending thc following: Article 2, Zoning, Division 2.2. Zoning Districts, Permitted Uses, Conditional Uses, Dimensional Standards, Division 2.3, Off-street Parking and Loading; Division 2.6. Supplemental District Regulations; Division 2.7. Zoning Administration and Procedures; Division 2.8. Architectural and Site Design Standards and Guidelines for Commercial Buildings and Projects; Article 3, Division 3.2., Subdivisions; Division 3.3. Site Development Plans; Division 3.15. Adequate Public Facilities; Article 5, Decision Making and Adminbtrative Bodies, Division 5.2, l'lanning Commission, Division 5.13. Environmental Advisory Board; Article 6, Division 6.3. Definitions, including but not limited to the definitions of Zero Lot Line Housing, Front Yard, and Duplex; Section Four, Conflict and Severability; Section Five, Inclusion in the Land Development Code; and Section Six, Effective Date. A) Section 2.2.2. - Agricultural Practices B) Multiple Sections clarifying application of density and relationship to density rating system C) Section and - tleight of screen enclosures ADJOURN D) Section and 2. - Clarifying: distinction between two family and attached and duplex and slandard~ for both. E) Section ;md 2.- Caretaker's residence F) Section 2.2.14,2.1. - Adds certain automotive sen'ices to C-3 district (i.e. quick lubricating, detailing and window tinting) (;) Section - Variance in Airport Overlay District il) Section 2.3.16.- Bicycle parking !) Section - Temporary parking R.V.'s ,l) Section - In.substantial change determination K) Division 2.8- Chanl~cs :md clarification of architectural standards L) Division 3.2. - Reference Fire Suppression rating Schedule otthe Insurance Service Office ,M) Division 3.15 - Amendments to Adequate Public Facilitie~ ordinance N) Section 5.2.1. - Extcuds right of appeal to any aggrieved party O) Division 5.13. - Abolishes EAB and establishes EAC Division 6.3 - Definition revisions EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, AS AMENDED, TIlE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES TIlE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLy AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARCItITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS; DIVISION 3.15. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES; ARTICLE 5, DECISION MAKING AND ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES, DIVISION 5.2, PLANNING COMMISSION, DIVISION 5.13.. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF ZERO LOT LINE HOUSING, FRONT YARD, AND DUPLEX; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. OBJECTIVE: To amend provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code. CONSIDERATIONS: This is the first of two public hearings required by Statute for amending the Collier County Land Development Code. Each of the amendments were presented to, and reviewed by, the Development Services Advisory Committee, Collier County Planning Commission, the Environmental Policy and Technical Advisory Board, and the Environmental Advisory Board where applicable. Where an advisory body recommended revisions to the staff recommended LDC change this recommendation is included in the summary description of the LDC amendment. The Planning Commission held public hearings November 12, 1998 and November 19, 1998. Because of timing constraints we are unable to report the recommendations of the CCPC in this Executive Summary process. Staff will, however, be in a position to hand out a revised summary document reflecting the recommendation of the CCPC on each item at the Public Hearing. AGENDA ITEM 1 DEC 0 2 1998 FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: All proposed amendments to the Land Development Code are consistent with Policies, Objectives and Elements of the GMP. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This is the first of two Public Hearings. Staff recommends that the Board review this proposal and direct changes as ma>' be appropriate. No recommendation is required inasmuch as the subject matters will again be formally considered at the December 16, 1998 meeting. I~EPAR'E- p BY 'I~NALD F.' giN'o, AICP ]F,._ CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER VIEWED BY: ~OBERT J. MULItERE, AICP PLAN~'iNG~E RVICES~..~ DEP~~ DI~CTOR__ VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AICP, ADMINIST~TOR COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. DATE DATE DATE LDC AMEND EX SUMMARY/md/I 2/98 AG E NDff:.J.T E M N~. DEC 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: Current Planning Section AUTHOR: Ronald F. Nine. AICP. Planning Sen'ices Manage~: Susan .Murray. AICP. Chief Planner DEPARTMENT: Planning Sen'ices LDC PAGE: LDC2:15-2:17 LDC SECTION: 2.2.2 CHANGE: .,\mend the code to require certain uses currently permitted by right to be established only as a conditional use on parcels 20 acres in size or less. REASON: There are negative impacts associated with certain farminu uses permitted by right in the .-\gricuhural zoning district whic[a could be mitigated with the establishment of a minimum parcel size {greater than the required 5 acres) and the requirement for cor~ditional use approval prior to their establishment. As the urban area of the Count)' continues to grow. it is not uncommon for non- agriculturally related, single family residential development to occur on 5 acre parcels. Certain agricultural activities which occur on smaIler parcels do not provide sufficient buffer area between agriculturally related operations and non-agricultural development. The conditional use process will allow specific types of agricuhural uses to be examined on a case-by-case basis and appropriate conditions imposed to mitigate negative impacts associated with certain agricultural uses. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: ."~'O ne. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. Amend the Land Development Code as follov,'s: Permitted Agricuhural activities, including, but not limited to: crop raising; dais'lng on parcels 20 acres in size or greater: horticulture; fruit and nut production: forestry; groves: nurseries; ranching on parcels 20 acres in size or creater: beekeeping: poultry and egg production..? milk production~i livestock raising, :and ani 'hal AGENDA ITEM DEC 0 2 1998 breeding, raising training, stabling or kenneling p.n parcels 20 acres in size or ureater:: and aquacuhure for native species subject to .State of Florida game and freshwater fish commission permits. This is not to preclude an individual propertv owner from the .l.3'epin~ of fl',wl or pouhrv, not to exceed 25 in total number, and the i.:c<.p~tz of horses and livestock (except for hoesl not to exceed two such animals for each acre. and with no open feedlots, for personal use and not in association with a commercial a. gricuhural a._ctivitv on parcels less than 20 acres in size. Wholesale reptile breeding and raising (non-venomous). subject to the following standards: a. Minimum ~ twenty acre parcel size. b. Any roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feeding of such reptiles shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any lot line. Conditional uses. The following uses are permitted as conditional uses in the rural agricultural district (A). subject to the standards and procedures established in division '" _.7.4. Wholesale reptile breeding or raising (venomous} subject to the £(,llo,.,.'int~ standards: a. Minimum twentv acre parcel size. b. .An,.' roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feedint~ of such reptiles shall he located a minimum of 100 feet from any lot line. 24. Dairvimz. ranchinm livestock raisint~, pouhrv and eg~ production. milk prc, duction, livestock raising, animal breeding, raising, trainine, stabline, or kenneling on parcels less than 20 acres in size. This is not to preclude an individual property o',vner from the keepinp of fowl or pouhn', not to exceed 25 in total number, and the keepine of horses and livestock (except for hogs) not to exceed two such animals for each acre, and with no open feedlots, for personal use and not in association with a commercial a~zricuhural activity on parcels less than 20 acres in size. DEC 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services AUTttOR: Ronald N'ino..,\ICP DEPARTMENT: Planning Sen'ices LDC PAGE: LDC 2.17 LDCSECTION: CHANGE: Amend Section for the purpose ofrevising the height of structures in the Rural Agricultural district from thirty (30) feet to thirty-five (35) feet. REASON: ,.\II cfi the single family zoning district allow houses to be constructed to a height o'f the thirty-five ~35) feet. The Rural Agricultural district allows single family residences. There is no good reason why the height of a single family residence in the Rural Aericuhural district should not be the same or o~her'wise authorized in the single family zoned~istricts. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL I.MPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None Amend the LDC as follows: .~h~ximum height. ~ 35 feet. except as provided in section 2.6.3. 2.22 4. LDC AMEND.MI:NT,RFN,md,,I.I LIX' CYC[.[ 2 - 1998 AGENOAITEM No. ."tl DEC 0 2 1998 ,, Pg.- ~' ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Sen'ices AL;THOR: David Weeks. AICP. Senior Planner DEPARTMENT: Planning Services LDC PAGE: 2:19-21.2:23-25.2:27.2:28.2:31.2:33.2:35.2:70-74 LDC SECTION: CHANGE: To amend the maximum density permirted in residential zoning districts (expressed in the Purpose and Intent. and Maximum Density sections) so as to clarif,.' some existinu zoned properties are not subject to the Density Rating System. and to otherwise clarify allo~'ed densities. This amcndmem does ~.!.Ot increase or c~ecrease permitted density beyond that ,.,.:hich has been implemented since the LDC was adopted in 1991. REASON: To clari£v allowable residential densities. Regarding residential zoning districts in the coastal Urban area. the objective of the Zoning Reevaluation Program ,,'.'as to rezone undeveloped properties that were zoned inconsistent with the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Density Rating System (DRS)to zoning districts that were consistent with the FLUE. pursuant to FLUE Policy 3. I.k. Application procedures, based upon compatibility, vested rights principles, etc.. allo,.,.'e~ many properties to retain their existing zoning and density which is not consistent v.'ith the DRS. Other properties were determined to be "improved property" as defined in the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance. All ofthese properties were allowed to retain their existing zoning and density ',.'ia FLUE Policies 5.9. 5.10. and 5.1 i. Policy 5.1 recognizes the status of some of these properties as relates to rezoning those properties. (Also. Policy 4.7 in the FLUE adopted on October 28. 1997. but not ','et in effect, provides for redevelopment plans that could result in residential density hi~her than that eligible under the DRS.) All residential zoning districts in the LDC reference the DRS for guidance in determining allowable density. This is not appropriate for all properties as some are not subject to the DRS. as explained above. The LDC appears to limit these properties to the residential density allowed by the DRS - which is less than that allowed by FLUE policies. This amendment clarifies that residential density ma3'. for some properties, be determined ,.'ia FLUE policies, not the DRS. The determination of eligible density via FLUE policies is not alv.'avs clear since some residential zoning districts do not s~ate the number of units per acre that are all~wed. The MH zoning district references the [)RS and provides a minimum lot size requirement but does not state the permitted number of dwelling units per acre. Though existing zoned MH properties are allowed to retain their existing zoning and density, that allowed density is not specifically stated. This amendment provides for maximum density based upon the minimum lot area requirement - except as otherwise provided in Section for legal non-conforming lots. _ Words underlined are added; words ....... thrcu~l% are deleted. A similar situation occurs in the \"R district. Ihough a maximum densit'.' of 16 du.'a is provided. This d~."nsitv is higher than allowed by the previous zoning ordinance =k2-2 and bears no relationship to minimum lot area requirements for single £amily. mobile home and duplex uses. This amendment provides for maximum density based upon the minimum lot area requirement. For muhi-family uses. this amendment pro'.'ides fo~' the same density allov.'ed in the previous zoning ordinance - I du"3.000 s.f. of land area (I 'q~ ' 4.. _ du/a). It '.vas. and is. ackno'.vledged that the Count'.' has the legal authority to rezone property or modify zoning districts so as to lower allo~vable residential densities - e'.'er~ for proper'des that retained tgeir zoning:density under the Zoning Reevaluation Program - so long as it is for a valid public purpose. The reference to the DRS in thc residential zoning ~listricts coul~ be read as accomplishing just that - limiting density to that allowed under the DRS. Hov,'evcr. this ,,,.'as not the intent in adopting the LDC in 1991. nor in any subsequent amendments to the various zoning dislricts in the LDC. There has never been any expressed intent o£reducimz {or increasingi densities for these existing zoned proper'tics. Therefore. since adoption ot'the [.[~C in 1991. staffhas viewed these existing zoned properties as eli!,.iblc for density authorized by FLUE policies, not the DRS. Finally. the VR district is a bit confusing as it indicates this district is to apply to areas outside the coastal urban area - ,,.'et there is VR zoning in the coastal urban area. This amendment clears this up. FISCAL & OPER.-\TIONAL I?,IPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGL'LATIONS: Future Land Use Element and Golden Gate Area M'aster Plan of the Collier County Gro'~,.xh Management Plan. Amend the referenced sections of the Land Development Code as follo'.vs: Section 2.2.4 Residential single-family districts (RSF). Purpose and intent. '['he purpose and intent of the .......Thc RSF districts correspond to and implement the urban mixed use land use designation on the future land use map of the Collier Count.,,' grov,'th management plan. The maximum dens[tv permissible in thc resident/al-single family districts and the urban mixed use land us~ designation shall be guided, in part. by th~ density rating system contained in the future land use element of the Collier Count.,,' grox'.'th management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system., except as permitted by policies contained in the future land use element. Maximum densitv. 1. RSF-I' One unit for each gross acre. 2. RSF-2: Two units for each gross acre. 3. RSF-3: Three units for each gross acre. 4. RSF-4: Four units for each gross acre. Words underlined are added: words ........... zh are deleted. No. ~"~ ' DEC 0 1998 RS[:-5: l:ivc units for each gross acre. RSF-6: Six units for each gross acre. Actual maximum density .',}:all be determined through thc application of the density rating system established in the Collier County grow'th manauement~ plan. or applicable policies contained in thc future land use element, not to exceed the above specified density for each district. Section 2.2.5 Residential multiple-famil.v-6 district (~MF-6). "" 5 I Purpose and intent. Thc purpose and intent ofthe ............. The RMF-6 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use desitmation on the future land use map of the Collier Count}' grov,'th management plan. The maximum d~ensity permissible in the RMF-6 district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in part. by the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the Collier County growth management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in this district shall'not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system, except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. Section 2.2.6 Maximum density..Actual maximum density shall be determined thromzh application of the density rating system established in the Collier County growth management plan...or applicable policies contained in the future land use element, not to exceed six dv,'ellint: units per gross acre. Residential multiple-family-12 district (~MF-12). Purpose and intent. The purpose and'intent ofthe ............. The RMF-12 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use designation on the future land use map of the Collier Count},,' growth management plan. The maximum density permissible in the RMF-12 district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in parx. bv the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the Collier County growth management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RMF-I 2 district shall not exceed the density permissible under the densit}' rating s}'stem._ excerpt as permitted by policies contained in the future land use element. Maximum density. Actual maximum density shall be determined through application of the density rating system established in the Collier Count}',' growth management plan. 9.r applicable policies contained in the future land use element not to exceed 12 units for each gross acre. Section 2.2.7 Residential multiple-family-16 district (RMF-16). Words Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent ofthe ............. The RY, II: corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use desienati¢ future land use map of the Collier Count}' growth management pl~.n. T underlined are added; words ...... ~- ~ ..... ~. ............. ~,. are deleted. n on the - 3 .... 7.4..~ Section 2.2.9 density permissible in the R.%.IFol 6 district and the urban mixed usc land use desi.unation shall be guided, in part. bF' the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the Collier Count}.' growth management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RMF-I 6 a district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system, except as permitted by policies contained in the future land use element. Maximum density. Actual maximum density shall be determined through application of the density rating system established in the Collier Count}' gro,.vth management plan. o_r_applicable policies contained in the future land use element, not to exceed 16 dwellinu units for each gross acre. Village residential district I'urp{,se and intent. Thc purpose and intent of the village residential district IVR) is to provide lands v. here a mixture of residential uses ma,,' exist. Additionally. uses ,nrc h~cated and designed to maintain the village residenlial character ofthe~'R district. The VR district corresponds to and implements the mixed residential land use designa:ion on the Immokalee future land use map ofthe Collier Count,,,' gro,.vth mana',,,emcnt plan. It is intended for application in those urban areas outside of the coastal urban area designated on thc future land use map of the Collier County growth management plan. thoueh there is some existing VR zoning in the coastal urban area. The maximum density permissible in the ','illage residential district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in part. by the density rating,system contained in the future land use element of the Collier Count,.' grovnh manacement plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the ~'R a district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system, except as permitted by policies contained in the future land use ~'lement, or as designated on the Immokalee future land use map of the grow'th management plan. .x. laximurn density. Sing/e-Family Duplex Multiple-Family Accessory Conditional Dwelling and Dwelling Uses Uses .X4obile Home Words 7.26 unitsh2ross 8.71 unitsteross 14.52 units'12ross N/A acre acre .acre N/A .As Actual maximum density shall be determined ~hroueh the application ofb.y the density rating system, o..r applicable policies contained in the future land use element, or the lmmokalee future land use map established in the Collier County growth management plan. not to exceed the above specified density for each use. !6 '.'.nit',, fv, r · .d-~~4n~d~.. _ are added; words =t .... ~- -~-----~ .......... ..=.. are deleted. Section 2.2.10 .".Iobilc horae district Purpose and intent· Thc purpose and intent of the mobile home district (MH) is to provide lands for mobile homes that ensure the,,' are consistent and compatible with surrounding land uses. The NIH district corresl~onds to and implements the urban mixed usc land use designation on the future land usc map of the Collier Count,.' growth management plan. The maximum density permissible in the mobile ho~e district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in part. by the density rating system contained in the future l~nd use element ofthe Collier Count.,,' urov.'th manauemcnt plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in th_._~e .~I}t a district~shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating systcm.~ e.'.:cep.! as permitted by pqlicies contained in the future land use element, or as identified in the Immokalee future land use map of the grow'th management plan Maximum density. Maximum density shall be determined through application of the density ratine svstem established bv t'he Collier County grow'th manaeemcnt alan or aj')p~lcablc pr,I~c~cs contmncd ~n the future land use element, not to exceed 7 '6 units per uross acre (I unit i!er 6.000 square feet ofland areal - except as provided for leual non-contbrmim., lots of record in Section ]. Section 2.2.20 Planned unit develc, pment district (PUDI. Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent ofestablishing the planned unit ......... The maximum density permissible in the PUD district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in part. by the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the Collier Count.,.' grow'th management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the PUD a district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system., except as pertained by policie,~ contained in the future land use element. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding. all PUD development shall be consistent wit}~ the Collier Count.,,' growth management plan. I. 1 .Maximum residential densities. Words Land Development Code. The maximum density permissible or a PUD shall not exceed the density permissible under the densit,, system. 9r applicable policies contained in the future land use el~ Density on a site specific basis ........... ,Maximum residential density permissible for the overall PUD shall be guided, in part. bv the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the growth management plan. The overall maximum residential density permissible or permitted in a PUD shall be calculated bv dividing the total number of d,.velling units by the total of gross acreage office proposed PUD excluding the acreage of the areas designated for commercial, industrial. or other land use having an established equivalent residential density in this 2ermitted in ratln~~ ment. are added; ,words s~ruck through are deleted. DEC 0 2 1998 5 Muhifamilv entr]..' level rental housing areas. Permitted uses and structures. No building or structure ............ Maximum density. The maximum residential density permissible shall be guided, in part. by the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the growth management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating syslem: ,except as permitted by policies contained in the future land use ~,lement. clarify res. density. DW "H" Drive. LDC Cycle 2- 1998 dw 914/98 Words und_._ined are added; words ~.ru-k through are deleted. AGENDA ITEM No. ~ DE0 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: Communitv Development & Environmental Sen'ices AUTHOR: Ronald Nino...\ICP DEPARTMENT: Planning Sen'ices LDC PAGE: ~ ..... "~ and ,".24 LDC SECTION: and CItANGE: To amend Sections 2,2.4,4.5. and Maximum Height as this applies to accessory structures and to provide exception for screened enclosures. REASON: Pool enclosure structures do not project the same type ofconcem that sen'es the reason for which height limitation have their reason for being. The traditional application is based on a structure ,.*.'hich interrupts or blocks air space while a screened pool enclosure does not interrupt or block air space. Therefore. it should not be a problem if they take on a height similar to the residence to which the',' are a part. FISCAL 8,: OPERATIONAl. IMPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None .... 4.4.>. Maximum Height 1. Principal Structures. 35 feet 2. Accessory structures. 20 feet .except for screen enclosure structures which ma,,' be same as principal structure. Maximum height of structures 1. Principal structures. Three habitable floors. Accessoo' structures. 15 feet except for screen enclosure structures which ma,.' be the same heie. ht as the principal structure but in no event greater than thinv-five 35 feet. 224-~ 5 and22545 LIX' AMENDMENT,R,t .'N,md.,}l LDC CYCL£ 2 - 1998 a, GEN~A ~TEM DEC 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: Current Planning Section AUTHOR: Ronald F. Nino. AICP. Planning Services Manager Susan Murray. AICP. Chief Planner DEPARTMENT: Planning Sen'i~:es LDC PAGE: LDC6:20- Definitions i r3c'~.",'~ '~.",q RMF-6 LI)C SECTION: Definilion: CHAN(; E: 1. Delete thc reference to the location of the definition of "Duplex". 2. RMF-6 zoning district section: Add reference to duplex in the tables of dimensional standards and add appropriate standards. REASON: I. Referencing the location of the definition of a duplex is unnccessaD'. The reference to "two-family" in the definitions section referencing the location of the definition ora duplex is erroneous because the definitions of"two-family" and "duplex" are two separate and distinct definitions in the code. 2. The current RMF-6 district standards do not reference standards for duplexes. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. Amend the Land Development Code as follows: Definitions: DIVISION 2.2 ZONING DISTRICTS. PERMITTED USES. CONDITIONAL USES. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS Sec. 2.2.5. Residential multiple-family - 6 district (RMF-6). ITEM _ 2 1998 Dimensional Standards: The following dimensional standards shall apply to all permitted housing structure types, accessory, and conditional uses in the R.MF-6 district. ,Minimum l,ot :\rea: Single-Family:6.500 square feet except as provided at Section and 2.6.27. Duple.,:: 12.00.0 square feet except as pro'vialed at Section 2.6.27 Two-Family: -1-2,000 6.000 square feet per dwellinv, unit except as provided at Section 2.6.27 Three or more Dwelling Unit Structures: 5.500 square feet per dwelling unit except as herein further provided. Minimum Lot Width: Single-Family: 60 feet Duplex: 80 feet Two Family: 80 feet combined lot width. Three or more Dwelling Unit Structures: I00 feet Minimum Yard Requirements (except as further provided at Section _.6..7.1 The following minimum yard requirements are in relation to platted boundaries: One (Single) Family - Dwelling Units Duplex Front Yard ~ Side Yard Rear Yard 25' 7 V:' 20' 25' 10' 20' D'~'elling (.!nits Two Unit/Family Dwelling Units Three or More Family Dwelling Units 25' 10'* 20' 30' 15' 20' * Where fee simple lots are created for each dwelling unit side yards are measured from the outside wall of the principal structure. AGENDA ITEM DEC 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: Current Planning Section AUTttOR: Ronald F. Nino. AICP. Planning Sen'ices Manager Susan Murray. MCI'. Chief Planner DEPARTMENT: Planning Sen'ices LDC PAGE: LDC2:45-46 LDC SECTION: LDC ".2.13.2. CHANGE: Delete Caretaker's residence as a permitted use and place under uses accessory to permitted uses. Amend the reference to the criteria for a caretaker's residence from section 2.6.10 to section 2.6.16. REASON: The C-2 zoning district is the only commercial district which allows a caretaker's residence as a permitted use. All other commercial districts ( C-I. C-3. C-4. C-5~ and the Industrial (I) zoning district allow a caretaker's residence as an accessory use to permitted uses. The section reference 2.6. I0 is incorrect. The correc: section is 2.6.16. The C-2 zoning district is the only section ,,','here this error occurs. FISCAL & OI'ERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. Amend the Land Development Code as follow, rs: I. Permitted uses. Renumber remaining section. L~'es accessor)' to permitted uses. 3. Caretaker's residence, subject to section 2.6.16. AG E ND,~J,I'EM DEC 0 £ 1998 ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Sen'ices AUTHOR: Ronald Nino. AICP DEPARTblENT: Planning Sen'ices LDC PAGE: LDC 2.149 LDCSECTION: CttANGE: Amend Section to allow automobile lubrication, care detailing shops and window tinting as perrniued uses in the C-3 district. REASON: Quick lubricating, car detailing (cleaning) and automobile v,'indow tinting are no more intensive uses of land as are tbund in the C-3 district, such as miscellaneous repair shops and gasoline service stations which include minor repairs. Additionally there are currently C-3 zoning districts in which these uses exist and are technically non-confomfing. Case in point is the C-3 zoning district adjacent Naples Park. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None Amend the I, DC as £ollo,.vs' Permitted uses. I. Unless othenvise provided for in this section, all permitted uses ofthe C-2 commercial converfience district. 2. .Apparel and accessor3' stores {'groups 561 I--5699). 3. .Auto and home supply stores (5531). 4_. Automotive Sen'ices (7549}. ah.. 5_. Business services (groups 731 I. 7313. 7322--7338.7361--7379. 7384. 7389 except auctioneering sen'ice, field warehousing, bottle labeling, packaging and labeling, salvaging of dan,aged merchandise, scrap steel cutting and slitting). DEC 0 2 1998 }latins places (5812 onlv). All establishments engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption arc subject to locational requirements of section 2.6.10. Food stores (groups 5411--5499). General merchandise stores (groups 5311--5399). Group care facilities (category I and II. except for homeless shelters): care units. except for homeless shelters: nursing homes: assisted living facilities pursuant to ~ 400.402 F.S, and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.: and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to § 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 F.A.C.: all subject to section 2.6.26. ~.10~ [Reserved.] I0.1_1~ t tome l\Irniturc, t'urnishing, and equipment stores {groups 5712--57361. I 1.12___:. Libraries ( 8_01 ). 12.13__~..Xlarinas 14403 ). subject to section 2.6.22. I ':. 1 z__..~ Xlcmbership organizations (8611--8699). 4-4-:.t 5....~ .",Iisccllaneous repair sen'ices (groups 7629--7631 ). 4-5~.'. 16._.~ .Xliscellaneous retail (groups 5912--5963 except pav,,nshops and building materials. 5992--5999). 4-~. 17__~. Museums and art galleries (8412). 4-7~. 18. Nondepositor)' credit institutions {groups 6111--61631. t g. I q..__~ Paint. glass and wallpaper stores (5231 ). Personal services ('groups 7211. 7212. 7215. 7216 nonindustrial dr),.' cleaning only. /__1--/_:, 1. 7291). _20.21. Public administration (groups 9111--9199. 9__9. 9311. 9411--9451. 9511--9532. 9611 --9661 ). _24~."'" Retai nurseries, lawn and garden supply stores (5261). 22:,23. Veterinarv services (groups 0742.0752 excluding outside kenneling). 2 NO ~ DEC 0 2 1998 Videotape rental (7841 ). United States Postal Sen'ice (4311 except major distribution centers). .:.>._6. Any use which was pcrmi.ssible under lhe prior GRC zoning district and which was lawfully existing prior to the adoption of this code. 2,5.27..__:. An.,,' other general commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses including buildings for retail, sen'ice and office purposes consistent with the permitted uses and purpose and intent statement of the district. 2 2 I1 2 I I.D(. AM[NDM["/T,RFN'rnd,tl I. DC CYCI.E 2 - 1998 3 AGE ND__A. IT £ M DEC 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: Community Development 8: Fmvironmental Services AUTItOR: RonaldNino. AtCP DEPARTMENT: Planning Services LDC PAGE: 2:87 LDC SECTION: CHANGE: Amend Sub-section Airport Overlay District for the purposes of quati~'ing variance application to the Board of Zoning appeals providing that no variance may be granted in an air'pan hazard area except in compliance with subsection 333.03(1 )(c) Florida Statutes. ' REASON: Florida Statutes provide authorization to further condition the granting of variances within an airport hazard zone and provide criteria relative to those conditions. Thc amendment provides that a variance ma.',' be granted only if the criteria of subsection 333.03(1)(c) is met. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None Amend Subsection as follows: Variances. An.,,' person desiring to erect or increase the height of an!.,,' structure or use his property not in accordance with the regulations prescribed in this ordinance may apply to the board of zoning appeals for a variance from such regulations pursuant to section 2.7.5. except as provided by subsection 333.03(1 )(c) Florida Statutes. 2 LDC' A,MENDMENI RI.N'md.'ll t.[K' CYCLE 2 - 1~8 AGENDA ITEM DEC 0 g 1998 Pg. ~ ORIGIN: Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices AUTHOR: Jeremy D. Battis. M.C.P. DEPARTMENTS: Metropolitan Planning Organization LDC PAGE: 2'132 LDC SECTION: CHANGE: 1'o add a provision to off-street parking requirements to address parking facilities for bicycles. ~ REASON: Collier Count>' has embraced the pursuit of balanced transportation and freedomi of choice by adoption of the Growth Management Plan. Transportation Element. Traffic Circulation Sub-element provisions which ensure that bike lanes be added to all road improvements. As bicycle use rises, users lind themselves ~vithout sufficient parking and are left to secure their bicycles to trees, signposts, and guardrails. Such a situation is not in keeping with commun,it.v standards for general health and safety, nor expectations for orderly and high-quality public vistas. Amend the LDC as follows: Bicvcle Parkint~ for Non-residential Developments. 1. Provisions for the safe and secure parkine of bicvcles shall ibe furnished at a ratio of five percent of requirements for motor vehicles per Sec. 2.2.16. but not to exceed a ratio of 10% of the r_equired number of parking spaces. A minimum of two bicvcle parkine spaces shall be provided. ~ A bicycle parkine facility suited to a single bicycle ("parking space"} shall be of a stand-alone inverted-U design measuring, a minimum of 36 inches hitch and 18 inches wide [of 172 iff'ch Schedule 40 pipe per ASTM F 1083] bent in one piece ("bike rack") mounted securely to the ground [bx' a 3/8 inch thick steel base plate per ASTM A 36] so as to secure the bicycle frame and both wheels. Each parkinr, space shall have a minimum of three feet of clearance on all sides ofthe bike rack, Bicycle spaces shall be paved, lighted and located no greater than 100 feet from the main building entrance. Extraordinan' bicycle parking designs which depart from the bike rack standard but are in keeping with the develol,,'~-t"= a~,~i,,., theme shall be considered by the Count,.' archit<,ct. ~~ DEC 0 Z 1998 ~ pg. ,,~qO .--.--- which function without securinu the bicycle frame, require the use of a bicycle kick stand, or which max' be freelv reoriented are not allowable. Substitutions of up to five percent of parking required bv 2.3.16. are allowable bx' providinu additional bicycle parking on a five-to- one basis. AGENDA Il'EM No. ~ BEC 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: Code Enforcement AUTttOR: Michelle Edwards Arnold. Director DEPART.',,IENT: Code L:.nforccrncnt l)cparlment LDC PAGE: 2:176 LDC SECTION: Parking. Storage or Use of M.a-j.o, Recreational Equipment. CHANGE: To modifv the time restrictions for the parking, storage or use of recreation equipment and clarify the permit requirements in the exception section. REASON: The currc~t time requirement is very difficult to enforce for the Code Enforcement Department and is in excess of what is needed for the loading, unloading and/or cleaning of the subject equipment. The proposed change will be enforceable while providing enough time to accomplish activity necessary to prepare for use ofthe subject equipment. FISCAl. & OPERATIONAL I.",IPACTS: None RELATED COl)ES OR RE(;ULATIONS: None Amend the Land Development Code as follows: Parking. storage or use of~ recreational equipment. No recreational equipment shall be used for living, sleeping, or housekeepihg purposes when parked or stored on a residentially zoned lot. residential districts, or an.',' location not approved for such use. In districts permitting single-family homes or mobile homes, maj-~ recreational equipment ma.,,' be parked or stored only in a rear yard. or in a completely enclosed building, or in a carport, or on davits or cradles adjacent to watem'ays on residentially zoned property; provided, however. that such equipment may be parked anywhere on residential premises other than right-of-way or easements for a period not to exceed ~ _6 hours during loading and unloading, anCor cleaning prior to or after a trip. For the purpose ofthis section the rear yard for a comer [lot] shall be considered to be that portion of the lot opposite the street with the least frontage. For through lots the rear yard shall be considered to be that portion of the lot lying between the rear elevation (by design) of the residence and the street. AGE ND,..A~T E M No. DEC 0 2 1998 Pa. ~ ..o., ..... The folloxving exceptions may be granted by the site development re'view director: Such recreational equipment ma)' be parked upon the premises of the resident for a period not exceeding seven days lbr the purpose of repairin~ and/or cleaning prior to or after a trip. A temporary use permit must be obtained to authorize this acti'vitv. The permit for such period shall be affixed to the x'ehic]e in a conspicuous place on the street side thereof. No more than t,.,,o consecutive permits may be issued and the maximum number of pem'~its issued during one calendar .',,'ear shall be restricted to four. .Nonresident: Such ...... :~- k ........... k"-~ recreational equipment ~vhen used for transportation of visitors to this county to visit friends or members of the visitor's family residing in this county, may be parked upon thc premises of the visited family fi~r a period not exceeding seven days, A temporal' use.permit must be obtained to authorize this activity. The permit for such ~eriod shall be affixed to the vehicle in a conspicuous place or the street side thereof. This does not allow for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes. No more than two consecutive permits may' be issued and the maximum number of permits issued during one calendar year shall be restricted to four. ~o '~ DEC 0 g 1998 ORIGIN: Current Planning AUTHOR: Ronald Nino. AICP DEPARTMENT: Planning Services LDC PAGE: 2.245 LDC SECTION: ' "'~ ~ ? ,;. t . D , ,,J ,_. CHANGE: To amend provisions relative to the procedure followed to obtain a determination that a change to a PUD master plan is or is not substantial in nature. REASON: The current provisions taken literally advise that the determination as to whether or not a change to a PUD Master Plan is or is not substantial is made by the Planning Sen'ices Director when in practice staff has administrated this procedure in the same manner as any other land use petition in that a report is by to the County Planning Commission at a duly advertised Public Hearing and it is the Count>' Planning Commission that determines v.'hether the report and findings by the Planning Services Director supports a decision that a change to a PUD Master Plan is or is not substantial in nature. FISCAL & OPEI:U~,TIONAL IMPACTS: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Division 1.3 Interpretations Amend the LDC as £ollows: Sec. LDC AMENDM ENT/RFN/md/H:LDC CYCLE 2 - 1998 AGENDA ITEM DEC 0 g 1998 ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Se~'iccs AUTHOR: Joseph McHarris. DEPARTMENT: Planning Sen'ices LDC PAGE: 2.264 thru 307 LDC SECTION: 2.8. CHANGE: To amend various provisions of this division as a result of the experiences gained since its inception on Jul,,' 2. 1997. REASON: Experiences gained by former and current staff(i.e. Joe McHarris original author of regulations) with respect to administering these regulations advise that modifications primarily the form of clarification were needed, however some additional standards are also introduced to obtain the original mandate bv the Board of Commissioners. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Generally all of DMsion 2.1 thru 2.8 Amend Subsection and Sub-sections as follows: Sec. 2.8.2. Applicability. Provisions of this dMsion are applicable in ali commercial zoning districts, commercial components of PUD districts, and DRIs, and business park districts, industrial zoned areas fronting on arterial or collector roads as described by the Transportation Circulation Element to the growlfi management plan, as provided below: Renovations and redevelopment.. In the case of additions or renovations to, 'or redevelopment of, an existing building or project, where the cost of such addition, renovation, or redevelopment exceeds 50 percent of the value of the existing structure(s), or 20 percent of the square footage of the existing structures, the provisions of this division shall apply. Discontinuance: The provisions of section of this code do not apply to the provisions of section 2.8. which require structural alterations and are i superseded by the following. Where the use of a structure ceases for any~,) reason, except where governmental action impedes access to the premises, for AOEND& fIEM DEC 0 2 1998 a period of more than 365 consecutive days. the provisions of this code which ma.,.' require structural alterations shall be adhered to prior to reoccupancy of the structure. With respect to vehicular use and required landscape areas, thc provisions of this section shall apply where the use ora structure ceases for any reason, except ',,.'here governmental action impedes access fo the premises, for a period of more than 180 consecutive days. Reqtdrcd.wte dcvclopment or improvement plan. Compliance with the standards set forth in this division shall be demonstrated by submittal of architectural dra',vings and a site development plan or site improvement plan in accordance with division 3.3 of this code. /llustr, mo,s. Illustrations provided in dMsion 2.8. are intended to provide a graphic example ora specific provision or provisions set forth herein. Variations from these illustrations which nonetheless adhere to the provisions of this division, arc encouraged. Architectural and site design standards and guidelines for commercial buildings and projects with a .m'oss building area of 20.000 square feet or larger. Compliance with the standards set forth in this section shall be demonstrated by submittal of architectural drawings and a site development plan in accordance with division 3.3 of this code. Off street parki,g desig,. As provided for in division 2.3, and subject to the following provisions: Purpose a,~d iment. Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparcels shall be designed to provide safe, convenient, and efficient access for pedestrians and vehicles. Parking shall be designed in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire site. The parking area shall be integrated and designed so as to enhance the visual appearance of the community. Desig, sta,dards. Parking. utilizing the same degree ofangle..shail be developed throughout the site to provide efficient and safe traffic and pedestrian circulation. A single bay of parking provided along the perimeter of the site may vary in design in order to maximize the number ofspaces provided on-site. The mixture ofonerway and two-way parking aisles, or different degrees of angled parking within any parking area is prohibited, except as noted above, or where individual parking areas are physically separated from one another by a continuous landscape buffer, a minimum ~i,(~ E IN C:) A, ITEM ~o, .'sl DEC 0 2 1998 five feet in width with limited access. Landscape buffers for these locations shall use landscape material other than ?ass for separation of parkirlg._areas, Ma.rimttm Pa,'kin_e; Parking in excess of the minimum parking requirements by twenty i'20/percent shall provide additional landscaping as described in :,ection 2.3.10. of the LDC. Parking for sir:g!e u.';c projects. ~ Projects shall be designed to adhere to the following standards: Ca) Interior lots. No more than 50 percent of the off-street parking for the entire commercial building or project shall be located betv,'een any primaD' facade of the commercial building or project and the abutting street or navigable water,,vay,,--or bev, veen a ma,'",' cade an an · ' flq]Bin'lq.im ot'-! t'~,,., 1,..~ (b) Corner lots. No more than 80 percent of the off-street parking for thc entire commercial building or project shall be located between any primaD' facade of the commercial building or project and the abutting street or navigable water-,vay area. with no single side to contain more than 65 percent of the required parking, er ;':~ere no parking is ............... pr, ma.'T c.,...,.~ ...-, "~'"';"" ri;'-'h' ~c '"a- ~: a','- .... ~., x,a. ....... , ....,,,,,,,,,,.,,,~ .............. & ..... ....... ,~..~, ,~. _:~: ..... car, c~,~ ~. (See illustration 4 below) Parki,g structt,.'e standards: a minimum of 60 percent of any primary, facade of a parking structure or covered parking facility shall incorporate two of thc following (see Illustration 5 below for examples): (a) transparent windov,'s, with clear or lightly-tinted glass, where pedestrian oriented businesses are located along the facade of the parking structure; (b) display windows: <c) decorative metal w'ille-work or similar detailing which provides texture and partially and/or full,,,' covers the parking structure opening(s); (d) art or architectural treatment such as sculpture, mosaic, glass block, opaque art glass, relief work, or similar features; or, s,o. ~7 Ici vertical trellis or other landscaping or pedestrian plaza area. 2,8,3,2. L igh ti,g. Pur?ose and intent. Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparcels shall be designed to provide safe. convenient, and efficient lighting for pedestrians and vehicles. Lighting shall be desired in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures shall be integrated and designed so as to enhance the visual impact ortho project, on the community sod or blends into the landscape. Shield;'ng standards. Lighting shall be designed so as to prevent direct glare. light spillage and hazardous interference with automotive and pedestrian traffic on adjacent streets and all adjacent properties. ["amrc height st,mdards. Lighting fixtures shall be a maximum of 30 feet in height within the parking lot and shall be a maximum of 15 feet in height within non-vehicular pedestrian areas (see Illustration 6 below).,4. Desig, standards. Lighting shall be used to provide safely while accentillg kev architectural elements and'or to emphasize landscape features. Light fixtures shall be desired as an integral design element that complements thc desi~ of the project 'k ..... *- .... ~ ......:-~ -,',~,',,- ~ , ..... ~ .... : ............. ~r ......This can be acco!nplished through style, material or color (excluding florescent and prima.,%',secondao, co]orsl or be designed to blend into the landscape through the usc ofdark colors such as bronze. Mill finish is not permitted. .............. .~ .......... e~rea'.¢. Sen'ice Function Areas (SF'.4] including but not limited to loading, storage, mechanical equipment, and solid wasle disposal. Purposc a,~d intent. To diminish, in a safe manner, the visual impacts of sec'ice functions that may detract or have a negative impact on the streetscape, landscape and/or the overall community image. Buffering and screening standards. In accordance with the provisions of division 2.6. of this code. loading areas or docks, outdoor storage, trash collection, mechanical equipment, trash compaction, ...,.,,b _,,,t.:,, vehicular storage excluding new and used cars, recycling, rooftop equipment and other service function areas shall be fully screened and out of view from adjacent properties at ground view level "'h~ ~,~.~,~,4 ~ ..... .4 .... c~.4,. ....... ~, ;,~.;~ ;'lev.' cf residential!v zoned prcpe,'-ties and in view of roadway corridors. NO 4 BEC 0 g 1998 ._____.. .x;aterials a/td design standards. Screening material and design shall be consistent with design treatment of the primaD; facades of the commercial building or project and the landscape plan. Fencmv stand(tr(ts: Chain link and wood fencing are prohibited forward of thc primary facade and must be a minimum of one hundred (100~ feet from a p..ublic right-of-v,'ay. Chain link and wood fencing facing a public right-of- ~_~:ay shall provi~le at a minimum an irrigated hedge directly in front of the .fence on the side ofthe right-of-way. Plant material shall be a minimum of three gall_on and planted three feet on center at time of installation. This plant rnatefial.~ha/l be_maintained at a minimum of three quarter the height of th[ Fencing fro'ward ofthe prirrl0~D' facade is permitted under the following ,.: conditions: ~ .D Fencing does not exceed four feet in height. The fencing provides either an open view at a minimum of twenty five percent of its length or provides variation in its height for a minimum of fifteen percent of il length with a deviation of at least ~w¢Iv¢ (I 2~ inches. The fence style must complement building style through material. color and 'or design. Drtvc-through ~qndo~,' standar&. Drive-through windows and lanes shall be designed to adhere to the follov,'ing standards: ' Dr/ye-through windov.'s shall not be placed between the right-of-way ora pr/mary collector or arterial roadway and the asso~:iated building. unless the vegetation required by a Type "B" landscape buffer is ,. installed within the buffer width required for the project and maintained along the entire length of the drive-through lane between the drive-through lane and the adjacent fight-of-way. As an alternative to the vegetative buffer referenced above, a permanent covered porte- cochere type structure, other than awning/canvass type structure(s). may be installed extending the width of the drive-through and covering the service window(s). Such structure shall be integrated structurally and architecturally into the design of the building. AGENDA ITEM DEC 0 2 11998 .._.~pg... ~c/. . _ 2.8.3 ..1. 2.8.3..1.1. 2.8.3..1.3. '3 Only a single drive-through l-av, e facility is permitted, uP, less ch ma', ,'u ze .................. ~ Pedestrian walJ3~ m's. Pttr£osc and intent. To provide safe opportunities for alternative modes of transportation by connecting with existing and future pedestrian and bicycle pathways within the county and to provide safe passage from the public right- of. way to the commercial building or project, and between alternative modes of transportation. Pedestrian access standards. Pedestrian ways, linkages and paths shall be provided from the building entD'(s) to surrounding streets, external sidewalks, and outparcels. Pedestrian ways shall be designed to provide access between parking areas and the building entrance(s) in a coordinated and safe manner. Pedestrian wavs may be incorporated within a required landscape perimeter buffer, provided said buffer is not less than ten feet in~i width on average. Shared pedestrian walkways are encouraged between adjacent commercial projects, i. 3h'nimum ratios. Pedestrian ways shall be provided at a minimum ratio of one for each public vehicular entrance to a project, excluding ingress and egress points intended primarily for service, delivery or employee vehicles. ,.[finimum dimensions. Pedestrian v,'alkways shall be a minimum of five feet wide. Materials. Pedestrian walkwvays shall be consistent with the provisions of section 4.5 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessibility Guidelines. Materials may include specialty pavers, concrete, colored concrete or stamped pattern concrete. Pedestrian crosswal'ks at building perimeter. Building perimeter crosswalks shall be desired and coordinated to move people safely to and from buildings and parking areas by identifying pedestrian crossings with signage and variations in pavement materials or markings. 6 5'/lade. Pedestrian `.valkways shall provide intermittent shaded areas ','.'hen the walkway exceeds 100 linear feet in length at a minimurrl ratio of 100 squai:e feet of shaded ama per every I00 linear feet ofv,'alkway. m;Jy be natural, manmade or a combination of both. Building design. Purpose and intent. To maintain and enhance the attractiveness of the streetscape and the existing architectural design of the community. Buildings shall have architectural features and patterns that provide visual interest from the perspective of the pedestrian; reduce massing aesthetic: recognize local character, and be site responsive. Facades shall be designed to reduce the ~ mass'scale and uniform monolithic appearance of large unadorned wails, i · i while providing visual interest that will be consistent with the community'is identity and character through the use of detail and scale. Articulation is :~ accomplished by varying the building's mass in height and width so that it appears to be divided into distinct massing elements and details that can be perceived at the scale of the pedestrian (see Illustration 7 below). Comer lots at an intersection of two or more arterial or collector roads shall be designed with additional architectural embellishments, such as comer towers, or other such design features, to emphasize their location as gatev,'ays and transition points within the community. Building orientation standards· Facades/elevations that are adjacent to an arterial or collector street, or a navigable waterway, shall have ei4h~ ................... along ....... "", a,,c., w ,- ,=, .................... ~ pub]i: ....,. ^- ,.~:~.-,~..,~ ~, · oran: t`.~ (2) ofth¢i following design features: L Windows at a minimum of 40% of the affected facade: Projected covered public eniD' with a minimum of25% ofthe '.,,'all space devoted to windo`.vs: Covered walkway (excluding canvas t.',.'pel .unless provided with si,'l (6') inch columns or better attached to the building at a minimum of eight feet wide with a 60% minimum coverage for the affected facade. 7 AGEND~ I?E~ 1998 2.$.3.5.4. 2.$.3.5,4,1, _.~8,3,5,4.*,. Facade/wall height transition. New developments that are located within 300 feet of an existing building, and are more than twice the .height of any existing building within 300 feet shall provide transitional massing elements to transition between the existing buildings of lower height within 300 feet. and the proposed development. The transitional massing element can be no more than I00 percent taller than the average height of the adjacent buildings (see Illustration 8 belov,'). Facade standard. All primary, facades of a building shall be desibmed with consistent architectural style, detail and trim features. Facades attached to a primary facade shall incom, orate features of the primary fac~ade for a ' minimum of 33 percent ofthe overall wall len~h measured from the attache¢! l:rJm.0D' facade, tn the case of outparcel buildings, all exterior facades shall adhere to thc requirements of this dMsion with respect to architectural design treatments for primal' facades. lI'tmto~, sta~dards: Windov,'s shall not appear to be fake or applied. Standards: (Applies to awnings associated and attached to a building/slructureL X,5~nsard .Swning: (As defined by an awning that is moe than 90% ora facadv_or on that connects two facades'} shall adhere to all roof standards scctic':l 2.8 of thc L,D.C. Other A',,.nings: (.,.ks defined by 90% unless than a fac. adc and which does not provide a connection between facades! shall adhere to the following S. andards: ~.8...,.5.4.x Av,'ning ma',' be backlighted provided illuminated portion of av,'ning with graphics does not exceed sign code. size limitation and standards. Ovcrlwad doors: Overhead doors facing into one another ma_,,, be treated interior space provided that the buildings meet all other requirements of section 2.8 ofthe LDC. ,[[ass1'tlg standards. Exterior facades shall be designed to employ the following design treatments on the ~ound floor: (1) No horizontal length or uninterrupted curve of a building facade shall exceed 100 linear feet. For arcaded facades, no horizontal length or j uninterrupted curve of the arcaded facade shall exceed 120 feet. but ~' varied lengths are desirable. Projections and recesses shall have a DEC 0 g 1998 minimum depth of three feet with 25 percent of these having a varied length with a minimum differential of one foot (See Illustration 9 below). (2) Exterior wall planes shall not constitute more than 60 percent of each affected ground floor facade. The ,,,.'all plane shall be measured at one foot off the exterior ,,,,'all surface on each side of the wall. (3) Primary facades on the ground floor shall have features along a minimum of 50 percent of their horizontal length per affected side. These features include, but are not limited to: arcades, a minimum of ~ six (6) feet clear in width; display windows; entry areas; or other such design elements. Awnings are 'e~4ude4 included from in this calculation at 1.5 times the window width un4e~ when associated with windows: doors and are in increments of l-eh ~ feet in length or less. Project standards. Both single and multi-use buildings and projects shall also be required to provide a minimum of O,,r..~ four of the following building design treatments (see Illustrations 10 and 11 below): (a) Canopies or portico, integrated with the buildings massing and style; Overhangs. {minimum ofthree feet); (c) Arcades. minimum of eight feet clear in width; (d) Sculptured atp. york; (c) Raised cornice ...... '" o' ~'" ~ .... ~.,.,,v .... ' ....... or building banding with a minimum of v.,.'o reliefs; Peaked roof forms: (g) Arches; (h) Display v.,indov.'s; Ornamental and structural architectural details, other than cornices; which are integrated into the building structure and overall design; 0) Clock, o~ bell towers or other such roof treatment (i.e. dormers. belvederes, cupolas) ~GE~TEI~ DEC 0 2 1998 ,.._._PO. - ',.-~ ~ {k) .(12 Prqiected and covered entD' ffive foot minimum'~ Emphasized building base (minimum of three feet high and minimum projeclion from the wall ofIwo inehesh Additional roof articulation above the minimum standards. (see roof section) Metal or tile roofas the dominant roof material. An,,' other treatment which, in the opinion of the planning servicesr!'': director, meets the intent of this section: and one of the following site design elements: (a) Decorative landscape planters or planting areas, a minimum of five feet wide. and areas for shaded seating consisting ora minimum of 100 square feet: ~ (b) (c) Integration of specialty pavers, or stamped concrete along the building's walk'v,'ay. Said treatment shall constitute a minimum of 60 percent of walkway area: or. Water elements, a minimum of 150 square feet in area. Provide two accent or specimen trees fabove the minimum landscape code) along the front fa.care with a minimum height of eighteen fe~.et at planting. Detail Features Pur?ose and i, tent. The design elements in the following standards shall be integral parts of the building's exterior facade and shall be integrated into the overall architectural style. These elements shall not consist solely of applied graphics, or paint. Bla~k wall areas. Blank wall areas shall not exceed ten feet in vertical direction nor twenty 1120./feet in the horizontal direction of~ an~ primaD' facade. For facades connected to a primary, facade this shall appl? to a minimum of thirty-three percent of the attached facade measured from t,~e connection point. Control and expansion joints within this area shall constitute blank wall area unless used as a decorative pattern and spaced at AOEN~ ITEU 10 DEC 0 2 1998 Pa. ..gq' intervals of six feet or less. Relief and reveal v,'ork depth must be a minimum of one-half inch (see Illustration 12 below). ~ank wall area may utilized landscaping to assist in red;Icing the blank ',,,'all area. but shall not be in lieu of architectural treatment. Repeati,gfitcade treatments. Building facades shall include a repeating pattern and shall include no less than three ofthe design elements listed below. At least one of these design elements shall repeat horizontally. All design elements shall repeat at inter.`'als ofno more than 3-0 rifty (50) feet, ~ horizontally e~ and a maximum of fifteen (! 5~ feet vertically. 1. Color change; 2. Tcxturc changc; 3. Matcrial modulc change; Expression of architectural or structural bays, through a change in planc of no Icss than 12 inches in width, such as a reveal, an offset, or a projecting rib (see Illustration 13 below); 5. Architectural banding; Building setbacks or projections, a minimum of three feet in width on upper level(s) or, 7. Pattern change .~dditiotml.facade design treatments for multiple use buildings. ?ur~ose a~td intent. The presence of buildings with multiple tenants creates vahety, breaks up large expanses of uninterrupted facades, and expands the range of the site's activities. Windows and window displays of such stores shall be used to contribute to the visual interest of extedor facades. The standards in this section are directed toward those situations where more than one retailer, with separate exterior customer entrances, are located within the phncipal building. First J7oor primar3. ' facade treatments. The first floor of the primary facades...,"c .... ..,,,,~' ,,,,.,,,""'d'; .... ,..,.. ~.,.:~a:.,.,,.,,,.,,..,,,,e,,. shall, at a minimum, utilize windows between the heights of three feet and eight feet 11 AG END~.A.~ mT EM ~o. '~ ~ DEC 0 g 1998 Pa. ..8.3.>.9.2. ~.S..,.>. I O. above the walkway grade for no less than .-~ lhiny {3o1 percent of the horizontal length or'the building facade. Windows shall be recessed, a minimum of one-half inch. and shall include~ visually prominent sills, shutters, stucco reliefs, or other such forms of ~ framing. I t'urpo.~e amt intent. To provide unified architectural design and site planning between outparcel structures and thc main structure on the site in order to enhance thc visual impact ofthe structures and to provide for safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and movement within the site. Outpm'cc/destun: All exterior facades of an outparccl structure shall be considered primary facades and shall employ architectural, site. and landscaping design elements which are integrated with and common to those used on the primary structure on site. These common design elements shall include colors and materials associated with the main structure. When the use of common wall. side by side development occurs, continuity of facades and consolidated parking for several businesses on one parking lot may be used. Outparccl structures that are adjacent to each other shall provide for vehicular connc, ction bctv.'ccn their respective parking lots and provide for ~ interconnection of pedestrian walkwavs. RoQ/'trcatmcnts. /'ur?osc ami intent. Variations in roof lines shall be used to add interest to. and reduce the massing of buildings. Roof features shall be in scale with the building's mass and complement the character of adjoining and/or adjacent buildings and neighborhoods. Roofing material should be constructed of durable high quality material in order to enhance the appearance and attractiveness of thc community. The following standards identify appropriate too(treatments and features. Roof edge ami parapet treatment. At a minimum of two locations, the roof edge ancL.'or parapet shall have a vertical change from the dominant roof condition, a minimum of three feet. At least one such change shall be located on a primary facade adjacent to a collector or arterial fight-of-way (see Illustration 14 below). One additional roofchange must be provided for c,.'eD' 25.000 square foot increment over rift.,,' thousand square feet of ground floor space. 12 AGENDA ITEM 0 2 1998 Roofs shall meet ,,-' ~,,,,,..,, ............ ,..,, ,..,c the/bllo,,vm o= rcqm rements: {1 ) Parapets shall be used to conceal rc.:.,f top equiprr~cr~t and ilar roolk: Where overhanging caves arc used. overhangs shall be no less than t~ ~ feet beyond thc supporting walls ::':fi: a m:nimum faeia ~. ",',,'here overhangs are less than two fl.-ct they ~,hall bc provided wilh a band or cornice Imimmt, m of eight inches} under thc soffit at thc wall. (3) ~.q-e.e-OF~'l. O4'"" ,....,,., f ,-1.,., ,., ~ ,,1..,,-, ......... ~,,.. ~ ....... ,,., · t-g-belo-,,~ Facia shall be a minimum 64-) t~rohit,/ted roo./o?es a,d materials..The follov.'ing types of materials are prohibited! I 1 ) Asphalt shingles, except laminated..,.0 pound. :0 .,.'ear architecture! grade asphalt shingles or better: ~i' (2) 13) .Mansard roofs and canopies without a minimum vertical distance of eight feet and at an angle not less than 25 degrees, and not greater than 70 degrees: Roofs utilizing less than or equal to a two to 12 pitch unless utilizing full parapet coverage; and (4) Back-lit awnings used as a mansard or canopy roof. ~'tltI'I'Wt~VS/C,SIOIIler elltrallce treatments. 13 AGEN~ DEC 0 2 1998 Pur?osc and t'ntcnt. Entr2..'v;ay design elements and variations arc intended to give protection from thc sum and adverse weather conditions. These clements are to be integrated into a comprehensive design style tbr tile project. Entt3~vrO's/cttxtomer cntrance .vtandards. These standards idcntifv appropriate cntrv features. ; Single use huihlm~s. Sinule use buildinus shall have clearly defined, highlvi visible customer entrances which shall include the lbllowing: i (a) An outdoor patio area adjacent to thc customer entrance, a minimum of 200 square feet in area which incorporates thc following: { I ) benches or other sealing components: dccoram'c landscape planters or v;ing walls which incorporate landscaped areas: and (3) structural or vegetative shading. front entry shall be set back from thc drive a minimum distance of fifteen (! 5) feet. ~[[ultiple use f,,ihltngs aml?rnJccts. Multi-usc structures shall include thc following: " ( 1 ) .Anchor tenants shall provide clearly defined, highly visible customdr entrances. A provision for intermittent shaded outdoor community space at a minimum of one percent of the total gross floor area of the building or commercial project. Said community space shall be located offor adjacent to the circulation path of the complex or main structure and! shall incorporate benches or other seating components. Front entr'5.' shall bc scl back from the drive a minimum of fifteen ¢i feet. ,[Iateriats and color. Purpose and intent. Exterior building colors and materials contribute significantly to the visual impact of a building on the community. Ihey shall DEC 0 2 1998 2.8.3, 2,8.3, bc well-designed and integrated into a comprchcnsivc design st;dc for thc project. E. rtcrtor huthli~zg materials stamhtrds. Predominant exterior building materials shall include, but arc not limited to: ( 1 ) Stucco: (2) Brick: ( 3 ) Tinted. textured, other than smooth or ribbed, concrete masonD' units: or ~ (4) Stone. excluding an ashlar or rubble construction look. Ir'rcdominant exterior building material that are prohibited include: ( 1 ) Plastic siding: (2) Corrugated or reflective metal panels: (3) Tile: (4) Smooth or rib faced concrete block: and (51 Applied stone in an ashlar or rubble look. Automotive and other special type semice buildings ma_,.' utilize prefabricated metal buildings under the following conditions: ED Xlctal buildings are more than two hundred and fifty feet from an5' right-o f-way: (.2_/ Metal buildings are located directly behind the main showroom/sales center so as not to be a dominant facade along the street: .~ No more than tv,'enty 1'20~ percent ofthe building can be beyond the Predominant exterior color(s). rjEC 0 2 1998 2.8.3~.12.3.1. · -.8..,.>. I" _,4.1. 2.8,3.6,, The use of black, gray. or fluorescent, primary, seconda~' colors is prohibited as the predominant exterior building or roofcolorlsL Earth tone colors are cncouraged. Building trim color(sL Building trim and accent areas may feature an,,,' colorls), limited to ten percent of the affected facade segment, with a maximum trim height of 24 inches total for its shortest distance. Neon or neon type tubing shall be permitted provided for in sections 2.5.6J21. and of this code. An approved lighting plan consistent with the provisions of section of this code shall be provided. Signagc. Pur?ose aml intent. Signs arc intended to be designed to complement rather than detract from thc visual impact ora commercial development by utilizing design elements consistent with those employed in the structure's architecture and bv minimizing conflicts'v,'ith on-site landscaping areas and vehicular use areas. Developmcnt standards. In addition to the provisions set forth in division 2.5.. of this code, the following standards shall apply. C,gdfied sign ?lan. Where multiple on-premise signs are proposed for a single site or project, or in the case ora shopping center or multi-use building, a . unified signage plan shall be employed. An application for site development or site improvement plan approval shall be accompanied by a graphic and narrative representation ofthe unified signage plan to be utilized on the site. The unified sign plan may be amended and resubmitted for approval to reflect style changes or changing tenant needs. Design elements which shall be addressed in both graphic and narrative form include: , (a) adherence with the provisions ofdMsion 2.5. ofthis code; (b) colors; (c) construction materials and method: (d) architectural design: (e) illumination method; 16 DEC 0 2 1998 st'.dc: (g) (h) sitm typels)and locationls}: and. in the case of multi-use buildings, and parcels xx'ith multiple structures on site. including outparcels, thc unified sign plan shall indicate conformance with the following: (1) No wall sign shall exceed 80 percent of the width of thc unit(s) occupied by a business with a minimum often percent clear area on each outer edge of the unit(s): (2) All wall signs for multi.use buildings shall be located at a i consistent location on the building facade, except that anchor tenants may vary from this locational requirement in scale with thc anchor's larger pnmar'5.' ~:acade dimensions. All signs shall adhere to the dimensions provided for in the unified signage plan: and i~ 3) Pole signs shall provide a pole cover with architectural design features, including colors and;or materials common to those used in the design of thc building the sign is accesso~' to. A minimum 100 square foot planting area shall be provided around the base of any ground or pole sign. consistent with the provisions of division 2.5. of this code (see Illustration 16 below). O, tparcels. In addition to the above requirements, unified sign plans for outparccls, regardless of thc size of the outparccl, shall be limited to the Following: a ,.,.'all sign for an.,.' facade adjacent to a public right-of-way and a wall sign for any facade facing the main commercial center, not to exceed a maximum of two wall signs lbr an,,' single usc; and. 'i: (b) a single ground or pole sign not to exceed 60 square feet. Pole signs shall be limited to 15 feet in height. Building permit requests. Requests for building permits for permanent on- premise signs shall adhere to the unified signage plan. which shall be kept on file in the community development and environmental sen'ices division. Requests to permit a new sign. or to relocate, replace or structurally alter an existing sign shall be accompanied by a unified sign plan for the building Or 17 OEO 0 2 1998 2.8.3.?. project the sign is acccssor3.' to. Existing permitted signs ma'.' remain in place: .howc,,'cr. all future requests for permits, whether for a nc,,',' sign. or relocation. alteration, or replacement of an existing sign. shall adhere to the unified sign plan for the property. L.mlscapi/~g. In addition to thc requirements ofscction_.... '~ ' "Landscapimz. : and Buffering" the following requirements shall apply. Pur?ose amt intent. To provide enhanced landscaping within the vehicular and pedestrian use areas of large commercial buildings and projects. Such landscaping is intended to enhance the visual experience of the motoring and pedestrian public, commonly referred to as the "streetscape". ,,vbile adhering to thc purpose and intent set forth in division 2.4. of this code. Landscaping' should be used to enhance and complement thc site design and building architecture. Lamtscat,t~.~z. Thc follo,,ving requirements. ,,,,'ith thc exception of building perimeter plantings, shall be counted to,,,,'ard the required grccnspacc and open space requirements ofdi,,'ision 2.4. of this code. At time ofplanting, trees in vehicular use areas shall be a minimum Of 12 to 14 feet height ,,vith a six-foot spread and a t,,vo and one-halfinch caliper and shall ha,,'e a clear trunk area to a height ofscven feet. The first row of landscape islands located closest to the building fror~t and sides shall be landscaped with trees, palms, shrubs and groundco,,'crs and shall ha,,'c a clear trunk area to a height of seven feet (see Illustration 17 below}. Tree and lighting locations shall be designed so as not to conflict with one another (see Illustration 18 below). Locatiomd requirements for building perimeter plantings as required by section of this code: Perimeter landscape plantings shall be located adjacent to the primary buildinu facade, includintz buildine entrance areas, plazas, and courtyards. These areas shall be landscaped ,,vith any combination of' trees, palms, shrubs and ground co,,'ers {see Illustrations 19 and 20 below). Building perimeters shall include plantings at a ratio of 100 square feet of planters per 1.000 square feet of building ground floor area. NO 18 1998 Planters shall either be raised or at ground level and he a minimumof ten feet wide. Seating courtyards, eating areas and plazas naa,.' he incorporated within them {see Illustration 21 below }. ,%mtral attd manmade bodies ql'~ ater including wet ami ~h3: retention (crceedine twelve riD.feet in wtehht. The shape ofa manmade body of v,'ater, including wet and dD' retention areas, shall be designed to appear natural by having off-sets in the edge alignment that are a minimum often feet and spaced 50 feet apart. All bodies of water, including wet and d~' retention areas, exceeding 20.000 square feet in area. and v,,'hich are located adjacent to a public right-of-way, shall be h:,eaor~ incorporate into the overall design of the project i-n at least one two (2) of the following ways. items: (see Illustration 22 below). ~ .,fi, fix'c-lbot wide walkway with trees an average of 50 feet on center and shaded benches a minimum of six feet in length or picnic tables with one located every 150 feet. Provide a A public access pier with covered structure and seating. ¢c-o,¢i4e-an .An intcn'nittent shadcd plaza., courtyard, a minimum of 200 square feet in area. with benches and'or picnic tables adjacent to thc water body. Sec. 2.8.4. permanent fountain structure. Architectural and site design standards and guidelines for commercial buildings and projects under 20.000 square feet in size. Li.q, hti~tg. Put?ese rind intent. Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparccls shall be designed to provide sale. convenient, and efficient lighti:ng for pedestrians and vehicles. Lighting shall be designed in a consistent and~ coordinated manner for thc entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures shall be integrated and designed so as to enhance thc visual impact of the project on the community and/or should be designed to blends into the landscape. Shielding standards. Lighting shall be designed so as to prevent direct glare. light spillage and hazardous interference with automotive and pedestrian traffic on adjacent streets and all adjacent properties. 19 0:2 1998 2.S.4.].~. FtXtt,'c I;ctght .~;amtar&. Lighting fixtures shall bca minimum of 31,, l'cct in height within the parking lot and shall be a maximum of 15 feet in height within non-x'chicular pedestrian areas {sec Illustration 23 b¢low). l)esig, stamtards. Lighting shall be used to provide safety while accent kev architectural clements and. or to emphasize landscape features. Light fixtures shall be designed as an integral design element that complements the design of thc project through style, material or color {excluding florescent an~,l primary, scconda~' colorsl or be designed to blend into the landscape through thc usc ofdark color s~,leh a bronze. Mill finish is not permitted. ........... ,~' '" ...... &"' .... ~' ........... ' ~''1"'1 .... ~' .... ""~' ....... '"'"' "'"J ..... ~"' d"' ''"'""" ..... ............... ~ ........... ;:rcr:.s: Sca'icc Function Arcas fSFAI including but not limited to loadinu stora,,c mechanical cmfi~mcnt, and solid waste disposal. l'ttr?osc and tntcnt. To diminish, in a safe mariner, thc v~suai impacts of service/'unctions that may distract or have a negative impact on the strectscape, landscape and.'or the overall community image. B,.?crmt, ami screening standards. In accordance v,'ith the provisions of division 2.6. of this code. loading areas or docks, outdoor storage, trash collection, mechanical equipment trash compaction, vehicular storage recycling, rooftop equipment and other sec'ice function areas shall be fully screened and out of view from adjacent properties at ~round view level and in .[ltttcrtals and dcsi.~n stamIards. Screening material and design shall bc consistent with design treatments of thc pnmaD' hcadcs of thc commercial building or project and the landscape plan. Fencing standards: Chain link and v,'ood fencing arc prohibited fog,,'ard of thc primar'>.' facade and must be a minimum of one hunOr¢~l {I09) feet from a public right-of-way. Chain link and v,'ood fencing facing a public right-of- .,vay shall provide at minimum an irrigated hedge directly in front of the fence on thc side of the right-of-way. Plant material shall be a minimum of three gallon and planted three feet on center at time of instillatiop. This plant material shall be maintained at a minimum of three quarter thc height of the fencing, Fencing fom'ard of the pr/maD' facade is permitted under th~ follov, ling conditions: 20 1998 _.8.4._.4. docs not exceed four feet a feet in height. Thc fencing provides either an open view at a minimum of twenty five percent of/ts length or provides variation in its height for a minimum of fifteen percent of it length with a deviation of at least twelve (l 2)inches. The fence style must complement thc building style through materiel. color and or design. Drive-tl,'o,gh wtmfo~v standards. Drive-through windows and lanes shall be designed to adhere to thc following standards: , Drive-through windows shall not bc placed between thc right-of-waY of a primary collector or arterial roadway and thc associated building. unless the vegetation required for a Type "B" landscape buffer is installed within the buffer width required for thc project anti maintained along the entire length of the drivc-tl~rough lane between the drive through lane and thc adjacent right-of-way. As an alternative to thc vegetative buffer referenced above, a permanent covered pone- cochcre type structure, other than awning canvas type structure(s). may be installed, extending the width ofthc drive-through and covering the sen'ice windov.'(s). Such structure shall be integrated structurally and architecturally into the design of the building. Only a single drive-through lane facility is permitted unless ......... _., .................... ~quare Pedestrian walkwavs. Purpose ami/.tent. To provide safe opportunities for alternative modes of transportation bv connecting with existing and future pedestrian and bicycle pathways within the county and to provide safe passage from the public right- of-way to thc commercial building or project, and between alternative modes of transportation. 21 AGEfl[ 0 g 1998 Pa.. 2, Pedestria, acces.s standard.s. Pedestrian ways. linkages and paths shall be provided From thc building entr2,.'l s} to surrounding streets, external sidewalks, and outparcels. Pedestrian ways shall be designed to provide access between parking areas and thc building entrance(s) in a coordinated and safe manner. Pedestrian ways may be incorporated within a required landscape perimeter buffer, provided said buffer is not less than ten feet in width on average. Shared pedestrian walkways are encouraged between adjacent commercial projects. .[li~timum ratios. Pedestrian wavs shall be provided at a minimum ratio of lbr each public ehieul ' ~""'"":""; ......... ;-,.- : ...... t~ ,,.-; .... :!" ~: ....... ;~ ! lb'er' ...... ~ ......... ":"~' parcel. : ,[/itIt'mtml t/imcn$ions. Pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum of fivc feet wide. Materials. Pedestrian walkways shall be consistent with the provisions of section 4.5 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines. Materials mav include spcciahy pavcrs, concrctc, colored concrete or stamped pattern concrete. t'cdcstrtcm cross~,'al/c, at Imlldmg ?crtmctcr. Building perimeter crosswalks shall bc designed and coordinated to move pcoplc safely to and from buildings and parking areas by idcnti~'ing pedestrian crossings with signage and variations in pavement materials or markings. Shade pedestrian walkways shall provide intcrmittcnt shaded areas whcni:thc walkwav excccds 100 linear feet in length at a minimum ratio of one hundred (100) square feet of shaded area per even' 100 linear fcct of walkwav. Shade stn~cturcs can be natural or manmadc or a combination of both. Building design. Purpose and intent. To maintain a:ld enhance the attractiveness of thc , streetscapc and the existing architectural design of the community. Buildings shall have architectural features and patterns that provide visual interest from the perspective of the pedestrian: reduce massing aesthetic; recognize local character; and be site responsive. Facades shall be designed to reduce the mass/scale and uniform monolithic appearance of large unadorned walls. while providing visual interest that will be consistent with the community's identity and character through the use of detail and scale. Articulation is accomplished by varying the buildings mass in height and width so that it O'9 - ,~G E N U~I' E u 1998 appears to be divided into distinct massing elements and details lhat can bc perceived at the scale of the pedestrian tsec lllustration 24 bclowl Comer lots at an intcrscction of two or marc artcrials or major collector roa~ds shall be designed to cmphasizc their location. Buildings and structures on , comer tots shall be dcsigncd with additional architectural embellishments ' such as comer towers, or other such design features, to emphasize their location as uatewavs and transition points within thc community. ~ ]31tl[din,~ Orlent(ttion standards. ,.\! !est two ~.4 ..... c .... i ..... ~,,:~,~: ...... Building facades facing a public street between 5.000 square feet and 19.999 square feet in gross building area shall have lwo ofthc following: Windows at a minimum of 33% ortho effected facade. Covered public eniD' with a minimum of 20",_. of the wall space d~x'otcd to windoxvs. 3. Covered walkway Icxcluding canvas type) unless provided with six (6~ inch columns or better attached to thc building at a minimum of six ~6) feet wide with a rifty {50~ percent minimum coverage for the affected facade. ~: buildings less than 5.00 square feet in area. Facades facing a uublic street shall have one (I) of thc following: .L \Vindows at a minimum of 25% ofthc effected fi~cadc. C'9x'qrqd public eniD' with a minimum of 20% of thc wall space ~,{¢x'oted to windows, Facade, wall/wight transition. New developments that arc located v.,ithin 300 feet of an existing building, and arc more than twice the height of any existing building within 300 feet shall provide transitional massing elements to transition between the existing buildings of lower height within 300 feet. and thc proposed development. The transitional massine element can be no ~ j more than 100 percent taller than the average height of the adjacent buildings (sec Illustration 25 below), 23 bEC, 0 2 1998 /"ac'adc smnda,'ds. All pnmar>.' facades of a building shall be designed wiih consistent architectural style and detail and trim features, l:a~ades att:~cl.]dd to a primaD' Gcad¢ shall incomoratc features of thc primaD' facade for a r~ljpirnurn of 33 percent of thc overall wall length measured from thc atta{hcd primary facadq:, In the case ofoutparcel buildings, all exterior hcadcs shall adhere to the requirements of this division v. itb respect to architectural design treatments for primary facades. ~k~ssin~ stamlards. Exterior facades shall be designed to crnploy thc following design treatments: l) No horizontal length, or uninterrupted curve, of thc ground lloor of an5' primaD' facade, for buildings between 10.000 and 19.999 squ~re feet ii'] gross building ama. shall exceed 50 feet. with the maximuth being 80 feet for arcades, projections and recesses si'mil have a rninimum depth oft',vo 12~ feet anti a minimum total ',v~dth 0ftwer~ty percent of thc facade bt:', with varied lengths arc desirable. For buildings under I 0.00~) square feet. no horizontal length, or,~ uninterrupted cur,.'e, of an5' primar2..' facade shall exceed 35 feet. With thc maximum being 60 feet for arcades, projections and recesses shall have a minimum depth of one Il} foot and a minimum total width of tv.'er]ty percent of the facade lan wilh varied lengths, a~.4es4rq~ minimum of one offset per public street or navigable watenvav. (21 For buildings between 5..0(.":; I0.000 square feet and 19.999 square feet in gross building area. exterior wall planes shall not constitute more than 50 percent of each affected ground floor l:acade over 30 feet. The wall plane shall be measured at one foot off the exterior v,'all surface on each side of thc wall. (3) Primar?.' facades on the ground floor for buildings between 5.000 1 square feet and 19.999 square feet in gross building area shall have arcades a minimum of six feet clear in width, display windows, entry areas, or other such features along no less than 33 percent of the horizontal length for each pr/maD' facade. Awnings arc ~ included in this calculation at 1.5 times thc window widlh uPA. ess when associated with windows,doors in increments less than ten feet. Window standards: \Vindows shall not be fake or applied, 24 3EC 012 1998 ..l~'tti~t~, ,5't~tml, rds: ¢..\pplics to awnings associated and attached building,'strucmre!. .Mansard Awning: ~As defined by an awning that is moe than ~)~')'.'/o of a facade or on that connects two facades~ shall adhere to all roof standards in section 2.8 of the k.D.C. Other Awnings: (As detincd by 90°;, unless than a facade and which docs not provide a connection between facadesl shall adhere to the followim2 slandards: Awning ma_,,' be backlightcd provided illunfinatcd portion of awninL, with ~zranhics does not exceed si,,n code. size limitation and standards. Ovt'rht'ttd doors: Overhead doors lhcing into onc another may be Ircatcd as ~ntcrior space provide that the buildings meet all othcr requirements of scction 2.S of the kDC., Pro~eot standards. Both single and multi-use buildings and projects shall also be required to provide a minimum of ~..r-.ee four ofthe following building design treatments (see Illustration 26 belowk (a) Canopies or porticos, integrated with thc building's massing and style; (b) Overhangs. (minim~:m of three fect); Arcades. a minimum of six feet clcar in width: Sculptured artwork: (e) Raised cornice parapets ~ ,., ,~ .... :'~' or buildimz bandin,, with a minimum of two relieF,~: Peaked roof forms: (h) (i) Arches: Display windows: Ornamental and structural architectural details, other than cornices;ii which are integrated into the building structure and overall design; ~ 25 1998 Clock (~ bell towers or other such roof treatment (i,c, dormers, belvederes, cupolas): or. Any other treatment which, in thc opinion of tile plm'min,d services director, meets the intent of this section: Projcctcd cntD'. Emphasized building base (minimum of three feet high ~,nd minimum projection from the ,,','all of two inches). .Additional roof articulation above the minin'mm standards. and one of the foilo',ving site design clcmcnts: Decorative hmdscape planters or planting areas, a minimum of five Feet wide. and areas for shaded seating consisting of a minimum 1 O0 square feet: (b) Integration of specialty pavers, or stamped concrete along the buildings v,'alkwav. Said treatment shall constitute a minimum of 60 percent of walk'~vav area: or. lc) \Valor clement(s}, a minimum of 150 square feet in arca: Pro,`'Jde two accent or specimen trees ;above the minimum landscape code) along the front facade with a minimum height ofcighteen feet Dett~ t/./'cc~t ut'cs., ?t.'posc ami i.tc.t, Thc design elements in thc ibllowing standards shall be integral pans of the building's exterior facade and shall be integrated into the overall architectural style. These elements shall not consist solely of applied graphics, or paint. 2,8.a.4.7.2. Bhmk wall areas. Blank ,`'.'all areas shall not exceed ten feet in ~ vertical direction nor 20 feet in the horizontal direction ofany fa;ado any primary hcadc. For facades connected to a primars' facade this shall apply to a minimum of thirty three percent of the attached facade and measured for the connection (C-control and expansion joints within this area shall constitute blank wall area unless used as a decorative pattern and spaced at intervals of six feet or less. Reliefand reveal work depth must be a minimum of one-half 26 1998 2.8.4,4.8,,8,1. 2.8, inch Isee Illustration 27 bcloxvt, Bhmk xvall area may utilize landscaping assist in reducing the blank wall area. but shall not bc in lieu ofarchit¢cturai treatment. Repcatingfitcade treatments. Building facades shall include a repeating paucm and shall include no less than ~':;'o three 131 of the ~ elements listed below. At least one of these design elements shall repeat horizontally. All (.tcsign elements shall repeat at intervals of no more than 25 feet. ehhe~ horizontally ~ and a maximum of fifteen ~ 15~ feet vertically. I. Color change: Texture change: .',,laterial module change: Expression of architectural or structural bays. through a change in t, plane of no less than 12 inches in width, such as a reveal, an offset. Or a projecting rib (see Illustration 28 belo~,~,. 1: 5. Architectural banding: Building setbacks or projcctions, a minimum of three fect in width, on upper level(s): or. 7, Pattern change. th.?ose ami intent. To provide unified architectural design and site planning between outparcels and the main structure on site in order to enhance the visual experience for the vehicular and pedestrian public, and to provide safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and movement within the site. Outparcel design. All exterior facades of an outparccl building shall bc considered primary facades and shall employ architectural, site. and landscaping design elements which are integrated with and common to those used on the primary structure on site. These common design elements shall include colors and materials associated with the main structure, x3,q~cn the usc of common wall. side by side development occurs, continuity of facades apd consolidated parking for several businesses on one parking lot may be usel:t. Outparccls that are adjacent to each other are encouraged provide for 27 AGE hl~A ~TEh' .~o ~ 9EC 0 2 1998 vchict, lar connection between parking lots and provide IBr pedestrian intcrconncction. Outparccls shall he dcsii.rncd and integrated with the main project. Roof lreatm¢llt$. Purpose a,d inte,t. Variations in roof lines shall be used to add interest to. and reduce the massing of buildings. Roof features shall be in scale v,'ith the bui!ding's mass and complement the ct~aractcr of adjoining ancL'or adjaceni buildings and neighborhoods. Roofing material should be constructed of ~' durable high quality material in order to enhance the appearance and ~ attractiveness of the community. Tile follov,'ing standards identify appropriate roof treatments and features. Roqfcd. gc and ?arapct trcatmc,t. ,.\t a nlmimum of two locations, the roof edge and;or parapet shall have a vertical change from the dominant roof condition, a minimum o f l. hr-ee tv,'o {2} feet...\t least one such change shall be located on a primar2,.' fiacade adjacent to a collector or arterial right-of-way, {sec Illustration 29 bclowl. Roofs shall meet ~the following requirements: (I } Parapets shall be used to conceal rooftop equipment and flat roofs; ~2) Where overhanging caves are used. overhangs shall be no less than O+r-ee two (2) feet beyond thc supporting ',,.'ails, '";'"' ........ ~ 'n;~: ..... facia ~ ".',.'here overhangs are less than two feet they shall be provided with a band or cornice eminimum of eight inches} under the soffit al the ,,,.'ail. (4) Facia shall be a minimum ofeieht inches. -n ............. r~.~,,,,~ Fl ~ '1:' .'2.: 28 2.8.4,&9.4,,¢).I. Prohihtted roofO'pes ami materfltls. The follo,,ving types of materials arc prohibited' (I) o_0 pound. 30 year architectural Asphalt shingles, except laminated. grade asphalt shingles or better: ¢2) 13) Mansard roofs and canopies without a minimum vertical distance Of six feet and at an angle not less than 25 degrees, and not greater than 70 degrees; Roofs utilizing less than or equal to a two to 12 pitch unless utilizifig full parapet coverage; and Back-lit awnings used as a mansard or canopy roofi EIII/TW(IVs..Cttstom~t° ('tttratlC¢ treatments. Purpose ami intent. Entryway design elements and variations arc intended to give protection from the sun and adverse weather conditions. These elements arc to be integrated into a comprehensive design swle for thc project. Eutrvwavs/customer entrance standards. These standards identify appropriate entry features. Sing& use buildings. Single occupancy use buildings between 10.000 square feet and 19.999 square feet in area shall have clearly defined, highly visibl.e cusIomer entrances which shall include the following: (a) An outdoor patio area adjacent to thc customer entrance, a minimum of 50 square feet in area and which incorporates two of the following: (I) Benches or other seating components: (2) A provision for intermittent shaded outdoor community space at a minimum of one percent ofthe total gross floor area of the building or commercial project. Said con'mmnity space shall be located offor adjacent to the circulation path of the complex or main structure and shall incorporate benches or other seating components. 29 Fronl cnt~' shall be set back from the drive ~, minimum of fifteen ¢151 fcct. ,~ [isccl/tt/tr'tnt.~' .¥l/'uctttrc.~'. Outside ?lay structure.~. Outside pla5' structures shall not exceed 50 percent of coverage along the affected facade. No portion of any play structure located betv.'een the front building line and an,,' adjacent right-of-way shall i exceed a height of 12 feet as measured from existing ground elevation. In ali other cases, no portion of any pla.,,' structure shall exceed a maximum height of 16 feet as measured from existing bwound elevation. Play structures shall be limited to canhtone colors, v,'ith a maximum ofthree color variations. ,~ [aterials und color. /'m'l,O.~c ami tntent. Exterior building colors and materials contribute significantly to the visual impact ora building on the community. They shall be well-designed and integrated into a comprehensive design style for the project. Exterior building materials standards. Prcdominant cx~crior building materials shall includc, but arc not limitcd to: (2} 13) (41 Predominant exterior building material that are prohibited include: (1) (2) (3) (4) Stucco: Brick: , Tinted. textured, other than smooth or ribbed, concrete masonry units: o r Stone. excluding an ashlar or rubble construction look. Plastic siding-;, urfless associated with Florida cracker ~tyle and utJliz¢~ trim with a minimum ofsix {61 inches for its length: Corrugated or reflective metal panels; Tile: Smooth or fib faced concrete block: and 30 AGENDA ITE~ NO. ""~ 2 1998 DEC 0 pg. ,~5/ _ 2.8.4,5,2.3, 2.8.4,5.2.3,,1. , (5) Applied stone rn an ashlar or rubble look. Automotive aad other special type serx'ice buildings may utilize prefabricated metal buildings under the following conditions. Metal buildings arc more than two hundred and fifty feet from any right-o f-way: Metal buildirlgs arc located directly behind thc main showroom'sales center so as not to be a dominant facade along the street: No more than twenty (260 percent of the building can be beyond thc! main auto sales center and showroom, ) /h'cdot2tt)lat?! c.¥lCt'Jo?' co/orl$). The use ofblack, grey. or fluorescent or primaD' sccondaD' colors is prohibited as the predominant exterior building or roof color{s). Earthtonc colors arc encouraged. Buddl'~ig trim colorts). Building trim and accent areas may feature any coloris), limited to ten percent of thc affected facade segment, with a maximum trim height of 24 inches total for its shortest distance. Neon or neon type tubing shall be permitted provided for in sections and ofthis code. An approved lighting plan consistent with the 'I provisions of section of this code shall be provided. .5'igm~ge. The provisions of section shall also apply to commercial buildings and projects with less than 20.000 square feet ofbuilding area. .,Valuta[ attd manmade bodtes of ,~ atcr (tncludtnj4 retentton areas r:rceedin? twelve (121.fcet in widthl. The shape of a manmade body of water, including wet and dr,,' retention areas, shall be designed to appear ,atural by having off-sets in the edge alignment that are a minimum often feet and spaced 50 feet apart. Natural and manmade bodies of water, including ,.,.'et and dr'>_' retention areas. exceeding 20.000 square feet in area. and which are located adjacent to a public right-of:way, shall be ,h~eoq~m-~ incomorate into the overall design 31 3EC 0 g 1998 oFthe project i.~ at least ~ ~ of thc £ollowing ~ items: (see Illustration 31 below)' o Providing a minimum of five-foot wide walkway with trees an average of SO feet on center and shaded minimum ofsix-foot long benches or picnic tables every 150 linear feet. Providing a public access pier with covered structure and seating. Providing a pla~a, courtyard. 200 square feet minimum, with shaded benches andor picnic tables adjacent to the water body. Permanent fo_un~ AGE ND. ZA..~TE M 32 9EC 0 2 ~998 ORIGIN: Community Development & F. nvironmental Services AUTllf)R: Wayne Bryam DEPARTMENT: Planning ~erxices LDC PAGE: 3:35.3.36 LDC SECTION: CHANGE: To amend Section t'or the purpose of revising thc entity establish the base standards for fire prevention from National Fire Underwriters to Fire Suppression Rating Schedule of the Insurance Services Office. REASON: To change reference from national Fire t'ndem'riters to Fire Suppression Rating Schedule ol'the Insurance Sen'ices Office: 150 evaluates communities lamonu~ other things) lire risk and fire protection capabilities and readiness: therefi~re, their standards rightfully shot}Id be the ones we implement for the ('ounty. Property insurance premiums are determined bv thelir rating system. ' FISC.-',,L & OPERATIf)NA, L IMPACTS: None REI. ATEI) COI)ES()RRE(;ULATIONS: None Amend Subsection as follov,'s: Fire hydrants. All hydrants shall be connected to 'tvater systems having sull'icient storage or emergency pumping facilities to provide lbr thc minimum lire flows to be maintained tbr at least hour hours or the current recommendation of thc .":at\ma! Fire '.'ndev.;:iacrs Fire Suppression Ratine of the Insurance Sen'ices Office. ~xhiche,.'cr is greater, ltvdrants shall be placed on common lot lines within the approved right-'olCx('ay unless greater otherv,'ise approved by the development sen'ices director pursuant to section = """ t tydrants shall be installed and placed in a manner complying with the requirements set forth in the latest edition c,f NFPA No. 24 entitled "Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Sen'ice Mains and Their Appurtenances." published by the National Fire Protection Association. Hvdrants to be installed within subdivided lots lbr tire protection purposes shall be evaluated during the site development plan required in division 3.3. Those installations shall be in cot npliatt~~ . SEC 0 2 1998 .5'7 thc standards set fortll in tile latest edition of NFl'..\ 1141 entitled · 'Standard li,r l'irc l'rt, tcctiun in Planned Building ~.., (}roups." : Residential land development. Itl one ;.md t,.vo-familv ::,,.er: land developments ,e. ith not more than ten dv,¢lling units per acre. lire hydrants shall be spaced not greater than 500 feet apart and not more than 250 feet from the center ofanv lot, in the subdivision and simll be connected to mains no less than six inches in diameter. The system shall provide capacit5 for tire Ilov, s of at least 50!0 gallons per minute or greater, as required bv the Fire Suppressio~n Ratinu Schedule of the Insurance Sen'ices Office. in addition io maximum day domestic requirements at residual pressures of not less than 20 pounds per square inch unless otherwise required by the applicable fire code. " ('ommerci~,l. industrial, mul:i:;'~m'?.' and nluhifamily developments. Fire h.,.drants located in these areas shall be connected to water mains no less than eight inches in diameter. In no case shall the spacing of hydrants be greater than 500 fi:et apart and not more than 250 feet fro.m the center of an.,.' lot in the subdivision. ttydrant spacing and size shall be capable of providing water flov.'s adequate to meet the requirements of the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule of the Insurance .qervices Office. for the ::ccupancy ,,~ ..... ;,n .... ,: ........ ~,x~.t ,,, ,~.~ ,~,~.., ~.~;,: ..... c,,.~ x:~,: .... ' Fir,., r'^~e x'~.~ .....x'... r. ~..k~:..~.~ ~..k~ '~'~,:^.~ Fi ~ ..... '1 As':.e'oiati.on. In no case shall the Ilo'~,.' be less than 750 gallons per minute v, ith the residual pressure of 20 pounds per square inch at the most remote point of discharge. 2 AG£NO~_.,LTEM DEC 0 2 1998 ()RI(;IN: £'~,nmunit.x Devdopment & Environmental At~TtlOR: ('bahrain Badamtchian. AICP DI':P..\I,ITMEN'F: I'tannin'td' .%crviccs LDC PAGES: I.DC 3:65 thr,ugh I.I)(' .1:77 LDC DIVISION: CHANGE: Repeal of l')i:'isi,m 3.3. as it exists and appro,.al ~,1' replacement language. REASON: This ncxv code is intended to streamline the process of SI)P review and approval. This amendment is intended to satisfy the concerns the development community and the Development Sen'ices Advisor' Committee had v.'ith the confusion processes and terminologies used under the old Code. The rcviscd Code ',,.'ill do away v,'iff~ Lvpes of SI)Ps that are outdated and no-longer uSed for the review ,,f ne,.v projects. This ('ode will prm'ide only ~,ne t.,. pe of 5I)I'. For large projects requiring preliminary or conceptual approval for financing or other purposes this (_'ode will provide for a conceptual review and approval. FISCAL & Ot'EI,L-VI'IONAL I.MPACTS: None RELATED COl)ES OP, RE¢;ULATiONS: None Amend Division 3.3. as lbllt)x~s: bEC 0 2 1998 AGENU6..~ [¥ DEC 0 2 1998 imprcvcmc~.~ 3 SEC 0 2 1998 Po ~LI 4 No _~ DEC 0 2 1998 ,:-.,~,,.u .... r:'i .... ~ isla~¢:;.-' ';~; ..... ;.,~.,_t_n turn ~ 1,.....,.,,,,; ..... .-,¢311,, CX~f;t]~ .,,'t'~"~'""'"'. ....., ;~r ;:~.~.5 ~';"' ..... .............· ~ [ ..... ; .............. and ............... r,,~ ~ k.,:L~; - " ........ '~ t" ' 'i -'""" .................. m. t -'c?on of tra¢;h (1) Al! bui!din~ :;ethack:;. (21 [~; ....... k ........ k,,;~.~; ...... and.,¢...,:..., ............. :,t-'"'t"---' ...... ~..~ :~=l¢.Lhv = ~: ........ ~ ~..k; ........ : ....... ~ :.. ,k~ ~ ...... f F!¢rid~.-!x-i! k~ :;ub:mu~ .. ;,k ,~._. .... ~: .... : ~.,: ......... ~ c..,~ SDP ~' S~' AGENO~TEM NC 3EC, 0 2 1998 6 DEO 0/..,¢2 1998 o, __...~ . · ;"-li,,,E"', ',, ~,,',- '.,'-",-~'T~-~ ,,~|~,.-. ~t-i-,o.,.~,~ nLt[:l;',,,~,,~.,.' ........ ..~,,.,,z~,~,,.,,.~,,~;' .... i ....... ifilI ..... , I ;~r~! :"":--'", si',~' -~ .... ~ ........ plan ' .. ....... i: ...... ~', ';'r d ~: ......... '",D ";.l" . l,.,"' IT;,.,,,,. '~-,, ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.~; ..... I,,~;,,. ,,,r.., ,,..,.,; ......... ................,, .,,.~;,,, ,.,,,. ,, n~cd-'.,, i nc !u~i nu. '-- '": ~' ,, -, ,,- "" ~"' ;,.-,,,,,,,-. ~ c "ice. ....... .,., -'~-,,, '--';'~'~ .,, ............ .., ,,,,, .. ,,.,. ,. · .,,~ I; ,-,,.,; .... . ..... p m~.'n', ~ .... ; ........... ~: ....... ~ ,,,, i:,.,~t,,-.,.,',.., 0 .............. ~: .... ,~. t:]..ri,k, t~..,,., x~ .............. , r~:_,.;.., .,,L ~t,t: ~ ~,}: ~t~ .... i ~,~: .................................. , ........... . ;' h::r,',~'r .......... . ............. ~I. Flnri'J:: :\dn',inh:trad;'e "1 1'7.~,,; .... ; .... la,.;,,,., ..... ,,,,,,~-,t;,,,,-,.. .... 4.~,-,..~,. i: ..... ,~. .. £-,.~;I;,;;$S ....... ;.~.~ b,, ~'~,I .... ~ ,.,,.,, .... ~ i ..... ~ ]; ......... ~ ''""t ....... "I"'-'t""''. .... " ....' ............. ,,-- ,-,,, ...... ,~.. . .F._..;,.,i c_ .......... U..l. .................... I.,-,; ..... ,.I;,,.I.,~., ~,,t;~,. , ...... ~.~,. h~:.'~;,qd pr.';?e,':.: !inc. , ....... "~:"';"~ "~ ....... ~ "':'~'"d '"" ......... :""di:: 1 ........ _ ! ...... , ........... ,, -,....,.,~,,,,,, ~;,;,';LI . l l r. ~. /. ~ ...... ;~,. t II ....... ,' ,,,,"',, .... -'* ...... ..,.ll.,,~l .......... l'ellewim~ .-~h,.,ll,.%. :;ubmiued .... ~ .,.. I [:1...;.t., .L.w,.,,,~ ....... ~ .,t'-,., ; · "~:L.-i,k, .~ ........ , ,,c, ..... . .... ,;.... t,,tj];,;~.. · .... ~; ..... ;.,. , '" .......... t .................. ','} ............ , ....."'"'"'" ..... '~ ..... "'"'"'"'~' .... "t't" ";'i(J I-;,,I,,~,,- ,,t' ;;'Lit' . ,. ,-,, ..... ,. ......,,. ......... : ,- ........ c... ;;'Diet "'" ........ , ~.;~. ,,., ,.;,~ ,i .... I ....... , .1.. j 1998 '~. ~-.'.~,,,...,~.~.~;,;-~-~..,. ~..---'~,.",-' :' rc.,u:r~4~, ~ ~',.; '~,,,...,,. ?merit review ~,,.~-~; ....... ..... 9 · .¢..-t, 0 2 1998 __.o. ~.? ___J I0 1998 new ~,~ - .......................... . ............ ~evelc.ment ~ ............... f;'c':'~ I)I~,'I.',;I()N 3.3..'.;ITE I)i.]\'EI,()I'.~I E",iT ..\NI) %lTl.'. I.~ll'R()VI.:XlI.]\'T I)I,..\N.q Sec. 3.3.1. Title and citation. I This division shall he knoxvn and may he cited a.,, the "('oilier ('ountx Site l)evelopmcnt and Site Improvement Plan £'~dc." i See. 3.3.2. Purpose. The intent of this divisi,m is to enstire compliance x~.ith th,: appropriate land development regulations prior to the issuance ora building permit. This division is further intended to ensure that the proposed development complies with fundamental plannim, and design principles such as: consisteno.' with the County's Growth klanaucmcnt Plan: the layout, arranecmcnt ofbuildinus. architectural desiun and open spaces: the conli~,uration of the traffic circulation system, includint~ driveways, traffic calmim2 devices, parking areas and ememencv access: the availability and capacity ot'drainatze and utility facilities: and. overall compatibility with adjacent development j AGFNDAIIEM 11 OEO 0 ~l 1998] `.`.'ithin thc jurisdicl i,m ~l (.'~,iii,.'r ( '~.mlv and considerati.n of natur;d re,~.~rce. ;md pr. po?ed impacts thereon. Sec. 3.3.3. Applicabilirv. All development except as other,xise provided is subject to the pro`. isions m' this dj,. ision. 'Ibc provisions of thls divisi~,n shall nm apply lc, the t'oll~,v,'inu land usc acti`.'itie~, and represent thc sole exceptions therefrom: 1 } Sinitle-familv d~tached and tv,'o-t'amii`.' housimz structure(s) on a lofts! of record except as othcn`.'ise provided at section 2.6.2'7 ¢cluster development). 21 [ 'nderizround construction: utilities, communicat,ms and similar undereround construction 3} t. ype acti`.'ities. Accessory and ancillary lhcilities for a ~olt'course such as restrooms, irri~ation systems. ' pumphouses ',','here a preliminary work authorization has been entered into `.vith the Counlt`.'. 4.; Constructi~m trailers and st~>raue.of eqt, ipment and material'~ follov, in~ issuance of a huildine permit fi~r thc use for which said activitie,; are a ft,ncti,n of. except as otherwiseI. provided at section 2.6.33. Model h,m'~es and sales centers, except as -thcrv, ise pn,`. idcd at section 2.6.33. 61 Prolect entr'vxtav si,ns, walls, tmtes and euardhc, u~,cs. While thc above land usc acti,.'ities shall be exempt from the proxisions of divisic, n 3.3, these land use activities are subject to all other provisions of the l.and Devch~pment Code st,ch as but not limited to landscapintz, tree removal, de,.'elc~pment standards and the submission requirements attendant to nbtainintz a temporal' use permit and buildin,.2' permits. Sec. 3.3.4. Exemptions. Due to its location or minimal impact on surroundinq properties and prc, bable minimal impacts under ~he site development plan revie`.v standard contained in section 3.3.5.. standard application requirements as described in section 3.3.6. ma,.' be `.vai`.'ed in part or in full b`. the Planninu Sen'ices [)irccmr for a,ricuhurallv related development as identified in the permitted and accesson' uses ", the Rural Agricultural Zonine District: ho',vever, a Site improvement Plan per Section 3..',.7. addressing the application rcqt, iremcnts deemed necessary' h`. the Planning Sen'ices Director shall be submitted to I'lanr~in,..., I)cpanment for review and appro`.al. SECTION 3.3.5.-Site l)evelopment nnd Site Improvement Plan standards. The Planninu Services Director or his designee shall review and consider all site improvement and site development plans. For the followine documents and criteria: 3..3.5.1. Statements re,.z, ardine ownership and control of the pmpen,.' and the development as ,,','ell as sufficiency of conditions reeardine ov,'nership and control, use and permanent maintenance of common open space, commcm facilities. conservation'preservation areas, or common lands to ensure presen'ation of such lands and facilities `.`.'ill not become a future liability of the county. Development compliance `.,.'ith all appropriate zoning reKulations. N~Ot[ NO,~£M 12 P. E C 0 1998 ~ chictzlar and pedestrian sal~v, ~eparation ~,1'~ ehicular ~raffic l'nm~ pcdc~ln;m and el}let Ir,lfllc. Irat'lic Ilm~ arid conlrt~]. Iral'llc calllllllL' dot ices. pn,~ i,ion ~,I ~crx'iccs and servicinu of utilities and refuse collection, and accc.~,~ in ca,e m' fire. cata.,,trophg 3.3.5,6 The location and relalion'4~ip_!!l:.parkinc and ]~attinc facililic~ Io fllorouuhlhrcs an{! internal md'tic patterns within lbo pn~poscd dcx ci,,pmcnt, considering vei~icular and pedestrian salctv, traffic l]o~v and control, acccs'~ ~n case of lire or catastrophe, and screenini: and land~capin_g.:~. :',,dcquacv ~,1' rccrcat,,n t'acilitics and open space.,, considcrint' thc size. location, and development .f these areas, l".ff¢c! on Iht: privl,cv of adiaccnt and nearby propertie~ as well as uses within the proposed development, and the relationship to community- ',vide open spaces and recreation facilities. Adequacy ~f the prop~sed landscape screens and butt'ers c,nsiderint~ presen'ation of !he de',elopment's internal land uses as ,,,.'ell as compatibility v. ith adiacent land uses. Water manacemcnt master plan for thc property, considcrintl its effect on adiacen! and ncarh~ pr~,peNics and the consequences of %ach ~,.ater manauement master plan on ~,,'erall county capacities. Water manauement areas ..,hall be required to be maintained in perpetuity accordimz to the appro~.ed plans. Water manauement areas not maintained after construction final approval shall be corrected accordintl tO i approved p!an.~ xvithin 30 da,cs of receipt c, fav. ritten notice of violation from Code [-~nl'orccment. The enuineer of record, prior to final acceptance, shall provide documentation from the slormwater maintenance entit', ' indicatint~ that said enlitv Has been pn~vidcd infi~rmation on ho,,,, lhe stormv, ater s,,slems functions and indicatint~ responsibility l'or maimenance (,t' the system. ..',,dequacv of utility service, considerinu hook-in location and availability and capacity for the uses proiected.,:. Such other standards as may be imposed by this code. ~he t, rowth manauement plan or other applicable retiulations for the particular use or activip,' proposed. Siunat:¢ proposed for the protect shall be in conformity with Collier (.'ountv Sitzn (.'ode. dj', ision 2.5. and a Unified .c,i~n Permit shall be applied for ,,vith the submittal packet for tile Site [)e~ elopment or Sile Improvement Plan. ';.3.5. I0. ..',,rchitectural desit:n of the building Ii~r ;ill commercial developments located in any Commercial zoninq District. 3.3.6. Conceptual Site Development' Plan review and approval: f ..\t the request el'the applicant and subiect to the applicable t',:e set forth in the schedule of fees.[ Plannina Sen'ices will complete a conceptual review and issue a written summary of issues of concern and conceptual approval. This conceptual approval shall not mean that the proiect has received final approval, it shall only indicate ~hat the project is in substantial compliance v,'ith the requirements of the I.DC and mil,.' be approved subiect to further re,. ie~v. chances and modifications. 13 Sec. 3.3.7. Site dc~'elop.ment plan rt'vie~. (SI)P) pr,ct'dures. A pre-application rneetin,.: shall be conducted by the Plannine Sca'ices Dircct~,r prior to the submission of'any .Site I)cx'elopmcnt or Site Improvement Plan tk~r rc~ iex~. 'Ibis mcctin~ ma~' he waived by the Plannin~ gcc'ices D~rccmr al the x~rincn rcqucq {,~' thc applicant. Site development plan 5uhmittaIpac~'et The site deveh,prnent submittal packet shrill include thc fnllmxing, if applicable' (),ncr.~'hi[~: ..\ cupv of the deed. contract Iht sale or aerecmcnt fc, r sale or a notarized statement ~,1' ~ ncrship clc:trlv dcmonstratin,.2 ~,~ ncrship and control of the subiect lot ~r parcel of land. A'ite dcvel,[mwntp[w~ A site development, plan prepared cma sheet mcasurine 24 inches by 36 inches drav. n to cneineer's scale and setting forth the following I information ,,,,'hen applicable: 1. The proicct title and the name. address and phone nun'~hcr ~ffthc tim1 ar r~t2ent preparim: the plans and thc name. addres,~ and telephone number of lhe propem' rather. 2. Xoninu dcsiunati(m and land uses on thc subject and adiaccm properties. 3. Nonh arrm~, scale and date. 4. Vicinity map clearly idcntitMne thc location of the devcl,pmcnt and its relationship to the su~ounding community. 5. A na~ativc stateroom on thc plan idcntilX'in2 provisions ofox~ncrship and maintenance of all common areas, open space, private streets and easements. 6. A site summa~' in chart fi~rm which shall include the Rdlm~inu: a. Total site acrcm,e. b. Total square footaue of impervious area (includine all parking, areas. drive-aisles, and internal strcetsl and its percentat:e of thc total site area. c. Total square footat:e of landscape area'open space and its percentage of the tmal site area. d. For residential projects, total number of units, units per acre. and a uniti breakdown by square footm2e and number of bedrooms. c. }:~,r nonresidential proiects, total bt, ildine fimtaee, and a square footaee breakdov, n bv use iix.. office, retail, storazc, etc.? and its pcrcentaee of the total buildint~. f. All required and provided setbacks and separation bctv, cen buildim, s and slructurcs in matrix form. 7...\ parkine summary in matrix Ibrm xxhich shall include: a. Type of use. b. 'l-oral square footaee per use. c. Reqt, ired parkine ratio. d. Number of spaces required per use. e. Number of spaces provided per use. f. Total number ofrequired and prc, vided spaces includinu reeular. handicapped and reserved spaces. 14 ;JEC 0 2 1998 S, The lbllm~inu inl'ormalion mu~! N: included in ~l~c ~l)P packc~: a. Infi~rmmion on the ~tandard Buildin~ Code. rr'pe of c~,nstruction, number of q{~ries, total square lbotaec under roof. ,~ccup:mcx usc and fire sprinkler imentions of all proposed struclures so ~hat a Needed Fire l' Iow may be dc~crmincd. XF[L,X 1141. h. A fire hydrant flow [CS[ report fram ~hc fire district Ibr thc hydrant[s) m fi~c project ~o that thc .A~ailablc [:irc l:[o~ may dctc~ined. NFPA 1141. q. Illustrative intBrmation accuratdv depicted on thc site dcvch?mcnt plan shall bc as fidloxvs unless waived at the pre-application mcctinu: a. A boundary survey, prepared by a prolkssional su~cxor shoxvinu thc location and dimensions of all property lines, cxistinu streets or roads~ casements, riuhts-ol~wav, and areas dedicated to the public. b. Name. alie.nmcnt a0d existing'proposcd.right-ol:xvav of all streets x~'hich border the development (including raised islands, striping., tight'left turn lanes, median cuts and nearby intersections), the location of all cxistine drix cx~avq or accc,s p~qnts on the opposite sides of all streets which border ~hc development, and the location of all traffic calmine devices. c. [.ocation and confiuuration or'all development ingress and eercss points. d. [.ocation and a~aneement of all proposed buildines {includine existine buildinus that arc to remain ~. c. l.~cation and confieuration of all parkinu and loadine areas. Name. alienment and existing, proposed rit~ht-of-v, av of all internal streets and alleys. Directional movement of internal vehicular traffic and its separation ~rom pedestrian traffic. h. l.ocation and contizuration of recreational facilities l includine related buildint, s. ~,olfcourse areas, tennis courts, pools, etc. b i. [.ocation and eeneral conliimration of all water and drainaec retention'detention areas as v,'cll as all existinc, and proposed easements. and water and sewer lines intended to sen'e lhe development. j. Location and t~eneral conlit, uration of such natural features as prese~'alion/conservation areas, water bodies, and xvcllands. k. l.ocation ofemcrucncv access lanes, lire hvdrants and fire lanes. 1. [.ocation of all handicapped parkine spaces. m. l.ocation ol'trash enclosures. n. l.ocation and heiuhts of proposed walls or fences. o...\ccurate dimensions x~'hich include the tbllowinu: {1 ) .411 buildint~ setbacks. (2) Distance betv,'een buildintzs and accessory structures. Width of all internal streets. ~4} ..\I1 parkine areas and drive-aisles. 15 AGE:P.D~TE ~ 2 1998 1 15) l,andscape areas adlacent to all x chicul,~r dri', e,,. interior propc:ny lines and all park. lng areas. p. Any additional relevant inlbrmation a~ may bc required by Ih~ Planninc Scrx'iccs Director. ]0. For proiccts subicct to the provisions of Division 2.1.. five sct~ of architectural drawings. ~i~ned and sealed b~' a licensed architect, reuistered in the .'qtatc ~d' l'h~rida. a. scaled elevation for all sides -fthc buildinu: b. scaled ~.,.'all sccli,n from top of rl,ff to grade depicting typical clcvat,m ~.,.'ith details and ri'tutorials n,ted, nnd rendered to shov,' materials and color scheme v.'ith paint chips and roofc,)lor samples; c. site sections sho,.vint~ relationship to ndiacent structures: and d. a unified stun plan as required l)ivisi,m 2.g. Representations made thcrc~)n shall bec,me conditions of appr, val. Architectural dra~.~.'ings submitted irt coniuncti(m ~.'ith a buitdint~ permit shall be consistent v. ith the architectt,ral dnm.'ing submitted and approved for the SI)I' r,r SIP.,3.- L,mt. waping p/an.. :\ landscape plan ~ahich shall contain the fi~lh,,,,ine: 1. Lw~dwape summary l.andscape summan' in matrix form ~,,.hich shall include: a. Graphic symbol to indicate each type of plant material. b. Botan;,.al name. ~Gcnu.4 and Specie) C. Common name. d. Tmal number ofeach type of plant material. e. [teiuht and spread of each tvpe of plant material. f.. Spacint~ of each tvpe of plant material. 2. llht.s'tratire in/i,'m~ttio,. Illustrative information consistine of the fifilov. Jn~ shhll be accurately depicted on the land plan: a. Thc location, conliguration and arrangement of all proposed buildintzs.} internal streets and parkint~ areas as rellected on the site plan. '~ h. 'lhe location and dimensions of ail proposed landscaped areas v, ith appropriate graphic symbols tacit, dine existinu trees that are heine credited tov,'ard the development's landscaping. c. Location and configuration of all special or textured paving areas. d. Proxisions for site irriention. c. Any additional relevant information as may be required bv the Plannint~ Services Director. l'eget~,ion im'e,tortv A ~,encralized vet:etation inventon' of the property shall be required to the extent necessap,', as determined by the pre-application meeting, indicatinu the approximate location, densities and species of the follov,'inv: 16 1998 ?land. v, ctland and cstuarinc ~.e,.,etatn,n incJudin'z exotic ~ e,.:'ct;ltion prohibited hv division 3.9. mapped usin~ FI.t '('CS terminoh,~',. 2. Any type t c~ctation identi fled lbr prcse~'ation. 3. Pmiccts containine the Ibllmvin~ shall prox id~ a surxcv id~ntil~'in~ ~p¢cics and locations on a cu~cnt aerial photoeraph (one inch equals 2~10 I~'et or larecr scale). ~,r be ~upcrimp~,scd ~,n thc site pla~' , a. Plants ?ccilicd in an ap21icablc Pt 'D ,~r petitioner's a~recmcnt to remain ~n place ~r lo be transplanted I~, ~thcr locations on thc property. b. Specimen trees dcsiznated by the bt~ard of omntv commissioners, pursuant tt~ section ';.t).6.7. c. State or federal rare. threatened or endanucred plant species surveyed :i acct~rdintl to accepted Florida game and freshwater fish commission or: I :..q. Fish and Wildlife methods. d. I.:xistint, trees that mav be credited t~w, ard thc development's landscaping.. 4. i:~r propt~scd site alteration(s) vdthin lhe coastal z~me as depicted on the t'uture land use map.. i.n additicu't to tile fi~reuoinu .requiren~ents. the veuctation inventor.`' shall depict the catcmmes ~I' impact in accordance with ,,ection 1" ~, . ..leria/ph.tt~ ..\ recent aerial phmo shall be pm.`'ided at the same scale as the plan delincatinu thc development boundarie:,, unless v. ai,, ed at tile pre-applicaticm meetinu. Den.vitv h¢mtt.,'. In the event a residential or commercial bonus is requested, as 3.3.6._.8. provided lbr in the (Jro.`vth .Manauement Plan. a ccrtilied survev that clearly illustrates tile location and relationship of the development to the appropriate activity center and the related activity band shall be required. Buih/ln~[ffans Plans sho.`.`'in,2' proposed buildinu footprints, spatial relationship~4o one another x~i~en there are muhiple buildinus and buildin~ hciuhts. Soil cro.w,n aml.wdiment cm~trol phm. A soil erosion and sediment control plan pursuant to di.`'ision 3.7. Infi'astrttcture improvements phm.¥. Detailed on-site and oft:site infrastructure improvement plans and construction documents prepared in contbrmance with the desien standards of division 3.2 and any current county ordinances, rceulations. policies and procedures u.'hich consists of. but arc not limited to. thc fi',dtowint, items: I. ..\ cover sheet setting forth the development name. applicant name. name ofcnuineerimz liml. and .`'icinitv map. 2. Improvements for water and se.`.`'er service as needed or as ma,,' have been specilicd durine a preliminar'.' site development plan review prepared in conformance with Collier (.'ountv Ordinance No. 07,17 as amended. Improvements for roadv,'av, motor ,,'chicle and non-mc, torized circulation, inurcss and eurcss, parkinu and other transportation needs. includinu traffic calmimz devices, required or as ma',' have been i: spccilied durim, the preliminarx site development plan review. ~ AGE :41~*, tTEM 17 1998 prepared in conl'~mnance with section 3.2.S.4 subdix i.,,ion design requirement.,, Il'or p_urposes of this requirement, all references in section t~:, "subdivision" should b,: read to mean de~'el(,pment. ~,.'h,:re applicable and appropriate), Non-n'mtori:,'ed circulation is defined as movement by persons foot. bicycle or other human-poxvcrcd device. Non-motorized circulation is considered satisl'actorv where side',~,'alks and bicycle Ihcilities are provided in a t'ashinn no less comprehensive ~han :is outlined under I,DC _.8..,.4 and sections ' ~ Special attcnti~m shall be given to thc needs of thc disabled as prescribed by thc Americans with Disabilities Act of Ig90. The absence of obstructions in t.b.e public right (,f way shall be demonstrated, including provisions for safe and convenient street cmssine. Sidcxvaiks and bike paths at intersections shall continue t, lhe edl2e of curb. t5'o 18 AGE ~DA.~TEk, I ~o .-~ DE O 0 g 1998 T,,~.o curb ramps ~hall be provided lbr side,.*.'alks and bike paths :~t each street corner of an intersection. Curb ramps shall be a minimt,m ~ff36 inches in v, idth and shall not rise at a ratio greater than as outlined bv the F:lorid;I Accessibility Code fi'~r Building Construction. Crosswalks shall be required at an,.' intersection ,,,.'here thc distance to the. nearest crosswalk is creater than 1000 feet. Impr~vemcnts fi~r water manaecment as needed or as ma'.' have been specified durinv the preliminary site development plan review, prepared in conformance with section subdivision desitin requirements (for purposes of this requirement, all references in section to "subdivision" should be read to mean development, where applicable and appropriate), and i~, 19 DECo,., 0 772 19981, pursuant to South lqorida Water .Manatzemcnt District rules, chapter 40Ii-.l{} and 40I>41, Florida Administratix'e (.'ode. All ncccsqarx standard and special details a.,,sociatcd v, ith sections throu':h above. , \Vrittcn technical spccilications li,r all infrastructure improvements tb be perlb,"med. Enuinccrinu dcsi,..:n c~,mpt, tations and reports for \taler. sewer, roads and 10. ,.rater r'mmatzclnent facilities, as required bv federal, state and local laws and regulations. Topo',2. raphical rnap of the prnpenv v, hich shall include the follou, int~' a. F. xistinu features, such as. watercourses, drainage ditches, lakes. 11. marshes. b. Existim2 contours or representative ground elevations at spot locations and minimum of 51')fcet beyond property line. c. Benchmark locations and clc','ation (N(iVD,}. Site clearing plan and method of vegetation disposal. : 3.3.6.'"_. 10. Pcrmit.s' ,.\11 necessary pen'nits and necessap,' applications rcqt,irinu county approval and other appurtenant pennittimz and cc, nstruction related items including but not limited to the following, shall be submitted and approved ,.vith the site development plan: : I. Florida l)cpartment o1' Environmental F'rutection v, atcr and scv,'er facilities f constructi,)n permit application. 2. Excavation permit application. 3. Florida l)epanment of Transportation utilities construction application and/or riuhts-ol'-wav construction permits. 4. ('oilier County Riuht-of-',.',,'av Permit application. 5. Blastinu permit prior to commencement ofanv blastint,..operation. 6. South Florida Water Management District permit. 7. Interim wastcwater and'or water trentment plant construction or interim septic system and/or privale well permits prior to buildint~ permit npproval. 8...\nv additional state and federal permits which ma,,' be required prior to commencement of construction, including impacts on jurisdictional wetlands and habitat involvinu protected species. 10. All other pertinent data. computations, plans, repons, and the like necessan' for the proper design and construction of the de'. elopment submitted for consideration. 1 I. All necessary performance securities required by Collier County ordinances in effect at the time of construction. 20 AGE~,IDA ITEM 9EC 0 2 1998 .site impro,, ement plan reviev.. Submittal of a site plan may bc re. ic,acd under thc Site lmr, r,,x cmcnt Plan (SI P} rex icxx process if thc development proposal meets all of 'I he proicct lnv~dvcs a 5itc which is currcntlx improxcd with principal structures. parkinz lhcilities, wmcr and qcxvcr sen'ices, and defined inurcss czrcss. '['he propo,;cd usc will not require an expansion of the existine import'toes areas to dot, rte '.~.hich ,aould require en,2, ineerintz rcvicv, or otherwise affect on-site surface ,.xatcr mana'2, ement facilities as may be documented by waiver letters from the South Florida \Voter Xlanauement District or ('oilier Counw x~'herc applicable. \Vrittcn documentation from appropriate a~2encics acknovded,.z, inu that water anti.: sewer ser,.'ices arc available at the site and are adequate to serve the proposed use. Site Impr(n'ement/'lan .~'uhmittal and revieu' A Site Improvement Plan {SIP) shall be prepared on a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet dravm t~ scale and settinu forlh the fi'~liowint~ intbrmaticm: 1. Thc pmicct title, property or, ncr. address and tclcph{mc ntu'nber. 2. l.cual dcscnplitm, scale, and nord~ arrmv, l ; Xoninu ttcsicnaiion el'the ~uhiect site and adiaccnt sitc~ and the proposed usc of thc subject site. 4. l.ocation, conlSm~ration alld dimcnsi~,ns of all buildinu and lot improvements. 5. l.ocatitm and conficuraticm ofparkim2 and loadinu areas, and the directional movement of internal vehicle traffic. 6. l.ocation and dimension of access point{s} to the site. 7. Parkinu summary in matrix fom'L indicatint~ the required and provided parkinu... for each existing and proposed use. 8. I.ocation and confiuuration of handicapped parkint, facilitic:, ;,nd buildine accessibility features. ti. l.ocation dimension and confifit, ration of existing v, ater management facilities: 10. l.ocation of trash enclosures. 11. l.ocatior~ of existing and proposed landscapinu xxith specifications as to quantity anti tX'pc of x'euetation. 12...\Il required and provided setbacks and separation bet,.~.'cen structures in matrix form. I; ..\nv addilional rclcvanl inl'{,rmalior~ a,~ max bc required b,, the l'lanrfinu Services I)ircctt,r. Sec. 3.3.8. Amendments. Any proposed chant~e or amendment to a previously approved site development plan. shall be subiect to review and approval by the Plannim~ Sen'ices Director. t'pon submittal of a plan clearly illustratimz the proposed cham, e. the Plannim2 Sen'ices director shall determine whether or not it constitutes a substantial cham2e. In thc: event the Plannin~ Sen'ices Director determines the chanue is substantial, shall be required to follow the review procedure as set forth for a new she development ~lan. A substantial chantze shall be detined as: "'1 3EC 0 2 1998 3.3.,~, 1, ..\m, chan~e ,,,. hich substantially affects exislin~ transportation circulation: parkin~ or huildimz arram, ements, draina,.ze, landscapinu, bt, fferinu, identified preservalicm,c~mser'x'ali(m areas and other si~u deveiopmcnl plan considerations: or Any other chanue ~he planninu ~ervices dJrect~,r ma~ determine as sienilicanlk alterinu the ueneral layout, confiuuration and a~anucmcn( of thc pr~qecl~ ~ 3.3.~.~ Intheexent~hePlanninu" "'.' · Scrx ~ccs Director detc~ines lhe chanue ~o be less ~hah substantial, shall lint be rctpfircd tl~ fi41ow thc review pr~cedurc as set forth For a site development plan. Sec. 3.3.9. Site development plan time limits. Approved Site Development Plans shall remain in fi'~rce tbr txvo ,.'cars. If no dcvdopment (actual construction} has commenced within t~.vo ,.ears. the site dcxeh,pment plan shall expire. A one-year extension may be uranted for good cause sh~xvn upon written application submitted to the Planning Services Director prior to expiration of the preceding, approval. When cxtcndinu the site development plan approval, the Planning Sen'ices Director shall require thc approval to be modified !O bring the plan into compliance.with any ney. provision of this code in effect at the time of the extensl~,n request. Sec. 3.3.10. Viol:~tions. No buildin,.z permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued except in compliance ,,,.ith the avvroved site development plan. Violation of the terms identitied in the approved site development plan shall constitute a violation ofthis code. ~ AGENDA ITEM 0 1998 ()t~,I(;IN: AUTIIOR: Stan l.itsingcr...X, lCP. Principnl Plann,:r DEPART.~IENT: Planning Services. LDC PAGE: LDC SECTION: CIIANGE: Division 3.15 :\dcquate Public Facilities REASON: The Adequate Public facilities Ordinance (APFO) is being amended to reflect 1995 organizational changes in the Environmental Sen'ices and Community Development Division which resulted in the combination of the Growth Nlanagcmcnt and Long Range Plann(ng Sections into the Comprehensive Planning Section. As a result, the position of Gro,.'.lh Management Chief,,,,'as eliminated and the authority delegated to that position in the APFO has accrued to the Division Administrator. Also. other minor corrections and updates reflecting BCC actions are included. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR RE(;ULATIONS: Thc APFO ,.,.'ill be amended at a public hearing concurrently with the t;LDC. DIVISION 3.15 ADEQL:ATE PUBLIC FACILITIES* 3.!5.!.1. Govem..:v~ent Comr:rehenzive Comprehensive PI 9EC 0 2 1998 · I,~ I I I~ I "I 1998 Sec. 3.15.~,1. Short title, authority and applicabiliD.'. 3.15.;ll 1. .Short title This division shall be known and may be cited as the "Collier ('ountv Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance." 3.15.;M 2. ..luthoritv The hnard of county commissioners of ('oilier County has thc authority tt~ adopt this division pursuant to Article VIII. Section l(f). Fla. Const.. F.S. f125.01 et. seq.. F.S. f163.316] ct. Seq..F.S.§163.3161(81. F.S. ¢}163.3177(1011h~ AND F.S. fl I63.3202¢2~fG). AND Rule 9J-5. F..,\.C. fOrd. No. 94-27. ¢3.5- .4pplicahilio' This division shall apply to all development in the total unincorporated area of Collier Count,,.'. and to all public facilities owned b,. Collier County in the incorporated or unincorporated areas of Collier ('ounty. and to all privatel.v-owned public facilities where the level of sen'ice has been established bv the county. I 8-t)4 ~ Sec. 3.15.=12. Intent and purpose. 3.15..:12. i. Intent. This division is intended to implement and be consistent with the Collier Count,,' Growth Management Plan. F.S. §163.3161 et. seq.. and Rule 9J-5. [-'.A.C.. b,v ensuring that all development in Collier County be sera'ed bv adequate public facilities. 3. i 5..-32.2. Purpose. This objective is accomplished by (1) establishing a management and monitoring system to evaluate and coordinate the timing and provision of the necessaD' public facilities to sen'ice development. and (21 by establishing a regulator3.' program that ensures that each public facility is available to sene development concurrent with when the impacts ofdex'elopment occur on the public facilities. 3.15.=12.3. objectives of this division. (Ord. No. 94-27. R' _ .x.~. '% 18-94) Minimum requirements. The provisions of this division in their interpretation and application are declared to be the minimum requirements necessary to accomplish the stated intent, purposes, and AG E NO.~.,/T E I~ 1998 .";cc. 3.1'~ 4~;.I Definitions. 3.15.43. . .'Dmtta] ufldatc trod invt, nlorl' report or A!.JIR means the count,.' report on public facilities described in section ' 15."' "' ..ll~plicatitm ~hr develolmwnt ,pprm'al means an application submitted to Collier County requesting the approval of a development order. 3. ! 5.43.3. ('apital drainage .facilitic.s' mean the planning of. engineering for. acquisition of land for. or the construction of drainage and water management facilities necessary for proposed development to meet the LOS for drainage facilities. ('apital park facilities mean the planning of. engineering for. acquisition of land for. or construction of buildings and park equipment necessary to meet the L()S lbr park facilities. 3. I 5.4}.5. ('a?ttal road htclltttt'.~ ~,r capitM road imprm'ement shall include tran.,,pt,nation planning for. rlght-of-u.a,,.~ acquisition tbr. engineering Ibr. and construction of any project eligible lbr inclusion as a road project in the road component of the CIE of the Collier County Growth Management Plan or the Fi,ce-Year Florida Department of Transportation Plan. ('apital ?otahle **atcr .[acilities mean the planning of. engineering for. acquisition of land for. or construction of potable water facilities necessar)' to meet the LOS for potable ,xater facilities. ¢'a?ital sanitar3., sewer.facthtic.~ mean the planning of. engineering for. acquisition of land for. or construction of sanitar)' seu.'er facilities necessan' to meet the LOS for sanitary se~.ver facilities. ('~pttal ~.olul ,'astc /twilitwx mean the planning or: engineering fc, r. acquisilion of land for. or c,n,,,truction of solid u.'aste facilities ncccssar-,' meet the [.OS fi'~r solid v, astc facilities. ('omprehen.m'e phm means a plan that meets the requirements of F.S. .{~ 163.3177 and 163.3178. and shall mean thc Collier Count.,.' (;rowth Management Plan. where referenced in this division. Reserved. !. De_/icient road.s'cgment means the following' A county or state road segment on the major road network system that = DEC 0 2 1998 .3. 3.15.43.I 1.2. 3.15.4~.I 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 3.15.43. i 1.2.5. I las an adopted I.()S "('" peak season, peak hour. that ha.', operated b.,.hm. l,()fi 'C" peak season, peak hour. based on thc annual update ;,nd inx~:ntorv report ("AU[R" I: or [las an adopted LOS "D" peak seas,n, peak hour. that has operated bclov, [,()S "I)" peak season, peak hour. k>r tv, o ?ears or more based on the AU[R: or ltas an adopted I,OS "D" peak season, peak hour. that is operating belmx LOS "E". peak season, peak hour. based on the AUIR: or }las an adopted I.OS "L:" peak season, peak hour. that is operating ,.*.orsc than LOS "E" peak season, peak hour. based on the AUIR. In determining the capacity of a counp, r~ad segment or a state road *cement for thc purpose th dcterminin~ ,.*.hethcr it is a deficient road ,cgmcnt. the count,, shall consider: .-\n'. capital mad mpro'~cmcnt currcntl,. ~n place: .-\n,. capital road ~mprovement that is under construction: .An.,.' capital road improvement guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions in subsections and The actual construction of the required capital improvement is included and is scheduled to commence in or bclbre the third >'ear of the state's five- ,.ear ,.,.ork program and the county's current five-.,.car capital improvement ,,chcdule adopted as par~ of the grox~dh management plan: and The board of count.,.' commissioners has made an express finding, after a public hearing, that the current five-,.car capital improxement schedule is based on a realistic, financiallx feasible program of funding from existing rcxcnue sources. Dt'vchv)er means any pers,',n, including a governmental agone3. undertaking any development as defined in this division. Devulopment a,greemcnt has the meaning contemplated in F.S. § 163 '~'~'~ ct. seq. Duvch,?mu,u has the mcanin~ given it in F.S. s080.04. Dt'vel,pmcnt order means an,.' granting, denying, or granting with conditions an applicatio local development order, building permit, temporar2: temporao' construction and development permit, sign perm order, permit, determination, or action use perTn~l: ~.' it t. EIJcp . }998 .'I.15.43.17. 3. ~ 5.43.20. spot sur've,., electrical per-mit, plumbing pertain occupational license, boat dock permit, t[\.'AC pcrmll. ~cptic tank permit, right-of-v, ay permit. blasting permit, excavation permit, construction approval fi~r infrastructure tincluding water, sev. er. grading pavingl, approved de,.'eh~pment of regional ~mpact {DRI I. zoning ordinance amendment, comprehensive plan amendment, flood variance, coastal construction control line variance, tree removal permits, site development plan approval, subdivision approval lincluding plats, plans. ,.'ariances. and amendments }. rezoning. PUD amendment, certification, conditional use {provisional use}. variance, or an.,.' other official action of Collier Count,.' having the effect of permitting development as defined in this division. Fino[ dcvch~t,ment order means a final local development order or a final [)RI des clopment order. h),m[ [)RI ,h'veh,pmcnt t,r~h'r means a dcselopmcnt order, as amended from time t~ lime. adopted bs thc hoard of counts' commissioners of ('ollicr('.untvandapproscd bs thc state pursuantto F.S. ~380.06 notice ~, f s~ hich i~ recorded pursuant to t".S. ~ 38(1.f)6~ 15 )( fl. Final It,c,/dcvelo?ment ,rdcr means an.'. ~.alid. unexpired building permit mobile home tie-dosvn permit issued bv thc count,.'. (5r,m th m,m~3~emenl ?lan or GMP means the most recently adopted and effcctisc comprehensive plan of Collier Countv. as amended from time to time. iwnldcvt, h~?ment rc.gul, tUm~' mean ordinances enacled by Collier County pursuant to F.S. ~163'3161 et. seq.. for the regulation of development. and includes an.,.' zoning, subdivision, impact fee. building construction, or sign regulations, or any other regulations controlling the development of land. 3. ~ 5.43.2 Level ,,/ ,~crvicc tL()5't means an indicator of the extent or degree of service provided by. or proposed to be provided bra public facility based on and related to the operational characteristics of the public facility, as adopted in the Collier ('ountv growth management Plan. LOS shall indicate ~hc capacity per unit ofdcmand for each public lhcility. Level ./ .~ervice cah'ulutions for roads' mean calculations that arc performed annually lbllo,.ving the end of the calendar ,.'ear by comparing average annual daily traffic counts to the ~nual average daily traffic sen'ice volume look-up tables in the traffic circulation element. These tables are calculated to express the ~nul average daily traffic volumes based upon the l OOth hiuhest volume hour of the year. or~ peak hour. Annual average daily tramc the average of a daily 24-hour two-way volume, counted ~n each of~ four seasons of the year. On some Iow ,'olume roads, si~~ v 998 3. ! 5.43.22. c~,unt max bc taken and factored to the annual a:'erage da~lx traffic xo[ume using a monthl', tlr quarterly factor. /.t).g lt~r c'ctfltttl/draina.k,c hwilittc~ varies among 1 } new or existing capital drainage facilities or, ned or operated by a local govcrnmem or other public entJtx. 2} existing capital drainage Gcilitics ou. ncd or operated by pm:ate persons, and 3~ nexx capital drainage facilities owned or operated b.,. private pcrscms. For those capital drainage facilities Ipublicl,. or privately o,.xnedl that are in existence on the effective date of this dixision and for those ne'~x capital drainage facilities owned or operated by a local gox'ernment or other public entity, the I_OS is the existing l.OS as idcmified Iby design storm return frequency eventl in the Collier County Water Management Master Plan. For ne,.,.' capital drainage facilities owned or c, perated by private persons, the LOS is identified in the drainage sub-element and capital improvement element policy 1.1.5.A.3 Ipresent requirements are a 25-year. three-day storm event} and is based on thc, se standards and requirements fi~r renc~.val and approval of drainage and st,',rmv, ater managemenl plans established in the Collier County Water .Management Policy ()rdinancc. No. 74.-50. as amended and Ordinance No. ~(1-I0 ,.~.hich arc incorporated herein by reference. /.(15' h: t t/pttal p~/rk /acilitic.s means 2.9412 acres per 1.000 persons for regional park land: I._.2882 acres per'l.000 persons for community park land: and $122.00 $179.00 of capital investment per capita tat current cost} for recreational facilities. I. OS for capital potahlc *ratcr f~wlliliex ,.'aries betv, een public ,.~ater stems and pri~ate ~alcr sx stems. For ~"k~: .......... ~ .............. sy:;.cm~, the County Wmer & Sexver District the LOS is !~5 185 gallons per capita per day ~ Mar~':~ Wmer and Sc~cr [~<~ric~ i:; 200 gpcd f~vith nc 21 percent ~ For Goodland Water District the LOS is 163 GPCD. Cit,. ,,f Naples unincorporated sen'icc area I.OS is 163 GPCD l-or E',ertzlades ('it,. unincorporated sen'ice area I.(').q is 163 GPCD. For private potable '.~ater systems, the LOS is as follows, except that approved private x,.etls are exempt from these LOS requirements: DE C 0 2 1,998 7:pc ol L~:ab/t~.hmcnt tJallt,,:~ Per D,'x tGPD~ A~rports ~a~ ['er pa',senger lb) Add per employee Barber and beaut.,, shops Iper cbair~ Bo'.,, ling alle.,.s Itoilet gastes onl? per lane ~ Count~ club ~al Per resfdem member ~b~ Per member present ~c) Per emplo?ee Denust office,, ta~ Per get chair fbi Per non-get chair Doctors office (per dock. or ~ Factories. exclus~,,c of indu~mal ,,,astes ~galhms per per,mn per shfft~ t a~ No shrug er,, pro,, Ided Ib~ .Shov,.crs pro', ~ded f'o.d set". ~ce opcratmns tal ('}rdlnar? re%taurant {per seatl tb~ 2J-t-,our restaurant {per seat~ ~c~ Single ser'xsce amcles onl.x Ipcr person ) fdl Bar and cocktail lounge {per person t (el Dri",e-tt'l restaurant (per car spacel If1 Can? out onl? I Per I00 square It. el of floor space 2. Add per emplo.,.ee ~g~ Instmmons ~per meal~ Il.reis and motels ~a~ Regular tper room~ (b~ Resort hotels, camps, cottages Iper person t Ic~ Add for e,,tablishments ,~th self se~ ~ce laund~ facilities (per mach~ne~ Office building Iper emplosee per 8 hour shiftl £0 100 I00 I00 25 20 200 50 2O 25 30 50 50 75 40(') 20 9 0 2 998 _t %~:r,. ice ,,tatiorl$ (per water closet an~ Shopping cemcts w~thoul food or laund~ tprr ~quare fool of floor spacc~ S~adiums. race ~racks. ball park, ~pcr seal~ Mores per square foot of floor ~pace Theatres ~a~ Indoor. aud~lorrams Iper ~ea~ tbt O'a~doot. drive-ins Iper ~pacel ~ra~icr mobile home park Ip~r wader spac~ Travel lraflcr rt. creallonal ~eh~clc park ~a) Traxci lraflt'r ~ghout ~aler and sc~cr hook-up ipcr trailer ~vacc~ xsaler and seer hook-ups Iper ~raflcr S~simmmg and bathing facilmes. public tper personl Churches tper seat~ Hospnals ~per bcd~ Nursing. re~t homes Ipcr bcd Parks. puhhc p~cmc ~a~ ~'ilh tmlcts onl) Ipcr person ~ ~b~ Wi~h bathhouse, sho~ers and tmlcts Iper person~ Pubhc mst~tut~on s other than schooN and hospitals ~per person~ Schools ~ per student ~ ~a~ Da}-t) pc ~b~ Add ~r sho~ers to) Add for cafeteria ~d~ Add for da} ~chool ~orker~ (el Boarding-t) pc ~'ork ConM~ctlon camps Sem~-pe~ancnt ~p~r ~orkcrl R~s~dcnces ~a) sm~l~ or multiple famfl) ~pcr d~elhn~ umt~ one bedroom and 600 square ~et or Icss heated or coo]cd area T~o ~drooms and 601-1.000 square feet h~ated or cooled area Three bedrooms and 1.001-2.000 squa~ t~'~t heated or cooled area ~ou~ or more bedrooms and more than 2.000 square f~et heated or cooled area th) Olher t~er occupam~ '0 2.~0 0.1 I 0 20O I O0 I0 200 1 O0 I O0 50 150 450 600 DEC 0 2 /.( ).~' lelr cclDI&I[ rutld l[l¢'l/ilit'~ uti f/lc nl~llor /'uatt ilelu'ork '~'1, ,~.'h,,;ll ','aries depending on thc type of road. and is based on a defined peak .~eason. peak hour. '['he on ~he followin~ county roads is LOS "[-7' peak season, peak hour: Road 5'c,~,mcnt Airport Road Golden Gate Pkwv Goodlette-Frank Rd. Goodlette-Frank Rd. Pine Ridge Road Pine Ridge Road to Golden Gate Parkway Airport Rd. to Santa Barbara Blvd. Pine Ridge Rd. to Golden Gate Parkv.'av (;olden Gate Park~*.ay to L'.S. 41 Airport Road to 1-75 Thc Counlv has declared as "constrained" the follo,,vinu setzment: Vanderbih Beach Rd. U.S. 41 to Gulfshore Dri,.e On all other count~, roads on the major road nct,.vork system, thc LOS is "D" peak season, peak h~mr: ho,.,.ever such a county road segment ma.,, operate at I.OS "E". peak season, peak hour. for a period not to exceed tu,'o liscal years so as Io provide Collier (_'ountt time to make the capital road improvements needed to restore thc road to LOS "D" peak season, peak hour. or better. The LOS on state and federal roads shall be as follows based on peak seascm, peak hour: 3.15.41_.26. Road Rura/ ..trca Existing L'rhanizcd Transitioning Urhan- ,4rea ized.4rea 1-75 c-:_n Dc Dc US41 C D C-D SR-84 C D GD SR-951 D C-D SR-29 DC 5R-82 D(' [.().h' /~: c~qd&// ~ult&tr~ ~t'tlt'r /~&'t/ll&'.x varies betx~cen public sanitary seer s.xstcms and prixate sanitary sex~cr s~.stems. Iht: l_OS for public sanitars.' seer systems is 100 gallons per capita per da,.' {gpcd~. plus 21 percent for nonresidential de~'elopment, making the I.OS 121 gpcd. The LOS for private sanitary sev.'er systems is as required by the State of Florida in Chapter I 0-D-6. F.A.C. These standards '.'ar,,' according to the type of land use. They are as follo~.,.s, except that approved private septic systems are exempt from these LOS requirements: 2.1. 1998 Airports la) Per pas,enter [.h} .'~ d.d_.pe_r_ e_m_pi, ,~ ce Barber and beaut) shop fper cl'.a~r ~ lO0 Bo~ ling allc~ s {toilet v. 3st¢,, onl.~ per I00 lane~ Count,'":' club la! Per resident member 100 ib~ Per member present 25 Icl Per emplo)ee 20 Dentist office Iai Per ~et chair 200 (b) Per non-v, et chair 50 Doctors offices (per doctor~ 2.~0 Factories. ~xclusi~ of induqrhfl fgallons per person per shdtl tal No ~ho~crs provided 20 F'nod sc~ ~cc opcratmns ~ a ~ Ordinance restaurant { per seal ~ lb) 24-hour restauran~ {per seat~ Ic~ Single sero ice amcles onl) (per person ~ Id~ Bar and cocktail Ioun~ lptr person~ re) Drive-in restaurant Iper car spac~ 50 t fl Ca~ out 1 Per 100 square feet of floor space 2. Add per employee 20 Hotels and motels ta~ Regular tper room ~ 100 fb ~ Resort hotels, camps, cottages t per person ~ tc) Add for establishments ~lth self sea,ce laundrr 400 facHmes tper machine~ Office buildin~ tper ~orker~ 20 ~e~ ~ce stanons ~per ba~ Shopping centers ~thout food Or laundo tper 0 Square t~ot of floor space~ Stad,ums. race tracks, ball parks tper seat~ Stores t~ lthout tgod se~ ice) (a) Pn~ate toilets, for emplo)ees onb (per emplo?ee~ 20 (bi Public milers tper square foot of floor space~0.1 ~eaters ta~ Indoor. auditoriums tpet seat) th) Outdoor. dri~e-ins tper space) 10 Trailer mobile home park tper trailer space~ 200 Travel trailer'recreational ~ehicle park (a~ Travel trailer (overnight). ~ ithout ~ater and50 se~er hookup (per trailer space~ AG E ~O~.,,~T E ~ 12 DEC 0 2 1998 __ Po '~..2 spaccl q~,immmg and bathing fi, cihtie,,. pui~lic ~per personl Churches ~'per ttosp~tals I per bed Nur,,ing. r~s! homes ~per person~ Park~. public pmnic ~al With todets onls Iper persnn~ (bi '¥t.'~th bathhouse, shov, crs and to~let~, Iper person Public mst~tutmns other than schools and hospitals (per pcr~,on) ~,¢h~¢,1', ~r'er student 1 ~al Da>-r) pc Ih~ Add lot ~c~ Add R,r cafeteria ~dl Add for da~ ~chool ~orkcrs ~eJ Boarding pe~ancnt {per ~orkcrJ Residences (a) SinsIc-famd) ~per bedroom ~ (b) A pa~mem ~per bedroom) (c~ Mobile home no~ m a trailer park (per bedroom ~ (d~ Other ~p~r occupaml I Otl I0 3 200 lO0 10 I00 15 50 150 150 150 75 LOS ~or c'upitM .snhd ~sa.~tc htctlttie.v requires sufficient capital solid v, aste facilitie.,, to dispose ~f ~ 1.10 tons of solid v. aste per capita per .,,'ear. In addition, the I.OS requires t~n Fears of landfill lined cell disposal capacity at present fill rates and ten )'ears of landfill rax~, land capacity at present fill rates. LOS "('" pcak .q'ct~.~on. pet& htmr is in the range of stable flow. but marks the beginning of the range of flow in ,.vhich the operation of individual users becomes significantly affected by interactions with others in the traffic stream. The selection of speed is affected by the presence of other. and maneusering either the traffic stream requires substantial vigilance on the part of the user. The general level of comfort and convenience declines noticeably at this level. LOS "C" peak season, peak hour. is based on the 100th highest hourly traffic volumes during a calendar .,,'ear for the various types of roads defined by Special Report 209. "Highway Capacity Manual." Transportation Research Board. National Research Council. \\'ashington. D.C.. 1985. or subsequent revisions thereto. NAGENDA I T.~4 LOS "D" peak .season. peak hour represents a high-densi y. but gra'ol't~-. flow. Speed and freedom to maneuver are severely restr cted. and the DEC 0 1998 I. 3.1 >.43.3.. dri,.er ~,r pcdeqrian experiences a generally poor le,.el of comtbrt and ct,n,.erfiencc. Small increases in traffic llcm,' ,.viii generally cause operational problems at this lexel. I.O5, "D" peak season, peak hour. is hated <m the lOOth highest hourly tralEc xolumes during a calendar year for :he various t'..'pes, of road.~ defined b?' Special Report 209. "1 lighway ('aparlt.x .Manual." I ransportation Research Board. National Research ('ouncil. \Vashington. I)C.. Ig85. or subsequent re,.'isions thereto. L(15 "£"pcak .watt,t. £c.fi hour represents operating conditions at or near capacit> ..\ll speeds arc significantl.', reduced. Freedom to maneuver is difficult. Comfort and convenience is extremely poor. and motorigt J'rustramm is generally high. LOS "E" peak season, peak hour. is based 6n the 100th highest houri>' traffic volumes during a calendar year for the various t>pes of roads defined by Special Report 209. "Highway Capacity Manual". Transportati(m Research P, oard. National Research Council. \Vashimzton. D.C. 1985. t,r subsequent revisions thereto. l'c,k ~ctiwm peak hour is considered to be the 100th highest volume hour of thc .,.'ear. and is thc basic time reference used to calculate levels of ,,er, ice using the definitions and methodologies of the 1985 llighx,.a? (.'apac~t> Manual {or its current editionL For planning and concurrenc> applications, peak season, peak hour conditions are con,.'erted to annual a,.crage dail~ traffic IAADT) le,.'el of sen'ice maximum volumes and are presented in a series of look-up tables adopted in the traffic circulation element of thc groxcth management plan. .[[tllor r.ad network .¥vslet~l means all arterial and collector roads within the total unincorporated ('oilier Count,,'. The major road netv.'ork systetn is depicted in the traffic circulation element of the Collier County Growth .Manatzcment Plan. l'ur~rm means an indi,.idual, corporation, go~.cmmental agency, business trust, estale, trust, partnership, association, t,.vo or more persons ha,.'in,, a joint or common interest, or any other cntib, and its designated agents. successors or assigns. Po/entialh dc/ictunt road.~e,gmt'nt means the foJlo,,ving: 1.4 A county or state road segment on the major road network system ,.,.'hose adopted LOS standard is LOS "C" or I.OS "D". peak season, peak hour. that is presently operated at its adopted LOS. or whose adopted LOS tis I.OS "D" peak season, peak hours, and has operated at LOS "E" peak season, peak hour. for t~'o years or less. based on the AUIR. A potentially deficient road segment u,'hich has an adopted I.OS "D" peak season, peak hour. max operate at LOS "E". peak season, peak hour. for two ,,'ears before it shall become a deficient road selzment. DEC 0 998 ____D qg 3.15.4._1.33.2. .\ c~mr'.t,. ~,r ',:;,lc r~,ad .,egmcnt t,n the mal~r r~ad netv,(,rk s~.~,lefll v~ho?;u adopt::d I.¢1", qandard is "I-" peak :,ea:-n. p,:ak hot,r, that is prescott? operating at l.().$ "F." peak season, peak hour. based on the ..\[.'IR. In determining the capacit.,, of a coum,, road seement or a state road segment for the purpmc ol'dctcm~inmg ,ahether ~ is a potentially deficient r,)a,J '.c;..'lnt'nl. Irc c~mnt', shall c(a)s~dcr' ..\n'. capital road improvement currently in place: ..\n~ capital road improvemem that is under construction' 3.15.4}.33.3.3. An.,. capital road impro,.cment guaranteed in an cnfl~rccablc development agreement that Includes the pro,.isions in subsections and 3.15a2.3332. 3.1~ 4'1 [he aclual c,,nstructmn ~,I the reqmrcd cap~ta] road impro,¢ement is included and is scheduled ti, c,m~mcncc ~n t,r betorc the third .','ear of the state's fi~c-xcar ~ork pr,,gram and thc c{,unt'.', current five-vear capit!d Jmprr,tcmcnl ,,chcdulc adopted as pa.,x, ~,f the gro~'th managemen! plan: and Thc hoard of county commissioners has made an express finding, after a public hearing, that the current fi,,c-',ear capital improvement schedule is based on a realistic, financially feasible program of funding from existing revenue sources. Public /acilitio mean capital drainage facilities, capital park /hcilities. capital potable 'o, atcr facilities, capital road facilities, capital sanitary seer facilities, and capital solid v, as~e facilities. Sec. 3.15.~4_ Rulesofconstruction. In the construction of this division, thc rules set {)ut in this section shall be observed unless such construction is inconsistent with the manifi:st intent of the Collier ('ountv Board of ('ountv Commissioners. The niles of construction and definitions set forlh herein shall not be applied to an5' provisions ,.*.hich expressly exclude such construction, or '~,.here the subject matter, content or context of such provisions would make such construction internallv inconsistent or inconsistent ,.~.ith other provisions of this division. Generalh' All pro,.isions, terms, phrases and expressions contained in this division shall be liberally construed in order that the true intent and meaning of the Collier County Board of Count,,' Commissioners may be fully carried out. 'terms used in this division, unless otherwi~ provided, shall have the meanintzs prescribed bv the statut~[s of kh{t.~f"'d[.~ lbr the same terms. 13EC 0 2 1998 3.15..4.2. 3.15. .3. 3.15. .4. 3.15..4.q. 3.15.~g4.6. 3.15..4_.10. 3.15..4.11. In thc ~nterp, rctatmn anti applica:mn ~f an~, pro`.'ision (~t' this divi,mm it .',hall b...' held to be the minimum reqmrcment adopted for the promotion (,f the punic health, safer.,.. ~.oml;~rt. convenience and general v. elfare. Where an.,.' provision of th~s d~xiqmn imposes greater restrictions upon the subject matter than a general prr,`.ision imposed bv the grov. th management plan or another provision of this di`.'ision, thc provision imposing the greater restriction or regulation shall be deemed to bc controllinu. Text In case ¢ffan,; dit'fcrcncc of meaning or implication bctx~.een thc text of this di`.'ision and an,.' figure, the text shall control. ('t,mputatitm ,! time. 'l-he time v, ithin which an act is to be done shall bc computed b'. excluding thc first and including the last da.'.,': if thc last da'.,.' is .";aturday. Sunda,. or legal holida`., that da.',' shall be excluded. Dm '[he ~.xord "da.'." shall mean a calendar day. unless "business" da,.' is indicated. Dck, j,,cm,n ,/' authority \Vhcne`.cr a provision appears requiring a dixision administrator, thc head of a department or some other count,,' officer or employee to do some act or perform some duty. it is to be construed to authorized the division administrator: head of thc department or some other count,.' officer or employee to designate, delegate and authorize professional level subordinates to perform thc required act or dut~. unless thc terms of the provision or section specie' othenvise. (h'mtcr Words importing the masculine gender shall be construed include the feminine and neuter, ).broth The ,.`.ord "month" shall mean a calendar month. .\',n-tcchnic~d and technical ~,'ord.~. Words and phrases shall be construed according to thc common and appro`.cd usage of the language, but technic:~! words and phrases and such others as ma.,.' have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in la`.,, shall be construed and understood according to such meaning. .Vumher A word importing the singular number only. may extend and be applied to several persons and things as `.,,'ell as to one person and thing. The use of the plural number shall be deemed to include any single person or thing. Shall. may. The `.x'ord "shall" is mandatory: "ma,.'" is permissive. ?ense Words used in the past or present tense include the as the past or present. 2.6 futur ,qpa'eg DEC 0 2 1998 3.15..~4.12. il'tek '[he ',~,~rd "x~t.'ek" ~,hall m~:an .exert calendar da,, s 3.15..~4.13. ,'f'r:,'t,,,; .r /n ~/'mn.~j 'F[~,,.· term "v,.rlttCrl" ,~r "in vvrllirlL!" .hall con,~t,"tied t~ Include an',' rcpre.,,¢ntatmn of v, ord.,,. !criers. or figures ','.hethcr by printing (,r oil:ur f~,rm or method iff writing. 3.15.$4_.14. )'car The ~.',t,rd "year" shall mean a calendar year. unless a fiscal year is indicated or 365 days is indicated. (()rd. No. 9.1-27. ,'3.5-18-9al Sec. 3.15.65. Establishment of management and monitoring program and regulator::' program: the annual update and inventor2,.' report (AUIR), CIE amendment,,, and annual budget. In order to implcmcm the mandate of thc ('oilier Count>' Grox~lh Management Plan to ensure that adequate potable water, sanitan' sewer, solid ~.~'astc. drainage, park and road public facilities arc availaF, Ic m acc-mmodate devel-pmcnt ~n ('{,llicr County concurrent u. ith when the ~mpaets of devel-pment occur ~n such public tacilities, thc board .f county commissioners establishes. pursuant to the terms of this division. Il I a mana~2ement and monitoring program that evaluates the conditions of public facilities to ensure thc', arc being adequatel.,, planned for and funded maintain the [.O."; For each public facilit), and ~'2~ a regulator3.' program that ensures that ca,ch public faciliv, is w. ailable to serve development orders which are subject to the provisions of this division. (()rd. No. 9-1-27. Sec. 3.15.-7.~_. Manal~ement and monitoring program. (;cncru[ In order to ensure that adequate potable ,~vater. sanitaD' sev.'cr. solid vcastc, drainage, park and road public facilities arc available concurrent with ~.~.hcn thc impacts of dexelopment occur on such public facilities, the c,untv shall establish the rollou.'ing management and monitoring practices. Their purpose is to evaluate and coordinate timing, provision, and funding of potable v. ater. sanitary sev. er. solid ,.vastc. drainage, park and road public facilities ti) to ensure adequdtc planning and funding to maintain thc [.OS ['t,r the public facilities, and (2) t,~ c',aluatc thc capacity (d' thc public facilities for use in the regulator)' program to ensure that no development orders subject to concurrent,. regulation are issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serx'e the development concurrent x~.ith x~.hen the impacts of that development Occur. 3.15.-7~_.2. .4nnual update and inventory report on public facilities (AU1R). On or about Aw_dust December I of each .,.'ear. the Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Db. ision Administrator shall corn update and inventor2:' report on public facilities ~hereinafter AUIR shall determine the existing conditions of all capital capital sanita~' se,.~.'cr, capital solid ,.vastc. capital drainag 2'7 alete an annual ~otable x~. ater. and capital r~ad public l'ac~litte', determine and summarize thc a',a,iablc capacn:, of these capital improxemcnts Ipubiic l~ciliticsI based on their I.(~S. lbrecast the capacity of existing and planned public /~cili~ies identified in the lixe-xcar capital ~mproxement schedule live succeeding 5cars. and ten succeeding years, and identitV ne~ projects nc~'dcd to maintain adopted [.()S. '[he l'orccasts shall bc based on thc mos~ recenHy updated schedule of capital impro~'ements (public l~cilities~ tbr each public /~cilitv The .-XUIR shall be based on the most recent bureau of economic and business research ~BE[AR) ~ population projections, updated public facility inventories, updated unit costs and revenue projections, and analysis ofthe most recent traffic count data. . The findings of the AUIR shall fo~ the basis t~r the preparation of t~e next annual update and arncndment to the CIE. ~ ~-<~,un~~ the detem~ination of any area of significam inllucncc (..XSI) and the re~iew of and issuance of development orders ~ubi~.t t(, thc pro~ isions of lh~s division during thc next year. ..t~nt~t~/ dctcrmm~tttm ,,1 t~dt'qut~tc "('olt',t, or.v .-t" ptthlic htcilitit'.v Ic't~ttcltrret~cll On or about .Xugu:;: December I of each 5ear. thc Community Development ~d Environmental Sen'ices Division .Administrator will present the AL'IR report to the board of county commissioners identiy'ing deficiencies pr potential deficiencies in "CategoO' A" public l~cilities and remedial action options including but not limited to thc tblloxving: 1. Establishment of areas of significant influence IASI's/: 2. Public facility project additions to the CII:' Deferral of dc~.clopmcnt order issuance in affected areas pending: a. [..o',,.ering of [.()S ,.ia grox,,lh management plan amendment: Inclusion of necessars.' public facility projects in the next adopted annual budget and n. Cxt annual CIE update and amendment: 3.15.v,~_.3 c..Approval of new or increased revenue sources needed public facility projects by the board of count,.' commissioners, the state legislature or the count,.' voters. Recommendationx on the annual ['IE updrztc and annual budget. upon the AUIR analysis, the Community Development and Eh,. Sen'ices Division shall propose to the Collier Count, Commission and the Board of County Commissioners on or ab; 2.8 Based"- ut October DEC 0 2 1998 3.15...,~6.4 3.15.7-6.4.1 3.15.-7- 3.15.-~_.4.2.2. t {,1 each x,.:ar, the annual update and amendment to thc CIE as part of thc annual grou. lh management plan amendment cscle transmiual public hearings. It xv~ll include thc public lhciiities needed to maintain I.ON as directed b~ the board ol c,untv commissioners upon presentation of the AUIR. lhc annual budget, x~hich is to be adopted by October 1 of ea~h >car shall also include projects and t~andin~ as directed by the board upon presentation of the prior AL'IR. E.s'tuhli.s'hment of arctl ,f.v~,~,,ilicant in/lucnce t.4Sh.h~r road. v Estuhlishment tff'arcai.~l ,/.$'i.unificanl inflttcncc IASIJ. If thc finding 0f thc Al 'I analysis idcnlifv additional road impr-~'cmcnt pro eels needed to maintain adopted I. OS. they may be included in the road component of thc proposed annual CIE update and amendment al the discretion of the board. Based upon board direction on inclusion of additional road prQects, thc Community Dcxclopmcnt and Environmental Sec'ices Division Administrat,r. in conjunction with thc MOP chief' and lranspomation semites department director may propose and identify one or more areas of significant influence (.ASI~ around any deficient or potentially dclicient road segment {excep~ ~hcre such potcmiallv deficient road segment is pr, 0cc~cd not to exceed its adoplcd IX)S within the firsl three years of thc five-year schedule of capital improvements in the CIE up date and amendment pu¢oscd for transmittal on or about October 1. and the estimated annual residual capacity trips that would be allocated to those applicants ~br certificates of public lhcilitx adequacy within the encompassing such potemiall> deficient road segment during thc next year does not exceed the remaining tripcapacityl. The boundariesofanvASI shall bc established pursuant to thc standards in subsection ; 15.7fi.4.2. of this division along with the annual residual capacity trips covering potemiallx deficient road segments lbr each ASI by ~ Janua~' 1 of each ~car. No residual capacity trips shall bcallotted for development in an .-XSI encompassing a deficient road segment. .(;tandurd. x' in t'.vtuhli.vhin.k, arcu ,f si.k, mficant inlluence Genera/. The bcmndaries tbr an ,,\SI shall be based upon an "envelope" that surrounds major road segments. In general, the ASI surrounding a road segment ,.,.'ill radiate out from the segment a distance of one to three miles, depending upon natural or manmade features, roadway facility type. Additionally. there ma,.' be an overlap of ASI's due to the effect of adjacent land uses upon a roadway segment or segments. Standurdt' in deterr,.ining area of sign!ficant influence t.4.KD. The Community Development ~d Environmental Sen'ices Division .Administrator in conjunction with the MPO chief and transportation se~'ices department director shall examine traffic movm ,~,t p~g~i,~ shall then prepare a map(s) that details the location of the .... ~a ~ ~"-' > DEC 0 2 1998 Such map~s~ shall then be presentcd to the board ofcounty commissioners at n regularly scheduled meeting for its review. The follo,.ving standards shall guide the Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator MPO chief and transportation serxices department director in developing these proposed ASI's: 3.15.:~_.4.2.3. T)pe o[ Road~vay Facilitt .5'cope of..15'! Principal Arterial Three miles on each side of affected segment and three miles from each end of affected segment.! Minor Arterial Two miles on each side of affected segment and two miles for each end of affected segment. Collector One mile on each side of affected segment and one mile from each end of affected segment. Rural .Minor Collector One mile on each side of affected segment and one mile from each end ofaffectcd segment. [.imited ,Access Facility.' One mile from each side ofthe affected segment and three (3) miles from an.,,' access point and each segment end. Determining unnual residual capaciO. trips. The Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator in conjunction with the MPO chief and transportation sen'ices department director shall complete a detailed conditions analysis of the deficient or potentially deficient road segment within each proposed ASI boundary prior to proposing the boundaries of the ASI. The analysis shall take into consideration characteristics of the road segment (such as traffic control. signal spacing, timing, and phasing) using procedures documented in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (or its current editionl. The annual residual capacity trips for the proposed ASI covering the potentiall~v- deficient road segment shall be based upon up to 100 ~ercent of tl'ie potentially deficient road segment's remaining capacity, me hour. peak season trips. Thirty percent of the potentially segment's remaining capacit~ shall be resen'ed for only 20 ~ s u r e.~ q ~ ~'~ffgt~x*4..~ - deficient road ~os ¢ u. hich generate one peak hour tap per da,. ~,r less. based mi the n:,~t recent l'l t". 'I rip (Jenerati{,n Rate Manual. 3.15.x6.4.3. Reviews' and approval hv hr~ard of county comrnis.~itmer.~ After receipt of the proposed Nmndartcs (,fa potential ASI and the proposed residual capacit'., trips of the ASI from the Community Development and l!nvir,,nmental .'%'rvices Division Administrator thc board of counD' c~,n'mussmners, by ¢-~h..~ Janua~' I of each .','car. shall hold a public hcarin,.2 noticed pursuant lo the requirements of F.S. §125.66(5). and alter considcratmn of the proposal and public comment, approve the boundari~'s ~including a map of thc boundaries~ and the annual residual capacity trips of thc ASI. ,.~.ith or without modifications, or determine that competent substantial c,.idence has been placed on thc record to show that the road segment is not potcntiall) deficient and determine that the establishment of an .,\SI is md neccssar.', to ensure that development orders are served by adequate road public facilities. The approxcd boundaries and annual residual capacity tap allotments for each ASI v, ill become effective on C-rc'.;~..hrr Januar~. I of each .'.ear il' additional road improvements are not added to the capital improvement element at that time. 3.15.-7-6.4.4. .[[ap t,fl arca~' o! .~'i~,ntfic'ant influence [.4Sh. A map sho~.ving the boundaries of each ..\SI established by the board of count)' commissioners shall bc kept in the Community De'.clopmcnt and Environmental Sen'ice l)ixi~ion and the office of the clerk to the board of count)' commissioner's for re,.iev, an inspection bv thc public during normal business hours. 3.15.7-6.47,. Dura[ion ,,/c.~tahli.~hed area qf.~'ignificant mflucnce (,.lSD. Once thc boundaries of an ..\SI arc appro~.cd by thc board of county commissioners. thc,. arc valid lbr one )ear. unless othcr,.~.ise dissolved. : Dura/urn o~ rc~:dual tapaci0 /rips ()ncc the road facilit', residual capacit5 trips arc approxed by the board of count\' commissioners, thc,,' are ~alid l;,r ~mc )car. 3. ! 5.-7.fi.4.7. Di.v.~Muti,n ,~f arca o/.~'t~.,,n/icant in/luencc ..fSI If the additional needed road improxcments identified in the AUIR arc added to the CIE or funds are axailable for. and commttted for construction of. the needed road impro,.cments to eliminate the classification of a road as a deficient or potentiall.,, deficient road segment, then the area of significant influence I..\SI) es:ablished tbr that deficient or potentially deficient road segment shall be dissol',ed in the same manner in which it was established. (Ord. NO. 94-27. (3. 5-18-94) 9EC 0 2 1998 Sec. 3.15.87. Regulatom.' program: reviess of development to ensure public facilities arc available. adequate (iencrcd In order to ensure that adequate potable water, sanitar', soy. er. solid ~.,.astc. drainage, park and road public facilities are available ctmcurrcnt with ,.,.hen thc impacts of development occur on each public facility'. Collier Count.'..' shall establish the following development review procedure..; to ensure that no development orders subject to concurrency regulation are issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve thc proposed development. Exemptinns The follov,'ing development orders and development shall bc exempt from the terms of this division: I' All '.alid. unexpired final development of regional impact ~DRI~ dc'.cl~,pmcnt <~rdcrs ,.~.hich '.~crc issued prior to adoption of the Collier ('c, untx Growth .Management Plan on January 10. 1989. except where: Development conditions or stipulations applicable to concurrency, or thc provision of adequate public facilities concurrent with the impacts 6f de~.elo?mcnt, exist in the DRI development order: ' Substantial deviations are sought for a DRI development order, and then. this divi:~ion shall apply c, nlv to those portions of the development for v, hich the deviation is sought: An oxcrriding concern for public health, saiL'tv, or v. elfare exists: The counts can demonstrate pursuant to F.."; .~380.06 that substantial changes in the conditions underlying the approval of thc development order have c, ccurrcd or the development order was based on substanti~.~lv inaccurate information provided by the developer or that the application of this division to the development order is clearly established to be esscnti~l to the public health, safety and welfare: or The ne,,', requirements would not so change or alter a DRI developmedt order that the,.' would materially or substantially affect the developer's ability to complete the development authorized ~v the DRI development order. Construction of public facilities that are consistent with the Collier County Growth .Xdanagement Plan. An.,.' development orders detem'fined by the Community De Environmental Services Division Administrator not to facilities as evaluated against the standards contained in this 22 mpact public ai"i i ' 0 Z 1998 3. i ~')riginal temporary constructmn and development perTnits and subsequent rcne,.,.al~ not to cxcccd a cumulati,.c period of one >>>'ear. an',.' Dc,.eh)pment orders permitting replacement, reconstruction or repair of existing development consistent with all elements of the growth management plan. Original temporary use permits and an,.' subsequent renev, als not to exceed a cumulati,.'e period of one ,.'car. Any development order or development `.,.'hose current owner is entitled to receive, and `.','ho properly obtains, a determination of vested fights for adequate public facilities ("APF"} in accordance with thc provisions ofthi4s section,7. ..[p/~lictttiotI An applicati{m for determination of vested rights for APF shall bt' submitted in the form established by the Community Development and Environmental Set'\'ices Division Administrator. An application fee in an amount to be determined by the board of count>>>' commissioners shall accompan.`, and be part of the application. The application shall, at a minimum, include: Name. address, and telephone applicant if other than the o`.vner: number of the owner and authorized Street address, legal description, and acreage of the propert>': and All Ihctual information and knm,.ledge reasonably available to thc owne,'r and applicant to address the criteria established in section Detcrmimttion of t'ompletcncs.~' After receipt of an application for determination of vested rights for APF. the growth management chief shall determine whether the application submitted is complete. If he determines that the application is not complete, the Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing ot' the deficiencies. The Communit>' Development and Environmental Set`. ices DJ`. ision Administrator shall take no further steps to process thc application until the deficiencies have been remedied. Review and determination or recommendation h)' Community Development and Em'ironm£'ntal Services Division Administrator and the counn' attorn©'. After receipt of a completed application fgr determination of vested fights for APF. the Community Development an'd Environmental Services Division Administrator and the count>>>' attorney shall review and evaluate the application in light of all of h~ section 3.1 ' _ '~ . .no · >.87._.7.7. Based on the review and ev,duatlon.'-"lh':~ Community Development and Environmental Servic:s Division 23 ogc 0 g 1998 Administrator and thc countx attorney, shall prepare a wr;ttcn r¢cornmcndation Io the hearing ot'liccr that Ihe application should b? denied, granted or granted with conditions by the hc'aring officer Sud'~ rcc~wnmendation shall include findings of fact for each of the criteria established in section 3.15.g7.2.7.7. to the extent that informamm i~' presented or obtained or inclusion feasible or applicable. If Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division .Administrator and the cotmtv attorney agree based on lhe reviev, and evaluation that the application lbr determination of vested rights lbr .AP}: so clearly should be granted or granted v,'ith conditions, then the', ma.,. enter into a v,'ritten stipulated determination of vested rights for APF v,'ith thc owner, in lieu of the written recommendation to the hearing officer and the provisions in sections and However. an)' such stipulated determination shall be in writing, signed by thc Community l)evclopment and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator the count.,, attorney and the owner, and shall include findings of fact based on thc criteria established in section conclusions of law for such criteria, and the determination granting granting with conditions, in ,.t hole or in pan. the vested rights for adequate public /~cilities. Rev~c~, and Determination u/ i'e.~ted Rtght.~ Determination Jor .qPF by heartn.g of. ricer, t.:pon receipt bv the }{earing Officer of the .Application for Determination of Vested Rights for APF and the written recommendation of the Community Development and Environmental Services Dixision ..\dministrator and the County Attorney. thc l~tearing Officer shall hold a public hearing on the application. At the hearing. Ihe ttearing Officer shall take evidence and s~.,.'om testimony in regard to the criteria set forth in Section g.', and shall Rdlov,' the rules of procedure set forth in Section 120.571111bl. 4.6.7. and g. Florida Statutes. and Section l_O..§llllal.ld~ and 115. Florida Statutes. and Section 120.5glI I(bl. Florida Statutes. onl,, to the extent that the }{earing Officer is empov,'ered to s',vear witnesses and take testimony under oath. The l:{earing Officer shall follov.' the procedures established for administrative hearings in Rules 600-2.009. 2.017. 2.020. 2.022. 2.023. 2.024. 2.025'. 2.027. and 2.031. Florida Administrative Code except as expressly set tbnh herein. The parties before the }tearing Officer shall include the County. the o~.vner or applicant, and the public. Testimom,' shall be limited to the matters directly relating to the standards set forth in Section g7._.7.7. The Count,,' Attorney shall represent the County. shall attend the public hearing, and shall offer such evidence as is relevant to the proceedings. The owner of the property and its authorized agents, ma,,' offer such evidence at the public hearing as is relevant to the proceedings and criteria. The order of presentation before the Hearing Officer at the public hearing shall be as follo',a's: 11 the County's summan.' of the application, written recommendation, witnesses and other owner or applicant ,.vimesses and evidence: 3~ public evidence: 4) Count.,,' rebuual, if any: and 51 applicant rebutta 24 ¥itnesses and 0 2 1998 Wnhin fifteen 1151 ~orking dass after thc completion of thc public hearing under Section the }tearing Officer shall consider thc ApplicaUon tbr I)etem~nation of Vested Rights for APF. thc recommendation of the Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator and the Count)' Auomey. and the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing, in light of all thc criteria set lbnh in Section and shall deny. grant, or grant with conditions the Application for De~e~ination of Vested Rights for APF for the property or propemes at issue. The dete~ination shall be in xwiting and shall include findings of hct t~r each of the applicable criteria established in Section 82._.7.7. conclusions of law for each of such criteria, and a dcte~ination denying, granting, or granting x¢ith conditions, in x~hole or in pan. thc xestcd rights for adequate public ..Ippcul /, the h,w'd ,t c,uem c,mm:~,i,,m'r* Within thin~ f~Ot da~ atier issuance of the Jiear~nu Ol'ficcr'~ ~vr~tlcn delcmination of vested rights for APF. the Coumx ..Mtomcx. the Communit~ Development and Environmental Sec'ices Dixision Administrator. or thc o~ner or its authorized attomex or a?n:. may appeal the detc~ination of vested rights lbr APF of the i lcaring Officer to the Board of County Commissioners. A fee fi~r the application and processing of an o~vner-initiated appeal shall established at a rate set by the Board of County Commissioners from time to ~imc and shall be charged to and paid by the owner or its authorized agent. Thc Board of County Commissioners shall adopt the }leaping Officer's detemunation of vested rights ibr APF. with or without modifications or conditions, or reject the Hearing Officer's deracination of vested rights lbr APF. The Board of Count~ Commissioners shall be authorized to modify or rciect the }{earing Officer's dete~inalion~ of vested righls Ibr APF unless the Board of Coumv Commissioners finds tha~ thc I lcarin~ Officer's dctc~ination is not supported b~ substantial competent evidence in the record of thc treating Officer's public hearing or that ~hc }leafing Officer's dete~ination of vested d~hts for APF is contra~ t~ the criteria established in Section 8Z.2.7.7. ('riteria/t~r l'ested Rkl.,hr, This section is intended to strictly adhere to and implement existing case lax,.' and statutory law as they relate to the doctrine of vested rights and equitable estoppel as applied to a local government exercising its authority and powers in zoning, the provision of adequate public facilities concurrent with development {concurrency). and related matters. It is the express intent of Collier County to require application of the provisions of this Ordinance to as much development and property in the uniTcorporated area~ of the County as is leailv ~l possible without violating the lel2allv vested rit, hts which the nu,.,,~.,_._~..,-i-~. ..~ accordance with Florida common law and statut~¢~ have obtained in particularl' Section 16:.3167{8}. Florida Statutes. The :riteria herein 1998 prox'ided shall be c{m~ldcrcd in rendering a xested rights detcrm:natmn tinder this .~ection. It is intended that each case bc decided on a case case Gctual analysis. An c,x`.ner shatl be entith.'d to a determination of vested rights for APF only if he demonstrates bv substantial competent evidence that he is entitled to complete development without regard to the othemise applicable provisions of this Ordinance based on thc provisions of Section 163.3167(8L Florida~ Statutes. or all three of the follou.'ing requirements of the three-part )est under Florida common law: 1} Upon some act or omission of the County. 21 a property o's'ncr relying in good faith. 3) has made such a substantial change in position or has incurred such extensive obligations and expenses that it ~.~.ould be highly inequitable and unjust to destro'.' thc rights acquired. [.irnit~tlttm on detcrrntnt/titm of vt'.~'tt'd right.~' b,r ..IPF A Determination of Vested Rights for APF '.'.hich grants an application Ibr determination of xestcd rights for APF shall expire and be null and void unless construction ~.., commenced pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plat. ,',r final site development plan. ,.`.'hhin t~.~.'o 12l .,.'cars after the issuance of thc determination of vested fights for APF under this Section 8Z.2.7. or unless substantial permanent buildings have been. or are being constrficted or installed pursuant to a valid, unexpired, final development order of Collier County within t,,~.'o ¢2} years after issuance of the determinatioln of ~.estcd rights for APF under this Section 87.2.7.. and such development pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plat. final ~. site dex¢lopment plan. final subdixision master plan. or planned iunit. dex¢lopment master plan is continuing in good faith. The aforementioned tx`.o ¢2) .'.car time limitation on the determination of vested rights for APF shall be stax ed during an,. time periods ,.vithin v. hich commencemeDt of construction pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plat. or final site development plan is prohibited or deferred by the County solely as a result of lack of adequate public facilities to serve the property. pursuant to this Ordinance. ('err!lit'ate ,f Puhlic Facility .qdequacy (iencr~d : A valid, unexpired Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall be obtained at the filing for the earliest or next to occur of final subdivi'sion plat. final site development plan or building permit, provided however. any development orders except a final local development order ma.,.' be approved or issued provided the.,,' are expressly conditioned on. the issuance of a Certificate of Public Facilit'~' Adequacy prior to building permit approval and provided the owner and applicant proceed at their own risk and expressly waive and release the Count.,.' in writing f,./~c~5~ ' ' and all future claims of vested rights and equitable estoppel such conditional approval or actions relying thereon. 2fi resulting from DEC 0 2 1998 ..\t thc applicanl's rcqucsl, ll]c ('~,untx' shall rcxie,,,` and approve, or den.'.. an Application for a (:crt~licate of Public Facility Adequacy prior Io the consideration of an Application for Development Approxal for an,,' development order needed for a proposed dc,, elopmcnt prior to receipt of a final subdivision plat approxal, final site development plan approval, or building permit approval. \\'here the proposed de',clopment has been issued final .,.ubdivision plat approval or final site de',clopment plan approval prior to the effecti,.e date of this Ordinance. a Certificate ot Public Fac~htv :\dequao,' shall ,be obtained prior to appro,`'al t,f thc' next de,.'eh'Tment order reqmred for ithc proposed development. All applicable impact IL'es and system development fees for a development ! shall be paid into the Impact [-ce Escmv. Trust Fund in the amount estimated to be due upon issuance of the building pcrmitlsl for ,,thc de:eh,pmcnt upon or prior t,, issuance of a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy fc, r the development, except in the instance ora simultaneous application for a building permitlsl and a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy in ,.vhich caselsl all applicable impact fees and system development fees ,`,,ill be paid directly into the appropriate impact fee fund at the time the building permitlsl and Certificate are picked up by ,he applicant. The payment of the estimated impact and system development fees into the Impact Fee Escrow Trust Fund shall be applied as a credit to'aards the impact and svstem development fees calculated and due upon issuance of the building permit(s) for the development. Impact and sys[em de,.elopment fees paid into the Impact Fee Escrow Trust Fund shall} be refundable upon written request to the Community Development pnd Em. ironmental Sen'ices Division Administrator accompanied by 5the · surrender of the original ('enificate of Public Facility Adequacy obtaiped prior to issuance of building permit{s) for the development, lees Paid upon issuance of building pcrmitlsl in accordance with the applicable impact fee or system development fee ordinances shall be refundable pursuant to the provisions of such ordinances upon written request to the Finance Director. Clerk of Courts. Rules of general opplic'obili(l h~r cert(ficate o. f puhlic/dcility adequacy Timing An Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy ma.,.' be submitted at an.,.' time. subject to Section Consolidated application. ..\ building permit, final subdivision plat' or final site development plan shall receive final approval only to the extent to ,`vhich the proposed development receives a Certifi(.a:e of P;,blic Facility Adequacy. Thc Application for a Certificate of Adequacy ma.,.' be submitted with an Application for Approval. where appropriate under this Ordinance. 2'7 ,ublieoF,,,-lla,: '~- ~l Development DEC 012 1998 3.1>.87.3....4... .4.~'.~t.~.,nahditv wul trwt~lcraht/tt~ ..\ (.crtificate ,d' Public lac~!~tx Adcquac5 shall mn with thc land. shall bc assignable within a pmp~,,.cd development, and shall not be ass~unablc or transfkrablc t~, ,,thor development. Exptrattt,n A Certificate ~,1' Public Facilit'. Adequacy shall expire three (31 .'.'cars from the date of its approval except Io the extent that building permits have been issued fbr the proposed development for which the Certificate is approved, and the proposed development is then completed pursuant to the terms of the Collier Count.,.' Building Code. provided:" For development comprised of more than five hundred (500) residential d,.velling units, or for a phased increment of development comprised of more than one hundred and fift,,' 1150~ residential dwelling units, or for a commercial industrial dc~.cl-pmcnt of more than 100.000 square feet of gross leasable area. a Certificate of Public t'acilitv Adc'quacy shall expire live t5~ .,.ears from the date of its apprm, al except to the extent that building permits have been issued for the proposed development for v.'bich the Certificate is appro~.ed, and thc pre, posed development is then completed pursuant to the terms of the (,'oilier County Building (.'ode. pro,. ided thc certificate holder: ONains approval of its Final Subdixision Plat and Final Site Development Plan. ',~.hichcvcr is applicable, within tv, el,.c 112} months from the date of issuance of the (_'ertificate of Public Facility Adequacy: and Commences construction of the infrastructure for the Final Subdivision Plat and Final Site Development Plan. v. hichexcr is applicable, x~i!hin tv, cnty-four 124) months from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy: and Completes the construction of the infrastructure 10r the Final Subdivision Plat and Final Site De,.elopment [:'lan. ~ahichever is applicable, and records the Final Subdivision Plat in the public records of Collier County. if applicable, xvithin thirty-six (361 months from the date of issuance of tl~c Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy. For purposes of determining the expiration of a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy for a mixed use development, the size of the mixed !use development shall be determined by aggregating the percentage ofithe threshold for each land use component identified in Section g7. ihat is proposed for the mixed use development. ~ E/.~,cr Issuance of a Certificate of Public Facility demonstrate proof of adequate public facilities to sen'e th, approved in the development order, subject to the con development order. A subsequent Application for De,.'elop~ 28 Adequac?' shall litions in the for dcxclopment approxcd in a de`.ciopmcnt (,rdcr for `.~.hich a ('en~ficatc of Public Facilit,.' :\dequac.x ha.,, been approved shall be determ~neld to have adequate public lhcilitics as long as the £'ertilicate ~I' Public l:acilit`. ..\dequacy ~s valid and unexpired. When a Certificate of Public Fac:.ilit> Adequacy expires, an>' subsequent Application for Development ApprOval shall require a new (Tertificate of Public Facility Adequacy to be xs.Sued pursuant to the terms of this section prior to approval of any subsequent development order Ibr thc proposed de'~elopmcnt. Anything in this Ordinance to thc contrary notwithstanding, all Certilicates of Public Facility Adequacy approved or issued from the date that the Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator presents the proposed ASI boundars' maps to the Board of County Commissioners. as provided by Section through the date that the boundaries and the .Annual Re~idt, al Capacit>' Trip Allotments for each ASI are approved b,. the Board shall be expressl>' conditioned u~pon an,. and all restrictions, limitations, pro~. isions, boundaries and allotments adopted by the [h~ard of ('t,unt`. Commissioners pursuant to Section 6.4.3. EfK'ct o~ l)cvclopmcnt ..I.t, rccmcnt tn ('onlunctttm with u ('ertifica(e o~ l'uhlic /"acl[it~' .-Idcquu0 Upon approval b>' the Board of CoUnt.,.' Commissioners. any applicant ma,.' enter into a Development Agreement `.`.ith Collier County pursuant to the provisions of Section 163.3220-3242. Florida Statutes. in conjunction xt.'ith the approval ora development order and'or a Certificate of Public Facility Adequac>'. The effect of the Dexelopment Agreement shall be to bind the parties pursuant to the terms and conditions of the De,.elc, pment .Agreement and the Certificate of Public Facilit,~ Adequac>' in order to insure that adequate public facilities are available to serve thc proposed development concurrent wilh when the impacts of the development occur on the public facilities. Developrflent Agreements ma>' address conditional development order approx'als land conditions for renewal of the Certilicate of Public Facilit>' Adeqt}ac>' be)ond Ii`.c 151 >>>ears. ho`.`.e,.cr, the duration of an>' Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall not exceed five {5} >>>'ears. Development Agreements may also provide for private provision of public facilitieg or for a joint endeavor bet~.~.een the private sector and Collier Count,,' to provide public facilities. An.,.' public facility in the Five ~5) Year Schedule of Capital Improvements in the CIE on ~.x'hich such a Certificate of .Adequate Public Facilities is made in conjunction with the approval of a development order and a Development .Agreement shall not be delayed. deferred, or removed from the Five ~51 Year Schedule of Improvements in the CIE. Procedure/or Review of Application. .$'uhmi.~'sion o/'application and fee. An Application for ~ Public Facility Adequacy shall be submitted to th Development and F. nvironmental Sen'ices Division Adm 29 Certi~~ 'Community nis~gr'0 'q998 _ !lOq__...j 3.15.8Z.3.4.3. application shall he submiacd at thc filing o:'the earliest or next to ~,ccur oI final subdivision plat. final site dcxciopmcnt plan. or building permit. An application ]~e in an amount to be dcte~ined b~ thc Board of ('ount~ Commissioners shall accompan3 and be pan of the application. ..tp?licut,m ctmtent.~ Thc form and contents for thc Application for Public Facility Adequacy shall be established by the Community l)exelopmcnt and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator and shall be published and made available to the general public. Determination e~f completene.~.s' and review. After receipt of!' an .Application for Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy. the Commuhity Development and Environmt:ntal Sen'ices Division Administrator shall determine whether it is complete within three (3) business days. If i~t is determint:d that Ibc application is not complete. X,.Titten notice shall' be served ,)n the applicant specifying thc deficiencies. The Community I)c',elopmt:nt and Envir(mmcntal Sen'ices Division .Administrator shall :ake no t'urthcr acti(m on thc application unless the deficiencies are remedit:d. Within fivt: 15~ bus,ness days after the application is determined to be complete, the Community Development and [in,. ironmental Sen'ices [)ix ision Administrator shall reviev, and grant, or dew. each public facility component in the a~plication pursuant to the standards established in Section 87.3.5. -- .-t?[wul to Public Facilitio Dcterminution Appeal ('~,mmtttee Within thin.,.' (~c)) daxs after issuance of the determination (,f the Commupitv De'~ t:lopment and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator on i.the Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy. the appli4ant ma,, appeal the determination of the Community Development and En',ironmental Sen'ices Division Administrator on the .Application t~ir a Ct:nlfJcate of Public Facilitx Adequacy to the Public Facili'ities Determination Appeal Committee. A fee for the application and processing of an appeal ~hall be established at a rate set by the Board of (.'ountv Commissioners from time to time and shall be charged to and paid b', thc applicant. Thc Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall hold a hearing on the appeal and shall consider the determination of the Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator and public testimonv in light of all the criteria set Ibrth in Section 87.3.5 of this Ordinance. The Public Facilities Determina{ion .Appeal Committee shall adopt the Community Development ~nd En,.ironmental Sen'ices Division Administrator's determination on 'the .Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy with or without modifications or conditions, or reject the Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division .Administrator's determination. The Public Facilities Determination .Appeal Commirtee shall not be authori,zed to modifv or reject the Community Development and E Sen'ices Division Administrator's determination unless Facilities Determination Appeal Committee finds that the del ' the Public :rm pj,°0 1998 3.15.8Z. not suppc, ned b...,ubstanttal competent c; idcnce or that ,,he ('omrnu.Pit,. l)csel~,pment and lm~.ironmcntal .Services Di',ision Adminislratbr'.,, determination is contrary to the criteria established in Section ,82.3.. ~ this Ordinance. '[he decision of thc Public Facilities Dctem'~ma[ion ..\ppcal ('ommittec shall include findings ,,f Iht! for each of the criteria; Public Facilitie.,, Determ~natmn Appeal (._'ommittee shall be comprised of three I';I members: the c,'c: .... c r'~;.~ prvjects x~ .......... Public Works Divisicm Director. or his designee: Metropolitan Planning Organization {.MPO)Coordinator. or his designee: and thc ~ [nizineerint~ Review Services Manager. or his designee. ('wwelhm(m o[ certi/k'atc.s l'pon notification by the Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator or his dcqgnee, that an applicat,,n f-r a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy has been appro'~'ed and a ('erfificat¢ issued, the applicant shall have thirty ~3(}} calendar days to pick up thc ('erlificatc and pa.', all applicable impact and system dc'~clopmcnt lees. It' the applicant fails to pick up (.'crtificatc and pay the appropriate fees u. ithin t'~.entv (20} calendar days of notification of appro,.al, a second notification of pending cancellaiion of the Certificate will be sent to the applicant by certified mail. If the applicant docs not pick up the Certificate and pa5' all applicable fees v,'ithin ten il0} calendar daxs of notification bb' certified mail. the ('er~ificate v;ill be xoidcd. In such a case. the applicant shall then be required to apply for issuance of a ne~.~. Certificate. Certificates issued simultaneously with building permits shall be voided if the applicant fails to pick up the building permit and fails to pa.,.' all applicable fees within the time period during '~.hich such building permit{s~ remainls) valid. .q'tamh~rd.~ h~r rcvit'~s td applic'amm The fi)lloxving standards shall be used in the detc~ination of whether to grant or deny a Cc~ificatc of Public }:acilitx' Adequacs. Bcfi~re issuance of a Certificate of Public Facilitx Adequac3. the application shall fulfill the standards for each Public l:acilit3 component lPotable Water. Sanita~' Sewer. Solid Wagte. Drainage· Parks and Roads}. PomMe ~uter fac'ilitie.~. The Potable Water component shall be granted if an.,.' of the follov,'ing conditions are met: The required Public Facilities arc in place at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities are under construction at the Iii permit is issued. 32 1998 3.1<873.5.1.J. 3.15.8Z. 3.15.8Z.3.5.4. l he required Public Facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable nc,tides the provisions of Subsections development agreement Sanitary .5'e ~'er t:~c'ilities The Sanitary Seu,'er component shall be granted if any of the lbllo~.ving conditions are met: The required PuNic Facilities arc in place at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities arc under construction at the time a building permit is issued. ' Thc required Public t acllit~e~, arc guaranteed in an enforceable de~ck,pmcnt agrccment that includes the provisions of Subsections .q'.hd ll'a.~tc Thc solid ~aastc component shall be granted it' any of the following conditions arc met: The required Public Facilities are in place at the time a building permit is issued. 1''he required Public Facilities are under construction at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities arc guaranteed in an enforceable development that includes the pro,.isions of Subsections ~.2.5._'-..I.I '~ 15 7 '~.5.;.1 I and ~:": ~ ~ '~ Drainage .facilities. The Drainage component shall be granted if the proposed development has a drainage and ,.~'ater management plan that has been approved by the Environmental Services Division that meets the LOS for Capital Drainage Facilities defined in Subsection 43.22. Park and Recreation Facilities The Parks and Recreation component shall be granted if any of )the following conditions are met: The required Public Facilities are in place at the time a building_ ~ AGE ~D;~_JJ E ~ ' issued. ~o DEC 0 2 1998 22 1he required Public t ac~i::~.',, arc under construction at the time a building permit ~s ,ssucd 3.15.8Z. The required Public Facilities are thc subject c)f a binding contract executed for the construction of those Public Facilities ,.vhich provides lbr commencement of actual construction v, ithin one ,,'car of issuance of a building permit. The required Public Facilities arc guaranteed in an cnlbrceabtc dexelopment agreement that includes the provisions of Subsections · g:-3.5.5.~ ~ ~" ': *' ~ "~'~ ~ ~ 5.5.1 ' 3.lq 7.3 '~ < 1.1 3 ' and R,ad b'm'ilitic~ The Road component shall be considered based upon ,.',berber the proposed development is outside a designated ASI or within a designated ASI, Dcvcl,,pmcnt ()ut~idc Dc.~t,m~lcd ..lrctt t,/ .~'i,gni/icant Influence II'l~crc '(, ..IS/ [:'xt.~l.h ["{~r dexelopmcnt {,utside a designated ASl. or x~.herc no AS[ exists, the R~ad component shall be granted. Devclopment ll'ithm De.~t.gnatcd Area of .%'ig,u/icant Influence /ASh For de'~cl(,pment within a designated .-',SI covering a potentially deficient road segment, thc Road component shall be approved, subject to available capacit.',, if it i: dcm,,nstrated thc proposed development will not make the poten:iall) deficient road >egmcnt '~vithin the ASIa deficient toad segment In ~hc m.-tancc where the proposed development x¥ill create a deficient road ~.%zment. a (_'c~ificate of Public Facility Adequacy for the re, ad c~.,mponcm ,hall be approxed onb. for that portion of the dc'.cl~,pment ' ' ' tr',a, d,,et, not create the deficient road segmem. For de,.etc, pment v, ttk:n a do~cnated ASI co',cnng a deficient road segment. the road ~.,,,,"np,,nc.n,' -hai', "..:.' appro'.cd ~.,nl', for that portmn of thc de,.cl,,pm, cn: that dr,e> n,,: ~ncrca.,c the net trips on the dclicient road · ':'~' ' ,~,,ht:, dccradc the I.OS of thc deficient road c,.,.icn, and dt~c, nt,t '""' " . segment Sec. 3.15.08. Liberal construction, se~ erabilit)., and penal provision. The pro,.isions of this di~,ismn shall be libcrallv construed to effectively cam' out its purpose in the interest of the public health, safety, welfare and convenience. Ifanv section, phrase, sentence or portion of this division is held invalid or unconstitutional by an.,,' court of competen such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and 5.3 )r 2.n.".' ~'~"'"'e,'~ ~ jufi~i~ independent OEC 0 g 1998 provision, and such holding shall not effect The validity r',f the remaininu portion 3.15.1)8.3. ,.\ violation oF this division shall be misdemeanor punishable according to law: ho'~'cver, in addition Io ur in lieu of any criminal prosecution. Collier Count,,' shall have the po'~vcr to sue in civil court to enlbrce the provisions of this division. lord. No. 94.-27. §3.5-18-94) 3 15 Xl)tr')L .Xlf Ptl~t,l£ F.\('II.I[II~.I.[X AMIN[)MI'NT Sl..mdlllD(. C?clc 2- IqmX 34 ~,G E N DA_I~T E la .... ! O2 1998 ORIGIN: ('ummunitv Dexeloprnent 8,: Em~ronmcntal Sc~'iccs AUTHOR: RonaldNino. AICP DEPART.MENT: Planning Services LDC PAGE: 5.7 LDC SECTION: ,~.2.11. CHANGE: adjustments commission Amend Section 5._.2.11. Appeal to hoard of zoning appeals or building board of and appeals for the purpose of including appeals to decisions of the count planning ',,.here the planning commission is empov, ered ,,vith final decision making authority. REASON: The Land De,,elopment Code grant approval authority to the Count)' Planning commission for certain types of land uses related petitions. These include preliminary subdivision master plans and minor revisions to PL'D Master Plans. Since the board ~fcountv commissioners is ultimate decision making authority the proposition is made that an)' decisions of an administrative official or appointed advisor' body should be subject to an appeal from any aggrieved pa~y. Section 5.2.11. provides for an appeal from the decision of the planning commission but docs not currently include an)' aggrieved pan.,.'. This amendment would add' final decisions made b,. the count)' planning cornmission and an.', aggrieve part)' as subject to appeal. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None ..'.,mend the LDC as follov, s' Sec. 5.2.11. Appeals. As to an)' land development petition or application upon v, hich the planning commission takc~ final action, the petitioner or applicant or as2urieved pan,.' may appeal such final action to the . board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners ma)' affirm, affirm with conditions, reverse or reverse with conditions the action of the planning commission. Such appeal shall be filed with the development services director within 30 days of the date of the final action b,v the planning commission and. shall be noticed for hearing with the board ofcount.v commissioners, as applicable, in the same manner as the petition or application was noticed hearing with the planning commission. The cost of notice shall be borne by the petitioner or AGE~iD~, applicant or aggrieved party. .~ 2 I1 L[X.' AM[iN[')%t[-'NI RFN,md.'ll L[~' CYCI.[i 2 · l~o~i 3EC 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: ~,'ommumtx l)e:eh:,pment and Fm. iranmentat .Scrxiccs AI.'TItOR: \Villiam D. l,orenz. P.E.. Director DEPARTMENT: Natural Rc.,,,urccs l)cparlrncnl LDC PAGE NUMBER: LDC/:20 LDC SECTION: 5.13.1 CHANGE: Consolidate the functions of the EAB and the EPTAB into one environmental advisor' board now known as the "En,.ironmemal Advisory C.'ouncil". REASON: Provides the B('C with a single advison' committee regarding environmental matters...Xllo,.~.s staffto brief and recei~.e ~nput from c, nlv one eh,. ironmental committee thus improving start producti,, i~x FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: Thc creation of a single advisoO' board will reduce the need for staff m brieftv, o separate bc, ard.,, on ch,. ironmental i.,,sues, especially' land development regulations. 'l'he generalion of minutes, issuing public notices and other administrati',e duties '.',ill be reduced. The additional eflic~ency gained will result in saving the Count,.' approximately' S1.000 in staff time. RELATED COI)ES OR REGULATIONS: Requires the repeal ofOrdinance 91-26 which established the Environmental Policy Technical ..\dvisoo' Board IEPTAB). a-nd EAC. AG E,~DA..~.T E U DEC 0 2 1998 o,, //to _ fi;r :n .di;'it.i~m 3.5. ' I - 5 'ir,' nm:nra!; ........... ,r:,c, aF?cal h.';ard purr. uan: '-. · , " ')" I'3. .... ,;.- .......,-, ~,~; ; ..... gE,r 0 2 1998 b~ard. ': :-E,~, 0 2 1998 / F,~,:. 5.13. ?. :% ppcal- 1998 ........ r~. h! h: ............. ''""'~ %'~';, ': ............. :: ..... : g 199q i · . ,'Il, .... ,'l,.,~,~ ,,:;,s ........... I i,,~,l,.,,~. ,.,, ;'; ~ , .... ., ,.,,..,,. ........ ,,,. ,., ~,, .,.,,,.- ..,,,, . . R ........ div. 21. Sec. 5.13.1. Establishment of the environmental ad',isor',' council. 5.13. I. 1. There is herebv established "The Environmental Advisory Council" which shall herein he referred to as the EAC. Any references within the Land Development Code to the Environmental Advisor',' Board shall nOw refer to the Environmental Advi,~orv Council. Sec. 5,13.2. Authoritv, func0ons, powers and duties. kS...,J3.2. !. The EAC obtains its jurisdiction, power,,, and limits of' authoritv from the board or county commissioners, hereinafter referred to a~ the board, and pursuant to this code, shall acl in an advisory capacity to the board in matters de:!iing with the regulation, control, management, use or exploitation of any or all natural resource~ of or within lhe county and [he review and evaluation of specific zoning and development petitions and their impact on those resources. The EAC ,,,.'ill function to: Advise on the preserva~.ion, conservation, protection, management and benelicial use of the physical and biological natural resources !.a!mospheric, terrestrial, aquatic and hydrgl0gic) of the county in regard to the safety, health and general well-beinq of the public; Advise and assist the count',' staff and board toward developing the purpose, intent and criteria of all county ordinances, policies, proerams and other initiatives dealing, with natural resources. (3) Provide written and oral reports directly to the Board regarding recommendations on matters dealing with the protecticm of natural resources. (4) Review and recommend stipulations addressing the preservation, conservation, protection, management and beneficial use of the county's physical and biologicol natural resou~'ceS (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic and hydrologic} for petitions:; and/or plans for selected development orders, including but not limited to rezones, developments of regional, impact, provisional use, subdivision master plans and planned unit. development amendments that are directed to the EAC b,v county st~lff- the board or thc provisions of this code. - ^~t.o~,~r~,~ No ~ 1998 5,13.2.3. Tl~e pov,'er,~ and duties of the [:Ag, ;irc a, f,,ll,,v,,: (41 Identify, stud~.., evaluate, and provide technical reo,rnmendation~ to the board on program,~ necessary for lhe conservation, rn;in,agenlent 2nd proteCtl~n ~ff air. land. and water resources and environmental quality in the county Advise the hoard in estahlishing.goaN and obNcti,.'e.,, for the county's environmental conservation and mana,.zement programs. Advise the hoard in developing nnd revising, as appropriate, local rule~, .ordinances, regulations, proc. rams and other initiatives addressine lhe use, cor~servation and preservation of tile c~untv',~ nlllur;d re~ource,,. Advi,,e lhe board m the. implementalum :md developmen! ~f lhe t~rowth managemenl plan regardln~ env. ironmen..tal..and natural..re~,ource Advise the hoard in identdying and rec~mmending ~,olutl(m.,, t(, existing and future environmental (6) Serve as the tgchnical ad,.'i~orv committee t~, advise and a,,sist thc county in thc (117 (12) activities involved in the de','elopmcn~ and implcmentalion of the count`.' environmental resource,; mana~eement pr~ram a', ,,tared in Policy I. I. i of the conservation and coastal management element of the growth management plan. Implement the water policy pursuant to chapter 90, article II of this Code. Provide an opportunity fl)r public comment on en'.'ironmenta[ issues, ordinances '.and programs. Implement lhe provisions of the conservation and coastal mam~gement element the county's comprehensive plan during Iht' review process for dc, clopment petitions and'or plan,,. Participate in the re,.'iew and recommendation process for excavatiom, over 1,000,000 C,Y., as provided for in division .1.5. Assist in the implementation of an,,' new programs, ordinances and/or policies adopted by the board of county commissioners which deal with the conservation, management and protection of air, land, water and natural resources and environmental quality in Collier Count,.'. Provide an appeals forum and process to hear disputes between county staff and applicants concerning land development projects and recommend prop( DEC 0 Z 1998 _ _ ,'n,und, l,,r pr,,,jcc~ dcni;d t,,r stipulation~ for proi¢cl approval or. consideration. {13) Function as an environment;fi impacl qatement (I:.IS~ review hoard pur,~uant to ~I division 3.8. , (14) The EAC shall present an annual i'eport to the Board at a regular Board meeting in, May of each ,.'ear. The report shall li,,t the EAC's achievements for the prior year, present its ohjecti`.'es for the cominc,. ,,'ear and hiehliqht environmental issues that need further stud`.'. Sec. 5.13.3. Membership. . ~)ne member,, of the E. AC .,,,hall he ;,ppointcd h~. and )cr','¢ at the pleasure of the board Appoinunent to the..F,t'~.C shall he by resolution .of the h,~ar.d .and shall set forth the date gf appoinlment arid the teml of office. ~ ;5, 1,3~3~2. Vacancie~ 0n the EAC shall be publicized in a publication of general circular.ioni within the county, and vacancy notices shall be posted in the county libraries and county courthouse. Along with the applicant responses, the board's staff shall provide the board with a list outlining the qualifications and demoe, raphic background of each candidate, including the present members seekin~ reappointment. Applications submitted ,,vtthin one year of an advertised EAB vacancy, may be considered for the current position. Members shall be permanent reside'0ts and elector~, of Collier County and should he reputable and acti,,'e in community service. The primary consideration in appoint, lng EAC members shall be to provide the board with technical experli$e and olher viewpoint~ that are n,ecessa~' to effectively accomplish the EAC's purpo,,;e. In appointing members, the Board should consider a membershin guideline of ~ technical members and ,3 non-technical memher~,, Technical ~ members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise in one or more of the following areas related to environmental protection and natural resources manaeement: air quality, biolo£y (includ'in_e any of the subdisciplines such as botany, ecology, zo(,loey, etc.,h coastal processes, estuarine proce$.ses, hazardous waste, hydrogeology, hydrology, hydraulics, land use law, land use ii' planning, pollution control, solid waste, stormwater management, water resources, wildlife~ management, or other representative areas deemed appropriate by the board. 5.13.3,5. The initial terms of office of the members of the EAC shall be as follows: Two members will serve until September 30, 1999; ,5.13,3.,5.2. Two members will serve until September 30, 2000; ~ members ,,,.'ill serve until September 30, 200!; DEC 0 Z 1998 .q. 13.3.5.a.. Three members ,,,.'ill serve until September After {he initial term of appointment, each appointment ,,r reappointment shall be fi.~r a re, i,, (ff .four ,,'ears. All terms of office shall expire on the 30th day of September. TerniS of.offic, ~,.hall be limited tn ~,ne term unless waived hv the hoard by a unanimous vote. A member may _be re-aPpointed by the board for only on.e succes,,ive term anti ,,hall apply with other a_pplicants. Terms shall be staggered so that no more than a minority of such members' appointments will expire in any .one year. ' .5,!3.3.6. Any member of the F. AC may be removed I'r(,m ~ftice hya majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners. .5,13.3,7. The Board of ¢ounly ¢om~i%ioners ma,,' consider removal of any member of t~, EAC in accordance with Ordinance No. 92-44, aS amended. Sec. 5.1~.4. Officers arid support staff. ` The officers of the EAC shall be a chairman and a vice-chairman. Officers' term:; shall be for one year, with eligibility for reelection. The chairman and vice-chairman shall b~- elected bv a majority vote at the organizational meeting and thereafter at the first regula, meeting of the EAC in October of each year. The chairman shall preside at all meetinus of the EAC. The vice-chairman shall f perform the duties of the chairman in the absence or incapacity of the chairman. In case o [ '~ removal, resignation or death of the chairman,/,he vice-chairman shall perform such duties · · .... , as ore ~mr>osed on the chairman until such time as/'he EAC shall elect a new chairman. Should !he offices of chairman and/or vice-chairman become vacant, the EAC shall elect a successc~, from its membership at the next regular meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired te~,[,, of said office. . Professional support staff for the EAC shall he provided by the Community .Development and Environmental Services Division and such other county 5taft from elsewher, within the county governing'n/as may, from Iime to time, be requested by the EAC and deemed necessary by the count~.' administrator. ,Sec. 5.13.5. Meetings. auorum and rules of procedure. , A ~;imple majority of the appointed members of the EAC shall constitu~ for the purpose of conducting business. An affirmative vote of five or more metal , Regular meetings of the EAC shall be held on the first Thursday of each month a, _2:00 p.m.. in the Commissioner's Meeting Room, Third Floor, Building 'F,' Collier Courtly Government Complex, Naples, Collier County, Florida. Special meetings of the EAC may b~- called by the chairman or by a maioritv of the membership. ] DEC 0 2 1998 nece~a~' in order,to !ake official acti(m..,re~ardlc~,~ of wheth~.,r five or more memher~ ~)1' the EAC are Present. at a meeting. 5.13.5..3. The EAC ~hall, bx,' majority vote of the entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of meeting.,,, resolutions, finding5 and determinations. The followinq standing subcommittees comprised solely of it.~ membership shall exist to advance the duties and responsibilities of the EAC: (.I.} Growth Management. .The EAC ma~' establish other subcommittees comprised scdelv of its membership to facilitate its functions..Meetings of the subcommittees shall contbrm to the same public notice requirements as that of the EAC At the regular, meetings, of the, EAC, the following ,;hall bc the order of business: 5.13.~5,4.1, Roll call, Approval !)f thc: minutes ~i' pre,,'iou~, meeting 5.13.5..1.3. Old husinc.~,,. New busings,,. Public comments. Adjournment. Items ,qhall come before the EAC as scheduled on the support staff prepared agenda unless a specific request arises which justifies deviation by the EAC. Sec. 5.13.6. Scope of land development project reviews. The EAC shall review all land developmer~t petitions which require an environmental impact statement (EIS} per Section 3.8 of the LDC, all development.s of regional impact {DRI), lands with special treatment (ST) or Area of Critical State Concern:Special Treatment zonim, overlays, areas of the county covered by interlocal agreements, any petitions which cannot be resolved between the applica.nt and staff and which is requested to be heard bv the EAC bv ! either part,,' and any petition which requires approval of the Collier County planning ; commission or the board of countx.' commissioners and staff receives a request for the petition to be heard by the EAC from the chairman of the EAC or chairman of the board of county commissioners. Any petitioner may request a waiver to the EAC hearing requirement, when the following considerations are met: 1) no protected species or wetland impacts are identified on the site 2) an ElS waiver has been administratively granted, 3) ST zoning is present and a ] ,,~6~~......_.,..,_, ,~,' administrative approval has been granted or 4) an EIS was previouslx., completed and 9EC 0 2 1998 reviewed hv Staff and heard hv a predecessor Environmental Board, and that ElS is Ic,~s than five years old O?r i1' older than five year~, has ,been updated within six months of submittal) and the Master Plan for the site does not ~;how greater impacts to the previously designated pre,,;ervation areas, The surface water manaeement aspects of any petition, that is or ,,,,'ill be reviewed and permitted bv South Florida Water .Manae¢ment District (SFW.MD/, are exempt from review bv the EAC. Sec. 5.13.7. Appeal. Any person, aggrieved by the decision of the county administrator regarding any section of division $,13 may file a written request for appeal, not later than ten days after said decision, with the EAC. The EAC will. notify the aggrieved person and the county administrator of the date. time and olace that such appeal shall be beard; such notification will be given 21 days prior tO the bearing unless all parties waive ghi~ requirement, The. appeal will he heard by the EA(~ within 60 days of the ,,;ubmission of the appeal. Ten davs prior to the hearing the a~erieved ~erson shall submit to the EAC and to the count,,' administrator copies of the data and information he intends tO use in his appeal, tlpon conclusion of the hearing the EAC will submit to the board of county commissioners its facts, findings and recommendations. The board of county commissioners, in regular ~;essi0n, will make the final decision to affirm, overrule or modify the decision of the county administrator in light of the recommendations of the EAC, Sec. 5,13.8. Reimbursement of expenses. Member~ of the EAC shall serve without compensation, but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for expenses rea~;onably ir;cur'ed in the performance of their duties upon prior approval of the board of c0unl:¥, commissioners. Sec. 5,13,9, Review Process This board shall be reviewed for major accomPliShments and whether the board is serving the purpose for which it was created once every, four years commencine with 2003 in accordance with the procedures contained in Collier County Ordinance No. 86-41 [C(xte ch. 2, art. VIII, div. 21. 0 2 1998 ..___~q /~.6 ORIGIN: Community Develnpment & Environmental Ser~ ice~ AUTIIOR: Ronald Nino. AICI' DEPARTMENT: Planning Services LDC PAGE: 6.67 LDC SECTION: 6.3. CtlANGE: Amend thc definition of Zero Ic, t line housing to clarify that it applies onh' to single family detached housing. REASON: Development regulations in PUD's which provide I~)r zero lot linc housing have become administratively difficult because their application is unclear. 1-raditionally zero lot linc housing was instituted to allow creative use of land for single family detached housing structures on platted lots. This was subsequently extended t~ muhi-family dx~'elling units when associated with ownership of the land beneath the structure. Current definitions for single family attached and two family housing provides for these ~ypes or'housing to have ov,'ncrship of land as part of the housing unit. In view of this it follows that tN. re will be common walls and this zero lot line development. It is unnecessary to include these as unique development regulations and only the perimeter development reputations need identification. For these reasons it is administratively better to single out zero lot line housing standards as applicable only to single family detached housing structures. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None Amend the LDC as follows: Zero lot line housing: a single-family ~ detached d,.velling structure on individually platted lots which provides a side yard or patio on one side of the dwelling and no yard on the other. ~See section 2.6.27.) 6 3, LDC AMENDMENT/RFN/md41:LDC CYCLE DEC 0 2 1998 ORIGIN: Community Dc'.elopment & lir~vironrnental .gen, icc.,, AUTllOR: Ronald Nino. I)EPARTMENT: Planning Services I.DC PAGE: 6.6.:, LDC SECTION: 6.3. CIIANGE: Amend fi~r the purposes ofallov, ing thc setback from the long side of a comer lot to be equal to one-half(I/2) the required setback, v, ith the excepti~m that in the "E" Estates District the setback cannot be less than fifteen (I REASON: wording of the definition has resulted in c~nflicting interpretation as to whether the 15 foot minimum applies to all residential zoning districts plus the Estates. or onl;,' to Estates zoning. FISCAL & OPERATI()NAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGL'LATIONS:' None Amend the LDC as follo,,vs: Yard. front: the required open space extending across the entire xvidth of the lot betv. een the front building line and street right-of-,~vay line. Where double-frontaue, lots exist, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets except as otherv, isc pro'.'ided tbr herein. Where comer lots or record existed prior to thc date of adoption of Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2 [Januar)' 5.1982]. ,.vhich lots do not meet minimum lot width or area requirembnts established in this code. {i) only one full depth front yard shall be required. {2} all other fr:Ont yards shall be not less than 50 percent of the othenvisc required front '.'ard depth ~ .4: .... : ......... ~-~ ~ .~...~ ~ r~ exclusi', of am, right of-v~ 'right of-,,,, ..............' ~ ' : ....................... 'e .' - 'av.. or - 'ay easement in :he E c.~:a:c~ di-':.tr!ot cxccvt that in thc E estates district this depth may not be less than 15 feet exclusive of any right-of-way or rig, ht-ol:,~,av easement and the full depth front yard shall be located along the shorter lot line along the street. In the case of shoulder lots which conform to the minimum lot ~.vidth and area requirements of the zoning district, the required front yard adjacent tot he longest street ma.',' be reduced by five feet providing that in no case may this vard be less than 25 feet. ~ DEC 0 2 1998 In the case of through lots. unless the pre~ailing front )'ard pauern on the adjoining lots indicates other~ise, a full depth front yard shall be pro~ ided on all frontages. Where one of the front yards that ,.,,'ouid normally be required on a through lot is not in keeping with the prevailing pattern, the development services director ma.~' ,,'.ai~.¢ the requirement lbr thc normal front vard and substitute therefore a special ~ard requirement x,.hich shall not exceed the average o~ the yards provided on adjacent lots. fi 3 I)I~f'INITI(iN~, IlK' AMIiNI)MI.~T RI-N md II I I)t { Y(. I I : · I,,-,~ PROPOSED LDC AMENDMENT SUMMARY A summary of the proposed amendments to the Land Development Code are as follows: AGENDA,~£M DEC 0 2 1998 LDC SECTION I'ROPOSEI) AMENI).'qENT I ' i)SA(~ R E('O.~i MEN i):S, TI ()N 2.2.2. This amendment changeslhe minimum art'a Recommended Ior appro,,al requirement from 5 acres to 20 acre,, for ~ith chan,..'¢', to make more certain agricultur;d practice,, as u,,e,, under,qand;~hle re,,/,,ion', made permitted by right and provides that these same u,,es ma? be allo~ ed a,. cor~ditional uses on prop¢~) Ics~ lhan 20 acre~. Increase heigh~ of stmc~urc~ in A~. District Recommended for approval as from ~ ) feet Io 35 feet ~ame a~ RSF pre~enled b~ ~taf'l ~ctions For thc pu~ose of am~ndin~ [hv maximum Recommended fi~r approval a~ 2.2.~.~, I. 2.2.5. I. densi~) pe~itled in residenllal zoning pre,creed b) ~laff, I. di~tricl~ fexpre~ed in Ibc Purpose and .... 7.1. [ntenL and Maximum i)~n~it) sectional so I. a~ lo clarify' some existing/oncd pr~peflic~ !. arc not subject to the [)ensil~ Raling 2.2.20. I. S~ s~em. and Io olhen~ ise clarif~ allotted I. I.I. densities. 'I h~s amcndmcnl doc~ n(~t increase or decrease pennilled dcnsit~ be) ond lhat ~hich ha~ been implcmcnlcd since lhe I.DC ,,as adopted in 1901. & 2.2.~.J.5 This amendment ~ill allo~ screen Recommended Ibr appraisal enclosures to a~sume Ibc same height a~ Ibc ~ ith rc~ ~i~n Io lira it he~ghl lo principal stmclure~ or 3~ tbel ~here ~ame a, principal ~lructurc bul building heighls exceed 3 slorie~ not more Ihan 3~ Ibet 2.23 - 2.25 Th~s amendment clarifies the d~tinction Recommended for approval a~ bct~'een a duple.', and a t~o famil) ~tructure pre~ented b) ~taff by referencing them in the RMF-6 distr~ct a~ distinct uses as defined in A~icle (,. ~ AGEND, 9EC 0 2 1998 i ~112.13.'*. I & Delete Caretaker's residence a~ a permitted Recommended lvr ~ppro~,fl a~ ~2.13.~.~ usc and place under u~e~ acc~s~o~ lo prc~en~cd b) ~tal f. pertained use~. Amend ~hc reference In the cril~ria fi)r a clsrc[akcr's residence from section 2.6. I 0 to section 2.6. I 6. The C-2 zoning district is lhe commercial district s~hich allo~s a caretaker's residence as a pe~itled All other commercial districts lC-I. C-3. C'- ~. C-5) and thc Industrial (I)/oninff allow a caretaker's residence as an accesso%' use to pe~itted u~es. ~'he section reference 2.6.10 is ~ncorrcct. ~ hc correct section is 2.6.16. thc C-2 zoning district is Ihe onl) section sshere Ihi~ emir OCCUf~ Adds AuTomotJ~ ~crx~ce~ a~ permitted u~e Rcc~mlm~'ndcd ft~r apprt~al a~ lo C-3 dislric~ (quick lubricating, dciailing pre~en~r.d b) s~aff Amend Suh-~ec,on .....'' ~' ~ '~...~. Ai~on Recommended fi~r approxal O~¢rla~ District fi~r Ihe pu~o~e~ of prc~enlcd bx ~lafl' qualif) lng variance application lo thc Board I~ of Zoning appeals prt,vidin~ tha~ no ~ariancc ma) bc granted in an ai~t~rt hazard area except in compliance ~ ith subsection 333.03¢ I I~c~ Florida Statute,. 2.3.16 ~his amendment add~ the requiremenl fi~r Rec~mmendcd fi~r approval bicycle parking lhcililie~ at all non- ~ith change, to residential developments, rcs i,it,ns made This amendment r~.duces the amount of Recommended fi~r approval time one ma? park an R.V. s'ehicleto clean. ~ith Ihnher refinemenl of load or unload and reqmres a temporao use pe~it l~r a sisitor storing said R.V. at a residence for a period of time nol 7 da~ s. lhi~ amendment pro~ idc~ that Ibc Planning R~c~mmcndcd So, ices l)ireclor makes a rec~m~mendafion ~ presented b) staff to the CCPC follow, in,,= a scheduled public hearing x~ ith respect t, his and recommendation regarding insubstantial chan~es In PI~D's. Division 2.8 fi) clarifies applicabilit)' b) includin,~ ti) Recommended lYr approval industrial uses fronfin~ arterial or collector as presented bx staff. ~ roads f2.8.2 ~ fii) Interior parking lot landscaping ma? iii) Recommended for not be grass (. 8..,. 1.3). appr,x al as pr['scntcd bx xlaff Division 2.g (iii~ ~;here parking is pro~'idcd in cxces~ of [nl~ Rec,,mmcnded (continued) 20"e of required parking additional appro'.al a, pre~,entcd b.,. staff'. landscaping as provided at Section 2.3.10 applies (}. (iv) Remo,,es setback requirement from Ii'. ~ Rccnmmended for street for cases ,,,,here 100% parking is rear appro'.al as presented b.,, stat'l: oriented. ('.') Requires lighting to be in harmon> '.,.ith ~,. } Recommended fl~r landscaping ( I ). appro,.al as presented b? staff. (,,i} Lighting lo be consistent in design '.~ith I'. i~ Recommended as landscaping through usc of colors prc,,cnted b.~ staff. ¢..8.3...J) ('.'ii~ Redefines Service t-t, ncti~m Area,~ ~'. i~ Recommended as ~2 8.3.31 prc,.entcd b.'. ,,taft (vjji~ Clarifies application of buffering and t,.iii~ Re~:ommended ~ "3 screening standards(..8.3.3..! appr(,,al ~ith changes and u,,,ed car',,t (ix) Addition of subsection dealing,,,~ith IIx~ Recommended v, ith fences ~hen located fonYard of the building change', ,,,,ith max. hr. ,,. ,,ith t2 inch de,,ation change made (x) Clarifies pro,. ision for a single dri,,e Ix ) Recommended fi)r through facilit.', ( appro'.al a~ presented b.,. staff. (xi) Clarifies provision for establishing Ixi) Recommended for shade along pedestrian walk,,,.a.'.s appro'.al as presented h'. staff (..8..~.4. ~ (xii) Adds provisions for allo,.,,ing exii~ Recommended for automobile dealerships tn utili/e appm'.al ~tth ch~m,_'e,. prefabricated metal sub oct to defined shade structures Icoh,r t criteria and provide for car shading structures. (xiii) Revision to Building ()rientation (xiii) Recommended for Standards relative to the degree plain '.'.ails appro'.al as presented b,. staff. must be interrupted ~,,ith ~,,. indo'.,.s or fa~;ade treatment ...... ,, .... (xiv) Adds specification lo "faa;adc (xi'. ) Recommended for standards" to require that attached facades approval t~ith changes to are architecturally consistent ,,'. ith thc make more understandable. primary fa~;ade ( 4 DEC 0 1998 ivision 2.8 (ss) Adds v. indo,,s standard ~,shich pro'side ix,, ) Recommcnd,.'d r,)r continued) that ~,sindo,.s s shall not be lake or applied appn-,al v,,h chanue., { I ). c lar fi,, ex,, il Adds standards fi~r a~ nings and I xx i ) Recommended for pro,,ides the> are limited in applicaton approxai ~ith changes to I.., deltic last s~..ntenc¢ and revise changes made. ('x~,il Adds provision for os'crhead doors t x,,I~ Recommended for facing one another as interior space appr.,,al as presented h,. ,,taft {..8..~.5.4.~ }. (xsii} Clarifies applicaOon ofslandards for ($~.) Recommend rot features required ofpriman, facade,, apprusal s,s ith change,, ~}. I~.~,iiil Add~s specificit> and additional I'~s, iH! R~.'commended feature,, Io pm ect standards as applied m approsal Ihose featur~:s ¢2 8....I.5.61. (six) Clarifies treatment of blank ~alls a,, (six) Recommended fi~r applying to primal' facades as opposed to apprmals a,, pre~ented an> fagadc (2.8 357.21. sti, rf. faqade treatments ¢} apprm, al a,, presented b,, staff. :, i . , ..... tx\i} Requirement(, for vs indo,a ,. on (xx~) Recommended for prima~ faf;adc extended to all buildings apprmal a~, pre~,entd b> ,,till')'. tmulli-use and single occupant~ ! ). ix\ii) Requirement for additional roof (~\1i} Recommended Ibr change for buildings larger ~han 50.000 sq. appro,,al a~ presemcd b.,, staff. ft. Ixxiii~ Revisi,ns to roof treatment and IxxiH} Recommended fi~r design 12,8.3.5. I0..1 k approval as presented b~ ix\ix } Adds requirem~'m that rront entr'> be (x\~ ! Recommended for set back from dri~,ev, a.,, 15 foot appro',al a,, presented bx staff. 1',2.1 ~. (xxv) Adds provision to require minimum (xxs) Recommended fi)r setback from drive~a> to front entr>.' oran> approxal aR presented b> staff. building in multiple use building project ¢ (xxvi) Adds requirement for front entp,, txx,,i) Recommended for multiple use buildm? appro',al as presented by starf setback for 12.8...I. .s DE C 0 2 1998 Po. Division 2.8 (xx,~iil Further clarifies the u~¢ of colors txx~,iil Recommended t',,r (continued) (2.g. IL approval a~ prewni~d h) ~lafl'. (xx~iii) Adds the same amendments to (xx~ iii) Recommended fbr buildings and pro, ecl under 20.000 sq. N. approval a~ pr~semed b) ~mfl'. (xxix) Adds provisions for allotting Ixx~xt Recommended for automobile dealerships ~o utilize arpro~ al as presented b~ ~aff. prefabricated me~al sub)cci !o criteria and provide for car shading (xxx) Amends requiremcnl~ for prohihJled Ixxx) Recommended l~)r color~ 12.g.3.F.I 2.3.1 ). approval ~ ith changes ~hade ~lrt]cturcs (color) (x~xi) Amcnd~ imprnvcmcni~ lo he made (xxxJl Recommended Iht in coRjunclmn ~ ilh man-made hodie~ of appro~ ;d as pre~enlcd b~ ~lal'f. (xxxii~ Amendments t~r building~ under ~ RccommcndeJ for 2fl.O00 square feet. repeals the aho~e [ approval as presenled b} staff. modilications (2.8.41.~ Amcndmenl ~o change reference standard Recommended for approval from National Fire Unden~rilers to Fire presemed b~ staff. Suppression Raling Schedule of Insurance Service Office Division 3.3 Thi~ amendment i~ in~ended m repeal Ibc Recommended ~or approval cu~enl re~ulalions and replace them ~ i[h pre,ended b~ staff. Ihe ~ame requiremenls hosteler ha~ in~ efl~c~ of rcmo~ ing [he dblinc[ion bel~ecn minor and major submissions and prcliminar} approvals in fi~or of(me final approval submission. This recognizes actual praclicc lbr thc past several }ear~. Thc opponunit~ to obtain at thc pctilioners request a conceptual appro~ al i~ pro~ ided. Division 3.15 Thc Adcqualc Public Facilities Ordinance Recommended lbr approval (API"O~ is bcin~ amended to reflect 100~ pre~cnled b} staff'. organizational chan~es in thc En~ironmen[al Services and Communil} Developmem Division which resulted in combination of the Growth blana~ement and Lon8 RanDe Plannin~ Sections inlo the Comprehensive Plannin~ Section. As a rcsull, the posilion of Growth Mana~emcm Chief was eliminaled and the authorit~ delegated m that position in Ibc APFO has accrued to the Division Administralor. Also. other minor co~cclions and ,c~ccfin~ BCC actions arc included Extends the right of appeal to an.~ ag_urie~,ed Recommended for aprro~.al as [..part). presented h~. start'. ____-----., Di,,ision 5.13 Division 6.3 This amendment sen'es to abolish the EAB and create thc EAC and introduces policie?, to more fully address the functions of the EAC. Defines zero lot line housing as single famib' detached housing and deletes duplex definition. Recommended for approsal a~ presented h.~ ~tat't Recommended for appro'.al as presented b.~' staff. I 1/18,'q8 PR()POM'D I.[X.' A.MF.",,DMI..%'I M'MM.'~RY RI% md 7 DEC 0 2 1998 I{EC;II.ATIO~ F{)R lIIE I~I~('ORI'()RAT~D ARFA COI,I,IEI{ ('OI'~T~'.,FI.(H{II)L i1~ PROVIDING FOR: ~E("I'iC)N TIIRFL..~l}{Jl"l'l()X ()F A.MENI)MEN]~ TO Tile I,A~I} I)f~VtA,( H'MI'.NI {'{}I)i~. %1()R1'. ~I'F,('II'I{'AI.I,Y AMENI)I~G TIlE F()LI,{)%~IN{~: ..~R'II('i,I~ ~. ('O~I)ITIO~AI, I SE~. I)l%It~SI()NA~ ~T..X~I)ARI)~. I)iVISlC)~ Ii, OFF-~TREEI i'AI~KIN(~ A~I) I,OADIN(;: i)IVI~IC)~ ~I'i'Iq,EME~TAI, I)I~'H{I('T I{E(;II,ATION~: I)IVi~IO~ ~,;, LX, &R('III'IL('II I{AI, ANI) ~iI1~ I)EM(;~ h'IA~I)AI{I)~ A~i) (;I'ID[~I.I~L~ FOIl ('{)MM[~I~('IAI. II1'11,~1~(;~ l'R(),lt~("l~: ~IITI('I,I~ ~, I)1~ I~1()% .1,L M'IlI)IVI~IO~: I)IVIM()~ ,L~, ~1'[1'. I)t~ t~1,{)1'~I!~%'I I'1,.~: I)IVI~I()~ ,l,1~, ..ll)i~QI A'I'E PI II1,1(' F.~('II,ITIE~: .~R'IIC'I,E ~, I)E('I~I()~ ..~DVI~ORY flOARI): ARTI('LE ~, I)IVI~I()~ 6J, I~('I, IDIN{;, fll'T ~()T I,IMITED 10 TIlE I)EFI~ITI~ OF ZERO LOT I,I~E IIOi'~l~(;, FRO~1 ~ARI), A~I) ~E('TIO~ FOUl{, ('()%FI.I("I ~%I) ~EViJIAilII,r[~': ~E('TI()~ FIVE, I~('!,1'~10~ I~ TIlK I..~D I)I~VEI.()PME%T ('ODE: A~D ~[~('TI()~ M~, EFFF('TIV[~ (~rJman~¢ N,, .~-i,,Z. the ~. ,,;he; (. ,,,:n::, I .raj [)c',eh,;'me,m (',,,.iv ~hvremath:r I I)('~. :'.hich ha~, Ix.~:ri ~,VIII.:RI. ',.~ dp..' I I)(' m.L', n,: ."'~...m,e,:,,.'~ :::,,re :hah ~;',,, lime,, m u.ich t:ah:ndar .',car p rsuant to ',,:cthm I !~ I . I Dr'. anJ ~,t III RI \t,, Ihl- t', If;,*,' lir,t ,c:1;::;.::n~.'t',' 1,. U'.t.' I [)(. . ( )rJlll;lFh.'¢ '~l- l ~.'" 111 thl', calendar ~car:. and '~t. I If' R I .\~. ,,n Mart h I X. ;',','..he H,,.,rd ~,: ( ',,tm:'- t ,m'm~,,~,n,l'}¢r~, :,dopt,.'d Ii~:~,t, lutmn 97- I ?? estab!i,hmg h~cal reqmrement., and ~':,,~¢dur¢- lot amending thc I I)(': anti WIII.RILX~,. all reqmremen:, 1,! I~.c,,,hm,,n ,% l'" haxe hc,.'n met: and \\'IIIiRI .\S. thc lh,arJ ,,I I'.,unt.~ t ,,mm~,mer,. m a manner pre,,cr~hed h? la~. did hold ad\ erased public hearing., on 109$ and 1~91t. and did lake action concerning Ih¢~¢ amendmenls to thc [.l)C'. and WII[-.'R]:AS. all applicable sub,tannic and procedural requirements of thc la~ ha~c bccn mci. N()\t.'. 'IIIIiREI'()RI. BI' I[ t)RI)..XINF. D b~ Ibc [}-ard of ('ount) ('ommission~..rs of Collier C'ountT. Florida. that: ~.GE NDA IIEM I 3EC021998 M-X'T I (')'~ ¢)~E: [he Ibre,?'oin.~ recital., ;irc Iruc aad .,,r;o.: ,md :rl¢.rporah:d h', feb.'fence hereto a., H full? %'! h,rth .M.X;TI()~ TV~ O: FI~IHN(:."; 01- !.' ~( Ibc 1½,,ard ot C,,unt.,. C,,mmi,-~,,nc:. ,.:' (',,i',~cr (ount.,.. I' h,rida, hereS.,, malco, thc ti,lh,~xini,.' I. ('oilier Count}. pun, uan! t,, ',c, 1~,3 .; l?,l. G ,t_~. I la. 5tat.. thc Florida I.t~:al (M~emment ('omprehens,~¢ PIannin.u and I.and Dc'.cl,,pmcnt Reguiamms Act Iheremafler the ".-\ct"L is reqmred t" prepare and adopt a C'omprehen,.p.,., Plan After ~a~. manda~c~ lhal C'ollict (',,urn} ad,p: i,md dv~d,,pmcn~ rc~ulalnm~ :hJt arc ¢,n~tcm ~i~h ~n,I implement thc rah,pled o,mrrchcn,~ Se~.' 1~,3.3201. Jla cnh~rccmcnI h~ ( ,,lllcr ( -unI} ,,l I;mJ ba~cd on; bc rcJalcd h,. and hc .~ nit,re. rcqmred F} thc 4 ."ice 1b.~.31~4~ I ,h,. I la .~ra:. rcqmrc, that ail land de,,elopmenl formulations ellaClt~;J oj amend¢,t h~ ('-lher ( ount.', he ~. ,n,l,tcr. t '.~Hh thc adopted (.'omprehensne Plan. ~,r clement or portiotI Ihere,,h and an? land de,,cie?men/ regula:~,,n, ex~t:ng a: lhe []rile of adoption ~hich are not consislcltJ ',t-IlS :!;C J,J,~plcd C,.mp:'¢hcn.r~c Pi.re. ,,: cicment ,,r r,,m,,n thereof. ,, ' hah he amended so as to be .";cc I,,3.3.*021.:,. I 1.~ stat. ,:ate, IhJt thc \,.t ,hall he con,trued h, enc-urage the use of mnm alt,, e land Jet ehTmenl regulars,n- On Januar.', lO. lO~u. k'olher ( ounL', adopted the ('olller Count? (iro,.,,lh Management Plan theremafter th,.' "(inw, th M',nagement Plan ,,r "GMP"~ a~, n, (.'vmprehen,,ne Plan pursuant to the requirement,, of.Ko.' Ih.14 3Ifil ~ ~_7.t l la Md! .and Rule*0.1-5. i A (' Sec Ih3 31~)4~I ua~. I ia 'qal. mand:uc, fha! alter a (. omprchcn,,p,c Plan. t,r clement of porlhm thereof, has bccn adopted in conlbrmll.', u. tlh th,.' Act. all dc~clopmenl unde~aken b5. and all actmorl~ taken m regard I- development ,,rdcr, h~. g,,~cmmental agencies in regard t,, land co~crcd b} such Comprehensive Plan -r clcmcnl ,,r p,,rh,m lhcrcol ~}lall be cons~stcnl ~ith ~uch C'omprchcnsi~ c Plan or clcmcnl ,~r pt,Ni(m lhcrcol ,4 Pursuant t,~ .',cc t,,;; l',a,; , j,. t i.t ~,:a:. a dcxch,pmcnt order or land developmenl rcguiatl(m shall bc cons]stem ~.,tllh thc (. ,,mprcncns~tc Plan ~! the hind u.~cs, densities or intensities, in thc' Comprchenslt c Plan and il' ~t meel~ .lit -lher cr~tcna cra,mcr,lied b~ the local go,~cmment Section 103 3IOJ.(3,b) I la .',;lal.. rcqmrc:, lhat a dc',elopmcnl apprt,,,ed or undertaken h} a I,cal t:tncmmcnt shall he con.,,~tcnt ~ith thc t'omprchenslxc Plan ii' thc land uses. densities or inlcnsttle,~, capacH? or size. l~mlng, and ,qhcr a,pects of dc~ clopmcnt are compaliblc ~ilh. and l~hcr the objccl~o, p,)hctcs, land u~cs. dcnsmes (,r ~ntcn~mc, ~n Iht ('omprchcnsi~c Plan and if il meets all other crllcna cnumcralcd h} the local go, eminent I0. v, hich bucamc cl'IccW, c on No, umber 13. I')()1 and ma} be amended tv. ice annualb I1 Collier ('(,unt.~ lin& that thc land [)c~clopmcnt Code is intern presc~ e and enhance the pre~ent ad~antap:.,, that ex,~t m Collier County; cncoura~ u.~ of land. v, ater and re,~mrccs, consL, qent v, ith the puhlic interest; o~,ercom¢ prese ct'lkcti~¢l.~ ~Ih lutur¢ problems that ma.~ r¢~uh from thc u~c and d¢;'¢lopmcnt o' ~rd~ '-'::r.£ '_':r:~::: a:c dcfcfcd ~or,J; und~lmed .Irc added .- I)n October 30. 1091. C'olllcr Count.,, adopted the Collier Count) l.and Development Code. AGE N, DA,.~E M - led un~°'~o ; thc most appropriate ~th ' p a unin¢orT~rated are of C'ollier L'ount.~ and ~t :~ mtcn&d that th:~. l.and Development rromo~c. ~rolcc[. and ~mrro;c Iht public hearth. ~Ict}. ~,mfi~ ~J ,,rdcr. ~rpearance. and ~cncrai ~cffarc of ('oilier Coum); prc~cm thc o~crcro~d~nF of land anJ a~oM thc c~)nccntr~ti~)n of popul~t,,n; l~cililatc thc ~Jcqu~c ~nJ cffic~cn~ pr,)~l~,n ~q ~cra~c ~h~ls. p~rk&, recreational f~cililic~, hou~nF. ~n~ other rcqmrcmcnts and ~icc~. &~lop. utfli/c. ~nd prot~t natural rcsourcc~ ~ithm thc ~urisd~ct~on of Collier Count); ~nd human, cn&~ronmcnt~l, s,~i~l, and economic roourccs; and m~lnlaln through ordcrl5 ~ro~h &~clopmcnt. thc character ~nJ st~bfi~t) ~q' prc~cm ~nJ future l~nd u~s ~nd development Count). I 2. it is the intent of the Board of C'ounl? C'ommissloncrs of Collier ('ounty to implement thc Land Dexelopment C~lc in accordance ~ith thc prox'~sions of thc Collier Count.~ C'omprchcnsi~¢ Plan. Chapter 1'2f. Fla. Stat.. and Chapter 1o3. fla. blat., and through these amendments to the Code. SECTION TIIREE: AI)OPTI()N OF AMENDMENTS TO TIlE I.AND I)EVEI,OPMENT ('OI)E St'BY, ECTION 3.A AMENI)MEN'I'.~ ~() ZONIN(; I)I~TRI('T.~. PERMITTED ('ONI)I'I'II)'~AI. t .ML~. I)IME~.M¢)NAI..~'fAM)ARD~ DIVIMON [)l~lst,n 2 2./~,lung [):,tr:~t,. ]'crmlttcd [',cs. Con&t:~,nal I'~cs. Dimensional .~tandards. of Ordinance 'H-102. a~ amended, thc (. ~,lhcr ~ ',,unl5 I and l)c~¢lopmcnt L',~c. Is hcrcb.~ amcnd~l to read as folh,v.s: DIVISION 2.2 ZONING DI.~TRIC'I'.% PERMITFED USES. CONDITIONAL DIMENSIONAl. STANI)ARI).~ Sec. 2.2.2. Rural agricultural d~,tr~,-: ~A, I. l'ermtttcd Agricultural acti,.itic..,, including, but n,,t limited lo: crop raising: honicuhure: l?uiI and nut production: fl,rcstr2..: groxes: nurseries'- ranching beekeeping; poultrs, and egg production,+ milk producti0n,~ h~estock raising, ;::nj and aquaculture fi~r natixe species subject:to .'State ,~,f I lt,rida game and t'reshv, ater fish commission permits. ~ fiqlgx~me _pertained u,,cs shall onl~ hc alloxxed on p;~rcels 20 acre~,in size or ~rcater: dairx in~. ranchine, animal breeding, raisin~, trainin'm qabhng or kcnn~.'hnt:. 'l his ~., m,I to preclude an individual property o,.%!ncr (r,,m th,,' kecrqnc of fo'.,.I or pouhp.', not tO ?xceed 25 in total r~grn~r, and the Leer, me of horses and li',cstock (except lbr hoes~ not lo ¢~¢¢qd D, xO %uch ammi~l.~ t~,r each acre, and v. ith no ~pen fcedlots, fi~r per.~,,nul u,e and not in assooatlon xxilh a comrnercial.agrictihural · .aCt~x.~!?. qn parcel, le~,,, than.~., acres m size. Wholesale reptile breeding and raising t non-xcnomous), subject to the follov,'ing standards. a. Minimum k,a t,.,,ent,, acre parcel size: . b. Any roof,:d structure used for the shelter and'or feeding of such reptiles shall be located a minimum of I00 feet from an5 lot line. ('~,ndtti,.lal u.w~. Thc Ibllox~ine uses are permitted as conditional uses In the rural agr,cultural d,stnct tA }. subject to the standards and ~ ........ established in dl~.ision 2.74. Nc ~ 9. ord~ ::.---:.~. '~ .... ~- are deleled, words OnOo'lm~l are added 3 DEC 0 2 1998 ~,~, hc,h:,,Jlc h.'ptllc t~re~.',hnt' ~,r raising i,,vnonl,~u,,t h .3n~ roo~ed qmc~qrc u%.d l,,r Ibc ~hclier ~nJ ~geh reptile, ,hall h¢ located a mm~mum ,,f' 1~,) le~t from an~ lot ~lahhng ,,r ke~nehn~ ~,n p~;ccl, Ic~ than ZI acrc~ in ~Iz~. This i~ not t't preclude an snd~ ~dual rro~.~ o.~ner tYom thc k~pin~ ~1' f~! et and h~¢~o~k ~ex~'e?t ~;,r hog~} n,I tO exceed t~,~ ~uch a~imal~ for ¢~ch ~grg. and xg~th n, -B'n IL'9~Iors, l~r ~rs0nal u~9 and not in assnciali?n.~ith a o~mmcr;ial agricultural acli~it~ i~n parccl~ i~ D,m.n,t,,,nd ,n/,nfit~,l, Ibc h,ll,mm~: dmlens,,nal ~land.irds .,,hall appI) Io all permll~ed, a,ce,,~or}, and ~,,ndmonai u.e, in the rural agncullural dislrlcl t..'k, k J~u~lw~se ~;,h! t,;te~;t. [ he pu~',¢ and inlunt ~,t'thc rc~idcnlial smgic-t~mil} di~Irtct~ IRSi ~is lo prox lJe lanJ~ ~nmaril} lot ssnglc-t~tnil~ rcsMcnccs. ]hc~c di~ncl> arc inlcndeJ :,~ hc ~inffle-f~mil} rcsiJcnlial areas of denslt} 'Ibc nature of thc usc uf propen} ss [he ~mc in all of ~hcsc districts. Vari.m,,n am,,n~ thc RSI'-i. RSF-2. RSI'-). RSI-.4. RSI'-~ and RSF-6 district> s~ m requirement) fi,r den)~t>. K,t area. I,~t ~idth. }ards. height, floor are:L h,t coverage, parking, land~capm~ and ,~n~ (*chain ~lructurcs and uw, Je~gncJ h~ sen c d~e Immediate necd~ ,f ~t~c singlc-l~mll~ rcsidcnlial dc~clopmcn[ m Ihe RSF dl~tric:s such a~ ~,~xemmcntal. educational. rchgi,~us, and noncommerc=al rccrca~t~,n~l u)es are ~'~mcd as conditional use.,, as long a~ thc} pre~cr~ c. and are compatible ~sih thc sinfflc-l~md~ residcmial character oflhc RSF di~mcqs] l'hc RSF dislrlclS co~cs~nd and im~lcmcm Ibc urban mixed usc land usc dc~ignam~n on Ibc future land u~c map of the Collier Coun~} gro~th management plan. Ibc maximum Jcnsii} ~.~issiblc in thc red,clerical-smile farad} dlqncls and Ibc urban mixed u,c land u,c dcssgn3~son shall hc ~u~ded. m pan. h) ~he dcnsil}' s} slcm conlamed in Ihe t~lur~' land u,c elemcm of Ibc (',,Ihcr (.'ounlF manaffcmem plan. Ibc maxm~um dcn~t} permissible or ~i[tcd in d~strict shall not exceed thc dcnsit} pt'mlsssble under the density ~ stem. ~'xcept a~ pt.~med ~'~ p, hclg~.gonlamed in th? future land t'leme~L 1 2, RSF-i: ()ne unit for each gr(,'~s acre RS! -_' l~o units t;~r each ~ross ucrc. RSF-;: Three units fi~r each gross ,crc RSF-4. four um~s for each gross acre RSF-~: Fi~c um~s Ibr each grt~ss acre. RSI'-6: S~x units fi~r each gross acre. Actual maximum densit.~ shall hc determined throut:h thc application of the density rating s}stem established in thc Collier Count.,. grow~' plan. or applJeghl¢ r~qicies contained in the future land use el plan. not to exceed the aN~'c specd~cd density Ibr each dislri~ ~,'utds ::r;:,:.~. :.h.':'::i.": arc dcl~cd. ~ ord~ undcrlmc~ ate ~ddcd DEC 0 2 1998 I. i'rlmq,al ~/~mtur,'~. '.'5 feet for Kr¢}'~ enclosure flrUClUrC~ Residential multiple.f :,mil> - 6 dlslnct ~ R.MI'-6 ~. Purpose wu! intent. '[he purpose anJ intent of the residential muhipl¢- famil) .6 district t RM[-6) is to pro~ ~d¢ lop sint:lc4amfi>, tao-hmfi> and muhil;~mil> residences ha~ ing u Io~ profile silhoucnc, surrounded b.~ optm ~pacc. l~ing m situated that it is located in clo~e proximal> to public and commercial scn'ice~ and h-'.~ direct or con~'eniem a~cns to collator and arlcrial muds on thc count> ma!or road nct%,,ork. The R.M}-6 district corresponds to and implements thc urban mixed u~ lanai u~ designation on thc fmure land u~ map of ~ Collie~ C~I) ~lh ~' ma~gement plan. I he maxim,m d~nsit> ~i~sible in 1~ RMF~ distdc~ and the urban mixed usc land use dcsignalmn shall ~ guided, in ~n. by the dcnsit> ratm~ s~ s~em contained m ~he I~lurc land u~e clcmem of Ihe C'ollict Counl} ~tO~tlh managemcnl plan 'the maximum dentil} ~issible or pcrmnted ~n ihi~ di,tncl ~hall not exceed Ibc dcnsll5 pcmlsslhlc under the lanJ u~c.gl[~cnl. 2.2.~.4,3. Dmwmt,nal .*t,,td, trd~: [ he tollo~mg d~mcn~mnul standards shall apply to all permitted hour,ne .~tmcmre t> Pcs. ucces.,~nS., and conditional u~s in the RMI'-b district. .'qin.gle-i'umfl> :0.500 square Il'et except a.~ prox ided at Section and 2.0.27. Du~le~: 12.~ sauarc feet except as ~rmidcd aI 5~tjon 2,6.27 l'~l-amd}: ]2.t~g~ 0,on0 square/~ct per dx~elling unit except as provided at Section ..6..7 lhrce or more D~ellin~ i'nil S~mcmr[~: 5.5~ ~mre f~l ~ d~elling unil except a~ here~n Ihnhcr pro~ idcd. ~ Minimum l.ot Width: 5ingle. Famil,%: 60 IL'ct Durqex: 80 feet r~to Famib: 80 Il'et combined h,l ~idth. Three or tnorc D~clling Unit Structures: I00 Del Minimum Yard Rcquircmcms ~¢xcept as furlhcr provided at Section ..6,.7.! 'lhe tbllo,a lng m~nimum .x ard requirements are in relation to platted boundaries: Front Yard ~ side Yard Rear Yard One ISingle! Famib - 25' 7 %' 20' Dwelling Units i')upte~ ~'.. I0' ,~0' Dwelline l 'nits Tt~o t.'nit Family 25' I0" 20' Dwelling Units Three or More Family' 30' 15'* Dwelling Units ::/ ~'a°lds'~ .=~, ~ a~ deleled.c ~ords underlined are ~,;.~. ;, .%fizrtm,m dcmtr$ Actual maxsmum den~,tt) ~,hali be determined through application of the den.~iI.~ rating .,.~ ,,tern e..,tabli~hed in the Collier Count) grox~,lh management plan. p:r apph,;able poh,;i¢,~ conlainqd itt thc fulur¢ ~an~l u.ne element, not to cxcccd six dx~clhng units per gro.,,s acre. S~mn .... 2.2,6,1. .... 6.4.5. Residential multiplc-fam:l.~ · 12 dt.~mct t RM! - ! 2 I I'ttrpo~e ,tn,l t,tcnt Ihc purp,*~c and intent of the residential multiple famil~ - 12 d~strtct I RM[ -12~ lo prm ~de ]and~ for mulfiple-famil~ residences ha~ lng a mid.risc profile, gencrall3 ~urroundcd b) Iox~cr structures and o~n space, located in clone proxlmlt) lo publi~ and commercial se~ ices. direct or conxcmcnt acccn~ Io collector and aflerial road~ on the coum) malOf road nel~ark. {h~cmmcn~aL s~<lal, and i~stllutio~a] [sad oses that s~'¢ immediate needs of Ibc mull~ple-famfl) ~ldences are ~.~ittcd as conditional u~s as long as Ibc) prener~ e and are compatible ~ith the mullip[e.lbmil~ character of thc district. ~he RMY-12 districl co~cs~nds to and implements thc urban mixed u~e ]~d usc designation on Ibc l~ture land use map of the Collier Count) grox~lh managem~t plan. The maximum densit~ ~iss~ble in the RMF-12 district and thc urban mix~ use ]~d designation shall ~' guided, in pa~. b) thc density rating s}'stem contain~ in the future I~d u~ element of thc Collier Count} grox~lh management plan. The maximum dcnsit~ pc~tssiblc or pc~tttcd in thc RMF.12 district shall not exceed thc dens,t) pc~ts~:ble under Iht dcnsit) rating s)stcm, excel an ~Jtled by ~licies contained ~q thc t~ture ta,d uW element. : 3htrlmttm den,.*. Aclual maximum dcnsit} shall be dele~ined through application of the densit} rating n} stem established in the Collier Count> gro~lh management plan. or applicable policies contained in the l~lure lan~ use element, not to exceed 12 units Ibp each gross acre. Residential multipleq3mil.~- I ~ district ~ RMF-I 6~ Purpose and tnt,'nt. ! hc purT, o.~e and intent of the resldenlial multiple- famil)-l t, dl.,,trlcl IR.MI -16~ ~s to pro~ idc lands Ibp medium to high dcnsil) muhiple*famfl) residences, generail) su~ounded by o~n space. I~aled in ¢1o~ proxim,)' to public and commercial se~ ices. ~'ith direct or convenient access to a~erial and collector roads on thc count) major road Ooxemmcntal. ~<~al. and institutional land uses that sene the immediate n~s of the muhiple-familv residences are ~itt~ as conditional long as they prese~e and arc compatible ~llh the medium Io high density mulliple-l~mil} character of the distflcl. ~e RMF-16 district co~s~nds and implements the urban mixed use land use designation 0n the futura land u~ map of the Collier Count) grox~h management plan. Thc m~ximum density ~issible in the RMF-16 district and the urban mixed use land use the future land use element of the Collier Countv'grox~ah m~gement pl~ ~e maximum densit~ ~issible or ~itted'in the RMF-16 not exceed the density ~issible under the densily ~ting ~ ~illed bx ~[~g~es contained in the future land u~ elemen .~la~tmum densttv. Actual maximum density shall ~ dete~ application of the dens~t~ rating ~slem established in the W~ ~ a~ deleted. ~ordt underlined arc ~d~, grm~th man:,gcmenl plan. or a.~Ntcable ~,'h~tc, o,ntamcd in th,' haut:, land use element, not tn exceed Ih d~%elhng umt~ lot ¢~h ~r~.~ a~r¢ .%~:tion :.2.9 .Village re~idennal dntnct ~%'R ). Purtoose ,Jqd tntcnt '[ he pur~,~: anJ intent n! thc x dlage r~d~haf [VR I is to prm ide land~ ~hcrc a mixture of residen{~al uts ma} Additionally. u~es arc h<a:cd and designed :o mamlam t~ ~ Illa~c r~i~mlial character of thc VR d]strsct. ~e VR district co~cs~nd~ to ~ impl~ thc mixed residential land usc doignat]on on the Immokal~ fm~ map of the Collier Count) grm~lh manag~cnt plan. I1 is tm~ application in tho~ urban areas outside of the c~ml ur~n ~ on the future land um map of the Collier Count3 gr~lh ~~mt t~uffh thee i~ ~me exi~line VR tonin~ in the coastal ~rb~ ar~. mzximum density ~issible in the ~ iilage residential distmt a~ mix~ u~ la~ u~ dtmignation s~ll ~ graded, in ~. b)' t~ ~s~t) system contained in the l~ture land u~ clement of Ihe Collier CToum~ grox~lh managemenl plan. l'he maximum den~it~ ~,~i~sible or ~lted m I~ VR a district ~hall not exceed thc dcn~st3 pe~lhle under thc dcnsl{} rating , cJemcnl, or a~ dcs)gnatcd on lhe Immokal~ future land u~ map of t~ grO~lh management plan : Maximum densit) Single-Famil) Duplex Multiple-[atoll) Acccs~o Dwelling and I)~scll,ng i;sc~ Mobde I lome 726 unit~ gross acre acre acre As Actual ma%jmum deq,~it~ ~hal[ be determined thrnueh the applica0on of ~ the denslt) rating s~ stem. or applicable ~licic, comaincd land use elemCnL or thc lmmokalee future land u~ map established in Collier Count) Erox~th management pi=. not to exceed the a~e dcnsn fi reach ~ ......................... Scclmn 2.:. I0 Mobile home di~tr~ct ~MII) 2.~. 10.1. Purpr~se amimtent. Ibc pu~sc and intent of thc mobile home district IMJ]} is to provide lands for mob,lc homes that ensure Ihey are consistent and ) '-~1 compatible ~ith sunounding land uses. l-he Mil district corresponds to and . ~ implements Ihe urban mixed use land use designation on the future land use ,'~ map of the Collier County gro~lh management plan. The maximum densit"v permissible in the mobile home district and thc urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in part. b.~ thc density rating s)'stcm contained in ... '~ the future land use element of the Collier Count.~ grmslh management plan. :"~ Thc maximum dcnsit.~' permissible or permitted in Ibc Mil a district shall not '~ exceed the dcnsit) permissible under the density rating system, excont as rermitled b~ politic~ contairlcd iq thc future land u~c clemer~L or as identified ~;-~ in the lmmokalee future land usc: map of the gro~ah management plan ,ttaximum dt, miO'. Maximum density shall be dctermined through application of the densit.~ rating s.~stem established ~' growth management Section 2.2. i 3. Commercial Convenience District t C-2). l?ating places t 3g I: ,.'xccpt contract I'~eding. dinner Ih,:aters. ice t m.~lltut~onal ~. industrial feeding I. Food slopes t groups .<.111 except supermarkets, $42 ! ~.~499L Gasoline sen icc stanon*~ t5541 subj~t to section 87. C~neral merchandise st,,res ~531 I--5~99). Group care facilities Icategor? I and IL except for homeless shelters};. c~e unit~,, except lop homeless shelters: nursing homes: assisted living facilities pursuant to .~ 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.; and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to § 65 i F.S. and ch. 4.193 F.A.C.; all subject In sectzon 2.626. I lome £umitur¢. fumishin; and equipment stores {groups 5713-5719. $731-5736p. ' Libmrie~ 18231 ~. ' Mi~ellancous repair sen ices. except at,raft, business and office ~, machine~, large apphanccs, and ~hite g~s such ~ reffigemto~ ahd ~a~hmg mach~ne~ ~ 7629-7631 ~. ' .~ ..~. ~ Mi~¢llancou~ retail sc~ ices ~5912. ~942-.~961 ). ' Museums and an galleries f gA i-' ~. Personal serxic¢~ Igroups "~ '~ '" · -! ....I 7-'21--72.~L 7"91 Sccudb and comm(,d~b brokers, dealer, exchanges and SCnlCeS Igroups6211 United States Postal Ser~ ice 14311 except major distribmion center}. Veterina~ ~erx ices ~0742 excluding outside kennelingL Videotal~ rental ~ 7841 ~ An.v other convenience commercial use ~hich is comparable in natt~re with the lbregoing uses including buildings for retail, gr.'ice and 2.2,13.2.2. Uses act~,~or3. to pt'rmttted ti.se ~ ' ~ ' ~""~i';~: Cartnaker's resid,:nce, subject to section 2.6.16. SeCtion 2.2.14:'!Cmn~en:ial intermediate district t C-3 ~. '~" office purlx~ses consistent u, ith thc permitted uses and purpose and ':~,~:~ 'f .. Auto and home ,suppl.,, stores t f531 ). Business scrx ices I Rroups 731 I. 7313.7322--7338. 7361-7379. 73~. 7399 exert aucfion~nn~ sc~ ~cc. field ~arehousing. ~itle la~lin~. ~in~ and la~iin~, sal~a~n~ of damaged me~handise, crap stol cumn~ ~d shttin~ ~. I:ating places I.~gl'' ,ml.~ ~. All e.,tablishments engaged in the retail sale or alcohuhc be~¢ral~c~ li~r on-premise consumption are subject to Ioeational requirements of section .'.6 I-ood slores f~roups .441 I..5499~ General merchand~: stores t L:roup., 531 I..SjgOf. Group care facilities t categor.. I and II. except for homel,:ss sheltersl: care urals, except for homeles.~ shelters: nursing homes: assisted living, facilities pursuant fo ,~ 400.4u" F.S. and ch..qgA-5 !' A.C.: and c,mtinuing care retirement communmes pursuant to ,~ 6.41 F.S. and ch. 4-10.1 ~.A.C.: all ..6..6. subject to section. . I Reser~ ed. I Ilome fumiture, furnishing, and equipment slorcs igroups 5712--5736).. Libraries f 8231 ). Mannas 1440., f. sub~¢¢! to .,:cuon .6 .... .Memb,:rship ore ,lmzaflons 18611 --xhg9 f Miscellaneous repair scr~ Iccp, ~group~ 762g--7631 ~. Miscellaneous retail I groups 5012--.~6.~ except pax~nshops and building materials. 50~"..5':q'~ ~ Museums and art galleries 184 ! 2). Nondepos,ton. credit institutions I groups 6111-6163 ). Paint. glass and ,aallpaper stores f5231 ~ Personal services ! groups 7211.7212.7215.7216 nonindustrial dr:,.' cleaning Public administration (groups 911 i-.0199. 0229.93 i I. 941 !-94~ i..,~' suppl.,,' Retail nurseries, lav~n and garden stores i5261 - : .:~ ,. ' t 998 ,.,,'ice, o7 :. oTn 0 2.1 t'nitd 5tat~ P~t31 ~c~. ~cc i3] I l ~cc~t ~lOf dislri~t~ An}' u~c ~hich ~a, pcrml,~ihlc under thc pn.r (;R('/,mm ~ di~lric~ a~ ~hich ~a~ la~ full~ c~tm~ pn,.r ~o the ~d~plion of this An~ ~lhcr ~cncral c.mmcrclul u~e ~h~ch ~ cempam~Ic in ~ture ~ilh I~ fi~regoing u~ incl~m¢ buddm~s Iht rclad. ~cc ~d -fficc ~ dis~ricL Planned unis des clopmcnt d~smct ~PI.'D~ l~ttrl~il' m~d mtct~t. [ he pu~c and relent of establishing Ihe planned unit d~ clopmcm dislrlci ~l't.'l)~ ~s lo pro~ sdc procedures and s~a~d~ Io encourage mixed u~e planned dcxclopmcnls that ma~ ~ instituted al appropriate I~ali,ns. ,r planned deselopmcms ihai ~a~r or mm' ~l ~ u~ In she urban fringe area,, ail in accordance ~,~h ~hc ~lannin~ and ma~ffemcm plan. h ss lunher ~hc pu~' and intent oflhc~ PL'D' planning, d~iffn, and dcxclopmenl or rcdcsclopmcnt of relalivelv large I~Is O1' land under unified -~ncrsh~p or control. PI'[)~ rn~uccd in compliance ~ith thc tc~s a~ prmi~lons of this c~c and t~ gm~h managcmen[ plan ma.,, cl,:part lrum th,: ~,tr]¢l applicali,~n o£sctback, h¢ighL and minimum lot reqmremcnts of con&emional zoning districts s~hile mamtmmn.c rmmmum .,tdndards b.~ ~ h~ch Ilexibilit.~ maybe accomplished. and ~hile pro~¢ctm.g thc pubtic inter¢~L so that: A more creative approach ma} he taken IO the de~.elopmen! of conllE:Uous iracLs of land and to encourage de~, clopmcnl of infill parcels ofcon:~uou~ ir~cls of land in ccna in c~rcumslanccs. A more des~mbte ~ssiblc ~hmugh ,Inet application of Iht minimum r~ui~mcms of this zoning Land ma} ~' used utilities and s~rcc1~ ~ith conscquem lo, er construction and I~turc Thc impact ol a r.~nlcutar PUD on the present and projected population. ¢c~nom.~~. land usc pattern, tax base. street s.~ public facilit.s net~sork,.s~ of the count.s ma.v be carefullF relalise to the ~ an,us costs und b~nefits that ma.~ be associated vdth such de,~elopmem Thc development emplo}.., lechniques tL'aturing amenities and excellence m the form of xanatmns in siting, mixed land uses and"or saried d~elling t.~ pcs. as s~ell as adaptation to and conservation of the topoffraph.~ and other natural characteristics of thc land im, olved. Exceptmns to variations ~n siting, mixed land uses varied mas' be granted on PUD permissible in the PUl) use land use dcsignanon shall be guided, in pan. by the dcnsit)~tinff s.s. stem comained in the future land use element of the Collier ~ management plan. 1 he maximum dcnsit.v permissible n district shall nOl exceed the dcnsit.v permissible ut~dct O2 dement, An.~ thin~ to the contra.? not~iih.~tanJmF. ail PI 'D d¢~eh)pn~'nt shall be consistent ~ lth :he ('oilier Count} gro~th managemellt plan. Maximum residential dens,t? perrm~sihle for thc mcrall PI'D shall be guided, in pan. b) the densit.~ rating s.~'stem contained in the future land use elemenl of thc ~ro~h management plan. The o~'~all maximum rcs~dcnti-~i dcn.~ty l~rmissihle or permitted in a PUD !~ calculated b.~ di~ idin~= the total number of d~'¢lling units b?' thc total of ~ros,~ acrcal~¢ of the proposed PUD excluding the a~cng¢ of the areas design.',tcd for commercial, industrial, or other land u~: ha~ lng an estabh~hed eqm~alcnt residential density in this Land Development Code. The maximum densil)' ~issiblc or in a PUD shall not exceed thc dcnsily ~issibIc under Ihe dmsity ~ting s) stem. or avvtlcable ~licics comained in lhe furore land u~ clement St'IISECTION .~.B: t/,t~u,tmt ~A.~n;t.t. 'Ibc maximum residential densit.v permissible ~hall be graded, in pa~. b~ the dcns~t~ rating st'stem contained in the t~ture land u~e element of thc ~rox~th management plan. ~e densit) ~issible under the density rating s~'st~, exert as At~n o~erla~ disttKt (AI'OL >pcctal rcgulumms I~)r spccilled areas in and aro0nd t~ ai~ in Collier Count?. I Dri~c~. An~ ~r~on dec,ring to erect or i~r~ the height of ~y use his prtt~ not m dc<oral=ncc ~ ~th the regulations pr~ti~d in this ordin~ ma~ appl~ to the N~ard of/oning appeals fi~r a ~ariance from such regulations puts~nt to ~¢tmn 2.7.5. except a, pro, Mod b~ submction 333.03(1~cL Fl~da Slatuto_ - AME~DME~T~ TO OFF.~TREET PARKING A~I) LOA~I~G DJ', isi,)n :.3.. Off-Street I'.~rkml: -',nd i.~,ading, or'{ )rdinanee o I - I ¢)2. a:, amended. the Collier {.'ount.~ Land De~eh)pment Code. i~ hereb.~ amended to read as foilings: DI VI.',;ION 2.3. Sec. 2.3,16. 2 3.16,1. OFF-STREET I'..tRKIN¢; AND I.O..~,I)IN(; Off-sttee! parking and stacking; required amounts. '~,'ords M~,~,-M~. are deleted. ,~ m'd~ underlined are added I1 Pro~ i~i<,n~ fi~r the sale and secure parkina of bio'¢tes shall be furnished at a ratio of five t~reent of thff ITquirements for motor ~ehicles as set forth in Se~. 2,2.16. but not to exceed a ratio of 10% of the reauired number of earkine st)aces. A minimum of t~o bio'cie ~rktne st)aces shall be r)rovided. A bicycle oarkine facility stated to n sinel¢ bJO'{:le {"oarkinn ~. :,,. *. s~cc") shall be of a sland-alone invctted. U ~' - ~_' ~ ' _ ; v~':! , tack') mounted .~.cureh' to the er~und !!~' a steel ba~ rdate. ASTM A 361 so as to .~-cure tM bio'cie frame a.d DEC 0 2 1998 ¢!¢aran¢con all stdes rq' thc hik~ r~k. Bic~cl~ ~P,~cc~ ~hall be ~3~ed. Ii,hied and I~ated ~ ~rcaf~r thnn 1~,~ f~'et fr~m thc m~jp ~p~J~jp~ entrance. Extraordinan hic~cl~ rarkin~ d~i~ns ~hich d~an Ih~m t~ bike rack ~tandard hut arc cnnsi~t ~qlh the dc~l~,rm~t'~ d~iun ~hcmc ~h311 ~ consid~ h~- the C~fv a~hil~t. ~ikc rack~ ~hich functmn &~ilhout ~ufin~ t~ bier-cie f~me. reauire the u~c ef 3 hiocle kick ttand, er ~hich may ~ f~elv 5Ub~Tl~utmn~ of u~ to fi~c ~rccm of thc ~arkine rc~uir~ hv ~ S['BSECTIO~ 3. D: Amendment~ to ~upplementnl ReRulatinn~ Dhi~ion f, Division 26. Supplemental l)i~tn~t R~gulat.m~, of Ordinance 91-10~. as amended, th~':Colli~ Count) Land ~elepmcni C~e. b ~reh) amended to r~ad a~ fidlo&~s: ~ DIVIMON ~,6. SUPPI.I:MENTAL DIS1 RIC"t RECit 'I.A I IO~S ' Sec.2.f~.? Parking and storage of certain ..§.7... Parkl/t~/., Moragt' or It~:' ~d /~hll.r recrcalto~tal t'c/ldPt~tettl No recreational equipment shah be u.~ed fi~r li~ lng. sleeping, or housekeeping purpose~ x~hen parked or stored on a residentiall) zoned lot. residential districts, or an> h~:ation not apprmed for such usc. In districts permitting $ingle-famil.~ homes or mobile home~, major recreational equipment may ~ p~ked or ~tored onl) in a rear )ord. or in a completely enclosed building, or m a ca~. or on daxits or cradles adjacent lo ~vat~a)'s on rmidentially zoned pro~}; rrmidcd, hosteler, that such equipment may ~ parked anywhere on residential premises, olher than on County fiehts-of-~av 6r rieht.olL~;3, e;%'~gnln t;,r a pert~M not lo exceed ~ ~ hours during loadin~ ~d unloading, and or cleaning rnor to or after a trip. For the pu~ose ofthi~ ~tion the rear yam fi~r a comer lot shall ~ considered to be that ~flion qf the lot op~s~te Iht slrcet ~ilh Ibc leasl l?ontage. For through lots the rest )ard shall ~ considered to M' Ihal ~)nion of Ibc lot l}ing ~t~een thc re~ elevation (b~ design} of thc residence and thc strc~. ~ l~e foiling-lng exceptions may be granted by the site development reviews' director: Such recream,nal equipment ma) be parked upon thc premises of the resident for a period not exceeding seven da)s for the purpose of · -,--..,e.t~'~: ...... ...,,~......."-"J:=-' repairing and or cleaning prior to or after a trip. tX tcmporar~ u~e permit musl b~ ohlp~rted to apthorize this aclivits', Thc permit for such period shall Ix, al'fixed to the vehicle in a conspicuous place on the street side thereof. No more than two consecutive permits ma3 be issued and the maximum number of permits issued during one calendar )'ear shall be restricted to four. '; Nonresident: Such car. trailer, bus or motor home. ~vhen used four mmsponat,on of visitors to this county to visit friends or member the visitor's family residing in this Count>' may be parked upon thi~ premises of the ~ isited family for a period not exceeding seven dayg. A temt~orarv use t~ermit must be obtained to authori: The rermit for such r~eriod shall be affixed to conspietmun place or on the street side thereof. This! for li~fing, sl~ping, or hook.ping pu~. No W~ ~ ~ ~l~ed. ~s u~rh~d ~ ~' con~'~utP,¢ I~rmlt~ n',a.'. I%' I'~ued arid Ih~ nlaMmum n~m~'[ ol ~L'BSECTI()~3.1): AME~I)ME~'F~ TO Z()~I~(; AI)MI~I~TRA'llO~ A~D PR DIVISION } [)i~i~ion 2.7_ /.nin~ Admlnl~tratmn and Procedurc~. ~I' (~rdinancc ~)1-11)2. a~ amended. [h~ Collier Count.~ [.and i~:~¢k~mcnl code. i~ hcreb.x amended to read a~ follo~,u DIVISION 2.?. ZONI"~(; .~,I)MINI.~TR.XTION AND PI{()CEDVRE.~ Planned t'nit Dcseh,pmcnt f l'l 'Dr procedures. Sec. 2.7,352. SL'II~ECTION.%E; AMENI).S, IEN'I.~ TO .s, IIC'ilI'rEC'TT'IL~i. AND SITE I)ESIGN ST,%.~ I)A !( !).% AND (;I'IDELINES FOR COMM£RCIAL IR'II.DI.~(';~ AND PRO.IE¢'T.~ DiGsion 2.8.. Architectural and .~t¢ l)e~ign ~tanJards and (}uid¢lines for Commercial Building~ and l'r, qccts, of Ordnance ~1-I : a, amended, the (otlicr t'~,unt~ I.and Dc~ch,pmcnl C'~c. is h~ amended lo read as f'oilo~ s DIVI.~ION 2.8. ARCIII?ECTUIIAI. AND .NITE D£SIGN .~TANDARI)S AND (;t'IDELINE.g FOR CO.M.MERCIAI. IIUll.l}l.N¢;.~ AND PR¢).IECrs. ~ec, 2.8.:. Applicahilit}. Pros isions of this dis ision are applicable in ali commercial ~oning districts. ¢%,mmercial components of PUD districts, and l)Rls, and husim..,,,s park distnct~,, and lnduMna!/oned area~ fronttn~ ,,n ;sncrial ,'f 9'tls'~:~'f r,,~d, a, d¢~¢f~,~d b~ ;he traq~pation clrculatWn vlgnlg~t l,~ I~:¢ crop, th mana~emcm Nan. a~ pmxldcd ~'loxn: ~¢~olatltt.l~ ~ud rcdercl~q~rtwt~t In thc case of additions or reno~ am)ns h,. or pedex clopmcnt ~,l. an existing building or prpject. s~ here Ihe cosl of such uddmon, rcm,xafion, or pedex clopmem exceeds ~O ~rccnt (,f thc x aluc of the existing stmcture(s~, or 20 ~rcent of the ~uarc fi~tagc of thc existing slmctures. Ibc proxisions of this diGsion shall Discontinuance Thc pro'. is~ons of .~ction of this code do not · 2.8. appls~ to the proxisions of sectmn s~hich require structural alterations and are superseded by the follo~'ing. Where the use ora structure ceases for an.,,' reason, except s~herc governmental action ,~ ' impedes access to the premises, for a period of more th ~ consecutise days. thc pros Isions of this code v, hich m-~ ,' requM ~ , :~ structural alterations shall ~ adhered to prior lo reocct ?ahoy of the structure. With respect tO xehicula~ use and required la ~a/,~ ~~~ the prm. isions of this section shall apply u.'here the use g 1~8 ' Sec. 2,~,3, 2.831.2. ..4. ceases Ibp an.,, reason, exccrl sshcrc gos cmmenla] a¢llOn Jmped,:s a~'ccss lo thc premises. Ibp a ~rltO i~l more lhan I gU con~ul~se da) s. R¢'qt~Irc~[ ~tt~' ih'v¢l.p.tc~It ~,r tm[,rorc.tcttt p[a~t. Comphance s~andard~ sci Ionh m this d~ ision ~hall bx. demonstrated by submiltal ol'arch~t¢ctural dra~s ings and a site dc~ ¢lopment plan {n' site imprm emcm plan m accordance ss ith dixision 3,3 of this code. llhntrathm~ Illustrations pm~ ided in dis ision 2.8. are intended lo prmidc a graphic example ora specific provision or provisions set fi,nh hcrc,n. Vanatmn,, Imm these illustrations ,,,,hich nonetheless adhere to the pros isions of this dis ision, are encouraged. Archilectural and site design standards and guidelines for : commercial buildings and projects ~ith a gross building area of : 20.000 square frei or larger. £',mphance ,.~lh thc ,qandard,~ ,,:t tunh in this section shall b~ dumonsltaled h.~ submittal of architeclutal dra~sings and a site development plan m accordance s~itb dKision 3.3 of this code. (Iff ,~trcct p, trkl.t, dc~tt,,t ..'is pr¢,x ided for ' ' '~ * Jn d~ ~smn ..~. and subjccl lo thc li,lh,~ ~ng pt,,~ i~:on~ Purp,s¢ un,it,u,.,t ('ommeroal buildings and projects, including their oulparcels ~hall be designed h, ~mvide safe. convenient, and efficient acccs,~ fi,r pedestrians and s chides. Parking shall be designed in a con.~.,,tcm and coordinated manner for the entire a~te. lhc parking area shall bc m~cgra~ed and designed ~ as lo ~hance Ibc. ~ isual ap~'arancc ~,f Ibc communit) Design .st, t,,I, trds Parking. utilizing the ~me degree of angle, shall be des cloD.'d throughout the site to pro,. ide efficient and safe traffic and l'~.'dcslrmn c~rculatmn A single ha.'. of parking pro~ ided along Ihei perimeter ~,t' thc s~tc ma.~ sar?. in design in order lo maximize the numtx'r of spaces pros tdcd on-site. I he mixture of one4say aM t~o- ~a.~ parking aisles, or diff.'rent degrees of angled parking ~sithin an.~ parking area is prohibited, except a~ nmed abx,~e, or s~bere individual parking ar¢a~ are th: s~call.~ separated from one another b.~' a commuous land~cap~ buffet, a mimmum five fe~t in ~udth with limited a¢cess~ l.andsca~ but'fl..rs for th~c locations shall u~ landga~ material other than grasn for the .~.'naration of t~arkmc areas. ~See Illustrations I and 2 bdm~ ~. %lrxtml~m p, trlrl,1~ Parking: in execs, ofth~ minirrlum ?arkin~' rellmremo'lts b.. ,l~a!l pn-. ~dq additional land,car, iht a.~ descnl~ l~ ~¢~;tlon 2 3 IO. ,,l'Ihc l. Dq' to adhe~ lo the Ibllo~ing standards: Interior fi,ts No more th~ 50 ~cem ortho off-~ ~ing for thc cnti~ commercial building or ~j~t s~ll ~g'een any primal' facade of the comm{r~i~ ~ilding ~oje~ and Ihe a~utlmg str~l or navigabl~ 2.8,3,2.2. 2.S.3 2.3. ..8.3 ._4. 2.8.3...I. ('orm'r i,,t~ No more than 8~} percent of Ihe ofl;stree! parking for the ~re ~omm~rcial building or proj~l shall ~ ~t~ an~ pri~' f~¢ of ~he com~cial ~ilding proi~t a~ thc abumng s~rccl or na~ igable ~'a~ay ar~a. ~ilh no single side t~ contain more than 65 ~rcenl of Iht Parlrm.~ str~tc'tttr(' ~t,m,t(tr,l~ a minimum of 60 pcrcenl of any primar,.' facade of a parking ~tructure or coy;red parking l~cility shall incn~ratc ~, ,,f Iht Iblh~ lng I~c llimlralmn 5 ~lm~ tbr cxamplcs~: transparent ~indm~s. ~,h clear or lighll.,.-finled glass. ~her¢ IYdestrian (,ricnted busJncs~s are I(~atcd along Iht facade of Ibc ~arkmg ~tructurc; Ibl d~npla.~ ~ indov, s; d¢coram¢ metal grfll¢-~ork or ~mdar detailing r architectural treatment such as sculpture, mosaic, glass blt, ck. opaque an glass, relief ~ork. or similar features: or. (c~ ~ efl~¢al lr¢lh~ or other land~caping or pedestrian plaza area. I. icttttn? Purl'n),e und t,Jh'nt Commercial buddings and ptujects, including their ou[parcels shall be designed h~ pn,~ idc sut~. convcmcnL and efficient lighling li,r ~cstrian~ and xchiclcs. I.ighfing shall ~ dcs,gncd in a consislcnt and ct~tdi~l~d manner for the entire site. lh~ Iighting and lighting llxlurcs shall ~ integrated and d~ig~ an lo en~ncc the ~ i~al impact of Ihe project on I~ community anO' .[ m,Ncnd ~ f~h the sunounding landman. .~'lUehh,~, mm,lar, A l.ightmg ,,hall bc designed so as Io prexent &reel glare, light .,,pillage and hazardou,, interim'ronco x~ ith automot~.c and l~.'destrian traffic ~m adiaccnt streets and all adjacen! ~roi~:rl~cs. Ft.~tttr¢ ttct~ttt ~t, tn(l~trd~ Lighting fiMures shall ~' a maximum of 30 Ii'et in height ~ithin Ihe parking lot and shall bca maximum of 15 fi:et in hcighl ~ithin non-sehicular ~'dcstnan areas l~cc lltus~rauon 6 belm~ k Destgn standard~ Lighting shall bc u~d ~o ~rovide safco' ~hile acccm~ key archit~tuml elcmcnt~ and'or m ~p~ize ~ features. Light fixtures shall ~ d~gned as an int~ml dmlgn elem~t I~! complcmems Ihe d~ign of Ibc pmj~l Ikrc:;~ ~:4c. ma:cr~a~ ~ W. ~is can ~ a~omplis~ Ihmueh st.-lc, ma~aLcolot .... 1998 Pla'po)¢ dl;d I,h',l ro dlmllaish, in 3 .~af~.' manner, the ~isual impacts ice f'unction~, that ma.'. dctra<t ~)r ha,, c a ncgatJ,, c impact on tl~.. ~4rcel.~alx'. L,nd,<a~, .',nd or the -&t-rail communit.~ image. ihdfcrm~, and ~cre¢'ntn:, &hmddrd~ in accordance ~ith the pm~ isions ef dt~ l~ion :6 of tht~ o~. lo,ding arca~ or d~ks. outd~r storage. trash collection, me, harnell cqmpmcnt, trash compaction. ~rLmg ~ChicUl~r ~t~r~e excluding nc~ ~nd used ca~. rec~'cling. rip, flop eqmrm~m and other ~c~ ~cc function area~ shall ~ full) ~rccncd and out of ~ ~c~ from 3~jaccnl ~ro~nic~ at ground r~.~:::~:. ;::~:J r:;~m~_. ~h~n ~ocatcd ~n ~c~-of rnad~vn~' '* I .%l,~h'rml.~ a,,l~A.,~,, ~h/,.I, rd~ .%recning matertal and design shall ~ consistent ~ ~th design Ireatmcnt of Ibc prima~ facades of thc commercial bulldm~ -r pr()/eet and the Jand~ca~ plan. /:'r,¢'m~ ~/a,d./,',l, (:'ham link and &~,,,d I~'n¢ln.., arc prohibited l;,~ard of. the rr~m,~ f~ad~ and mu&t ~' a minimu~ ~f'op~ h~ndred tlOt)~ l~c~ lh,~ a rqhh¢ r~ghT-,q'-~a~ ('h~in ,link and ~ fc~in~' racine a Puhlif n~hl-~f-~a~ ~11 pre~ Me at a minim~ an imca~mt hcd~c d~r~ctl~ m front of th~' ~Cnc¢ .,~ th~ ~idc ~t't~ riuht~f;~a~ ~ Pl~t mat~r~al .ha~l hc a m~nlmum ,.;' three gallen and shall ~ planted ~ f~'~t on cem~'r at ~h~ ~m¢ ~,~ Inqallatmn This plant mafwi31 ~hall ~' mamta;n~d_~r ~ mm~mu~.,,f thr¢c quarter the hei~hl of thc IL'nc~ng l'pllo~.nc rcncin,-' d,~,C* n,q ,;~cCCJ l;,ur ~4; fO,'t in height. Thc fcPW..;T? }~,' mu,~ <;,,mrq,.'mcnT thc huilJin,, .'4~ I¢ lhn,ugh lhe uw ot m,a:¢r~jI. ~;,.~},,r and ,,r design IJrtvc-thr, lo:;t ~* ;/ht,,~ ~t,~nj~lrd~ [)ri', c-through ~ mdo~s and lanes ~hall Ix. d¢~nc~ !o adhere t,~ thc to]lo~mg standard.;: the sen ice ~,,indox~ si. Such structure shal . int~rated structurally and ~ch.ectumlh. ~nto t~ d ' ' Dri~c-throu~:h ~,.mdow.~ shall not be placed between the right- of.~a) ofa pnmar) collector or arterial t~d~ay and as~<ialed budding, unle~ the ~ egetation ~qui~d b~ a 'l 'B" land~a~ bufl~.r is installed within the bufl~ ~idth reqmred IbP the prmect and maintained along the enOm length of the dn~e-th~ugh lane ~t~een the dfi%'e-t~ugh I~e and the adjacent nght~IL~ a~. As an ahemative to t~ veg~ative buffer referenced aNa~c: a ~ancnt cove~d ~e<~hc~ l~'~ structure, other than a~ning.canvass ty~ stmc u,~;~. ma~ ~ installed extending Ih¢ ~&idth of the drive.th ough~ 0 -".8.3.4 4, '2-. I't, rl~,sc ,t,ni trite)it '[o ?ro~. ide safe opportunities for altcmatixc m(~Je,~ (,ftransp(,natlon b.,. connectzng ~xilh existing and future ix'de_,,lrlan and bic)c]¢ paths~a)s ~ ithm the count) and lo prox'idc safe pas,~age from the public right.ot;~a.x' to thc commercial building or projc~ct, and I',¢t,egn aitemati,~ c modes of transportation. I'~'dc~lriu*! uccel* ~t,t):dur,h Pedestrian x~a:,'s, linkages and paths ~hall be pr,,x ~Jcd fr,,m thc buildtn~ entel s) to sum,unding extemat ~dc~alk,. and outparcels. Pedestrian ~ays shall ~ d~iFncd t,) pr,,~,de a~ce,, N.t~ eeo parking arca~ and the building entrancc~ si in a o~)rdmalcd and ~fC manner l'cde~lrtan ~a}s ma} be m~o~'~rat~d ~thm a required l~nd~a~ ~rim~er buff~, provided ~'Je,tnan ~alkx~a), arc encouraged bqt~een adjacent comm~ial .%ltmmum r,m,,~ Ped¢.,~trlan ~a.~ s shall be prox lded at a minimum ratio of one for each public x ehieular entrance to a projetl, excluding ingress and egress points intended pnmaril.x for sen icc. delixcry or emplo.~,.'c xehtcle~,. .tlmtnn, m dmwnw(,,t~ Pedestrian ,,,. alkx,.a.,, s shall be a minimum of .tfitt,'rtal, Pedex, man ~ alk~a) s shall be consistent x~ ith thc pro,, t.m,n., o! ,teflon 4 5 of the Americans ~,,ith Disabilities Act IADA~. A¢ces~,blht.~ Guidelines Materiah may' include spe¢ialt.~, pax er,. <on~re:e. ~,,IoreJ concrete or stamped patterll ¢oHCI'Cl¢. Pr,&'~trmn ,r,,~,,ulg~ ut hu~filmg l~'rtmeter. Buildin; perimeter cmssv~alk~ .,hall N: designed and coordinated to move people to and from bmldm~, and parking areas b.~ identi~'ing pedestrian ero.¥,mi:s x,,tlh ~i.~nal~e and ,.arlat~ons tn pax'ement materials or marking., .¥1~ade Pedestrian ~alksxa.~ s shall prox tdc intermiltent shaded areas ~hen the v, alk~a) exceeds 100 linear feet in length at a minimum ratio of i00 square fi:et of shaded area per excD' lO0 linear l~et of ~alkx~ay. Shade structures may be natural, manrrlad¢ ~r a combination of both. B:dfilin~ de.~icn l',rl~)~e a,d t,te~ll To maintain and enhance thc attraeti~{ street~ape and the existing architectural d~isn of the Buildings ~hall ha~ e a<hitectuml features and ~u~ ~ is~l interest t?om the ~rs~ctive of the ~destfi~; a~l~tie; r~<ognize l~al character, and ~ site ~~. s~ll be designed to r~uee the m~s'~ale and unif~ :Tpc-~ranc¢ of i~rgc un~omed ~ail,. s~hd¢ ptmlJinff ~ I~1 intctc~t t~t ~iil ~ ~on~islcn; ullh the commumtV~ id~nlil} and character ~hmugh th~ u~e ofde~ail and ~cale. ,~m~u~ation ~s accomplished h sa~mg lh~ huildin~'~ m=~ m h~'ht and x~ldlh ~ lhal. ap~ar, 1,, hc divided mh~ dblin~t mas~m~ clemcn~, and d~tails thal can ~- ~r~ei~¢d a~ the ~,al~ ut lh~ ~'dcslnan Is¢~ Illu~lralion 7 ~lo~s ~. Corner lots at an intersection oft~o or more arterial or collector roads ~hall be designed ~ ith additional architec,ural embellishments, such as comer to~ ~rs. or other such desb. n t~a' utes. to emphasize {hc~r location as gate,,~a} s and transition points v,,hin the community. L thc affccleJ Prozc~;Tcd cmcred puhh¢ cnt~ ~se, h a minimum of 25*0 of ('m cr~..d ~alk~a~ ~,cxcludin~: canva,s t,,r~.~ unless Pmvidot ~ith ~ix ~ tach columns or ~ter au~d m the buildinq a~ a mlmmu~ ~,f ~i~ht ~"eT ~idc ~ ~th a ~. minimum coverage thc al'f~'~:cd f~cadc ~'a~nle T~all hctx, ht tearer/ton New dc'.ch,pments that arc located ~ithin 3~ fcct of an exis.ng building, and arc more than t~icc thc hciffhl (,~ an~ ex~sting building ~th~ 3~ f~'et shall prm tmnsitioml m~sing clements to transition bet~n the existing buildings of*lm~et height ~ithin 31~ fe~. ~ l~ ~ de~ elopment, lhe transitional ma~stnu element can ~ no mom than I~1 ~ent laller than thc a~eragc height oflhe adiacenl building~ ~ IIiustratmn 8 M'loss }. l",,',tdc snm&tr, I All pnmaD l'acad¢~s ufa building shall be designed ss tth con.,tstent archik, ctural st.,. lc. &tail and trim lbatures. Eacadcs altachcd I~o a pr,n;r, I'~ca,.te ',hall m~',,~,raW f,.'ature~ of'the priman' fbcade tee a mm~um of.~3 percent ,f the m'¢rall ~all ler~gth_. In thc case o t'outparcel buildings, all exterior facades shall adhere to the requirements of this d~ ision ~ith tcsI'~Ci tO architectural design treatments for primaD facadc,~ .U'ind. s, st,/.,/.r,/, WIndm~ shall not be false or applied J,, m,,e .~;t~md. mA As~nin~s .~hall onh' be u~d ovw building . ~cordance ~ith the o~ine to ~hich they co~ and shall ~o~ ~l~d mom tha~ ;xso feet on either side ortho o~nine. ~II not cover ~or¢ than 75 ~rccnl of the f~ena¢ A~in~ ~hall not '. have a ~ttom sol~l panel nor shall thex ~ backlieht~,- AGENDA I;~U "' {h~,r~#d tricots Oxerhead d~m racine thio o~ anoint ~ ' No horl/~,ntal length or unint~..rruptcd eurx'e ora buildin~ facaJ¢ ~hall ~c¢~ I{~} hnear t~%~./or arcaded t~e~. no ~ri/ontal Icng:h ~,r umntc~urted curx e of thc arcaded l~<;:dc shall exceed l?~ t~'cl, but xancd length~ are desirable. Projectlon~ and rzce,ses shall hax c a minimum depth of three t~et ~ tth ~ ~ percent of thc,e ha~ in~ a x aricd length aith a mlmmum dit~rent~al of one G~t I S~ Illustration 9 ~lox~ ,. or'each a:'l;:cte,l ~round :lo,,r tJcadc. [he ~all plane shall be measured at one I~'q off the cxlcrmr x~,aU surface on each of the I.~ ~ PnmaD t~cadc, .~ thc ~round floor ~hall haxe l~'aturc~ ah,n~ a mmlnlum of ~ pcr~ent ol their horizontal length ~r alTe~teJ ,M~. I here leatur¢~ Include. but arc not limlled ~mdo~% enid arca~, or other ~h design elements. are ~ included ~ ~ this calculation at !.3 time, thc I'r¢ffcci ~/u~d,;r,t~ }loth sm~tc and multi-u< buildings a~ · ~]l al~, ~- rcqu;rcJ to pmx ~de a minimum of~ fi~r of the bllo~m~ budJm~ de,~;n trcatment~ ~ee lllu~tral~ lO a~ I I ~io~ ~. iai Can,p,e~, or r,,r;ico, integrat;'d v. ith thc buildings massing ..,nd fbi O~crhant:.~, m~imum of three IL%'t. Ic~ .Xrcade~. minimum of etFht IL. et ch.'ar in ~ldth: Id} Sculptured Raised c~,rnlce ~ or huildim: handine ~ itt~ a minimum ~,f t~,~¢, rehcf~: tgi Arche~. Iht Displa} i i t Ornamental and structural architectural details, other Ihan cornices: ~hich are intel;rated into the buildin~ structure and o~erall design: Clock, e~ be!l to,.~ers or other such roof treatment dormers, bel,. ederey¢. ~ Protected and coxered entr~, t~%e foo! minimum: Ll.I F. mt~ha.~i;,ed l, uildim, ba~e. minimum ofthree minimum t'~roiectlon from the wall af tv~'o inches: ~Yw'd,~ ~ are deiced, wofdt u~derhfled Ire I0 AGENDA r No UaJ Metal or TrI¢ rol,I' a' IbC d,,min;m! r,~c,,,' matcri;:l; or Xn.~ olher treatment ~sh~ch. m the opinion of the planning ~ ~ces d~rect,,r, meets the inh.'nt of this section: and one of the foliossing ~lte dessgn elements: [h.'coratt~.e land,.cap¢ plantcr.~ ~,r planting areas, a minimum ,,f rite leer v~dc..',nj areas for -haded seating consisting ora mimmum of IOO ~quare fox't: Integration of sp¢csalt.,, pax ers. or stamped concrete along thc buildmg's ,,~alkv~a,, Naid treatment shall constitute a minmmm of 60 percent ~ff ~alk~a.~ area; Water elemcnt~. :, minimum ,,f 150 equate feel in are~ [~t~, ucccr, I or ,p~'.,LLo~en tree, i.,~h,,.¢ Ibc mirlsmum ~odc rc,.It;Ir~.m,,.~r,/i~l*,ni~ flac lr,~nt ~2cad¢ ',,. ~lh ;~ minmtunl hen:hi nfc~uhtccn f,:,:l at r,[.mr ng l)ct,td i:'c,tturc ~ 2.8.3,5.7. I. /'ur?,~se ,ttnt i,tc,t Thc design clcmcnt.~ in the tbHossing standards :,hall tx. m:egral pa~ of thc buildin~ s exterior I~cade and shall bc Imegratcd Intu thc ox oral] architectural ~t3 lc. These elements shall not consist ~lcl3 of applied graphics, or paint. Blanl~ s, all ar,.us Blank ~ali areas shall not exceed ten feet in vcrxical direction nor ta~ent'~ ~.202 feet m ~ horizontal direction o1'~ ans prima~ faga0c. For t~cad¢~ ¢Onpqgted to th~ to ~ primal' facade ~cade and mea~ur¢~ lh,m thc ¢O~ec~jnn ~int. Control and ex panston joints x~ilhm th:s area shall constitute blank ~all area unless used as a dccoml~c patt~ and sp~ al int~'als of six feet or I~s. Relief and re~ cai cork depth must ~ a minimum of om-half i~h 1~ Illustration 12 M'lm~ }. Blank ~tall ama mas ulilize land~amnu to as~int in redline lh¢ Nank call area Land~apin~ ~hall not be u~ed in lieu of architectural treatm~t Rel~'attngl,/,',t, fi. trc,tm,.,::, Building facades shall include a repeating pattern and shall include no less than three of the design elements listed bch,~. :\l least one of these design elements shall repeat hori;'ontall.~. All design elements shall repeat al interxals of more than ..~ lift'. {50t IL'et. e::.%r hor,zontall.~ ~ and a maximum fifteen Il 5) l~,'~t ~ erttcall.~,. I. Color change: 2. Texture change: 3. Material modulc change: Expression of archittxtural or structural ba.~ s. thr( change in plane of no less than 12 inches in ~s'idtl' ~ reveal, an offset, or a projecting rib {see illustrati¢ ~}*d AGE~,DA ITEM ' such ~a~ 13 belo'~'.'l: . ~- DEC 0 , ,!.~. ~ ~..~ 6. ': . Bml&nt; ~qbacks or protc~tmn% a minimum of ;hr~ feet m Pattern change i-i:; ..Iddittonul Au'a,&, ,A'.~np~ tr,'atmcnt~ b,r multtpA. ,w Pttrt~,w a,,I t,,cnr I he prc~cncc ,,I bmidmg~ ~th muhq~le Icnan:, create~ ~arict~. brea[~ up large cxp;m,cs of unmtc~u~led l~cadc~, and expands the range of the s~ie's ~lix mc~. %% mdm~s and ~iMm~ disp~'s °fsuch sto~ s~ll ~ u~ Io cont~c ~o t~ vis=l ifltcrcst ofcxlerior thcadcs. ~c standards in this section arc dirtied tm~ard1 those situations ~hcrc more than one rctadcr. ~ith scparale exterior customer cmranccs, arc located x~iihin thc pnncipal building. Ftr.~l t/~r prtmar) f~tcddt' trcatmcnt ~ ! hc firq floor ,d' thc pnma~ · .hall, at a mmmmm, utlh/c and c~ghl I~'ct ah~ ~. thc ~rc~t of thc horizontal length ol thc budding facade. 2.8.3J.~.2. Windm%s ...hall h: recessed, a m~nimum of one.half inch. ami shall ~nclud¢ ~ ~suall) promtnent sdls. shutters, stucco rcliclg, or other such Ibis of framing ()tdl~lrc~'i~ l'urpow ami intent 1 o prox 1dc um fled archttcctural design and site planning bclv~een outparccl structures an,.[ the ma~n structure on the sfle in order to enhance thc x ~sual impact of the slructures and to pro% ide for safe and ctm~cnicnt ,,chicular and [x'dcstrian acccss and movement ~dthin the rotc tJufpareel detain All cxtermr facades of an outparc¢l structure shall ~* considered prtma~ facades and shall cmplo) architectural, silo. a~ land,aping design clements ~hich arc fntegrat~ ~ith and common lo those u,cd .n Iht primal) stmclure on s~tc. ] common design clements ~hall include odor~ and materials ~soc~atqd ~th the main ~truclurc When Ibc u~c of common ~all. side h) development ~curs. contmmi) of 13cadcs and consolidated parking for several businesses on one parking lot may bc used. Outparccl structures that arc adjacent lo each other shall pro~ idc Ibr ~chJcular connection bct~ccn their rcspcctix c parking lots and prax idc intcrconn~fion of ~.dcstrian s~alk~ a~ s. ~-. Ro,/ treatmcnt~ 2, Pttrpo~¢ an, I relent Vanamms In r~l' hnes shall ~ used to add interest to. and reduce thc massing of buildings. R~f fcatur~ shall bc in ~ale ~ith thc building's m~s and complcm~t thc chancier of Mjoining ~d or adjacent buildings aM neigh~rh~s. R~fing materml should N. constructed ofdu~blc high quality material in order to enhance thc ap~arancc and attract~x cness of thc commumt~. ~ follm~ing stan~rds identif> approp~ate r~ftmatm~ts and f~alure~. Rm~t edge a.,lparu~'t treatment At a mm~mum oft&~o it<a~n~ *. r~l'edgc and or ps.oct shall h.~c a vertical c~ngc t[om thc 2.$.3.~.10.4. ,.'han~e .shall be I,,~afed ,,n a pr:mar} :Jcade adiacenl [()a ¢ollect,,r arterial riffht.ol;~a~ t~ee lllu~lram,n 14 ~'lo~ ) ()~e additional Rool'~ shall meel i~Y4-~-.~' th,.' h,li,)~Jng requirements' (i) Parapets .,,hall bc u,.ed to conceal roof top equipment and I'Jat %Vhcre ,~erhanging taxes arc u~cd. oscrhangs shall be n,, less than ~ l~s~, (2) feet N'>oM the sup~ning ~alls tt:d~ a m:~:=:um ~:=;~.; ::~ :~h: ~n~'~,. ~erc mcrhang~ are les, than I~o leer lhe~ ~hall h~. pnsxided..x~i~h a hand or COrnice. a mm~mum el cicht roches under thc ml~ a~ ~h~ s~ ~1), ~Hu;:~a,~,-~-,eb,~ [3cJa ,hall he a minimum ,,fei~ht ~ .J ilo or metal a, the d,)m,nant r~,~t' material. Prt)hihtts',l r,,,,! t. sp,.s ,m,t m,ttcrt,d, [be fi)llov, lng I} pcs of malcrial,, a~ proh~btled Asphalt shinglc~, except laminated. 320 pound. 30 )ear arcM~¢ctural grade a~.phah ,,hinglcs or better; ~,~an~,ard rool~ and eanoplC~ v, tthout a minimum xenical distance or'eight fL'el and a: an angle not less than '< degrees. and not greater than % degrees: Roofs utilizing I¢.~ than or equal lo a t~o lo 12 pitch unless utilizing full parapet c,xerage: and 4) Back-ltl a'o. nlngs used as a mansard or canop.', roof. Er11,~,l ts ~!1 s cttstoOtcr erltruttt &, Irt'¢ttntt'tlt$ Purlin)se om/tn/tnt EntD xsa> design elements and variations arc intended to give protection from the :~:m ~ and adverse s~,eathcr conditions, '! hese clemcnls are to be integrated into a comprchcns~x c design st} lc for thc project. ~l)tr~. 3r~,. ..~ Ctt.stom¢'r ¢,ntrs/)R'e .~t(tndurt~s These start( appropriate cnt~' features 3EC 0 2 1998 hq;hi} iai tt~t' bttt/dt~t.~t* Single use buddings ~hall ha~,e clearl} defined. '. islbl¢ cuntomcr entrances ~ hich .,,hall include Ibc I'ollo~ mC. .~,n ,,utd,,or pat,,, area adlacent ro th,-- cu..tomer entrance, a minimum ,f .'¢jrl ,,quare l~'c[ m area ~h~h inco~ratc~ Ibc folh,x~ mC: benches or other seating components; decorative landscape planters or ~ing ~,,alls ~h~ch incorporate landscaped areas: t3~ ~tructural ~r xcgctati,,e shading; and front cntrx %'t back from the drixq p minimum 0t.3t~ncc .t' t]t':c~..n ! 15 } feel. %luh;plc u~ ; bt,t;,lt,;c~ ,,~,1 l,r,tcct~ .Multi-u~ structures shall include the I'ollo~ mC. Anchor :cnant.~ shall pr,,~,de clearl.,, detlncd, highl} ~ isiblc customer entrances, .'ii pro,. i,m~n for intermdlent shaded outdt~r commtmity space at a mimmum of one percent of the total gross fi,wot area of thc building or commcrc,al proicct Said community space shall be located off or adjacent tn the circulation path of the complex or mare structure and shall incorporate benches or other seahng component,~. .~, front cnlrx ,,e, back from thc dri'~e. ;finimum offift¢cn .tltgerta[, and co/or 2.8.3.L12.1. Purpme andintent lixtcrior building colors and materials contribute significantl} to thc x'isual impact ufa building on thc communit}. They' shall be ~ell-designed and lnlegrated into a comprehensive design st} lc for Ihe project. 2.~.3.L12.2. F..vtcrtor butl~fi~t.[, matcrt,d~ ~tondard~ Predominanl exterior building materials shall ,nclude. but arc not limited to Stucco. Brick: Tinted. textured, other masonr} u~its: or than smooth or ribbed. concrete I-I) Stone. excluding an ashlar or rubble construction look. 2.8.3.$. 12.2.2. Predominant exterior building material! that are prohibited include: Plastic siding: Corrugated or reflective metal panels; AG£',OAJ_TE M No. _._,..,~._.. DEC 0 2 1998 141 "imi~oth or rib l'a..ed ,,,herOic hl4.,;k; and '~ppl,¢J qonc in an a.hlar ,,t ruhhh: h,ok j.; Automata e and other ,~pe~;ia[ p, pe ,~¢r,, ia.' huilding~ ~a,v utilize prel~hncuh:d metal building, tfBdqr the li.,llm,,mc L.L/ Metal huilding,~ arc more II~,~n ;,=n feet from an,,' rirghN, f-v,a;: N.'n more than tv. cnr, t 20) percent ,,f the building can ~ituated h,.'~ r, nd thc main aUtO sales ~enter and :~hnv~room. 124 1'he u~¢ al'black, gL,If .r fluore%cem primar~ or, ,%'¢Prldiln' color~ is ~tohihited a~ thc prcdommanl cxtcn,,r building 9r B.,I' c(,~orlsL Fanh n,ne ~',,h,r, 3r¢ ~'ncnura~¢~ Building trim and accent area, ma.~ IL'attire an? colonsL limited n) ten percent of the at'fcc:ed facade segmem, x%ith a ma,<~mum Irim height oI'24 inchc~ total for its ~hor:cq d.qancc. 2.8.3..%12.4.2. Neon or ncpn !}pc tubing ~hall N: pertained a~ pr(,~ided for in ~.'clions 2 ~ h ~I. and 2 ~.622 of~hm code. An apprmcd lighting plan consistent ~ith the prm ~,ion, ol'~eCllo~ ~ < ..... ..... 8.1 ~ * oflhis code shill k prm idcd. 2,8.3.6. 2,83.6.2. 2.8.3,6.2.1. Purpme ami tntc,t .c, ign~ are intended h) he dc.~igncd to complemcnl rather than detract from thc x i~ual ~mpacl t, fa commercial dexeh,pment b.,, utlliting design clement.,, con~i,,lent udth Iho~: cm plo.% ed in thc structure ~ architecture and b.,, mmm~i/ing conflicts v, flh on.s~te land:,capmg areas and t chicular usc art'as. l)crcb~pmc,t ~/,tn(l,t,',t~ In addition to lh¢ pro,. ision.., set fi)nh in d~,, ismn .' 5.. of thi~ ~ode. th,.' follm~ mg standards shall appl.,.. C~ifi,'dsix, n?l~n Where multiple on-premise signs arc proposed a single site or project, or in the case ora shopping cemer or mulu-u.,c building, a unified s~gnage plan shall ~ employed An application liar site dc~ clopmem or sac Impro~ ement plan appro~ al shall ~ accompanied b) a graphic and nanativc rep~sentation of the unified &~gnagc plan to ~ utilized on the site. 'the umflcd sign plan may ~ amend~ and resubmmcd Ibr approval lo rcflt~l style c~g~ or changing tenam needs. Design elementa &~hich ~hail ~ addr~d in ~h graphic and nazarite fora include: Iai adherence xx;th the pro! Isions ofdivision 2.5. of this code: (b) colors. .., (ct construe!mn materials and method: .~ ~ 5:~:,~ '.. U, ords ::r:::L :~:.: ....dele'ed, words underhne~ are added. AG E/,~D,L.LT E M no, DEC 0 2 1998. : po. arehn¢~tural dc.~t~m I¢) Illumlnutton 2.8.3.?.i? (gl sign t.~pct ~) and l,,,a:;om,,t, dnd. in th~: ,~a,c ol mul::-u,c bulldm,..:.~, and parcel% ,,,.tth muhiplc structure,, on .~nc. m,du,.ting outparccL.,. Ibc untried sign plan shall mdl,.'atc ';o ::all ~:gn ~hall exceed 80 percent ol thc xl~dth of Ihe unm.,i occui~icd b.'. a buslnc~,s %Mth a mtnimum of len Ix'recto c h:ar arcs on each outer edge of the unto s ~; -MI wall ,:gn, ~;,r muhi-u.,,¢ buildings shall Ix- h,cat,:d at a ¢,m,t,.h:n! location on the buildmu facade, except that anchor tenants ma.,, sao from Iht; h~cational requirement m scale a Jib thc anchor's larger prima0 lacaJ~ d~menqon~. All signs shall adhc~ Io thc JIm~n~..n, rrm IdcJ lbr in thc uml~cd qgna~c plan; Pole signs shall provtdc a pole co~¢r ~ith architccturSl design f~aturc~, including colors and or malchals common to those u~cd in thc design or.he building thc sign is acces~ to. A minimum lr~j ~r¢ f~l planting area shall ~ provided around the ~ of~x ground or ~lc sign. consistent x~ith I~ rn,x ision, o~ dix i~lon 2.5. of this code ~scc Illusiram,n 16 ~lox~ J. Outp~trccl~ In addition to thc abox e requirements, unified sign plato. Ibp outparccls, regardless of Ibc s~zc of Iht oulparcc], shall ~. limited lo th~ lbllm~ lng. ia) a x~all sign ll,r an5 t'acad¢ adlaccnt m a public right-ot;~ax and a ~all s~gn lot an) tacadc l~c~ng Iht main commercial ccnicr, no~ lo cxcccd a maxtmum o1'1~o wall signs lbr single u~c; and. a Single ground or putt ,ign mq lo cxcccd t,O ~uarc l~x'%. Pole s~gns shall b~ hm~tcd h~ 15 ~.ct in hc~ghl. Buddmgpcrmtt rcqm',t~ Rcqucst~ li,r building pc~its for ~ancdt on-p~i~ signs ~ha[I adhere h~ lhc unified signagc plan. which shall ~ k~l on file m the communit5 dc~clopmenl and emi~onmemal ~'ic~ dix i~ion Requests Io p~lJl a nc~x sign. or to ~l~ale. ~place or sfmcturall> alter an existing sign shall ~ accompanied b> a unified sign plan lbr thc building or project the sign is acccs~ Exisung ~mit~ed signs ma) remain in place: hosteler, all future ~ts lbr ~mits. ~xhethcr ibr a ncx¥ sign. or rel~alion, allmlion. or ~pl~ent oran existing sign. shall adhe~ lo the unified sign plan lbr ~hc proart5. L,,and,caping in addition lo thc requirements of section 2.4. ~ ',~ Landscaping and Buffering" the tbllm~ing requirements shall app v. P:tr~se and t,tott To prox ide enhanced land,aping ~ithin ~e - ~'¢hicula~ and ~desman use areas of I~ge comme~ia buildings and pmj~s. Such land.aping is imended lo ~hance the issUE~ 0 w~ ~ are ~leted. ~ ords onderhned ~ ~ e*qacrtence ot th~,' I11otorl:l:.* and ~dcMr~a~ ~u~ll~. eommnnl~ rc~'rrcJ h~ a~ Ihe "~trec~,~d~,". ~ hde ddherm~ lo th~ pu~ and relent ~e~ fi~h in di~ i~ion ~.4. (,f ~h~ ~od~. l.a~d~capin~ ~hould ~, u~d l~ en~nce and ~nmplemen: ~hc ~tc design and budding architecture. Land~,'u/,m~: I'he t'nllox~ m~: rcqmrcment.,,. ~zth the exception of building lr~..nmeter ptanzmgs. ,hull ~' eounled h,~ard the required green~pace and open space requ;rements ol'dlx t*~ion 2.4. of this code. .Xt t~me of plantin,..', trees m xeh:cular use areas shall ix.. a minimum o! l.' to 14 t~-et height with a s~x-l~t spread and a t~o and one-half tach caliper and shall haxe a clear trunk area to a helghl of sex en feet. I he fir~l ro~ nf land,ca~, t,land~ building front and sMe> shall be landsca~d ~ilh tr~s. ~hrub~ and groundcm ers and ~hall height ~,f ~c~ en Itel l,¢¢ Illu~tratmn I7 lrec and lit~htm.~ h,~d~,,,n,, ,,hall be designed .~o ,.onlhct ~ Ith one an~,:hcr ~ ~¢c Illu~tratl,,n ] g bc]o~ Per~m~:ter [and~cap~. ?lantmt~,, ~h~ll be k~.'ated adjacent Io the pnm:~D building facade, incl~;ng building entrance areas. and c~ aM- These area~ shall ~ landsca~d with c,~mbination ~,l' trcc~, p~!m.. ~hmbs and ~round coxers lllu,trat,~n~ l0 a~d ~0 hcl,~ ~ Building per~meter~, ~hall include plantings at a ratio of 100 square feet of planters per 1.000 ~uar¢ l~el of building ground fl~r area Planter~ shall either ~. raised or al ground level and ~ a minimum of len lYet ~ ~de. Seatine courtyards, eating : arca~ and pla/a~ ma~ 5c inco~oraled ~ilhin them I~ .. Illustration ~I bclo~ i .~ Nat#Pul u~al manmade h,~ht,, ~! u atcr tncludm.g !~ Ct .,al ]'he shap,.' ,,l'a manmad~, hod.~ of xxa:cr, including wet and dr~ r¢lention areas. ~hall N: designed to ap~ar natural b} ~ ing0/tLsets in the edge ahgnmenl that are a mm~mum often IL'et and sp~cd 30 t~el apa~ All N~tes of ~atcr. :ncludlng t~el and do' retention areas. exceeding :0.¢a~l ~quare feet m area. ~ ~hich are I~ated ad~acem to a public rlghl-ol'.~a), shah ~~ incorvt, rale into thc o~ emil de~l~n ol the pr~ect m at Icasl ~ t~ n ~23 of the Ikdlox~ m~ Pr:~; i2c a .'.3. fix e-foot x~ ide x~ alkxx a.~ ~ ith trees an average of .~0 l;:et on cenler and shaded benches a minimum of six l~.et m length or p~cni¢ tables ~ ith one located e~ eD' 130 feet. Pre; F Jo ,: .-X public access pier x~ ith cox ered structure and ~eatint:,. ,-1- ~ An interm,ttem shaded plaza, .-', '~' - .6 .'see. 2.8.4,1. 2.1171.1.1. 2.g.4 1.2. 2.R.l 13. 2.g.4.1.4 o.g..L.. I. 2.g.4 2.2. Arrhifectural and ,tie design qlandard~ and Izuideline~ cnmmer¢ial buildings and pr,jecl~ under 21LOflO ~,luare feet in I. IL'IffIIIL' I'.rlnnr .,M.~t,'nt ( nmmcrc~al build,rigs and prOJegts, including Ihctr outrarcels shall be designed to provide ~l~. con~ enicnt, and el~cient h~hting Iht ~.destrtans and xehicles. Lighting shall designed in a c,,nsistcnt and o~ndinalcd manner The hghnng and hghnng fixtures ~hull ~ ~o enhance the s~sual or 5hmdd be dcqgned t,, blend ira- ~t~e ~um~unding lund~a~,. .~'lm. hhnx, st,m,l,~r,ls I ,L.'ht~ng .'.hall tx' des,gncd s~, a,, I,, pre~ tnt direct glare, hi/hi .,pdlage and ha/ardnus interference ,~,,lth autnmotl% e and pedestrian traffic ,,n ad,acura stre~:t,~ and all adlacent ~ror, t~]cs ' ]'ltlt, r~' Ils'ti'ltl ~h/,,/~/r,/~ I.,ghtlnF fixtures ...hall be a minimum of fi.~ in height ~silhln Ibc park,ng lot and shall Ix. a rr~ximum of 15 feet In he,ght x~ ~thin n.n-x e[m:ular pede.,trlan arc.ss I...e,: llluslratnm .., beln%% t l)est.en std,nfitr, h I.ighting ~hall Ix. u..ed to l"r?s ide safets vshile accem kc.,. architectural ck'meals and or to emphasize landscape features. Li.eht tlxtures shall IX. designed as an integral design element lhal complements the design nfthe project lhrough st.~te, material or color lexcludlng fl,,re',,;¢nl and rrirn/,r~ secnndan colorsl ond shall be demeqest tn blend into, th,,' landscap., through the ~ of dark colnrs Mill finish is not pg. rmmcd Pxtrpt,,,..,Id intent To d,mlmsh, in a Mfe manner, the s isual intpac~s ol'~n'lce functions that ma.,, dlslract or hase a negame impact on the streetscape, land,scape and or the o~ crull communit.,, image //ttff¢'r//?.lff ./~,/.si'r'¢'s'rtttt.k. shl/tddrd~ In accordance s~ith lhe prosisions of aK ision 2 6. of Ibis code. loading a~as or &~ks. outd~,r sloraee. trash collection, mcchamcal equipment..~rash compaction, ~ehicul:~r slomee recxchne, roof tnb equipment and other ~'~'Jcc function areas shall ~ I~11~ screened and out of ~ i~.~s from adjacent pro,hies at ground ~ icxs lex el ~nd ~< ithin.~ ie~ of rood~gav comdors: ~ ............ e ~:mc~ ...................... , .............. ; 3fitter/als and,lehigh standurd~ Screening material and design shall be consistent v, ith design treatments nf the prima% facades of thc commeroal building or project and the landscape plan. Fencin~ stpndar~t~' ('hain link and wood fencin_e ant prohih,ted forward of the primarx l~gade and musl ~. a minimum of'afi~ LIO0) feet from a public rieht-0f:~'a,.. C'hairl link aP4 wood'fe ' ~neiTT-"~ racine a nublic rk:ht-of-xgav shall provide at a mlnim~m an irri~ated ..Il 4...4. tv, env~-fi',,¢ vercent of it~ I~:ngth or pm,.id~.> %ariafion in it,'i hei,h[ f,,r a ITtUliroum ~I' f~fleen r,ercent..of i~ length ,,,.i:h .", t~¢'. iati-P or' a? teast ~ eh ¢ ~ I 2} i.nehe., ]he IL'ncc ,,t',lc muq complement thc building sr~,h., throut:h m~tcr~;i~_d -,r dc~gq ~tvr.lhrm,~,h ~ m~,,~ ~,,~,/ord~ Dri~ ~-through ~indo~s and l~nc~ s~ll ~ &.signed to adhere Io the l~dh,~ing standards, Drt~ c-:hn,ut~.h ~ mdo~., ,hail not he placed hell, CCh the n.uht- ,,1'-~ J> of 3 pr:m~ ~ollcuh~r -r arterial n~3> a~ ~hc ~,¢~tcd hufldm~, unlc~ th~ ~v~ctatton rcquir~ for a 1 )pc "B" land&ca~ hufi~r I~ m~lsllcd ~lhin thc huflL, r ~idth required fi,r the rrow~t and maintained along thc entire length of thc Jn~ c-~hrough I~ne he~ecn d~c dri~ e:through lane and ~ul:er rctL'renceJ a~,,~ c. a De,anent co~ ercd D~ne-cochcrc t}pe ,t~cturu. ot~cr :h.m ax~nmg can~as t}~ sl~ctureis}. Ne re,tailed, ex:cn~;n~ tee ~ ~dth of thc drt~ e-through and cox ermg :he ~crx ;. ;' ~ md,,~l, ~ ~uch structure shall ~ mlc~ra!cJ ,:ra,:urall:. anJ arch~tcclurall} into thc d~ign of thc Purpose ,m,I intent ]'o pr(,~ ldo saiL' ,,pi'~rtunities for alternati~ c re(des c~l' tran~po~atson b} ~,~nnc~ ting ~ ith cXislin~ and Ihturc pedestrian and bic} cie path~a} s ~ Ithm the count} and to provide saiL' pas~ge l?om thc public right-of-~a} to the commercial building or pricer, and bct~een altemattx c modes of trans,)Halloo., Pedestrian acces~ standards. Pedestrian %%als. linkages and paths shall be pro,. ided from thc building entry(si to surrounding streets. extcr~i sido,%alks, and outparcels. Pedestrian %va.s's shall be designdd to provide access bctv, een parking areas and the building entranceis} in n coordinated and safe manner. Pedestrian v, avs ma'.' ~z ..Z_.._ - incorporated ~ithin a required landscape perimeter bt tier. said but't~r is not less than ten I~.~.'t in width on averag . Shared l~destrian ~$,alk~a} s are encouraged between adiacen commercial 'gEC 02 1998 M, Otd$ ::.';;;L :.~::-;;~;.". ate deleted. 'a, ord~, underltn~q~ m'e added 2.Z4.3~6 ~AD.X ~ A~cc~hlhl> t iuiJclig~ Maten~l~ ma> mcluJ¢ s~-c~ah} P¢~¢~rHu, .'r, ss~s. MAs at h,ihli,~ £¢rim¢,ter. l}uild~ng ~nmctcr ~ro~,~a.z. ,~il bq dc~ncd and c~rdmatcd I, mo~c ~oplc ~alL. I) I,, and lh,m ~ufidmg, and ~arkmg areas b) ~dcnttf}inff ~destrsan marking', 2~43' ,halt pr,,,~dc mlermntenl ,,hadcd an:a,, 1~0 hnear Ic~l m h..n~ltl at :, ~mimum .,,hurled 'are'-, per c~er.~ I1~ hnear leer of -~ru~,tt/-r¢, max hq natur;d, ,manm~Ic ,,r ;~ 2.X44] Uuildinp shall hax c architectural l~'alurc~ and patlc~ I~l ~o~ ~dc ~ ~sual mtere,t I'rom the pcr~pcctixc .f the ~'dcstrian; reduce masssng shall ~' dc.~vncd t. reduce fl~c ma~ ~c~lc m~d umli~rm mon~)hlhlc ap~ar~ncc ,d lar?c un~&,mcd ~alN. x~hilc prov~din~ ~sual intcrcs~ lhat ~ ill N' con~tcm ~ ~th Ibc commuml~'s idenlit~ a~ c~r~tcr Ihmu~h the u~c ol dclad and ~cale A~icu]atmn is ~o)mpli~hcd b~ ~a~m? thc hu:tdm~s ma~ m hc~ghl and x~ldth s~ thai ~t ap~'ar~ t,, be di~dcd into d~tmcl m~>.ln? clements 0nd details thai can ~- ~'rccls cd a~ ~hc ,ca!c (,:' Ibc ~cdc~tr~an ~cc IIluslrallnn 24 ~'h)~ ) C'o11%'r lo[*. ut ,in l~!cr.,,e¢llprt o! ls~) or more a~erJaJs or major collector r,,ad..h~ll be dc~gncd h, emphasize lheir incation. Buildings anJ ~tmcmrc. ,,n corner lots shall ~ &~i~ ~ith addil~nal architectural embellishments ~uch as comer lo~ers, or olh~ such dc,sen Icaturc~. t, emphasize their I~aoon as galex~aSs a~ tr~mon ~)mt~ ~ nh~n Ibc community. Buihlinlff Orientation standard~. -~' ~ .............. ,'. ..... =- ;~ ~'""..-......~..'; .... Buildinu tbcudcs l~cin~ a public ~r~ between ~.000 ~uarc IL'ct and 19.qwo square IL'ct m gross building area shall ha~e !3~n ~'t'thc fi,llox~mg L Wind,,x~,~ at a minimum of33 r~rccnt of'the affecI~ faeadc~ Coxered xxalkxxax !¢xcludin~ canva,~ txre! unL,$, vroxidcd rt.11nlrllllrrl ~,! -tx !?'? ~'~,'e! '.stde, ~si~h .a ,4n I~'reent rain=mum ~:o'~er;r.:'c I~,r ;he ,Slf~'~lcJ facades, ~ I(,r I'udJm~:. Iv>. than 5JO0 ~uare IL't'! in area. .L Fucadc ~t~t/I heir, Itt trttn.~tn,,,l NeY. de~,¢lopments that arc It~ated within 300 i~'e~ of an cxtnting building, and ~e more than t~ice fi~e heighl (',f an~ cx~sfing btnldmg within 3(~ I~e[ shall proxide tran~ilional ma~mg elcmcms lo frans, ion ~lucen thc existing building~ (,f I(,~cr hc~gh~ ~th~n 3(~ tect. and the pro~d . development 1 he Iransmonal massing ek~cnl can ~ ~ more than 100 ~enl taller than the a~ erage height nf the adi~! buildings Inee Ilhtnlral~on 25 N'I,,~, i"UL'U,h ,hm,la~,i, All prm~ar> la,aJ¢.. ,,fa braiding shall be doigncd ~ilh con~,:cnl arch~:cctural ~ lc ~d dclail and trim IL'alurc~. ~;.J~'~ b' a rrTmar~ ~agadc ,hall fnco~,rate l~'alurc~ nfehe pnma~ tacu&, t,,r a mmmmm ,ff )= ~'rcem of'the overall uall [~elh. In the ca,e o~ outparccl braidings, all cxtcrmr lbcadcs shall ~re {o thc rcqu~rcmcms o:' {h~ di~ ~.,n xxllh rc~.ct In =chltcctu:~t Jcs~gn treatmen~ tbr ~r~ma~ thcadc~ .llussmt, ~it, t,I([urJ~ [!xtcrwr facaJe,, shall h.. designed t(, cmplo.~ thc Ibllo~ing J¢~gn treatmenL, (11 \o hor,znntal length, or uninterrupted curme, of the grot,nd ::,,or of any r'r~mar.~ facade, tbr buildings betx~ccn i O.O00 and 1%9~ .,quar¢ IL'et In gross build,ng area. shall exceed 50 feet. ~,h the maximum being 80 IL~ for arcade.,,, Proie¢ion~ ;]nd rccc,,*.c~ ~hull ha~e a m~mmum depth ol't%%n ~2! feet ~nd a minlmu~ h,~ql u iJth n! t~cnt% ~.'ro,'~t ,,{' the lh,~de ~ancd lengths. I or buildings under lO.(~ ~uare I~t. no horizomal length, or unimcnuHcd curie, of an) pnma~ f~adc ~hal[ cxcceJ 35 feet. ~lh Ihe maximum ~ing 60 IL'et fi,r arcade>=. ['rotcclmn~ ~md recc~%~ ~hall hax'g a minimum ~th ,q -ne t I.~ h,nl an.d a ~=n~um hqal x~idth ~'rcc~t nl Ibc la~'ajc ~ ~h ~aned lengths, ~ :~ch:. ;raj .: mm:m;;m ~ ~J:~ .fi2 ~ m~:~;. Al{ buildings shah prox ~dc a mm~mum ofnnc oft'~e~ ~r public slrecl or nax ig;ih{c for buildings bet~een 5.~-' [9,000 .square feet and 19.999 square feet in gross building area. exterior v, all planes shall not con~t,tute more than 50 percent of each affected ground floor facade o,,er 30 feet. The x~all plane .,,hall be measured at one fi~-,t off the exterior ~all surface on each side of the ~a!l. Prima~ facades on the ground floor for buildings bet~ieen .-(.O(~J vquare feet and 19..999. square_ feel in Izross_ b~i~fl'6~;~'"t E:~cr '-~ .... ~Z,~"~ shall ha~c arcades a m~mmum of six feet c~ear in ~futn. · displa.~ ~mdov~s. cntr2,.' areas, or other such feallures alongno · less .. '; ~'rccnt of the horizontal, ro, i 2 1'998 ~ ted ~ord~ underlined ateadd~d. .{ fl.'et. -hal! n,,[ N,' 1(a1'.¢ (,f apNn:d. 2844<', A.'~i~e ~tandrtteh: '~',,,ninc~, ,hall onl,. be u~ (~CT buildinc ~,~'mn~ ~iq ~md.,~. and d(~v,~ /%~nln~ shall ~' si/ed in ?hall nol cm er ~,.?rg.~han '~, ',, ,~f the facade A~nm~ ~ball no~ ~a~ e ~ ~tt(~m ~?tt;t panel n,'r ~halt thc~ ~- b3~kbll (,h'¢rhcuJ ,/. ,,~r~ ( I,. :.'rheaJ J,~:~r~. facing..~n'~o (~n¢ a~t~ ma~ ~' Trealcd a~ ~ntcn,~r -~a~. ~r(,~ ~c that the bmldmc~ ~t all other :.84.46 ?r~qr,'t ,t,t,1,ia~,l. Ih,th ,qnk:le and muhl-u.,e buddln~:s and projects shall al~ be requtreJ ~, prm, idca mmtmum of the foliov, mg l',mldm.e d,..%;~n tn..atmcnt,, I,e¢ lllu.~trat~on ~6 beh,,~ ). Cam)pies (,r p,,r~l~u~, mte.~tatcd '.%,h the building's massing and st} (hi Ox erhantF,, a ~.inlmum of thrs, e fL, et \rca~e~. a .'nm:mum (,f six ti:et clear in vddth: Ornamental and structural architectural dctaih, other than corn~o:,~: ~ hlch are in:el,,r:,tcd mto the t, uitdin.e m, crall de~ik:n. Clock, ~ bell toe, ers <.)..r.9!hs.'r ,~uch n.)l' tn.'atms'nl Ti.C. donner,~, hcl~ 5,derek. cu~'~ ~: ~ Protected entr~; Emphasized huildine ha~e. a minimum of'three fi,',~ hi~:h and a m~nimum pr(,lectiop from the ~all of t~9 ~p~h~, , fidditi(,~l roof articulation ah,~c t~ minimum standard,;mr ~0) An~ other treatment ~hich. in thc opinion or,he pl~ninu ' ~:~ ~ ices director, meets the intent of this g~tion: ' ~ AG~NOA ~TEM a~ one of the follo~in~ ~itc de~i~n clements: ~o ~ ,' , WOl'4h '2r'.::L :L:;::;i;~ arc deleted, ~ords und~rhned are added 9EC 0 2 1998 ' l),.¢,,ram e land,~:ar,e pithier& or ~lanlln.~ ar¢.t~, a minimum of lntcgramm ol'~"ciull~ pa~cr~, or slam~.d concrclc alon~ :' '.- bulldm~ ~ ~alkx~a~. Sa~d :rcaimcnt s~li constitute a mm~mum ot'~J pcrceni of ~alkx~a~ area: ~ XVa r elcmcn, s~. a minimum or in am: T~o acccm or ~'c~mcn lreo ~a~e ihe minimum re, u,remem ofih~ ,,Oe~ al,,ng ~he from f~adey~'ith a l)vtadfl'aturci '"~)~:'/;~ "'i'~ Pip'pine trod t.tcnt l'he design elements in the folio.at ng siandards ;~ ~hall be integral pans of the building's exterior facade and shall be integraled ism tl~¢ m trail archiIeetural st) lc. lhese elements shall not consi~! solel.~ of applied graphics, or paint. ......... vertically. I. i Colorchangc. Blank .ail.rea, Blank ~all areas shall SOl cxcccd ICh feet in Lh.g ~¢tlical direction nor 20 IWt in ~ horizontal direction 'ans' r, rimar~, ra;0d¢, for facades connected to a pr/man' fa,;ad¢ this shaft ar, pix- t,, ;~ minimum of Ihim.-three r~rcent oflhe attached fa~'ad¢ or~d rnosured from the connect,on, (C-conlrol and expansion joims within Ibis area shall constitute blank wall area unless used as a decorathe pattern and spaced at intcrxais of six feet or less. Relief and 't~:ea! work depth must be a minimum of one-half inch {see llluslrat,~n "7 belo~ I. Blank_ ~all a~,a ma,' u~ilize landseapine to assi.q in redu¢inc the blank ~all ama. but the land~a~ine shall not ufilize¢ in l,,-u of architectural Ireatment - Building facades shalfincj~ a pattern and shall include no less than w,~ thre~ of the desil..n isted b:lm~. At least one of these d~.sit:n elements shall r~r~eat horizomally. All desicn elements shall repeat a~ intervals of no mom than 2.~ feet. ehher horizontally ~ and a maximum o~' Texture change. Material module change: Expression of architectural or structural ba.~ s. through a change in plane of no less than 12 inches in ~idth. such as a reveal, an o ff.,et, or a projecting rib Isce Illustration 28 Archit,.n:tural banding: setbacks or upper les'el4 si: or. Pattern change. lo rrm ide umfieJ architectural design and si~e t~,~ ¢¢n outparccls ~nd the m~m ~t~cmr~ nn ~le in order h~ lanc~ %he ~isual ex~n~ncc fi~r the ~chicular and ~d~lrian public. and to pm~ id~ l~r ~l~, and con~ cnmnt ~ cMcular and ~'d~lrian access ~d mosemem ~ilhin lh~ MtC. All exlcrior facades of an ouiparcel building shall be considered prima~ f~cades and shall cmplo.v architectural, sile. ; landscaping doign clcmems ~shich are imcgrated s~ith and I !, lh~ used on ~ prim~' structure on site. Thc~ common d~ign clcmcms s~ll include colo~ and malcrials ass~iatcd ~'ilh lhe mare structure. ~en the u~ of common s~all, side by side development occurs, cominui~) of facades and consolidated parking for ~v~al businesses on one parking lot may ~' u~. Oulparccls ihat ~e ~jacent ~o each o~hcr are encouraged ~ provide for ~chicular '"'<~'conn~fion ~l~ecn parking lots and ~ provide for ~dotrian im~O~don. ~tpa~els shall ~ designed a~ ~Puqwts¢ u~td mtc,t 's'.',rlations m n~f lines s~ll ~ u~d to add tntc~t nfo. and reduce the massing o1' buildings. R~f features shall be in ~ale ~sith ~hc building's mass and compIcmcnl lhe chamclcr adjoining and'hr adiaccm buildings and ne~gh~)rh~s. ma~al should ~. c,nstmc~ed of du~blc h~h qualily malc~al in the ap~arunc~ and auracli~encss or,he communily. s=ndards idcmff~ appropriate r,~'~fl~lments and ~' a~1d~:ra~'l tr~'al.W~:l :~! a ~lnlmum of t~ h~afions, thc domi~m r~f condmon, a m~mmum of ~ such c~n~e shall ~ located on a p~ma~ hc folh,s~ zn~ ~qutremcnts: i 1 ~ ~ ~ [o co~c~ r~f top cqui~cnl and llal . %~,~er¢ m erh.mt:,ng ea~es are used. o~erhangs shall bc no less :t~fl ~ ~ fk-et ~ond the supping ualls:~iih= ...:~ ~in:m=n: :'~-;ia c:' ~: :n;~c:.: Where merhanus arc less Ihan "..:t~o f~i lhe~ shall include ~ith a ~nd or cornice, a mimmum ,.'.8.4,.1 10.2. and cambric& without a minimum vertical six feet and at an angle not less than 25 degrees. greater than 70 dcgrce~: utiimng less than or equal to a t~'o to 12 pitch unless utilizing full parapet coverage: and Back-lit a~nings u~'d as a mansard or canopy roof. : ImtD x~a.~ design elemcnt~ and ~,ariations are o gl,, e prot¢~.'tion Imm th,.: nun and ad~ cr,~e ~ rather conditions. Thc~ elements are h, M' ~nlegratcd rolo a comprehensive fi~r lhe Pro)er!, l~tltr, l~s tt):~ Ttt~t,,mcr t't~/ra.ce ~htrtdard~ 'I here standards identify ':appropriate entD' features. Single uccupanc.,, use buildings betxseen I0.000 10.Oqo square fect ~n area shall have Clearly' defined. Cash, met entrances ~hich shall include the follov, ing: {I) patio area adjacent to the cu.~tomer entrance. f 50 .'<luare fi.n:! in area and xlhich incorporates benches or other seating comlx~nents: A Prm ision for intermittent shaded outdoor '~:i: ": communit.~ space al a minimum of one percent of the total gros~ floor area of the budding or corotar<iai project. Naid community space shall ~. h<ated offor adjacent to the circulalion palh oflhe complex or main structure and shall inco~,mt¢ ~'nches or other seating components. cnln, ~et ba¢~ lYem the drive a minimum of fifteen structures Outside pla) structures shall not exceed 50 along thc affected facade. No portion ~fan.~ pla)' bet~een the front building line and an.~- adjacent shall exceed a height of 12 feel{ as measured In all ~ [:xlcrl~r building ¢,~lors and m~tcnals ¢omribut¢ to thc ~ I~Ual impacl oFa buiidm~ on the cummuni[~. r~. shall ~ ~cll-dcm~ned and imitated mm ~:~h'rtor ~ltt[~lttl~ m~rcrt~tl~ shmdard, Predominant exlerior building malerials s~ll i~l~. but are not Stucco: ;Bdck: textured, other than smooth or ribbed, concrete ma~nr,, units; or excluding an ashtar or rubble constructi,n look. building matetial.~ Iha! are pmhibiled include: i, ~ Plastk' sldin.c:.~nle~ a~-iatcd ~,h l' h,rid~ ~r~ker ~t~ I; and ,,r ret]cct~ c metal panels: LLI'~'i'i~.L"Melal buildings are mor~ lhan t~,o hu~dr~'d ;In~t fifb' f~t from ' am' ri,.,ht-o f- ~ as: main auto sales center and shg~s,rm~m, Predorni~mt cxts'rtor The U~ofblack. ~rax, ~ fluore~ent or prjma~'~secoflda~ colors is pmhibit~ as t~ predominant exterior building or t~f colossi. F:a~hlo~ col(,~ are encou~ed. affected facade ~gmcnl. ~ilh a maximum I~m ~ght f~ its shonesl disuse. - .~,: )~ lubing shall ~ ~iued .~haii l~ pro~ ~deJ e.vee~'dmlI t~ tlrC t [~ tc~ t m , !,hll, ] he .~har~. of a re;remade D,,J~ ,,f ~,,.at%'r. m~.'ludmg ~cl anJ dr~ t~tcnll~ arcu~. ~hall ~ designed to ap~-ar natural h~ ~ in~ oflL~t~ in the edge alignment that arc a minimum of ten IL'et and spaced ~l) f~l apa~. Nalural and manmadc hO~c~ of ~aler. including ~ and ~ rdenlion area~, exceeding 2,1.~} ~uarc IL.~I m area. ~ ~h~ ate h~at~.d adia~cnt ~- d puhh~ nGht-,l-~a}. ~hall ~ i~co~rate mb, thc o~crall design of'thc project m a~ Ica~t ~ tm~ ?~ of thc fidhm lng ~u}'- ~m~ ~ ~ [llu~tratmn 31 ~loa )' ~ ~ ruhhc acco.,, pn..r v. tfh o,~crcJ .~lructure and ~eatfn~: ~ -."!. plaza c,,un.'.-',rd. 2'~ ,,quart I~.'t.I nfimmum. shaded N..nch,:~ and ~,r p~enh.' lahl¢~ ad~a~enl to the ~atcf 4_. ~'~rmanen: :',.,unta:n ,tr~¥lur¢ · ~I'B.~ECTION 3.(;: AME.hlIMENT.~ 1~) .M'llIIlVI.M¢)%h I)IVIM(JN Dntston :....~uhdi~,',,m.,. ,,: I}r,hnan,;e '1-t.2. d, ,mended. the ('oilier C'ounl5 I.and l)e~clopmcnt C~c. t~ berth} amended t,, icao a~ l;,ll,,~. I)IVI.~I¢)~ 3.2. 3.2.848. Ftr, hhJr,,tt, MI h}drant,, q~all he corinth:ted t,, ,.taler ha~ing ~uflkwnt ~toragc of emt. rgenc} pumping f~cilil~e~ to ~n~ tdc lot lhe mimmum l}rt, lhn~ Iobc mamlained li~r al Ica~l limp hour~ or I~ cu~t ~omm~ndalion ~,f' thc ~:i:-n::] ~:irc ~'n~c~.~ix~:~ Fire ~gr~,~ion Rdhng ,f thV f~runge Sen,ce~ l)f'lkT. ~h~che&e}' greater }l}dfant~ ~hall ~' pla~ed on comm~,n lot linc~ ~ith&n thc apprmcd rsght-,,l-~a} unle~ greater ,~then~e approved h~ the dot clopmcnt herr Ic'e~ Jirccmr pursuant h~ section Il}drams shall h.. ;totalled and placed tn a manner compl.~ lng ~ ith the requirements .~t Iorth in the lute~t eJition of NFPA No. :4 enlilDd "S~d Iht thc Installation of Pris ate Fire Sen ice Mains and ~cir Appun~." published h} th~ Nalional Fire Protcclmn As~iation. lt}drum~ lo ~ mslallcd s~llhin su~isided lots for fire prol~tion pu~,sc~ shall ~. csalualcd durinu ~hc siIc dcxctopmcnt plan tcs ics~ pr~es~ a~ rcqmred in dn~smn 3~3. 'I'hose. jn~lallalions ~11 he ~n comphan~c ~ Ith thc ~tandard~ scl Ion - ' ' " '- .'.' ' hin~h~'lat~fl~ .... of NIPA 1141 cnmled "~landard li~r Fire Prolcclion in Plhnncd~ ' Building (~r;:::nJ-- (irouP~" I u.c 0 1998 g'~dt :::;;.; :..:;:;~ Ire d~'l~. ~d& underlined ate a~ed . R¢.&.l;,~i l,.~d ,h~d,,l,nto~/ In -m: and mo. Qmd ~p~ and not more than 2~.~ k%1 from Ibc center Ih~ ~u~l~h,n and ~btl ~. u~nncctcd t,~ m~ins no Ics~ th~n six inchc~ m d~mctcr 1he ~)qcm ~11 prm~dc capacit} l~rc th~-~ .,I at Ica~t frei ~alJ(~ns ~'r m~nulc ~r ~rca~cr. rcquircJ h~ thc lire Suppr~'~,.,~n Ra~in~ %chcdul¢ J~urancc ~'~cC~ ~1'1i{~. 3n aJdtthm Io maximum round, ~.r ,quart tach unlcs~ o~hcm~sc required h> ~hc apphcablc firv code C'ommrru:ai tq&~trt,fl ~ a,d mtdtit~Jmtl. I th.%'clo?mt'nts. Fire hsdran~* h~a~cd tn thc~ areas shall ~ connected !o mains m~ Ic~ than eight inc~s In diameter, in no case shall thc ~paung c,l' h> drant~ ~ greater ~han ~ t~ct apart and not mo~c than 2~0 l~.et Ih,m the conic of an) lot in thc su~kision. Ilydrant ~paang and q/c ~hall N capable ,~f rn,~ ~d~ng water ~x~s adequate m meet thc rcau~rcmcnl~ -I Ibc t' Irc %uprrc~qnn -. ?:;N:~-~:c~~'' ~hc x'. ...... ~ t ..~ ~ ............ sh~ll thc Iha~ bc Ic~ ~han 79~ gaih,nn ~'r minute x~ith the residual Fm,urc of 20 ~ound~ ~r ~qua~c m~h a: [hc mo~l remote point of d~hardc St'BSECTION .l. ll: A.~IEM).~IENT.~ TO SlT£ i)EVEL()PqE,~I I'I..%.XS DIVISION l)~,~,,n .: .. Site D¢~cl,,?men: t.an .... ! (}:,t:na:,,.: ',!-t,C. a- amended, thc Colti C'ounb Land Dcwtopmcnt DIVI.MO% 3.3. SITE I)I-[VEI.OI'.~IENT I'I...L~% ...... DE'C"'O 2 1998 /~5/ -. -. ~ · ~-....~ .... ~ .... , ~. ......... ~ .......... .................... l!:cdc..,.lo~,.~u.+ih~a.q.,d j 3Ec 0 2 1998 -.. /~9 See. 3.34, Title and cilati,,n. ;Ec 0 2 1998 I I I ~ '.,.';lt ii', I,h,rl · rem;I.fj,,n, rrh,r ~,, flw..!,.:.t,m.'¢ ,,fa huildim: ~ermt! [hb d~ i~i-n i~ mn h,.'r intended d!.g ibc ?n,p,,.:d dc~ cl,,pmen, t. c(?mph~'~ ~,~[h fund;,men~al pl;mnm? and ..Irr;mlgc:mer~1 "l hmi_d~lc_,L.,rchlleetural design and~ r~.r~ pact ;the contiqurat ¢,n ,fflhe cmcr~encu .,ccc,,. thc ;t~.t;labilit~ and capacit~ ofdraiDa~e.and ulflit% lhcililic~: and, 9~cr:dl ~bil hx x% flh a,h;I;cn~ de~ cl~ffr~¢qg ~ i~hin the iunsdictityn of ~'911~er (',,unt~ anti o,n,~dcr.m,m ,I n,m:g.d re~gurcg~.and p~oposed impacts thereon, 5!~J~tS.~.~F~kU~'?k.~_L~b~rqvi,~i herein, ~. %~Ncct m fl~c ~rmis~on~ ,,f~his l,h,~ Ihc 7r,,s l%lt,n~ o,l Iht5 dl~ i~ion ~hall not appl~ to ~he I'(,ll,,~ in~ land usc activitie~ ~mgl~m!lI~_dyJach?d and :~o-l'anlil~ hou~in~,trucmt~} ,ma h,us)of record '~ qcmz~J~~JlV.tc a rrcliminar~.5~Ork ~tllhorl/ifli~,~_ h;~ been cnicred ~I~JUI~ ~'rltllt h~r I}!¢tl,¢h~hl~1 ~;lld ;l~tl~;l~'~,lrc,I ~tl~'l~OrlaH except othcr~l~¢ pro~idc,t h~ ~¢cm,n 2 ~. 11 Model b,mc~ ;md ,,dc~ ccn~c~>, c~cept ;~, qlhcn,, l.c pr,,~ ~dcd b~ ,ccm,n 2 :,. ::: J,,c m,.,n ,,r r::mmm: ~r;~p.~cl.,, ~ ,urrut ndmg f'LoRcrl~¢~ ;ln_d .',r?habl¢ ~..P.d,d, undo,' ibc .,:1,,' dc.~ ct,,i'.?~¢~t rkm r¢',.ie~x .qan.ddf. d ccmta r.;.'d ir~ .~¢Clion .;.,';.~, .:._j.n,_J.,:j 3Lr,~,hc;m,,n redtll:¢;:lcnt,. ;i.; d~'scriheJ in >cet:,,n 3 ) t, m;Jx be t.,,;.llxed irl parl ,,r in thc I'l,mnlng ~cr...', ~;,4,, I) fcctor..fi,r aK." ¢ulTura ': rel;l!cd ,dgx ¢h~L;~enl as identllied m ~11..' .Tcrrj. lltled .md u~.t.'c,,,',r', u,c..; ,cctj, m ¢,f the rur;fl a;ricpI; u._r.d/,__,ni__n~ dl,;trict; ho'.,.c,, er. a ,:cc:::~'J ::cc¢,..~r'. "~ the PI.mn:r:'.' %¢r~ lee.~ l) rcct,,r %bi}. b5' ~tJ:~rm;Lcd [--,.Jhe pJannln~ N I(("I I( )N 3,.I,5, Site l)e~ eh,l~Lt_'.@.t_jLn_d S)te__.ln_kpr,,~ ernrfll Plan ,,land;led,.. I !._',e pI.mrlln~ ,,er,. I,.~" ,hr¢ch,r ,hall r¢~ i¢,.~ and o,n,ider all ,u;c mpr,,5 cment_. ;,__nd .,,,Mg ~;taten_.J.yO_:_, ye<;~rdm,.' ,~ ner~h~p ;md.co.ntrof ,q' [bt pp,pcn~ .a~d alex c],,Tmc~I ;t- x~c[ 3, 5tll'l]clcncv t~l condmon~ rc~ardin~ t,~xncrshjp..and i~cllmc~: c?nserx'atmn'Drcse~'ation areas, er common lands 1 )es d,?rmcnt corn pj,~ ncc ~ ith all appr,mr~a~ zonin~ rc ~ulati¢~ni grm~th man;~gcnlcnl Plan.' : Thc in~rcs, and cercs~ to the DroWsed d.¢~ c[,,pmcnt and its Proposed improvements veh C~lOr and ~cparat~,m of vehicular ~raffie.:t?om Pedestrian and nthcr'tra[ti~ ~hor,,ughlar~.~ anu tn;¢rnal Iraffic r~;lt:¢ms ~ Ithm thc pr,,p~,e.d &'%'ch,pmcnt. ~,_n-~dermg ~ ehicular and r~,gde.qrmn.. ~afel~. ~.l:e ,,f Iire ,,r cdt~qrorhe..~er~e.m n~; and "~d,.'qua¢: oJ' Fecl':;atmnaLl'a¢ititu..s ~nd 9p,.'n ,pact.',, con~dcTm~ ~he b~ca~n~ and ,~,~ c[opmcnI of thc~c arca~ ~ ~rh rc~ard to :~dcquacx. eff~'ct on ~diaccnt and ne~rh~ propcmc~ a~ ~tc.l~ as u~c~ ~uhin the pr,,pos~-~ de~ eh,p~lenl. ~d the rel~mm~hlp tn cotnmtmlt~ .~t ide open ~paces ami ,Ik'~'ll~r~[~g b, aprr,,~ed plan~ ~ idlln ~'~l].da%-- [ he :'nc necr ,,f rt'f,~rd, prior :,, ;:: ,m'. o,rlfflx',".':aj /l~dl,tr ~.': ,vt..=~-L. Lr:m::c_,_~r5 :¢c,_depanment F_fll ¢omplel¢ a conceptual r¢~ :e~ and issue a 'u-n.z~.b!r'. ,': ,,g? :',I cgnccm and conceptual appr(,~al '[h~: concepmm nppro,,'al shall mc;:qjh.:: ~.'~'t h,:, rccc ~ed lln:H approval, it ~hall onh indicate that the project 'ub'.:aL~tl.dc,,mph..z. mce '.~mt.b the requirement? olthe code ;md ma~ be appmted subject Se___c. 3.3.'. Site de~ eh~pmenl plan re~'ie~, {SI)P} procedure,,. '~-=~.l'1'l:¢aI:,,n mecune shaU he. conducted b,. the pla~ninR ,uhml~,~.orl ,,fan~ ,il:, de~ ¢Jopmenl ~r ~t¢ impro~emem plan lbr __ ,~ ~ ed F,, Ihe. phlnnmg ser~ ices dJ~lor upon the ~ril[en N'quest of DEC 0 2 199; tt ~,hh ~?-~::. ,,,,::,,,~ are d~k'led. ~md, ~nderhned are added j ] ,, , ] he p~.jc~l. ~iJJ~ Ondjhe name, addr~ anq phon~ number .l'~he firm ~umbcc ~flhc property m~ner, . . ,, · , K_f. ..... i"r:,iat.,'~c~ui~rc foota;c cf Jm,%'r~. [~,~t~ area (iricludme all park n, ': "'/' ~'~lhe. total site arc~l ~'. ; ~ ?'..:~; ?.,' ', ;'~' ~ ;' ,:;: .::'~'7~:,'..&~,.,f~; ~ . J: 7. 2 For'fe~dehtial rro~ec~, joia{ n;m~hcr .,f uni~, Units per and a ii'if h}cakd,m,c h~ ~quare fi.,~auc and number c '.~ For nonrg4de~inl PmNcl% loDI hui}thng h,.,tagc and a ~quare . -. 4z: fi~olaeg ~teakdg~n,N u,c (i C,. et'flee, retail, ~mr;~ge, etc.} and it~ rcrce~t.~gc,,,,,F the, t.Ttal RedtiJ?~d ba?kifl~ ralJ67 ' MumbeLql'~pace. required per L.~ " ~tl~hcr of spacc~ y,<0~ jdcd per number of required ~n0 pr.x ided .pOt'c~ ipcludme handicapped and re~gned ~paccs. ": 'file il.Ih,sting t~lbrmation, nlgst be included in dle'gDP packet:,, [nfi~mlaljon.tn the Staqdar~ B;fildmg Cod¢, It pc of'..? to.l; (~cupimo~ p~e, 0qd fire ~prinkler retentions of.all prooo~ed structures s0')hal a needed fire I]ow may dete~ified NFPA 1141," :. 7,5~' ..X tire hvdram Ilm~ teqt rep, n l?~m ~he app, cable fire district li?r the clo~eq hxdrant,s), to the prt,~ec[ 5o lbat ~he a~ailabh, ti,to ,Ibm may, be de c~incd, NFPA 1141.. l llusKotive inli,mmtion accurately depicted 0n thc she devcl~pment slr~¢~i,~hJ¢~ b&dcr she do chmmcnr * ' , .... r inlerseclipn~. Iht I~atinn of all e~islin~ dri~e~avs or aCVC~5 -~' ~)inls ,n ~l~e opm)5iJe sides nF~II streets ~¥hich bordqr ~l~e f Xam¢,~iilienr~d~;"and existinq'prgposcd riFht-of-v,'av of.all internal streets and allex~. ~. D~rccti0nal mc'xemem of internal vehicular traffic and its: ~cparapon t?nm ~'destrian traffic. b. ~,~at~g0 pod confi~uratinn of recreational l~cilitics (includin~ related buildings. ~olfcnursc areas, tcnnN cou~. ~ ....'*: I.~'alio~ a~d ec~eral confieurati.n grail I~nc~ L ~ I [.oca~ 0~ of;HI hand Capped oarkin~ spacc~. m. J.c'caqg~ ?ftra~h enclosures ~. '" ' m_ 1.~ation and hq'J~h1~ of prnb~wd ~aIh or Ibncc%'~ .?.. '..~-~ q Accurate djmcn~,n~ ~hicb include thc Ii,lh,~ jog? ~ l-if All"i4firking arc*as and drh e.akle~ t~ l,nOdsca?e areas ad~acem tO all ~chiculor O~q~, inter,or proncm' ]inc~ a~d ali parkin~ arca% P~. ,'~n~ addifi~mal r~'lc~ant jnll, rmauon a~ ma~ h¢ required bv ~he 1~' I ,~r PrOlC¢l) ~Ublect t0 thc prov~)oB~ of Di~ ision 2 S.. architectural.drachmas, sl~ned pod 3calCd b~ a ligcn~ed architVcl, ~'gi>rcrcd in lh¢ ~t.q. tC of i' [orjd0, a,. ,calCdmfJC~atl~,n tk,r all sides c'Flhc building; cJcvation x~ilh OclaJJ~ an~ Omlvrin[~ m~ted, nod Tendered ~[E'~ HlatcriaN an.d cQJnr ~chcglg ~ ith paint chip~ and roc, f and d .... a unillgd ~i~n plan a~ rcqui~cd dj; i~ioq ~$'prc,cnlat~,,r.~ ~::adc ,,n tl;c ~HsLdcxclopmcm plan. shall ~'comc ¢ondilion~ 0fapprox aj~ ~krch~tcctt~l draw m<s submmcd in c~anjunctJon ~ ith on application lbr a buildJnq pcrm}l . ~hall ~c con~qcnl ~ ~th lb9 archi~¢ctgmJ drawin~ su~il~ed 0nd approved ~r th~, ~,ll' . ~i~e pi;m. J.o allon~ndcontl, r~Iio Of]J S eClaJo IR lured avJn, "' ,~nv addlllOq;iJ relevant ~ntorm;mon a~ max be reqmred by the plannin~ ~cr~,ce~ ~ctermmed at lhe ore~ipplicatton meetinm indicating ~h¢ approximate location, dg~5 ,. Anx_ p. pe nFJ/ic~elaliorl idenlificd fiw pp:~cr,,aln',n. ='. l'roiccp, cnnlaitlinll tho fiq{m~ing shall prnx dc ?: ,urxex oi'ideplii\ine :' :; ,~pecle, and ]occdnn, on a cu~ent aerial pb,,mgraph ¢~ a scale of on,. inch cqucN 20{} l¥~;t or laruer or ~urenmr,~eJ (,n thc site plan: a Pla~t~ ~pccjl]ed to remain m place or In he transplanted m exher Iocnmm~ on thc. propem ns spec{fled in the applicable dexeh, pme,N order, - , ~z }; :::'S~e?i~en tree~ designated by'thc hoard ofcnunxv "~ clm~missionerh rur~uanl tn qect on 30 6 7. StaI~ Or federal rare, lhreatcned.or endangered plant ~cius. su~-e~d accorO}n= tS'accepted Fh,rida game ~nd d l:x}~l ~ {ree~ that mtn bg credited my ~rd ~he de~ g o ment'~" Ja~dsgapm< requ~remem~ t. bc .f'umrg I~nd u~ map, in addition tn Ihe tbre~pmg requ~rcm?m~,.lhe . . ' pr:,~ idgd lit? lg the grmxlh.~na~,cmcm plan, a certified .spa'er that clcnrh' illu.tra~cs lhe Iocamm and relation,hip of Ihe develnpmem to the appropriaw Oc~tS~tS center, and thc :eh,ed acti~ ih' ~:md shall be rcquired~ Bt,l, li,g [,[:t~t~ Plans ~ho~vmu proposed building tBo~prmts, spatial r.glminn~hip to one anOtbgr uhen there arc muhiple buildinu~ and buildin.? hei.eht~. 5',HI l'r,~'ttlll uml ~'ediment Ctmtr, d phm A ~o~1 erosh.m and ~edi~ent control plan pt:rsuant to division 3.7., ,- ' - · '.' ~ <L ..;:~ .' /n/rastrttclure tmprnremenl~' pl{m~· Detailed on-si~e and off-site {~frastmemie !m provgmem plao~>~d. ¢On~mei~b~ 'doeumem~' prepared, in :'e°nfomane~ u ith the des gn smndard~ b~f~iis~i0n'3:2 and nnv currem countVbrdinnnces, [.cgul;~tion~, policies and procedures ~hich 'eo,sjsLol;.bu, Ore not limitgd .'.,,: ', I/} ~en~s~¢cthed~durimz ~ ~rehmmar~~. ,~.e d~'t¢tp~rncn~ Han~ prepared in c~fortl~arlce. ~fh l:,~ll~.'r { ,,untv.L'}rd nancc ,~o rrcpared~in~'C0nformanc¢:::~rilh' ~ection'3,2,8.~':~ubdi~'is[o ~c'clipn 3~2 [~. to "~u~ish?n" ~houl~ ~. read to mean dcych,pmcnL .. Xon-mmorizcd"ctrculafinn ~q defined 2.3s moa'emcnl by persons on {~ot. bicycle' or other.., hum~n:pm~'cred dc~icc.' N0n.mo~orizc~ Orculafion depi{I~nR sidewal~ ;md.bicycle hcilities~ c~nsis~em ~ith jl'hej~bSencc'))fbbstmCtinns i~,thc public right of ~av Shall N,:;4::~ :--.. d~m{mstrat~'d, jn<ludin~ Frox iqinnf fi~r.~alk and. convenient ~Irce~ ¢rq~s nK ~q ~le~alk5 ;~d bike path~ at intc~eclio~ ~hn conl hue t? . ~0 : 77t/.6 ~.'ach ,'qr¢¢t'eorner.'ofan"intcrSection: Curb ramps'~hall'bd'~i mi lin/tim of ~a~e ~'~'~ ~ecilTed durin~ ~h~' ~rel. im na~ ~k' de~¢lopmCnj pla,) r~ic~t, prcr;twJ In conl;~rmance ~tllh ~ccJJon 3.2.g4 su~Jvision ~esi~n requiremenJs (~r pU~OSt,~ or' thi~ requirement, all references ~t'vclop~c~t .~l ere a l'c' ' ' ~" ...... , .h pplabl~ and approprlale/,'and pursuant..h~ ~,,:md 40I;-al.' Honda' ' Admini~rat xe ~'od,,,, . . ' ' . .~. ~ ~g ncce~s~n H~nd0rd. and ~recml detalb a~s,,c aled ~ith'seeii~,,.--~ , . . t:n~mecrm~ de~l~ cnmpt~ta~ion~ and repons fi'~r water, sc~er 'n~ad~, , ~ ;/'"v:' ood ~at~,r manauc'mcqt facilities, as required h~ li'dcr~l, s~a~e ami ~al la~ and. rcRuJafi~n~= Ir) I,,pouraphical nlap.oflh~ nr,~pgnv ~h ct; ~hall include Ihq follmGng; ,' ':.: ;~ EXistin~ feature~, ~Uch a~, ~vi~lcrc0urses' drama~.e ditches, h,ILxtstinR co0iours or represcnt0d~e qround el¢vatmns at ~pc, l.~¢ JocalioS$ ~nd a minimum of ~O l?c{ be} ond :he property lifie~ ~ Bqnchm~rk J0cations and elevamms (NGVI)~ I I Kite cJearinq plan and method of veeetaHon disposal. ' t'ermtt~ ,All nqces~ap, pe~it~ nnd necessn~' applications requiring qppn~val and other pe~ltlin~ and construction related items, includin~ ~Ot ' ' x .... Artv adJit onal ~t'at.e.and fedcrM permits v, hich may he required pr[o, tO Commencement ef copq~ctig~' addre~sin~jhe impacts on iurNdiclmnal ~telland~ and h~Ntat involvjn~ prmec~cd specie~. I. n .... ~11 other ~'mnem dala. o?mrmauons. Nan,, repons, and lhe like ihat ma~ hc submmcd ' ~dJnanc¢.~qlt';~ffeCt at the.fim¢.ofcensm~cm,rL .;.. ~';A' u,mrm'v.w~;/plw~rC~./~.. ~ubmictal 0fa siic Nan m~ hc rc~ic~c~ ~ he prnicct sn~ o1~ c~ n sile ~ hic,h is cu~cn, ll~ improved ~ ith principal ~uclurcg. parkln~ t~cilitie~. ~'~tCr ~nd ~c~ er ~c~tgcs, and area~ m dc~rc¢~hich ~sould rcqmr¢ C~gmccrm~ review or othcmi~c at'fcc[ [,n-silo s~rl~ce ~atermanaffcmcm fleitmg's a~ may be documcmcd by ~vaivei: letter, from ~he SoBi~' FI6r~da Water Mana~cmem l)i~ric~ or Col ier County x~ here applicah~ Wrmcn dttol,~c,m moD from aprmpnalc a~cnc c~ ackmm [cd~in~ that ~ and ~c~cr scr~ l~c, arc a~ ;.labl¢ al {hq, ~nc anJ arc adequate lo sc~'c PrnPo%'d J--- ['he rrm¢ct title, propcm~ m~B~,r~ [Mdrc~ and lclcphnnc rmmhcr . I.c~al d¢~crmlion. Sci~ c, and no~h 2 . ~Zoninu des/unaflon of Ibc subiecl ~tc and ad~accm si~cs: Od ~rnpo~cd usc of Ibc suhiec~ siw ~ I..,catmq and.cc, nllguram,n ,'f parking qnd Ioadin~ arcaN and dircctmn.d m, oxcmcnt of {nK'mal x cb~C}e /' [.ocam.,q. pnd dimension or' aC~e~ pmnt(s> tn ~hc ~ite~ 7 .. ParkJnz ~ummarv ia matrix lbm~, ~qdicOging gh~ required and prm ided parkm~ li,r each cxi~tinu and prgposed USC, . . LoCation.and confi~ra;ion of handicanvcd parking ~ac lit eS ami ~Jldine accessibilitv~ Ik'ature~';~{ l,ocation, dimefi~[bn"~nd confiuuratmn ..... ' ...... '" ' of oN[st[ne' x~a~cr manaecmcnt IH [.ocatlon ./'trash enck~surcs 1 l.ocamm nfcxisfin~ and proposed landsca~inq whh specifications as !OS xe. quant [y and type ot'~euctalmn~ .... "'~ L'" ' .. ;. All required and prox j~cd setbacks and separations betx~ccn struclur¢5 m matrix fi,~, . : plannine serv ecs director ?_rc.e~ ;moa con~cn'~tjon qrea~ and other ~ife dc~ clormcm p~ - ~ ,) ~ 2 %nv pthc~ cll~pgc thc p)annint' ~c~ices drcclcr ma~ douching' a~. , In ~hc c3cnt thc pla~j~cr~jcc~ director dctc~inc~ the chan~c tn ~' Ics~: than ~uh.~anfial; ibc :~ppJkanl ~hall ,nOl be.required t(, fnllm~ ,~hc re% icw pn.,ccJuro_.~c~ fi,nh fi,r ~ nc~ si~c devch.~cnt pla~ [~p~e ~N,~n up, ray, flitCh 3Prlicalh?~ ~tJ~,[tc~ 1o thc pl;lnning ~cr~ t~ ~' d¢~ ch,proem plan apprm~], ~h¢ rlannin~ Ic~ icc~ director <hall requin' ;he ;~r~r0~ al t0 ~¢ ~odlfiCd lo ~r~g thc. plan into comrl{ance3~,b an~ new ?r,,~ t,,,n~?K.IN, q~de ~ cfDg; at ibc time of ~hc. cxrgns,m rcquor. ~obutldf~ pt'~l.t 6f'cc~lll~ale (~f occupant5 ihal[ bc i~i cd c'~ccpl. In ~_~;~!ivd in ;he ;IPPD~ cd ~ile ~e~ gl,?r.ment plan ~haU.o~nffttt,c a ~ ,,lam,n lhi~ St IiNE('TION 3.h AMENDMENTS TO Al)EOt'ATE Pt'Ill.lC FACII.ITIES DIVISION l)i~ iq,,n 3.15.;: Adcqual~; P~h~'? l:i~'ilitit;~: 'Of Ordinance Ol.ln2. a~ amended, die Collier 75 I)IVISI()N 3.1: AI)EQI VI'tiPI'II[.ICFACII.ITIESI)IVISI()N ~'t.,-&. l:rs,4 ?-Fin d ino.,.,, .Ncc. 3.15,;~.1...'nlmrt lille. '-,ulhoriD anti -',pplicuhiliL',. -;.I 5.--*L 2. SbtJrt /trio. This di~.ision .shall be knm..n and may be cited as "Co II/er County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance." Atttht~rits The board of county commissioners of Collie~'County has thc authonl) to adopt th~s d~v~s~on pursuant to ~Amclc VIII/Section ~163.316 J 1633202 and Rule. ..Ipplicabtlit. v. unincorporated area:of Collier CounL~. and to al' Wot I..~..1. /m,'nt 'INs division i~ intended to impl~mcm and b~ consistent ~h~ ('oilier Coum) ('fire, th Managcmem Plan. F.~. ~ and Rul~ ~)J-S, I:,A.C,, by ensurin~ flint ali development County be served b~ ;~dequate public facilities. timing, and provision of the' necessar, public facilities to sen'ice developmem,, and ¢"} bv4establ shing a regulator,,' ensures that~ilh'~aeh~hen PEtrie ~a~ilit) i~ available to' sen'e developmem eoneu=enl. ....... the impacts of de~ elopmem ,)tour on the public .l/tiff/turin rcqlflrc,tc,l~ The prmismns of this division in Ih~r in!e~relalion, and applkaflon ~re declared k~ be fl~e minimum tequiremenls neccssaD' lo accomplish [be'slated intent, pu~oses. ~nd °~iectiv¢~ of Iht, division, ' . ' ,sec. 3.1 $.43_.!. I)t'finition~, ,:' 1. I 5.-~.~ I D:,Itit/[ t,.r~datc a,d t'lltc~ttt~rl rt'[~,.'! ~,r/ii 'Il{ l'lleans thc county :..] 5.42.? on public :acfliti¢.,, described m sccm,n 3.15:7-6" At~/~hv,/tu.! for dcvcl./mtcnt a~l,rm'al means an application ~ubnliued to Collier Count~ requesting ~he approx al ora dex clopment order. ~/pitttl ttrt/i/lagc lilcilitic., means t13e planning ot5 engineering acquisition of land lt~r. or Ibc construction o( drainage and ~ater managemem facilities necessar) ti, r proposed de~elopmcm m meet the LOS for drainage/~cililies.. ~-:.. C~q~ital /~w'~' faclhtlc.~ nlc;l~5 lhe plimning ol; engineering acqm~im,n of land ti,r. or cons[rucm,n of buildings and eqmpment nece~sar~ [o mee~ the l. OS lt~r park l~cilifies.. {~//~ital r~a,I hwilt/ic., or {'a/~/hd road i/n/~rm'c/ne/ll shall inchide ' Iran~po~almn planning Ibr. nght-ol;~av acquisition liw. engineering project in thc road component of the CIE of Iht Collier: Coufiw (irmtlh Xlana,cmcm Plm or the Five '. : ' · · ~" , g , -1 ~ar t Ionda l)cpanmcmi of Transpomllion Plan. (',/p//,dlu, taMe ,utcr/acth/ic.~ mean ~l~o planning of. engineering for. acqtliSltlon of land lbr. or construction oI' potable water facihfies necessar) to mee~ ll~e [.OS Ibr potable ~a~er £'~/~th!l .~aait~try .~tmcr tacihtie.~ mcan the planning of. engineering for. acquisition of land Ibr. or construction of sanitan' sewer facilities necessan.' to meei ihe LOS for sanitar> sewer acq n¢ce~sar) 3, I ,C-I2, I I, 3.15,.4~I l l.l ~ ~ 163,3177 and 16331 ?g. ~nd shall nlgan lhe Collier Coum) ~ I,ma~emcnt Plan. ~ here rctgrenced in ~his di~ ision. A county Or Sl~l~ road segmenl on lhe major road nel%~ork s~ Slem thai either: 3 15.4,} I1.1.1. ltas an adopted I.OS "C" peak seasnn, peak hour. that has operated below I.OS "C" peak season, peak hour. based on the annual update and inventory report I"A[.'IR'I: or 3.15.42. I 1.1.2. 3.15-"2 III 3. . .1...,,1, 3.15.42. tl.2 I. 3.15.4.,}.i 1.2,2. :, 15.4.3..I 1.2 3, 1.2.4. Ihs an adopted I.OS "D" peat.: season, peak hour. that has opcra6:d belo,,~ I.OS ,';D'.]. peak season, peak hour. Iht t',,.o years or more based J Jas an adopted I,OS "D" peak sca~on, peak hour. Ihal i~ opermin~ ~elo~ I.US "l~". peak ~eason. peak hour, ba~cd on lhe AL'IR: or Ila.,,, an ;,dopted 1.O~ "IL" peak seas, m. peak h,ur. that is opera,w; ~orse than I.OS ,E~ peak season, peak hour. based on thc Al;IR. In detemllning th~., capacity ol'a county mad se~2menl or a state rohd segmenl for the purpose of detemfin n~ x~helhe[lt is a deficient rofid se~menl, the~un~v shall consider .' ~ ' ; .' :~:~ An~ capital'~d improxement cu~enlh in place: Any capital road impr, x ement that is under construction: An.,, capilal road impru,,cment guaranteed ,n alt enforccah}e dexel(,pmcnt agreement Ih Jr includes the prmi.,,,ons in subseclions 3.15.4~2.10,2. l and 3.15.42. I '['he actual constructmn of the required capital impn>vement included and is scheduled to commence n or belbre lhe lhird year 8f cap~[aJ impro~emcnI schedule adoplcd as part of ma r~agement plan. and 3.15,4 3.15 43 12. 3.15,43 I3 3.15,4~,14 3 154,_, 15 the board of COtllll) conlnllSSioners has nlad~., all express finding. after a public hearing, that Ihe cu~ent fixe.xear, capital m~proxemcfil schedule is based on a rcnlislic, financialh' l~'asible program fimdin~ J?om cxislmg re~ enue sources. Dert'lt~pvr means· any person, including a governmental agency. undcm~king uny de',elOpmem as defined in this dj', ision. DcrelolmtVnl ~t.t'r¢'t'n,.ent ]las the meaning contemplated in 6).a..O ct. seq. < . . Derelopnlent has the meaning given it in F.S. ~380.04. ~ Derclo?ment t,rder means an.,.' order, pemdt, detcrrninatic,-i-i:Xnr~g~.F,,.~u , ,' ~rantmg. den)lng, or ~rantin~ xx itl~ conditiuns an application R~ Iinal local development order, build ng pe~ t temnor~v Use ~em~i~ lemporag cbnsimeti0:n'ind development nc~ t ~ied'~em~': 3.15.4~ ! 7, : 15 .l: lq, : licen.~e, h~at dock i IVAC rermil, septlClank permit, right-of ~:t alion permil, cnnslruct' ,apl use ~ I Count.,. division. final construction ,ante. tree remmul permits. Sile development plats, plans; ~'ariances; and t. cenificai~;n;' C°ndition:al ther official hcfiOfi of Collier f~(of~'rmntin~ development as defined in means a final local amended commhsi ~pted. b~ 't and approved by[lh~~ e pursuant is recorded pursuant l"hl,d l.c.l ,luvciopmcm .r,A'r mcan,~ an,,, '~alid. unexpired buildiri$ r~erlmt or mobile home ue-dov, n pcrnnt bsued by the count.v. Gr.~lh tn~m~tgemcttl Flint or GMP means Ibc nlost recently adopte,d and el]~cm e ¢omprehcnsi~ c ~lan of Collier County. as amended l~om time m [l~g ....... ' ', · .Lttnd &'ye .(reg,hlrtem~- mean ordinances enacted b~' Collier Counb purs~a~J JO'F.S. ~16]q316I et. seq.. fi,r ~he regulation of dex elopmen~.~'and include, building e~m~trucfion, or s~gn regulaJions, or any olhcr regulations controllin~ the dewlopmem of land. [.ucc/ .1 ~t'rt'tc~' t.t.f).¥1 me;ms an hldicalor iff iht sen.~cc pro~ided by.' or proposed to be provided b~ based on'fin~ refit'~d to the operational lhcihts-, a~ adopted in the Collier Counb grm~lh ma I (~ shall indicate fi~e ca a v ~ mi per umt of demand · fi.' ~ ~:~-~ .... ~ ' . pcrlormc~ annuaIb lblhmin~ lhe cml of thc calendar >car hy comparing ~lcr~gc annual daily traffic coums to thc annual average dali> Iral'fic ~cr~icc ~'olumc look-up tables in Jhc traffic circulation clement '['hcsc tables arc calculalcd ~o express Ibc annul dali) ~rattic ~ olumcs based upon ~hc 100~h highest volume hour ol'~c > car. or peak sc~son, peak hour, Annual a~ cragc daily ~raffic {AADI) ~ contrail) calculated as thc a~cra~c of a daik ~4-hour ~ olumc, counted in each of the I~ur seasons pi' thc'vca~)'~0n'~0nm ~olumc roads, i'singleannual count may bc taken'and hct0rcd to thc annual a~eragc dail> Irat'fic ~olumc using a momhly or quarlcrly filclor. L OA' ol, r capital d/etin, l~ capital draina other, r operated by ned Master Pla ~ital drainage facflmes u~cd or operated ~$ is identified in the drainage ~ub-elemem nmi [emcnt policy t.I.LA.3 ~ pre,at requirements r sto~ e~ent~ and ;s ba~d on thom standards '5 ;renewa'L'~ and ~ appmval:~:0f = drainage, and storm~ater managemenf Plans establlshed~'in'lhe Collier ~Xater Man=cement Pohc) ?rdmance. No. 7~-50. as amended.and Ordmancc,~.~0.10 ~Nch are mco~orated hereto by reference [.OS/,,r c~tpitJii park ht,'diti,,s means 2.0412 acres per 1.000 persons l[~r regional park land: 1,2882 acres per 1.000 persons fi)r community park land: and ~ $lT0.aO of capital investment per capita current eoM} fi. recreational l~cilitic>. l.(YSji~rc~tpltttl potable rotter fiwilities ~arics ~t~een public ctuml~:_~atekand.~e;~cr di~trt¢l thc LOS is ~2-5 ~ gallons ~r per da~' ~Cil~CDI, ~u:. 2 ~' ~m-fi,r-m,~-~:.~-,:;.:~ LL; ~l~;, 2~ ~:r~:~ =d:uqmcn:~. For thq.fhmdl;md~ater distric~ t~e LOS is 163 CiI'C'I) .... h,r Iht c.,~ ,t Napl¢~ unincomoraled ~qB'~Ct'. area. the [ OS is 16} OPC.'D. [:or the F'xcrglades ('iix unincomorated ~¢~ic¢ area .Ibc I..OS i~ 16,, I;l'gl), ~or pri~ate potable ~aicr except ~ Add r'.' emplo~ t,c tlarbt, r a',& bt. am} shof ,pcr gh;t;t~ lane~ Coun~ dub lb) Shm~ ers pro~ Idcd [ood ~r~ IC~ operations iai Ordmar~ restaurant t per lb} 2J.hout restaurant dO Single ser~fce amcles onb (ret person ~ ~d) Bar and c~Ltad Iounze r e) Dr~ c.tn restauran[ (per car I Per I00 ~quare space 2 Add per cmplo>ee ~gl Inst~tut,on~ ~pet mead ,, ."5 , , ~¢r r~.?~o~9 } h,,ur shin I ~hoppm~ ccnlcr~ ~ltht~t laund~ ~pcr ,quart fi~t Sradmm;, ra~c tfack~, ba I packs park Ib~ Add h~r sho~cr~ ICi Ada for Idl Add fhr da) ~ch~,l kG'ml.pc~anenl I~qr d'~ clil~fl Urll I I~C hedn~,m [ ~ n b~dr~m~ and 601. three bedrooms and I.rlOl.] than :,(;t)O sduJre I~cl heated cooled area (;a//,.,m I'(r D.n tGPD, 2O 2.(0 OI Ol ? I0 Tf 15 6dill (bt Other }per occupan:l 75 dependin.c on the Lvpc of road. and is based (ma defined peak season, p¢~[k hour. The l.()S on thc t'ollo,,~,ing county road~ is [.OS "E" peak.season, peak ', ord~ ',4nderhned I ..~k'H¢.l rank RJ Golden I'm e Ridge Ro,,J A~on Road Io I-'.~ % andcrbHt IlL, ach Rd ()n all other count} roads on the major road nct'.~ork s.,.stcm, the LOS is peak season, peal.; hour: ho,.,, ever such a county road segment may opt'rate at l. OS "E". peak ~ason. peak hour. for a period' not to exceed t'.,,o fiscal .,, ears '~('~ as to prox ~de C'ollier Count.', time to make the cap~tal road improvements needed to restore the road to I.OS "D" peak .,,ea~on. peak hour. or better. lhe I.(~S on state and federal roads shall be as fi)llm,~s based on peak season. peak hour: Road s)stcm> and prlxate ~ammr) sex, ct s)stcms 'Ibc l.OS Ibp public ~anitary ~cx~cr ~stem~ is 100 gallons per cap~ta per da~ ~gpcd~. plu~ n,m residential alex c!opmcnt, making the I.~ ~g 121 gpt d 'Ibc [.OS lbr prixalc samlar3 scx~cr s)stcm~ ts as required b~ thc State of Florida in Chapter 10-D-6. F.A.C. lhcse ~tandard~ ~ar~ according to the bpe of land usc 'the.'.' are as tollox~s, except lhat approxcd pmate septic s~tcms are exempt l~om these I.OS requirements: ,l'l ,'%' ,,1 L ~l,J ~ IJ I Itlth/rtr ('OUfltt~ club ~c~ Per emph? ¢¢ iai Pet ~t'f (hair ~galhms per person per ~al No ~ho~ er~ pro~ fded 20 ~ b ~ Sho~ er~ pro~ ~ded 35 ;al Ordma~ restauranl ~pcr scat) 50 ~b) 24.hour restaurant 4per seat) lc) Single ser~mce articles onl~ (pet person~ 2f ~d) Bar and c~ktatl lounge ~pe~ per~onl 30 [ e ~ [)m e-m festautanl i per car space) ( fl Car~ out only: ~;:: I Per IOO ~quare feel of floor ~pace : Add Pet employee 20 ~Vord~ ~'ar~ deleted. ~ord~ ~'GEND~ DEC 0 ~hoppm~ ccnter~ ~q~houl f~ or laund~ fper * Ib~ '~heatcr~, :: Iht Oufd~r. dr~*e.in~ I~r Trailer mobtle h~e park (rcr trailer rra~ ri rratlrt recteat~at ~ chtc (a~ 'I r~cl frafl~r 1o~ cm~;h:~. ~ithout ~a~cr and I losp~tah I~t P~rks. ru~lJ~ p,~n~ ~ch~t~ ~pcr ~tudcnrp, Iai u I S;nclc-ldmll~ I ret hc~rot?m, I h I A ranmcnt ~ p~'r bed room ) ¢~rk ~rrr bcdro,m~ YO I00 I 20o lo I Oo I.% LO.$'./,,r c'./ut.l ~.//,/ ~.~/C" l,/V//lttt'~' requires suflScicnt capital solid -aste facilittes to dt.spo.,,e ,.ff ~ I, [0 tons of solid v, aste per capita per .',e:~r ht addition, the 1.OS requires tv, o years of'landfill lined cell disposal ca?aciL',, at present fill rates and ten ,,,ears oFlandfill raw land capac~L', :,t present fill rates. I.f)X '(" pcuk .w,.wm ?oak lurer ~s in the range of stable llow. but marks the beginning of the range of tim.,, in v. hich the operation o1' indi~.idual users becomes signilicantly affected by interactions ochers in the traffic stream. The selection ol'spced is affected bv th, presence of other, and maneuvering either the substantial ~.igilance Oii the pan comfort and eofi~,:~nien~'de~llde~ n0tl peak season, peak'hour, is based on the ~x4umes durmg!acalcndar ~ear for the v nou by Spectal'Rcport::2OPW'll,ghwav Capach'¢.,* Research Board:Nadofiat ResearCh C'oun¢i}.' Washin or subsequent revisions thereto. ~. ,,rd~ ............. ,,, are deleted. ~.erds 3.15.4331. 3.1~ a3 52. 3.15 a'2 3.: 5.15.a3.33.I. 3.15.a~..33.2. LtL%. D 17,',4. .~t',t*,l)tt pc,t~ Ile)ltr represents a high.density,, but stable. flu~ Speed and lreedom to maneu~ er are se~ erel~ restricted, and the dri~ er or pedestrian experiences a generall~ ~,or le~ el of comlbn and convenience. Small increases in traflk flow ~dl generally cause operational problems at this level. LOS 'D' ~ak season, pea~ ~s based on the IOOth highest hourly ~raffic volumes during a calendar ~,year fi)r ,es,of roads defined by S~ial"Re~n 'lligh~ay Transponatmn Re~arch Boa~. National R~$arch Council. Washinglon. DC.. 1985. or ~ubsequent re~ isJons thcrel~J'. L().~ L pe, k ~e,w;tl. peak Iirmr represents operating conditions at 0r near capacity. ~All s~'eds are significantly reduced. Freedom maneuxer ~s dif'ficfih.< Com[bn and con~enbnce, is ex/retool, and motorist frustration is generally high.~ LOS "E~ hour. i~ based on the 100th highest hourly traffic volumes during calendar ~ ear ?r lhe ~'anous tx~s of roads defined by S~cial Re 209. '1 {i~h~a51;Capa&ity Mfiual'.: Transportation ~cscarch Boar~ National. Rematch GJ~fictl. Washington. D.C. 1985. or sub,qUeSt re~ i~ions thereto2 ~': :. I'e,k ,¢'(/~,/t tW,/~ h,t,r ts o)n,,Jdered h) ~ the IOOth highest %olume hour ,,f the ~car. and is the basic nme retbrence u~ed lo calculate le~ els of ~er~ ~cc using thc definit tons and ~neth,~(,logies of the 1985 lh¢~x~a~ Capacit) Manual ~,r ~t~ cu~cnt edition:. I or plannin~ arid cencuffcn~5 apphcatwn% peak ~cason. ~.ak hour conditions arc con~cr:cd to annual axcra3e dailx trallic (AADI) level of.~'~ce max/mum ~olumes and are presented m a serie~ of kink-up tab[es adopted in the IraffiC circulation element of the troy, Ih m~gem~nt pkJn .il, d,r r~,u,t iwl~ur~' ~&'tn me~n~ all arterial and coJJeclor roads ~ithin the hqaJ unincorporated Uollier Counl>. [he major road nct~ork ~>stem is depictcJ m the lrJJ]]c c~rcu{alion e{emenl of the Co{lief County Or,,~lh Management Plan. t'cr.,t,n m~'uns un indimiduu{. <o~ordJiorL go~'emmenlaJ' busines~ lruM. eMal¢, lrust, pannershtp, assocmlmn. I~o'nr mote pers(,ns having ajoint or common interest. (,r an5 other emil), and designated a~enls. SUCCessors or assJ~ns. ':~- , . A count.,, or state road segment on the major road nelu, ork System u, hose adopted I.OS standard is I.OS "C" or I.OS "D". peak season. peak hour. Ihat is presentl3 operated nt its adopted I.OS. or ',',hose adopted I.OS ts LOS "D" peak season, peak hours, and has operated :,t I.OS "E" peak season, peak hour. Ibp fao .',cars or less. based on thc AUIR~ ..\ potentiall.,, deficient mad segment v, hich has an adoptdd l. OS "D" peak season, peak hour. ma)' operate at l. OS "1-~~. peak sea,,,n, peak hour. for r,,,o .,,ears bcfi~re it shall become a deficient road set'Hlerl£. tX county or Male road segment on the ,,,,hose adopted ,1.0~ $tandar.d, is presentl.', operatine AUIR. road net~,,ork'~yste~ base;J on the I. ~ord~ ~ ar~ In dclermtnlll~ the ca~a~lly of a ~'ount) road ~e~menl ~.r a Stale road &'ficienl toad ~c~ment. the counl~ shall cons der; d~velo men~reement that includes the pros isions in sub~ection~ 3.1 ~4~ 33.~;.I add ~.I5 I'hc actual constmcfioa of thc required capi[al road impro~cmem included and is s~heduled h) commence ~n or N'Ik~re thc third xcat Ibc s[a=es ti~e-~car ~ork pwgram and thc coumy'~ ~u~nt ~apilal improxement schedule adopled a~ pan of:thc ~ro~h ma~cemcnt, plan; andr'. '.: ., . . ..... 'l'he N, ard of count3 c(~mmlssmncr~ has made an express finding. after a publ~'heating, thal the cuncn~ Ih e-) car capital improvement ~hcdule is:ba~ed o~a realistic, financialb fcasible program of I~nd n~ :?om existln~ revenue s,,ur~-c.~. 3 !'~ ':2 ..4 l'tthli,'/,tot/ti[c, mcan cap~tal drainage l~ac~l~lies, cap~tal park facili[ics. capital potable water thcilitics, cap~tal ruud I~cilitics. capital sanitary seer l~cilitie~, and cap~tal sulid ~a~le t~cihtie~. Sec. 3.15.~ Rulc~ ofconqrucli(]n. J~ In th~ con~tru, lwn al lh~s d~ ~mn. 3he rule~ ~ct ual m ~h~s ~eclion shall ~ obscn'ed unless ~u,h o,nsm~ct,,n ~ inconsistent.:~(~t~"i'~m~nilb~i~ imem of the (.'oilier County 13~ard ,ff ( ounb C-mm~sq-ncrs. ]he rule~ofe~3~t~ction and deliniti,ns ~e~ fimh herein sh~ll nd[ F,c apphcd h, un) pro~ ~ions ~hi~h exprcsH~ exclude such cons[ruction, or M~cre the suhicct r)l.llt~'r, co~lcll[ (,r Co,lex[ oJ' such ~O~blOg~ %~ou[d ~ake such cogMruclJt)~ internally (icneruIt~ All rm~.~slons. !¢rms. phrases and expressions contained in this dis ision shall be hberalb construed in order thu~ Ihe true intent and tncanm~ of Ibc Collier County B()ard of Count) ('onmussioners ma3 be l~ll) tamed out, Terms used in lhis dMsion, unless othcrx~i~e ~cifically proxidcd, shall haxc Ibc meanings prcscriM, d In the mterprctati,n and application ut'an.', pro'. ]sion of tl]i~, dix ision it ~l~all be hdd to be the minimum requ:rcment adopted Ibr the promotwn of the public bcahh, saiL'b', cum/htr, conxenicnce and ~eneral x~ellhre. Where an~ prov~smn of lhis division m~poses ~rea~er restrictions upon the subje~ mauer Ihan ~ general provision imposed bx ~he ~rox~h mana~emem plan or ~no~her provision of ~hi~ division~ ~he provision imposing the greater restriction or regulation shall be deemed to be controlling. ..~,., ~ ~ Text. In cas~ or,ny difference of meaning or implication between Ibc l~xl of Ibis division and any fi~ure, lhe tex~ shall con[roi. ('e)m/mt~ttto~r (g'lime '['he time ¥.ithin v, hich an act is [o be clone sha II be computed b.~ excluding the first and including the last day: il' last day is Saturday.~:$unda.~ or legal holiday. excluded, .,. . ,. 3.15~7 l),/t lhe ~,rd "da.~" .~hall mcan a calendar da). unless "husme.~s" d~ isi,n administrator. Ibc head ,,fa dcparlmcnl ur ~onlc other counb ofllccr ,r cmplo)cc IO dr) some act or pcrfbrm sumc dui5. it )s Io bc con~lrucJ to authorized thc division admlmslralor, head of Ibc department or some other county officer or cmptosec [o designate. delcgale and authorize professional level subordinates ~o ~rlbrm d~e required act or dub' unless lhc lerms of Ibc provision or secmm ~'ci f> othcn~isc. Gem/er Wordg:~tffi~ning ~he masculine gender shall be construed m include thc/L'mininc and neuter .%/,ruth '1 he ,aord "month" shall mcan a calendar month. I I~ .:. 15..i-a_. i I. 3.15.~.12 .Mm.tectmica/ and technical ..rd~ Words and phrases ~hall be construed according to the common and apprmed usage of thc language, but lechnical ~ords and phrases and such nlhers as ma}~' ha~e acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning ~n la~ shall be ~on~lrued and underslood according ltl ~uch meamng .Vum~cr A word Jmpomng Ibc ~mgular number onl5. ma~ extend .md be ,~pphed lo setcral pcr,m~s and lJllllff~ ,1~ '.tel a~ Io one per,on and thing. Ibc u~c of thc plural number q~aIl ~' deemed m include an5 single person or thine SIwlI. /,uti: l'he ~ord "shall" is mandat,,r.~: "ma.~" ,,, permissn e. Tern,. Words used in the past or prc,,cnI tcm, c include thc fu:ure 'aell a~ the past or present. Week The ~siOrd ~'r.~c, ek" shall mean se~cn calendar dass. 3.15..~a_ 1.4 Sec. 3.15.65. construed lo include an> reprcscnlamm of ~{,rtJs. foiler>, or llgures ~l~cll~cr b? priming or other lbrm or mclhod of ~ ming }far The ~nrd "} ear" shall mean a calendar > ear. unless a llscal is ind~caled or 365 da}s is indicated. Et, labli,,hment or manaL, emem and moniloring prngram and regul;Uor) program: the annual update and imenloU report CIE amendments, and annual hudgc~. Jn ,,rdcr h, unplcmenl the mandate of the Collier C'ount.~ (}fourth Management Plan h, cn~utc Ih;ti ;ldequ,de potabJ0 ~tatcr. sani~a~ sc~cr, solid ~ta~tc. drainage, park and road pubhc 15cdmc> are a~ailablc Jo accommodalc development m Collier Counb concuncn~. ~th ~ hen Ibc m~pact~ of development occur on such public l~cililics, lhe N~ard of count5 commissioner~ cslabhshes, pursuant to the tc~s of this division. I I J a management and monitoring program that evaluates the conditions of public lhcilities to ensure they are being adequatct5 planned lbr and lhnded to maintain the LOS for each public facility, and {2/a regulator? program that ensures lhat each public [~cility is available to serve development orders ~hich arc subject to the provisions ofthis division .... Sec. 3.15.;~..Mana~.ement and monitorin.e, program. (;¢m'ral. tn order to ensure that adequate potable ~,e',,,er. solid waste, drainage, park and road publi availaNe concurrem ~.t ith ~t hen the impacts of de,~ cio 'i {. '~,; ' · >;' '"~d ~:~ ,'si.' ,,: ~ , . _ ~ .... '; ~ani'~a~;~ii~/~i~!~'d'?~i'~e; drainage, park and road public ~t~ to ensur~'~:i~a'e~tia~e planning and tkmdine m maintain the LOS lhe punic l~cillties, and i2~ lo e~aluate Iht capac~b of lhe public l~cdme~ h~r u~e in the regulalory program m en~ure thal development orders sub,eot to concuaenc} regulation are is~ue~ unless adequate public ~cili~ieq are atailable t,~ sene the dc~c[opmcnl concu~cnt ~tith ~hen thc impacls of that development . hmu, d tq,,i~t, 'umt tment,r~: r,'~,rt ~,~ public lm~ilith'.~ IA( qR }. On or aNmt ~'[)eekm~cr I of ea~h >ear. lhe Community Dc~eh,pmem and Ensironmental Scn~ceq l)i~ision Adminiswmor shall r~,mplcle an annuA updale and inscriber5 report un public ~hcihlic~ ~hcremalicr "AI.'IR"~. Ibc At/IR shall dcle~ine the existing co~,tl~ion~ of all capaal polablc ~nlcr. capitol sanitary sc~cr. capital s.hd ~astc. c;~p~ml drmnagc, capilal park. and capitol mad public lhcililics ~ dclcrmme and summarize Ibc a~ailablc capncily of f,,ret'a,t thc t'~p~cg5 ~,f cx~ung and planned public lhcililig~ the Ii~e ~uccee~ing >eats. and lea ~ucceeding 5ears. and idemify ne~ pr, uett~ needed m mmm.m~ ad,,p~ed l.~)S. Ibc Ibrecas~s ~halI bd~ed on ;he m,~t rcccntJ} u~uted ~chedule oi'cap~tal improvememi ~pubhg Ibcihtieq~ fi~r each public l~cHn>, 'Ibc AUIR >hall be based on I]1C mom recent bureau of eco~onlic and business research (BEBR~' I~ populalion prt,jeetion~, uNated public l~cihb mvemories. updated umt o~,t~ and revenue projcglions, and ,mal}s~s of the most Ibc fia,hn.,',~ of Ibc :',,1 'IR ,,hall :he ~"._.! annual upda:c and amendmcm dc~cl,~pmcn~ order~ ~uh~ccI h~ d~e pr,~sion~ of lhJ~ &~i~ion during Admir~;~trah,r ~11 prc~enl Ibc .At IR report h, IbC N,ard of courtb comm~s%h~rwr~ identffbing deficfcncic, pr powrmal dellcicncie~ in' "Catcg,,r? A" public lhcilitics and reined al atlh,n upt~tms including but n, ,l hmHcd lo Ih¢ Ibllm~ lng J. l~Mabl~shnlenl ot'arca~ of s~gnilicant influence [:k$1:M. ~ 2. Public I'acili:5 projec: addifion~ to the ('Iii: l)eferral of de', eh,pment order issuance in afl'ecwd arc:,s pending': a. J.m,.ering of LOS ,, la gro~,,th management plan amendmcn:; b Inclu..:on ol'necessar.', public facilit.~ projects m d~e n adopted annllal budget and ~ annual CIE upd;t:e ;lrtlerldfllellt; .. ¢; Appmval of new or increased revenue sourge~ liar ~ n¢~'J,.'~ publi~ facility projects b.~ the board of count~. ~-ommissi.ner~. the state legislature or Ba~cd upon the AUIR anal)si~, the Comment[) l)evelopmcm and Collier Coum} Planning Commission and thc Board of County Comm~ssi.ners on or a~mt Oclobcr I of each year. thc annual updat~ and amendmcnl to the CIE as pan of the annual grmsxh managemem plan amendment c~clc transmittal public hearings, it ~sill include thc public facilities needed to maintain LOS as directed by thc board of county commissioners u~n prcsemation of the AUIR. Thc annual budget. ~shich~is tO be adopl~d by Ocioher I of each year shall also include projecls~laM~f;~tundmg a~ dsrec~cd by' th~ ~ard: upo~ presentation of the ~ioE At'IR. £st, thhU;mcnt .I arcat~, ol )t~,)ttlic~mt ttlf[lte~tcc t. IS// Jf the finding ,,f Ibc Al'IR anal~s idcnu(~ additim~al road in~prmcmenl prmccl~ needed I,, maintain ad,,p~cd lOS. the) ma~ N' included in dw road comr,,nent or lhe prop,~scd annual CIE upddtc and amendment at thc d~ctct,,n of Ibc ooard. Based upon board direction on inclusion of addilional road prq~ects. ~the Community Deve[opmcnt nnd kn~mmmcntal Scrxices Dixision AdmJm~tralor. m COnlUnclion with die NIP(} chief and (ranspo~atmn services dcpanmcnl director ma~ propose and idcnti(~ one or more areas of ~ignificanl influence (..kSI~ around an5 deficient or polentia{t5 deficient road scgmcm {except ~hcrc ~uch polcnliall> dcficicm road segment is projected not exceed ~t~ udoptcd I,OS ~ithin the first three 5ears of the schedule of capital improscmcnts in the ('IE update and amcndmcn~ proposed Ibr Iransmitta[ on or aN*ut October 1. and Ihe estimated annual residual capacity trips lhat ~ould be allocated to those applicams I~t certificates of public l~ciliD adequacy ~iflfin the ASI encompassing such ~tentially deficient road segment during the ncx~ >ear d~cs not excedd the remaining tnp capacit)'}. 'l he boundaries o~} am AS[ ,hall be cslabhshcd pursuant to the ~tandards in subscctiofi 3~15.:2 a 2. of thi~ division alon~ ~ith d~c annua residual capac~ts. ~ ~;muar~ I ol each >ear. No residual cap,city trips shall be allmted tbr dc~ch,pmcnt m an ASI eric,repassing a deficient road (;,'m.ra/ Ibc h,,tmdarics ll,r an ..\.gl ',hall be based upon :,n "enoch)pc" !hal surroutld~ malor road segments. In ~cncraI. thc ASI ~urrom~dmg a road segment will radiate oul I?Onl thc segment a distance of one t, lhree miles, depending upon natural or manmade lkalures, roadx~a> {hcilit~ t3pe. Additionall). there max be an oxerlap of ASI:> due to the effect of adjacem land uses upon a roadway .%'tand, tr, l~ Itl dclcrmtmnll art,~t o[ sit, nil~cant itllhwtzce [ 15'1~ : The Commumtv, Developmenl and Environmenta Se~' ce~ D visioO Admmtstrato~rm COnjUg~tmn with.thc Mt 0 ct, el and lranspq~auo~ ' '~ scniccs depa~'mcnt director shall examine traffic movc~nt and shah theft prcpare:fi map(s1 that &mils thc Ioc~ion proposed ASI(S).: Such'~'mapls) Shall then bc nresentcd mlhe board o~' ' c,,umv commt,sloners al'a resularlv scheduled meeting I~ ns ~'. 0 2 1998 s, ~ ~ are & ~ords ~nder n~ are added" [ '~;" 3 15.:t2 -13. I'~mcipat Arterial r.'ollecmr ~ural M,n,r 'lhree mdc,, on c:,ch side t~f affected se~mem and Ihre¢ miles each end of atf'~cted segment T~o miles nn each ~de or :.: r affected ~mcnl and [s~o mdcs for each end of affected scffment One mdc on each std~ of affecwd ~gmcm and one mdc from each cad of affected segment One mdc un c~ch side of affected scgmcm and one retie I/om each ;~d of atfe~lCd sc~mcn~ I,t~lt¢~J ,~.J~..~.',,',, t Jr Ilst~ ()ne mdc trs,m each s~de (,f thc -:~ ; ' "'~ ~l~CS from an~ accc~s porn[ ~' - : and each sermon[ cad /)eterm;m~r~, um;uu/ r(~idmt/ cupm't0 tr//;s ibc CommumL' Dc~ckTm~.ni nnd l:nx imnmcnml Sets ~ccs [)ix bion Adminis~rmo¢in coniunclion. ~i~h ~hc' MPO chief and ~ransponanon scn'~cs dcpa~mum dirccter shall cumplc~c a &'roiled conditions analysis"oF d~c dcficicm ~,r p¢~cmiall} dcficicm road ~c~mcm ~xi~hin each proposed &%l b~,undar} ffrior Io proposing Iht boundaries of thc 'i'he a~ai}~s shall lake mk~ consideration characteristics of lhc ro~d ~cgmcm ~such as traffic comrol, signal spacinu, timinu. ~nd phasiqg) using procedures documented in ~hc log5 l liu~max C~pachv Man'al ¢or its cu~cm cdifion~. Thc ~nnual residual capacib trips t~r tl~c proposed ASI co~crmg thc po~cntialb dcllcicnt rpad sc~mcm shall bc based upon up to IU0 pcrccm of thc potcmiallv deficient road seumcnfs remaining capacity. ' ' measured m peak hour. peak,season tnp~. 'lhin~ percent of thc polcntmlly dcllc~cnl road segment's remaminF capacib shall be rosen'cd lbr on15 those land uses gcnerme .nc peak heur [rip per da~ (,r less. based on thc mosl recent ITE 'l rip t ~cncram,n Rate Manual recoup[ of the proposed boundaries of a polcntial ASI and ~hc proposed residual capacib trips of Iht ASI IYom ~l~c Commodity Development and [m ironmcmal Scrx ices DMsion Administrator ibc board of counb commissioners, b> C~¢~ ,~anuarg I of each shall hold a public hearing nodccd pursuant [o the requirements F.S. ~125,6615 }. and after considcranon of thc proposal and public commcm, appruxe thc boundaries t including a map of thc boundaricsl and the annual residual capacity trips af the ASI. with or without modifications, or dctcm~inc that competent substantial evidence has '- been placed on thc record to shox~ lhat Iht road segment ~s not potentiall> deficient and dctc~ine that thc establishment of an ASI is not necessary to ensure that development orders are. Sen'cd by adequate road public facilities. 'I'hb approved boundarieS'add annb:~l residual capa~ib Ir p allo~mems tbr each ASI will~eCi~j~q .~- ~'~2 .......... ~,,bOi each year ~f additional road arc m,t added tu thc $~ital Jmproxcmcnt element at ~'lla I m'~:~J:~. :~., ;.15 x-', ' t ' 5.t.; x~' 1.3 3.15);2.' l.a NumdarieS of eacll ANI u~tabli~hed b} Ihe Nmrd of eonlmissmncrs shall be kept in the Community De~'elopment and lm~ro~mental Service Division and the office ,f the clerk to the Nmrd ol'courlly comznlss~oncrs fbr r¢~ ictt an ina pecuon b} Ibc during normal buqnes~ hours.:: - 7~..' ~ - :'Dttrtttb'.l ~g~ eqitblt, shed w'c,t~}~[Mg.il~cwtt tnlhw~Ice L.l.~b . Once l)ur~/tit,1 of rc.~i,h~al tap,let0 trlp~ Once Ibc road l~cilily rcsldua} capaci~> Inp~ are approved b5 the board of counb commissioners. the) ;ire ~ ahd fi,r one ~ ear needed road m~pro~cmcn:~ idea:filed in tt~c At'IR are added n, ih~ CIE or Ihnds are a~ailable {'or. and gommmed ~i,r con~tructnm og ~h~ needed road itllpro~cmcals to climmal¢ Ih¢ classillcafitm of a road as .] deficient or polclltiall} dcll¢lelll road segmcnl, lhcrl file area of ~gmfic,mt influence tA~l, otaNi~hcd h'r thai dclicicnl t,r porch:mil? dcligicnt road segmcnl ~hall l'e d~s~ol,.ed ~n the same manner in ~t hic]! 11 ~a~ established. I{e~ulaloO prot, ram: rc~ic~ iffdc~clopmcn! lo cn~urc udcqualc public facilitic~ arc ax ailablc. (~eth'ru[ .ln~ordcr to,ensure Ihat adcquale pt,table X~aler. sanitar5 sex~cr, solid~astc."drainage, park and road public thcililies ar~ a~aikible concument x~ ith ~hen the :mpact~ of alex elopmcnt occur on each pubhc Ihciiits. Collier Count} shall establish the detelopmenl re~ iet~ procedures t(~ ensure that no dexelopment orders subiect 1~ concUrrenc5 regulation are issued unle>s adequate public IScHilie, are a~ ailable to sc~ e the pr,.,po~cd dcx clopmcnt. t:~rcm/,n,,t~ The Ib[lox~inz development ur&rs and Al, ~alid. unexpired final development t,l' regional impacl de~cJopl?Igtll u~dgrs ~h~,h ~wrc I~Ued prior Io adopllOn ol Ibc ('oJJit'r ('OLIIH5 ( lr,~t lb ~ l~lilgt'::lt'nl PJaJl {ii1 Jatluar} I O. I g~9. t'xccpl ~ hgr~: J)e% eJoplnerlt Col:ldllh)lI~ or MJpuJalh,ll~. ;.lppJicabJe IO cttl~lcurtetlc.',. lh¢ r'rox p,,,n t)l adequate public facihtie.,, concurrent x%ith the m~pacls t,f de~ elopmenl, eM',t m the DR{ dex eiopmcm order: Sub~,tan:,fl dc:~:mons are :ought for a [)RI dc',elopmcr~ order, anit then. Ibis di'.~Mtm shall appl> onl.', IO those portions of the de,,elopment lbr ~hich the de~ iation is sot,cbt: An o:crr:ding concern for public health, safely, or v.'¢Ifare CM.'ds: ] he coum> can demonstrate pursuant to F.S. ~3g0.06. that subslantial changes :n the conditions 'underlying' the approval off,the developme:]~ order.have, t,ccu~ed or the;~;deve opmenr' order ~as ..based. substanualh; maccOrale mlo~atmn provtded by' the developer or ~h&t the appl cut on 'of i};i5'd'ix sion lo tile devel~eni or~r ¢stabhshed to be essential he Fubhc heahh. dc~cioffmc~I br&'~ Ihal Ih~} m~uld mak'riall} or ~uh~IanH.fll} aflk'dl Con~t'rucmm'~ff~pEhii~ lhcililic~ tha~ ~r~ con~bleni ~ilh Counl~ Grm~th31ana~ement [lan ' , a.~,h' ,.:.~:~'q~;~: ~ - . , ,. , ()ri~imfl Icnl~orar} con~trucllon and dc~clopmcni permits and any subsequent rcnc~al~ nm m cxcccd a cumulalJ~ De~'cl~p'nWni o'racrt pc~iuinu rc~laccmcm, rcconsirucfion or rcpoir of cM~ti~'~'dC~.clopmcn{ consi~tcnl ~' ~ . .- ' ~ ~,( ,:' '','," :' d"~~; 1~'~:,~~~4~:'~* ;v~,,. . . e~ce~'d a ~tl~tllaIl~ ¢ pc rlO~ oI o~c /car. All} dc~eh,pmcnt or Jet t,r dc~clopnlcrlI ~ht)~' currcn[ ~ e~led ri~hl~ lbr adequale public lhciImes I"AI'F"i in accordance thc pro~ isions oI'fl~i~ ~ecti,n 3.15 g' ' 7 .lpphcu[um An applicamm Ibr dctcrminau,n of ~es[cd rights APl: ~halt k'.submitted in thc Ibrm c>mb[ished h~ rite Community Dcxc[opmeni'~(Shdr Emironmcnta[ Senices Division AdministratOr. An appIicafion ~k.~'in 3n amount ~o bc determined bY the board counb comm~ssmncrs ~hall accumpanF and bc pan of the applicati6n. I he applicamm ~halt. a: a minimum, include: Name. address, and telephone number of thc or. ncr :md aulhorizRd applicant ffother ti~,:n thc oxxncr: Street .Iddrc~s. legal dc.,crlpm,n, and :,crc;igc of thc propcrl.'.: and All factual hlfim~mti,m and kno',~lcdec rcasonab v available t0" m~n,'r and "~14"Plicant'. to address thc ~'rm:ria established in sL, cti'on l)t'lcrt~llmtttot! o! l'ttnI/~Jt'lc1It's~ Alter receipt of an application determination of xcstcd rights tbr Al'l:. the Comnlunitv I)cvclopm~',nl and ]-nxlronmcntaI %crx ~ccs [)~xmon A&mmstrator shall dctcrm~ac ~hcthcr ;he application submitted ~s complete. If he dc~crmincs t~at thc application is m,t complete, thc Communitx Dcxclopmcnt tmxironmcn~al Scrxiccs Dixision Administrator shall notilX' applicant in xmung of the deficiencies. 'lhe Come'un[b' Development and Environmental Serxices I)Msion' Admlnlstraior shall take no further steps to process the application until deficiencies have bec a remedied. Rcvl¢'. and delcr.lJmilion or recommendatioa Devc/.imlc~t ,tml Em'irtmmenttd Services Divi.~ion ..hlmbtt.~trator and lite corr.O' itttorltt9%~ >Altcr~rece pt ora eom determination of Aesled rights fo? APF. and'l'n{:ffon~n{al'~Sc~,ces Div,sion Admini;trfit0e ~d attorney, shall rcvib(v'fiM evaluate'the applieatbn in lida bfhif er .7..3,?.T c re~ ie%v and e'~aluati~ !he Commu~!~?¢~elopmen! and En~ironmcmal ~'ice~ Admini~r~i~i~h~?:-~n[~' ~:. agorne~; ~hall prepare a ~rm,cn &nie,I. ~r;tnl~'~f ~,ramed t~ilh condition~ hy th~ hvarin~ Such recommendation shall include findings of ~act for each of the criteria established in secdon 3,15.g2.2.7.7. to ~he extent ~ infbrmation, is represented or oNa ned or inclusion leas b e ~.,~ 5c~ ICeS DI} Islon Administrator and the county attorney a~rcc based on the reviews' and evaluation that Ibc applicafi~;n tbr dcl~'~inafion'of ~estcd rights Iht APF so clearly, should be granted or granted x~'ith conditions, then the~ ma~ enter into a ~rmen stipulated de~erminadbn ~ff ~ested rieht'~lbr.APF ~ith fl~e o~ncr, in lieu of the ~vriuen recommendation to the hearing officer and the prox ~sions in sections 3.15g~ 2.7.~. 3.15.~[ 27 f. and 3.15.~.2.7.6. l[o~e~er, any such snpula~ed dctermmatk,n shall be in ~vrmn~. si~ncd by the Community De~ cio pment and En~ m,nmental Sen ~cc~[)i~ion ,.~dmmis~ramr, coum) a:tomey and the m~ncr, and shall include findinss or ~ict ba~ed nn ~he eretria established m ~cctivn 3.1.~.g~ .... 7./..' conclusk;ns of la~ liar such criteria, and tile detcm~mafion urantin~ or grantm~ public f~cililic~,' ,:' /~.",'h.'ll ll,,h,/ Dvlcrm/nal;~.l ,..,/ f~'~lcd Rl.g/ll~ D¢&'rlllllltlllllll lor ..IPF h~ twar;n.~, olli~cr l'pon receipt h) the llcarin~ Officer of Application fbr Dc~crnunanon of Vested Rights for APF and the wfiuen recommend.~fion of the ('ommunh} Development and En~ironmenlal Sertice~ Division Administrator and Ibc County Auomcy.'d~c,llcaring Officer ~halI hold a public hearing on thc application: At the hearing, the I learing Officer shall rake evidence and s~om lestfmony m re~ard ~o Ihe criteria set tbnh in Section gZ,2,7.7, and shall fi~llo~ the rules of procedure set forth in Se~ti6~ 120.57~t~bh4 4. .6;' 7. and 8. Florida Statutes. and Section 120.58~ i'~tal.~d) and iff. Florida Statutes. and Section 120.58{11(hl. FloriJa ~[~HllCS. on[} 1o thc c~[cn~ d~l [t~c Ile~rin~ Officcr~ cmpo~crcd to s~ear ttllnessk'h and tak~' lesfimon} tinder oath. i/earing Ofliccr ~hall Ibllm~ the procedures established tbr adm~mslrau~e hearing, m Rulc~ 6<~U.2.0(~9. 2.017...0_~l. ~ ~ 2.0~2. -,0.~...0. ~. and ....... Florida Adminislrative except as exprcssl} set forth hcrcm The panics belbre ~he fleari~g ~)fficer ~hall include the Counb. the o~ner (,r applicam, and public ]estmmn~ shah be linmed t, d~e maucrs directl5 relating the standard~ ~et li~rlh in ~ecfion ~7_..,.,. ~ ', The County Auornev shall represent the Counb. shall ;mend the public hearing, and shall ofl~r such e~idence a~ is relevant to the pr,ceedings. 'l'he o~ner of propen? and its authorized agents, may oft~r such evidence at the public hearing as ~s rele~ ant ti, the proceedings and criteria The order of presentauon belbre the }tear~ng Officer a~ the public hearing shall be a~ 12~ll,,~s: I) the Counb's summar> of the application, written recommendation, t~itne~ses and od~er e~ ideate: 2~ o~ner or applicant ~imesses and e~ ideate; 3 ~ pubtie ~ ~messes and e~ idence: 4) Counb rebuual, ifan~: and 5 ~ applicant rebuttal, if any. t.~wmnce ~[t't(,tt~iI ri~lits determin}ltion ~or ..II'F h~' );e~trine~ o~,r ~t~[hm 15 ~orkmg days alter the completion of the public.heating under Section g2.2.7.a, fi~e }[earing Officer shall consider the Application lot l)elem~nalion of Vested Righls i~r ree,,mmendn, ion orme Communi,y Development and .:n,',ronm~~ gcrviccs [)i~i~ion. Administrator and fi~c County At ~rnev~ and t'he evidence and tesumom presented a~ the public hcarin . h, or' thC cntcrla'~et fi,rlh m ~cctiorl ~"?. 2.7.7. and ,h~ll dcn~. ~rant. gr~nt ~ith omdifitm~ thc Applicamm Ibr ])ctcrminumm of Ri~h1~ Ibr APF tX,r the property or properties ut issue. dclcrmm~tmn shah bc in ~nting =nd shall inclu& findings of 15c~ tbr each ;~ff. lho~app?uNc crit~n~ ~mhlishcd in S~ction c~mclusnm~ ~h~..:lor each of ~uch crHen~, an] ~ dclcrm~namm dca} m?. ~ranfin~. or gramin? ~ith condiuon,, in ~holc .r ~n p~. ~c~tcd ri~h~ fi~r aJcqua~c public ~hcilifics. i*~ncc of thc Ilcaring Officer's ~riuen determination of ~es~cd nghls fi,r APF. the Coumy Am~mey. the Community Dc~'elopme~t and En~ironmemal Senices Division Administrator. or lhe m~ner 6r ils au~hon/ed atmmc? or agent, may appeal Iht determination ~cslcd rights Ibr A I'F of the llearinu Officer to iht Board of Coun(~ Commlssmncr~4~;4t{A fee lor Ibc apphcatmn and proccssmo ot o~ncr.mmated.a~peat shah be cqablished at a rate Sci b~' thc Board of County Comnfis~ioner, l~om lime to linlc and shall N' char~cd io ,md p.,d b5 Ih~ m~ncr or ~I~ authorized agent, Ibc Board of CTounD' C'omnussmncr, ~hall adopt Ihe floating Officer's determination t c~tcd rlehls Iht APl', ~ ~th or ~t Ilhoul modillcalion~ or condition~, or re}cci thc Ilcarmg ()fli~cr'~ dclcrmmalion of ~c~lcd ri~ht~ ll)r Ibc Ih);~rd of C'uunl} Cvmm~ssioncrs ~hall not he aulhorizcd m modll} ~,r rclect the ttcarine Officcr'~ deform nation of ~csted h~r APl unlc~ thc Board (,1' L'(~Unl~ ('umnll>MOllgrs llnds lhal Ibc Ilearmg I tlficcr'~ dc~crmmatmn ~, n,,~ supp,mcd b~ substantial compc~:m e~idence in Ibc record ~,f fl~c ][caring Officer's,public., he.ir mg or that thc I Icarmg [ ffficcr ~ dclcmunamm of ~ cslcd righls ~or M'F t~ o,n;rar?' to ;he cntcna c~ubli4~cd m Section g2.2.7.7,~ ('rltt'r)it h,r I'eW~'d R:.t, hl, ]hi,, .,,corem l, intended to slricll5 adhere l,, and implcmcnI cxi~[lnc case I,m a. Ihc~ relate to thc doctrine ~ested nght~ and cquitaHe estoppel a~ apphcd Io a It)cai go~'ernmcnl cxcrci4n; k~ nulhurit5 and pox~crs in zoning. Ibc provision ~ff adcquale public lacl[gic~ concu~cnl ~th dc~elopmcnl {concurrcncvL and rclnlcd mnllcr~ Il ~ Ibc express nlent of Collier Counl~ lo rcqmrc application of thc pro~sions uf [hi~ di~ismn m dc~ clopmcm and propc~? m t]Ic oni ncorporatcd ara'as of Ibc courtly a~ ~ leg.dj} p,~ihle ~;lhoul ~mlalm~ thc legalb ~c~lcd ri~h~s and Malulor) latt. parlicularI) I ,S. { 1633167~S h ~w~:: '1 he cntcn.~ l:erem pro~ ~dcd ~hall be considered m rendering a ~'cstcd rights determination under this section, h ~s imendcd Iha~ each case be decided on ~ case b~ caw I~ctual ana[vsm An m~ner shall be entitled t~, a posmxc dclcrmmatiun oI'~ Cslcd right5 Ibr APF only il' he dctnot~qra~cs b? substantial competent c~ ideate lha~ he is cnti~led to com pte~e his dexelopment t~i~hom regard h~ Ihe o~hcm~se applicaNe pro~l,mn~ id' this d~ ision ha,cd ,,n thc prmision~ of F~S. ¢163.31t~7~Sk ~~u;r--. or alt three of thc requlrcmcnt~ of thc thrcopa~ test under ]"hmda common law: 11 upon some ~gl or omlsslOB of thc coital>. 2 } a property o~tner relying m good fifith. 3) has made such a substanlial change in position or has incurred such cx~ensi~e obligauons and expenses that it ~ould be highl> mcquilablc and unjust to dcstro> ~he rights acquired. Limit~Jtum o. detcrminantm ol vt,.wed right.~. /or determination of,,ested riehts for AI'F ~hich grants i~n determination of sested rights for APF shall expire an--d be sold unle~,s construction is commenced pursm development order: final subdixision plat. or final plan.~ ~thin ears after the issuance of the 3.15.x2.3.1 1 3 I5 x,' 3 i ' 3.15~x7 3~I pcrm~em ~mldmF~ ha~c bc~n. or ~re ~cmF con~tructc~ ,r pur~uam ~o a ~alid. unexpired, linal development or&r of "ri~ht~ for AIq:Utlder this Section ~.2,7,,:~nd such de~elopmcm pursuant to a final de~ dopmcm order, final ~ubdi~ i~ion plak final'si~c ~de~clopmcn(~'lan':}final sfi~i~ision macocr pian.:'br planncd.:uni~ development master'.plan ~s contmum~ m g-od faith. The atbrcmcnttoned t~o-~ear llmc limilafion on thc determination of xcsted rtght~ lor ,X['[: shall be stayed during any time periods ~ilhin xt}llCh commencemem ofconstruclmn pursuant m a llnal dc~ elopmcm order, final subdaiqon plat. or final si~c development plan is prohibited or delk=ed by the ctmmx solely as a result of lack of adequate public l~cilmes m scrxc the property, pursuant to this di~ is~on ('erttfit'~ttc ot ?t~hltc Jacfli0 tl(leqt~ac) ,}. A ~alid. unexpired ccmlicalc ot public fi~cilt~) adcquac5 shall obtained .it Iht filing fi,r thc earliest or ncxl 1o occur of fi~21 subdi~mon plat, final ~te dcxelopmcm plan or building perm. Il. prmided hinderer, an> development orders except a final Iochl development .Mcr ma> be approved or issued provided Ihey, are expres~l} conditioned on ~he issuance of a ccrtitica~e of public facility adequa¢? pr[? to budding pe~il approval and provided the and apphca~!~proce~d at their mm risk and expressly:~vaive'~hd release the count.',' in ~riting l?om an~ and all I~ture claims of vested rightq and equitable e>toppd resulting t}om such conditional approval or acm,ns ret5 lng lhcreon. :\t the apphcanls request, thc count', shall rcxieu, and approve, or den.~, an apphcation Ibr a certificate of public faciliD adequac)' prjk~r Io the consideratmn of an application Iht development approval an? dexelopment order needed liar a proposed dexeh~pmem prior'to Where Ibc proposed de~eMpmem has been issued tlnal subdMsiim plat npproxal or final s,c development plan approval prior to tile cffecw, e date of lh~ d~/I>;t,n, u cenilicatc of public {hcilit5' adequacy ~h~ll be oNained prmr ~o apprmal of the next delclopmcnt ord,er reqmred lbr the proposed development. All apphcable ~mpact ti.'t:s and .'gstem de'~elopment fi:cs for a de~eh',pmenl shall be paid into the Impact fee [iscro~ Trust Fund in the amount csumated it, be due upon issuance of the building permius~ ~bt the development upon or prior to issuance of a ('enilicate of Public [:acilit3 Adequac> tbr thc development, except in ~he instance ora simultaneous application Iht a building a Cermicme of Public Facilit> Adequac> in ~hich easels applicable :mpact t~es and system developmcm fees ~ill be paid directl5 into the approprime impact fee lhnd at ~he time the building pemfitts~ and Ccnificme nrc picked up by thc applicant. '['he paymgnt of tl~e c~nmated impact and system development Ii'es into the Impact lee t:scrm~ 'I rust ~-und shall be applied as a credit towards the and s> ~tem de~ clopment l~'es calculated and due upo building ~mtt{s} Ibr the development. derek,proem t~espaid into the Impact Fee Escro~ mst [.und shall be remndable Upon ,,rmen request to the Commun - .,- >..~ ~A '; 5 ) ' ':~"?.'~ 3. I .q ~7.3 2. 3.1.'; X2 '" ,.:...4.1 3. and l.m~ron~,ntal Sen ices I)k bion Admlni.qra~or a¢compamed b> the ~urrender of thc original ('enificate ~,:'.PuN~c l ;~cilic> ..~dequac~ ,~Na;ncJ pm,r to issuance ol building pemnus~ ibp the dc~ elopmcm lees p;,d upon issuance of'building ~crmms} m aco~rdancc ~ith thc applicable impact IW or s}stcm development IW ordinancc~ shall be rcl~mdahlc pur~u;ml lo the pro~ I~lOn$ Of' such ordinances upon ~ flitch request Io thc Finance Director. Clerk ol'Couns. Rtt/t~t , tg ' g~'~lertt/ " tt/~p/ic~thi/ttl; fijr . certificate:. ~/., public /aci/I/r ~tdeqln/cL':'~ ~5}:'''''~L' ' r ~ .' : . : "~ ~. ¢'~¢" ....... [. ma~ by ~ubmitted at an~ ume. ~ubj~ct to Section ~2,3. I. 1. ('tmw,lt~hard apph~ a/ion .X building permit, final subdivision plat or final s~e de~depment plan shall receive final approval onh' lo thc c~lcnt to ~qfich the proposed de, ch,pineal receives a cc~ificale bf public Ihciht> ndcquac>. Ibc application li,r a certificate of public lacihl? adcquacs' ma> be submiltcd ~ith an application ~)r dc~ dr,preen[ apprm al ~ here appr-pna~c under this di~ ismn. .l~uu~taht/t(t :wtd Irwtqvr,t.qtht~ .\ certificate of public facilh) ,~dcquit¢) shall run ~th the land. ,hull be assignable ~ithin a proposed dcsch,pmenl, nmi shall n,{ re a~ignable or {ranst~'rab]c m ,,thor dc~ d.pmcnt, Exptru/u,: A certificate o{ public lacilit} adcquac.~ shall expire three )car~ Imm Ibc date ,,f i[~ approval cxccpl lO IbC extent thai buildii~g permi~ ha~ e been issued Ibp the proposed development Ibp ~hich the ce~ilicate is approved, and the proposed development is ~hen completed pursuant ~t, fl~e temps of the Collier County Building Co~k. pro, ideal: ~.~ ':~,:, It, r dc~cJ,pmen{ comprised of mt,re than 500 rc.sidcnfial d~c[ling tlnst,, or h,r a phased increment ,11 dclcJ,,pmmll cernpriscd of moF than 15u roldcm al d'aeliing unit~, or fi,r a commercial industrial de~clt,pnlcnt ol more dian ]l)(].UO(l >quart leer of gross leasable urea. the dale t,l' ~t~ apprm al except to thc extent thai building permits ha¢c been hsucd liar thc proposed development 12,r ~hich thc ccrtilicalc i~ ~pproicd. nnd lilt prop,~cd dc~clopmcm i~ lhcn completed pursuam to Ibc terms of thc Collier Count5 Building Code. pm~ided die cern liciuc N,/dcr: ()blaltlS approxal of t~s Iinal subdi~i.,,ion plat and final site de',elopmcnt plan. ~hicbc~cr Is applicable. ~tithin 12 months tile date of ~ssuancc o~ the cenilicatc of public 1Sci it) adcquac}: and Commences constructm~ of the infrastn~cmre Ibp the tinal subdivisi(~n plat and tlnal site development plan. ~hichcvcr is apphcablc, within 24 months Frmn the d~te t,f issuance of the certificate of public lhcili~y adcquac~: and Comple,cs ,he conslrucfio, of the iniYaslruclure 12,r ,he final subdisision plal and final sile dexelopmem plan. ~hichever applicable, and records the final suMMsinn plat in of Collier Count>. iF applicaNe. ~qthin ~6 momhs 1 / issuance of the ccnilicmc t*l public lhcility adequacy j For pu~o~c~ of dclcmfinin~ thc expiration of a ce~ 3c'tle ~q' public I 3,15.g2.3.2.6. 3.158~53 /:'II,.~[ l..,suancc of a cemfic;nc ,,t pubhc faclh[x adequac.', ,hall denlm'~,Irate pruuf of aJcqua~c pubhc l~clJi~zc~ dc~clopnlcn[ apprmed ]n thc dc~elopmcnl order. con&lions m lhe development ardor. A subsequent ~pplicam,n dexclopment apprm~l fiw dc~el,,pmem apprmed in a dcxelopmcm order fi,r which n cemficatc ,I public Ibcilitx ~dcquac> has been ~pprmcd .',hall be dctcmnned to ha~e adeque~c public l~cilities lone a, the cvml]ca~e .f public lacilit~ adcquac> ~s ~alid and unexpired. When a cemlicate of public lacilitx adequa% expires. sub~cquem application l;w dexch~pmcnJ appr.~al shall reqmre a corel'cmo .f public t~gfiib adcquac5 t~, he issued pursuant ~o the ten]]> of Ihi> ~CCllon prior to zpprmal ot am subsequent devcJopmenl -taler I~r the proposed Ansthing in this f)rdinancc to the contrar~ notu. ith.,,tandinm all Certil]cates of Public Faciht,. Adequ3c.'. appr~ved or issued l'ro~m date Ih;it Ibc ('ommunlt: [)exeh~pmenl chid ['n',ironmcntal .";¢rx'ice~ l)I',. I',lol~ A, dlllirl Mr;llor pr¢,ie.ql, thc pmpo:,ed \.";I bourldilr', map,, the Ih,aid td'¢'llunt5 C'omml.,,.,u,ncr~,. as prm Idcd b~ Scclmr~ ;¢Z.4.2.3. lhrc, m.,h the date that thc bound,mc, and Ihc':Xnnu,d Residual L'aP;:cllx l ri,~ ..\ll~,tmcni, h,: each ..\Y;I ;irc ;Jppr~,xcd bx the Board ~,h.lll be cxprc.~.,Lx c,,ndHlonc..: upon ;m'~ and all 'restriction[. Jlmll:ltlt*iI~. prm. l,i~,m,, b, mndar~c_, and all~}lmcnts adopled h', Beard of {,'Otlfllx COlllmis.-,tt~rler~,, pur.,,uant It* .'qcctmn 6.4.3. /,uhhc ht~dttx ,i,icqu, ic~ L-p~,n approxal b) Ibc board of count\ agreement ~lh C'uliicr C'ouni> pursuant m the pr(nisions ~ 163.3220-3242. :n comuncmm x~[h the ~pproxal ora development ,,rdcr and or a coruscate ~,l pubhc t2tcih[5 adcqua~>, thc cfI~'c[ ol'lhe de, ch,pineal agreement ~hall be it, brad thc p~mcs purquant lc, thc ,q' public I~cilit~ adequac> m order to insure ~hat adequate public l~cihuc~ are axailable to sc~e Ibc proposed de~eloprncm concurrcnl with when thc impacts of the de\eh,pineal occur (,n Ibc public lhcilitic~. Development agrcerncms ma~ address condit~onfil dcxelopment order approxals ,md conditions ~br rcncx~al uf thL' certificate of public l~cih~ adcqu~c5 be)~nd fixc xcar~, hox~cxer, tl~e duralhm ol'an5 cc~ificatc oI public/acilily adcqu~cx >hall nol exceed prox~,~,,n of pUb}lC laCl]lllc~ or h*r a Joint endeavor bemccn tile pre\ate ,color and (',flier C'ountx to provide public Ihcfiitics public ~c:hlx m thc lixc 5car schedule ol capital hnproxcrncnts m the ( I[. ~,n X~hlch ~uch a coruscate ol adequate public Iacilit~c~ t~ madQ tl CoBIUBClltlH with thc approxal of a dcxclopmcnt -rdcr and dcxdupmcnt agreement ~hall nol be delascd, de/k~cd, or removed mm~ the Ii~c 5car schedule-f improxcmcnts m thc C'It(. Prt*ccdt~rt. lot rt'l'tt'~ ol ~q~?l&'~itlott .~,'uhmi~.~t,~: t)t apld&.alion ~tmt Ice .An Application lk)r a CcHJ Iical¢ of ubhc t..tcfl:b Adequac) shall be submiucd to the Community Dcxclopmcnt and Envmmn~cntal Ncr\ices [)ixisio~ ' An apphcation shall be submiucd at thc filing of'thc c occur of final subdixiqion plat. final s~te devclu buildin~ permit. An applicauon rk, e in an amount to . ~' .~ :: .:0~ .,~ ~ tl~.' Ih,.Jrd of (',,urn:. t.'om:;;:,,~mncr~ :hall accompan.', and N: r,,r~ ,,= thc ap.r h,',mon Public lacfl~b Adequa~ ~hall be e~tabli~i~cd b~ thc k'ommumb [)e~ dopmen: and l.n~ ironmenlal Scr~ ices Di~ i~iml Admim~rah,r and ,hall bc pubh~hed and made a~ ailabl¢ h, the ¢cnural public. .Xpphca:i,,n ;k~r Ccnitica:,' ,,I' Public iacihb Adequac). ff~c ('ommunitx Dc~ch,pmcn: and [n~mmmcnIal Scr~icc~ l)i~i~idn AdmmNra:or *hall dctc~nmc '.~hclhcr ~I ~ complclc ~ithin Ihrec dd".~. It' it i~ dctcrmmvd :hat thc appticamm i- not complclc. nonce ~hall b~. se~cd on thc applicam ,p~ci/}ing thc dclicicndc, Ibc C~,mmun;t:. l)c~ch,prncn~ and I~r~ironmcntal allcr thc applicatwn ~ determined h, bc complete, llic ('OnllllUBll5 Dc~el-pnl~.:~t arm I-n~m,nmcnta! Services [)i~isi6n Adnlm~,lrat,,r q~all tc~c~ and grant, or den5 ,.'ach public facili~5 om~poncr, t in Iht .~pplt~.m~,n pur~u,ml t,~ thc qandard~ c~labli~hcd m I)c~cl..pmcn: ~nd ftn~ ironmcmaI bcr~ Kc~ [)ix i>i m ..~dmim~lrator the Apphcam,n for a ('cmlicatc of Public Iacilib ..Xdcquac5. the applicam ma) appcaI ;he dctcrmmamm of thc Commun~ Dc~ci,,pmcnt ~nd l.m mmmcmal Scr~ icc~ J)~ islon Administrator tke Xrphcat~,,n 5,r a ('cmficat¢ of Pubhc i'aciliI~ .Adequac5 Io Ibc J l'ubh, iac:h::c, l)ctcrmmatt,m Appeal ('ommiuec. A Ibc tbr thc [n.,.~ to and raid b.. till. applicant Thc Public l)c:crmmat~,,n Appeal (',,mm:tree >hall hold a hcar:ng :,n tl:c appeal and >hall ,,ms:der d:c dcIcrmmzmen t,f Ibc ('ommunil) and J lI;klrOIll, cnta! Scr*:cc~ IJi~islvn ..Mlmmistrator and pub~2ic ,hall ad,TI lhe C,,mmun:t} I)c~eh,prncnl and [ n~ m~nmemal Scr~ ic~'~ [)i%i~ion Adm:niqrat~:r', Jc:crmlll;ltlorl on thc ..~pplicatiou Ibr a *,r ~mdillt,n,. ,,r rclc, l Ibc C:,mmun:b l)c~ch~pmcnt and [ 11~ Ir¢llIllCBld] ~Cr~ I~CS J)l~ IM~,tl ..[dnllnislralor'b dctcrrlllllllthHl. Thc ]'ubhc ]dc~Jltlc., [)cterltllllallorl ..~ppcaJ Ct,mrllitlCc shaJJ not bc ,lulhott/cd to flit,dill. ,,r reject thc ('mmnuniI5 [)cvch,pmcnt and [:Ilk Irt,arl'.Clllal 5crx ICC~ Dixishm .kdalinlslrau,r's dclcrminativn traits> thc Public JaciliBc~ Dctcrminat:on Appeal Cunlmittcc finds Ihal lh¢ dclcrllliaalhm 1~ m*l supported by substantial competent c~idcncc or thal thc ('ommunn5 I)cxclop~ncm and [/n~ironmcn{al Serxiccs I)kision AdmllliMralor's delcmm~ation is contrary lo thc cmeria established in Scclion ~Z.3.5 or d~is Ordinance. The decision ,t' ff~¢ Public t'acilitics l)c~erminafion Appeal Committee shall include findings of I~cl IBr ,:ach of thc criteria. public/'acilinc~ dcterminatien appeal cmnmiltcc shall be compr:~ed~[d' ,,r~am/auorl IMPO) co,)rdinawr, or h:s dc,iL, ncc:land iht I . ~ cneigt'crin~ r?x je,., se~ Ices manager, or his dfsig~ 0 0 2 1998 J,k'~ ci~,pmcn~ and I:n~ ironmental .qer~ io.'~ Di~ bmr~ .',,dmmislrator" ,~r bp, d,::,E.2net., fl~al ;,n a~pJlcaHon fi,r a Cent:kate: m' Public JacJ~it) .~,dequac.~ ha~, beurt ;,r?rmcd ;.'nj a ¢ er1~Iiealc i~ued. Ibc · ~pphc,mic m~pact ~nd 5~em de~clopmer~ I~'o If'thc applicam lain pending cancellation of thc ('cmticntc ~ili bc scat to ~hc applicant b~ ccrlilicd mail. If thc appi~cnnl docs not pick up thc Certificate pa5 all applicable lbes ~tilhin lea cMcndar da?s oF nolificmion by ccnilied mail. ihe C'cmfica~e ~ill be ~oidcd. In such a case. the applicant shall then be required to appl5 fi~r issuance of a Ccrlificale. C'cnillcatcs issued ~imuhancotblx ~ilh building pcrmils ~haJl be ~oided H'lhe ~ppiicant lhiN lo pick up lhe building pcrmil and 15ih to pa5 all applicable Ibcs ~hhin thc mac rcn,,d during ~hich ,uch building permit{ ~, rcm.nn~ ~ } x,flld . .s?umLi'u'~ ;,: ruv/cn ,,! w~£ht,ni,,; Ibc lblh,x~ mc ~l~ndards qxHl be u~cd II1 dig d¢lcrtllllla:lurl el ',~hcthcr h, gr,lnl ,,r dc:l~ a ccrlilScalc t,f dr,un,,gc, park, ilBd ro..d,) .:15 x_- .'-5 I ; !'he D,:,:bic ~[alcr c,,mponcnt ~J;;:ll he granh..d iF.re', el thc (ulh,~im2 cundKh.:l, .:re met: ' I h.c n.'qum.:d pubhc fa,.'fime~, arc m place al Iht.' umc a buildin= permit is bsucd. lhe n.'quired public faclhtic, are guarantcvd Ill dn enmrccabic X ~X~ : ~ ~15",} 5 1 ' and u: .... 15_ J he ,.mi:;:r'. ~c~¢r c~,;:1?,,ncnt ,,ilaJi be granted H',.in~. ,',1 the h,JJm,,.irw Iht rozum..d pubhc ;dc]ll~:c,,, arc m pi,icc lit thc mac a buildm~2 permit I" I ', n [h.'d l he required public thc braiding permit t:, the required public /acilitic.,, arc cuarantccd in an enlbrceable dc~ cMpmcnt agreemcm that includes the pro'.isions of St:b~¢cdons g-.4-52143.15.7':';"I ? and g .: :'.2.12 ,},l< ' ~ *, ', J hc .',ohd ~.iISI¢ component .,hall be gr.'hied ii' anx t,f Il ,~G ~D,~ ItEM c MMv, m?-''~'-~ 3£C 0 2 1998 Ihc rc,~mr¢,i Fu.~];c I.z¢fimo ar,' m ;',ta, c at thc ;un¢ a buddm..' pcrmn lhv rcq. ulrt:J ~uhh¢ I:~¢Hi;i,.',, arc un,Jcr c,,ny, truc[nm .st linc Iim,: a 315x73.5.: l)ruu;,;'.'c /,wilitw~ Ibc dramazc component shall be granted it' thc prop,.ed dcx¢topmcnt has a dra,nage :md xxatcr man:lgcmcnt pkm that ha~, been appro,.¢d by thc en'.mmmcntal seniccs dixis,m thal meets the I.OS fi,r Capital Drainage Facilitics defined in Subsection [~ur~.: ~tth~ r¢'t'rctl[l¢~Ii ftit'H'lf;c'~ 5.1 Iht: par;,,, and rccream,n ~.t,mp,,ncn: ~,hall bc grantzd il' an', of linc f,,d h',v, in.g t'ondlth',n., ;ire m~'l i Ih¢ tedtnr~..d pubhc :,l~.'~'i~l;~.., ,ah.' m pl.,.c at th~' lime a bufldin.t, pcrmlt budding permit is i~sucd. .".55 I3 3 15 x_'.: ? 5.I.4 l'he :zqu~r,:d public t:,,filuo are thc ~,uNcct ,ifa bindme c,mlract ofa bu:Idmg pcrn:n 3 if.x_- .:5 ,, I *~/It'rt' ,lo ,[.N'/ t rl~l~ J or dc~cJoptllcnt otH~ldc a designated .AS1..r here n,~ ANt exist,, fl~c road componcnl shall bc granted. 3.I5.~;_' 3.5 0 2 .Sec. 3,1 $.UX. I .il,t'r:,l /)cvt. lttpme~l! U tl/rltt ,l't,~t,~,tt,llt.~i ,Irt'a ,~I ~i,gnil&'unl mi/ut'ncc t.4.5'[; for dcxek,pment x~i~hin a designated ASI coxcring a potennaliv deficient road segment, fl~e road component shall be appro~ cd. subiet[t It, a~aflable capacitx. H' it is demonstraled the proposed dcvclopmeot ~fil not make the potentiall5 deficient road segmem x~ithin thc ASI~la deficient road scgmenl In Ibc inslancc xxhcrc thc proposed dcxch,pmcnt t~ill create a dclicicnt road scgmcm, a certificate 0f public facilit5 adequacy fl)r ibc road componcnl shall be approxcd only for that portion of l)~e dcxclopn tnt lhat docs not create thc delicicnt road ~cgmcnt. For dcxch~pmcm within a designated ASI coxcring a dcficiem road segment, thc road component shall be ~ approxed onl} lbr that portion of thc dcxclopmcnt that does n'ol increase lhe ncl Irips on lhe deficient road scgmenl';:~.~i~r[~ , funhcr de?adc the I.OS office deficient road scgmcnt.~ ~o '~ I } DEC 0 1998 ell¢,'t:~ei~ cart) out h', purpo.~e m the intere:,l ,4 I~¢ pui"h, he.dth. salk'b. ~eiK~re arid om~ eniencc. ti' a~l.', ..,¢clion. phra~,.'. -enJ~:n¢c or pormm o:' Jl~i~ d:t i,~,,n ~, fi,r ant rea~,,n held invalid ~,r juri~digtlull, such porll,,n shall be deeme~ .~ ;epara~e. di~finci. ~nd independent pm~ i>ion, and such holding sh.dl m'~t el~ct the ~alidib of the remaining pomon. .% ,. ~olam,n of thi.,, dt~ i_,ion ~hall De misdemean,,r punishable accordin,.z lo la,a; ho~e,,er, in addilion to or in lieu of an: criminal pro~,ccution. C'oi'lier Coum.,. ,hall ha'.e th,: po~tcr ;o sue in ci~ il co:,n to enl'orce the pr,~ i>ions of St'IIS, I~("I'I()\ 3..J: .\.'qlSNI)%II~N'I'S T() I'I.ANNINf; ('¢)51MISSiI()N DIVISI(IN land 1)¢~ uh,l,:::c:;: t ,.J,'. ~> t:crcb~ amen,IcJ t,, rc,,d a, h,lh,~,: IIIVISII)N 5.2 I'I..XNNING ('OMMISSI()N .Nec. 5.2.1 I..'~ppt':~k. $ I'll.S11( 'I'I()N 3.K: ..\~. t,, ;,n', I;md dc'~¢i;,pn,,cnt ?etmt,a or application ur,,n ~hich d~c'planning gomm;~h,n take.,, tired action, an aggrieved pcmit,ncr. ~ applicant or aa ez:r~e~cd part~ ma? appeal sug}~ final act:on to thc board o[ counlv c,,mnn,s~,mers. I'he k.,,ard of count~ cnmmi~si,mers ma~ affirm, alqir~ t,,mrm,,i,,n. Such appeal >llall be filed ~ith Ibc dctclt,pmcnl services d;rcct,,r ~*thin 30 da)~ of the date oi' the Ilnal actmn b~ Ibc planning commission and shall Fe noticed Ibr hearing ~ilh the bt;ard of county commissioners, as applicable, in the same manner as d~e peiition ~r applicati,,n ~as noticed lbr hearing ~ith the planning commi>sion, il'he cost of n,mce q]all he borne b~ the pcl:xi,,ncr, ,~ ;lppJicallt gE;l:grlc~ cd ~lrl~. · ~51EXl)MI:5'I'S TO tiNVIII(/NMES'I':~I. .~I)VlS()RV ii(/AliD DIVISION thole, it,r; 5 I3 .! :l;n',,:m~cnla: .',,d',!,,,."'. B,~ard. ,q' (~rdman,.c '~I-I~C. ,~ amended, the C'ollier ~ oum:. J..md I)c~¢k,pmcnt Ct,dc. 1~ herc~) amended h~ read a> I)IVISI(IN 5.13 I']NVIRONMENTAI..~IIVIS()RS' II()AI{i) ~A ord,, ;;r:::'L :~,,~,-ek a~¢ d¢lt'~ed. ~*ord~ !¢P,.~l;r_Lm¢'d are added g2 DEC 0 2 1998 P~. ~/? i :.': '[ he ~-~~} ad~ ::-¢~ heart, aH re'. ?.'. all 0 2 199 8 ~ ~rd~ ~::~L ~;:~;~h ~ deleted' ~ds undcrli~ are added Sec. 5.1.,.I. l-her¢..;.~ herd", q:..T,~h!i*hcd "Fhc [:n~ mmm,.'nnjl \d* t,,,r', I ',,tJnCit" ' b.hl~.'h .:luff! h,.'.rc n N: r~.'r¥,"r,:d h, a', lb: I%(' St'c. 3. I.'t.2. I he FZ.\C ¢hmim: m. !uri,;dictic, n. pm*ers, and limip~ ol'aulhorn', l'r(',rrt lhu N,ard ,,I' cOUnlX c,mmfi,sioners, hermnaher rc~k'scd to a, ~oard, and pursuan~ to thi; code shall :icl in an ach i~¢rv capacity the board m matters dealin~ x~ i;h lhe regulation, control, management, Use nr exph,itation ol'ar;x or all natural resources of'or within ceunlx and ~}1¢ rcxicx~ and cxatualinn tH'specific zenln~, and de~ ch,pmcm pctiticm~ and their impact on tho~e 'l he I-A(' ~]II limction to t~ ords ~f:;~L ...... '~ ........ ~-, are ~Ci~lk'd. s~erd~ ~ndcrhn~, ~r~ ad icj DEC 0 2 1998 Pc.. lht.,l'F.'.¢r', ation, con,er'.;:! ,,,,n r'r,~t¢cIl,m, .q.!an;~t.men! and hen¢fic~ai u~t. eI Ih, e l'ht .!,.',d ;md re.,ource., latmc,,lq~¢ri¢, i,,,m...,trM ~qtu!li¢ and .~t'll-hc!~? !,f thc pub!lc; ,Xd~.i.~.a~d asoq ~h¢ count'..,taff and board, t.o.t.~ ard ~jn_~. Lh~?urpo_%', intent ~n,i criteria of all cmmt~ 9r~man~t.% polNig< pr.~rams and mhcr inhiafi~c~ d¢:din~ Pro,, idc %~rilt,:n and qral rcp~,rt.; dircctl,, t,, Iht. board rt.t:ardin,_' [ecnnlmendation~,on mattcr~ deahn~ ~t ith tbs', prott.ction of nalutal r¢~,utcc~. Re~iew and recommend stipulations addressing lhe prcscrvOuOn, conseo~ation, prolecdon, managcm~mt nnd resources {at.~o?EDeric, terreqrial, aqualit :md h~droloeic} fi,~ petimm~ ;md ,,r phn~ l;~r ~eJec~ed de~eh,pmenl orders. mcludmk' bt~D.,)L.li~!i!ed lO re~&e% d¢~ e/~menl~ (q' re~iopal ung dv~g~menr arncndmenl~ that arc directed t,, thc t~A(' b'. gotlnlt ~lall'. 1}I¢ h,~.lrd. ,~r lhe pr,~t i~on- ,,f lhi~ code Iht. p.(.:~.t.r,~ and ,!uric, ,,f !he lAC ;m: [dentil'.. ~,tud:. t.~ alu:,,:. 2nj pro~ ~Je lcchnic:d rt.co:q~nl;.'ndali,,~,, IO thc board on rq,gr;lm, ngcg~;l~ [~*r lbo con,ecS :mon, manaccmenI ami protection of air. land. aad {2t .... .-\d',:j'.e tilt' hoard in cstahli,hin;2' ~oal,~ anti ohiec:it t.s fi,r d~c ¢¢;unl~ %. oW'. ffonnlcntaJ .~d~i~e the board in de~ l,,cal rul¢~, ordinance.s., re0u~otion~, prouram~ and other · \d', i'~c Ibc board na[urat resource IS~tlg5 .-\d~. i',,,.' the board in idenlff'~, mg and r¢o.mmlending -.,,it,lions tO ¢xi~lin,..' and J'tllUrt. t.n',, ironmcntal issuo sen t. ;is the technical nd~ is,~r', commmet, to ad~ ise and :t~sJsl the counp, in the acli', ides ir:,.oh ed in thc de',elopmunt and implementation of Ibc coumv environmental rc,;ot,rccs [n.anat:ement prot~ram as statt.d in policy 1 1.1 of the conservation and coastal managemenl elemt.nl mana<emenl pkm. ~71_ Implen~ent fl~g ~',cr po icx _ . , , ..... pursuant Io cha p.;¢rOO [.:rice ~ord~ '.~r;~ ~ :..:::~;~.: arc deleted. ~ord~ underlt,cd ~rc added Particir~alt, in Iht' rt,,, ie`.~ and recommendation procc,,, l;,r yxca`.a:ion, o,,cr 1.(ff)tl.t Or ('.y. il,:. pr,,', kh:d l;)r in ,.h`. i'.,I~HI Assist in iht, implementation of am. ney, pr-urams, ordinanccs~ and or ?litter, adopted hv thc hoard `.`. hici~ deal ~ ilh thc ¢ollser'taUon. manal'enlcrlt and prmection of air land. v. att,r and natural resourco; ;md en', ironmental quality ill ('ollit,r (,'ount}z Pro,. id¢ an appt,llatt, forum and process lc, hear dispulc~ helv. e,:n c,)unt,, ~lai"l and applicanl~ conccrnim: land de', ¢lopmcnt pr!.,~cc:,.and.rcc,mmend propc, scd stipulation~ for r, mit'ct ;~gr~rm at ,r ?~ut!d.', Ii,r project denial.t;~r hoard b,_~ard rmr~u;m,l t,, dj', j,,ion ,% ~ r.t't:u{ar b,,.lrJ memin,e in \la`. ol'c~ch \car. thc rcp,,n h',l t}1¢ I \( ', achie,,cmen:,. ~,r It,. pri!,r _~ car. t,blCC:i'.t.'., h,r Ibc ,:,m'~ilp., ',,.':ir and }'.i'.'hli,.'hl ,.'n:lronmcnlal I-'q;¢. l~l;tl ,UCC,! l'tirlhcr Ncc. ~.13.3. %lcmhcr, hip_. Nine member, (,I' thc l-.\(' .,hall hc appoin:cd hx and ,ct`. c a: thc plt,a'mrt, of Ibc b,~ard .~pp(,intment ~,, ~he E..~(' ,hall ~' hx rc~,qmior~ thc h,.,ard and ~ha;I ~cl fi~nh thc date of qpp,,mmcnt and ~he term Vacan,'lo ,m lhe I ..\(' ,hall be rubhci/ud in a puhlicau,m ,,f central circulalion ~ilhln Ih;' counlx, and xacanc~ mqicc~ ,hall he lhe cotmt~ lihrarit's and count\ c(mnhc)u>e. Ah,n~ x~ ilh Iht npphcam te.sp,,n,c~, I):e hoard'~ ~lal't' shall pr,,~ idc thc hoard x~ ,mthning th~'.qualitqcat),n, and de~o=raphic hackcr()und ,,Peach cimd~i¢~ including t?~e prgsent members ~egkint, APplt<Ot?n~ ~ubmmCd ~ ithin one year of an ark ertl,ed ~agano. m;n he C('n>idcred ,fi~r Ih¢ cu~en[ position .Mcrnbt,rs shall be permanent residents and ell,clots of (',qli,:r ('ountv' and should be rt,putable and acti',e in communit`, scr,, icc I hr, pnmar,, consideration in app,~inlin._, E..\C member,~ shall bc pro,. ide tl~e board v. ith technical expertise and other ', ic:t p,,m'~- d'~at :ire neccssar',.' to effecw, elx accomplish the E:\C's purpo,,e In appomlinu members, the board should consider a membershi~ '.:'uidelinc of six lechnical members and three mm-technical members l'echnical membt,r., shall demonstrate ex idence nf exper'tile in one or more (,I' tht, i'ollo`.`, ln~ art,a,; rclaled to environmental prolecdon and patural rcsmirces management, air quality, bioIouv {inclu lhe subdisciplines such aK botany, ecnlogv, zooloev, crc. proc<s~es, e.stuarine proce[se,g, hazardous waste, h,, droge hvdr,qot~v, bvclrault,:,~, land use la`.,.'. ].and use planning. ',a, ord~ ~;:.;;.!. :k:~,;;~.": ar~ dele/ed, v. ord$ underhned are added. $6 .~£,',_2?J'!Jh,.' ~. fix' N,ard [ v-t mqmber'~ v, ill ,er'. ¢ until '4ep~ember .'-ri. 2f)f)rt: 1~.~.o m~:mb~:r~, v. fil ~..rxc unl;I September .:r .2~ Ihree member, ',`. ill ,er,. e umil 5i.cptcmhcr :o. 2rio2 After flit initial term ,,f a?poirumcnt, each gppomtment ~,r rear, p,~mmt,..,nt ,hail be lor u term ol (our `.,.'ar,, All l~.'rnl,¢ 0f,nfficc lmlhgd to ,mc term unf~'~* %~ai~ed b~ thc N,ard b% a tm;m]rnou~ vole ~u~]]]_ a~$!~alJjs~l~ ~ith off!er appl. icam~ l'vrm~ ~h:!~l..be ~taugcrcd \11% m,..'n;b::r c,;'thc J..\l' mt.:', bc rv:';lo',qd fr,,m ~Ili~.e b', a m:lioril', 5I.: 3 ' ['he b,~artt of coL]tip, comrlli.,.4orlt'.", ma', ~.',,n,~der rerilc-, aJ of :trix .Ncc. 5.13.4. am~.'nded ()fficer%:~nd ~.upp,,rl q;]ff I]19 otI','¢cr~ *,l'the l' \(' ,hall be a dt,~:rri;an and a ', Ice-chairman ~ )t'llcer.~ term,, ,hall he fi,r ,,ne `.cz.,r. `.`.~t}~ eiu,,ih~Jm. I;,r reelection 'l he chairman ;md x Xe4.'haJrman *hall be dcctcd h~ a malorilx t. tllk'!;It tile ,~r',:ani/zgion;Jl rnectmL, ;Jnd ther,.'.fi'ler at the Iir,.t rc,uh~r rrleclifvZ!~ of th~: J %(' in ¢ ~¢tt,bcr ,,I tacit ', c;,,r Ibc ch,urman ,.h;lJJ ['.",.', p.]~.' .it ;.ill nx:ctln~, ,,t' th:: I' \( '. l tx.' '~ icc'- chmrman ,ilal[ perl,,rnl the dulw, of lh~: eh:nm',a1.t i1'1 IbC ab>once nr. jncap.,.L~, t.t`. ,,t l!le ch."rm,m In c::,c ,,f rem,,`.al, r:',,1'cmm,,n nr ,.M,h ,~I' the ch;,rm,m, thc: Icoeha:rm.m ~hall p~'rh,rm .~uch duti¢~ a~ arc ltl~o'q.'d ~,[l tllk' ch,l:rl:l.:m tffllll ',t;,,/P, tm~e .],, file l- \(' ,hall ch:c! :~ nc,.,. ch,:iirman ghot~Jd Ibc oI1~C¢,, of Chalrm:H1 :]ttd or `. ]ce-ch:Hmlarl hk°k'ome % ;]canl. thc J 'k(' ,halt c!t'C: il *t]cce,,~,~r I'rom il* membcrd)ip ;It ?~¢ t!~'xt re;zular mcctm..' Such ele,:tu,,~t ,.hall be f,',r tile unexpir, cd ?Cml *,t 5,13 4; I'rm'c,,]onal ,,uFporl qafI fl,r the FAC ,hall be pro, ided hx the COIllnltl~ll~ dex clopmcnl and cnx ;ronmcntaJ ~crx ices dlx 1Mon and such ,,lher cnunt~ ~:alf l~om clse~hcrc %~ithin the count~ m~vcmment max. from time h, time, be requested bx the I:..\C and deemed nccess::r~ b~ Iht: co]rap, administrator. ; Sec. 5.13.5. Meeting% quorum and rule,~ nf prncedure. R, emdar meetings ,,f the I{A(' 4~all be held on the lire each ~:.gDth at 2:90 Pm., )n. the commissmner's meefin~ ~ !oo~. Building "F,'; C,,lmier ('ount~ ( }ox eminent tFom roonl. 'l~hird ex. N apl¢,~_.. DEC 0 1998 ¢',qlicr ¢ ,mnt~,r_j,J..k_',?cciai ruction.? ,*t thc l* !,,, It,: ~.h:Hrm;m..~,,r .h*, a ma ,,r ~x ,,: fi~c memh~.'r',hLD. .\ qrWIc ' . ~,~.x, ,~,, ,,~'zI~c arr,,in~.d mcmhcr~ ,,fIhe F.\C ,hail Con',hmh.' a quantum l;,r The rurrt~'.e Of!i.r.t;.latx~ e x,m: of fixc o: m,,re memN.'r~ shall he m:c¢,*;ar', in ,,taler .¢ ncr l~ e ~ r.m! rt' member,. 0f thc J*;~(]ar~ pr,,',,,¢nl ;ti lhu 1'.\(' shall, h,, maF~rw, xol¢ of Ibc entire memb,:rship, adop! nde,; of procedure for rite tr~ns~clmn ~,f brininess and shall k,:cp a record c,f m,:etmgs re,,o!ulmn.s, Iindin~'.; and determinations. 'lhe folh,~.,.in:: ,,tanding ,~uhcommiuo.'% comprised s,rfl¢l,, c,f it,; membership shait exzs~ Ir, ad,.anco :he duti¢~ and respon.,ibilific,~ (,t' . the J .,\(': ! 1 ) (}rc, v, th managcmcnL. 'Jhc I!A(,.' ma~ c..,,mhlish -lbcr ,,uh?ornmi!t.e¢,,.O.,!.'rxpri~oJ solely of its t.n.~mhcr~,hip lp focilitOIc ii'~ funclhm~,.. Mc¢ling~ ,',f thc subcommitiees '~!1 ¢,"r'tfi.'~'~ ~q_lh? ,.~am,c punic ri,race rcqmrcmen~,, a'~ tha! of thc the r.t~,,:iar t?:CU:h",~..: ,,' the [ \('. :he t'¢ uo~,.~n~ .halt hv the ,,rder 5 i354'; ()Id 51354 .: Nc*,', h,.:-:ne,.,, l!ern. ,hail come ~¢t;,r¢ p,repa:c,i,a::¢nda tin ¢,,..: ~cc. 5.13.6. %.pt', .f h, nd de%el%.mcn! prujccl rt',. lhe I. \[ 'hal; p.',~, lc',,, all I.md d,;',ei,,pmcnt pcm.,n. ~xhzch rcouirc an dcxci,,pnlCnt~ ~,~ re,tonal impact IDRI i. land. x~th ~pcclaJ treatment ~fil ~ ~,r .&rca of('rxltcal %tare (',,nccrn Special } rcatmcm ox erJa', ~. area~ of thc ct,trait co~ercd h~ interJoca] aureements, ant petition~ ~hich cannot be resolved hctx~¢en thc applic:|nt and slaff : and x~hich i~, rcquo;tcJ t,, be heard h,, th,.' EA(' b,, eit}lcr party and a.n~. pctimm ,.thich requires approxa! of'thc Collier ('ounlv plannin..: ct,mmi,~si,m or the b,,ard of count\ comrnis.,,ioncrs and statT reccr, c,, a reuuest for xhe petition to be heard by the I'].\(' from the chairman of xhe J-].\(' c,r chaimmn of ibc board of count\ ccm'mfissioncr'.;. .:\nx petitioner ma', rcatle~l a ~ai,,'cr to ti~e E..\(' hearint, requirement. ~hen tile Iollo~lnu cc,nsidera.,inn,~ are me~: Il tlC, protected wetland impacl~ are identllied on fl~e site. 2}an ElS ~;,i~ :r has 4~Oministra.tDelx granted, ~) S'[' 7onin: ~s present and an ;.~dmtnjslrativ¢ approval has been granted or 4~ an ~lS v Erg5 iouslv cnmpJvte~ ,a~d r¢5 ies~c~ by stalTand t~eard b' ~Vord~ s~r==k ~:~e%';: are delcte~. ~ord~ u~derlined arc added DEC: 02 1998 pq. m~p¢~1~, h, lh~ p¢¢~ Mu~i~ de~.i~n2ted.prc~e~';m,m are~. sec. 5.13.7, .J !is'..~urfi~cc v. ater ma:~a...'cmenl a.,pect¢, ofan~ pc:zti,m, dud is or ** ill b~. r¢~ ~e~c,J ;md pq.r~jlled. ~x South Florida ~k'atcr Mnna~emcnl l)islrict ~KF~VMI)h are exc~pI t'mm rcvic~ EeqUe,,l for appeal, nnt lalcr than ten da:'s after said decisi,m. ,.kith the h:\C' 'I he t: \(' v, fll tmtl f', thc auKrI¢,,cd pcrsc, n and thc count*. administrator, or hi'~ de,,i~nee nfthe dale. time and place that such_ ;.app¢;!l ~,h,:tJl be h:.'ard,..,,,u, ch n,,ti~ication %', ill be ~ix cq 2! da\ s prior tp t_he hearing un\:,,,, ;ltl parlle,, v, aixe this requirement. 'I he .appeal x~il,I, .he. hcard, h't..tile. I,.\(' v. ithin e,,I da,, ~ ,Il' ;he.,:,.Jbm,ssi,m of. the appeal; Ten da*, ~. r*rir, r t,~ Ibc He;.SLCLng,. t.bc aggriex ~.d person .'.,hall s,JbnlH to Itic I:',\C at_L~( t9 the o,un.!.x, admin!,,trahlr, or }ii, doicnee, cop~c-; ol ibc d,da and Inh~rm;dl,m he intend., h, U,e in hi.,, ,,ppeal,/'pon con¢lu,,ion ~Y! th,.' he4rmg lh¢ 1' \C,' ~ill ,,ubmit 1o thc board oC count'. ommn.,,,n,n,.'r, il., l':]c:~, I]ndm¢.; and recommcndalmn.,, Ibc board of ¢OUI1D. g,'~:'tlrlll,'il,~tler,,,, mret:uhlr ~e',,Milrl, %,,I}i iTlilkC tile final decision to aflSrm~ ,,x crt]tie ,~r modil\ the dcci,;ion of thc count', administrator. hi,, d¢-i'.:nee, l,~kln,., into att'oil.,1.! c,f thc r¢commcndation.4 of the Ncc. 3.13.8. l{clmln,r,,cmcnl of ex_pt'n~e,, ".l:'mher.. ,,l :he I \(' ,hall ,cr',c v. ithout omlpen-am,n, be! shall entitled h, reccixe rcinlbur~¢meat for expcn,e* r¢,p, onabJ,, recurred in the. pcrr',,r:n.mcc .q' their dut]c~ up,,n pr u'r_.5;W2p ,x ;:1 of thc board of I .%'c. 5.13.9. Rt'~ it'~ pr-cc,,. Jhi', J'A(' ,halt be re: ~ex~.',t l;,r ma or accompli,,hmcn:, and x~hc:hc~ ~..~gr~ ~pg the pt[~9~¢ lb] t~ hich ~t ~ a~ t rga~ed once c~ crx Ilmr ~ ear~ commcncin;' %~ ]th 2uo3 in accordance x~ ith Ibc procedure* ~.'onl,m:cd ir: (,,)her ('~qtmx ¢)rdinance No S~',--:' ! l(',,dc ch 2. ;irt 5:1 Il, ,h,,., .*j St llSl:("l I()N 3.1.: ..\Mt:NI).XlI:NT.~ T() I)EFINITI()NS .",EC'TI(}N I);,.,,[,,nt, :.. [)cftc:hon,. of (*rdmim,.e ul.l~£ a, ;,mended the ('oilier C'oum.', I.and ])ct ,,.'h,pmet:l C',,dc. l,, DIVISI¢).N ~1.3 }w'd Ir.nc 'the r~quired open space extending ~idth of the lot betv. een :he front building line and sl %]'or&. :-;,,r=:!, ¢m:;;,.'h are deleted, v. 0rds und,:rltned ar,: added· he]eh.', ;t;Ilcnded to read a, I)EFINITi()NN .,,true]ute on indixiduallF platted lots v. hich proxides a side )ard side of thc d~clling and no .~ ard on lite other. {Sec section 2.0.27. ~GE~D~ITEM cross lilt el/lire hne. Ns, here ,!,,uFlc.fr,,nL~ee i,):, ex~.,l, the requlred l'rotll >ard shall ph,t bled ,,n P,,IJl .,t:¢¢::, ,.",.¢~..pt J. othcrx~l~¢ pro,.Idcd :,,r hcrcm. Where c,)rncr I,)t~ or record cxr, wd prior to code. il) ,mi> one full dcplh from 7ard ~hall be required. 121 all od?r l'rt~nl }ard~ shall be not Ic~s than 50 percent of Ibc othen~ise required ~-a'a:~. diqr~ e~cep~ that in lhe E eslales dislric~ ~l~i~ dcplh mav.n~ be ICeS Ih;ill J5 lggt cxclu~i~e of an~ righl-ol'-~ta~ or ri~ht-ot~av t,'a,,ement and thc lull depth from yard shall bc Iocawd along thc shorter I.t linc al.nc th'.' slrect. In tile ca',c of should~:r I,ts ',xhich conlbrm ~o thc minimum lot ~idth and area reqturemem~ of lhe zoning district, tl~e required IYont yard adjacent t,, ti~e J,ngot ~rect ma> be reduced b) 15~e I~el pro~idi?g lhal m at, case mn> ~)~i~ >ard be Ic~ dmn 25 Ibex. In Ihe e:l..e ,q' thr,,tl-}", lot,;, tlnI~..ss tile prevailing front 5 ard pauern:on Ibc aJi-im:l.:' i,,t., mdic;~:..', ,,ther'ai,e. ii full depd~ fr,nt >:ird shall be pr,-.i,I,.'d on all I'roI:la,::',,:,. '~k'her¢ ollt.: el'Ibc front .',ards lhal m,rm,dl,,, bt' n:qtured ,,n a thrnugh I,t is not in Lt:cplng pre'.:uling > ard patlcrc, the dex ctopment st.'tx ices dia.'clot may v, ai,, e the rcqtllreillelll I;,r ti'.: nOrlllJI [ro:lt >ard and .',ubstitule thcrelbre a SE('TI()N F()t'R: (()NFI,ICT AND $1-iVER.XlIII.I I"~ applicable Ia~. ~he more re,tricti~¢ ,r,.,ll ~tppl> II'an:. phra,¢ or p,rfit,n of thc ()rdmancc is held invalid distinct and indcpcndem pro', ision ;tlld such holding shall not aff;'ct the ;alidit> ,u'dw remaining por;ion. 1 FIVE: IN('l,t'Sl()X IN Till.: ('()I,i. II-:R ('()t'.~'I'V I,ANI) I)I.:VI-iI,()I'MENT COI)I.: 'I h,: pn,x i~, n, of this {,~rdinanc..' ~.haI! hc,.',,:l:c and t'.c made a part of thc l·.md I)cxelupmcnt Colhcr Count>. I I,,r:d,~ l}le .',ccl:.n:. ,,f Ibc { )rdm;u.cc may bc rcnumbcrcd or relcltcrcd IO ac'complish .such. :md the v, ord "ordm:mce''mil,. N' changed t~, ":,cotton'. "article". or :Ul.'. off,er apprt priate x~ord DEC 0 1998 :\ I'1 t:~ i 1½..\RI½..\R..\ B. BliP, RY. C[ IAIRNI..\N [)\VI(Hi [' I'. IW,(}L'K. ..NPPP,(~Vi.D ,.NS I~ I ~)R%I ..\NI) I.l.(i..\l. SI'}-i l( II arc d~:ll.'tcd. :~ or.i~, imderhne.d ~r~.' add~'d 1998